When can you plant potatoes? Dates for planting potatoes in different regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus The best time to plant potatoes

It is very important to determine the planting time correctly. If potatoes are planted too early, frosts below –3°C will cause the potatoes to die. Most often they write that potatoes are planted when the soil warms up at a depth of 10 cm to a temperature of +6...+10°C. But who will walk around with a thermometer and measure the temperature of the soil? Most often, when planting potatoes, they focus on air temperature (approximately +15°C), calendar days, and experienced gardeners - on the flowering of birch and bird cherry.

So, in the south, potatoes can be planted starting from mid-March, in Moscow and the Moscow region - around May 10, in Yekaterinburg you should focus on May 5, and in Voronezh, Tambov and Saratov - at the end of April - beginning of May.

Planting potatoes in highly moist soil increases the risk of the vegetable becoming infected with diseases and rot.

Late planting of a crop leads to a decrease in yield, since the soil is already dry. Did you know that deviations from deadlines reduce the level of productivity by 10-20%.

Depending on the region and its weather conditions, the timing of planting potatoes is determined. In some stripes of Russia (for example, southern) this period begins on the twentieth of March, and in the northern - from the first ten days of May.

It is advisable to find out in advance the favorable days when to plant potatoes according to the lunar calendar 2016. This season it is recommended to carry out sowing work:

  • March 20, 23 and from 25 to 26
  • 8, 9, and also from 19 to 24 April
  • May 5, 16 and 20.

Typically, potatoes are planted after the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to a temperature of 6...8°C. At this temperature, tuber germination occurs faster and seedlings appear quite quickly. However, we note that there is no strict relationship between soil temperature and the timing of planting potatoes. Experts have found that it has a better effect if planting is done in insufficiently heated soil than later planting in soil heated to 6...8°. The sprouts of tubers retain their vital activity at a temperature of 2...3°. Therefore, planting can be carried out already during this period.

When planting, the tubers are planted to a shallower depth, since the surface layer warms up better and there is no heat deficiency. The earlier the planting date, the correspondingly smaller the depth of planting of tubers. Potatoes are planted in the non-chernozem zone of the country in late April - early May. At the beginning of April it occurs in the southern regions. If you are late with planting by 10-15 days, this can lead to a reduction in yield by half.

We figured out when to plant potatoes, now we need to choose the size of the tubers. For planting, it is better to use tubers 35-50 g. The optimal depth for planting potatoes is about 12 cm on fertile soils.

The timing of this event coincides with the blossoming of leaves on birch trees. In areas where loamy soils with sufficient moisture predominate, planting on ridges and ridges is used. Planting to a depth of 8 cm should be done on sandy and sandy loam soils. It is impossible to deepen the soil more than 10 cm.

A useful procedure is pre-planting vernalization of tubers. It is as follows: tubers are placed on the floor or at the bottom of a box, which are placed in a lighted room at a temperature of 12-15 degrees. They do this so that the potatoes sprout. Vernalization of tubers can be carried out on wire or twine. To do this, the tubers are strung on a wire three weeks before planting the tubers in the garden. Hang the tubers in front of the window. Thanks to the presence of light, germination is going well. The result is strong sprouts that do not break when planted.

Potatoes with sprouts of 1-2 cm develop faster and ripen 15-20 days faster than usual. Better results can be achieved if you use another method of vernalization - in boxes with sawdust. Take a box, onto the bottom of which a small layer of sawdust 3-5 cm thick is poured. A layer of tubers is placed on the sawdust. Sawdust is again poured on top of the tubers. As needed, the sawdust is watered. The box containing the potatoes is kept in sawdust for 2-3 weeks. Having planted such tubers, their rooting occurs quite quickly. They also start growing quite quickly.

Methods for planting potatoes

“Dutch technology” has recently become very popular in our country. According to this method, a ditch up to 20 cm deep is dug, into which the tubers are lowered. A distance of 10-30 cm is maintained between tubers, it all depends on the size. Then all the rows are buried. 50-80 cm - this is exactly how much the distance between the rows should be.

Planting early potatoes has its own specifics. Usually the method of planting potatoes on the surface is used. The tubers are laid on a loosened surface, then they are dug in with a hoe or rake.

Today there are many opinions about when to plant potatoes. Some people strive to plant potatoes in the garden as early as possible. There are also those who start planting only after the earth has warmed up. Let's say that there is not much difference when to plant. Plant when it's convenient for you.

Typically, seedlings emerge 2-3 weeks after planting. Harrowing the soil with a rake - this is what the first care after planting will consist of. Harrowing is carried out once before the emergence of seedlings. This is done in order to destroy the crust and completely destroy the weeds. Regular loosening continues throughout the growing season. They are performed after rains and waterings. Along with loosening, weed removal is also carried out.

The optimal ratio of nutrients for potatoes is created by observing fertilizer application rates. If you contribute per 1 sq. m 3-4 kg of manure in the fall, then on sod-podzolic loams, and we have the majority of them, in the spring you should add 20-25 g of nitrogen, 40-50 g of phosphorus and 70-90 g of potassium fertilizers. In this case, it is necessary to maintain the optimal period for their application. Phosphorus and potassium - in the fall, together with manure for plowing or digging, nitrogen - in the spring (since during autumn planting, rain and snow waters will wash them out and move them into soil horizons inaccessible to potato roots).

On light soils, it is better to apply mineral fertilizers in the spring during pre-planting tillage. If the site is located on a drained peat bog, then nitrogen fertilizers should not be used, and the doses of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are 30 and 90 per 1 sq. m., respectively. m.

On neutral soils, preference should be given to ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate. Urea (urea) is less effective on such soils. On acidic soils, ammonium sulfate and urea should be used.

Potato yields also decrease if the tuber planting depth is not observed. The normal planting depth is on average 6-8 cm (from the surface of the tuber to the surface of the ground). It is especially important to comply with this requirement during early spring plantings (for various regions of Ukraine this is the end of March and beginning of April). When planted deep (12-14 cm) in cold soil, the tubers experience an acute lack of oxygen, the sprouts are more affected by rhizoctonia and often die. The same thing happens when potatoes are planted smoothly. Numerous studies have shown that when tubers are excessively deepened during planting, fewer stems are formed in the bush than at normal depths. In this case, the gardener receives less from each plant from 200 to 400 g of product.

It should also be taken into account that tubers of varieties of different ripening periods require different planting depths for full development. In practice, we see that all varieties are planted at the same depth.

What are the advantages of covering potatoes in straw:

  • In dry weather, the soil under the straw will retain a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • Dry grass releases carbon dioxide, which only benefits the active growth of potatoes;
  • When straw decomposes, it contains a large number of microorganisms and even worms. Thanks to their work, potatoes receive the necessary components for their growth and development;

If you want to increase the yield, then when planting, each potato tuber needs to be sprinkled with fertile soil mixed with a certain amount of fertilizer. To prevent the straw from flying away from strong winds, which are possible in both spring and summer, you can sprinkle it with a little soil after the planting process is completed.

How to harvest

This is all. Sprinkle the straw with soil and you can forget about your potatoes until the fall, until the harvest. When that day comes, the rake is taken and the straw is raked, now the potatoes can be collected. It will turn out tasty and crumbly and will retain all the positive characteristics of the variety. Moreover, when grown in this way, tubers will not need to be cleared of soil: they will be clean and beautiful, and can be stored in this form for a long time.

Important! Of course, some of the Colorado potato beetles can also settle on potatoes that grow under straw. But the bottom line is that the microorganisms and worms that are in the decomposing straw will fight the beetles.

Where can I get so much straw?

It seems that the method has only solid advantages. But, there may be one pitfall associated with the large amount of straw that is needed. You can grow your own straw and then use it to grow your own potato crop.

The grass is grown in a plot that is intended for future potatoes. As soon as the snow melts, you need to plant oats, vetches and peas, mixing the seeds before planting. In the second half, you can plant potatoes in the traditional way. When the grass grows, you will need to plant potatoes directly into this straw. And on that half of the plot where potatoes were grown in the traditional way, it will be necessary to sow oats and peas again and thus prepare straw for next year.

The quality of the harvest depends not only on the planting material, but also on the growing conditions. It is important to observe the timing of planting potatoes - the right choice affects the results. Every gardener should know exactly when to plant potatoes and how to decide on the timing.

Dependence of the result on planting time

Most people grow potatoes not for subsequent sale, but for personal use in the winter. If you need to get the first results closer to mid-summer, it is better to plant the tubers in April. You should focus on the second half of the month. This rule is relevant for the central and southern parts of the country. In other regions, cultivation is unlikely to be possible before May, or in some cases June.

To grow potatoes for later storage, tubers should be planted with an emphasis on the traditional requirements listed above. Planting tubers must reach a condition that allows the harvest to be stored unhindered until next spring. Mass planting is recommended in the second half of May at least. If annual temperatures are lower than usual and spring is late, planting should be done in June. If you choose the right time for planting potatoes, the first shoots will become noticeable after a month, sometimes earlier.

Landing dates at different latitudes

The period when it will be possible to plant potatoes is determined depending on the soil warming parameters. It may occur differently in different regions. The third week of March should be chosen if you plan to plant early potato varieties in the Krasnodar Territory and the southern part of Ukraine. Mid-season varieties for this area should be planted in early April.

Further, the heat will reach the middle zone. Residents of the Leningrad region and Moscow region should focus on the third ten days of April. The specified period simultaneously covers the remaining part of Ukraine, as well as Belarus. In the Urals and Siberia, where early cultivation is impossible, potatoes should be planted at least in the first half of May.

Despite the standard calendar requirements, deadlines can be delayed or accelerated based on the temperature conditions in a particular year. It would be a good idea to periodically check the weather forecast several weeks in advance.

Immediately before planting, additional organic-based fertilizers are added to the soil - compost or rotted manure. It is strongly recommended not to use too much fresh organic matter and nitrogen fertilizers. This will lead to a decrease in yield and the accumulation of chemicals in root crops.

When to plant potatoes

There are two ways to determine the last date for planting potatoes - depending on the planting material used or according to the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Depending on the variety

Experts distinguish five categories of potato varieties depending on the ripening period:

  • early variety;
  • mid-early;
  • mid-season;
  • mid-late;
  • late variety.

If the soil temperature at a depth of 8 centimeters is 6 degrees or more, you can start planting early potatoes. If harvest time is limited, sprouted tubers can be planted in a greenhouse or under a film cover. At the place where potatoes are planted, the snow is completely removed in the second half of March, then the soil is sprinkled with peat and protected with a film that allows the soil to warm up.

The ripening period of mid-early potato varieties varies from 65 to 80 days. The optimal start date for planting is May. It is important to pay attention to the fact that early and mid-early varieties are characterized by the presence of an increased concentration of starch, which negatively affects the taste.

The mid-season variety is planted at the end of May, and the deadline for planting is the first half of June.

The best option is to use sandy and medium, light loamy soil. On acidic soil, planting material is most susceptible to diseases and harmful microorganisms. To increase the yield, you need to choose soil enriched with a lot of nutrients.

The preparation of the beds should be carried out in the fall, a few weeks after the completion of the harvest. Before digging up the garden, it must be filled with fertilizers - ammonium nitrate and granulated superphosphate.

According to the lunar calendar

Using the lunar calendar, you can determine favorable days for planting crops and until what date to plant potatoes. The calendar is compiled separately for each year, so it is important to keep up to date with the information.

The lunar calendar contains both favorable and unfavorable dates. This does not mean that the farmer is obliged to blindly trust what is written by experts. Otherwise, the harvest may be of poor quality or may not ripen in sufficient quantities.

It is important to rely not only on dates, but also on current weather conditions in a particular region. There must be a balance between expert forecasts and real weather data.

It is simply impossible to imagine a daily diet without it. A variety of side dishes and first courses are prepared from the root vegetable. It is included in many popular salads. In fact, every summer resident plants this crop on his plot.

The influence of the moon on potato yields

In order to get an impressive harvest, you should follow a number of recommendations. Use good raw materials, follow agricultural techniques and, of course, do not forget about the lunar sowing calendar. Among experienced farmers there is a term “favorable day for planting.” What are these special dates associated with? First of all, with the influence of the Earth's natural satellite - the Moon. The life cycles of not only the animal, but also the plant world depend on it. The use of the lunar calendar for sowing is based on the patterns of interaction between the phases of the Moon and the growth of plant crops.

The main rule of the lunar calendar is to take into account the outgoing and new Moon. If it decreases, it is recommended to plant root crops that grow downward. But if the sun is young, it’s time to plant land plants, that is, crops that form from above.

This is explained by the fact that during the waning moon phase the root system is strengthened. But the above-ground part of the crop - stems and leaves - develops poorly. Growth occurs in diametrically opposite ways at the moment the Moon grows. Because potato refers to crops that grow downwards, the recommended stage for planting it is the waning moon. On what days next year should you plant vegetables to get a big harvest?

When to plant potatoes?

In April 2018 there will be quite a lot of days to do work in the garden. The largest harvest can be harvested if you plant potatoes on the following dates: 6, 7, 10, 11. Planting on the 15th, 16th will give good results. The period falling on the 3rd, 5th, 19-25th will be less productive. But on all other days it is better to refuse to carry out such agrotechnical work altogether. The fruits will be few in number, the crop is prone to disease and vulnerable to pests.

It should also be taken into account that it is not recommended to carry out any work in the garden and vegetable garden, and even more so to plant crops on such days:

  • full moon and new moon;
  • solar or lunar eclipse;
  • per day when the Moon is under the influence of Leo, Aquarius.

In addition, days when the Moon makes a transition from one zodiac sign to another are considered unfavorable days for sowing. Crops planted these days will not fully develop.

Do not forget about the general agrotechnical rules. Traditionally, it is customary to plant potatoes in open ground at the end of April and complete all work at the beginning of May, but in recent years the weather has been unstable. Therefore, you should mainly focus on whether the soil has warmed up. If the work is done too early, the vegetable will take a very long time to germinate. And if there is frost at night, which often happens in the spring, it may even die.

Potatoes are an amazing root vegetable - with the right approach, they yield ten from one bucket.

But this plant requires attention. A careless summer resident can harvest even less in the fall than he planted. So “where to plant, what to plant, when to plant” are far from idle questions.

Seven conditions for a good harvest

1 Quality of seed material. A lot depends on him. The fact is that viral and fungal diseases are easily transmitted along with tubers. In addition, potatoes tend to degenerate. This must also be remembered when choosing planting tubers. Examine each potato carefully to ensure there are no spots, dents or scars. It is also important to consider where the varieties are zoned and the ripening periods: early, middle, late. And, of course, the characteristics of the variety, such as disease resistance. Tubers can be selected by the number and location of sprouts. It is better to take those whose sprouts are located over the entire surface.

2 Tuber size. Tubers weighing 25-30 grams are considered small, medium - up to 80, large - 80-100. Often, summer residents prefer to plant identical medium-sized tubers. But it is precisely these tubers that often appear from degenerating, weakened plants. Therefore, you should not focus on size. You can plant even very small potatoes, but you should put 3-4 pieces in each hole. It is clear that large tubers are capable of producing a larger harvest, but more of them are needed. Sometimes cut tubers are also used for planting, the main thing is that there are at least three eyes on the cut, or at least two.

3 Preparing tubers. This is a very important stage. Activities that ensure pre-planting germination of seed tubers are called vernalization. You cannot plant potatoes that have just been pulled out of the cellar. Before planting, seed tubers are placed in a room with a temperature of plus 12-15 degrees in diffused light for two to three weeks. Otherwise, the potatoes will take a very long time to germinate. Light greens up, and heat accelerates the development of buds. When using sprouted tubers, shoots appear on the 8-14th day, and the crop ripens a week or two earlier. And, importantly, after that it can be half as high. In tubers prepared in this way, the protective properties are enhanced, bacteria and pathogenic fungi die.

If you don't plant a lot of potatoes, you can do wet germination. The tubers are placed in baskets or boxes with their eyes up at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other and sprinkled with peat or sawdust, which must be kept moist throughout the entire germination period. These potatoes germinate very quickly, but make sure they are not damaged by frost.

If you haven’t had time to germinate, at least do some drying. To do this, potato tubers need to be spread out in any dry place at a temperature of 14-16 C for 8-10 days.

Two days before planting, you should prepare a superphosphate solution, and on the day of planting, add ammonium nitrate or urea. Dip the tubers into this solution. To resist fungal microflora, you can place them for 20 minutes in a solution of boric acid: 50 grams per ten liters of water with the addition of 10 grams of copper sulfate. Before throwing the tuber into the hole, it should be powdered with wood ash.

4 Landing place. The most common mistake made by inexperienced gardeners is to grow potatoes in the same place year after year. At the same time, let us remind you that you should not plant it after tomatoes - both crops belonging to the nightshade family suffer from the same diseases. The best predecessors for potatoes are onions, garlic, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, beans, green peas and other cruciferous or legumes. It will be possible to plant potatoes in the same place only after 3-4 years.

Potatoes prefer light, cultivated loam or sandy loam soils. On heavy and rocky soils it develops poorly and the tubers grow deformed.

5 Fertilizers. Potatoes are very demanding on soil fertility. Therefore, it is necessary to apply nitrogen and potassium fertilizers to the area allocated for potatoes. Very tasty potatoes grow on rotted manure or peat-manure compost. But fresh manure worsens its taste, also causes tubers to become infected with scab and reduces the yield. Potatoes are very responsive to the addition of ash - 300 grams per square meter. Organic fertilizers are usually applied during autumn digging, and in the spring the soil is loosened with a pitchfork. If there is little fertilizer, then compost or humus and ash are added directly to the hole.

6 Landing dates. The most successful time is considered to be the time when birch buds open. But in a spring like this one, signs can fail. It is better to plant potatoes not according to the date, but according to the weather. It will not survive severe frosts. Has the soil at a depth of 10 cm warmed up to plus six to seven degrees? The time has come! And if the temperature is plus nine to ten degrees, the potatoes will feel even more comfortable.

7 Planting technologies. Tubers are usually planted in rows. For early varieties, maintain a distance between beds of 50 centimeters, and between holes in a row - 25-35. For mid-season and mid-late varieties, the distance between rows is 60-70 centimeters, and between tubers - at least 35-40. But a greater distance, if space allows, can be done. It is better to plant potatoes along a string, then they will be easy to process. If there is little moisture, plant the tubers on a flat surface to a depth of 5-6 centimeters. Where groundwater is close and in low areas, it is better to prefer planting on ridges. In dry places - in trenches or separate holes.

Advice from experienced people

For the same size, healthy tubers weigh more. You can select them by placing them in a solution of urea and potassium salt. Healthy ones sink, while sick, empty ones have buoyancy.

The timing of planting cut potatoes is very important. Freshly cut tubers are planted in warm soil. In cold weather, cuts can rot. If you still decide to plant early, then the potatoes should be cut not immediately before planting, but about ten days in advance. During this time, the sections will be covered with a cork layer.

When pre-germinating potatoes in the light, every five days the tubers are carefully rearranged so that the lower eyes with sprouts are on top.

Almost every person has a dacha. And it doesn’t matter whose it is – grandparents, parents or your own. And every year at the same time everyone rushes to grow vegetables and berries. One of these crops is potatoes, the peculiarities of growing which should be known to everyone. We'll tell you how to plant potatoes correctly below.

The optimal time for planting potatoes in the ground is end of April or beginning of May. It is impossible to do such an action before this time, because the crop may simply disappear in the cold earth. If the climate in your area is cool, then you should wait until the ground warms up at least up to 10 degrees.

How to Plant in Spring - Step by Step Process

To properly plant potatoes, you should follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • A few weeks before landing, you should keep the tubers warm, then cover the boxes with some translucent material and leave them in a cool, bright place. When they send out green shoots in the spring, it’s time to plant them in the ground.
  • Carrying out disinfection using boric acid or manure solution.
  • Preparing the soil for planting.
  • Planting potatoes.
  • Creating an optimal regime for growth.
When green sprouts appear on the tubers, it’s time to plant them in the ground

Planting potatoes in May

Potatoes should be planted according to the lunar calendar. In May, these dates can be selected 9th, 11th and 13th.

Until what date can you plant potatoes?

When determining this date, it is worth considering that the growing season for this root crop is 90 days.

That is, if you planned to plant on July 1, then at the end of September you can fully harvest.

On what days is it not possible?

Folk omens say that potatoes cannot be planted in the ground on the following days:

  • On Wednesdays.
  • On Saturdays.
  • During Palm Week.

If these rules are neglected, the tubers will deteriorate and will not produce further growth.

Is it possible to plant potatoes in cold soil?

Potatoes cannot be planted in cold soil, because they can simply freeze in such weather and you will lose the entire harvest, it’s worth taking some time.

If you hurry up and still take such a step, then you need pay special attention to warming up and ensuring good living conditions for him to get a harvest.

Which one to use - large or small?

Small tubers are usually called samples weighing up to 30 grams, average – 30-80 gr, and large ones - more than 80 g.

Very often, many gardeners use medium-sized potatoes, believing that this can be the best choice. But it is precisely such specimens that usually grow from weakened plants.

There are only 2 best ways to plant:

  • Plant small tubers, but throw them into the planting hole immediately several pieces each.
  • Plant cut from large tubers. But such objects must have at least three eyes.

Is it possible to plant fresh tubers?

If anyone thinks that this method is unacceptable, then he is very mistaken. Using fresh potatoes when replanting allows you to improve the yield several times and relieve owners from problems with storing seed material until spring.

This method is best used for those countries in which the frost-free period is 180 days. This is observed in Odessa, Kherson, Poltava and other cities. This method will not work for Irkutsk.

A distinctive feature of this type of landing is that the new crop will sprout slowly.

What weather is it like?

Potatoes should be planted only when the frosts have passed and the air temperature has risen. up to 14-16 degrees. The earth should warm up at this time up to 10 degrees.

There is a folk sign according to which the root crop should be planted after the leaves on the birch tree become the size of a coin.

How often to plant potatoes

Potatoes can be planted several times a year, taking into account that the full growing period is 90 days.

How to properly plant in granulated feed

Granular feed finds its application when digging up areas before winter comes. It is then that it is introduced into the soil to improve the characteristics of the soil used.

Planting with manure

If you want to significantly increase your yield, it is better to use manure for fertilizer.

It can be applied in 2 methods:

  • Fertilizing the land before winter. It is applied in the amount of 10 kg per 1 square meter.
  • Fertilizer in the hole. When planting occurs, after laying the tuber, sprinkle it with manure.

Walk-behind tractor or shovel

Potatoes can be planted using 2 methods:

  • Manually using a shovel. Among the advantages of this technology is simplicity: one person simply digs a deep hole, and the second throws in tubers and fertilizer. When the second one finishes sowing, the first one fills the finished hole. After the process is completed, the ground is leveled with a rake, which allows the water to remain in the ground.
  • Using a walk-behind tractor. The advantage of this method is the speed and low cost of manual effort. The process begins with cutting furrows, after which the sprouted seeds are thrown into them. After this, the holes can be dug in manually or using a cultivator.

What are green manures and what are they for?

Green manures are plants that are grown to improve the fertility of the soil.

What does this technique give?

  1. Soil enrichment with nitrogen, which makes up some part of plant nutrition.
  2. Loosening the soil and improving the structure.
  3. Elimination of erosion.
  4. Land enrichment nutrients and organic matter.
  5. Reduces weed growth.
  6. Elimination of pests and diseases.
  7. Protecting the earth from overheating.

Boarding order

Germination of tubers and soil preparation

To grow potatoes, you should germinate the tubers 2 weeks, removing the white sprouts. The planting material should be laid out in a thin layer on the floor in a bright place. Readiness can be determined by the presence of green sprouts on the potatoes, but without additional spots.

If we talk about detailed preparation of the soil, then it is worth starting with its fertilization before the onset of winter. When it's time to plant, you should ensure necessary moisture and loosening of the soil. Digging should be replaced by bayoneting using a fork. This allows the earth to be enriched with oxygen.

Features of growing in the country

If you have your own dacha, then when growing potatoes, first choose its variety.

After all, some people prefer root vegetables with yellow, crumbly pulp, while others prefer white ones. After this you need decide on a growing method, of which there are now a large number. But don’t forget about fertilizing the soil.


Hilling up potatoes should be done after the plant rises 10 cm above the ground. This will allow the root crop to be protected from frost using bedding. And after the potatoes grow to 40 cm, you need to fully earth up the beds, filling the row spaces well with soil.

Very often, leaves, branches or hay - organic materials - can be added to the bedding mixture. This will keep moisture in the ground longer and also prevent weeds from germinating for a long time.

Watering and care

After the potatoes have begun to bloom, the main condition for a good harvest is quality watering.

It should be 2-3 times if the summer is very hot, but if on the contrary, then 1 time is enough. But weeds need to be removed much more often, and you also need to watch out for Colorado potato beetles.


First you need to harvest in 60 days after planting the potatoes, but the main part should be waited until the tops are completely dry.

You only need to remove the finished crop with a pitchfork so as not to damage the mounds. You can only grow crops in one place for 4 years, after which you need to give the soil a rest and move the plant to another place.

How to grow in a “two-crop” way

In many southern countries, gardeners use any method to grow as much crop as possible each year. And therefore, today a method of growing potatoes has already been developed Twice a year, taking into account that only early ripening varieties are used.

The features of the method are:

  • Good potato samples should be washed and cut, then soak in a special solution for one and a half hours.
  • Germinate the crop for 10 days in the garden bed, covering it with a small layer of soil.
  • After this, on July 10, you need to plant the finished material in the ground and wait for the harvest.

Growing potatoes is a simple process if you follow a few basic rules:

  • Compliance with the process of preparing material for planting and soil.
  • Creating favorable conditions for germination.
  • Plant nutrition.

If you follow all the above rules, you can achieve good results even with a minimum of effort.

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