Curators of smuggling. Structure of the Russian customs system Catch up from Putin

The Federal Customs Service of Russia is the central body of the executive federal government that directly manages customs affairs in the Russian Federation. He heads, unites and directs the activities of customs authorities. As a federal body, the Federal Customs Service of Russia is responsible for the implementation of the customs policy of the Russian Federation; ensures compliance with customs legislation and other legislation, development, strengthening of the unity of the entire system of customs authorities headed by him. The Federal Customs Service of Russia performs not only the functions of direct management of customs affairs, but also coordination and control functions in this area. In cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as other acts of legislation, the Federal Customs Service of Russia issues, within its competence, acts on customs affairs that are binding on all customs authorities of the Russian Federation, enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, as well as officials and citizens.

The Federal Customs Service of Russia, as a federal executive body, carries out its activities in cooperation with other federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies. In some cases, the Federal Customs Service of Russia may enter into direct relations with officials of enterprises, institutions, organizations, as well as individuals (for example, when officials of the Federal Customs Service of Russia conduct an investigation into smuggling).

The legal status of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, its tasks and functions, rights and obligations, structure are determined in the Labor Code of the Customs Union of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Customs Service of Russia solves all problems arising from the goals of the state customs policy of the Russian Federation.

The structure of the Federal Customs Service includes:

8 main departments:

Main Organizational Inspection Directorate (office of the Chairman of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation);

Main Directorate for Organization of Customs Control;

Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling;

General Directorate of Commodity Nomenclature and Trade Restrictions;

Main Directorate of Logistics Support;

Main Directorate of Federal Customs Revenues;

Main Financial and Economic Department;

Main Directorate of Information Technologies.

11 controls:

Human Resources Department;

Office of Exchange Control;

Customs Cooperation Department;

Business management;

Control and Audit Department;

Legal management;

Department of Internal Security;

Customs Inspection Department;

Department of Customs Statistics and Analysis;

Department of Customs Investigations and Inquiry;

Directorate for the organization of security forces.

Directly subordinate to the Federal Customs Service are the customs houses of central subordination: Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Sheremetyevsk, Central Basic, Central Energy, as well as specialized units: the Russian Customs Academy and the Dog Training Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

The territorial divisions of the FCS are 7 RTUs:

Central Customs Administration (includes 28 local customs: Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow Eastern, Moscow Western, Moscow Northern, Moscow Southern, Noginsk, Oryol, Podolsk, Ryazan, Smolensk , Tambov, Tver, Tula, Shchelkovo, Yaroslavl, Central Excise, Central Operational and Central Rear);

North-Western Customs Administration (includes 23 customs: Arkhangelsk, Bagrationovskaya, Baltic, Velikolukskaya, Vologda, Vyborg, Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad operational, Kingisepp, Kostomuksk, Murmansk, Neman, Novgorod, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Pulkovo, St. Petersburg, Sebezh , Sortavala, Syktyvkar, North-Western Excise, North-Western Operational, North-Western Rear, as well as a specialized unit - the Canine Center of the North-Western Customs);

Southern Customs Administration (includes 20 customs offices: Adygea, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Dagestan, Ingush, Kabardino-Balkarian, Kalmyk, Karachay-Cherkess, Krasnodar, Millerovsk, Mineralovodsk, Novorossiysk, Rostov, North Ossetia, Sochi, Stavropol, Taganrog, Tuapse, Chechen, Southern operational);

Volga Customs Administration (includes 16 customs offices: Bashkortostan, Kirov, Mari, Mordovian, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Penza, Perm, Samara, Saratov, Tatarstan, Tolyatti, Udmurt, Ulyanovsk, Chuvash, Privolzh operational);

Ural Customs Administration (includes 10 customs offices: Ekaterinburg, Koltsovsk, Kurgan, Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk, Chelyabinsk, Yamalo-Nenets, Ural operational);

Siberian Customs Administration (includes 19 customs: Altai, Bratsk, Buryat, Gorno-Altai, Transbaikal, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Naushkinsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tolmachevsk, Tomsk, Tuva, Khakass, Chita, East Siberian operational, Siberian operational, Siberian rear);

Far Eastern Customs Department (includes 16 customs offices: Amur, Birobidzhan, Blagoveshchensk, Vanino, Vladivostok, Grodekovsk, Kamchatka, Magadan, Nakhodka, Sakhalin, Ussuriysk, Khabarovsk, Khasan, Chukotka, Yakutsk, Far Eastern operational).

RTUs manage customs affairs in their region, which is determined by the Federal Customs Service of Russia. The tasks of the RTU include the organization of customs affairs, ensuring timely transfer of customs payments to the federal budget, generalization and analysis of customs practice, development and implementation, within its competence, of measures aimed at ensuring the unity of the customs territory of Russia, its economic security insofar as it relates to customs affairs , the fight against smuggling and other customs offences, organizational, logistical, financial, personnel, social and other support for its activities and the activities of subordinate bodies. RTU is directly subordinate to customs. There are customs offices directly subordinate to the FCS. The tasks of customs include carrying out customs activities in their region, including customs clearance of goods, placing them under a certain customs regime, carrying out customs procedures, collecting customs duties, and customs control. Customs are law enforcement agencies that ensure, within their competence, the implementation of legislation on criminal and administrative proceedings. Customs carries out its activities through customs posts. The structure and staffing number of customs workers are determined by the RTU.

Unlike the FCS, RTU and customs offices, customs posts are not a legal entity (except for special cases determined by special orders of the FCS). The tasks of the customs post include the direct implementation of customs affairs, customs clearance and customs control in the entrusted area, and the fight against administrative offenses in the field of customs affairs. The structure, number of employees, and the head of the customs post are determined by the higher customs office. Customs law. Textbook for universities. / Ed. A.A. Bogomolova - M: Yurayt Publishing Group - M-2011.

The main tasks of the Federal Customs Service of Russia are: determining the most effective methods for implementing tasks in the field of customs affairs in accordance with international standards and the legislation of the Russian Federation. Achieving this goal is ensured by solving the following tasks:

improving the quality of customs regulation, contributing to the creation of conditions for attracting investment into the Russian economy, revenues to the federal budget, protection of domestic producers, protection of intellectual property, and maximum assistance to foreign trade activities;

improvement of customs administration, including the development of a risk management system based on the implementation of customs procedures in accordance with international standards based on the latest achievements in the field of information and management technologies;

strengthening interaction with Russian, foreign and international bodies and organizations in the fight against terrorism, smuggling of weapons, drugs and counterfeit products, as well as in ensuring economic, environmental and radiation safety.

The implementation of these tasks involves ensuring throughout the Russian Federation a stable legal regime for foreign trade, based on the following international principles approved by the World Customs Organization: standardization and improvement of customs legislation, development of norms, rules and procedures taking into account international standards; transparency and predictability.

Customs legislation, norms, rules and procedures in the field of customs affairs are applied consistently; they are unified, generally known and brought to the attention of all interested parties in an accessible form; minimal intervention.

Customs authorities comply with the principles of selectivity and sufficiency of customs control to the maximum extent possible, and apply a risk management system;

customer orientation. Customs administration is aimed at improving the quality of customs procedures in relation to legal entities and individuals as participants in foreign trade activities;

cooperation and partnership. The activities of customs authorities include the development of cooperation with all participants in the foreign trade process, including government agencies, the business community, and customs services of other states;

balance in terms of the relationship between customs controls in the field of security and measures to promote trade development.

The activities of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation will be based on new principles defined in the framework standards for ensuring the security and facilitation of global trade, adopted by the World Customs Organization and approved by the Federal Customs Service.

On the one hand, new approaches to customs administration will be formed, which involve ensuring its high efficiency with external simplicity and speed of clearance of goods and vehicles transported by individuals and legal entities, and on the other hand, these approaches will help solve problems associated with understatement there

Main functions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia: The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation perform the following main functions:

participate in the development of the customs policy of the Russian Federation and implement this policy;

ensure compliance with legislation, control over the implementation of which is entrusted to the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, take measures to protect the rights and interests of citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations in the implementation of customs affairs;

ensure, within their competence, the economic security of the Russian Federation, which is the economic basis of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation;

protect the economic interests of the Russian Federation;

apply means of customs regulation of trade and economic relations;

collect customs duties, taxes and other customs payments;

participate in the development of economic policy measures in relation to goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation, and implement these measures;

ensure compliance with the permitting procedure for the movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

fight against smuggling, violations of customs rules and tax legislation related to goods moved across the customs border of the Russian Federation, suppress illegal trafficking across the customs border of the Russian Federation of narcotic drugs, weapons, objects of artistic, historical and archaeological property of the peoples of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, objects of intellectual property , endangered species of animals and plants, their parts and derivatives, other goods, and also provide assistance in the fight against international terrorism and suppression of illegal interference at Russian Federation airports in the activities of international civil aviation;

carry out and improve customs control and customs clearance, create conditions that facilitate the acceleration of trade turnover across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

maintain customs statistics of foreign trade and special customs statistics of the Russian Federation;

maintain the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity;

promote the development of foreign economic relations of the republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens;

promote the implementation of measures to protect state security, public order, morality of the population, human life and health, protection of animals and plants, protection of the natural environment, protection of the interests of Russian consumers of imported goods;

exercise control over the export of strategic and other materials vital to the interests of the Russian Federation;

carry out currency control within their competence;

ensure the fulfillment of the international obligations of the Russian Federation in terms of customs affairs; participate in the development of international treaties of the Russian Federation affecting customs affairs; carry out cooperation with customs and other competent authorities of foreign states, international organizations dealing with customs issues;

conduct research and consulting in the field of customs affairs; carry out training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in this field for government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations;

provide, in the prescribed manner, the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens with information on customs issues;

implement a unified financial and economic policy, develop the material, technical and social base of customs authorities, create the necessary working conditions for employees of these authorities.

The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation carries out its activities in cooperation with other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and public associations. In its activities, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Customs Union of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees and orders of the Government RF. State bodies and their officials are obliged to assist the customs authorities of the Russian Federation in solving the tasks assigned to them, including by creating appropriate conditions for this.

The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation is directly subordinate to regional customs departments, as well as specialized customs offices (for example, Central Energy Customs, Sheremetyevo Customs, Domodedovo Customs, etc.).

Organizational structure of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Tasks and functions, i.e. The main areas of activity of customs authorities determine the internal structure of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. The organizational structure of the Federal Customs Service of Russia consists of the following elements: the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the apparatus of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, consisting of departments and departments.

Among the structural elements, the leading role belongs to the management, which includes: the chairman, his deputies, and the board of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

The Federal Customs Service of Russia is headed by a chairman, who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation. The Chairman of the Federal Customs Service of Russia exercises general management of the system of customs authorities. He has deputies who are appointed and dismissed upon his recommendation by the Government of the Russian Federation. Responsibilities among deputies are distributed by the chairman of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Chairman of the Federal Customs Service of Russia: At the moment, Andrey Belyaninov is in charge of the activities of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on the principles of unity of command; bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the Federal Customs Service of Russia; represents the Federal Customs Service of Russia and ensures its interaction with other government bodies of the Russian Federation; appoints and dismisses senior employees of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, heads of regional customs departments and customs offices of the Russian Federation, heads of subordinate enterprises, organizations, institutions; establishes the powers of the subordinate customs authorities of the Russian Federation to independently resolve organizational, personnel, financial and other issues; performs other functions and enjoys other rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Chairman of the Federal Customs Service of Russia has the right to delegate certain powers granted to him to subordinate officials.

Members of the board of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (except for persons included in its composition ex officio) are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation upon the proposal of the chairman of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

At its regularly held meetings, the Board considers the most important issues related to the activities of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. At meetings of the board, reports are heard from the heads of the central office of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, other customs authorities, subordinate enterprises, organizations and institutions. Customs law. Training and metodology complex. / Ed. CM. Stepanenko M., 2012.

Federal Customs Service

Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling

Functions of the GUBC

1. participation, within its competence, in the development of measures aimed at ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation in terms of customs affairs, and their implementation.

2. organization and implementation of operational investigative activities, formation of a apparatus of confidential sources for crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

3. combating economic crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

4. combating the smuggling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic, potent, poisonous and toxic substances;

5. identification and suppression of illegal international trafficking of precursors across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

6. combating the smuggling of explosives, radioactive substances, radiation sources, nuclear materials, firearms, explosive devices, ammunition, weapons of mass destruction, their delivery vehicles, other weapons, other military equipment, as well as materials and equipment that can be used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, means of their delivery, other weapons, and other military equipment, in respect of which special rules have been established for movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

7. combating the smuggling of strategically important raw materials;

8. suppression of illegal international trafficking of cultural property, in respect of which special rules have been established for movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

9. suppression of illegal international trafficking in objects of wild flora, fauna and their derivatives, in respect of which special rules have been established for movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

10. identification and suppression of administrative offenses within the competence of customs authorities;

11. interaction with customs and law enforcement authorities of foreign countries, as well as international law enforcement organizations;

12. organization of control and inspection of operational investigative activities of customs authorities;

13. operational-analytical and operational-information support for operational-search activities;

14. implementation of operational monitoring of databases of goods and vehicles moved across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

15. organization of maintaining and maintaining information retrieval systems, operational and reference work;

16. collection, processing and issuance to the management of the Federal Customs Service of Russia of departmental statistics in the areas of operational investigative activities of customs authorities;

17. organization of storage and storage of documentary materials generated as a result of operational investigative activities of operational investigative units of customs authorities in accordance with regulations governing operational investigative activities of customs authorities;

18. implementation of a system of measures to prevent offenses on the part of participants in foreign economic activity and other legal entities and individuals operating in the field of customs affairs, organization and control of preventive work in the operational investigative units of customs authorities;

19. assistance to other law enforcement agencies in carrying out activities to combat organized crime, terrorism, and money laundering;

20. coordination and control over the operational investigative activities carried out by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation to combat smuggling and other crimes within the competence of the customs authorities;

21. coordination of the activities of representative offices of the Federal Customs Service of Russia abroad in the field of execution of international requests in cases of administrative offenses and in connection with conducting operational inspections. Providing methodological and practical assistance to representative offices of the Federal Customs Service of Russia abroad in the implementation of measures of international law enforcement cooperation;

22. information and analytical support for operational and official activities of operational customs offices and operational investigative units of customs authorities fighting smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, generalization and analysis of incoming information on the state of the operational situation, identification of signs of committing crimes included in to the competence of customs authorities;

23. development and implementation of a system of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the fight against crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

24. participation in carrying out operational and technical measures to identify, prevent, suppress and disclose smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, as well as identifying and detaining the persons who committed them;

25. organization and implementation of international, interregional and other controlled deliveries, control over their implementation. Carrying out coordination and interaction during international, interregional and other controlled deliveries with other bodies carrying out operational investigative activities;

26. generalization and analysis of the current practice of carrying out operational investigative activities by operational customs, operational investigative units of customs authorities. Preparation of orientations, methodological recommendations and instructions;

27. involvement of structural units of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia to carry out operational search activities and operations to identify, prevent, suppress and solve crimes within the competence of customs authorities, as well as to identify and detain persons preparing them, committing or having committed;

28. organization and implementation, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, of activities to search for persons who have fled from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court in cases of crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

29. obtaining information about events or actions that pose a threat to the economic security of the Russian Federation;

30. organization, coordination and control of the activities of customs authorities to assist other law enforcement agencies in the fight against international terrorism;

31. organization of planning and control over the implementation of plans, preparation of reports on the results of operational activities in operational customs houses and operational investigative units of customs authorities;

32. organization, within its competence, of the development and implementation of programs and comprehensive plans, carrying out special operations to combat smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, including in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation;

33. participation in the preparation of proposals for improving the customs legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation on operational investigative activities. Participation in the development and improvement of regulatory and other legal acts regulating the organization and implementation of operational investigative activities by operational customs and operational investigative units of customs authorities;

34. providing methodological and practical assistance in organizing information and analytical work and operational monitoring in operational customs houses and operational investigative units of customs authorities;

35. interaction in the implementation of the functions assigned to the Main Directorate with state authorities of the Russian Federation, regulatory authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, individuals and legal entities;

36. ensuring coordination and interaction with customs and law enforcement authorities of foreign states, international competent authorities in the preparation and conduct of joint operational activities, organization and implementation of information exchange;

37. control of compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of citizens when carrying out operational investigative activities by employees of the Main Directorate, operational customs offices and operational investigative units of customs authorities;

38. ensuring timely consideration of proposals, applications, complaints and messages received by the Federal Customs Service of Russia from officials of law enforcement, regulatory and other government bodies, legal entities and individuals on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

39. providing the deputy head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, who oversees the operational investigative work of customs authorities, with information on the status, progress and results of the operational investigative activities of operational customs offices and operational investigative units of customs authorities when they combat smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities organs;

40. participation, within the limits of its competence, together with the Department of Internal Security in ensuring state protection of employees of the Main Directorate, their relatives, persons providing public and secret assistance to operational investigative units of customs authorities, as well as victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings in criminal cases , falling within the competence of customs authorities;

41. participation in investigative teams in criminal investigations;

42. carrying out instructions from the investigator and interrogating officer in criminal cases within the competence of the customs authorities;

43. searching, accumulating and analyzing information about the operational situation in the regions where customs authorities operate, creating and using our own software products, information systems and data banks necessary to perform the functions of the Main Directorate, preparing and sending orientations and guidelines to places;

44. preparation of draft legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on issues of improving the operational investigative activities of customs authorities;

45. providing assistance to the activities of the Regional Communications Center for Law Enforcement Work of the World Customs Organization for the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States “RILO-Moscow”;

46. ​​participation in coordinating the appointment of deputy heads of regional customs departments for law enforcement, heads of operational customs and their deputies, deputy heads of customs for law enforcement, heads of operational investigative units of customs authorities and their deputies, employees of representative offices of the Federal Customs Service of Russia abroad, who are entrusted with organizing interaction with customs and other authorities on law enforcement issues;

47. organization of selection and placement of personnel for service in the operational investigative units of customs authorities;

48. participation in the training, retraining and advanced training of employees of operational customs and operational investigative units of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

49. organization of special training on operational investigative activities; accepting qualification tests from employees of the Main Directorate for admission to carry out operational investigative activities in accordance with regulations governing the operational investigative activities of customs authorities;

50. preparation of proposals to attract, in accordance with the established procedure, to study issues within the competence of the Main Directorate, scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists;

51. implementation of operational storage of documents generated during the activities of the divisions of the Main Directorate.

In accordance with subclause 9.8 of the Regulations on the Federal Customs Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2006 No. 459 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 32, Art. 3569; 2008, No. 17, Art. 1883, No. 24 , Art. 2867, No. 46, Art. 5337; 2009, No. 6, Art. 738, No. 12, Art. 1429; 2010, No. 9, Art. 967, No. 26, Art. 3350, No. 52 (Part 1 ), Art. 7080; 2011, No. 26, Art. 3804; 2012, No. 12, Art. 1410), I order:

1. Approve the attached information about the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling.

2. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated October 30, 2006 No. 1066 “On approval of the Regulations on the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling”, dated August 21, 2009 No. 1536 “On introducing amendments to the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated October 30, 2006 No. 1066", dated October 30, 2009, No. 1975 "On amendments to the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated October 30, 2006, No. 1066."

I reserve control over the execution of this order.

about the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation on the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling was developed on the basis of the Regulation on the Federal Customs Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2006 No. 459.

2. The Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling (hereinafter referred to as the Main Directorate) is an operational structural unit of the central apparatus of the Federal Customs Service, empowered to:

A body carrying out operational investigative activities in order to combat smuggling and other crimes referred to the jurisdiction of customs authorities by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as crimes within the competence of customs authorities), as well as in order to create the necessary conditions for the most effective and high-quality implementation by customs authorities of tasks to protect economic interests and economic security of the Russian Federation;

The body of inquiry for receiving and verifying reports of crimes, drawing up protocols for accepting an oral statement about a crime and surrendering oneself, as well as drawing up reports on the detection of signs of a crime and the performance by authorized officials of urgent investigative actions in criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities;

Identification and suppression of administrative offenses within the competence of customs authorities.

3. The Main Directorate in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, international treaties of the Russian Federation, customs legislation of the Customs Union, legislation of the Russian Federation on customs, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the Federal Customs Service, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, instructions and instructions of the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as these Regulations.

4. The general management of the operational and official activities of the Main Directorate is carried out by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as the deputy head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, who supervises the operational investigative work of customs authorities.

5. The structure and staffing levels of officials of the Main Directorate are approved by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

6. The Main Directorate is headed by the head of the Main Directorate, who reports to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as the deputy head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, who oversees the operational investigative work of customs authorities. In the absence of the head of the Main Directorate, general management of the Main Directorate is carried out by the first deputy head of the Main Directorate, and in his absence - by one of the deputy heads of the Main Directorate in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.

7. The head of the Main Directorate is appointed and dismissed by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. The first deputy head of the Main Directorate, deputy heads of the Main Directorate - heads of services included in the structure of the Main Directorate, as well as other employees of the Main Directorate are appointed and dismissed by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on the proposal of the head of the Main Directorate.

8. The structure of the Main Directorate includes an organizational and inspection service, a service for combating economic crimes, a service for combating drug smuggling, a service for international law enforcement cooperation and an information and analytical service.

9. The structural divisions of the Main Directorate operate on the basis of regulations approved by the head of the Main Directorate.

10. The job responsibilities of employees of the Main Directorate are established by job descriptions approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

11. The Main Directorate is staffed from among persons who meet the established qualification requirements.

12. The work of the Main Directorate is based on current and long-term planning of operational and official activities, taking into account the work plans of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, orders of the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, a combination of collegiality when discussing issues of official activity and unity of command in their resolution, the personal responsibility of each official for the state of affairs at assigned area and for carrying out individual assignments.

13. The Main Directorate carries out its activities in the following areas:

1) protection of economic sovereignty and economic security of the Russian Federation;

2) obtaining information about events or actions that pose a threat to the economic security of the Russian Federation;

3) organization and implementation of operational-search activities in order to combat smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, as well as to identify and identify persons who prepare, commit or have committed them;

4) identification and suppression of administrative offenses within the competence of customs authorities;

5) carrying out the search for persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court, evading criminal punishment;

6) implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of the customs legislation of the Customs Union, the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs by participants in foreign economic activity and persons operating in the field of customs affairs;

7) management of operational investigative units and units for combating drug smuggling of operational customs, customs offices and customs posts, units for combating particularly dangerous types of smuggling, operational and analytical units of operational customs and customs offices, organizational and inspection units, operational accounting units, units for organizing and monitoring the activities of law enforcement units, units for combating customs offenses in maritime transport, units for combating economic customs offenses, units for cooperation with law enforcement agencies of foreign countries of operational customs, special purpose units (special rapid response units of customs and operational customs, units for organizing and monitoring the activities of special rapid response units of operational customs offices) (hereinafter referred to as operational units of customs authorities);

8) receiving and verifying reports of crimes, drawing up protocols for accepting an oral statement of a crime and surrendering, as well as drawing up reports on the discovery of signs of a crime and carrying out urgent investigative actions by authorized officials in criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities;

9) organization and conduct of operational support of criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities;

10) organization of interaction between operational units of customs authorities with other law enforcement and regulatory authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as with international law enforcement organizations on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

11) organization of interaction between operational units of customs authorities and structural units of customs authorities in matters of combating smuggling and other crimes within the competence of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, suppressing economic damage to the interests of the country, eliminating the causes and conditions that impede the maximum replenishment of the state budget revenue;

12) preparation of proposals for the development and improvement of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of customs affairs on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.

14. The Main Directorate carries out activities in other areas of activity in accordance with the orders and instructions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as in cases the need for which is determined by the operational situation.

15. The Main Directorate carries out its activities both directly and through operational customs and operational divisions of customs authorities in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate and in interaction with structural divisions of the central apparatus of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, federal executive authorities, regulatory authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation , local government bodies, public associations, other organizations, legal entities and individuals.

16. The Main Directorate is the subject of international activities of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

17. Office work and measures to ensure secrecy in the Main Directorate are carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

18. When carrying out its activities, the Main Directorate complies with the requirements of legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on issues of ensuring information security.

II. Functions of the Main Directorate

19. The main department performs the following functions:

1) participation, within the limits of their competence, in the development of measures aimed at ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation, and their implementation;

2) obtaining information about events or actions that pose a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation;

3) organization and direct implementation of operational investigative activities, formation of an apparatus of confidential sources, maintaining operational records of crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

4) implementation of general and direct management of operational investigative activities of operational units of customs authorities, control and coordination of such activities within the competence of the Main Directorate;

5) organization, within its competence, of the development and implementation of programs and comprehensive plans, carrying out special operations to combat smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, including in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation;

6) control of compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of citizens when carrying out operational activities by employees of the Main Directorate and operational units of customs authorities;

7) development and implementation of a system of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the fight against crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

8) carrying out operational-technical and operational-search activities aimed at identifying, suppressing, preventing and disclosing smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, as well as identifying and detaining persons who prepare, commit or are committing them;

9) interaction in the implementation of the functions assigned to the Main Directorate with state authorities of the Russian Federation, regulatory authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, individuals and legal entities;

10) organization and storage of documentary materials generated as a result of the operational investigative activities of operational units of customs authorities in accordance with regulations governing the operational investigative activities of customs authorities;

11) implementation of a system of measures to prevent violations of the customs legislation of the Customs Union, the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs by participants in foreign economic activity and persons operating in the field of customs affairs;

12) organization of planning and control of the implementation of plans, preparation of reports on the results of operational activities of operational units of customs authorities;

13) generalization and analysis of the current practice of carrying out operational investigative activities by operational units of customs authorities;

14) involvement in the prescribed manner of structural divisions of customs authorities and institutions under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia to carry out operational investigative activities and operations to identify, prevent, suppress and solve crimes within the competence of customs authorities, as well as to identify and detain persons, those who prepare, perform or have committed them;

15) organization and implementation, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, of measures to search for persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court, evading criminal punishment, in cases of crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

16) providing assistance to other law enforcement agencies in the fight against international terrorism and extremism, as well as in combating corruption;

17) organization, coordination and control of the activities of customs authorities in providing assistance to other law enforcement agencies in the work to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism;

18) participation, within its competence, in ensuring state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings in criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities;

19) organization and implementation of international, interregional and other controlled deliveries, control over their implementation. Carrying out coordination and interaction during international, interregional and other controlled deliveries with other bodies carrying out operational investigative activities;

20) organization and maintenance of centralized operational and reference records and information retrieval systems, operational and reference work necessary to perform the functions assigned to the Main Directorate;

21) collection, processing and presentation of information to the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the areas of operational investigative activities of operational units of customs authorities;

22) providing the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia with information on the status, progress and results of the operational investigative activities of operational units of customs authorities when they combat smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

23) searching, accumulating and analyzing information about the operational situation in the regions where customs authorities operate, creating and using centralized operational reference records, proprietary software products, information systems and data banks necessary to perform the functions of the Main Directorate, preparing and sending orientations to places and methodological instructions;

24) information and analytical support for operational and official activities of operational units of customs authorities fighting smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, generalization and analysis of incoming information on the state of the operational situation, identifying signs of crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

25) providing methodological and practical assistance in organizing information and analytical work in operational units of customs authorities;

26) exercise the powers of the inquiry body to receive and verify reports of crimes, draw up protocols for accepting an oral statement of a crime and surrender, as well as drawing up reports on the detection of signs of a crime and the performance by authorized officials of urgent investigative actions in criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities organs;

27) participation as part of investigative teams in investigations of criminal cases;

28) fulfillment of instructions of the investigator, director, investigative body, investigator, body of inquiry or court ruling in criminal cases and materials of verification of reports of a crime, which are in their proceedings and are assigned by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation to the competence of customs authorities;

29) combating the smuggling of potent, poisonous, poisonous, explosive, radioactive substances, radiation sources, nuclear materials, firearms or their main parts, explosive devices, ammunition, weapons of mass destruction, means of delivery, other weapons, other military equipment, and also materials and equipment that can be used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery vehicles, other weapons, other military equipment, as well as strategically important goods and resources or cultural values;

30) combating the smuggling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their precursors or analogues; plants containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors, or their parts containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors, tools or equipment that are under special control and used for the manufacture of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;

31) combating illegal export from the Russian Federation or transfer of raw materials, materials, equipment, technologies, scientific and technical information, illegal performance of work (provision of services) that can be used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, weapons and military equipment;

32) the fight against the non-return to the territory of the Russian Federation of objects of artistic, historical and archaeological property of the peoples of the Russian Federation and foreign countries;

33) combating non-return of funds in foreign currency from abroad;

34) combating evasion of customs duties levied on an organization or individual;

35) identification and suppression of illegal international trafficking of intellectual property;

36) identification and suppression of administrative offenses within the competence of customs authorities;

37) interaction with customs and law enforcement authorities of foreign countries, as well as international law enforcement organizations;

38) coordination of the activities of representative offices of the Federal Customs Service of Russia abroad in the field of execution of international requests in cases of administrative offenses and in connection with conducting operational inspections. Providing methodological and practical assistance to representative offices of the Federal Customs Service of Russia abroad in the implementation of measures of international law enforcement cooperation;

39) ensuring coordination and interaction with customs and law enforcement authorities of foreign states, international competent authorities in the preparation and conduct of joint operational activities, organization and implementation of information exchange;

40) providing assistance to the activities of the Regional Communications Center for Law Enforcement Work of the World Customs Organization for the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States “RILO-Moscow”;

41) participation in the preparation of proposals for improving the customs legislation of the Customs Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs, the legislation of the Russian Federation on operational investigative activities. Participation in the development and improvement of regulatory and other legal acts regulating the organization and implementation of operational investigative activities by operational units of customs authorities;

42) development (participation in the development) of draft federal laws, legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate;

43) ensuring timely consideration of proposals, applications, complaints and messages received by the Federal Customs Service of Russia from officials of law enforcement, regulatory and other government bodies, legal entities and individuals on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

44) approval of the appointment of deputy heads of regional customs departments for law enforcement, heads of operational customs and their deputies, deputy heads of customs for law enforcement, employees of representative offices of the Federal Customs Service of Russia abroad, who are entrusted with organizing interaction with customs and other authorities on law enforcement issues;

45) organization of selection and placement of personnel for service in operational units of customs authorities;

46) participation in the training, retraining and advanced training of employees of operational units of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

47) organization of special training on operational investigative activities;

48) preparation of proposals to attract, in accordance with the established procedure, to study issues within the competence of the Main Directorate, scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists.

III. Rights of the Main Directorate

20. To perform its functions, the Main Directorate has the right:

1) submit for consideration to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia proposals on issues of legal regulation and implementation of the activities of the Main Directorate, including proposals on the creation, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, of enterprises, organizations, institutions and divisions necessary for carrying out operational investigative activities;

2) carry out operational investigative activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and within the competence of customs authorities;

3) use, in the course of operational-search activities, under a contract or oral agreement, office premises, property of enterprises, institutions, organizations, military units, as well as residential and non-residential premises, vehicles and other property of individuals;

4) use, for the purpose of secrecy, documents that encrypt the identity of officials, the departmental affiliation of divisions, premises and vehicles of customs authorities, as well as the identity of citizens providing assistance to customs authorities;

5) carry out inspections of operational units of customs authorities in accordance with approved plans or on separate instructions from the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

6) exercise the powers of the inquiry body to receive and verify reports of crimes, draw up protocols for accepting an oral statement of a crime and surrender, as well as draw up reports on the detection of signs of a crime and the performance by authorized officials of urgent investigative actions in criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities organs;

7) provide legal entities and individuals with explanations on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

8) request and receive from structural divisions of the central office of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, customs authorities of the Russian Federation and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the necessary statistical, analytical and other data, documents, conclusions and other information necessary for making decisions on issues related to the competence of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the Main Directorate;

9) conduct correspondence with government agencies on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate, in cases determined by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

10) participate in the work of advisory and expert bodies within the competence of the Main Directorate;

11) submit to the management of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in the prescribed manner, the materials necessary for making decisions on the creation of temporary customs control zones, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

12) take part in customs control in the forms and procedures established by the customs legislation of the Customs Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs;

13) implement, within the framework of their competence, programs for the development of customs affairs in the Russian Federation;

14) coordinate the appointment of deputy heads of regional customs departments for law enforcement, heads of operational customs and their deputies, deputy heads of customs for law enforcement, heads of operational units of customs authorities and their deputies, employees of representative offices of the Federal Customs Service of Russia abroad, who are entrusted with organizing interaction with customs and other law enforcement agencies;

15) coordinate in the prescribed manner proposals to change the structure and number of units of customs authorities carrying out operational investigative activities;

16) attract, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to study issues within the competence of the Main Directorate, customs officials, specialists and experts from other federal executive bodies, scientific and other organizations;

17) use departmental information systems in accordance with the established procedure, have access to sources and media of information, create and use their own databases that are necessary to perform the functions assigned to the Main Directorate, create and use local information networks and automated data processing systems, with compliance with the necessary measures to protect information and prevent unauthorized access to it;

18) make proposals on the structure, content and filling of information databases of customs authorities, as well as automated information processing systems used in the implementation of customs control;

19) conduct monitoring of information resources of customs authorities in order to collect information related to issues of operational and official activities of the Main Directorate;

20) enjoy other rights provided for by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

21. Officials of the Main Directorate have the right to freely visit all customs infrastructure facilities, as well as permanent and temporary customs control zones at any time, to perform the functions assigned to the Main Directorate.

22. Officials of the Main Directorate have the right to use physical force, special means and weapons in cases and in the manner provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

IV. Final provisions

23. Head of the Main Department:

1) manages the activities of the Main Directorate on the basis of the principle of unity of command;

2) takes part in meetings of the board of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, meetings held by the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, when considering issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

3) distributes responsibilities among his deputies and establishes the degree of their responsibility for conducting work in the assigned area;

4) ensures the selection and placement of personnel of the Main Directorate, compliance with official discipline;

5) creates conditions for improving the professional training of officials of the Main Directorate and introducing advanced techniques and work methods;

6) submits, in accordance with the established procedure, submissions on the assignment of special ranks to employees of the Main Directorate and their appointment to positions;

7) makes proposals to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on encouraging officials of the Main Directorate and imposing disciplinary sanctions on them;

8) takes measures to ensure the necessary conditions of service for officials of the Main Directorate;

9) approves regulations on services and departments of the Main Directorate;

10) makes, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on sending officials of the Main Directorate on business trips throughout the Russian Federation and foreign business trips;

11) signs documents and organizes, within its competence, verification of their execution on the basis and in pursuance of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

12) interacts (including correspondence) with customs authorities, organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, with structural divisions of other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

13) represents the Main Directorate in state bodies, organizations and institutions in accordance with the established procedure on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

14) approves, within the limits of its competence in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, decisions on the establishment and termination of operational accounting cases, documents for carrying out preventive measures, conducting operational-search and operational-technical measures and establishing cooperative relationships with persons who have agreed to provide assistance to employees of the Main Directorate on a confidential basis;

15) exercises the powers of the deputy head of the investigative body to extend the deadline for considering materials from inspections of reports of crimes carried out by employees of the Main Directorate to 10 days, gives instructions to authorized officials of the Main Directorate to carry out urgent investigative actions and make decisions based on the results of their consideration of reports of crimes in cases and procedures provided for in part 3 of article 144, article 145 and paragraph 3 of part 2 of article 157 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation;

16) makes decisions on the presentation of materials of operational investigative activities for use as evidence to the investigator, the head of the investigative body, the body of inquiry, the court in criminal cases and materials for verifying reports of a crime, which are in their proceedings and classified by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation as competence of customs authorities;

17) approves, within the limits of its competence, the expenditure of allocated financial resources for the implementation of operational investigative activities;

18) performs other functions, enjoys other rights and bears responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

24. The Head of the Main Directorate bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the functions assigned to the Main Directorate, including for the implementation, within the competence of the Main Directorate, of programs, plans and performance indicators of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

25. The assignment to the Main Directorate of functions not provided for by these Regulations, except for special (targeted) instructions from the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the deputy head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, who oversees the operational investigative work of customs authorities, is not allowed.

Document overview

The Regulations on the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling were re-approved.

The department is an operational structural unit of the central apparatus of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

It is vested with the powers of the body conducting operational investigations to combat crimes within the jurisdiction of customs authorities, as well as to create conditions for the most effective and high-quality performance by such bodies of tasks to protect the economic interests and security of Russia.

The department is also the body of inquiry in criminal cases falling within the competence of the customs authorities. It is responsible for receiving and verifying reports of crimes, drawing up protocols for accepting an oral statement of a crime and surrendering, drawing up reports on the detection of signs of a crime and carrying out urgent investigative actions.

Another group of powers is the identification and suppression of administrative offenses within the competence of customs authorities.

The management structure includes 5 services: organizational and inspection, combating economic crimes, combating drug smuggling, international law enforcement cooperation, information and analytical.

Management rights are assigned. The issues of organizing its activities have been resolved.

Who and under what schemes imported illegal goods through St. Petersburg customs

At the beginning of July, noticeable personnel changes took place in the FSB. President Putin replaced the head of one of the key departments - the Economic Security Service (SES). The place of the retired 64-year-old Yuri Yakovlev was taken by Sergei Korolev, who previously headed the Department of Internal Security. The castling also occurred with several key employees.

The chair of the head of the SEB was previously occupied by Alexander Bortnikov, the current director of the FSB.

Previously, it was the special officers who initiated the inspection at the SEB. As a result, Major General Viktor Voronin, who headed Directorate K, left his post. It is responsible for the banking sector, the fight against smuggling and drug trafficking. One of the reasons for Voronin’s resignation was a criminal case in which his subordinate Vadim Uvarov was involved. Data at the disposal of RBC indicate that the interest of law enforcement officers in the FSB officer may be associated with information about the facts of protection of transport and logistics companies in the North-West region, including smugglers.

If this is true, then we are talking about billions of dollars worth of commodity flows. The transport and logistics company ULS Global alone, with which Uvarov was allegedly associated (the company’s customs documents were at the disposal of RBC), annually imported goods worth $2 billion, says a former employee. This means potential payments to the budget should have been $600–750 million.

Scold me from Putin

The agenda of the meeting of the government presidium on June 1, 2009, headed by then Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, did not foretell any sensations. Officials were supposed to discuss the implementation of the federal budget and extra-budgetary funds for 2008, as well as approve the strategy for the development of light industry until 2020.

But suddenly the conversation turned to illegal imports. The prime minister was dissatisfied with the fight against smuggling. “And the result in such cases is going to prison. Where are the landings? - Putin was indignant, remembering that several years ago he dispersed the entire customs management, putting Andrei Belyaninov in charge. "So what? And the channels worked and are still working. There are still goods worth more than $2 billion in one of the markets. They have not yet been destroyed, and there are no owners,” the prime minister continued. Following the meeting, he instructed the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to strengthen the fight against smuggling and counterfeit goods.

After 28 days, Moscow authorities closed the Cherkizovsky market, the largest wholesale base for the sale of clothing and consumer goods. According to law enforcement agencies, 6 thousand containers of smuggled cargo with a total value of $2 billion were stored at the market. The assets of the AST group, a co-owner of the Cherkizovsky market, were soon sold off, and one of the beneficiaries, Telman Ismailov, left for Turkey for some time.

Closing of trade pavilions at the Cherkizovsky market, August 2009
Photo: Andrey Svitaylo/TASS

However, the place of the Cherkizovsky market was soon taken by Sadovod and the Moscow shopping center, according to two customs brokers and a St. Petersburg businessman who imports clothes and shoes. According to RBC's interlocutors, from there wholesalers distribute smuggled goods throughout the country.

As a representative of the Sadovod market told RBC, this information is not true. He said that Rospotrebnadzor and other regulatory authorities regularly check the trading platform and there are no violations in its activities. In addition, the Sadovod administration also monitors compliance with the laws. The first deputy general director of Moscow Trade Center LLC, Angil Ifraimov, says the same thing, adding that if single sellers of questionable products are identified, the administration of the complex itself contacts the customs authorities, the police, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and Rospotrebnadzor. Representatives of both sites emphasize that the trade is carried out by tenants - small and medium-sized businesses.

According to estimates by Igor Ulyanov, executive director of Soyuzlegkoprom (which unites domestic light industry enterprises), the volume of smuggled supplies of light industry goods to Russia in 2015 could amount to 0.5–1 trillion rubles. The problem is confirmed by the head of the National Shoe Union Natalya Demidova. At least 500 million pairs are sold in Russia every year, she says. About 100 million pairs are produced domestically, another 300 million are officially imported. The missing 100 million pairs is the minimum volume of illegal supplies.

"Jerboas" and "overload"

“Half of the Vyborg pensioners make money from this; we call them ‘jerboas,’” says a St. Petersburg entrepreneur who imports clothes and shoes, who requested anonymity. Early in the morning, the “tushkans” cross the Russian-Finnish border in private cars. In Finland, a truck with 20 tons of goods is already waiting for them, which is distributed among two hundred cars, 100 kg per car. Individuals legally transport goods, allegedly for personal needs, without paying duties. Customs post employees help shuttles quickly cross the border. On the Russian side, another truck is waiting for them, into which goods are being loaded. According to RBC’s interlocutor, in a day the “tushkans” manage to make up to three trips back and forth, earning 3 thousand rubles.

Average smugglers practice more complex schemes. For example, a truck with goods, clothing and electronics legally leaves a neighboring country. But at the Russian border, the driver submits to the required customs officer a second set of declarations, from which it follows that the heavy truck is transporting construction materials - a product subject to low customs duty. The inspector allows the car to pass without additional control, x-rays or inspection. The truck is sent to the customs terminal, where customs clearance must take place.

However, along the way, the truck turns into a warehouse. There, seals are broken, clothes and electronics are unloaded, and bricks or crushed stones specified in the declaration are loaded into the car. Having arrived at the customs terminal, the truck goes through customs clearance without any problems. Then the building materials are again taken to the warehouse to replace a new batch of expensive goods. This scheme is called “overloading”; it is described in the resolution to initiate a criminal case for non-payment of customs duties against businessman Dmitry Zarubin from St. Petersburg and his entourage (RBC has a copy of the resolution).

However, smuggling deliveries can be carried out without any “overload”. For example, in March of this year, FSB officers detained containers with elite alcohol declared as adhesive-sealant in the port of Ust-Luga. Searches took place at the Contrail Logistics North-West company, and the famous St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Mikhalchenko was arrested. And at the end of May - in the same Ust-Luga - operatives discovered a shipment of Turkish clothing, described in declarations as construction materials. The cargo trailers arrived on a ferry owned by the Russian-Turkish group ULS Global.

Six months earlier, at Pulkovo airport, the FSB seized 20 tons of iPhones and other equipment delivered under the guise of photo frames. The searches then took place in the offices of the same ULS Global, and the seals of the customs broker ULS-Broker, part of the group, were confiscated, a source in the company told RBC.

How profitable is smuggling?

“On average, payments to the budget when importing light industrial goods into Russia amount to 30–35% of the invoice value of the consignment,” says Galina Balandina, head of the Foreign Economic Activity Support Center. However, the numbers can vary greatly. At the request of RBC, experts from the Foreign Trade Support Center calculated the amount of official taxes on Turkish products (auto parts, coffee makers, furniture, sheepskin coats, clothing) worth $64 thousand according to the invoice in the transit declaration (the goods were traveling through the Baltic states). The result was $56 thousand, that is, almost 90%. Another example is Italian clothing costing $13 thousand. According to calculations by the law firm Eterna Law, payments to the treasury are equal to 183 thousand rubles, or $3.2 thousand, as of the specified date - only 25% of the cost of the goods.

According to several RBC interlocutors involved in the delivery of goods to the North-West region, the cost of a shipment of Turkish clothing and everyday goods in a 20-ton truck is $300–500 thousand. Thus, the budget needs to be paid $90–175 thousand per truck.

Rates for illegal transportation are much lower, and they are not tied to invoices, RBC sources continue. For example, for the import of a 20-ton truck with the same clothes and consumer goods, the importer must pay $45–60 thousand, regardless of the country of origin of the goods. This includes $3 thousand duties on cover goods, $10–12 thousand bribes to representatives of customs authorities, police and the FSB, the rest is the margin of the customs broker.

Sending to nowhere

ULS Global is a large transport and logistics company by the standards of the North-West region. It owns eight cargo planes, 350 cars and a sea ferry. The owners of the group are Russian businessmen Igor Khavronov and Leonid Kuzmin, as well as Turkish citizen Jebrail Karaarslan. According to a former ULS employee, the main logistics scheme looks like this: goods from Turkey, China and European countries are delivered by air to Tallinn, there they are loaded into trucks that go to the Estonian port of Sillamae, and from there they travel by ferry to Ust-Luga, where customs clearance takes place .

“The company - under different guises - has been operating since the beginning of the 2000s, in 2010 it imported up to a thousand trucks a month into Russia, now, after a jump in the exchange rate and a drop in imports, it is 150-200 vehicles,” says a former ULS employee who requested anonymity.

ULS Airlines Cargo aircraft

RBC managed to get acquainted with several hundred transit declarations submitted to Estonian customs for cargo transported by ULS transport in 2012–2015. We are talking about clothes, shoes, fur coats, electronics and everyday goods of Turkish, Chinese and Italian origin. The sender of the goods were various offshore companies, one of the recipients was the St. Petersburg company Promkomplektimport, owned by Kuzmin and Khavronov (it is now liquidated). In 2014 and 2015, goods totaling $24 million, described in almost 200 declarations, were sent to the Russian companies Krona (TIN 7804492052), Hermes (TIN 7810509386) and TK Inkar (TIN 7804492098). However, the first two numbers are not registered in the Unified Register of Legal Entities, that is, such companies have never existed. The third (the company with the same TIN was actually called “Artrade”) was liquidated on January 14, 2014.

“If we were talking about one or two declarations, one could assume a banal error in the TIN. But if this is a mass phenomenon, some kind of illegal scheme was probably used,” says Yuri Stepanov, financial director of BMS Law Firm. Senior lawyer at Herbert Smith Freehills Sergei Eremin reminds that a non-existent company cannot pay customs duties. A possible explanation, the lawyer continues, is that this cargo was imported into Russia to the address of other companies, that is, the accompanying documents changed before crossing the border.

RBC contacted the Federal Customs Service with a request to comment on the situation. They reported that unscrupulous participants in foreign economic activity organize illegal schemes for the import of goods into the territory of the Customs Union, producing and replacing shipping and export documents. The Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling of the Federal Customs Service is taking measures to suppress this activity and identify all those involved.

RBC also asked the Federal Customs Service to report which goods were imported into Russia in the vehicles indicated in the transit declarations on the designated dates (this is the only way to track the substitution of documents). However, customs considered that such information “is of a limited nature and cannot be sent to commercial organizations.”

Co-owner of ULS Igor Khavronov, in a conversation with an RBC correspondent, emphasized that his company only provides transport and has no relation to the senders and recipients of cargo: “We play the role of a taxi and nothing more.” Deliveries to Promkomplektimport, emphasizes Khavronov, were an “absolutely transparent and white business,” and the businessman knows nothing about deliveries to non-existent companies.

A former ULS employee says that of the 150–200 trucks the company imports into Russia every month, half are Turkish goods, 30% are Chinese, 20% are European. The annual cost of supplies, according to his calculations, exceeds $2 billion.

High patrons

A former ULS employee, in a conversation with RBC, suggests that the group could have been patronized by Pavel Smolyarchuk, an operative of the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling (GUBK) of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and Vadim Uvarov, the head of the 7th department (supervises customs) of Directorate “K” of the FSB SEB. In support of these words, a source close to the FSB (about its role below) provided RBC with electronic correspondence that ULS representatives allegedly conducted with Smolyarchuk and Uvarov. These letters were handed over to the FSB by Dmitry Nesterenko, a former partner of the co-owners of ULS on a number of projects. ​

What is "K" control?

Directorate “K” is part of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB. Initially, it oversaw the credit and financial sector, but after the reorganization, the “K” structure included the “N” department, responsible for the fight against smuggling and drug trafficking. That is why “K” now oversees customs. In addition, the SEB includes a department that controls industry (“P”), transport (“T”), as well as the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Emergency Situations (“M”).

One of the participants writes from the address [email protected]. He calls a certain Marchukov his employee (the general director of the ULS-Broker company is called Alexey Marchukov), and one of his companies is Promkomplektimport (owned by Khavronov and Kuzmin). Another addressee [email protected], as can be seen from the letters, he works in customs authorities and is married to Oksana Smolyarchuk.

Address owner [email protected] warns [email protected] about upcoming on-site inspections at Kingisepp (the port of Ust-Luga is in its area of ​​responsibility) and Baltic customs, shares other internal information. A [email protected](allegedly Vadim Uvarov from the FSB) reports [email protected], which of his companies is better not to use temporarily, so as not to fall into the risk zone according to the internal databases of law enforcement agencies. ​“Wise analysts recommend that [the companies] Caravan and BTS stay in the stable until good times,” writes [email protected]. In addition, he helps solve the problem with the already begun check of law enforcement officers of the Promkomplektimport company.

Igor Khavronov told RBC that the address [email protected] is not owned by any ULS employee. The businessman suggests that Dmitry Nesterenko fabricated this correspondence, wanting to take revenge on the owners of the company.

Eliminating a competitor

On the night of September 29, 2015, on the highway between Murmansk and St. Petersburg, investigators with the support of the SOBR detained St. Petersburg businessman, owner of the Cartier boutique and the transport company Logis-Trans, Dmitry Zarubin. The entrepreneur and ten people from his entourage are accused of organizing smuggled deliveries of clothing and equipment from Finland under the “overload” scheme, which became the reason for non-payment of customs duties in the amount of 460 million rubles.

Owner of the Cartier boutique and the transport company Logis-Trans Dmitry Zarubin, May 2010
Photo: Valery Levitin/Kommersant

The businessman, through his lawyers, told RBC that neither he nor his employees were involved in customs declaration of goods. As Zarubin suggests, the real reason for his arrest is competition with ULS and the desire of the co-owners of this company to “squeeze him out of the market.” As a source close to Zarubin clarifies, the owners of ULS did not like the fact that the businessman was transporting goods of Turkish origin from Finland: they allegedly wanted to monopolize the logistics and customs clearance of such products.

The criminal case was based on the report of operative Pavel Smolyarchuk of the Main Directorate of the Federal Customs Service of the Federal Customs Service. Previously, he had already tried to catch Zarubin in the “overload” scheme. In November 2014, a truck from a company close to the businessman crossed the Finnish-Russian border at the Torfyanovka checkpoint and headed to the Yaninsky customs post, but on the way turned into the Murino industrial zone, allegedly due to a malfunction. Suddenly the police and FCS officers appeared there, including Pavel Smolyarchuk. However, no violations were found then.

Zarubin and his entourage - in addition to non-payment of customs duties - are accused of organizing a criminal community (Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). This, unlike the “smuggling clause,” allows them to be kept in custody. The detainees have been sitting in a pre-trial detention center for ten months, including Zarubina’s sister, the mother of a six-month-old child at the time of her arrest.

In the email correspondence released by Nesterenko, a certain DZ, aka Zaruba, is mentioned. Address owner [email protected](presumably Pavel Smolyarchuk) expresses displeasure that this man “dragged through the Finn” part of someone else’s flow of fur coats and expensive clothes. The interlocutors discuss possible connections between DZ and law enforcement agencies. In a letter dated April 1, 2015 [email protected] reports plans to work on Zaruba.

In a conversation with RBC, Igor Khavronov said that neither he nor ULS had anything to do with Zarubin’s arrest.

A fight with a shadow

Smuggling gives importers the opportunity to reduce costs by one and a half to two times when importing Turkish goods and several times when delivering from Europe, follows from the calculations of two customs brokers from St. Petersburg. “The main reason for the popularity of illegal schemes is the prohibitively high duties on light industrial goods,” says one of them. “Officially, this is done to support domestic production, but in fact it only feeds a wide layer of corrupt officials and law enforcement officers.”

Another reason for the spread of smuggling is the lack of a unified base for customs and tax services. This allows imported bricks or tiles to disappear into nowhere, and consumer goods to appear on the balance sheet of importers out of nowhere, adds RBC’s interlocutor.

The head of the Foreign Economic Activity Support Center, Galina Balandina, a retired major general of the customs service, agrees with both arguments. “Duties on the import of light industrial goods are really high. As for the shortcomings of interaction between tax authorities and customs officials, we can recall the old story when the declaration number of one legally imported consignment of goods was indicated by different companies in dozens of invoices, but this did not attract the attention of tax inspectors,” says the expert.

Taking a mediator

On an October evening, an official from the Rosreestr department for St. Petersburg, Boris Avakyan, entered the lobby of the fashionable hotel The St. Regis on Nikolskaya Street in the center of Moscow. I went to an Italian restaurant, sat down at a table, and wrote an SMS to my late interlocutor - Vadim Uvarov from the FSB. Three minutes later he appeared. The men had dinner, drank coffee and left after an hour and a half.

After the meeting, Avakyan wrote a statement to the Internal Security Department (USB) of the FSB. He claims that in the restaurant they talked about Uvarov’s business patronage for a number of St. Petersburg companies involved in customs clearance. The FSB officer allegedly asked for $3 million for this (RBC has a copy of Avakyan’s statement).

Official of the Rosreestr department for St. Petersburg Boris Avakyan
Photo: Alexander Koryakov/Kommersant

A couple of months later, in mid-December 2015, Boris Avakyan handed over 2 million rubles in the lobby of the Metropol Hotel under the control of the FSB Internal Security Service. to the former representative of the Federal Customs Service in Finland, Vyacheslav Naumov. The latter was immediately detained. And two days later, searches took place at Pavel Smolyarchuk’s place, the online publication noted. As of the end of June of this year, investigative actions and operational search activities were carried out in relation to Smolyarchuk and Uvarov aimed at verifying information about their involvement in Naumov’s bribe, says the official response signed by the investigator for particularly important cases of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee Oleg Martynov ( RBC has it) .

The FCS press service reported that repeated checks against Pavel Smolyarchuk did not confirm the fact of official violations; at the moment he continues to perform his duties. The FSB Public Relations Center did not respond to RBC’s request regarding Vadim Uvarov. Boris Avakyan did not comment on his role in this story to RBC, citing the secrecy of the investigation.

Didn't go to the corners

Within the CSS, Naumov’s case is handled by the Sixth Service, one of the most secret structures of the FSB. It was accompanied by high-profile arrests of recent times - governors Nikita Belykh, Vyacheslav Gaizer, Alexander Khoroshavin, and Vladivostok mayor Igor Pushkarev. ​

The sixth service was created in 2008, it has only 35 employees, says an RBC source close to the CSS. “These are guardsmen who work not even for an idea, but for shoulder straps, they have an impeccable reputation, not a single corruption scandal in all their time,” continues RBC’s interlocutor. - People live on 200 thousand rubles. a month, they eat sprats and Belarusian blood sausage, drink vodka and work for days.” But people from the “six,” according to him, get cushy jobs in the state corporation and are provided for for the rest of their lives.

As the same source explains, smuggling and the detention of an intermediary with 2 million rubles. not the level of the Sixth Service, which deals with officials, security forces and control over budgetary funds. But this case was of interest to the special officers, because Vadim Uvarov is important to them as a representative of the FSB and his superiors.

As Rosbalt writes, just a couple of years ago the Economic Security Service of the FSB (which includes the “K” department) and the Internal Security Service were considered friendly structures - for example, they together defeated the influential anti-corruption department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sent its chief Denis Sugrobov and other senior officers to jail . But then the confrontation began, SEB employees began to get involved in the developments of the special officers. According to the agency’s source in the intelligence service, the atmosphere became tense in the summer of 2015, but then the parties somehow “separated into corners.”

Avakyan’s statements against Vadim Uvarov turned out to be very opportune; the CSS also became interested in ULS, continues RBC’s interlocutor close to this department. Special officers studied the correspondence made public by Nesterenko. At the end of May, cargo delivered on the ULS ferry, Turkish clothing, declared as construction materials, was detained in Ust-Luga. The goods are currently being examined, the case is under the personal control of the head of the FSB department for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Alexander Rodionov, says an RBC source, adding that the initiator of the detention was the Sixth Service of the Internal Security Service.

Two interlocutors of RBC in the FSB suggest that one of the reasons for the retirement of the head of the SEB, Yuri Yakovlev, and the resignation of the head of the “K” department, Major General Viktor Voronin, was the criminal case in which Uvarov appears, and operational data on smuggling flows in the North-West region.

Thus, the main result of the fight against smuggling and its protection was the victory of one of the clans within the FSB, sums up an RBC source close to the special officers.

Natalia Telegina, Ilya Rozhdestvensky

IA "RBC" 07.26.16, “The media reported searches in the office of the head of the Federal Customs Service”

FSB operatives came to search the office of the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov, Novaya Gazeta reports. According to the publication, the search is being conducted in connection with the case of alcohol smuggling, in which businessman Dmitry Mikhalchenko is a defendant.

Search in the Mikhalchenko case

Searches are being carried out in the office of the head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Andrei Belyaninov, as well as at the place of work of his ex-adviser Sergei Lobanov. They are led by operatives from the internal security department of the FSB of Russia, writes Novaya Gazeta.

Head of the Federal Customs Service Andrey Belyaninov
Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS

The publication does not specify whether the head of the service was at work at the time the searches began. Lobanov is currently the head of the Arsenal group of companies.

According to the publication, investigative actions are being conducted as part of a criminal case of alcohol smuggling. Its defendants are St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Mikhalchenko and the leaders of Contrail Logistics North-West LLC.

In March 2016, FSB officers detained containers with elite alcohol declared as adhesive-sealant in the port of Ust-Luga. After this, St. Petersburg businessman Mikhalchenko was arrested, and searches were carried out at the Contrail Logistics North-West company.

RBC's interlocutor in the Investigative Committee notes that Mikhalchenko recently actually confirmed the version of law enforcement agencies and admitted the fact of smuggling. The businessman did not admit his guilt, RBC’s source claims: according to Mikhalchenko, he worked under similar schemes for a long time, therefore he considers them legal.

The general director of the holding company, Mikhalchenko, is accused of smuggling alcoholic beverages. An RBC source said that the Baltstroy company, owned by Mikhalchenko, appears in a criminal case of theft in the Russian Ministry of Culture. The director of Baltstroy was also arrested - on charges of embezzlement during the restoration of the Novodevichy Convent.​

Smuggling claims

The search in Belyaninov’s office is connected not only with the criminal case against Mikhalchenko, RBC’s interlocutor, close to the leadership of the FSB, is sure. According to him, Mikhalchenko was not the only businessman who could use illegal schemes for transporting goods across the border in the northwestern direction.

As follows from the customs documents of the ULS Global company, which RBC reviewed, and as a former employee of the company explains, annually ULS Global imported goods worth $2 billion. High-ranking officials of the Federal Customs Service and the FSB could have been involved in this activity. Among them, as stated in the materials of the criminal case, which are at the disposal of RBC, there could be an operative of the main department for combating smuggling of the Federal Customs Service of Russia Pavel Smolyarchuk and the head of the 7th department of the department of the FSB SEB Vadim Uvarov.

In connection with the investigation of this criminal case, the FSB could also have questions for Belyaninov, believes an RBC interlocutor close to the intelligence service. He notes that until recently there was no talk of the resignation of the head of the Federal Customs Service himself, although Belyaninov wrote statements of his own free will for several years. The last time, the interlocutor claims, he wrote such a statement was in early 2016. This information is confirmed by a senior federal official. The resignation letter was not signed, RBC sources say.

As an FSB interlocutor notes, Belyaninov, by threatening to leave his post, tried to gain additional credibility from the country's leadership.

Belyaninov's career

Belyaninov has headed the FCS since 2006. At the beginning of his career, he served in the state security agencies and was an embassy employee in the GDR, where, according to media reports, he met Vladimir Putin. After the collapse of the USSR, Belyaninov worked in commercial structures, and in 2000 became the general director of Rosoboronexport.

In April 2004, Belyaninov headed the Federal Service for Defense Procurement, subordinate to the Ministry of Defense.​

Elizaveta Focht, Ilya Rozhdestvensky, Svetlana Reiter

IA "RBC", 07.26.16, “The media published photographs of searches at the head of the Federal Customs Service”

FSB officers conducted a search in the house of the head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Andrei Belyaninov. According to photographs published by Gazeta.Ru, shoe boxes with money were found in his house
During searches in the homes of the head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Andrei Belyaninov and the head of the Arsenal group of companies Sergei Lobanov, who previously worked as an adviser to Belyaninov, FSB officers found boxes of money and ancient paintings, Gazeta.Ru reports.

One of the photographs of the search in the house of the head of the Federal Customs Service shows eleven paintings that decorate the wall along the stairs leading to the second floor of the house. In another photo, the head of the Federal Customs Service himself is filmed from behind, reaching for the top shelf of an open wardrobe. “The head of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, Andrei Belyaninov, takes out shoe boxes with money from the mezzanine during a search,” the caption to the photo says.

The remaining photographs show stacks of bills of different denominations and in different currencies laid out on the table, bills in shoe boxes, as well as the interiors of several rooms, in particular, the office and the dining room. The publication does not indicate who exactly this money was found with and in whose house these rooms are located. In addition, the caption to the photo with business card holders laid out on the table states that “among the business cards that were found on Andrei Belyaninov, business cards of the arrested businessman Dmitry Mikhalchenko were found.”

On Tuesday, the official representative of the Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin, confirmed that department employees conducted searches in the office of Belyaninov and his two deputies as part of the case of alcohol smuggling, as well as at the place of residence of the head of the Federal Customs Service, as Novaya Gazeta reported in the first half of the day.

The Investigative Committee noted that the case is being investigated under Part 3 of Article 200.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the fact of illegal movement across the customs border of the Customs Union of alcoholic beverages in large quantities and non-payment of mandatory customs duties. As part of it, charges have been brought against the general director of the Forum holding company Dmitry Mikhalchenko, his deputy Boris Korevsky, the deputy general director of ContRail Logistics North-West LLC Anatoly Kindzersky and the director of South-Eastern Trading Company LLC Ilya Pichko.

In addition to searches at Belyaninov’s place, investigative actions were carried out on Tuesday at the place of residence and work of the president of Arsenal Insurance Company LLC, Sergei Lobanov, who, as Markin stated, is the founder of at least 15 different companies, whose activities are closely related to the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

According to a federal official, Belyaninov wrote a resignation letter to President Vladimir Putin at the beginning of the year, but the president did not let him go. “He (Belyaninov - RBC) has been asking for a long time, but now it won’t be possible to leave quietly,” says RBC’s interlocutor. In his opinion, the publication of photographs from the house of the head of the Federal Customs Service is not accidental, but the government has not yet received information from the Kremlin about Belyaninov’s dismissal.​

A source close to the FSB also knows that Belyaninov asked to resign at the beginning of 2016. According to him, the head of the Federal Customs Service did this several times over the past years, but each time Putin left him. Another federal official says that the presidential administration and the government apparatus are waiting for signals from the head of the Kremlin administration, Sergei Ivanov, about the situation in the Federal Customs Service. “The President will most likely make some decision in the near future. After all, we are talking about a department that provides over 30% of federal budget revenues,” he notes.

Government representative Natalya Timakova has not yet responded to RBC’s questions. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, in turn, told TASS that he does not know whether the head of the Federal Customs Service submitted his resignation. An official representative of the Federal Customs Service also told the agency that the agency does not have information about Belyaninov’s statement about leaving of his own free will.

Olga Nadykto, Maxim Tovkaylo



On approval of the Regulations on the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling

Document with changes made:

In accordance with subclause 9.10 of the Regulations on the Federal Customs Service, approved (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 38, Art. 4823, N 45, Art. 5822; 2014, N 37, Art. 4971; 2015, N 2, Art. 491, N 47, art. 6586; 2016, N 17, art. 2399, N 28, art. 4741),
(Preamble as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

I order:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling.

2. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated October 30, 2006 N 1066 “On approval of the Regulations on the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling”, dated August 21, 2009 N 1536 “On introducing amendments to the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated October 30, 2006 N 1066 ", dated October 30, 2009 N 1975 "On amendments to the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated October 30, 2006 N 1066".

3. Consider this order to come into force on May 15, 2013.

The paragraph is excluded - order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238..

4. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia A.A. Seryshev.
(The paragraph was additionally included by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238)

actual state councilor
customs service of the Russian Federation

Application. Regulations on the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations have been developed on the basis of the Regulations on the Federal Customs Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2013 N 809 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 38, Art. 4823, N 45, Art. 5822; 2014, N 37, Art. 4971; 2015, N 2, Art. 491, N 47, Art. 6586; 2016, N 17, Art. 2399, N 28, Art. 4741).
by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

2. The Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling (hereinafter referred to as the Main Directorate) is an operational structural unit of the central apparatus of the Federal Customs Service, empowered to:

- a body carrying out operational investigative activities in order to combat smuggling and other crimes referred to the jurisdiction of customs authorities by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as crimes within the competence of customs authorities), as well as in order to create the necessary conditions for the most effective and high-quality implementation by customs authorities of tasks to protect the economic interests and economic security of the Russian Federation;

- the body of inquiry for receiving and verifying reports of crimes, drawing up protocols for accepting an oral statement about a crime and surrendering oneself, as well as drawing up reports on the detection of signs of a crime and the performance by authorized officials of urgent investigative actions in criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities;

- identification and suppression of administrative offenses within the competence of customs authorities.

3. The Main Directorate in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, acts constituting the law of the Eurasian Economic Union, and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the Federal Customs Service, regulations of the Bank of Russia, regulations and other legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Customs Service of Russia, instructions and instructions of the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as these Regulations.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

4. General management of the operational and official activities of the Main Directorate is carried out by the deputy head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, who supervises the operational and investigative work of customs authorities.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

5. The structure and staffing levels of officials of the Main Directorate are approved by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

6. The Main Directorate is headed by the Head of the Main Directorate, who reports to the Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, who oversees the operational investigative work of customs authorities. In the absence of the head of the Main Directorate, general management of the Main Directorate is carried out by the first deputy head of the Main Directorate, and in his absence - by one of the deputy heads of the Main Directorate in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

7. The head of the Main Directorate is appointed and dismissed by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. The first deputy head of the Main Directorate, deputy heads of the Main Directorate - heads of services included in the structure of the Main Directorate, as well as other employees of the Main Directorate are appointed and dismissed by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on the proposal of the head of the Main Directorate.

8. The structure of the Main Directorate includes an organizational and inspection service, a service for combating economic crimes, a service for combating drug smuggling, a service for international law enforcement cooperation and an information and analytical service.

9. The structural divisions of the Main Directorate operate on the basis of regulations approved by the head of the Main Directorate.

10. The job responsibilities of employees of the Main Directorate are established by job descriptions approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

11. The Main Directorate is staffed from among persons who meet the established qualification requirements.

12. The work of the Main Directorate is based on current and long-term planning of operational and official activities, taking into account the work plans of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, orders of the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, a combination of collegiality when discussing issues of official activity and unity of command in their resolution, the personal responsibility of each official for the state of affairs at assigned area and for carrying out individual assignments.

13. The Main Directorate carries out its activities in the following areas:

1) protection of economic sovereignty and economic security of the Russian Federation;

2) obtaining information about events or actions that pose a threat to the economic security of the Russian Federation;

3) organization and implementation of operational-search activities in order to combat smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, as well as to identify and identify persons who prepare, commit or have committed them;

4) identification and suppression of administrative offenses within the competence of customs authorities;

5) carrying out the search for persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court, evading criminal punishment;

6) implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of acts constituting the law of the Eurasian Economic Union, the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs by participants in foreign economic activity and persons carrying out activities in the field of customs affairs;
by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

7) management of operational investigative units and units for combating drug smuggling of operational customs, customs offices and customs posts, units for combating particularly dangerous types of smuggling, operational and analytical units of operational customs and customs offices, organizational and inspection units, operational accounting units, units for organizing and monitoring the activities of law enforcement units, units for combating customs offenses in maritime transport, units for combating economic customs offenses, units for cooperation with law enforcement agencies of foreign countries of operational customs, special purpose units (special rapid response units of customs and operational customs, units for organizing and monitoring the activities of special rapid response units of operational customs offices) (hereinafter referred to as operational units of customs authorities);

8) receiving and verifying reports of crimes, drawing up protocols for accepting an oral statement of a crime and surrendering, as well as drawing up reports on the discovery of signs of a crime and carrying out urgent investigative actions by authorized officials in criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities;

9) organization and conduct of operational support of criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities;

10) organization of interaction between operational units of customs authorities with other law enforcement and regulatory authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as with international law enforcement organizations on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

11) organization of interaction between operational units of customs authorities and structural units of customs authorities in matters of combating smuggling and other crimes within the competence of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, suppressing economic damage to the interests of the country, eliminating the causes and conditions that impede the maximum replenishment of the state budget revenue;

12) preparation of proposals for the development and improvement of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of customs affairs on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

13) organization of interaction between operational units of customs authorities with customs and other competent law enforcement authorities of foreign states, international organizations on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;
by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238)

14) coordination of international activities of operational units of customs authorities with other law enforcement and regulatory authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as international law enforcement organizations on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;
(The subparagraph was additionally included by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238)

15) coordination of the activities of representative offices (representatives) of the customs service of the Russian Federation in foreign countries in terms of law enforcement cooperation.
(The subparagraph was additionally included by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238)

14. The Main Directorate carries out activities in other areas of activity in accordance with the orders and instructions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, as well as in cases the need for which is determined by the operational situation.

15. The Main Directorate carries out its activities both directly and through operational customs and operational divisions of customs authorities in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate and in interaction with structural divisions of the central apparatus of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, federal executive authorities, regulatory authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation , local government bodies, public associations, other organizations, legal entities and individuals.

16. The Main Directorate is the subject of international activities of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

17. Office work and measures to ensure secrecy in the Main Directorate are carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

18. When carrying out its activities, the Main Directorate complies with the requirements of legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on issues of ensuring information security.

II. Functions of the Main Directorate

19. The main department performs the following functions:

1) participation, within the limits of their competence, in the development of measures aimed at ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation, and their implementation;

2) obtaining information about events or actions that pose a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation;

3) organization and direct implementation of operational investigative activities, formation of an apparatus of confidential sources, maintaining operational records of crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

4) implementation of general and direct management of operational investigative activities of operational units of customs authorities, control and coordination of such activities within the competence of the Main Directorate;

5) organization, within its competence, of the development and implementation of programs and comprehensive plans, carrying out special operations to combat smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, including in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation;

6) control of compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of citizens when carrying out operational activities by employees of the Main Directorate and operational units of customs authorities;

7) development and implementation of a system of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the fight against crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

8) carrying out operational-technical and operational-search activities aimed at identifying, suppressing, preventing and disclosing smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, as well as identifying and detaining persons who prepare, commit or are committing them;

9) interaction in the implementation of the functions assigned to the Main Directorate with state authorities of the Russian Federation, regulatory authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, individuals and legal entities;

10) organization and storage of documentary materials generated as a result of the operational investigative activities of operational units of customs authorities in accordance with regulations governing the operational investigative activities of customs authorities;

11) implementation of a system of measures to prevent violations of acts constituting the law of the Eurasian Economic Union, the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs by participants in foreign economic activity and persons operating in the field of customs affairs;
(Subclause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

12) organization of planning and control of the implementation of plans, preparation of reports on the results of operational activities of operational units of customs authorities;

13) generalization and analysis of the current practice of carrying out operational investigative activities by operational units of customs authorities;

14) involvement in the prescribed manner of structural divisions of customs authorities and institutions under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia to carry out operational investigative activities and operations to identify, prevent, suppress and solve crimes within the competence of customs authorities, as well as to identify and detain persons, those who prepare, perform or have committed them;

15) organization and implementation, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, of measures to search for persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court, evading criminal punishment, in cases of crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

16) providing assistance to other law enforcement agencies in the fight against international terrorism and extremism, as well as in combating corruption;

17) organization, coordination and control of the activities of customs authorities in providing assistance to other law enforcement agencies in the work to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism;

18) participation, within its competence, in ensuring state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings in criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities;

19) organization and implementation of international, interregional and other controlled deliveries, control over their implementation. Carrying out coordination and interaction during international, interregional and other controlled deliveries with other bodies carrying out operational investigative activities;

20) organization and maintenance of centralized operational and reference records and information retrieval systems, operational and reference work necessary to perform the functions assigned to the Main Directorate;

21) collection, processing and presentation of information to the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in the areas of operational investigative activities of operational units of customs authorities;

22) providing the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia with information on the status, progress and results of the operational investigative activities of operational units of customs authorities when they combat smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

23) searching, accumulating and analyzing information about the operational situation in the regions where customs authorities operate, creating and using centralized operational reference records, proprietary software products, information systems and data banks necessary to perform the functions of the Main Directorate, preparing and sending orientations to places and methodological instructions;

24) information and analytical support for operational and official activities of operational units of customs authorities fighting smuggling and other crimes within the competence of customs authorities, generalization and analysis of incoming information on the state of the operational situation, identifying signs of crimes within the competence of customs authorities;

25) providing methodological and practical assistance in organizing information and analytical work in operational units of customs authorities;

26) exercise the powers of the inquiry body to receive and verify reports of crimes, draw up protocols for accepting an oral statement of a crime and surrender, as well as drawing up reports on the detection of signs of a crime and the performance by authorized officials of urgent investigative actions in criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities organs;

27) participation as part of investigative teams in investigations of criminal cases;

28) fulfilling the instructions of the investigator, the head of the investigative body, the inquirer, the body of inquiry or the court ruling in criminal cases and materials of verification of reports of a crime, which are in their proceedings and referred to the competence of customs authorities by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation;

29) combating the smuggling of potent, poisonous, poisonous, explosive, radioactive substances, radiation sources, nuclear materials, firearms or their main parts, explosive devices, ammunition, weapons of mass destruction, means of delivery, other weapons, other military equipment, and also materials and equipment that can be used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery vehicles, other weapons, other military equipment, as well as strategically important goods and resources or cultural values;

30) combating the smuggling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their precursors or analogues, plants containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors, or their parts containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors, instruments or equipment under special control and used for the manufacture of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;

31) combating illegal export from the Russian Federation or transfer of raw materials, materials, equipment, technologies, scientific and technical information, illegal performance of work (provision of services) that can be used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, weapons and military equipment;

32) the fight against the non-return to the territory of the Russian Federation of objects of artistic, historical and archaeological property of the peoples of the Russian Federation and foreign countries;

33) combating non-return of funds in foreign currency from abroad;

34) combating evasion of customs duties levied on an organization or individual;

35) identification and suppression of illegal international trafficking of intellectual property;

36) identification and suppression of administrative offenses within the competence of customs authorities;

37) interaction with customs and law enforcement authorities of foreign countries, as well as international law enforcement organizations;

38) coordination of the activities of representative offices of the Federal Customs Service of Russia abroad in the field of execution of international requests in cases of administrative offenses and in connection with conducting operational inspections. Providing methodological and practical assistance to representative offices of the Federal Customs Service of Russia abroad in the implementation of measures of international law enforcement cooperation;

39) ensuring coordination and interaction with customs and law enforcement authorities of foreign states, international competent authorities in the preparation and conduct of joint operational activities, organization and implementation of information exchange;

40) providing assistance to the activities of the Regional Communications Center for Law Enforcement Work of the World Customs Organization for the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States "RILO-Moscow";

41) participation in the preparation of proposals for improving the acts that constitute the law of the Eurasian Economic Union, and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs, the legislation of the Russian Federation on operational investigative activities. Participation in the development and improvement of regulatory and other legal acts regulating the organization and implementation of operational investigative activities by operational units of customs authorities;
(Subclause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

42) development (participation in the development) of draft federal laws, legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the areas of activity of the Main Directorate;

43) ensuring timely consideration of proposals, applications, complaints and messages received by the Federal Customs Service of Russia from officials of law enforcement, regulatory and other government bodies, legal entities and individuals on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

44) approval of the appointment to a position, the conclusion of a contract for service in customs authorities for a new term and the dismissal from office (except for dismissal at the initiative of a customs authority employee) of deputy heads of regional customs departments - heads of operational customs, deputy heads of operational customs supervising the areas of activity of the Chief departments, deputy heads of customs, coordinating and monitoring the activities of law enforcement units, heads of operational units of customs authorities, officials of representative offices of the customs service of the Russian Federation in foreign countries, who are entrusted with organizing interaction with customs and other authorities on law enforcement issues;
(Subclause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 13, 2017 N 1471.

45) organization of selection and placement of personnel for service in operational units of customs authorities;

46) participation in the training, retraining and advanced training of employees of operational units of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

47) organization of special training on operational investigative activities;

48) preparation of proposals to attract, in accordance with the established procedure, to study issues within the competence of the Main Directorate, scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists;

49) participation in organizing the application and monitoring the use of the risk management system on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.
(The subparagraph was additionally included by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238)

III. Rights of the Main Directorate

20. To perform its functions, the Main Directorate has the right:

1) submit for consideration to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia proposals on issues of legal regulation and implementation of the activities of the Main Directorate, including proposals on the creation, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, of enterprises, organizations, institutions and divisions necessary for carrying out operational investigative activities;

2) carry out operational investigative activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and within the competence of customs authorities;

3) use, in the course of operational-search activities, under a contract or oral agreement, office premises, property of enterprises, institutions, organizations, military units, as well as residential and non-residential premises, vehicles and other property of individuals;

4) use, for the purpose of secrecy, documents that encrypt the identity of officials, the departmental affiliation of divisions, premises and vehicles of customs authorities, as well as the identity of citizens providing assistance to customs authorities;

5) carry out inspection and functional inspections of operational units of customs authorities in accordance with approved plans or on separate instructions from the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;
(Subclause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

6) exercise the powers of the inquiry body to receive and verify reports of crimes, draw up protocols for accepting an oral statement of a crime and surrender, as well as draw up reports on the detection of signs of a crime and the performance by authorized officials of urgent investigative actions in criminal cases within the competence of customs authorities organs;

7) provide legal entities and individuals with explanations on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

8) request and receive from structural divisions of the central office of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, customs authorities of the Russian Federation and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the necessary statistical, analytical and other data, documents, conclusions and other information necessary for making decisions on issues related to the competence of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the Main Directorate;

9) conduct correspondence with government agencies on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate, in cases determined by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

10) participate in the work of advisory and expert bodies within the competence of the Main Directorate;

11) submit to the management of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in the prescribed manner, the materials necessary for making decisions on the creation of temporary customs control zones, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

12) take part in customs control in the forms and procedures established by the acts constituting the law of the Eurasian Economic Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs;
(Subclause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

13) implement, within the framework of their competence, programs for the development of customs affairs in the Russian Federation;

14) coordinate the appointment to a position, the conclusion of a contract for service in the customs authorities for a new term and the dismissal from office (except for dismissal on the initiative of a customs authority employee) of deputy heads of regional customs departments - heads of operational customs, deputy heads of operational customs supervising the areas of activity of the Chief departments, deputy heads of customs, coordinating and monitoring the activities of law enforcement units, heads of operational units of customs authorities, officials of representative offices of the customs service of the Russian Federation in foreign countries, who are entrusted with organizing interaction with customs and other authorities on law enforcement issues;
(Subclause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 13, 2017 N 1471.

15) coordinate in the prescribed manner proposals to change the structure and number of units of customs authorities carrying out operational investigative activities;

16) attract, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to study issues within the competence of the Main Directorate, customs officials, specialists and experts from other federal executive bodies, scientific and other organizations;

17) use departmental information systems in accordance with the established procedure, have access to sources and media of information, create and use their own databases that are necessary to perform the functions assigned to the Main Directorate, create and use local information networks and automated data processing systems, with compliance with the necessary measures to protect information and prevent unauthorized access to it;

18) make proposals on the structure, content and filling of information databases of customs authorities, as well as automated information processing systems used in the implementation of customs control;

19) conduct monitoring of information resources of customs authorities in order to collect information related to issues of operational and official activities of the Main Directorate;

20) enjoy other rights provided for by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

21) represent, in the prescribed manner, the interests of the Federal Customs Service of Russia in state bodies, local government bodies, customs and other competent authorities of foreign states, international organizations on issues of law enforcement activities falling within the competence of the Main Directorate;
(The subparagraph was additionally included by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238)

22) conduct correspondence in the prescribed manner with government bodies of foreign states and international organizations on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;
(The subparagraph was additionally included by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238)

23) organize and conduct official inspections on facts of improper performance of official duties by officials of operational units of customs authorities within the competence of the Main Directorate;
(The subparagraph was additionally included by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238)

24) take part in the analysis and consideration of the technical capabilities of product samples to identify (determine quantitative and qualitative indicators) of goods planned for purchase for the needs of customs authorities;
(The subparagraph was additionally included by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 13, 2017 N 1471)

25) participate in the consideration and approval of annual applications of customs authorities for information and technical equipment;
(The subparagraph was additionally included by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 13, 2017 N 1471)

26) take part in the development and approval of additional professional programs of additional vocational education implemented by the state government educational institution of higher education "Russian Customs Academy" and its branches on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate.
(The subparagraph was additionally included by order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated September 13, 2017 N 1471)

21. Officials of the Main Directorate have the right to freely visit all customs infrastructure facilities, as well as permanent and temporary customs control zones at any time, to perform the functions assigned to the Main Directorate.

22. Officials of the Main Directorate have the right to use physical force, special means and weapons in cases and in the manner provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

IV. Final provisions

23. Head of the Main Department:

1) manages the activities of the Main Directorate on the basis of the principle of unity of command;

2) takes part in meetings of the board of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, meetings held by the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, when considering issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

3) distributes responsibilities among his deputies and establishes the degree of their responsibility for conducting work in the assigned area;

4) ensures the selection and placement of personnel of the Main Directorate, compliance with official discipline;

5) creates conditions for improving the professional training of officials of the Main Directorate and introducing advanced techniques and work methods;

6) submits, in accordance with the established procedure, submissions on the assignment of special ranks to employees of the Main Directorate and their appointment to positions;

7) makes proposals to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on encouraging officials of the Main Directorate and imposing disciplinary sanctions on them;

8) takes measures to ensure the necessary conditions of service for officials of the Main Directorate;

9) approves regulations on services and departments of the Main Directorate;

10) makes, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals to the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on sending officials of the Main Directorate on business trips throughout the Russian Federation and foreign business trips;

11) signs documents and organizes, within its competence, verification of their execution on the basis and in pursuance of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

12) interacts (including correspondence) with customs authorities, organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, with structural divisions of other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

13) represents the Main Directorate in state bodies, organizations and institutions in accordance with the established procedure on issues within the competence of the Main Directorate;

14) approves, within the limits of its competence in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, decisions on the establishment and termination of operational accounting cases, documents for carrying out preventive measures, conducting operational-search and operational-technical measures and establishing cooperative relationships with persons who have agreed to provide assistance to employees of the Main Directorate on a confidential basis;

15) exercises the powers of the deputy head of the investigative body to extend the deadline for considering materials from inspections of reports of crimes carried out by employees of the Main Directorate to 10 days, gives instructions to authorized officials of the Main Directorate to carry out urgent investigative actions and make decisions based on the results of their consideration of reports of crimes in cases and procedures provided for in part 3 of article 144, article 145 and paragraph 3 of part 2 of article 157 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation;

16) makes decisions on the presentation of materials of operational investigative activities for use as evidence to the investigator, the head of the investigative body, the body of inquiry, the court in criminal cases and materials for verifying reports of a crime, which are in their proceedings and classified by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation as competence of customs authorities;

17) makes a decision on the expenditure of financial resources allocated for the implementation of operational investigative activities, in agreement with the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;
(Subclause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

18) performs other functions, enjoys other rights and bears responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory and other legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

24. The Head of the Main Directorate bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the functions assigned to the Main Directorate, including for the implementation, within the competence of the Main Directorate, of programs, plans and performance indicators of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

25. The assignment to the Main Directorate of functions not provided for by these Regulations, except for special (targeted) instructions from the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, is not allowed.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated February 14, 2017 N 238.

Head of the Main Department
V.S. Mironov

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

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