Newspaper "Orthodox Cross". Father Gleb Monk Gleb who

06 Nov 2011 bull 1:13 am

Some time ago, during a discussion about whether it was possible to be in MP, we were asked to express our opinion about the film “Man Lives by Faith.” We were quite puzzled by what we saw, but did not regret the time spent.

1. Apartment monk.

The film “Man Lives by Faith” is an extremely vulnerable subject to criticism. Consider the prediction that “under the Tsar there will be a resurrection of St. Seraphim of Sarov, who will preach even on television.”

In the meantime, Fr. Gleb is forced to live in an apartment. Oddly enough, this circumstance did not prevent the journalist from asking the person who had returned to the world, first of all, about monasticism. I think it’s in vain. O. Gleb reflects on obedience, while he is a principled autocrat: without showing any particular sorrow due to his restlessness, he speaks of the fact that “the basis of monasticism is self-education.” For some reason, this apartment dweller is trying on the exploits of desert citizens. Instead of using his abilities as a painter to paint icons and, as befits a monk, to feed on the works of his hands, he says that “first of all, he was concerned about the salvation of his soul and eternity, and therefore over the past 25 years he has not even once taken up a brush hands". In the most absurd way, he demonstrates in front of the camera a coffin placed on the balcony (either so that it is visible to passers-by, or so that it does not interfere with the room) claiming that he is following the ancient monastic tradition in this...

For some reason, O. Gleb does not want to admit that his apartment existence in itself is evidence of the absence of normal monasteries in his church where he could find refuge. He says that if he were to start life again, he would like to be born in a monastery: which one? He believes that the very sight of today's monks reproaches the conscience of those living a carnal life. What does this mean? Pleated robes, boyar hats? The fattened bellies of the inhabitants of rich abodes? Or the monks of the Shatalova Hermitage, wandering around the apartments of benefactors?

2. Sergianism of code fighters.

At first, we perceived this film as a conversation about monasticism, as an argument in favor of the fact that it was still preserved in the MP in its true form. However, this film turned out to be just one of many campaigns by opponents of codes and documents. The hero of the film, Fr. Gleb is a representative of a marginal movement within the MP, a sect within a sect (the Hieromartyr Mark Novoselov called Sergianism a sect).

Although we have seen many unofficial films with similar issues in our time, just getting acquainted with this work of code fighters was very interesting for us. Despite all the mediocrity of what was said there in essence, the film “Man Lives by Faith” turned out to be innovative in the form of presenting the material, one might say, the “second generation” of anti-code propaganda. Its early examples were rightly accused of speaking more about the Antichrist than about Christ, and that spiritual issues were being replaced by socio-political struggle. Obviously, this criticism was taken into account. The main theme of the film is covered here not only by a title that tells the viewer nothing, but also by general, for starters, blissful discussions on spiritual topics. This is what misled us.

The very artificial method of sweetening the pill we have described is only one example of the amazing hypocrisy that characterizes the film as a whole. In this, its creators also greatly surpassed their predecessors - the cunning of their creation is completely unexpected in its arrogance. For example, the completely obvious fact of opposition to the activities of code fighters within the MP is consistently rejected in the film. The authors convince the viewer that their position is officially considered acceptable by the hierarchy of the MP. At the same time, they refer to the corresponding appeals of the Russian Orthodox Church MP to the state. And nothing is said about the real attitude of the hierarchy towards their code fighters, about the persecution of them. The situation is reminiscent of the era of classical Sergianism, when the persecuted claimed the absence of persecution, and the persecuting authorities readily declared this.

Yes, oh. Gleb is probably keeping silent about the truth about why he turned out to be an outcast apartment monk. From his words it appears that there was no conflict with the bishop - except perhaps a misunderstanding. However, let's leave it up to him. Even if you believe in the sincerity of such an interpretation of events, then here too an obvious lie is striking. Father Gleb lets it slip that when the bishop asked him about the reason for refusing the documents, he replied that their presence contradicted the vow of renunciation of the world. In fact, he refused them for reasons common to all Christians, not just monastics. Elsewhere Fr. Gleb states that “the issue of the passport is a matter of our faith. This is already the line dividing the kingdom of the devil and the Kingdom of God.”

The film does not have the notorious “blessing”, without which nothing is done in MP. Everything in the film is nameless: the journalist, and the monk Gleb with an unknown last name, and the anonymous monastery of the unnamed diocese from which this monk left, and the name of its bishop, and the city in which the monk settled. And all this - against the backdrop of video inserts of an official and splendid nature, with speeches by the patriarch and his faithful servant Rev. V. Chaplin, with views of thriving monasteries, in which the interviewee, however, did not stay, preferring an apartment existence that was unnatural for a monk. This is an opposition that is afraid of its oppositionality, its apartment-ness, which in the most absurd way hides behind signs that do not correspond to its real position.

The hidden sectarian existence within the MP of such cunning code fighters as Fr. Gleb allows us to compare them with the heresy of the Judaizers. They have their own special faith, but they are trying to spread it as secretly as possible, to conquer the MP from the inside. We are actually not inclined to demonize the code fighters, and we understand that this course of action of theirs is in fact not so much a villainously thought-out plan, but the fruit of their self-deception.

Most MP members do not understand what the Church is. Being Sergians, they believe in the Church as an organization, regardless of its confession. Here it is about. Gleb fundamentally cannot allow the entire Local Church or most of it to fall into heresy: “The Millennial Church, which has a host of saints, was deprived of grace. What are you talking about?!” - he admonishes those who have stopped taking communion in the MP, although among the latter there are those who did this because of the heretical nature of this organization. It doesn’t even occur to O. Gleb that his arguments and references to the Gospel (Matthew 28:20) can just as successfully justify, for example, the Catholic Church, which plunged into heresy after that very thousand-year history and the appearance of many saints.

Sergians replace the question of religion, that is, of heresy, with the question of grace: instead of reason, objective criteria of truth, they are guided by their subjective feelings. On the other hand, the same concept of grace is distorted among them - formalized in a strange way. This is a certain power that rests on the church organization, simply being assigned to it by status, even if it clearly follows the path of apostasy. O. Gleb himself discredits his entire apology for the grace of the MP when, as an example, he asserts that “even at the Sanhedrin, which crucified Christ, there was grace” (!!!). This is Sergianism, which believes that it is possible to crucify Christ while remaining a grace-filled church.

3. Blind leaders of the blind.

O. Gleb deceives his viewers, deceives the clergy, and in general his position is internally contradictory. Code fighters have a doctrine about the sinfulness of possessing documents, but at the same time they are divided into two classes: those who believe in this and refuse documents, and those who also believe, but for some reason have them. In this regard, the code-wrestlers copy the model of the radical non-priest sect of runners, which, according to a similar principle, was divided into wanderers and the so-called “permanent people.” The wanderers fulfilled the requirements that were considered necessary for salvation in their sect, namely, they did not have any property, documents or money, but could only exist due to the presence of runners-sinners who were moored. So is Fr. Gleb and many other code fighters exist by the grace of benefactors who have not only material resources, but also “devilish” documents.

The views of the code fighters are permeated with a bad eschatology, also reminiscent of Old Believer sectarianism. Moreover, when trying to understand their views, you quickly get lost. What to expect: famine, war and the reign of the Antichrist? television appearances of Seraphim of Sarov and the return of the Tsar-Father? Eighth Ecumenical Council, Filioque and Commemoration of the Pope? There are many absurdities here, which we will not analyze; Let us only note that the horror stories about the union with the Latins about. Gleb tells... against the backdrop of a typical Catholic poster - “The price of our salvation.” This is a scrupulous calculation of the bodily damage inflicted on Christ during the suffering on the cross, and in an absurd way, made as if on behalf of the most merciful God. “They tormented me by the nose - 20 times. They hit me on the bridge of my nose - three times. They tormented Me by the ears - 30 times”... And so on in the same way.

For the unfortunate Fr. Gleb, who found himself in the role of a teacher beyond his abilities (James 3:1), Catholicism is determined by some formal characteristics. In fact, Uniates who do not read the Filioque, or Old Catholics who do not remember the pope, Latinize no less than ordinary papists - because their spirituality is identical. Is it the right time? Should Gleb talk about such serious problems when he cannot distinguish between Orthodoxy and Catholicism in a basic question?

The tragedy of any great or small truth-seeking in religious matters on the part of MP members who remain within its fence is that the views of such people always become much more contradictory than the views of ordinary followers of the official course. The MP’s faith is not only false, but also amorphous, and as soon as they try to create a system of clear beliefs on its basis, all its untruths appear in concentrated form. Therefore, when in the MP they laugh at the crazy code-breakers and tsar-worshipers, they laugh at themselves.

The best part of modern Sergian monasticism, which at least somehow lays claim to this name, are, to one degree or another, supporters of code-fighters, king-worshipers, etc. views. They are the ones who enjoy the people's love, the glory of the “elders”. And by doing this they are doing a great service for the MP. On the one hand, they keep within this jurisdiction those who are inclined to seek truth similar to them, and at the same time want to see before them manifestations of living faith, asceticism, etc. On the other hand, by the absurdity of their views, obvious to sensible people, they discredit Orthodox fundamentalism as such - in particular, the True Orthodox Church.

Roman and Daria Nureyev.


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Evening dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the death of Father Gleb Kaleda

This can be said about Archpriest Gleb Kaled, a theologian, scientist, pastor, prominent missionary and preacher, whose memory was honored on November 2 at the Vysoko-Petrovsky Stauropegic Monastery. The evening dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the death of Father Gleb began with a funeral litany in the monastery Sergius Church with the participation of more than three hundred people.

At the end of the service, the Chairman of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis, Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassk Mercury, addressed the audience, who read out the welcoming speech of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the death of Archpriest Gleb, and also recalled that the blessed shepherd stood at the origins of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church.

“When Father Gleb began his catechetical work, having already entered the church pulpit, it was a difficult time - the 90s... You had to have great courage and great love for people in order to carry out your ministry. A little more than twenty years have passed since that time... Sometimes, remembering those years, I am once again convinced that learning faith is not only learning the word, but also life. And life can only be taught by a person who has lived this life, who knows it not from books, but from the inside. Who went through hardships and hardships, who endured sorrows and persecutions, who felt the Cross of Christ on his shoulders and realized that this particular Cross is his Saving Cross. Then a person speaks from the heart, turns to other people, and then his word becomes the word that can ignite faith in the human heart. That word that another person perceives not as a word of teaching only, but as a word of life, as a message of life. Father Gleb was such a person... And today, remembering him prayerfully, we must say with gratitude to the Lord that the work he started lives and develops in the Church. His works and life are not just a contribution, but the basis of the works that we are doing today,” Metropolitan Mercury said in his speech.

A well-known missionary and teacher, head of the Christian Life publishing house, rector of the Church of All Who Sorrow Joy in Klin, Archpriest Boris Balashov warmly recalled how in his youth he served as a subdeacon in the Feodorovsky Cathedral of the city of Yaroslavl under Metropolitan John (Wendland), where he visited Vladyka Geology professor Gleb Aleksandrovich Kaleda came. In 1972, His Grace Metropolitan John ordained his spiritual friend as a priest, but he was able to enter open pastoral service only after the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus', when the situation in the country began to change. According to a pastor near Moscow, Father Gleb had not only a deep knowledge of Orthodoxy and its spiritually grace-filled life, but also a very sensitive conscience that did not tolerate any falsehood. This is how he remained in his memory forever.

Another speaker, Archpriest Konstantin Kobelev, has memories of the time when he visited the hospitable Kaled house and listened with attention to Father Gleb’s restrained stories about the care of convicts. The young man even had a secret desire to visit Butyrka prison - but how to fulfill it? Today, Father Konstantin is the rector of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Butyrka prison, which was opened by a multi-talented man, priest Gleb Kaleda - its first rector after seventy years of desolation...

The evening of remembrance became not only an evening of memories. In its final part, there was a presentation of the book “Heaven and Earth of Father Gleb,” published literally the day before by the publishing house of the Conception Monastery. The youngest son of the blessed shepherd, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vasily Kaleda, spoke about the idea of ​​the new book, as well as the work on it.

Reading this book, you see: indeed, the goal that the members of the family of the ever-memorable father Gleb set for themselves has been fulfilled. A relatively small volume, but this edition contains the main thing: a bright and living image of a serious scientist and good shepherd, a loving husband and father, an ascetic of faith and piety. The disclosure of this image is helped by the description of events, details that take us back to that time, to that seemingly ancient, but at the same time very recent era, when, for example, an expert on lithological and paleographic maps of VNIGNI (All-Union Scientific Research Geological Petroleum Institute) Gleb Aleksandrovich Kaleda went on a business trip to Bulgaria, where he was held in high esteem as a front-line soldier. Where passers-by smiled at him on the street, waved, and the Bulgarian pioneers gave salutes. Where one old woman baptized him: her parents were saved from the Turks by Russian soldiers, and from the Germans by Soviet soldiers. Or another story: how the priest, who became Butyrka’s confessor, first appeared in this prison, in the cells of which many shepherds sat in the long years of its history. But Father Gleb was the first clergyman after seventy years of Soviet power to come here not in handcuffs, not as if he had been arrested. The memory of retired internal service colonel Gennady Nikolayevich Oreshkin, who was the head of pre-trial detention center No. 2 in the early 90s of the last century, touches the soul. He describes how one day he received a call from a checkpoint and was informed that a priest had come from the Moscow diocese. When the priest entered Oreshkin’s office, he saw a short, thin man. They started talking. “It turns out that he fought and went through a long journey in life,” says Gennady Nikolaevich. “We somehow got along quickly...” Through sponsors and friends, they began to raise money for the temple. There were rumors that a church was being built in the prison, a priest was coming, and even death row prisoners wanted to be baptized...

Speaking at the evening in memory of Father Gleb Kaleda, the rector of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University, Archpriest Vladimir Vorobyov, said that his grandfather, a clergyman, was imprisoned three times for his faith and died in prison. Father Vladimir remembered that, walking through the prison corridors for the first time, he felt fear and thought with surprise about how Archpriest Gleb Kaleda was able to visit death row, how he was able to accept criminals into his heart and guide them to the true path. How great was the influence of the prison ministry of Archpriest Gleb Kaleda on Father Vladimir Vorobyov and the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University (and Father Gleb was at the origins of the creation of the then Orthodox St. Tikhon's Theological Institute), we can judge this by the fact that under PSTGU The Center for Spiritual Support of Orthodox Communities in Prison has been operating for a long time and fruitfully. This fact is reflected in the book itself.

And, perhaps, the final chapter of “The Placer” occupies a special place in it. In his preamble to it, the author, Vladimir Smyk, writes that in geology there is such a concept that means grains and crystals of valuable minerals scattered in rocks: gold, platinum, diamonds, rubies, sapphires. And a kind of scattering - wise thoughts, often expressed in a brilliant aphoristic form - Father Gleb left us in his spiritual heritage. Here are just a few of them: “Love must be ardent, active and prudent.” - “Labor education is preparation for deeds of love... Anyone who is not accustomed to work cannot help someone in need, express their love and sympathy to them.” And here are some more very important words about raising children: “Children must be prepared to reject the evil of the world, its passions and temptations, and not to abandon it: they must be educated in the ability to resist the world in their hearts, the ability to maintain faith amid unbelief, purity - in the midst of filth and sin." And these are not just words spoken or written by a pastor-preacher. This, as time has shown, is the strongest foundation of the family life of Archpriest Gleb Kaleda. “Lidiya Vladimirovna gave birth to six children to her husband,” we read in the book. – Two of them, John and Cyril, will later become priests. Maria is the abbess of the monastery (abbess of the Conception Stavropegic Convent, Abbess Juliania - author), Alexandra is the wife of a priest, Vasily is a doctor of medical sciences, professor of the department of practical theology. The eldest son Sergei, whose life would tragically end in 2000, will selflessly help the cause of church construction. All the children of Kaled, as we see, will become truly believers, working to the best of their ability in the church field.”

It is no coincidence that the evening in memory of Archpriest Gleb Kaleda was held within the walls of the refectory of the Sergius Church of the Vysoko-Petrovsky Stauropegic Monastery in Moscow. This monastery church was especially dear to Father Gleb. Here he served, here he was buried. His spiritual son, historian Igor Garkavy, remembered a lot from those years. And what a limited space there was: the central aisle was closed. But nevertheless, the fervent prayer that rose into the sky served as the basis for the prayer that the brethren of the monastery now offer.

The abbot of the monastery, Peter (Eremeev), greeted those gathered on behalf of the brethren of the monastery, and noted that the inhabitants of the monastery remember Archpriest Gleb for his work in the name of the revival of the monastery. “Father Gleb came to Petrovka, to this ancient monastery, at the dawn of the church revival. It is deeply symbolic that this once secret priest revealed himself here as a multifaceted personality in open pastoral service at that historical time when the last heirs of the Petrovsky monastic community - the secret nuns - tonsured by the last fathers of the Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery - passed away. Father Gleb seemed to have grafted the revived Petrine Christian community into the tree of the Russian Church, which survived the difficult Soviet era in the obvious and hidden exploits of its faithful children,” Abbot Peter said in his speech.

I would also like to draw attention to the words of the chairman of the Union of Orthodox Citizens, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Orthodox Conversation” Valentin Lebedev, who emphasized in his speech that Archpriest Gleb Kaleda participated in all church initiatives, carried out a lot of work on catechesis and was one of the organizers of the International Christmas Readings, which, by the way, today receive the attention of Russian President Vladimir Putin...


Interview with Valery Pavlovich Filimonov, hagiographic writer, specialist in the field of biocybernetics and control systems

Ending. Start on page 4

In addition to submitting personal Appeals, it is possible to organize in parishes the collection of signatures against the implementation of the UEC from citizens who reject it for reasons of Christian conscience. Send subscription lists to the Patriarchate and ruling bishops.

Disseminate all necessary information to our fellow citizens through conferences, meetings and discussions, via the Internet, brochures, lectures and seminars throughout Russia.

Active spiritual opposition to the lawless acts of secular authorities can become public meetings, prayer stands and religious processions in defense of Divine truth and God-given freedom. At the same time, of course, it is necessary to live like a Christian, as the Savior commands - to stay awake at all times and pray. Pray for your own salvation, for the salvation of your neighbors and for the admonition of those children of the Russian Orthodox Church to whom the truth has not yet been revealed. Pray, think and act fervently!

The main thing is that we need to win the battle on a spiritual level, undoubtedly believing the words of the Savior Himself: Even the hairs on your head are all numbered; do not be afraid... (Matthew 10:30-31).

Wonderful words crowned the final document of the seminar “Electronic government and human rights”, held at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens on March 31, 2011: “The situation that is being created in society obliges us to:

– refuse to receive the card if it is issued, and with a firm determination to accept the grace of our freedom in Christ, regardless of any consequences;

– remember that the rejection of the weapons of the “new world order” - UEC - can only be achieved with the help of the Triune God. From Him we must draw strength and grace for our struggle.”

– Tell us about like-minded people: who supports you in your activities?

– The outstanding archpastor of our time, Metropolitan Agathangel of Odessa and Izmail, with whom we have known each other since 2003, provides me with invaluable prayerful and spiritual support. His godly sayings are worth a lot: “At the present historical moment, absolutely everything that happens in the world has spiritual causes, and the consequences are apocalyptic! Without taking this into account, it is impossible to understand the essence of events taking place in the world. The entire Orthodox world, including Russia, is challenged by globalism. The entire world’s lies are concentrated in this concept, and exposing this greatest lie of our time is today the main task of Orthodoxy... The current process of globalization will undoubtedly lead to the reign of the Antichrist and the end of the world. We must testify to this before everyone as an immutable fact... This process is the realization of the “mystery of iniquity”, which the holy Apostle Paul spoke about in the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians”; " By accepting an identification code, we enter into an alliance with the devil, taking sin upon our soul...»

I received a blessing for my first works on globalization from Archbishop Simon of Brussels and Belgium. For more than twenty years, Bishop Simon has been carrying out his difficult obedience in Europe and knows first-hand about the problems that I cover in my books. Archbishop Vladimir of Pochaev and his brethren, Archbishop Maximilian of Vologda and Veliky Ustyug, Schemabishop Alypiy and other archpastors are especially praying for us.

We have developed a normal working relationship with the chairman of the Synodal Department for Relations between Church and Society, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin. Father Vsevolod worked hard to develop the “Fundamentals of the teaching of the Russian Orthodox Church on dignity, freedom and human rights”, adopted by the Council of Bishops in 2008. Currently, he pays great attention to solving the pressing problems of believers protesting against the introduction of an electronic concentration camp system.

I remember with gratitude my cooperation with State Duma deputies Alexander Vasilyevich Shulga, Anatoly Nikolaevich Greshnevikov, Alexander Viktorovich Chuev and Alexander Nikolaevich Krutov. At the moment, we are also actively supported by deputies - deputy chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Management, academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Kashin, Svyatoslav Mikhailovich Sokol, Vladimir Stepanovich Nikitin and other patriotic parliamentarians.

For five years now we have been closely cooperating with Honorary Lawyer of Russia Olga Alekseevna Yakovleva, whom we met in February 2006 in the State Duma at the Round Table on developing recommendations for the bills “On Personal Data” and “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection.” Thank God, there are other serious like-minded people - vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Valentinovich Sivkov, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Russian Vestnik" Alexey Alekseevich Senin, chairman of the Central Council of the public movement "People's Council" Vladimir Evgenievich Khomyakov, head of the Union " Christian Revival” Vladimir Nikolaevich Osipov, chief consultant of the Legal Department of the Office of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Olga Vladimirovna Letkova and a number of other famous figures who care about the salvation of their neighbors and the good of Russia.

– I know that among people who oppose the processes of globalization and the introduction of electronic cards, there are certain differences of opinion. What are their roots? Are they temporary, shallow in nature, or are they significant contradictions? After all, if I understand correctly, essentially everyone is doing the same thing, but it turns out that everyone sees the methods in their own way? How much does this bother us?

– The Holy Fathers teach us to do everything with spiritual reasoning, prayer and blessing. Today we have every opportunity to act within the legal framework and in accordance with the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church. Moreover, all these actions must necessarily be carried out only in a peaceful spirit.

Of course, the enemy of the salvation of the human race is not asleep, and his methods are well known to us: if some healthy popular movement appears, then it needs to be shaken, fragmented, the forces of its participants directed towards false goals... Often for this purpose they are used as provocateurs people who don’t even suspect that they are executors of someone else’s will.

Until a certain time, they are allowed to talk a lot and loudly, and sometimes quite correctly, but in the end they lead many away from the main thing... It is very easy to identify these figures by their ardor, harshness, intolerance to other judgments, lack of evangelical meekness, humility and love to your neighbors. As a rule, they are under the influence of obvious error and are unable to break with it; they cannot solve the questions posed by life in the spirit of brotherly love, conciliarity and open exploration of the truth.

These people do not realize that the enemy of salvation is skillfully playing on the weak strings of their soul. Most often they are clearly unhealthy mentally and spiritually. Unfortunately, such “zealots” greatly discredit our movement. Sometimes their irrepressible jealousy leads to the fact that they begin to fight not with globalism, but with brothers and sisters in faith.

As soon as the fruitful cooperation of a number of public organizations with the Russian Orthodox Church began on a wide range of issues related to the identification of citizens and its consequences, new “fighters” against globalization and universal electronic cards immediately appeared, accusing the hierarchy of all mortal sins and calling for separation from the Mother -Churches. These “zealots” can speculate on the patriotic and religious feelings of believers and carry with them those who will not notice the true goals of their actions: to undermine church unity and once again present the Orthodox as “illiterate sectarians and outcasts, experiencing a panicky fear of the INN and new documents." We've already been through this. Beware that no one deceives you (Matthew 24:4)! Today only the Church is the force that can stop the advance of the enemies of Russia and Orthodoxy.

Interviewed Anna SAMSONOVA

See the end of the conversation.
next number.

We invite our readers, opponents of Antichrist globalization, to move from words to deeds - to do at least what everyone can do at the moment: sign and send protest appeals to the appropriate addresses.

We are publishing two application forms provided to our editorial staff by Valery Pavlovich Filimonov: a statement demanding to stop the hidden dismantling of the national state, which is clearly happening today before our eyes, and an appeal for approval of the passport form as the main traditional document of a Russian citizen, which would not offend the religious feelings of believers.
The first statement, in particular, says: “Over the past 10-11 years, the country has been undergoing an unspoken legal reform aimed at destroying the country’s sovereignty. The Government of the Russian Federation introduces, and the majority of the State Duma, representing the United Russia party, adopts anti-constitutional and anti-people laws. All socially significant bills are passed without discussion with the people...”
And in the second Appeal the following position is expressed: “In connection with the above, I categorically refuse to receive and use the UEC in my daily life. According to my civic and religious convictions, I categorically protest against the construction in our country of a system of total surveillance and strict control of each citizen and society as a whole. I demand that a form for a traditional passport of a Russian citizen be developed and legislatively approved in accordance with the proposals presented.”

© ORTHODOX CROSS. Reproduction of materials with reference to the source is permitted.

Gleb Nikolaevich Muzrukov is an actor and film director, screenwriter and writer, Honored Trainer of Russia, President of the Russian and Vice-President of the European Wushu Federation.


Muzrukov was born on November sixteenth, 1961. After graduating from school, he entered the As soon as his institute training was completed, in 1985, Gleb was assigned to the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Sports career

In the mid-eighties, he organized a section on one of the types of martial arts - wushu, which was official and became the first in the Soviet Union. Later it was renamed the “Center for the Study of Health Systems of the Far East”, and then the Soviet Wushu Federation was created on its basis.

In 1989, Gleb Muzrukov took special coaching courses in Beijing and became the head coach of the Soviet Union national team. Already in 1991, under his clear leadership, she was able to rise to sixth place at the World Championships.

In the early nineties, Muzrukov was appointed to the position of vice-president of the Wushu Federation in Russia, where he worked until 2014. Beginning in 1995, he was president of the European Wushu Federation committee for four years. In 2004, Gleb Nikolaevich became the state wushu trainer. Currently, among his students there are already four Honored Masters of Sports.

Writing activity

Gleb Muzrukov also tried himself as a writer. In 2001, he wrote and published the book “Fundamentals of Wushu,” which is a textbook for teaching martial arts. Wushu teachers can use it, but the book is also intended for independent study. In terms of content, the book allows you to gain basic knowledge and master the technique of Wushu, and also makes it possible to comprehensively study. You can also find in it how to properly prepare for competitions. Now this textbook on martial arts has already been translated into five languages ​​of the world.

Currently, Gleb Nikolaevich is the editor-in-chief of the popular sports magazine “Wushu - Martial Arts and Health Systems.”

Television career

Since 2003, Muzrukov began to build his cinematic career. First, for six years he was the author and host of the “Way of the Dragon” program, which talked about martial arts. It aired until 2009 on the television channel 7TV.

In 2004, Gleb Nikolaevich began working as a presenter on the Sport channel, and from 2010 on the Zvezda television channel, where he hosted the Path of the Dragon program for three years. In a short period of time, Muzrukov was able to release more than 420 stories about wushu.

In 1999, the film “The Monk” was released, where Gleb Muzrukov not only showed his acting skills, but also acted as the director and screenwriter of this film. The plot of this film takes the viewer to the period when the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred. At this time, the division of territory began, but martial arts schools did not want to allow bandits into their part. To resist strong opponents, bandits also learn wushu.

In 2002, a sequel to the film “The Monk” was released, in which Gleb Muzrukov acts both as an actor and as a director. The main character of the film “Monk 2” Alexey is well trained in wushu, so his martial arts teacher gives him his last assignment. But he could not fulfill the last will of the Teacher, as his pursuers killed him. He understands that the figurine needs to be handed over to someone. Before his death, he manages to tell the whole story to his friend, who will continue his work.

In 2004, Gleb Nikolaevich Muzrukov, as an actor and director, participated in the filming of the film “The Genius of Judo.” The main character of the film is someone who successfully practices judo. Unexpectedly for himself, he begins to participate in underground battles that have no rules. In one of the battles he kills his opponent. Trying to hide from both the law and bandits, he ends up in a mountainous area, where he makes a new and strange friend.

In 2007, another film with the participation of Gleb Muzrukov was released - “Tai Chi - Breath of the Universe”. The interesting and exciting plot was liked by many viewers. The film stars the best martial arts fighters. In the story, the viewer gets acquainted with the unique Tai Chi system, which allows you to improve your body and develop strength of spirit and character.

In 2012, another film with actor Gleb Muzrukov was released. In the film “Temple of Purple Heavens” the viewer will find himself in the mountains, beautiful and mysterious. The main character will study martial arts in the Udan Mountains, which are also called “The First Mountains in the Celestial Empire.” A Teacher lived in solitude and helped the main character achieve perfection.

In 2013, another film “Daria” was released. The story of a Russian champion" is about a girl who is a multiple world and European champion. In 2008 in Beijing, she was able to achieve tremendous results in the Olympic tournament and become a gold medalist.

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