What are the benefits of a circular shower in a shower stall? Circular shower: indications and contraindications. Technique​ ​of​ ​procedure

The miraculous power of water procedures has been known to mankind since ancient times. Over time, treatment with water improved, new techniques appeared, and modern equipment was used. And now we have learned to get the maximum benefit from water procedures. One of the most amazing, pleasant and useful procedures turned out to be a circular shower, which is in great demand in SPA salons and helps other problem areas. Moreover, many are trying to use this opportunity at home, for which they install hydroboxes with special equipment for hydromassage.

Circular shower technique

The benefits of this procedure turned out to be, without exaggeration, enormous. Therefore, let’s talk about the Swiss soul, that’s what it is also called, in more detail. In essence, this technique provides a positive effect of fresh water on a person, allowing him to restore his health and overall well-being. The circular shower is carried out in a special box, which is equipped with tubes for supplying water in a vertical and horizontal position on all sides of the box, which can be seen in the photo. Water is supplied under strong pressure, approximately 1.5 atm, and many streams from all sides have a hydromassage effect on the human skin and body.

The technical characteristics of this technique involve the use of different water temperatures to allow the desired effect to be achieved depending on the purpose and indication. Streams of water upon contact with the skin are felt in the form of a slight tingling sensation, which is not perceived as painful, but even pleasant. Moreover, during the hydromassage process, the entire surface of the body is affected simultaneously, and not point-by-point, as is the case with Charcot’s shower.

The procedure usually lasts up to 20 minutes, but not less than 5 minutes. At the beginning, a circular shower occurs with water heated to 35°C, but gradually towards the end of the procedure the temperature drops to 25°C. The intensity of the water pressure also changes to allow the body to relax first, and by the tenth minute to raise the tone of the nervous system. The total number of procedures per course is 15-20 daily sessions, although it is possible to carry them out every other day.

The Miracle Benefits of the Swiss Shower

An amazing circular shower is, first of all, a therapeutic and preventive procedure. Therefore, it must be used for its intended purpose, taking into account many restrictions. It is important to know that this type of hydromassage has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the subcutaneous fat, muscles, circulatory system and even internal organs. As a result, the overall tone of the whole body increases significantly, as evidenced by numerous reviews of those lucky ones who were allowed to undergo the full course of this hydromassage.

Now let's look at what indications exist for this type of hydromassage. The most important thing is its general strengthening effect on the body, which helps to tone the immune system, improve emotional state and metabolism, regulate sleep, eliminate nervous stress and irritability. A circular shower causes blood to be redistributed to the internal organs, thereby increasing the removal of toxins, waste, and free radicals.

Such a shower is prescribed, first of all, for the treatment of obesity of all degrees and cellulite, restoration of skin tone, it will be perfectly complemented by one made at home. Patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system get excellent results, but remember, there are limitations. And if you suffer from hypotension, the initial stage of hypertension, dystonia and many nervous diseases, then these procedures will be an excellent salvation for you.

When is taking a circular shower prohibited?

Even such useful, delightful hydrotherapy as a circular shower is not for everyone. There are a decent number of conditions and illnesses that become an obstacle to taking this type of shower. The contraindications are quite extensive, so we can only identify groups of pathologies that are a limitation for taking this water procedure. So take seriously the list of medical restrictions that exist for:

  • Allergic diseases (skin manifestations)
  • Asthenic conditions
  • Diseases of the genitourinary and respiratory systems, gastrointestinal tract (acute stage)
  • Diseases of the heart, circulatory system, hypertension
  • Fever
  • Oncology
  • Rapidly growing benign tumors
  • Infectious diseases (acute stage)
  • Skin diseases that prohibit water exposure
  • Tuberculosis (active phase)
  • Critical days of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy
  • Alcohol intoxication
  • Epilepsy.

If, fortunately, none of the diseases from the above list darken your life, then this hydrotherapy will become a source of positive energy for you. Without any doubt, you will instantly feel all the delights of the shower, experience a colossal surge of strength, and feel much younger.

Also watch a video about different types of showers and their benefits:

Today, a huge number of various cosmetological and physiotherapeutic procedures are known, with the help of which you can significantly improve your health. There should be a special class of activities in which local effects on the skin are carried out, and the benefits from such effects are transmitted to the entire body. Since ancient times, people believed that water is the source of eternal youth, with which you can cure all diseases. This statement is largely true, and you can verify this by reading such an interesting event as a circular shower.

Circular shower - what is it?

A circular shower is a very special, specific SPA procedure, the effect of which is equal to complex therapeutic approaches. This is not in vain, since a specific event has a truly healing effect on the body. If you don’t go into details, the described procedure can be called a horizontal shower.

This particular event is indeed a shower, but it is very specific. It is carried out in a specially organized cabin, which is equipped with horizontal water supply outlets. In other words, it is a small open or closed chamber, in the walls of which numerous valves are built in, when opened, water flows from the walls of the cabin in streams.

During the process of therapeutic bathing, the body of a person taking a shower is exposed to a huge number of jets of water, which are supplied under fairly high pressure. The patient does not experience any pain, but some compare such effects to multiple mild tingling needles. It should also be noted that each stream of water has its own temperature, which also plays an important role in the process of therapeutic influence on the body.

Today, many SPA centers purchase horizontal installations, or as it is also called mantel-shower. Due to the growing popularity of the described salon procedures, various manufacturers began to offer special home cabins that allow the effect of a horizontal needle shower to be realized. And since this water activity is largely therapeutic, before implementing it you should consult a specialist and carry out the first procedure under the supervision of an instructor.

What are the benefits of a Swiss shower?

You need to start with characterizing the effect that occurs during the procedure with a needle shower. It should be noted that the impact of a particular event is quite intense, due to which the result is also clearly pronounced. During the influence of water jets on the body, skin nutrition processes are stimulated, which allows aging skin to tone. This effect is based on the fact that blood circulation improves and liquid tissue flows in a large volume to the innervated areas of the skin.

  • We should not forget about lymphatic drainage, which not only has a massage effect, but also allows you to have a beneficial effect on fat deposits. For this reason, a circular shower is an excellent alternative to anti-cellulite massage. Since the effects on the body are active, harmful deposits, including toxins and wastes, leave the body, and comprehensive detoxification is realized.
  • Taking into account individual preferences or indications, a shower can both relax and tone, which can be set by changing the intensity of the effect and the temperature of the water. It has been established that during the described event, patients not only feel better, but also their mood. After this shower, the muscles stop hurting, the clamps, blocks, and tension go away.
  • It should be noted that the effect of water treatment is more global, since water jets accelerate metabolic processes. Thus, systematic visits to mantel showers allow you to get rid of hormonal imbalances, stagnation of bile and water in the body. The functioning of internal organs is normalized, the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and heart muscle begin to function better.

Video about the benefits of a needle shower

This video is a short introductory material that allows you to understand in general terms what a circular shower is. Also within the framework of a specific video, the positive effect of this shower and the effect that can be achieved using a specific physiotherapy procedure are described.

Indications for use

  • Previously, this event was considered purely as a therapeutic event and indications for visiting it were functional disorders of the nervous system, high blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, muscle diseases, etc.
  • Today, this method is most often used as a cosmetic procedure, and therefore a large number of women visit centers to stimulate aging skin and improve its characteristics.
  • The main indication for using this shower is cellulite, however, before attending the procedure, you must consult a specialist.

How to take a circular shower correctly

It is necessary to take a circular shower on an empty stomach - this is the only condition that can be classified as preparatory. In all other respects, the shower is used as a tool with a cumulative effect, and therefore one should resort to a specific technique as part of a treatment and rehabilitation course. In total, it is recommended to undergo from 15 to 20 procedures, which can be performed daily, but preferably every other day.

One session lasts 20 minutes for patients already familiar with the shower and 5 minutes for those who enter the hydrotherapy box for the first time. During the procedure, thin streams of water are applied to the body, first less intensely and then more intensely. The water temperature also changes, starting from 36 degrees, and by the end of the session drops to 25.

Harm and contraindications for use

Despite the wide range of positive effects that can be achieved by resorting to this hydroprocedure, there are also contraindications, if ignored, the procedure will be extremely dangerous for the body. Thus, we can identify a number of clinical conditions and diseases that make the process of using a needle shower inaccessible:

  • skin damage;
  • diseases characterized by rashes on the dermis, including dermatitis, furunculosis;
  • serious circulatory disorders, as well as pathology of cardiac activity;
  • benign and malignant formations;
  • pregnancy period;
  • all kinds of viral and infectious diseases;
  • chills and high temperature;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • epilepsy, etc.

Hydroprocedures have been used in spa treatment for decades. The most common today are a variety of baths and showers. Many of these treatments are based on the hydromassage method. A striking example of this is the circular shower, which has a tonic and general health effect on the human body. How is this procedure carried out, what indications does it have and who should not undergo it?

Circular shower: photo and description

From the name of the procedure it is easy to guess that it is carried out using water. The special healing effect is due to the unique structure of the shower cabin. When taking a shower, water is supplied in horizontal jets, enveloping the body from all sides. In German medicine, this procedure is even called “Mantel shower” from mantel- "cloak". Water jets are supplied with pressure, usually a pressure of 1.5 atmospheres, but it is possible to adjust the pressure to the individual wishes of the patient. A circular shower can be cold or hot; in the classic version, the water temperature slowly decreases during the procedure. There are also various variations of this effect. Sometimes a circular shower is complemented by a standard overhead shower; a contrast procedure is also popular, during which the water temperature changes sharply from hot to cold.

Expected effect

A circular shower is one of the options for a pleasant and high-quality hydromassage. During the procedure, jets of water knead the skin and muscles, having both a relaxing and tonic effect. Such a shower can be prescribed to improve metabolism, blood circulation and lymph flow. The procedure also helps to eliminate spasms and muscle tension. It is also believed that a circular shower can help improve your figure and skin condition. This hydromassage perfectly fights swelling and helps make the body contour more elastic. It is important to understand that, like any other procedure, the circular shower has very different indications and contraindications. Therefore, before signing up for the first session, be sure to visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

Circular shower: indications and contraindications

It makes sense to study patient reviews before the procedure. But first you need to find out what indications exist for it. A circular shower is prescribed for low blood pressure and certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This procedure also has a positive effect on many disorders of the nervous system and depressed morale. This effect is also recommended for systematic pain in the spine, problems with excess weight and cellulite. It is believed that a circular shower can speed up recovery from certain respiratory diseases and is an excellent way to improve immunity.

When is the procedure completely prohibited? It is necessary to avoid hydromassage during pregnancy and exacerbations of chronic or infectious diseases. Circular shower is contraindicated for high blood pressure and epilepsy. Many chronic diseases are also a contraindication for this procedure.

Have you signed up for a procedure to correct your figure or improve your skin condition? The effect will be more vivid if you combine it with body wraps, massage or bath. People with very thin and sensitive skin should use a circular shower with caution. Blondes are especially likely to experience bruises after such exposure. Therefore, you should not undergo treatment before going on vacation or at a resort. If during the procedure you are not satisfied with the water or you barely feel its effect at all, discuss this problem with a cosmetologist; remember: the shower installation has settings and, if necessary, the water supply parameters can always be changed.

Patient reviews

The most popular question among those who are going to undergo the procedure for the first time is: what sensations does the patient experience during the procedure? If we talk about the circular shower, everyone who has tried this treatment option claims that they feel as if thin needles are piercing their body. Do not rush to get scared, this feeling is not painful at all, but, on the contrary, very pleasant and interesting. As for effectiveness: it is recommended to take a circular shower in courses. After just one series of sessions, changes appear on the face, or rather on the body. The skin becomes more elastic and noticeably tightened, sagging and cellulite disappear.

Only those with too thin skin are dissatisfied with the circular shower. They complain of painful exposure and severe bruising afterwards. Therefore, when undergoing any procedures, strictly monitor your individual reaction. If you feel unpleasant and painful, and the effect does not meet your expectations, try choosing a different therapy option. There is no need to sign up for the procedure; just be inspired by reviews from satisfied patients and be sure to consult with a specialist.

Where can I go through this procedure?

Until recently, a circular shower was considered a therapeutic procedure, and the corresponding installations could only be found in sanatoriums and physiotherapy centers. But today, devices for such hydromassage, as well as many other medical devices, have been borrowed by the beauty industry. Accordingly, you can sign up for a circular ascending shower at any beauty salon or aesthetic medicine clinic. If you go to a sanatorium, be sure not to deny yourself the pleasure (provided there are no contraindications) to undergo this incredibly pleasant and useful procedure. But you won’t be able to make a circular shower at home. The only way to undergo the procedure as often as you want is to install a special shower cabin, but remember: this is expensive professional equipment. A home alternative to a circular shower would be hydromassage using a special nozzle, but such a device will only help treat one area.

Water hygiene procedures have long been famous for their preventive and therapeutic effects. They are constantly being improved and are now often carried out using modern devices designed to bring maximum benefit to people. Similar equipment includes a therapeutic circular shower; it is also called “Swiss” or “needle”.

Device design

  1. A shower of this type is a system of pipes placed in a semicircle, with small holes along their inner perimeter. The water jets created with their help make it possible to perform hydromassage (spot) on the entire surface of the user’s body.
  2. For this procedure, the optimal pressure is 1.5 bar.
  3. The water temperature decreases gradually from +36 degrees during the initial procedures to +25 by the end of the course of treatment.
  4. The device may also include a rain (ordinary) shower. Those. It is possible to use contrasting procedures, then a cold or hot rain shower is combined with a hot or cold circular analogue.
  5. There are two types of needle showers - with vertically or horizontally placed tubes.

Their main difference is that the horizontal system makes it possible to turn off the upper section and adjust the water jets according to the user’s height.
Thanks to this, this type of device is more functional.

  1. Vertical models have a large number of nozzles (holes) for water. As a result, the intensity of the procedure increases. But, because the vertical variety wastes a large volume of water, it is demanding on the water supply system (network, mixer).
  2. Circular shower types are made from high-quality stainless steel intended for use in plumbing systems, medicine and food production.
  3. The device is securely fixed with anchor bolts to the floor surface.
  4. The pressure and consumption of water is regulated by valves located on the control panel of the hydrotherapy department or separately.


The table below outlines the parameters that a circulation shower has.

Supply tube diameters
Connecting a circulation device 1×3/4”
Connecting a rain analogue 1×1/2”
Pressure, in bars
Pressure in supply pipes 3 — 6
Outgoing pressure 2 — 4
Device dimensions (L×W×H), in cm
Horizontal shower design with rainfall device 95×75.2×250
Vertical design with rainfall device 95×75.2×250
Shower weight, kg
Horizontal shower with rain addition 25
Vertical shower with rain addition 25
Maximum water consumption, in l per minute
Circulation analogue 40
Rain device 11

The impact of such a water procedure

So, a circular shower - what is it from a therapeutic point of view? It is useful not only for the skin, but also for muscle tissue, subcutaneous tissue, and some of the internal organs.

What is the benefit

Thanks to the deep action of water jets, the body improves its tone. The skin is smoothed, and its regeneration takes place more intensively. A needle shower activates metabolic processes, removes toxins and stimulates cell metabolism.

By installing a circular shower with your own hands, you will get rid of:

  • stress;
  • insomnia;
  • obesity;
  • hypotension;
  • neuralgia;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The described device stimulates the body's protective functions and improves its immunity. In other words, it is preventive against viral and bacterial attacks.

The instructions note that due to the general strengthening of the body, a Swiss shower can improve your state of mind, relieve irritability and insomnia.

Now many nutritionists include a set of such shower procedures in the fight against cellulite in patients. Their problem areas of the body are exposed to local exposure to water jets.

They come under a pressure of 1.5 bar. Based on the fact that they are quite thin, hydromassage is acupuncture.

Heated water relaxes vascular walls and muscle tissue.
As its temperature decreases and the pressure of the jets increases, the body's tone increases due to increased access to oxygen.
This circumstance leads to the acceleration of tissue regeneration and metabolism in the user’s body.

The result of such a procedure is elastic skin, reduction of cellulite, normalization of the sebaceous glands.

For whom showers are contraindicated

For most users, a circulation device is useful. However, for some categories of users the cost of its impact is too high.

  • skin diseases and allergic reactions;
  • asthenic and febrile conditions;
  • acute forms of diseases of the digestive system;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • acute forms of all infectious diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • pathological conditions of the genitourinary and respiratory spheres;
  • last stages of pregnancy.

Needle shower procedures are strictly prohibited for PMS, menstruation, and alcohol intoxication.
They are also dangerous for serious heart diseases, as well as hypertension.


We told you what a circular shower is. This type of device for water procedures has enormous benefits. However, they can only be used under the supervision of a doctor. The video in this article will provide you with additional information.

Surely, there is no person in the world who, even for a minute, doubts the benefits of treatment through fresh water.

In medical circles, this procedure is called hydrotherapy (the external influence of water on the human body).

One of these methods includes a circular shower, or as it is also called: Swiss or needle shower.

These sessions cannot be called anything other than pleasant.

They are carried out in a specially designated box, in which a large number of vertical or horizontal pipes are located.

How does he work

Hollow objects have a large number of small holes through which liquid enters in tiny streams and massages the body.

Many people mistakenly believe that with the help of hydrotherapy alone they can fight extra pounds. It's a delusion!

At the same time, you need to stick to a diet and perform a set of exercises. Then the result will be obvious.

Watch the video to see how hydrotherapy is performed using a Charcot contrast shower.

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