Analysis of Yesenin’s poem “Spring Evening. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. “Spring evening “Spring evening” Sergei Yesenin

Yesenin began his creative journey in 1912, when he arrived in Moscow with the goal of winning the hearts of its residents. It’s just that it takes him a lot of time to realize his dream. At first he works in a butcher shop and only memories of Konstantinov’s native village help him cope with his emotional experiences.

The village became a symbol of home for him; it is with this place that he has the best memories of his life. They will be kept in his heart throughout his entire career, and in a later period his collections will be published,

Imbued with sadness about their native land.

One of the main themes of his lyrics was the theme of the village. All the memories stored in his memory created a beautiful landscape of his native land.

Yesenin's first poems were imbued with a patriotic mood and love for his native land. He does not talk about the problems of humanity; his lyrics are imbued with beauty and freshness. Already developing himself as a poet, he will address the problems of love, poetry, duty and death.

One of his first and most recognizable works is the poem “Spring Evening”. Its main theme is the description of nature, its beauty and power.

Spring always means awakening and freshness, so this poem leaves the reader with a feeling of vigor and desire to live. It sounds very beautiful, this is facilitated by epithets and metaphors, which the author often uses in his poem.

He calls the river silver, which gives the reader a beautiful picture of a clean river, and he also calls spring green, which tells us about its later description, when it already borders on summer.

There is not even a hint of sadness in his poem. He is probably bored, but this is not visible in the poem. We see only his devotion and admiration, his love and tenderness for familiar landscapes.

It is worth noting that such poems were a real outlet for the poet. He wrote them from the heart, putting his soul into the lines. Therefore, all poems on this topic allow us to penetrate the true experiences of the poet at a certain period of his life. This helps us become closer to the great Russian poet.

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In 1912 he came to conquer Moscow, but luck did not immediately smile on the young poet. Several more years would pass before his first poem was published in a metropolitan magazine. In the meantime, Yesenin works in a butcher shop and recalls with nostalgia his native village of Konstantinovo, where he was truly happy.

It is these memories that give the poet strength to move forward and believe that he will still achieve his goal. Moreover, they inspire Yesenin to write surprisingly pure and bright poems, which will subsequently create a special aura around the poet as a “singer of fields and rivers,” defining the main direction in his work. The poem, which was created in 1912 and was included in the debut selection of works by the young author, published in one of the capital’s magazines, dates back to this period. It most fully reveals the natural gift of Yesenin the landscape painter, who knew how to see what other people simply did not notice. In addition, the poet’s amazing ability to endow inanimate objects with intelligence and feelings brought special warmth and tenderness to this poem. Every line of this work shows Yesenin’s love for the world in which “the silver river flows quietly” and “the golden horn of the moon floats up.”

Imagery and the ability to capture even the most insignificant nuances allow Yesenin to recreate a picture extraordinary in its simplicity and beauty, familiar to the poet, but opening the doors to inexperienced readers into a completely different reality, where a tired plowman returned home after hard work in the field, enjoying the fact that somewhere “a nightingale sang a song of love.” And from this singing, not only the ordinary peasant, who is able to rejoice in such little things, is transformed, but also the entire world around him. Nightingale trills are a delight for the dawn, which crosses the sky like a “pink ribbon”, forests, plowed fields and deep rivers, which fully feel the onset of spring. The world is filled with harmony, it is perfect and impeccable in its beauty, when “it looks with tenderness at the distant stars and the earth smiles at the sky.” This is exactly how a quiet spring evening seems to Yesenin, although the poet is deprived of the opportunity to enjoy its tenderness and warmth. But the memories that all this once happened in his life warm the poet’s soul and fill it with love for his native land.

repetitions, and more. In what meter is this poem written?

Spring evening

The silver river flows quietly
In the kingdom of evening green spring.
The sun sets behind the forested mountains,
A golden horn emerges from the moon.

The West is covered with a pink ribbon,
The plowman returned to the hut from the fields,
And beyond the road in the birch thicket
The nightingale sang a song of love.

Listens affectionately to deep songs
From the west the dawn is like a pink ribbon.
Looks tenderly at the distant stars
And the earth smiles at the sky.


2) Views, beliefs
3) The state of the author who wrote this verse or the hero of this verse

In the desert, stunted and stingy,
On the ground, hot in the heat,
Anchar, like a formidable sentry,
It stands alone in the entire universe.

Nature of thirsty steppes
She gave birth to him on the day of wrath,
And green dead branches
And she gave the roots poison.

Poison drips through its bark,
By noon, melting from the heat,
And it freezes in the evening
Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him,
And the tiger does not come: only a black whirlwind
He will run to the tree of death -
And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud waters,
Wandering, its dense leaf,
From its branches, already poisonous,
Rain flows into flammable sand.

But man is man
Sent to the anchor with an imperious glance,
And he obediently went on his way
And in the morning he returned with poison.

He brought mortal resin
Yes, a branch with withered leaves,
And sweat on the pale brow
Flowed in cold streams;

He brought it - and weakened and lay down
Under the arch of the hut on the bast,
And the poor slave died at his feet
The invincible ruler.

And the king fed that poison
Your obedient arrows
And with them he sent death
To neighbors in alien borders.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

The silver river flows quietly
In the kingdom of evening green spring.
The sun sets behind the forested mountains.
A golden horn emerges from the moon.

The West is covered with a pink ribbon,
The plowman returned to the hut from the fields,
And beyond the road in the birch thicket
The nightingale sang a song of love.

Listens affectionately to deep songs
From the west the dawn is like a pink ribbon.
Looks tenderly at the distant stars
And the earth smiles at the sky.

In 1912, Sergei Yesenin came to conquer Moscow, but luck did not immediately smile on the young poet. Several more years would pass before his first poem was published in a metropolitan magazine. In the meantime, Yesenin works in a butcher shop and recalls with nostalgia his native village of Konstantinovo, where he was truly happy.

It is these memories that give the poet strength to move forward and believe that he will still achieve his goal. Moreover, they inspire Yesenin to write surprisingly pure and bright poems, which will subsequently create a special aura around the poet as a “singer of fields and rivers,” defining the main direction in his work. The poem “Spring Evening” dates back to this period, which was created in 1912 and was included in the debut selection of works by the young author, published in one of the capital’s magazines. It most fully reveals the natural gift of Yesenin the landscape painter, who knew how to see what other people simply did not notice. In addition, the poet’s amazing ability to endow inanimate objects with intelligence and feelings brought special warmth and tenderness to this poem. Every line of this work shows Yesenin’s love for the world in which “the silver river flows quietly” and “the golden horn of the moon floats up.”

Imagery and the ability to capture even the most insignificant nuances allow Yesenin to recreate a picture extraordinary in its simplicity and beauty, familiar to the poet, but opening the doors to inexperienced readers into a completely different reality, where a tired plowman returned home after hard work in the field, enjoying the fact that where “The nightingale sang a song of love.” And from this singing, not only the ordinary peasant, who is able to rejoice in such little things, is transformed, but also the entire world around him. Nightingale trills are a delight for the dawn, which crosses the sky like a “pink ribbon”, forests, plowed fields and deep rivers, which fully feel the onset of spring. The world is filled with harmony, it is perfect and impeccable in its beauty, when “the earth looks with tenderness at the distant stars and smiles at the sky.” This is exactly how a quiet spring evening seems to Yesenin, although the poet is deprived of the opportunity to enjoy its tenderness and warmth. But the memories that all this once happened in his life warm the poet’s soul and fill it with love for his native land.

Project name

Project participants

Students of MBOU Secondary School No. 127

Group Research Topic

Sergei Yesenin "Spring Evening"

Problematic question (research question)

Why is the image of spring attractive to S. Yesenin?

Study question

What figurative means of language do poets use when describing spring?

Research hypothesis

We chose a wonderful poem by Sergei Yesenin about the beauty of a spring evening. Reading it, we imagine a picture of a spring sunset and pre-night silence. The poem shows the tenderness and tranquility of the evening nature in spring. “Spring Evening” perfectly conveys the atmosphere of a spring evening landscape with notes of sadness.

Objectives of the study

  • Find out the biography of the poet, his creative path.
  • Analyze one of the poems about spring.
  • Develop assignments (presentation, photo narrative, wiki page or booklet).


Presentation about the poet

Photo storytelling


The silver river flows quietly

In the kingdom of evening green spring.

The sun sets behind the forested mountains.

A golden horn emerges from the moon.

The West is covered with a pink ribbon,

The plowman returned to the hut from the fields,

And beyond the road in the birch thicket

The nightingale sang a song of love.

Listens affectionately to deep songs

From the west the dawn is like a pink ribbon.

Looks tenderly at the distant stars

And the earth smiles at the sky.


Analysis of the poem

Each of us has our favorite, most precious place on earth, the place where we were born, where we spent the years of our youth. Warm memories are associated with this place, which we carefully keep in our memory all our lives. This place is our small Motherland. And everyone’s small Motherland constitutes a small, tiny part of our common Motherland - Russia.

It is not for nothing that the poet S. A. Yesenin is called the singer of Russia, since in his work the image of the homeland is key. Even in those works that describe mysterious eastern countries, the author always draws a parallel between overseas beauties and the quiet, silent charm of his native expanses.

The poem “Spring Evening” belongs to the early work of S. Yesenia; it was written when Sergei Yesenin was not yet 18 years old. He had just arrived in Moscow, which amazed him with its scale and bustle. However, in his work the poet remained faithful to his native village of Konstantinovo, in which he was born and spent his youth. For Yesenin, his Rus' is unthinkable without its quiet, discreet, but such a living nature, which is not just present in his element, it breathes, rejoices, cries. And the Poem “Spring Evening” is an excellent confirmation of this. In this poem, the poet very clearly and accurately paints a picture of nature in a certain period of time that lies between night and clear day - evening. The description of the evening in his perception becomes touching and expressive.

The poem is small, only three quatrains, but the poet, in our opinion, was able to fill it with life, beauty, and sounds of nature. At the village Yesenin's nature is a living being, it breathes, acts, lives.

After reading the poem, a picture of peace appears. A village hut stands on the edge of a forest, a silver stream flows in a ravine, and the trills of a nightingale can be heard in a birch grove. The poet uses interesting metaphors: “the river is flowing,” “the sun is setting,” “the horn of the moon is floating,” “listening to the dawn,” “the earth is smiling,” which fill the poem with life.

The poet does not just make a sketch from life. We think that color in his poems always expresses a certain mood, feeling, creates an image, so color definitions become epithets. This poem contains delicate, crisp colors: green, pink, blue and silver. In Yesenin’s poem, it is difficult not to pay attention to the gentle trill of sounds [s], [s,] [r] [r,] in the first quatrain. It is these overflows, in our opinion, that help create a picture of peace.

Nature and man in Yesenin are in harmony. The poet saw extraordinary beauty in nature, capable of transforming a person and giving him spiritual strength.

This poem is permeated with a feeling of great love for the Motherland. And Yesenin does not just teach us to love our Motherland, but he simply loves it tenderly and reverently, and it is impossible for us not to feel this love within ourselves.

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