Protecting nature means homeland author. “To protect nature means to protect our homeland. Essay Protecting nature means protecting the homeland

Everyone really likes to relax in nature. After a noisy and polluted city, it’s so nice to stretch out on the green grass, inhale the smell of wildflowers and clean air. There are trees rustling around, birds singing and a stream babbling or a river roaring. And how nice it is when the grass is clean, without rustling debris underfoot. Air without chemical impurities and smog. And the water is fresh, spring water, without oil stains and islands of plastic bottles.

Unfortunately, such corners come across less and less often on the way of a vacationer. Before settling down for such a vacation, you have to walk around with a garbage bag and free up a patch of clean land for yourself.

For some reason, people don’t think about how we pollute the planet and destroy everything beautiful that is on it. No, of course, in a global sense it is heavily polluted by plants and factories with their pipes and waste, which are discharged into rivers and lakes. The atmosphere of the planet is spoiled by gasoline cars and cars, releasing harmful exhaust into the air. Corporations mindlessly cutting down forests - the lungs of our planet. States that uncontrollably extract minerals from the bowels of the earth, depleting it. We scold this and worry about the future generation.

But why don’t we each start with ourselves? If we cannot influence civilization as a whole, why not try to influence ourselves personally? Don’t grill kebabs on an open fire in the forest and then forget to put it out. Do not throw garbage after yourself, but carefully collect it and throw it in a specially designated place. If everyone contributes at least a little, then the overall attitude towards nature conservation and ecology will improve.

7th grade, Russian language

Essay Nature Conservation

Does nature need protection? People of primitive times, and even representatives of more or less developed civilizations of antiquity, were unlikely to ask such a question. Nature conservation has become a fairly pressing topic only relatively recently in connection with technological progress.

It was the active development of various technologies that led to the need to take care of nature. People do not have the opportunity to control their own ways of running various households. Factories poison the air, chemicals poison the earth - this is the modern world.

It seems to me that people in the modern world are like foolish children who were given some objects that they cannot and do not know how to handle. After all, if people had reason, they would initially think about the consequences of their own actions. In fact, now people provide for their own needs first and only then think about what consequences come after that.

Oddly enough, but now nature really needs to be protected from people themselves, both in small and large ways. We need to start with the basic education of children and instilling a reasonable attitude towards nature, starting from collecting waste and cleaning the territory. We should also talk about global processes that affect the masses of people and instill reasonable habits, a normal attitude towards nature and limit people somewhere.

Just recently in Russia there was talk in the news about a waste site in the Moscow region. Due to this test site, people could not breathe normally, have normal air in their own city. They just brought so much waste, such a huge amount of dirt was collected that they simply couldn’t process.

Isn’t this situation similar to the situation with a child who cannot even change his own diaper and suffers from it? It seems similar to me, and this fact speaks about the general level of people’s behavior regarding their treatment of nature. Therefore, in this direction it is necessary to initially develop people and provide people with normal education, which will become the reason for reasonable behavior.

Option 3

People try to maintain cleanliness and order in their homes and treat things and household items with care. But for some reason, these truths have little relevance to the world around us, although from early childhood we are taught that the Earth is our common home, and it is necessary to preserve and protect nature.

Indeed, nature is the Mother who raised humanity in her cradle, gave us a home, food, taught us to live, allowed us to develop and make new discoveries. So why do people treat their Mother so irresponsibly and carelessly?

In the twenty-first century, industry is developing by leaps and bounds, sometimes trampling everything around - deforestation, emissions of toxic waste into water bodies, air pollution - all these factors negatively affect wildlife. People can see more and more representatives of flora and fauna only in the Red Book.

It is man's duty to care for and preserve natural resources. After all, how nice it is to walk through the nearby forest, breathe in the aroma of herbs, observe the life of insects and birds, and drink spring water from a living spring. It becomes scary that all this beauty may gradually disappear from the face of the earth, and in its place will be destruction, chaos, and environmental disaster. In such conditions, all living things will perish, and with it humanity.

Thanks to natural wealth and resources, which have been depleted in recent decades, people's existence is ensured. We must remember that people's lives are possible only in harmony with the world around them. It is necessary to preserve nature for our descendants so that they can fully enjoy it and live a full life.

Essay Protecting nature means protecting the homeland

Essay plan.

  1. The wealth of nature is the heritage of the Motherland.
  2. The importance of caring for nature.
  3. Caring for nature as an indicator of culture.

Homeland and nature are inextricably linked. Nature is the pride of my country, I use its resources, enjoy the scenery and can contribute. No country can boast of such wealth as the nature of my Motherland. Abundance of minerals, fertile soil, vast areas of land, forests and rivers. Water is the most precious treasure, the basis of life.

Productive and careful use of nature's gifts can help prevent our wealth from becoming depleted. Nature feeds us. She is our mother and our father. And if she is not stingy and gives us all the blessings, why shouldn’t we be grateful to her?

First of all, nature requires careful treatment and respect. All people are an integral part of it, and in order for the connection not to be broken, we must act ourselves and make our contribution. If we don't turn the earth into a garbage dump, we can continue to enjoy its beauty. If we stop widespread deforestation, the trees will thank us with endless oxygen.

People throw garbage out of windows, forget to put out fires, test nuclear weapons, and dump chemical waste into the sea. But this is a powerful blow to nature.

Looking into the blue sky, we rarely remember Chernobyl, where after the atomic explosion the sky lost its purity and color for a long time. Perhaps many people are accustomed to consuming and not giving anything in return. Who then will pass on all our wealth to our children? I think they would like to see what we see today: a ray of sunshine, cornflowers in the meadow, the buzzing of insects, a rainbow...

By caring for our nature, we prove our love to it and show our culture. A cultured person will not allow himself to throw a bottle on the sidewalk or leave trash near a bench in the park. A person who destroys the planet is an ordinary barbarian and has nothing to do with culture. Cleaning up trash in the forest, planting a tree, and at least somehow trying to preserve it is, in a way, a culture of environmental management. Take, but also give as much as possible.

The cultural level of a country can be recognized by the state of its natural resources. The earth is completely in the hands of man and directly depends on his attitude towards it. An inquisitive mind and curiosity can turn a young man into a biologist, ecologist, landscape designer, or just a traveler. The more professions related to nature, the greater the chances of preserving it. By preserving nature, a person shows true love for his homeland.

Class hour

“To protect nature means to protect the Motherland”

Target: formation of a responsible attitude towards nature.


1. to develop environmental knowledge, the ability to assess the human impact on nature;

2. develop an idea of ​​rational interaction between man and nature; the ability to compare and generalize objects and phenomena; creativity and imagination;

3. fostering an attentive, caring attitude towards the surrounding world; love for the nature of the native land; compliance with the rules of behavior in nature and participation in environmental activities.

Equipment : computer, projector, interactive board, remote control, presentation, Red Book of the Smolensk Region, videos (“Nature”, “Earth in Danger”, National Park “Smolensk Poozerie”), environmental signs, signal cards.

Class progress

1.Organizational moment

2.Updating knowledge

Nature is the house in which we live,

And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash.

Under the blue sky, under the golden sun,

We want to live in that house forever.

Nature is home under the snow and rain.

In any frost or heat it works great.

Keep this house we live in

We have the right to this peaceful home. (A. Kuklin)

Guys, you listened to the poem. What is it about? What do you think is the topic of our class hour?(To protect nature means to protect the Motherland)

What is nature?(students' answers)

Let's admire the beauty of nature!(Watch the video “Nature”)

Humanity has lived on planet Earth for almost a million years, but people think little about the fact that all the riches of the earth are not eternal, that they need protection and careful handling.

Let's see what will happen to nature if people do not treat it with care.(Watch the video “Earth in Danger”)

Guys, what do you think can be concluded?(We must learn to love and take care of everything that surrounds us)

What do you think, is everything good in our surrounding life now?

(No. People pollute rivers, cut down trees, pluck rare plants, hunt animals.)

What needs to be done in order to preserve the beauty of nature for many years?(Students' answers)

The scale of the influence of economic industry on nature in our time has become such that it is now necessary to save nature from destruction, and therefore to protect it. Nature conservation is not only a special system of measures aimed at preventing the disappearance of natural resources. “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland.” You see what a close relationship there is between the concepts of nature and Motherland.

I invite you to play the game “Good or Bad”.(Each student has red and green signal cards on his desk)

Plant trees.

Cut down forests.

Hunt rare animals.

Pick rare flowers.

Build treatment facilities at the plant.

Light fires in the forest.

Throwing trash into the river.

Create nature reserves.

Make bird feeders.

Why are trees planted?(Students' answers)

What will happen to rare animals if they continue to be hunted? What will happen to rare plants if people pluck them?(Students’ responses )

How did the person take care of this problem?(Students' answers)

- In 1963, a list of rare and endangered species of wild animals and plants of the world, which was called the “Red Book of Facts,” appeared for the first time. This is a book of alarm, a book of warning, which names those animals and plants of which there are very few left on Earth.

(The teacher shows the Red Book of the Smolensk region. Students work in groups with the Red Book)

Guys, what are nature reserves? What are they needed for?(Students’ responses )

Teacher's story about nature reserves in the Smolensk region

Nature reserves of the Smolensk region

The Smolensk Poozerye National Park is located on the territory of the Smolensk region, and the Gagarinsky Natural Park also operates.

(View video Smolensk Poozerie National Park)

National Park "Smolensk Poozerye"
The Smolensk Poozerye National Park was created on April 15, 1992 in the territories of the Demidov and Dukhovshchinsky districts. The creation of the park pursued the goals of preserving unique broad-leaved and dark-coniferous forests, studying the flora and fauna of the region, and ensuring the use of renewable natural resources for environmental protection and recreational purposes. Now the national park offers a number of tourist routes in the vicinity of the village of Przhevalskoye, hosts cultural events, and also participates in environmental education for schoolchildren. There are more than 35 lakes in the park, most of them of glacial origin. The largest are Sapsho and Baklanovskoye. Most of the park (74%) is covered with forests. 65 species of plants listed in the Red Book of the Smolensk region were discovered, of which 10 species are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The fauna is represented by 10 species of amphibians, 5 species of reptiles, 205 species of birds, 57 species of mammals. 26 species of birds and 6 species of mammals listed in the Red Book of the Smolensk region were discovered, of which 18 species of birds are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Natural Park "Gagarinsky"
In 2006, the regional state institution “Gagarinsky Natural Park” was created. There are excellent opportunities for tourism, hunting, fishing, and the exploitation and development of the park area is optimized. Forests are one of the most important components of the region's nature. The basis of the modern fauna is made up of animals characteristic of coniferous-deciduous forests. These are elk, wild boar, bear, roe deer, sika deer, squirrel, hare, lynx and others. Rivers and lakes are rich in fish.

We talked about the problems of environmental pollution and what people should do to preserve the wealth of nature.

Guys, I suggest you play a game, and at the same time once again remember the rules of dealing with nature.

Game "Ecological signs"

    Don't pick flowers.

    Do not break branches of trees and bushes.

    You cannot take eggs from nests.

    Don't light a fire in the forest.

    Do not pick mushrooms, even those that are not edible.

    You must not dig holes or disturb animals.

    In the forest, in nature, it is prohibited to make shouting and noise.

    When relaxing in the forest, do not leave trash behind!

    Plant trees.

Protecting nature is the responsibility of every person.


(Self-assessment using remote controls)

Summary of the class hour

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.And I hope, guys, that each of you will treat it with care.

Since 1600, about 150 animal species have become extinct on our planet, more than half of them in the last 50 years. With few exceptions, all these animals became extinct due to human fault.

Previously, nature always managed to heal wounds. Over time, man began to use nature more and more for his own purposes. And now it has become difficult for her to “heal the wounds” that people inflict. Therefore, many animals and plants are found in nature less and less often, and some have completely disappeared. Unfortunately, human economic activity changes the living conditions of animals and plants. For example, in place of a forest, people build factories, cities, or in place of a meadow they set up a farm. Many plants die in this case. Birds and animals are forced to look for a new place to live. And during this relocation, chicks that have not yet hatched or become strong, as well as young animals, die. Old, weak animals die. Many plants are becoming rare because people pick them for their beautiful flowers. Such plants will not produce fruits and seeds, and, therefore, no offspring. Picked plants quickly wither, but in nature they could delight us for a long time!

This may seem like an exaggeration to some, but the question is really very pressing: if we fail to save our forests, our land, our lakes and rivers, then Russia will inevitably turn into a desert. At the same time, each of us must understand that a lot depends on his attitude today, and if someone thinks that cutting down relict forests and poisoning the air and rivers is, of course, bad, but does not concern him personally, then this , alas, a big mistake.

“To protect nature means to protect the Motherland,” wrote M. Prishvin. It seems to me that this statement is not entirely accurate. Does it follow that we should protect only our native nature, nature as part of our Motherland? But what about nature outside our homeland? It turns out that nature, which is not included in the concept of the Motherland, or is located outside its borders (non-native nature), has no special value and, possibly, can be destroyed.

“Protection of nature” and “protection of the Motherland” cannot be equated. Protecting the Motherland involves more than just protecting nature. This also includes the protection of local cultural monuments, folk traditions, protection from external enemies, protection of economic interests, etc. Moreover, any of the listed areas of protecting the Motherland in some situations may come into conflict with nature conservation. For example, the military proposes, for defensive purposes (to protect the Motherland), to cut down a unique old-growth forest to create an airfield. Nature and its protection do not respect state borders.

The protection of the nature of our Motherland has a thousand-year history; it is reflected in Russian chronicles, decrees, and orders. At first, only animals were protected - the hunting fauna - hunting was the main source of human existence; later, forests, soils, water, air, and fossil resources began to be protected, which reflected the development of human economic activity, the emergence of its diversity, as well as the need to use natural resources for the needs of the country's defense. Even then, a kind of forest reserves, the so-called zaseki, were created. In order to block the path of the advancing enemy.

Through thoughtless farming, man himself created environmental problems. Nature is seriously ill. Some numbers can even be scary. 11 million hectares of forest disappear every year. Many countries are faced with problems of lack of clean fresh water. The most polluted rivers are the Danube, Rhine, Seine, Mississippi, Volga, and Dnieper. The Volga was formerly called Ra, which means joy, the river of the Sun God. From time immemorial it has been the cradle, the bearer of life. And now its water can become a raw material for any chemical plant. Factories that do not have treatment facilities dump all their waste into it, which causes the death of valuable fish species - sturgeon.

Due to human economic activity and excessive hunting, some animals and plants have disappeared forever, and many others have become rare. They are listed in the Red Book. This book is called that because the color red is a danger signal. The Red Book was established by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1966.

"Red Book" - Red!

This means nature is in danger!

This means you can’t waste even a moment

All living things are called to be preserved.

Let him not call in vain

"Red Book".

And the anxiety for life is tireless,

So as not to perish in the cosmic darkness:

All oceans are exhaustible,

Everything on Earth is exhaustible.

We offend forests and fields.

The rivers groan from bitter grievances.

And we forgive ourselves

And we forgive ourselves

But the future will not forgive us.

Caring for nature and anxiety for its fate is what is able to preserve the health and forces of nature not only for contemporaries, but also for many future generations who need green forests, clean rivers and lakes, and especially springs, rainbows over the fields, the singing of a nightingale in the spring, when apple and bird cherry trees bloom.

The remarkable writer and nature connoisseur K. G. Paustovsky wrote: “I will not believe anyone that there are boring places on our earth that do not provide any food for the eye, the ear, or human thought. Only by exploring some piece of our country can one understand how good it is, and how our hearts are attached to every path, spring, and even the timid squeaking of a forest bird.”

Whoever loves and protects nature must be a conscious, cultured person; he will not allow himself to desecrate nature or destroy plants. Every reasonable person must understand for himself, whether he is a simple person or a lover of nature, that it is impossible to use nature spontaneously, without completely preserving it and restoring what was borrowed from it. There is feedback here.

The beauty of the surrounding world is also the beauty of nature. It will remain with us only when we take care of nature and protect it.

Love for the surrounding world, native nature, being an integral part of patriotism.

Leafing through an oral journal, the children complete tasks: “Nature is our home!”; "Guess what kind of puppy this is?" - children draw prohibitory signs that they would hang in the forest; “There, there is news” - interesting information from the life of animals and plants; "You won't believe it"; "Wonder of Nature"; Ecological fairy tale" - the rubyats prepared a fairy tale; "Find the mistake" - poems are given, you need to find the mistakes.



MBOU "Uryum Secondary School" of Tetyushsky Municipal District

Republic of Tatarstan

Oral journal on ecology

“To protect nature means to protect the Motherland”

Head librarian Prytkova Galina Nikolaevna


1. Instill in children a sense of responsibility for their behavior in nature.

2. To develop students’ knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior in nature.

3. Develop a need to communicate with nature.

4. Develop creative thinking and creative abilities.

Equipment and decoration..

Exhibition “How beautiful this world is,” “Wonders of nature,” “Nature asks for mercy.”

Posts : wind, rain, slow music, song “Over the roof of your house”

Magazine with pages. Tokens. Certificates. Present .

An oral journal is held between two teams of grades 5 and 6.

Homework: draw 4 prohibitory signs that the children would hang in the forest. Prepare an environmental fairy tale (no more than 5 minutes)

Ved. Guys, now you will listen to the tape recording. The task for you is this:

1 question. What picture appears before you?

2. What works do you remember when listening to the sound of wind and rain.

Many wonderful works have been written by writers about nature, the beauty and richness of their native land. Writers write their works, artists paint their paintings. (draws attention to the paintings)

Let's look at the exhibition (first shelf) “How beautiful this world is.” There are so many beautiful, amazing corners of nature on earth. You know this well because you often go hiking. And in order for it to always be so beautiful, we must protect it.This is our home, our Motherland.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds.


We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear the rivers speaking slowly...

All this is called nature.

Let's always take care of her!

Sunflower of sunny color,

One that makes everyone happy to live.

All this is called nature,

Let's be friends with nature!

Raindrops are flying, ringing, from the sky,

Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog...

All this is called nature,

Let's give her our hearts!

HOST (1): Dear friends, today we invite you to look through an oral magazine called “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland.”

The first page is called"Nature is our home".

Ved.2 . Our planet is a huge ball. To imagine how large the Earth's population is, it was calculated how long a column of people would be, lined up behind each other's heads. It turned out that the length of this column is enough to circle the globe 50 times.

Ved.1 . We all want to breathe clean air, drink normal water without harmful impurities, eat organic foods, but doing this is becoming more and more difficult every year. This is due to severe environmental pollution. What is the environment? This is a rich and amazing world of plants and animals. This is our native nature.

Nature and homeland are inseparable from each other. It’s not for nothing that these words have one base, one root: pri-ROD-a, ROD-ina.If a person knows how to understand the beauty of nature, he will try not to hurt her.

Ved.2 . Ancient people worshiped Mother Nature. They understood that they were completely dependent on it; man then was very clearly aware that the earth watered him, fed him, gave him shoes, clothed him. And in our time, we increasingly see unkempt fields, mountains of garbage, polluted rivers, dried up lakes, and cut down forests. We breathe poisonous air and eat vegetables and fruits contaminated with toxic substances.

What do you guys think needs to be done to preserve the beauty of nature? How to help our mother nature?

(Children's answers.) (clean up garbage, don't pollute rivers, don't break bushes, don't cut down trees..)

You can save the forest, the garden, the field, the river, and everything that surrounds us if you learn a number of simple rules of behavior in nature. Rules, the implementation of which should become completely natural for each of us. Now we will check how well you know the guide in the forest. ( turn the page)

Page 2."Guess what the sign is**

You were given homework to draw signs that you would hang in the forest.

And everyone else will try to guess what it means.

Today we have two teams of 5th and 6th grade. You show each other your signs, and the other team must guess the rule.

(The players take turns showing the drawn signs. The guys guess.)

1.: Vehicle entry is prohibited.

Vedas: The reasons for such a ban are very serious. Try to name them yourself.

(Children's answers.)

2. Do not break branches of trees and bushes.

Com.2.: A plant is a living being, and its branches and leaves help it breathe, release oxygen into the air, and trap dust. It is no coincidence that where there are many plants, it is easy to breathe.

1.: Do not damage the bark of trees.

Com.1. Understand, they are in pain, they stop growing and die long and painfully, they just can’t talk about it.

2. Do not pick flowers in the forest and meadow.

Com.2. After all, a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to quick death. Let this miracle please the eye, rejuvenate the heart and soul of all who come after us. It is our long-standing habit of picking flowers that has led to the extinction of many plant species. And bouquets can be made from beautiful flowers grown by humans.

1. You cannot take eggs from nests, destroy anthills, dig holes, or disturb forest dwellers.

Com1: If you see small chicks or baby animals in the forest, do not take them with you. No one will create the necessary conditions for children to grow and develop except their parents.

2. Do not light a fire in the forest unless absolutely necessary.

Com.2. And besides, fire pits are wounds in the forest floor. It will take 15-20 years for them to heal. A fire may break out in the forest. You, of course, know how huge natural disasters forest fires sometimes become, especially during droughts.

1: Don't pick mushrooms, even if they're not edible.

Com.1: Often a person, walking through the forest, knocks down fly agarics and other inedible mushrooms with a stick. Anyone who does this does not respect the forest, does not understand and does not love it! Amanitas help pine, spruce, birch and other trees grow. Squirrels, moose, and magpies feed on them. Many fungi are involved in the destruction of plant debris in the forest: they destroy stumps, fallen trunks, fallen branches, and dead foliage. They are forest orderlies!

2 .: When relaxing in the forest, do not forget that you are visiting nature, never leave a mess behind.

Com.2 .: Remember: an abandoned piece of paper decomposes in 2 years, a tin can takes at least 70 years. The plastic bag you leave behind will last for several centuries, since there are no bacteria on Earth that can destroy it. And fragments of a can or bottle can cause harm even after 2000 years. How many people have been injured due to glass that easily cuts through shoes? And in sunny weather, a shard of glass can act as a lens and cause a forest fire.

HOST (1): We found out that you know the rules of behavior in the forest well, so the forest inhabitants will always be happy to welcome you at home.

Page 3 "There-there news**

HOST (2): We are starting an emergency environmental news release. It is estimated that 100 species of plants and animals disappear on Earth every day. The forest area is being reduced by 15 million hectares. Billions of tons of soil turn to dust. 60% of human diseases are derived from the state of environmental stress.

HOST (2): “Conquer nature”, “Don’t expect mercy from nature” - these are the slogans of not so distant times. Many species have disappeared from the richest set of fauna and flora. Even the lily of the valley has become a rarity today and is perceived as some kind of miracle.

HOST (1): The time has come to think about the question: will future generations of earthlings survive? Will children of the 21st century be able to swim in the river, the sea, walk in the forest, see the stars and inhale the scent of flowers?

HOST (2): Industrial enterprises poison the air we breathe. The rivers are polluted with petroleum products and phenol. Car fumes enter our lungs. Toxic substances after burning waste in landfills fly in the air and cause harm to the environment.

HOST 1. By taking away from nature the most beautiful, brightest and most fragrant, we end up robbing ourselves. Just imagine: 5,435 animal species and 5,611 plant species are threatened with extinction in the near future! (Address to the exhibition “Nature asks for mercy)

They need to be saved: hunting for them should be prohibited, protected in nature reserves. People thought that nature was inexhaustible, and they miscalculated. Nature is our home, and we, its inhabitants, must take care of this home.

Page 4 “Believe it or not”

. (Teams are read facts from the life of birds, and they must answer whether it is true or not.)

  1. In Chinese restaurants you can taste the nest of the swiftlet bird, which it makes from its saliva.(Yes.)
  2. The first spring bird is the starling.(No. Rook.)
  3. The peregrine falcon can reach a speed of 300 km/h when catching prey.(Yes.)
  4. Owls are the only birds that have ears. Their hearing is 50 times sharper than that of humans.(Yes.)
  5. The grebe bird escapes from its enemies by plunging into the water like a submarine.(Yes.)

6. The nightjar bird flies at night to herds of cows or goats to feast on milk.(No. It feeds on midges.)

7. The Siberian Crane bird lays only two eggs.(Yes.)

  1. Tits living in Germany and England understand each other, but do not understand what the tits living in India and Afghanistan are saying(Yes.)
  2. The plumage of birds that live in cages becomes brighter.(Vice versa.) There is such a waterfowl - the grebe. During times of danger on the water, she hides the chicks on her back, in her feathers.(Yes.)
  1. In Australian emus, the eggs are incubated by the male. He also raises the hatched chicks.(Yes.)

12. In spring, penguins can fly to a height of up to two meters.(They don't fly.)

  1. Penguins can swim at a speed of 40 km/h, overtaking boats.(Yes.)
  2. The African hoatzin bird has claws on its wings, with which it easily climbs trees.(Yes.)
  3. The dipper bird can run along the river bottom in search of food.(Yes.)
  4. The laughing bird lives in the south of America. She makes sounds similar to human laughter.(No such thing.)
  5. Crossbills hatch chicks in winter.(Yes.)
  6. Would you believe that the bean (from the bean family) is the largest and heaviest of the vegetable seeds. (right. One large bean weighs the same as 300 cabbage seeds, or 600 turnip seeds, or 2000 lettuce seeds)
  7. Do you believe that swollen peas can tear a steamboat in half? (Right. Not far from the shore, a steamship with a hole ran aground. Water leaked into the hold where the sacks of peas lay. The swollen peas felt cramped in the hold. There was a crash. Such strength was in the awakened peas that they tore the steamer in half. This amazing incident was described by the writer K.G. Paustovsky in his book “The Black Sea”.
  8. Do you believe that in the German city of Offenburg there is a monument to the pirate Drake, who is holding a potato bush in his hands, and the foot of the monument is surrounded by garlands of tubers. (Right. The inscription on the monument says that millions of people are grateful to Drake, who was the first to bring potatoes to Europe)
  1. Do you believe that you can not only cook food from pumpkin, but also make bottles, buckets, drums, barrels? (Right. In the Caucasus they make bottles for storing wine from it, in Moldova they pickle cucumbers in it like in a barrel, on the street of a black village there is an orange bucket of water and a tom-tom drum).

Page 6. Wonders of nature Appeal to the exhibition.(wonders of nature are offered that the students found in the forest during hikes; children must come up with a name)

Page 7. Ecological fairy tale (homework)

Page 8. “Find the mistake”

We offer you excerpts from poems by famous poets. Your goal is to find errors and inaccuracies in them from the point of view of the behavior of animals and birds.

  1. And Pleshchev.

The grass is green, the sun is shining

A swallow in the spring flies towards us in the canopy.

I'll give you grains, and you sing a song,

What she brought with her from distant countries.

(Swallows do not peck grain. They are insectivorous birds)

2. The scarlet light of dawn woven over the lake

wood grouse are crying loudly on the forest

An oriole is crying somewhere, burying itself in a hollow

Only I don’t cry - my soul is light. (S. Yesenin)

(The oriole does not live in a hollow, it lives in the bark of an oak tree)

3.And this is a cheerful bird - a tit,

who often steals wheat,

which is stored in a dark closet

in the house that Jack built. (translated by Marshak)

(The tit prefers animal food. Even in cold weather, when things are tough for her, she eats only sunflowers and hemp.)

4. Where is the bird? Where are you, singer?

In a distant land?

You build a nest, and there you sing your song. (V. Zhukovsky)

(Migratory birds build nests and raise chicks only in their homeland. Birds do not give birth to offspring in warm countries).

Page 9. Riddles.

In the summer he follows the plowman, and in the winter he leaves screaming.(Rook.)

A little boy in a gray army jacket sneaks around the yards, collects crumbs, spends the night in the fields, steals hemp.(Sparrow.)

The brothers stood on stilts, looking for food along the way. Whether running or walking, They can’t get off their stilts.(Crane.)

Every year I fly to you, I want to spend the winter with you. And even redder in winter My bright red tie.(Bullfinch.)

Not a king, but wearing a crown, Not a hussar, but wearing spurs. He doesn't look at his watch, But he knows the time.(Rooster.)

There is an awl in front, a fork in the back, a blue cloth on top, a white towel on the bottom.(Martin.)

Winged, loud-mouthed, red flippers.(Goose.)

Mother, father I don’t know, but often

I call. I won’t know the children -

I will sell it to strangers. (Cuckoo.)

Sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by.(Owl.)

Spinning, chirping, busy all day.(Magpie.)

For two, three kilometers I rise and circle. From this huge height I can even see a mouse.(Eagle.)

Over the field, over the swamp I start singing early. And I love to hang by helicopter in the blue air.(Lark.)

This is an old friend of ours: He lives on the roof of the house - Long-legged, long-nosed, Long-necked, voiceless. He flies to hunt for frogs in the swamp.(Stork.)

He is faithful to the sea, like a sailor, the harbinger of the storm...(Albatross.)

I don’t get tired of flying over flowering fields, In the dark sky in the evenings I sing well with my tail.(Snipe.)

Guess who I am? I rise to the clouds, a strange cry of a storm

sea ​​i

I foretell it to the sailors.(Petrel.)

I don’t like to live idle, I get up at five o’clock, I plant cedars with my beak, or oaks in a deep forest.(Jay.)

You are another such bird

you won’t find - Instead of a dog, a helper

in the hunt. (Falcon.)

Page 10. Environmental situations

Guys, environmental situations will now be read to you; you must parse them correctly.

1. A group of teenagers stood by a stream flowing near a new microdistrict and threw stones at the grass and stream. It turns out that the frogs had a period of spring spawning, and the behavior of the frogs caused bewilderment in the guys, a desire to destroy something that was not entirely clear to them. We approached the stream more two: father and son. The man did not shout at the boys. He started telling his son about that occurs in nature in the spring, as tadpoles hatch from eggs, and then frogs. The guys also listened. They slowly let go of the stones from their hands.

a) How can you explain this behavior of the boys near the stream?

b) Evaluate the behavior of the guys.

c) What conclusions should you draw for yourself from this situation?

2. The family returns from the forest. There is a hedgehog in the basket. He snorts angrily and rustles branches. Marina and Sveta glance at the basket every now and then, rejoicing at their find.

a) Did the girls do the right thing by taking the hedgehog home? Why?

b) What would you tell Marina and Sveta about hedgehogs, about their life in urban conditions? (The hedgehog needs special care. It is not adapted to home conditions: girls and their parents will quickly get tired of the hedgehog. The hedgehog should live in the forest, the hedgehog has children, they are waiting for him and will cry alone, and then they may die. Girls should release the hedgehog to freedom.)

c) Does everyone act like Marina and Sveta?

d) What will you do if you find a bird’s nest with chicks in the forest? (You just need to look at the nest from afar, listen to how the mother bird whistles anxiously overhead, and leave.)

Page 11. “Ecotest”

Captains give written answers to questions and receive 1 point for each correct answer. Questions:

1. Your parents asked you to water the flowers in the garden, you:

a) water all the flowers with a hose;

b) water each plant from a watering can;

c) place the turned on hose in the center of the garden and go about your business.

2. When is the best time to water plants?

a) at sunrise;

b) at noon;

c) after sunset.

3. You decided to eat on the beach. What will you do with leftover food?

a) throw them nearby;

b) take it to the trash can;

c) bury it carefully in the sand.

4. There are many spiders in the world. One of them is sliding down the wall next to you. What are you doing?

a) take a slipper and kill;

b) you put it to sleep and take it to the collection;

c) watch where he goes.

Result of the event.

HOST (2): Our planet Earth is in danger. It formed many sick and dying territories. This happened because people built many factories and plants that polluted the atmosphere. Industrial emissions and exhaust gases are harmful to our health. During tanker accidents, tens of thousands of tons of oil are spilled into the waters of the seas and oceans. Numerous tourists leave mountains of garbage behind them.

This is how our beautiful planet is polluted, animals and plants die, people get sick. Nature is dying. The earth is in danger. She needs help!

How can you and I help her??

And for this you just need to really love nature.

(Song “Over the roof of your house” recording)

Ved. Let's count tokens, awards, gifts.

It is no secret that the connection between man and nature is interdependent and inextricable. We largely depend on the climate, the state of the atmosphere, the amount of crops harvested and the purity of the surrounding air. And if we want to survive, we must protect nature.

Nature depends entirely on our attitude towards it. The more industrial waste we dump into rivers and lakes, the more we pollute the atmosphere, the worse the environmental situation on the planet becomes.

A person can protect himself. He builds shelters from the rain, comes up with new farming methods, and isolates himself from the dirty air on the street with air filters.

There is no one to protect nature. And she begins to slowly take revenge on her offender - the man.

In environmentally disadvantaged regions, the number of children who are already born sick is sharply decreasing and growing.

Phenomena are increasingly occurring in the atmosphere that are unusual for certain regions, but that threaten people’s lives. Remember the tornado in the Kaluga region?

The land produces less and less “clean”, independent of the harvest. Do you know how GMOs will affect your descendants? Maybe, if we fail to protect nature from ourselves, in a few decades there will be creatures living on Earth that are only vaguely reminiscent of humans?

Today, more and more scientists are inclined to believe that the biblical stories about people who lived for six hundred years are true. After all, there were no factories then, people didn’t know, they ate clean, natural foods and drank live, not bottled water. Maybe if we can protect nature, our lifespan will increase again to several hundred years?

Humanity is rushing into space. It will happen very soon. People are going to establish a settlement there, because returning to Earth will be impossible. But is there a guarantee that the built colony will not disturb Mars, just as people disturbed the peace of the Earth? Maybe if we fail to protect the nature of our planet, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Earth or Mars, the Cosmos itself will take up arms against us and simply destroy us without a trace?

Let's protect nature to become a truly majestic spacefaring race. To live long. To be strong and healthy.

What does it mean to protect nature? Let us recall a few important points:

  • we need to make our production and agriculture harmless. It is necessary to stop polluting the earth and air, stop toxic waste; do not arrange landfills, but recycle garbage;
  • preserve the natural environment. Create national parks, build nature reserves, develop nature reserves;
  • stop destroying fish, animals and birds, especially their rare species; stop poachers;
  • create safe conditions for your own existence. And for this it is necessary to completely change the worldview of people, to instill in them which is impossible without a common culture.

We do not have the right to destroy anything that we did not take part in creating. We must protect nature to save our lives!

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