Why does a woman dream of a snake in a cage? I dreamed of a snake: what and what does it mean - a snake's dream book. Snake according to the Eastern dream book

Snakes symbolize the source of wisdom and immortality. The phenomenon of this reptile in a dream carries a lot of useful information. The dream book will help to interpret what the behavior and appearance of a snake in a vision means in a dream. It is known that the night messages often should not be taken literally. If you dreamed about a snake, pay attention to the hidden meaning of this phenomenon.

Interpretation of the phenomenon of a snake by different dream books

Miller's dream book interprets the appearance of this scaly reptile as a manifestation of aggression and anger of the people around. You should expect unexpected conflicts and expressions of true attitude towards you. Unpleasant gossip may arise. Beware of Major Betrayal. If a snake is bitten in a dream, problems are most likely to arise at work. This can lead to a reprimand from the management or a reduction in salary.

Many dream books attribute such a night message to a negative omen. Wangi's dream book is no exception. He talks about an impending showdown with close friends or old enemies. Initially, you will notice a mute intensity in the relationship, which threatens to develop into a major squabble or protracted conflict. Why is a crawling snake dreaming? You can relax if in a dream the snake left you on its own. This means that the grievances from your opponent will subside without your intervention.

If a three-headed reptile appears in a vision, hovering overhead, it is worth referring to Freud's dream book. He interprets the appearance of a snake in this form as a good omen. The dream speaks about colossal changes in life. Any information received from the mouth of strangers should not be overlooked in the future. There is a risk of missing something meaningful.

In Muslim countries, the snake has long been considered a symbol of power. Therefore, the Muslim dream book deciphers the message as an imminent promotion at work, an increase in the number of subordinates. This leads to an improvement in the financial situation. The opposite development of events awaits if the snake is stung in a dream. This will lead to life failures and problems. Pay attention to the people around you, filter the information you provide. There is a risk of betrayal on their part.

The Islamic dream book promises the protection of Allah and his patronage if you dreamed of a snake. The sleeping family will be protected from ill-wishers and the consequences of inflicting possible harm... If in a vision snakes live in a house without fear, it is worth taking a closer look at the close environment. Perhaps the intentions of friends, family members, or frequent visitors are evil. There is a risk of conflict.

Interpretation of the phenomenon of different types of snakes

For more accurate interpretation sleep, the snake must be classified. It is not necessary to recognize the type of reptile specifically, it is enough to remember some distinctive features. If the snake that appears in the vision is poisonous, you should expect trouble from people from your inner circle. The presence of ambiguities and lies in love relationship... This is exactly what the cobra dreams of. You do not need to pounce on your soul mate with a showdown, but it is advisable to take a closer look at the habits and behavior. Avoid high-pitched conversations and loud fights.

What is the dream of a fat huge snake? It depends on how you felt at the time she was seen. If emotions are unpleasant, expect experiences and excitements, joy at the sight of a reptile speaks of the likelihood of new, entertaining acquaintances. If the snake did not evoke emotions, the reaction was calm - wait for an improvement in financial situation.

A large non-venomous snake that can easily strangle you, a dream book portends physical injury. You should be careful about the terrain in which you have to move. This is exactly what the boa constrictor dreams of, python. There is a risk of bone fracture.

If you have a certain number of relatives with whom relations are strained, and a ball of snakes was seen in a dream, expect an early visit of these people. The dream book talks about the likelihood of a truce if you provide a warm and good-natured welcome. Pleasant consequences will not be long in coming.

Information about what snakes dream about depends on their appearance. If it was not possible to accurately examine a small spot on the reptile's head, there is a risk of discord in relations with management at work. This is also what the viper dreams of. Pay close attention to everything you say. A quarrel can be very damaging to your career. In the case of a clear recognition of the speck, it already symbolizes the early completion of the problems that have overtaken. The minor failures of everyday work will soon come to an end.

What dead snakes dream of depends on the climatic conditions seen. If at the time of observing a dead snake it was raining or snowing on the street, serious mental upset threatens. In the near future, there is a risk of crying many tears. A strong wind or hurricane symbolizes the imminent occurrence of problems. Dry and sunny weather speaks of possible expensive acquisitions.

The prospect of making a discovery in the field scientific research promises a vision of a water snake. It also symbolizes knowledge in the field of magic. However, great efforts will have to be made to master them.

Several versions of the dream book exist to determine what small snakes dream of. Seeing a small snake in a dream can mean both the possibility of petty quarrels with loved ones and gossip at work. However, both troubles will be resolved soon enough without significant consequences.

If you saw a two-headed rattlesnake in a dream, expect additional income. However, you need to be careful with easy money. There is a risk of quickly saying goodbye to them if you invest in anything other than developing or starting a business. Spending on useless things threatens not only with the loss of the money received, but also with major financial problems in the future.

Interpretation of the seen snake performing actions

If in a dream you saw yourself running away from a reptile, in life there will be an attempt to hide from insoluble problems. Avoid this development and constructively analyze the problems that arise. The dream book advises not to be afraid of sudden changes and difficult decisions. They are most likely to change lives for the better. The situation may concern not only work, but also family life... Maybe it's time to make a big decision.

Drastic changes in personal life are expected if snakes crawled around the room in a dream. Pay attention to the people around you, most likely the long-awaited second half lives nearby. Do not be intimidated by the desires to meet people you like, follow them.

There is a possibility of serious health problems. This is exactly what the snake choking on its neck dreams of. The dream book offers to undergo a full examination by a doctor in the near future and pass the necessary tests. This is the only way to catch the disease at an early stage and fight it without loss.

If in a vision you fed a snake in a dream, do not refuse the future to people in need of help. This behavior can bring good luck. The forces applied by you will not go unnoticed. However, if you ignore those in need of support, you run the risk of creating a lot of new problems.

Good news awaits if you had to hold a snake in your hands in a dream. With a high probability, a new member will soon appear in the family. Problems with such a circumstance are not expected, future troubles are pleasant. You should not be blooming in feelings, express emotions too zealously. There is a risk of warding off an unexpected pregnancy.

If a snake is chasing you, expect more strenuous work at work. There will be many additional tasks and hassles. It may be necessary to sit in the office for a long time and be at home a little. However, the situation promises to bring tangible material benefits.

A snake crushed in bed in a dream - a dream book portends growth along the career ladder. Soon, the boss will offer to take a higher post. However, you should carefully consider the answer. You will have many additional responsibilities and more responsibilities, which will take a lot of effort.

The coiling snake foreshadows dramatic changes in personal life. The moment of acquaintance with a loved one is not far off. Life will change. Do not slow yourself down in feelings and emotions, let love carry you on its wings. There is a chance to develop a real strong relationship if you show enough sincerity.

If in a vision you had to give birth to a snake, be careful about large purchases and investments of material resources. Better to postpone spending for a more favorable time.

If in a dream there was a snake in your mouth, you should be more careful about your psychological state. You may be speaking less than you think. Express real feelings and emotions more often, defend your opinions and beliefs. Long-term maintenance of a policy of silence can lead to serious health problems.

Interpretation of the phenomenon of a colored snake

According to the dream book, a snake with a pronounced color can carry a lot of additional useful information. Knowing it will help to solve many life problems, to cope with failures. You can also find out the best direction to spend vitality and energy. No one wants to waste them in vain.

If you dream of a red snake, it is worthwhile to better analyze the circumstances under which the reptile appeared in a vision. If the individual was found in its natural habitat, in nature, confidently expect a pleasant trip. A change of environment will bring a lot of positive emotions, improve the psychological state and give strength for further work. A scarlet snake that appears in a house or apartment portends failure, material loss. The dream book advises to be attentive to personal belongings, do not leave them unattended on public transport.

A blue or blue snake promises a pleasant pastime. It can be improving relationships with close friends and family, a weekend in fun company, and gaining new experiences. This dream according to the dream book increases your luck and turns your fortune in your direction. Do not be afraid of gambling and take risks more often.

A gray snake seen in a dream warns of waste. Treat material resources carefully, do not make rash purchases. Spontaneous decisions will entail major financial difficulties that will affect not only you, but also the family.

If in the night omen you did not notice the color of the reptile, but paid attention to its unearthly beauty, you should beware of diseases. A beautiful snake in a dream speaks of the onset of a serious illness that requires immediate attention. Another version is the lack of behavior in communicating with other people. Perhaps you require too much attention from others, treat them more carefully. Based on the version of other dream books, a beautiful snake portends a happy event that can have a significant impact on future life.

If in a dream kite visited the imagination, expect a useful acquaintance. The circumstance will not only bring a lot of positive emotions, more pleasant communication, but also the possibility of a serious romance.

Frequent observation of snakes in a dream is considered a good omen in most dream books. These reptiles symbolize the imminent improvement in financial situation and career growth. However, nothing in life just happens. It is necessary to pull fortune by the tail, devoting more time to work, making unexpected decisions and periodic game in the lottery. Do not be afraid to take risks, chances are good that you will be able to get something enchanting.

Interpretation of the phenomenon of a snake interacting with the human body

Frequent vision of reptiles in night dreams speaks of a person's stock of hidden resources that have long been ready for use. The dream book suggests paying more attention to self-realization, learning to take responsibility for difficult decisions and translating plans into reality. The body notifies of readiness for strenuous work and predicts a successful outcome of any undertakings. It is worth listening to yourself.

However, not all interpretations of snake dreams are positive. Some dreams portend the occurrence of serious skin problems. This is exactly what dreaming about catching a snake in a dream. The dream book does not recommend risking interactions with known allergens. More likely to develop dermatitis or acne. Take good care of your skin.

Eating a snake has the opposite meaning. Eating a snake in your sleep means a significant improvement in immunity, building barriers to infections and bacteria. The body protects itself in full force.

In order to understand the meaning of a snake attack in a dream, remember the weather conditions and the time of year during which the action took place. Winter speaks of the likelihood of imminent changes in personal life, not for the better. Most likely, a painful parting with a loved one threatens. Summer symbolizes mental loneliness, lack of communication with people around. Take advantage of the circumstances and take the time to self-discovery and self-realization. A long journey over a long distance is foreshadowed by spring and autumn in a dream. The dream book does not recommend resisting the planned trip. With a high degree of probability, she will help solve family problems.

The emergence of serious problems and conflicts with unpleasant people portends to choke a snake in a dream with bare hands. It is necessary to tune in to an intense struggle. You may have to behave dishonestly to win. However, this is the only possible option for superiority. The dream book suggests that you forget about the principles for a while and focus on the war. Victory will bring great luck into your life and the final deliverance from secret and overt haters.

If you managed to strangle the snake in a dream with a rope or belt, you can count on the help of close friends and comrades in the fight against enemies. Try not to be afraid to ask for a favor, friends are pleased to provide help.

Pay attention to relationships with others if the snake stings in a dream. It is possible that not all comrades actually wish you success and prosperity. According to the dream book, there is a high probability of the birth of impure intentions towards you. There is envy and subsequent curses from the hypocrites after every successful event in your life. If it was possible to recognize bad person, cut off any contact with him. Even minimal communication will not lead to anything good.

If a snake is bitten in a dream, a difficult life period is expected. It is associated with acute emotional experiences. There is a threat of loss of a loved one or a loved one, which is not easy to survive. Most likely, the desire to communicate with someone will disappear, you will want to spend most of the time alone with yourself. However, the dream book also gives another interpretation of this vision. It can portend an unexpectedly pleasant meeting and acquaintance with a new person, strong excitement and uplift in this regard.

The dream of killing a snake has several meanings according to the dream book. The first is an unexpected enrichment for years to come. Promises the disappearance of the need to work hard for a long time. Another meaning of the dream is not so optimistic. It sounds like an omen of the loss of a very close comrade. This means his disappearance from your life due to quarrel and conflict. Another reason is the breakdown of ties after the distant departure of one of you for a long time.

A good attitude in life awaits you if you had to swallow a snake in a dream. Most likely, a spiritualized mood and increased self-confidence will arise. Small failures will disappear from sight, problems will be easily solvable. Secret powers will help bring to life the most daring ideas and plans. Pregnancy may occur after long attempts to conceive a baby. This is exactly what a woman dreams of a snake for. If you have been accompanied by a problematic disease for a long time, be prepared for an unexpected recovery.

A snake crawling and chasing any animal in a dream warns against spontaneous acquaintances. It is advisable to avoid any contact with strangers. The dream book does not advise entering into a conversation with passers-by; postpone noisy events with a large number of people until a more suitable period. Especially avoid all sorts of fortune tellers, prophets, fortune tellers and gypsies - this is what a crawling snake dreams of. Ignoring the warnings, you run the risk of amassing a lot of problems.

To beat a snake in a dream, according to the dream book, symbolizes a warning from the crowd. Don't go to high-profile events anytime soon. You will not get positive emotions from such leisure activities. The loss of a wallet, mobile phone or other valuable item is possible. Another likely nuisance is a conflict with one of the strangers. There is a risk of getting into a fight and getting seriously injured. Do without medical care will fail.

Interpretation of different variants of the phenomenon of a snake in a dream

Why a girl or a woman dreams of a snake depends on the lifestyle and age. For the little lady, the dream book foreshadows rapid intellectual development. New knowledge promises to be assimilated with ease. The snake promises a young girl a quick ripening, the first love adventures up to intimacy with her lover. For a self-sufficient woman, a dream symbolizes gaining independence inside or outside of marriage, getting own capital and a stable financial income.

What a man dreams of snakes depends on the circumstances he sees. If close people and family members were surrounded in a dream, unpleasant family problems are likely to arise. The dream book does not recommend postponing their decision, so that failures do not grow and the situation does not heat up. The environment in the form of a crowd of strangers portends casual sexual intercourse with unfamiliar ladies.

A dead snake symbolizes an imminent visit to a magnificent event surrounded by a large number of people. You need to pay the maximum amount of attention appearance to make a good impression. There is a chance of meeting your future spouse at this ceremony.

To see a kind snake in a dream, the dream book expresses the need for reconciliation or active renewal of relations with a person with whom communication has long been lost. Perhaps this is an old close friend or distant relative. It is important to follow the advice, as this person needs your help now. It can be provided by a simple phone call or correspondence by mail. However, the result will be worth more effort.

A likely pessimistic mood is promised by a pregnant snake in a dream. Most likely, anxiety about all emerging, seemingly insoluble problems will overcome the burden. The dream book advises to bring yourself to your senses as soon as possible so that the absorbing fear does not develop into paranoia.

A hissing snake in the hands warns of the risk of breaking relationships with children. The dream book recommends paying more attention to them, try to spend time together. You must not allow distance from each other. If in a dream the snake has calmed down in its hands, it will not be difficult to find a common language with the child. Having fun in the company of children is what a sleeping snake dreams of.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 03/15/2020

The dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw ...

The snake is a symbol of wisdom, therefore, in a dream with its participation, you need to look for important clues. It is best to look into the dream book in order to correctly decipher the secret messages of night dreams. If a person dreamed of a snake, perhaps in reality he is in danger.

In almost every modern dream book a lot of attention is paid to snakes. For example, Miller's work notes that the creature foreshadows the dreamer's encounter with anger and aggression from others. If a snake crawls over the sleeping person's body, it means that he will soon find out about the gossip in his address, which is spread by a dear and beloved person. Has the "guest" of the dream bit a man or a woman? You should expect real problems at work. Most likely, it will be information about a pay cut or an unpleasant stressful conversation with management.

In Vanga's dream book, the snake turns out to be a harbinger of a showdown with enemies. If before there was only a hidden hostility between people, now it will develop into a real large-scale war. It will be possible to avoid it only by complete ignorance of ill-wishers, which is not so easy to withstand. Is the creature quietly creeping into the house through the door? The danger will come from the guests. They can cause conflicts in the family.

In the Eastern dream book, the snake symbolizes the protection of the Almighty. If she appeared in a person's dream, then he has nothing to worry about. The power of Allah will protect his house from any troubles and misfortunes.

Freud's work explains that reptiles are a symbol of power. If the sleeping creature was holding such a creature in his arms, he will be raised. Perhaps he will even become a boss and significantly improve his financial situation.

See many snakes in a dream

Did you have to see many snakes in a dream? This is not a good sign. Reptiles in large numbers indicate that in reality a person has many enemies or just people who treat him negatively. If a representative of the fair sex sees a dream with such a plot, she will have to find herself in a society that consists of hypocritical, aggressive and evil people. For example, at a new workplace.

The most negative version of the plot with a large number of snakes can be considered the one in which snakes swirl at the feet of the sleeping person. This is a hint that trouble can be expected even from family and friends. In the near future, a person may receive a painful stab in the back from a loved one, friend or relative.

Do many snakes creep into the house at once? You need to figure out which of those around you wants to harm the dreamer and prevent trouble.

Big, small snake

A very large snake, which the sleeper is not afraid of, is a harbinger of some kind of risky business that promises a big win. If a person decides to take a risk, he really will hit a huge jackpot. The same plot indicates the need to urgently make a responsible choice or take on someone else's responsibility.

It is not good if in a dream a large reptile squeezes the neck of a man or woman. This is a sign that a person will have to go through the death of a close relative. A sad event can even bring the dreamer to depression. In addition, he will have to spend a lot of mental energy on the moral support of the dying person.

A very large python, a boa constrictor and other snakes capable of strangling suggest that the dreamer needs to beware of falls and any other injuries that could result in a serious fracture. It is better to give up active sports for a while and be careful when walking.

Small snakes portend minor troubles and minor conflicts to a person. If they are in a tree, it means that the problems will come from people whom the dreamer previously considered close friends. In any case, all negative things will quickly disappear from his life, leaving no significant trace in it.

The meaning of sleep depending on the color of the reptile

Understanding what the snake is dreaming of, it is very important to pay attention to the color of the reptile you see:

  • The black reptile suggests that the decision made by the sleeping person in the near future will determine how his future life will turn out, and what prospects will open before him.
  • The white snake turns out to be a harbinger of disease. If it is located on the human body, it will help you understand which organs you need to pay attention to in the first place. Is the snow-white reptile wrapped around the neck? Blood pressure and respiratory organs should be checked.
  • The yellow reptile always symbolizes betrayal. If in a dream she attacks the dreamer, then he will have to defend his own point of view by force. The bite of such a creature often turns out to be a harbinger of betrayal of the second half.
  • The green snake is considered a symbol of temptation. If a person succumbs to him in reality, then in the future he will greatly regret.

Catch, kill, run away

A dream in which a man or woman manages to catch a reptile usually dreams on the eve of an important acquaintance. For lonely people, he promises large-scale changes in the love sphere. There is no need to be afraid to meet interesting people even under the strangest and most unusual circumstances.

Had to kill a snake in your own bed? Soon, the man or woman will be offered the long-awaited promotion. Before agreeing to it, it is necessary to carefully analyze the proposal and understand whether it will be possible to cope with the new responsibilities.

Escape from a reptile in a dream symbolizes the desire to give up on serious problems in reality. This is not worth doing. It is imperative to devote time to solving them, otherwise troubles will only accumulate, and the situation will worsen.

Attack, snake bite in a dream

It happens that in a dream a snake attacks a person and tries to strangle. This is a clear clue that it's time to take care of your health. If the sleeping person does not ignore such a sign, then he will be able to detect a dangerous ailment in time and quickly cope with it.

A reptile trying to catch up with a dreamer in night dreams? In reality, he will face an increase in the workload at the workplace. To cope with all the tasks from the authorities, you literally have to spend the night in the office. But the work will be generously paid.

Bitten by a snake in a dream? We must try to remember exactly where. If in the palm of your hand, it means that it will not be possible to avoid a long-brewing conflict with colleagues. It will greatly spoil the dreamer's mood, and for a long time discourage the desire to go to work. A bite in the finger suggests that the enemies are aimed at depriving a person of material wealth, preventing him from climbing the career ladder.

Did the reptile bite your head? A man or woman is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. A person needs the attention and support of loved ones or even the help of a psychologist.

Poisonous reptile

A poisonous snake from a dream suggests that a person will have to face the anger and "poison" of those around him in real life... Intrigues, unpleasant conversations, ridicule and betrayal await the sleeper not only at home or at work. He needs to gain strength and go through an unhappy period.

The bite of a poisonous snake promises significant damage to the dreamer's reputation. Even an inoffensive word that he said at the wrong time can provoke a series of dirty gossip and discussions.

Snake ball

The reptile ball symbolizes the company of envious unkind people who hide their true thoughts and intentions behind a mask. Soon, a sleeping person will involuntarily have to be in their company. If the team at the new job turns out to be such a "ball", then it is better to immediately think about changing it.

Do reptiles sting each other? The dreamer will watch from the sidelines for other people's intrigues. They will actively try to drag him into these squabbles. The main thing is not to give in and remain just an outside observer.

Is a ball of snakes in the house of a man or a woman? Soon you will have to host relatives, with whom relations do not work out. You should try to organize the meeting as friendly as possible. This will be the first step towards reconciliation.

Reptile in the water

If the snakes were in the water, you need to try to remember your feelings after such a dream. Is it pleasant and calm in your soul? It is easy for a person to cope with all the problems that arise on his own. This also applies to difficult, at first glance, tragic changes.

Is the dreamer himself in a body of water with a lot of swimming reptiles? He seemed to be in a situation that required immediate resolution. Do not hesitate to seek help and advice from loved ones.

Why is a dead snake dreaming?

Dreams with dead reptiles usually turn out to be a good sign, which suggests that a victory has been won over the enemies, all troubles and obstacles are left behind.

If the corpse of the viper suddenly comes to life and tries to sting the dreamer, you should expect a conflict with a close friend. Finding out the relationship will be lengthy and hectic.

The meaning of sleep depending on the sex of the dreamer

Often the meaning of sleep depends on the sex of the sleeper. For a woman, a dead snake turns out to be a clue that the rival has been eliminated, and that she can enjoy happiness with her beloved. She promises to the man the self-elimination of competitors in business.

Does a sleeping person see a very large reptile of bright color? She will have to face an unfriendly young lady who disliked her for something. For a man, such reptiles dream of temptations of an erotic nature.

Two long intertwined snakes promise the girl a long period of bad mood. The dreamer will feel exhausted and morally devastated after some unpleasant life events. They promise a man inner feelings and doubts.

The dream of snakes is a warning about all kinds and forms of evil.

If a woman dreams that she is being bitten by a dead snake, then the hypocrisy of a friend will make her suffer.

Snakes wriggling or falling on someone portend a struggle for existence and remorse.

You killed a snake in a dream - in reality you will do anything to achieve your interests and soon you will celebrate your victory over your enemies.

Passed in a dream among snakes - you will live in constant fear.

If in your dream a snake stung you, then in real life you will be subjected to the malicious intrigues of enemies, stung someone else - you will offend your friend.

If you dreamed that the snake was twisting around you in rings, then you will be powerless in front of your enemies.

If you hold a snake in your hands, you will develop your own strategy for dealing with hostile forces.

Stepped on a snake - real joy awaits you ahead.

Nostradamus saw in the snake a symbol of the fall of man, evil, cunning. He interpreted dreams about snakes as follows.

We saw a snake crawling on the ground in a dream - beware of the years under its influence, that is, 2013, 2025, etc. It is in these years that a real threat will hang over you to be homeless and without material resources. Most likely, there will not even be a person nearby to help you overcome your disasters.

We saw in a dream a non-venomous snake approaching a person - there is a danger ahead that can be avoided.

If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, then you, unwittingly, will become the cause of a very big scandal, possibly through your fault or through the fault of someone close to you.

If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person's neck, then this person is in real danger.

A dream in which you saw a black, gigantic snake means an incomparable evil.

A snake coiled around a rod means evil that hides the truth.

If in a dream you saw a snake curled up in a ring, then you have a secret ill-wisher.

The attacking snake dreams of disaster and hardship.

To kill a snake in a dream is to get rid of the enemy.

Seeing a snake with several heads in a dream is a warning. You can fall prey to monstrous lies.

The snake, the outline of which is hidden behind the fog, is a symbol of a nuclear threat and can mean a nuclear missile.

A dream in which you feel a snake gaze on you means the close attention of very influential and cruel people to you.

To see a tangle of snakes in a dream - in reality, become a victim of intrigue and gossip.

And here is how the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about snakes.

A snake crawling on the ground dreams of a fight with the worst enemy, who, after secret intrigues, will decide on open war.

If a crawling snake is poisonous, then this person is stronger and more cunning than you and you are unlikely to be able to win.

If the crawling snake is non-venomous, then you can easily cope with your enemy. Or rather, his intrigues will turn against him.

A ball of snakes is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you. They wish you the ruin of your career, unhappiness in your family life, and even death. You should be careful with everyone you know.

If in a dream you were bitten by a snake, then in real life you will be deeply disappointed in a loved one. For a long time you will look for the reasons for your constant bad luck, but it will never even occur to you that this is the work of a person you trust. It is possible that he resorted to the powers of black magic in order to make you unhappy.

The snake, peacefully curled up in a ring, warns you that your enemies are just waiting for the right moment to strike you with a hard blow, from which it will be difficult for you to recover.

A huge snake squeezing a person's neck is a bad sign. Apparently, you will be the first to learn about the deadly illness of a loved one. You will need to show great willpower to communicate it to the patient's relatives and help to a loved one live the last days.

A gigantic snake in a dream predicts a great tragedy for the entire planet.

If you killed a snake in a dream, then the people around you will become more merciful and wiser.

And D. Loff wrote: “The snake is a difficult symbol, because in different cultures it is interpreted in different ways. Interpretations range from blood-chilling fear to peace and wisdom. The options are determined by the history of literature and folklore of different cultures, as well as personal experience... In real life, fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well.

If there is someone in a dream who holds a snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and order management in the dreamer's world and may represent in some way himself or someone from his acquaintances.

In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom stems from the snake's ability to shed its skin and renew itself.

If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and ordering.

In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition to the achievement of a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan in the guise of a snake seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreamed of in such a context hints at a specific person in your real life, with whom you did not have a very smooth relationship. "

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Treachery, betrayal; if it crawls - to the disease; treason; kill the snake - get out of the situation; honorable reconciliation; the white snake is a strange help.

Snake in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The snake is a symbol of the fall of man, evil, cunning. To see a snake crawling on the ground in a dream means that you should be wary of the years under its influence, that is, 2001, 2013, 2025 and so on. It is in these years that a real threat will hang over you to find yourself homeless and without material resources. Most likely, there will not even be a person nearby to help you overcome your disasters. The poisonous snake that has entwined the number of the Antichrist is a sign that at the moment when the Antichrist comes to Earth, all the most terrible human vices are activated. The time will come for murderers, thieves, rapists. To see in a dream a non-poisonous snake approaching a person is a warning that at the head of one of the most powerful states of the globe there is a person who will start a war against a weak state, but at the present time there is still an opportunity to prevent this person. For the dreamer, such a dream warns of an impending danger that can be avoided. If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, you, unwillingly, will become the cause of a very big scandal, perhaps through your fault or through the fault of one of your loved ones a political coup will occur. If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person's neck, then this means that this person is in real danger. A dream in which you saw a black, gigantic snake means an incomparable evil. A snake coiled around a rod means evil that hides the truth. If in a dream you saw a snake curled up in a ring, then you have a secret ill-wisher. To see a snake attacking you in a dream means in reality to experience disaster and hardship. To kill a snake in a dream is to get rid of the enemy. Seeing a snake with several heads in a dream is a warning. You can fall prey to monstrous lies. The snake, the outline of which is hidden behind the fog, is a symbol of a nuclear threat and can mean a nuclear missile. A dream in which you feel a snake gaze on you means the close attention of very influential and cruel people to you. To see a tangle of snakes in a dream - in reality, become a victim of intrigue and gossip.

See a snake in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The snake is a difficult symbol because it is interpreted differently in different cultures. Interpretations range from blood-chilling fear to peace and wisdom. The options are determined by the history of literature and folklore of different cultures, as well as personal experience. In real life, fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well. If there is someone in a dream who holds a snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and order management in the dreamer's world and may represent in some way himself or someone from his acquaintances. In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom stems from the snake's ability to shed its skin and renew itself. If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and ordering. In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition to the achievement of a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan in the guise of a snake seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreamed of in such a context hints at a specific person in your real life, with whom you did not have a very smooth relationship. Finally, Freud and classical psychotherapy also offered their own interpretations of this iconic image. In their opinion, the snake symbolizes the phallus, but sometimes it embodies fear of sexual intercourse, aversion to it. It is quite difficult to correctly interpret the snake you dreamed. What emotions prevail in relation to the snake: fear, respect or opposition? How do you feel about snakes in real life: neutral, fearful, or friendly? Did the snake appear when you were alone or with others? How do you feel about those; people who were with you? The answers to these questions should lead to a fruitful interpretation of the dream with a snake.

Why dream about a snake

according to Vanga's dream book

To see a snake crawling on the ground in a dream is evidence that soon you will have a fight with the worst enemy, who, after secret intrigues against you, will decide to open war. If the crawling snake is poisonous, then it is unlikely that you will be able to defeat this person, because he is stronger and more cunning than you. If the crawling snake is non-venomous, then you can easily cope with your enemy, using his intrigues against him. Seeing a ball of snakes in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you who wish you the collapse of your career, unhappiness in your family life and even death. You should be more careful in communicating with all your acquaintances, because what you say in a fit of passion will do you a bad job. If in a dream you were bitten by a snake, then in real life you will be deeply disappointed in a loved one. For a long time you will look for the reasons for your constant bad luck, but it will never even occur to you that this is the work of a person you trust. Most likely, he resorted to the forces of black magic, making it his goal to make your life miserable. Seeing in a dream a snake peacefully coiled into a ring is a harbinger of the fact that your enemies are just waiting for the right moment to strike you with a powerful blow, from which you most likely will not be able to recover. If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person's neck, then such a dream is a bad sign. Apparently, you are among the first to learn about the deadly illness of a loved one. You will need to show great willpower to communicate it to the patient's relatives and help a loved one to live their last days with dignity and humility. To see a gigantic snake in a dream is a prophecy of a great tragedy. There will come a time when Satan will be instilled on Earth in human form. It will be a time of hunger, poverty, violence, human suffering, theft and death of millions of people living on our planet. Killing a snake in a dream is a sign that humanity in the future, realizing how important it is to believe in God, will reopen all churches and temples. The impure power will retreat, seeing that people have become more merciful and wiser.

Why dream of killing a snake in a dream?

according to the general dream book

A snake in a dream has a rather contradictory interpretation. It can symbolize both wisdom and slyness, lies. If in a dream you killed a snake, you need to correctly interpret this dream. Some sources report that such a plot really means getting income or a surge of vitality. In general, in Eastern cultures, a snake is a sign of material wealth and good health. What portends to kill a snake, according to famous dream books? Dream books known to us explain the killing of a snake in a dream in different ways. In this kind of night vision, the accompanying details are very important. Only then can it be most correctly deciphered, which will help to resolve difficult situations, adjust mental balance and harmony.

Miller's dream book: kill a snake in a dream

according to Miller's dream book

The dream book by Gustav Miller is considered one of the most authoritative. He believed that a live snake is a real danger to people. But if a person has deprived the snake of life in a dream, then he should expect good news. Such dreams promise not only an improvement in financial well-being, but also a surge of vitality, activity and increased energy. If there is more among those close to him, then his quick healing is expected.

If you kill a snake in a dream: wangi's dream book

according to Vanga's dream book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant was sure that the snake personifies deceit and lies. Her murder symbolizes the victory of good over evil. In reality, this can manifest itself in different ways: superiority over ill-wishers, the receipt of a large income. But if a reptile has bitten you in a dream, this may hint at a serious illness. You should be attentive to your health, not risk unnecessarily.

Dream interpretation of nostradamus: kill a snake in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The French alchemist, famous for his prophecies, associated the killing of a snake in a dream with the upcoming imminent changes in the dreamer's life. In this case, not only the external stop will change, but also some of his views, beliefs, attitude to something. Perhaps he will expand his social circle, make new friends, and also find a promising occupation.

How to correctly interpret a dream about killing a snake: a family dream book

according to the family dream book

To find out what the dream means, you need to correctly decipher it. Plots with a snake can be different. For example, if a person kills her at the moment when she crawls towards him, this reflects his internal contradictions. In the long run, you will have to make a difficult choice between the current situation and partners. If you dream that you have ruined a snake's nest, this predicts getting rid of a person in whom the dreamer does not feel the need. It doesn't have to be some kind of ill-wisher, foe. Such a person may well be a relative, weaving intrigues behind his back. If a snake killed in night vision reached gigantic proportions, then this can be considered a reflection of delusions in something. Listen in reality to older people, because the snake is a symbol of wisdom. A hissing reptile approaching you symbolizes spiritual fatigue. If the snake is deprived of life in the water, this means indifference to what is happening around. The killing of a snake in a mountainous area or inside a cave suggests that in the current period of his life the dreamer has lost his life line, is in deep anguish. This state of affairs is about to change. It is worth listening to your inner voice, your environment. You should not be too scared or upset if you dreamed of killing a snake. In general, this is a rather prosperous symbol, meaning quick luck, salvation from conflicts and misunderstanding. After such a dream, you need to abstract from your emotions and resort to the help of dream books in order to correctly interpret it.

Dreamed of snakes

according to Miller's dream book

If a woman dreams that she is being bitten by a dead snake, it means that the anger of a hypocritical friend will make her suffer. Dreams about snakes are generally a warning about all kinds and forms of evil. Seeing snakes wriggling or falling on someone in a dream means a struggle for existence and remorse, Killing snakes in a dream means that you will go to any lengths to achieve your interests or so that other people reckon with them. You will triumph over your enemies. To pass in a dream among snakes means that you will live in constant fear of illness, and egoists will encroach on your place in a friendly circle. If snakes sting you in your dream, you succumb to evil intrigues, and enemies will damage your work. If you dream that a flat spotted snake is crawling towards you on green grass, you bounce to the side, it crawls past, and you forget about it, when suddenly it approaches you again, increasing in size and finally transforming into a huge snake, and you at the cost of insane efforts, you successfully avoid his attack and completely get rid of this eerie vision - all this means that in real life you will soon imagine that you are neglected and disrespected, and your business is getting worse and worse. Disease, anxiety, bitterness will be terribly hypertrophied in your mind, but everything will end well, imaginary troubles will be forgotten, and the obligations taken upon yourself will be thrown aside, and you will be satisfied and rewarded. If you dream that a snake winds around you in rings and shoots its sting at you, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies, and you are threatened with illness. If in a dream you are holding a snake in your hands, it means that in life, seemingly insignificant events will give you excruciating anxiety and worries. If the snakes you dreamed take on bizarre outlines, this dream is fraught with troubles for you, which, however, will dissipate if you treat them indifferently, while maintaining your presence of mind. Seeing or stepping on a snake in a dream while swimming or wading a river means that you will be anxious in anticipation of pure joy. Seeing in a dream how snakes sting others means that you offend your friend. Seeing small snakes in a dream means that you will give a warm welcome to people who will secretly slander and shame you, and also try to frustrate your plans. Seeing children playing with snakes in a dream means that you will find yourself in confusion, trying to recognize where your friends are and where your enemies are. If a woman in a dream worries about a child behind her, as she hears a snake hiss, this means that she will be persuaded to give up something dear to her, for her own good; but later she discovers that she was involved in a dishonorable intrigue. Seeing in a dream a friend standing on the path and snakes threateningly raising their heads behind him means that in reality you will uncover a conspiracy organized against you and your friend. If, in your dream, you understand that a friend is keeping the snakes under control, then some powerful organization will act in your interests and repel malicious intrigues. If a woman dreams that she is mesmerized by a snake, it means that they will begin to oppress her, but the law and influential friends will act to protect her rights.

Dreamed of reptiles

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that some reptile rushed at you, this will turn out to be a serious disaster for you. If you are lucky enough to cope with it in a dream, then you will ultimately overcome real obstacles. If you dream that a dead reptile is coming to life, it means that misunderstandings and quarrels that should have been settled will resume with renewed vigor. To touch a reptile in a dream without harming yourself means that you will be oppressed by a bad mood and the bitterness of friends; however, you will still be able to maintain good relations. If a girl dreams of lizards, snakes or other reptiles, it means that all kinds of alarms await her. Her lover will be carried away by others. If she is stung by one of the reptiles in a dream, it means that the rival will oust her image from the heart of her beloved.

I dreamed of a lizard

according to Miller's dream book

To see a lizard in a dream means that you will be attacked by your ill-wishers. If you kill the lizard, you will be able to restore your reputation and return good luck, but you will have to pay for this with worries in business and in cordial relationships. If a woman sees in a dream that the lizard has shed her skin or has bitten her, this means that misfortunes await her. It is possible that she will be very tight on funds for some time, and she will need to muster the will to withstand this test.

Lizard in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The lizard is the embodiment of evil, violence, heartlessness. Seeing a beautiful lizard is a symbol of harmonious existence with dangerous person, the ability to maneuver. Seeing a large lizard means meeting with something or someone that embodies an ominous beginning.

The meaning of a snake dream

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see a snake, mistaking it for a poisonous snake - you should not attribute qualities to some people around you that they do not have. Of course, it is important for all of us that the person we like is as close as possible to a certain ideal. However, the more we "fantasize", the stronger the pain of disappointment will be when it turns out that in fact a new acquaintance is far from perfect.

Dream snake

The dream of snakes is a warning about all kinds and forms of evil.

If a woman dreams that she is being bitten by a dead snake, then the hypocrisy of a friend will make her suffer.

Snakes wriggling or falling on someone portend a struggle for existence and remorse.

You killed a snake in a dream - in reality you will do anything to achieve your interests and soon you will celebrate your victory over your enemies.

Passed in a dream among snakes - you will live in constant fear.

If in your dream a snake stung you, then in real life you will undergo the malicious intrigues of enemies, stung someone else - you will offend your friend.

If you dreamed that the snake was twisting around you in rings, then you will be powerless in front of your enemies.

If you hold a snake in your hands, you will develop your own strategy for dealing with hostile forces.

Stepped on a snake - real joy awaits you ahead.

Nostradamus saw in the snake a symbol of the fall of man, evil, cunning. He interpreted dreams about snakes as follows:

We saw a snake crawling on the ground in a dream - beware of the years under its influence, that is, 2013, 2025, etc. It is in these years that a real threat will hang over you to be homeless and without material resources. Most likely, there will not even be a person nearby to help you overcome your disasters.

We saw in a dream a non-venomous snake approaching a person - there is a danger ahead that can be avoided.

If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, then you, unwittingly, will become the cause of a very big scandal, possibly through your fault or through the fault of someone close to you.

If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person's neck, then this person is in real danger.

If in a dream you saw a snake curled up in a ring, then you have a secret ill-wisher.

The attacking snake dreams of disaster and hardship.

To see a tangle of snakes in a dream - in reality, become a victim of intrigue and gossip.

And here is how the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about snakes.

A snake crawling on the ground dreams of a fight with the worst enemy, who, after secret intrigues, will decide on open war.

If a crawling snake is poisonous, then this person is stronger and more cunning than you and you are unlikely to be able to win.

If the crawling snake is non-venomous, then you can easily cope with your enemy. Or rather, his intrigues will turn against him.

A ball of snakes is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you. They wish you the ruin of your career, unhappiness in your family life, and even death. You should be careful with everyone you know.

If in a dream you were bitten by a snake, then in real life you will be deeply disappointed in a loved one. For a long time you will look for the reasons for your constant bad luck, but it will never even occur to you that this is the work of a person you trust. It is possible that he resorted to the powers of black magic in order to make you unhappy.

The snake, peacefully curled up in a ring, warns you that your enemies are just waiting for the right moment to strike you with a hard blow, from which it will be difficult for you to recover.

A huge snake squeezing a person's neck is a bad sign. Apparently, you will be the first to learn about the deadly illness of a loved one. You will need to show great willpower to inform the patient's relatives about it and help a loved one to live the last days.

A gigantic snake in a dream predicts a great tragedy for the entire planet.

If you killed a snake in a dream, then the people around you will become more merciful and wiser.

And D. Loff wrote: “The snake is a difficult symbol, because in different cultures it is interpreted in different ways. Interpretations range from blood-chilling fear to peace and wisdom. The options are determined by the history of literature and folklore of different cultures, as well as personal experience. In real life, fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well. If there is someone in a dream who holds a snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and order management in the dreamer's world and may represent in some way himself or someone from his acquaintances.

In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom stems from the snake's ability to shed its skin and renew itself. If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and ordering.

In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition to the achievement of a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan in the guise of a snake seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreamed of in such a context hints at a specific person in your real life, with whom you did not have a very smooth relationship. "

Assyrian dream book

Catch a snake in a dream

If you caught a snake, you will find a patron and protector.

Mythological dream book

Dream interpretation Serpent Gorynych

Serpent gorynych - In the folklore of the Eastern Slavs, a multi-headed winged serpent, covered with a shell, flames emanate from its mouths - a symbol of the human invulnerable, greedy and always insatiable ego (some heads are cut off, others grow up again) mystical energy of kundalini, a demonic path of development; self-destruction on the mental and physical levels. No matter how different oriental spiritual teachers embellished this hidden secret power within a person, its essence was so unambiguously and very long ago reflected in the Slavic folk tales and was known to every ordinary Russian peasant!

Large family dream book

The snake is dreaming

You have a powerful enemy. Tries to sting or stings - you will suffer from the intrigues of your enemies. The snake bites and dies - deceit on the part of a person hiding under the guise of a friend. Hisses - enemies are collecting dirt on you that will ruin your career. Crawling - envious people got too close to you. Chasing you - you need to look for the reason for the hostility towards you in your past actions. Multi-headed snake - your enemy gathers like-minded people around him to direct common efforts against you. A ball of snakes - you will find yourself in the center of gossip and intrigue. Snakes wriggle at your feet - in the near future, you will have to live in constant fear. The snake coils around you in a ring - your efforts to cope with the enemies will be in vain. The snake crawls from side to side - confrontations with the enemy will lead you to imprisonment. Step over the snake - you have to fight to maintain your positions in the workplace. Hair has turned into a snake - trouble lies in wait for you. Seeing little snakes - the one who is a welcome guest in your house will do everything possible to disgrace you. Children play with a snake - you will not be able to distinguish enemies from friends. Snake in your home - trouble will overtake you in your home when you are absent. The snake is crawling on the ground - the enemy has decided to engage in open combat with you. The snake is curled up in a ring - the enemy is preparing to attack you, the blow will be delivered in the back. Looking into a pit with snakes - you will be powerless to prevent evil against your loved ones.

Imagine that you are protected from a snake by an animal or bird hunting a snake. For example, mongoose or stork (see Stork, Mongoose).

Victory over the snake - victory over the enemies. Step on the snake, crush it with your feet - you will stop attempts to harm you in time. Snakes crawl away from you - you will not allow interference in your life. Catch a snake - you will have a strong patron. To kill the snake - you will be able to resolve the conflict without loss for yourself. Tame a snake - your enemies will become your friends. Holding a snake in your hands - the strategy you have developed will be successful. The snake is subject to the melody of your pipe - you will uncover a conspiracy against you and your friends. Fight the snake - you will open a huge inner potential in yourself. Seeing a snake in the hands of another person - get wise advice. Keeping a snake in your bosom - you will gain glory and honor.

Imagine that you won the victory over the snake together with a famous hero (see Hero).

Spring dream book

Dream snake

Asp (snake, serpent) - To temptation.

Summer dream book

Snake in a dream

Asp (snake) - To see a snake in a dream - to deceit on the part of a close friend.

Rattlesnake - Seeing a rattlesnake in a dream - to a rival, insidious and shameless.

Autumn dream book

A snake in a dream

Aspid (snake, snake) - To see this unpleasant creature in a dream is to temptation.

Rattlesnake - To a rival who will outshine you.

The rattlesnake dreams of betrayal.

Dream interpretation of yogis

Snake dream

it different kind energy. The energies are good - powerful, with high vibrations. They are afraid mainly because of their strength, but they never do anything bad - they are our friends. Make good friends with her. Just seeing a snake - it is possible that you are thinking in the direction of this force, but are not doing anything yet. You fought with it - it means that you control this energy.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book snake

  • Snakes - If a woman dreams that she is being bitten by a dead snake, then the anger of a hypocritical friend will make her suffer.
  • Dreams about snakes are generally a warning about all kinds and forms of evil. - to see snakes wriggling or falling on someone in a dream - means a struggle for existence and remorse.
  • To kill snakes in a dream means that you will go to any lengths to achieve your interests or so that other people reckon with them. You will triumph over your enemies.
  • To pass in a dream among snakes means that you will live in constant fear of illness, and egoists will encroach on your place in a friendly circle.
  • If snakes sting you in your dream, you succumb to evil intrigues, and enemies will damage your work.
  • If you dream that a flat spotted snake is crawling towards you on green grass, you bounce to the side, it crawls past, and you forget about it, when suddenly it approaches you again, increasing in size and, finally, transforming into a huge snake, and you, at the cost of insane efforts, successfully avoid his attack and completely get rid of this terrible vision - all this means that in real life you will soon imagine that you are neglected and disrespected, and your business is getting worse and worse.
  • Disease, anxiety, bitterness will be terribly hypertrophied in your mind, but everything will end well, imaginary troubles will be forgotten, and the obligations taken upon yourself will be thrown aside, and you will be satisfied and rewarded.
  • If you dream that a snake is wrapped around you in rings and shoots its sting at you, it means that you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies, and you are threatened with illness.
  • If in a dream you are holding a snake in your hands, it means that you will develop your own strategy to overthrow the forces hostile to you.
  • If in a dream your hair turns into a snake, it means that in life, seemingly insignificant events will give you excruciating anxiety and worries.
  • If the snakes you dreamed take on bizarre outlines, this dream is fraught with troubles for you, which, however, will dissipate if you treat them indifferently, while maintaining your presence of mind.
  • Seeing or stepping on a snake in a dream while swimming or wading a river means that you will be anxious in anticipation of pure joy.
  • Why dream in a dream, like snakes sting others - you offend your friend.
  • Seeing small snakes in a dream means that you will give a warm welcome to people who will secretly slander and shame you, and also try to frustrate your plans.
  • to see children playing with snakes in a dream means that you will be confused, trying to recognize where your friends are and where your enemies are.
  • If a woman in a dream worries about a child behind her, as she hears a serpentine hiss, this means that she will be persuaded to give up something dear to her, for her own good; but later, she discovers that she was involved in a dishonorable intrigue.
  • to see in a dream a friend standing on the path and snakes menacingly raising their heads behind him means that in reality you will uncover a conspiracy organized against you and your friend.
  • If, in your dream, you understand that a friend is keeping the snakes under control, then some powerful organization will act in your interests and repel malicious intrigues.
  • If a woman dreams that she is mesmerized by a snake, it means that they will begin to oppress her, but the law and influential friends will act to protect her rights.

Small Velesov dream book

Why is the snake bitten in a dream?

  • bitten - sadness, a woman will harm, quarrel, trouble;
  • creeps - envy, illness;
  • chasing you - to attack, the enemy (secret) wants to overtake;
  • beware of snakes - danger from the cunning and harmful person(see Already, the viper);
  • beat, kill - overcome the enemy.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

What does a snake mean in a dream

  • Poisonous snake - In general, a negative, destructive, dangerous force, including a sexual symbol.
  • Bitten - a disease.
  • Seeing is an insidious dangerous woman; evil; treason.
  • Friendly caresses - the acquisition of secret knowledge; flattering but insidious mistress.
  • Sometimes it expresses a latent mystical energy in a person, called kundalini, and in this regard, the danger of demonic temptation by supernatural powers and escape from love.
  • A ball of snakes - painful internal contradictions.
  • White snake - to touch dangerous, destructive knowledge. The water snake is a danger associated with the past.
  • Killing a snake is very good.

Dream interpretation of tarot

Why does the snake dream

Snake Coiled Around the Tree - Lone Hero, Avenger

Asp - Large venomous snake - evil; bitten - a serious illness; green - drunkenness; rolled up in a ball - the danger of awakening the demonic energy of kundalini (see Snake gorynych).

Esoteric dream book

Dream interpretation snake

The ring is a very important time (attention!). Deployed a dangerous adventure. Attacks do not miss the moment! The closer the contact, the closer in time.

Psychological dream book

Snake sleep a lot

A common symbol of sexuality, and, according to some psychoanalysts, the original fall of man.

Dream interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Bitten by a snake in a dream

Cunning, evil enemies - for men - to have enemies among women - to kill - to get out of a difficult everyday situation

Muslim dream book

Why dream of seeing a snake in a dream according to a Muslim dream book

To see a snake is to the enemy, and the strength of the enemy will correspond to the strength of the seen snake. If someone sees a tame and obedient snake, he will reach the property, and if he sees that the snake has attacked him, he will experience some grief on the part of the king. If anyone sees that many snakes have gathered together and do no harm, then a person who sees such a dream will command the army.

Loff's dream book

Why is the black snake dreaming

Seeing a Snake in a dream is a difficult symbol, because it is interpreted differently in different CULTURES. The interpretation of the dream about snakes has a very wide range: from fear, cooling the blood, to peace and wisdom. The options are determined by the history of literature and folklore of different cultures, as well as personal experience. In real life, fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well. If there is someone in a dream who holds a snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and order management in the dreamer's world and may represent in some way himself or someone from his acquaintances. In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom stems from the snake's ability to shed its skin and renew itself. If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and ordering. In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition to the achievement of a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan in the guise of a snake seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreamed of in such a context hints at a specific person in your real life, with whom you did not have a very smooth relationship. Finally, Freud and classical psychotherapy also offered their own interpretations of this iconic image. In their opinion, the snake symbolizes the phallus, but sometimes it embodies fear of sexual intercourse, aversion to it. It is quite difficult to correctly interpret the snake you dreamed. What emotions prevail in relation to the snake: fear, respect or opposition? How do you feel about snakes in real life: neutral, fearful, or friendly? Did the snake appear when you were alone or with others? How do you feel about those; people who were with you? The answers to these questions should lead to a fruitful interpretation of the dream with a snake.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

What does a snake mean in a dream

  • Snake - to see a snake crawling on the ground in a dream is evidence that soon you will have a fight with the worst enemy, who, after secret intrigues against you, will decide on open war.
  • If the crawling snake is poisonous, then it is unlikely that you will be able to defeat this person, because he is stronger and more cunning than you.
  • If the crawling snake is non-venomous, then you can easily cope with your enemy, using his intrigues against him.
  • Seeing a ball of snakes in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you who wish you the collapse of your career, unhappiness in your family life and even death. You should be more careful in communicating with all your acquaintances, because what you say in a fit of passion will do you a bad job.
  • If in a dream you were bitten by a snake, then in real life you will be deeply disappointed in a loved one. For a long time you will look for the reasons for your constant bad luck, but it will never even occur to you that this is the work of a person you trust. Most likely, he resorted to the forces of black magic, making it his goal to make your life miserable.
  • Seeing in a dream a snake peacefully coiled into a ring is a harbinger of the fact that your enemies are just waiting for the right moment to strike you with a powerful blow, from which you most likely will not be able to recover.
  • If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person's neck, then such a dream is a bad sign. Apparently, you are among the first to learn about the deadly illness of a loved one. You will need to show great willpower to communicate it to the patient's relatives and help a loved one to live their last days with dignity and humility.
  • To see a gigantic snake in a dream is a prophecy of a great tragedy. There will come a time when Satan will be instilled on Earth in human form. It will be a time of hunger, poverty, violence, human suffering, theft and death of millions of people living on our planet. Killing a snake in a dream is a sign that humanity in the future, realizing how important it is to believe in God, will reopen all churches and temples. The impure power will retreat, seeing that people have become more merciful and wiser.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

A snake bites in a dream

Have enemies among women; kill - get out of a difficult everyday situation.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

Kill a snake in a dream

  • Snake - Symbol of the fall of man, evil, cunning.
  • To see a snake crawling on the ground in a dream means that you should be wary of the years under its influence, that is, 2001, 2013, 2025, etc. It is in these years that a real threat will hang over you to be homeless and material resources. Most likely, there will not even be a person nearby to help you overcome your disasters.
  • The poisonous snake that has entwined the number of the Antichrist is a sign that at the moment when the Antichrist comes to earth, all the most terrible human vices are activated. The time will come for murderers, thieves, rapists. To see in a dream a non-poisonous snake approaching a person is a warning that at the head of one of the most powerful states of the globe there is a person who will start a war against a weak state, but at the present time there is still an opportunity to prevent this person. For the dreamer, such a dream warns of an impending danger that can be avoided.
  • If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream, you, unwillingly, will become the cause of a very big scandal, perhaps through your fault or through the fault of one of your loved ones a political coup will occur.
  • If you dreamed of a huge snake squeezing a person's neck, then this means that this person is in real danger.
  • A dream in which you saw a black, gigantic snake means an incomparable evil.
  • A snake coiled around a rod means evil that hides the truth.
  • If in a dream you saw a snake curled up in a ring, then you have a secret ill-wisher.
  • To see a snake attacking you in a dream means in reality to experience disaster and hardship.
  • To kill a snake in a dream is to get rid of the enemy.
  • Seeing a snake with several heads in a dream is a warning. You can fall prey to monstrous lies.
  • The snake, the outline of which is hidden behind the fog, is a symbol of a nuclear threat and can mean a nuclear missile.
  • A dream in which you feel a snake gaze on you means the close attention of very influential and cruel people to you.
  • Why do snakes dream in a ball - in reality, become a victim of intrigue and gossip.

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