Four stories about contacts with a brownie

The brownie is a home spirit, the owner and patron of the house. He can be both kind, sometimes even funny and amusing, and evil with his own hidden intentions. It is better to never offend brownies and under no circumstances try to drive them out of the house - this can lead to terrible trouble! Try to live with them on warm, friendly terms. Here you can read stories about brownies from real life. If you have ever crossed paths with a brownie in your apartment, house or other place, send us your story, we will definitely publish it on the website.

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There is something in every house, someone lives in every house. What can I tell you? I had a period when the brownie and I quarreled very strongly. It happened in Chita ten years ago. He strangled me at night. You sleep at night and realize...

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In the Bulgakov House Museum there lives a sweet young brownie named Behemoth, who recently turned 95 years old. He is small in height - only 20 centimeters. The body is covered with good, thick, dark gray fur. The pride of a brownie is a long tail with a huge fluffy...

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My life story - How a brownie moved from Moscow to Australia Once in Sydney I had an unusual dream. It’s as if I came to Moscow to visit my parents and was met with a supernatural request - the brownies asked to take me to Australia. Mom and dad, delighted by their daughter’s long-awaited visit, hurried to the store to buy some delicious food, and I, tired from the road, decided to rest and lay down on the sofa. But I still couldn’t fall asleep. Before I had time to lay my head on the pillow, I immediately heard rustling and some kind of fuss in the old closet in the hallway. At first I thought that my parents had returned home, but then the door carefully opened slightly, and two small strange creatures entered the room, dressed in old-fashioned red caftans, and on their tiny faces there was such timidity and shyness that all fear of an unusual visit immediately disappeared. Walking quietly on the carpet, the creatures carefully approached the sofa and, as if gathering their thoughts, thoughtfully scratched their heads and stood still, not daring to speak. One, who looked younger, kept nudging his older comrade with his elbow, inviting him to start the conversation. Realizing that they needed something from me and unable to bear the prolonged silence, I decided to speak first: “As I understand, you are brownies, and I am not at all afraid of you, but on the contrary, I am ready to discuss your problem.” After all, you want something from me? They nodded their little heads in unison and the older one said: “My brother wants to go with you to Australia.” Will you please pick him up? - I would love to, just what should a Russian brownie do in Australia? The language is English, and everything is different there. Suddenly you don't like it. What the older one says: “Nothing, firstly, his roots are not Russian, he’s not used to being in a foreign land.” And, secondly, he really wants to go with you, it’s warm in Australia, but here he’s very cold. Wow, I think how busy he is for his brother. And the one who wants to leave illegally is silent, worried, what if I don’t agree. After thinking a little, I answer: “Well, okay, let him go.” But how can I take him? The path is not close. And the brownie, worried about the fate of his brother, eagerly explained: “When you leave, take some warm and woolen thing, for example, a scarf or a sweater.” Invite my brother into it, and then just roll it up and put it in your suitcase. And when you arrive in Sydney, take the item out and put it in the closet. - An interesting method for delivering a brownie. The main thing is simple. I’ll do well,” I agreed. The brownies went back into the closet overjoyed. In the morning I woke up and was surprised by the strange dream and the mysterious request of the brownies. It’s like a dream, but it feels like everything really happened. The night before, I called Moscow and confirmed to my parents that the issue with the vacation had been resolved and in two months I would be at my father’s house. Did the brownies really hear the conversation and decide in such an unusual way to ask for the transportation of one of the brownies? I learned that there was a brownie living in our house as a child. But I didn’t think that even two homemakers live with us. I first saw a brownie when I was eight or nine years old. This happened on a January night. I suddenly woke up at night from the cold, and was surprised to find that my entire blanket had slipped down to my feet. I tried to pull him up and hide, but it was as if something was holding him tightly. I pulled it with all my might, and at the same moment something fell to the floor. At first I thought that it was my sister who threw her bag on the bed before going to bed, but what was my surprise when this supposed “bag” suddenly ran! A small furry creature the size of a cat ran right past my bed towards the corridor. I screamed in horror, waking up my household. - This is a brownie. “He is good, kind, and takes care of our home,” my mother reassured me. And it really does protect. Because a year later, he saved our house and saved our lives. One day in the middle of the night I suddenly wake up. As if someone woke me up, but I don’t understand who. There is silence in the house. My sister is sleeping on the next bed, and there is not a sound in my parents’ room. Surprisingly, who woke me up then? Suddenly I hear a crash behind the TV. One spark, another. Then I see a fire blazing behind the iron wall of the lamp black and white Record. I jumped up and rushed to wake everyone up. Dad immediately turned off the TV and covered him with a blanket. Many years have passed since then, our old house was demolished, and we moved to a new house, and took the brownies with us. And then, I moved to the distant but evergreen Fifth Continent... I fulfilled the brownie’s request. She arrived as she promised her parents that same year, and on the eve of departure she prepared a woolen sweater. As the brownies taught me in a dream, I did everything just like that. But then, unexpectedly for June, the weather suddenly deteriorated, it became cold, and in the morning I wanted to resolve some other matters before the trip. She opened her suitcase and began to take out her sweater. Suddenly something rustled in my hands and rushed into the corner towards a stack of old books. I apologized to the brownie and promised to repeat everything again in the evening. I must have completely forgotten that it migrated home to my sweater. In Australia, the brownie is happy. You know how I noticed this. In the morning I went to work, thoroughly cleaning the apartment, and in the evening I came back and there was a dent on the sofa cushion. The soft surface accurately captured the contour of a small face. The sofa is located just opposite the wide window, just where the daytime sun rays fall. Apparently the lover of warmth, the brownie, was sleeping soundly and enjoying himself.

A story about a brownie for younger schoolchildren

Children of different school ages about the brownie

Brownie - talisman and amulet of the house

Egorova Galina Vasilievna.
Position and place of work: teacher of home education, KGBOU "Motyginskaya comprehensive boarding school", Motygino village, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Description of material: This story is written for children of primary school age 8 - 12 years. This material may be useful and interesting for primary and secondary teachers. This story can be used in thematic classes for children in grades 2 - 5, or for reading with the family at their leisure. The story briefly summarizes information about the brownie.
Target: Forming an idea of ​​the useful qualities of a brownie through a story.
- educational: talk about the useful abilities of a brownie;
- developing: develop attention, memory, imagination, speech, vocabulary, curiosity;
- educational: cultivate interest in the history of brownies and the world around them.
Probably every house has its own brownie. And I also have my favorite keepers of peace and good atmosphere in the house.

When people hear about him, the image of a small, shaggy and funny creature always appears in their heads. Who is he really?
In the modern world, it is believed that the brownie is a special energy about a meter high. Over time, it becomes similar to its residents who live together for a long time. Some magicians believe that the age of the brownie can reach 500-600 years.
This is surprising, but it is believed that brownies, like people, have their own holiday. For them, New Year is on the night of February 10-11. At this time, it is advisable to congratulate your brownie and his family on the holiday. They also write that all brownies sleep in winter and only wake up on New Year’s Eve to take a walk and have some fun.
No one will be able to see a brownie, and you shouldn’t want to. They say that this is not good.
The brownie can also feel damage approaching the house. As soon as a person with bad intentions comes into your house, the brownie begins to worry and tell you about the guest’s evil intentions. If you do not feel these clues, then he attracts your attention in other ways: a plate may break, or clothes will rip, or something will spill on the table. This is how the brownie calls on your vigilance - pay attention to this person!
A brownie can destroy bad energy in the house. But he can also play pranks. Probably everyone in their life has put something in a prominent place, and then could not find this thing. At the same time, the brownie does not cause much harm. You need to kindly and respectfully ask him to put the thing back in its place. And he will definitely return!
It is believed that if you have a good relationship with your brownie, then he will protect you and your home from evil spirits, damage and all kinds of misfortune.
The brownie gets very used to his home and it is very difficult to move him to a new place. When moving, it is very important and necessary to lure the brownie into a new home. Otherwise, he will remain in his old place, will be sad and yearning. And the owner himself cannot be happy in a new house without his brownie.
Don't forget these funny, but very defenseless fairy friends!

Moving Brownie

I realized a long time ago that brownies exist. And I was often convinced of this. Here is just one example.

When I was 16 years old, my father built a new house next to the old one. We started moving things around, but we haven’t finally moved there yet.

And then the neighbor’s grandmother called me over to say something important. Since childhood, I listened with great pleasure to her extraordinary stories.

The old lady told me:

- Call the brownie with you. Take a chip from the new house, walk around the old one three times with the words: “Brownie, brownie, come to the new house with me.” And he will listen to you.

My parents were atheists. The authorities strictly prohibited obscurantism. I, sneaking, secretly from my parents, performed the ritual, and threw a sliver of wood into the basement window of the new house.

And so we finally moved for good. I now had my own room! How joyful it is to lie down in the evening with a book in your hands and enjoy the peace when no one forces you to turn off the lights because your parents have to go to work early.

Our cat Murka, whom I bought 10 years ago for 15 kopecks, always slept at my feet. It was about midnight. Suddenly I heard some rustling in the basement. Murka jumped up, arched her back and hissed. I listened. Some commotion was heard in the basement. I thought that other people's cats had gotten in there.

In the morning I tell my dad:

- Put bars on the basement windows.

And it turns out he did it yesterday. I wasn’t too lazy and went to check who was rustling in the underground at night. There was nothing and no one there. I’m sure it was the brownie who told me that he was with us.

Olga Nikolaevna SEVEROVA, Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region.

Brownie Blagushka

This happened in Kazakhstan in 2002. It was two years ago that we moved to a new apartment. I worked on the railway in shifts.

On the day in question, I had to go on the night shift.

After lunch I lay down to rest before work. The children went to school, and the husband went to work.

I was home alone.

I was almost asleep, lying on my side, when I felt a push in my back. Not understanding anything, she opened her eyes. I thought that I had dreamed something and tried to sleep again.

I had just dozed off when I felt a jolt again. And so on several times.

And then some force made me get up and go to the hall. I walked like a zombie, stumbling.

But when I found myself in the hall, the sleep disappeared. There was a carpet on the floor in the middle of the room, and there was a fire on it. The fire appears to have just happened.

It turned out that there was an extension cord plugged in under the carpet, the wire got bent, got hot, and the carpet caught fire.

I quickly pulled the wire out of the socket and threw a rag on the flame. There was a large hole in the carpet, and the linoleum underneath was burned through.

I think it was our brownie Blagushka who saved me from death. I called him that after one incident.

My nephew came to visit me with his friends, and one of them noticed a sleeping cat under the kitchen table. But we didn’t have any cat! So, I decided, it was the keeper of the house, the brownie. She called him Blagushka.

On the first day of each month, I poured milk into a cup and put something tasty in the kitchen. So he repaid me with kindness, saving me from death. After all, in my sleep I would have suffocated from the smoke.

When we moved to Russia in 2006, Blagushka was invited to come with us. And now he protects us in a new place.

Galina NIKITINA, Anapa

Brownie, give me money!"

This story happened to me when I was still in college. And, like any normal student, I didn’t have enough money.

Once I read a book about all sorts of otherworldly creatures (I don’t remember what it was called). I read, in particular, that you can contact the brownie with small requests.

Therefore, exhausted by lack of money, I decided to ask him for money. Let him help me find my wallet on the street!

Having completed a simple ritual, I turned to the brownie with this request. After that, I looked very carefully at my feet for several days. Alas, I never got the desired wallet.

And a week later, the whole group of us went to “potato harvesting” - in the days of my youth this was a practice among students. We helped the collective farmers with all our might in harvesting. At the end of the first day, it turned out that the physics teacher had lost her wallet, and in it, in addition to money, there were keys to the apartment, and now she could not get home.

We continued our work. And suddenly I wanted to move away from the guys, and then move towards them. So I did.

Not even a minute had passed before I saw a black wallet lying between the ridges. Maybe this is the physicist's wallet? I picked it up and took it to our teacher. Yes, it was her wallet! She was very happy.

After this incident, passing tests in physics became much easier for me. And as an additional bonus, the physicist gave me a huge chocolate bar. It turns out that the brownie finally complied with my request?

Elena Viktorovna AKINFEEVA, Zhukovsky, Moscow region.

Brownie saved from fire

The events that I will talk about occurred almost 30 years ago, when my daughter was 2.5 years old.

They say that small children see a brownie. This is probably true in reality. Because kids can’t deceive; they still don’t have enough intelligence to do so.

One day we were lying on the bed with her, I was reading children’s books to her.

She loved to listen to rhymes and fairy tales. She listened, which means she listened, then she says, pointing her finger above the wardrobe:

- Mom, what’s that hanging there?

I look where she is pointing and see nothing. I tell her:

- Lyubochka, I don’t see anything there.

And she again:

- Hangs from the ceiling.

I ask her:

-What does it look like?

“Something round, like a big ball, dark and fluffy,” she answered.

But this is exactly how brownies are usually described!

We were finally convinced that the brownie lives with us not so long ago - five years ago. It was summer, my daughter and I were talking in the kitchen. Suddenly there was a sneeze behind the refrigerator, which was behind me. There was no one in the house except my daughter and me.

The daughter, sitting at the table, fell silent mid-sentence. We looked at each other questioningly, then she asked:

-Did you hear that too?

I told her yes. She jumped up, climbed onto the kitchen table and looked behind the refrigerator.

-Who do you want to see there?

- Maybe there's a cat there?

“This can’t be,” I answered, “the cats are in the yard, I just saw them there.”

Looking at each other, we said the same thing:

- Brownie!

It must be him, but who else?

Shortly after that, I set the tomatoes to cook using tomato paste. The pan is not small, seven liters. Forgetting to turn off the stove, I went into town to do some shopping. I walked for a long time, but suddenly someone mentally said to me: “Go home, I need to go home.”

I hurried to the house. Opening the door, I smelled a strong burning smell. I rushed to the stove, there was a black bottom of the pan and stuck tomato peels. I think it was the brownie who sent me a telepathic signal, warning me of danger.

Since then, when I leave home for a long time, just in case, I mentally ask: “Master, take care of our home.” And he takes care.

Liliya Vasilievna AVRAMENKO, Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region.

A house with a “dowry”.

I bought a house in the village. The grandfather who sold it said:

I want to warn you: love your owner and don’t offend him, leave him treats, say hello, good night!

Whom? - I did not understand.

My grandmother gave it to me along with the old hut. When I built a new house, I invited him there with me! Take care and honor him and everything will be fine in your house!

Grandfather looked at me as if I had a headache.

Brownie! He does not like to be called by name, but he responds when they call him Master.

I agreed with the old man, although there was a desire to twirl my finger at my temple...

After some time, my daughter and I became the happy owners of a village house. When they were cleaning the house, in the pantry they found a cardboard box, carefully covered with colored paper: inside there was a mattress, pillows and an embroidered blanket.

Hmm... it seems like my grandfather’s grandson is already an adult?

I think this is the brownie’s bedroom,” I answered Katya. - Let her stand where she stood. Just shake out the dust, it’s not good for the Master to sleep like that.

Mom? Haven't you...overheated in the sun at some point?

I myself understood that I was talking nonsense. But... it was not in vain that the grandfather advised making friends with the brownie. Is it difficult for me? The pantry was prepared for future conservation, so there was nothing in it except shelves and... a brownie's house. I must admit that sometimes at night some strange sounds were heard: rustling, creaking of floorboards, rustling, sighs...

That day Katya went to a city apartment, and my grandson Misha and I stayed in the village. Not long before, I bought a kilogram of sugar, sprinkled raspberries in a bowl, and left the bag on the table. I rushed to cook compote - it was nowhere to be found! I rummaged through everything in the kitchen! Disappeared without a trace! "What the hell is this? I left it here. Yesterday. Then Mishutka and I went to bed. Where did the sugar go?! Wait, apparently Katka took her to town! What a bastard! There's a store nearby, I could buy it for myself instead of taking it from here. And it’s a long and long walk for me and my grandson to get to the store.” - I was angry, but at first I didn’t say anything to my daughter.

The search for sugar turned into a manic state. It was a matter of principle! I looked in all the drawers, cabinets, in the refrigerator, looked on the bookshelves - you never know where I could mechanically put it?! No results!

Katya, have you seen the sugar? “I put it on the table,” I asked my daughter, without hinting that she could take it with her.

No, I thought you just forgot to buy it!

Yes! What did I sprinkle on the berries? Sand? I left the package on the table.

The search for the bag of sugar in the house continued, but the missing item was not found. I've already started to freak out.

Call from Katya:

Mom, they advised me here take a clean glass, turn it upside down on the table and say the ancient spell three times: “The owner has played and give it back!”

Do you think I'm out of my mind? I won't do this! - I was indignant, but as you know, I did it anyway....

Kuma Natasha, to whom I complained about the loss, advised:

Place a bowl of water in front of you, take matches out of the box, light them, and when they burn out, throw them into the water and say: “The demon jokes, brings darkness, he is a great master of games. Stop, stop, turn over, loss come back! Let it be so!"... Anka!... Believe me, it really works!

I again answered in the negative, but... still burned matches and muttered a conspiracy....

Neighbor Baba Zina said:

You should stand on the threshold of the room in which the item disappeared, take a ball of red thread in your left hand, and wrap the end tightly around your left index finger. Throw the ball in front of you and read the plot: “Tell me the little ball, or better yet, show me where my thing is hidden, all the credit will be yours!”... I can give you some threads if I don’t have any of my own.

“Slowly but surely I’m turning into a mentally ill person,” I thought, throwing my grandmother’s ball in front of me...

The grandson found the culprit.

Angrily, I asked my grandson where almost a kilogram of sugar went, to which I heard:

“Uh-huh, thanks Mishanya. I understood everything: under the cover of darkness, an intruder sneaked into the house, he is an unknown uncle, who gobbled up all the sugar because it was delicious!” - she laughed to herself and took the baby to bed. Mishka stared at the closet door and muttered:

Uncle... yum-yum...

“So, sir, he needs to turn on cartoons less often!” - I concluded.

In the morning, many things that were lost during the move were found: a curling iron, a clothes brush, a flashlight, even rubber boots. But, alas, not sugar! It turns out that ancient rituals still work!

After breakfast, Misha, having drunk unsweetened compote, pulled me towards the pantry, muttering the same phrase:

Uncle... lyulyu... yum-yum... kusna!

I opened the door and was stunned: a chair had been pulled up to one of the shelves, and next to the brownie’s crib was the packet of sugar I was looking for and a teaspoon. And the Master's bed is lightly sprinkled with sugar...

I’m still racking my brain: either the brownie himself put the sugar on his shelf, or compassionate Misha did it?!! Shared, so to speak, with the Master. The nephew has turned up! Brownie! Or maybe the grandson, as a future zealous owner, simply hid it from his grandmother?! Be that as it may, since then I leave the Master a treat: either a lollipop, or a cookie, or something else tasty, let him enjoy it, he protects us! Keeps peace and harmony in the house!

(mystical stories about brownies)

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