“Don’t do good, you won’t get evil. Statuses about good and evil

In fact, the catchphrase sounds a little different - “Don’t do good, you won’t get evil” or “Good is paid with evil.” There are other options that are similar in essence: "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions"Don’t stop a person from being unhappy, otherwise he will stop you from being happy.”


One day a snake was crawling through the forest. Suddenly a tree fell right on her. The snake twisted and twisted, twisted and twisted, but no matter how hard it tried, it was all useless.
Meanwhile, a woodcutter who lived nearby decided to chop wood. He took his ax and went into the forest, where he saw a snake crushed by a tree. The snake says to him:
- Good man, please free me! Roll away this tree that pinned me to the ground!
The man answers her:
- No, I won’t do this, because then you will eat me!
Snake again:
- Trust me, I won't eat you!
And the man:
- I do not trust you.
But the snake begged him for so long that the man took pity on it and rolled the tree away. The snake crawled out and, since it had not eaten anything all day and was very hungry, it said to the man:
- Good man, I’m dying of hunger and that’s why I’ll eat you now!
- What? Do you want to eat me even though I freed you?
- Yes. Don't you know that good is repaid with evil?
- That's how it is! - said the man angrily.
And the snake again:
- Do you think I'm wrong?
- Of course, it’s not right!
“Well, okay,” said the snake. “Then call some animals here and we’ll ask them.” You'll see what they say.
The man went looking for animals and brought a deer, a horse, a puma and a wolf. The snake began to ask them one by one:
- Tell me, puma, is it true that good is repaid with evil?
“Yes,” answered the puma.
- And you, horse, don’t you think that good is repaid with evil?
“Yes,” answered the horse.
- Brother deer, do you pay for good with evil?
“Yes,” answered the deer.
When the man heard what all these animals said, he really got scared. Only the wolf remained, and the snake turned to him:
- Brother wolf, do they pay for good with evil?
And the wolf answers:
- I don’t know how it all happened and whether you’re telling the truth. Therefore, I cannot say whether you should eat this person. Lie down where you were, and then we'll see.
All the animals agreed with the wolf. The snake lay down, and the man rolled a tree over it. And the wolf said:
- Now, snake, stay there!
The man thanked the wolf and said:
- Now, brother wolf, come home with me, I will repay you, I’ll give you a couple of chickens.
- No, I won’t go to you. Bring me the chickens here to the forest tomorrow.
The man returned home, told his wife everything, said that he had promised the wolf chickens. But his wife got very angry and told him to put dogs in the bag instead of chickens, which bite the ears.
And since the man did not want to argue with his wife, he did as she said. The next day he put the dogs in a bag and went into the forest.
The wolf was already waiting for him.
- Brother wolf, I brought you chickens!
- Thank you! - answered the wolf.
Then the man untied the bag, and the dogs jumped out - the ones that bite the ears. The dogs grabbed onto the wolf and chewed off both his ears. Finally, the wolf managed to escape. And he ran away into the thicket of the forest, grumbling:
- The snake was right: good is repaid with evil.


The snake, which the hunters were chasing, begged the peasant to save its life. To hide it from pursuit, the peasant squatted down and let the snake crawl into his stomach. But when the danger passed and he asked the snake to come out, it refused. It was warm and safe inside.
On the way home, the peasant saw a heron. He approached her and whispered what happened. The heron told him to sit down and push to vomit the snake. When the snake's head appeared, the heron pecked at it, pulled the snake out and killed it. The peasant was afraid that the snake's venom could remain in his insides. The heron told him that he could be cured of the snake’s poison by boiling and eating six white birds. “You are a white bird,” the peasant exclaimed, “let’s start with you!”
And he grabbed the heron, put it in a bag and carried it home, and there, pulling it out, he told his wife what had happened to him.
“You surprise me,” said the wife, “the bird did you good, saved you from evil, did good, saved your life, and you want to kill it and eat it?”
She immediately freed the heron and it flew away. But first she pecked out the woman’s eyes.

Moral: If you see water flowing up a hill, it means someone has returned the favor.

So what am I talking about?

More and more often I notice that people are ungrateful creatures. I do something good for them, and in return I only get a bucket of shit on my head. No, I’m not asking you to sing my praises or be grateful to the end of your life. I want something banal - for them to push their evil and ignorance deeper into the anus.

I won't list all the examples. I'll take the one that happened today.

Let me remind you that last Saturday during the game ENCOUNTER my team witnessed a betrayal - an unknown person in a two-wheeler left the shepherd on the roadway and disappeared.

I provided this information to Svetlana Uvarkina, who runs our Friend animal shelter. She posted it in the VKontakte group. Everyone began to worry about the dog, at the same time they were figuring out the owner of the car using the license plates, someone even went on a raid to the specified place in search of the dog. And then a 20-year-old miracle Yudo appears in the comments, declaring that you are bullshit here running into a person who abandoned a shepherd dog, if such and such themselves drove by! To be honest, it’s not clear to me:

1. Why are we put on a par with those who threw away HIS dog?
2. What were we supposed to do when we saw all this?

There were five of us in the car. Placing an unfamiliar animal, especially an adult shepherd, into a crowded vehicle is fraught with bites. The dog shelter is only open in the morning, so there was no point in calling anywhere at half past one in the morning! Even if I called S. Uvarkina’s personal phone, would a person pick up the phone in the middle of the night? For example, I always turn off the call or even the phone when I go to bed. So what about cooing with your dog on the side of the road until the morning, guarding it so that it doesn’t go anywhere? Or maybe spend an hour to lure her to your home on foot? Only I have a cat who lives there and she can’t even stand other people’s cats, but imagine what will happen in the one-room apartment when an unfamiliar big dog appears there!

Let's consider another version of events - to catch up with the goat on the "puzoterka" and give him a pussy. In general, this is what we planned; in the video there is even the phrase “Get out the bat.” I followed number 12 from the above intersection to the intersection of Kolkhoznaya and Yuzhnaya streets. But he drove as if he was trying to escape from his own conscience. I have an all-season tire on my car, which glides on ice about the same as bald tires. Accelerating up to 120 kilometers per hour (within the city, where the speed limit is half that - that is, at best, a fine from 1 to 5 thousand rubles, at worst - deprivation of a driver's license for six months) in order to overtake him and cut him off - This is pure suicide and murder. Let me remind you that there were five of us in the car. No matter how cruel it may sound, is one dog’s life worth such sacrifices?

Or let's combine all of the above and bring it to the point of absurdity: we stop, push the biting big dog into the car on top of the people, turn on rocket speed, catch up with the "two-wheeler", force the windows to open while driving, throw the dog into the Lada's cabin. Mission Complete! The people rejoice and the ladies throw their caps into the sky.

I knew that I had a friend who could figure out the owner of the car using the numbers (we wrote down the license plate number). Syktyvkar is a small city and finding a geek will be easier than ever. In the age of high technology and the dominance of social networks, this can be done without even leaving home (

Two cherries. Parable of St. Nicholas of Serbia

One man had two cherry trees in front of his house. One was evil and the other was good. Whenever he left the house, they called him and asked him for something. The evil cherry asked for different things every time: either “dig me in,” then “whiten me,” then “give me something to drink,” then “take away excess moisture from me,” then “shade me from the hot sun,” then “give me more light.” . And the good cherry tree always repeated the same request: “My lord, help me bring a good harvest!”
The owner was equally merciful to both, looked after them, listened carefully to their requests and fulfilled all their desires. He did what both one and the other asked, in other words, he gave the evil cherry everything that it demanded, and the good one only what he considered necessary, with the ultimate goal being a wonderful, abundant harvest.
And then what happened? The evil cherry tree had grown greatly, the trunk and branches glistened as if smeared with oil, and the abundant foliage was dark green, spreading, like a thick tent. In contrast, the kind cherry tree did not attract anyone’s attention with its appearance.
When the harvest time came, the evil cherry produced small, rare fruits, which, due to the dense foliage, could not ripen, but the good one brought many, many very tasty berries. The evil cherry tree felt ashamed that it could not produce such a harvest as its neighbor, and it began to grumble at the owner, reproaching him for this. The owner got angry and replied: “Is it my fault?” Wasn’t it me who fulfilled all your desires for a whole year? If you thought only about the harvest, I would help you bring the same abundant fruits as hers. But you pretended to be smarter than me, who imprisoned you, and that’s why you remained barren.
The evil cherry tree bitterly repented and promised the owner that next year she would think only about the harvest, and would ask him only for this, and would leave everything else to him to take care of. As she promised, she did so - she began to behave like a kind cherry. And the next year, both cherries brought an equally good harvest, and their joy, like that of the owner, was great.
The moral of this simple parable is clear to all who pray to God.
The owner of the garden is the God of this light, and people are His seedlings. Like any owner, God requires a harvest from His plants. “Every tree that does not bear fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire!” - says the Gospel. Therefore, first of all and most of all, you need to take care of the harvest. And we must pray to the Owner - God, the “Lord of the Harvest”, for a good harvest. There is no need to ask the Lord for small things. Look, no one goes to the king of the earth to ask him for some little thing that can easily be obtained elsewhere.
“Our Lord is the Lord the Giver,” says Saint John Chrysostom. He loves when His children ask Him for something great, worthy of a prince. And the greatest gift that God can give to people is the Kingdom of Heaven, where He Himself reigns. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ commands: “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and the rest will be added to you.” And He also commands: “Do not worry about what you will eat, or what you will drink, or what you will wear. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need all this.” And He also says: “Even before you pray, your Father knows what you need!”
So what should you ask God for? First of all, what is the best, the greatest and the most infinite. And these will be those spiritual riches that are called by one name - the Kingdom of Heaven. When first of all we ask God for this, He gives, along with this wealth, everything else that we need in this world. Of course, it is not forbidden to ask God for the rest of what we need, but this can only be asked at the same time as the main thing.
The Lord Himself teaches us to pray for bread every day: “Give us this day our daily bread!” But this prayer in “Our Father” does not come first, but only after the prayer for the holy name of God, for the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven and for the dominion of the will of God on earth as it is in Heaven.
So, first spiritual benefits, and only then material ones. All material goods are from dust, and the Lord easily creates them and easily gives them. He gives them according to His mercy even to those who do not ask for it. He gives them to animals as well as people. However, He never gives spiritual benefits either without human will or without seeking. The most precious riches, that is, spiritual ones, such as peace, joy, kindness, mercy, patience, faith, hope, love, wisdom and others, God can give as easily as he gives material goods, but only to those who love these spiritual treasures and who will ask God for them.

Unfortunately, recently from the mouth of people who come to see a psychologist, we increasingly hear the expression: “It’s true what they say: “Don’t do good, you won’t get evil.” But it’s absolutely impossible to say that, imagine what our world would be like if all people lived by this principle .

At the same time, it really happens hurt when helping someone and completely trusting him, you become a victim of deception or receive evil in gratitude. For example, having felt sorry for someone, the owner invites him to live with him and after a while he finds himself in a situation where the relative begins to show his character, sorts things out and goes to live in another place, expressing resentment instead of gratitude. He stops communicating with the owner and tells everyone about him as a person who has offended him and is unworthy of respect.

So it turns out that master wanted to do good to a relative, but received evil in return. It is not for nothing that the expression “do not do good, you will not receive evil” has taken root among the people, and it is especially relevant today, when many people try not to notice the problems of other people and are concerned only with their own well-being.

For simplicity of presentation sense This expression, as an example, consider human development. After birth, the child is completely dependent on the mother, although he himself does not yet realize this. While his mother is caring for him and is on maternity leave, the baby takes his mother’s care for granted. But then the mother goes to work and takes the child to kindergarten. Naturally, the child does not like this course of events, he cries and realizes the absence of his mother, as if it were the first evil in his life. But in the evening, his mother comes to pick him up, and the baby rejoices, enjoying her return. This is how he learns for the first time that the return of his mother is good.

However now Baby afraid that evil might happen again. He begins to become more aware of his needs and tries to prevent evil at all costs, but he loves to have fun. This leads to the development of egoism in him, but so far only spontaneous childish. A little later, a person develops reasonable egoism, he begins to understand that he is not alone in striving for pleasure and involuntarily begins to compare himself with other people. He sees that some people manage to live well, while others are deprived of life. This is how a person develops empathy and sympathy.

Due to the features education For some people, these feelings turn into altruism - into a willingness to selflessly do good to people, regardless of their own interests. An altruist, doing good, does not look for any material gain for himself and is guided in his actions only by mercy and compassion. So to understand the meaning of the expression: “If you don’t do good, you won’t get evil,” you have to be an altruist at heart. When doing good, there is no need to demand either from man or from God that it be returned. After all, many do good and expect dedication. If the “barter exchange” does not work out, then the person regrets that he benefited another person to the detriment of his own interests. He thinks that he received evil for the good he did.

According to statistics altruists in the world there are only 10%, and the remaining 90% of people living on the planet can consider themselves selfish. Healthy selfishness does not allow us to do much good to others, so as not to call into question our well-being and the survival of family members. Of course, many of us are ready to help a person in trouble, but altruists themselves try to find those who need help and surround them with care and attention. They are worried about everything: the environmental situation, sick children, lonely old people, the extinction of rare animals and everything else that can harm human health and life. Today, altruists become volunteers, helping lonely old people and orphans, sick animals and anyone who finds themselves in a difficult life situation. At all times, the foundations of society were entirely based on the concept of altruists, because their behavior and lifestyle are beneficial to the state and the people themselves.

But not always gratuitous help can be deservedly appreciated by others. For example, how many people are saved from death by doctors every day, and instead of gratitude they often hear words of accusation addressed to them.

To help people is a doctor’s professional duty, but there is no need to impose your help on everyone if you don’t work and no one asks you to do it. Forced goodness is an unpleasant intrusion into someone else's life. For example, many parents continue to help their adult children financially, although they themselves already earn good money and do not need it. By doing good, they unconsciously try to make their children dependent, so that they will always be grateful to them and respond with kindness for kindness. But children have their own families, they try, following the example of their parents, to provide for their children first, and visit elderly parents as much as possible.

For this reason, there are often conflicts between generations, where parents blame their children with the words: “we helped you, and now you help.” But only a selfless manifestation of goodness is sure to return to a person. That is, if you want to help people, help, but do not impose your help on them unnecessarily. And having done a good deed, immediately forget it and don’t tell anyone about it again. After all, all people want to look successful and independent, and cannot stand self-pity and patronage.

I’ll make a reservation right away - Gossip’s non-format, but still... “Today I met a friend of mine who, when asked: “How are you?”, began to complain about her life. She complained that she always helps people, relatives, but they do all sorts of dirty tricks . She really is a very kind person. But today she said a phrase that I hear from many people: “If you don’t do good, you won’t get evil!” But what about the law of reflection? What goes around comes around? After all, they say that evil comes back to you like a boomerang. Good is the same - you do good, help people, and good comes back to you in a larger amount. But what happens? Some say that you need to do less good, while others try to do good deeds every day. Who is right?! " “The road to HELL is paved with good deeds!”- Which in turn is explained by the fact that some people really just wanted to do something good, but it turned out completely wrong... It largely depends on the person himself - whether he does good with selfishness and reluctantly, or simply loves to help (in the good sense of the word)..." "It so happens that I work in a women's team. And I'm the only person who has a personal car. If they ask me for a favor, to give me a ride, or to take me with me along the way, I never refuse. One day, an employee asked me to come to the station at five in the morning, because she was meeting her boyfriend, and he was carrying a lot of things, because a taxi was too expensive. And you see, it’s free with me, “as a friend.” I refused and ended up on the “bad person” list. Now one of the employees asks to pick her up every morning from the bus stop on her way to work. She's always late and it bothers me. Go out in advance and adjust to her time, wait for her, and then rush to work faster so as not to be late together. I tactfully refused to transport her to her place of work in such a way. .... That's it...... I am public enemy number one. So I can’t understand, either the skis don’t work...or.....people are stupidly arrogant?????” People just want to do something at your expense:- do some work (oh, I have a lot to do, I won’t have time, oh my computer crashed, but I need to do a report, etc.). - borrow money, and a fairly large amount - give you a ride somewhere, buy something, put money on your phone - live with you (nowhere to live). Yes, don’t be surprised, this also happens - to borrow some thing, and quite personal one at that (clothing, accessories, mobile phone, etc.) "Do you want to have an enemy? Lend the man money!", this is also a folk experience. Have you come across such cases? A person sincerely wants to help another, responds to a request with his soul, does good, but as a result receives evil: he loses money and gains an enemy. And there are many such situations. It happens that you simply don’t want to offend a person and lend money or something else, and then: no person, no money. How to deal with this? Here are some tips: 1. Cultivate in yourself a healthy egoism, the habit of putting your interests first (especially in comparison with the interests of people who like to ride on others). 2. The ability to clearly say NO (and sometimes send the person if he doesn’t understand). 3. Self-love, the ability to value yourself (and understanding that you are the only one) and not allow yourself to be offended. 4. Explain clearly and clearly that you will not do someone else’s work (you also have a lot to do). 5. Ignore criticism addressed to you, stop communicating with such a person. 6. Always put your business first. 7. Try not to be led by others. 8. Try to avoid subtle “manipulators” and people who take up your precious time. 9. Never allow people to “take advantage” of your kindness. 10. Stand your ground, don’t give in. 11. Don't let people get on your neck. Well, and most importantly: you have one life, don’t waste time on “unnecessary” things, don’t waste your precious time and nerves...

At the beginning of the story there is a parable:

The snake, which the hunters were chasing, begged the peasant to save its life. To hide it from pursuit, the peasant squatted down and let the snake crawl into his stomach. But when the danger passed and he asked the snake to come out, it refused. It was warm and safe inside.
On the way home, the peasant saw a heron. He approached her and whispered what happened. The heron told him to sit down and push to vomit the snake. When the snake's head appeared, the heron pecked at it, pulled the snake out and killed it. The peasant was afraid that the snake's venom could remain in his insides. The heron told him that he could be cured of the snake's poison by boiling and eating six white birds. “You are a white bird,” the peasant exclaimed, “let’s start with you!”
And he grabbed the heron, put it in a bag and carried it home, and there, pulling it out, he told his wife what had happened to him.
“You surprise me,” said the wife, “the bird did you good, saved you from evil, did good, saved your life, and you want to kill it and eat it?”
She immediately freed the heron and it flew away. But first she pecked out the woman’s eyes.

Moral: If you see water flowing up a hill, it means someone has returned the favor.

And now what I myself wanted to say.

I’m surprised how many people on the Internet are offended by Russians, by the Russian people! If you read some, the Russians are to blame for everything. For example: the Russians deliberately staged the “Holodomor” and with such cunning that only Ukrainians died. They just invented genetic weapons. Others are offended that the Russians defeated Hitler and saved them from the gas ovens of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. So they directly make claims, saying that Stalin and Hitler are worth each other.

Let’s take for example the “brothers” from Bulgaria. How many times did the Russians save them from genocide? And they were liberated from the Turkish yoke and from the fascist one. Is anyone saying thank you now? No, they are pouring paint on the monument to the liberating warrior.

The Russians once came to the Caucasus. What happened in the Caucasus at that time? There was a massacre, Turks and Persians slaughtered Caucasians, Caucasians slaughtered each other. The Russians came and stopped this massacre, drove both the Turks and Persians out of the Caucasus. Are Russians loved for this in the Caucasus? The only people in the Caucasus who express gratitude to the Russians are the Armenians. Low bow to them for this!

Let’s take any nationality, even a small one, currently living in Russia. Tell me, has at least one of them disappeared? Has at least one of them lost its language and its culture? No. Look, the Chukchi, how they lived in the plague, still live, how they grazed deer, they graze. Nobody encroaches on their customs, their way of life. Those who did not want to live in the plague left. Let us remember the singer Kol Beldy, who sang the song “I’ll take you to the tundra.”

Why did I write all this? But why, let us remember the expression “they carry water for the offended.” Where did it come from? This expression appeared during the reign of Peter the Great, when there were no city water pipelines and water was brought to the population in barrels. Horses were harnessed and thus drinking water was delivered to people in the cities, and this was done by special people who received payment for this from the state treasury - water carriers. It was a fairly prestigious and well-paid job. Water was delivered to the townspeople free of charge, but dishonest water carriers, contrary to the decree of the sovereign, began to illegally sell water, in a word, they began to sell water to the population. The Emperor, having learned about this lawlessness, became terribly angry and ordered another decree to be issued to punish dishonest water carriers. And the punishment was simple. A water carrier caught selling water was harnessed to a cart with a barrel instead of a horse, and he had to carry this water around the city all day. Naturally, the water carriers were very offended, since it was hard physical work. This is where the expression “they carry water for the offended” comes from.

We just need to ignore these “offended”, go on our way, do good, regardless of gratitude. That's how we are - Russians!

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