Psychics about the dollar exchange rate c. Vanga about the bright future of Russia. Saint Matrona's predictions

The most interesting and popular predictions for 2017 for Russia from famous psychics and clairvoyants.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2017

The first prediction speaks of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between the countries should end in 2017. During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases.
Europe will suffer the most from the war. The population here will be significantly reduced and the European continent will be empty. And then Russia will come out on top, where the rest of the European population will begin to gather and settle in Siberia. Russia will accept everyone and become a new "cradle of civilization". Later, China will join it, which in 2018 will become an absolutely independent power, claiming world leadership.
In addition, in his forecasts, he links 2017 with the rise of the world economy. Energy revolution associated with improved storage methods solar energy, will provide people with cheap electricity, the transportation of which will not require anything. The energy will spread through the air.

Wanga's predictions

It is necessary to clarify that Wanga never spoke about exact dates, only approximately a specific period of time. However, some analysts try to structure the seer predictions by year.
The famous soothsayer Vanga prophesies to Russia in the 21st century extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power, which will give hope to our entire world and bring spiritual revival throughout the planet.
Vangelia has always emphasized in her predictions that Russia will, as it were, wake up from sleep, reject everything that is defamatory and negative, and glory will go about her as a superpower. Russia will subjugate the whole world, but not by force and blood, but by authority.
"Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain intact - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia ... She will sweep everything out of her way and not only remain, but also become the ruler of the world."

Predictions of psychic Alexander Sheps for 2017

Psychic Alexander Sheps, who is the winner of the "Battle of Psychics", made his statement regarding the upcoming 2017. According to the promising predictor, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to grow rapidly, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.
According to Sheps, in the summer of next year, the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country, and will stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The Russian ruble will gradually strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its former positions.
Speaking about Ukraine, Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, though this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after that the head of state will also resign. The new political force, which will lead Ukraine, will begin to establish relations with both Russia and the European Union.

Prophecies of Paul Globa for 2017

For Russia, 2017 will be a very difficult year, but not hopeless. In this difficult year, all countries of the world will face a serious crisis: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, this will allow it to "stay afloat" and increase its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country will face ruin and loss of prestige.
The astrologer also talks about the reunification of the Russian Federation, the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan will want to join it. Following them, the annexation of Azerbaijan and Armenia, and also partly of Ukraine, is likely. The unfolding global collapse, the beginning of which we see already today, will cause irreparable damage to Europe and the United States. The European Union will be on the verge of collapse, and the economic instability in Europe will significantly reduce its prestige in the world political arena.
Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the US dollar. A sharp depreciation awaits him.
With regard to the internal political situation in our country, the astrologer predicts an alarming situation. The revolutionary uprising and mass protests will grow more and more, the purpose of which will be to overthrow the current government. All these riots will result in civilian casualties. The risk of terrorist attacks will also increase, according to the portal.
Next year, natural disasters await the whole world: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. Also, a large number of accidents, both transport and plane crashes, are predicted. In Siberia, an astrologer predicts fires.
According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for changes.

Swami Dashi is a follower of the Osho teachings, the study of which he devoted about 20 years, actively comprehending oriental spiritual practices in India, in 2016 he became known to a million audience after winning the popular show "Battle of Psychics" presented by TNT channel. In his mystical, on the verge of an inexplicable talent to see the events of the future and the past, the mystery man, hiding the details of his biography, uses exclusively the methods of meditation, the basics of yoga, bodily pulsations and other spiritual and mental activities. In the entire history of the TV project about psychics, Swami Dashi received a record number of viewers' votes, the total number of which exceeded 720 thousand.

The future of Russia in the predictions of Swami Dashi

2017, according to the psychic's forecasts, will be a difficult but productive time for the Russian Federation. The economic situation in the country will finally show stable growth, allowing Russians to increase their income levels. But one should not hope for a complete overcoming of the crisis, the consequences of which will be felt until 2020.

The political life of the state will be smooth, without significant upheavals. Despite attempts to destabilize the internal situation in Russia, the authorities will not only preserve order and calmness of citizens, but will also significantly strengthen their positions. According to Swami Dashi, the current Russian President will be re-elected for a new term, the upcoming presidential elections in 2018 will be won by Vladimir Putin by a wide margin from other candidates.

The psychic makes a disappointing forecast for some representatives of the political elite of Russia, 2017 will be generous in death in their ranks and will take the lives of many prominent figures.

The main thing for the internal life of the Russian Federation, despite various upheavals, will be the spiritual revival of citizens, the Russians will continue their intellectual development. Also in 2017, they should prepare for the emergence of new world stars of show business and sports in the ranks of newly minted fellow citizens, who will receive Russian citizenship.

Swami Dashi on the global turmoil in 2017

For many world countries, the psychic has a disappointing forecast for 2017. So, Swami Dashi believes that the destructive processes in the political life of the United States, which began in 2006, will not only progress this year, but will also lead to unpredictable consequences. The American state will be faced with a choice of a further path, while having several scenarios for the development of the future for the country. For the United States, 2017 will be marked by a huge number of protests, rallies, demonstrations and speeches that will bring social and ethnic strife into society.

The psychic sees the future of Serbia as unfavorable, which in 2017-2018 will again find itself in the center of bloody events, according to Swami's prediction, a fierce confrontation will erupt between Serbs and Albanians over the territory of Kosovo.

For Syria, 2017 will be the start of a new path to revival, but new military conflicts will erupt in the East, in which Russia will be directly involved.

Ukraine will not gain territorial and civil unity until 2019, the current year will be marked by new victims. The country will find itself in a severe political and economic crisis, which will lead Ukrainians to new internal confrontations.

In predicting the future for the CIS countries, Swami promises that a number of states will change the power that ruled them for many years.

This year, the partnership between Russia and China will significantly strengthen, to which India will also join, creating a strategic economic and military alliance in the Eurasian region.

For the Russian Federation, 2017 in the international arena will be especially successful, the state will take a leading position in the world in many areas. Most of the sanctions against Russia will be lifted in the second half of the year.

Swami Dashi's Predictions for Family and Career 2017

A difficult year in many respects, 2017 requires people to make balanced and deliberate decisions, the psychic does not advise taking big risks in cash in investments in new commercial projects or financial loans, there is a large share of the risk that the investment will go bankrupt, causing significant losses. Swami also advises to refrain from changing jobs or professions, the year of the Red Rooster is not the best time for a radical change in lifestyle.

At the same time, the psychic in his predictions indicates that to all those who wanted to go in for sports, but postponed the realization of their desires, 2017 is the most suitable year for starting the training process.

The most successful year will be for lovers and married couples... Swami has a favorable prognosis for single people, many of them will have to meet a soul mate and find true love. The psychic points out that 2017 will be an excellent time for conception and childbirth, with a high probability of excluding the possibility of serious congenital diseases.

Despite positive or negative predictions, Swami Dashi clarifies that each of the people is an independent builder of their future, therefore the psychic calls on to develop their spiritual "I" and not be afraid of serious changes that will surely bring everyone happiness and prosperity.

Most people want to know what the future holds. Especially such a desire appears with the onset of the new year. Consider the most interesting and popular predictions for 2017 for Russia from famous psychics and clairvoyants.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2017

The first prediction speaks of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between the countries should end in 2017... During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases.

Europe will suffer the most from the war. The population here will be significantly reduced and the European continent will be empty. And then Russia will come out on top, where the rest of the European population will begin to gather and settle in Siberia. Russia will accept everyone and become a new "cradle of civilization". Later, China will join it, which in 2018 will become an absolutely independent power, claiming world leadership.

In addition, in his forecasts, he links 2017 with the rise of the world economy. The energy revolution, associated with improved methods for storing solar energy, will provide people with cheap electricity, which will not require anything to transport. The energy will spread through the air.

Wanga's predictions

It is necessary to clarify that Wanga never spoke about exact dates, only approximately a specific period of time. However, some analysts try to structure the seer predictions by year.

The famous soothsayer Vanga prophesies to Russia in the 21st century extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power, which will give hope to our entire world and bring spiritual revival throughout the planet.

Vangelia has always emphasized in her predictions that Russia will, as it were, wake up from sleep, reject everything that is defamatory and negative, and glory will go about her as a superpower. Russia will subjugate the whole world, but not by force and blood, but by authority.

"Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain intact - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia ... She will sweep everything out of her way and not only remain, but also become the ruler of the world."

Predictions of psychic Alexander Sheps for 2017

Psychic Alexander Sheps, who is the winner of the "Battle of Psychics", made his statement regarding the upcoming 2017. According to the promising predictor, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to grow rapidly, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.

According to Sheps, in the summer of next year, the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country, and will stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The Russian ruble will gradually strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its former positions.

Speaking about Ukraine, Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, though this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after that the head of state will also resign. The new political force, which will lead Ukraine, will begin to establish relations with both Russia and the European Union.

Prophecies of Paul Globa for 2017

For Russia, 2017 will be a very difficult year, but not hopeless. In this difficult year, all countries of the world will face a serious crisis: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, this will allow it to "stay afloat" and increase its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country will face ruin and loss of prestige.

The astrologer also talks about the reunification of the Russian Federation, the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan will want to join it. Following them, the annexation of Azerbaijan and Armenia, and also partly of Ukraine, is likely. The unfolding global collapse, the beginning of which we see already today, will cause irreparable damage to Europe and the United States. The European Union will be on the verge of collapse, and the economic instability in Europe will significantly reduce its prestige in the world political arena.

Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the US dollar. A sharp depreciation awaits him.

With regard to the internal political situation in our country, the astrologer predicts an alarming situation. The revolutionary uprising and mass protests will grow more and more, the purpose of which will be to overthrow the current government. All these riots will result in civilian casualties. The risk of terrorist attacks will also increase, according to the portal.

Next year, natural disasters await the whole world: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. Also, a large number of accidents, both transport and plane crashes, are predicted. In Siberia, an astrologer predicts fires.

According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for changes.

Sometimes each of us wants to open the veil of secrecy and understand what exactly awaits each of us in the future. Everyone has their own reasons for this, but the result should be the same - only accurate information from the future will help to deal with the current situation. For this, most people are accustomed to go for help to a variety of seers and psychics, the number of which is simply off scale at the present time - choose what you want.

Among this mass of experienced specialists in reading information from the future, it is worth highlighting a small number of people who prove their abilities in practice - participants in the Russian battle of psychics. The winners and participants of this famous program have been proving their abilities to millions of viewers for a long time, so why not find out from them the future of the entire state and the world as a whole. To do this, it is worth learning the predictions for 2017 from the participants in the battle of psychics.

Natalia Vorotnikovaya

One of the first winners of the famous mystical program in Russia decided to make a forecast for the next year of her country. In her opinion, during this period in the Russian Federation the current crisis will continue, which, however, will no longer cause too much harm to the state. The consequences of this decline in activity in all spheres of industry will not globally affect the development of the entire power, therefore, closer to 2018, Russia will become the first nation of all to emerge from a protracted crisis.

Tursina Zakirova

The winner of the 4th season of the "Battle of Psychics" decided to tell her vision of the development of events in 2017 in Russia. According to Tursina, she had a prophetic dream that told her about the most important events in the country. The alliance between Putin and Medvedev will help bring the country out of its current economic crisis and put Russia in a new, more advantageous position in relation to the world arena. As a result, in the near future the Russian Federation will take one of the leading places in relation to its economic development, becoming a role model for many of the current European powers.

Alexander Litvin

According to the famous psychic, no obvious changes should be expected in 2017. Therefore, both economically and politically, the Russian Federation will remain in its current position. The issue of the military conflict will be resolved only in 2018.

Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova

According to this psychic, in 2017 Russia will face many accidents, troubles and sorrows, which will cause numerous human casualties. Most likely this will be due to the plane crash. It is also better to beware of various comets, asteroids or meteorites flying in close proximity to our planet. The thing is that these celestial bodies can influence each individual in different ways.

Svetlana Proskuryakova

Another participant of a famous TV show, who, moreover, is a consultant of the Center psychological assistance v extreme situations... Her vision of what will happen to Russia as a world state is quite extensive. These statements apply to a wide variety of industries and need to be discussed in more detail.

1. On this moment the fate of the entire state depends on who is at “its helm”. More precisely, the whole point is in the correctness of the decisions made by the current officials. It is they who will decide the fate of the entire nation in 2017.

2. Russia's biggest problem is its officials. They are able not only to prevent the conflict, but also to inflate it with greater force. Therefore, one can judge the future of the entire power only against the background of certain decisions that will be made by the ruling elite.

3. Next year, reforms should take place in society, which, due to their disharmonious nature, can cause a storm of negative emotions in society.

4. At this time, various threats will hang over Russia, such as a terrorist act. This will entail many human casualties.

5. The oil price will not be stable - its fluctuations will continue until 2018.

6. The country will be overwhelmed by various cataclysms and catastrophes: fires and floods can cause another economic crisis. The population of the Russian Federation will be under threat and the state authorities will have to twist it on the go.

Alexey Pokhabov

This is the winner of the 7th season of the famous show. It was this psychic who decided not to say any specific dates regarding his predictions, especially in matters of economic stability of the entire state. According to the soothsayer, the time has come for people to learn how to adapt to the realities that swept over them in 2014. Life will return to normal only after we begin to perceive it as normal. Moreover, such a scenario for the development of the situation in 2017 is not only the most correct, but also the only possible one. Natural disasters will also come, but in this case, you should learn to worry first of all for your own life, and not for the salvation of some material wealth.

Nicole Kuznetsova

The finalist of the last battle of psychics for the story that 2017 will undoubtedly be difficult for the entire Russian people. Both ordinary citizens and the government of the Russian Federation will begin to make those decisions that will help the whole country to get out of the existing economic crisis. Also, all those who have funds in the form of bank savings should spend them on their development, otherwise they will be disappointed by the end of the year.

Analyzing such an astro forecast from the winners and participants of the "Battle of Psychics", we can conclude that the Russians will have a difficult year ahead and it will be good if we are all mentally prepared for this time. To do this, people should only accept such a way of life, or they will learn to earn for that new level, which is necessary for "normal existence." Everything is in our hands, and even soothsayers tend to err. Therefore, believe in yourself and may the next 2017 be the best in all aspects of your being.

What does the coming year 2017 have in store for us? Modern psychics and soothsayers of the past have told us this secret. The wheel of life turns and every year brings change with it. Let's take a closer look at the predictions of psychics for 2017.

Psychics and soothsayers about 2017

Everyone thinks about what will happen tomorrow, in a month or a week? Many minds care what the coming year 2017 is preparing for us? Predictors and psychics known to many and only in narrow circles will share their predictions. The clairvoyant prophecies of 2017 can be trusted.

Many futurists predict that some countries may leave the European Union due to the economic crisis. The EU will have a shortage of energy and natural resources. They realize and understand that they are increasingly dependent on the influence of Russia.

Vanga prophesied that a nuclear conflict could begin in 2017. This will especially affect countries that own nuclear weapons and having nuclear power plants. This is what the soothsayer meant when she mentioned the end of our world. Researchers believe that the real end of humanity will not come so quickly.

Astrologer P. Globa, well-known throughout the CIS, predicts that in 2017 Russian scientists will make a breakthrough in science and humanity will be able to climb one more step in its constant self-development. There will be successes in astronautics and mankind will gain a deeper understanding of space. The time is not far off when Russia will be the main center of the cultural development of mankind. A sprout of movement will break through here, thanks to which all the people of the earth will unite.

Taras Ivannikov, who is considered an X-ray man, believes that 2017 is no more, no less than

"Golden age" for mother Russia. It is here that people who have lost their homes will find their second home. Soon there will be a breakthrough in medicine, they will find a medicine that will cure many diseases that are not susceptible to the effects of the disease. A record harvest of many grains is expected in 2017. Ivannikov says that he contacted Vanga and received this information from her.

Consider what psychics predicted for 2017 for Russia. Esotericists predict that 2017 will be the last of a cycle of 9576 years. Earlier, in such years, civilizations perished. Nostradamus in his quatrains warns that the whole of 2017 will be riddled with cataclysms on a global scale. The seer warned that a wave of such a destructive force could pass through the world, which would bury a lot of land under it and erase a significant part of the South American from the African continents. A tornado will hit the United States. The people of America are aware of these frightening prophecies and, according to their strength and faith in the future, prepare for the worst.

Prediction of psychics 2017 for Russia and Ukraine, which is expected to significantly improve the internal and external economic, political situation. Many predictions regarding 2017 are linked to the fate of Russia. Futurologists believe that the balance of good and evil and real economic forces on the planet will depend on Russia. And it will become the cradle of civilization.

Tsunamis will begin, volcanic eruptions in places, glaciers will quickly melt, the ocean level will rise. 1/4 of the entire planet will be under water. There will be many dead, and the flow of migrants will move to the central part of Russia. Consider other prophecies of psychics.

George Friedman, a well-known futurist, believes that in 2017 Russia will complete integration with all the powers that were part of former USSR... The main enemy facing a protracted cold war is the United States. Fragmentation will occur in the European Union due to the deep economic crisis. Russia will continue to trade successfully natural resources... Its influence on all states of the world will increase.

Maria Duval predicted what state Russia will be in in 2017. She thinks that she will expect a natural rise and prosperity. The seer sees that power is concentrated in one chosen person. A cultural revolution is coming, thanks to which a qualitatively different society will emerge. Discoveries will be in medicine with science. The sensational news will concern space. Humanity will reveal important secrets that hide the cosmos.

Many immigrants from the USSR know Globa Pavel's forecast. He is known in narrow astrological circles. Globa confirms that some countries will leave the EU, which will weaken its position and influence on the world community. Russia, thanks to the correct political and economic course, will conclude alliances with some large countries. The weight of the words of Russian politicians will increase.

James Hansen's predictions

James Hansen works as a climatologist and claims that mankind has a detrimental effect on nature and this threatens cataclysms in the future. A sharp warming is foreseen on the whole planet. Glaciers will melt and most of the land will disappear under water. The climatologist believes that humanity must stop the poisoning of nature. He foresees that if the energy balance on the planet is disturbed, whole species of plants and animals will begin to disappear one after another in the wild. All this taken together and will end with the end of the world.

Psychic predictions for 2017

What are other predictors boasting for 2017? There is a theory that disasters happen hierarchically. According to those calculations, 2017 is the last year before the end of the world.

Blavatsky and Tsiolkovsky, on the contrary, believe that this is the beginning of an era when humanity will finally enter space on a large scale. Madame Blavatsky said that starting in 2012, 5 years will be very important and will determine what kind of relationship will be established between humanity and nature?

Tsiolkovsky argued that the time for high technologies was coming. This can have a positive effect on the development of mankind or provoke a global catastrophe in the technogenic sphere. Humanity must heed the words of the great scientist and follow the path of harmony with nature, create large purifying devices for water and air. Russian scientists have such developments.

Alexey Pokhabov, who won one of the "Battles of Psychics", is a member of futurological communities. He says that natural resources and other resources will rise significantly in 2017.

Blessed Matrona of Moscow predicts

Blessed Staritsa Matrona did not reveal all the secrets she knew about Mother Russia. Some irresponsible people try to twist it recent predictions, to intimidate the population with various disasters. Matrona said that from 2017 a thaw will begin in relations between Prince Vladimir and the West.

The general state of affairs in Russia will improve. Matronushka said that the Slavs will unite and Russia will dominate the whole world for many years. Since 2017, the economic situation in the country will improve significantly. The turmoil experienced by the country's economy will be left behind. Sales on the domestic and foreign markets in many sectors of Russia will increase.

Matronushka believed that the land would be strewn, the dawn of the peasantry would begin (from the summer of 2017). The world will not be the same as before, but the Western powers will stop putting pressure on Russia and interfering in its affairs. Matronushka said that the Lord, by his mercy, would not leave Russia.

Unverified sources claim that Matronushka predicted the creation in Russia of some serum or pill capable of curing patients who were previously considered hopeless. Another source, the data of which cannot be verified, says that the composition of this medicine, as one of the ingredients, will include holy water.

Matronushka was especially happy, she saw with her inner eyes that Russia would begin to revive in 2017 and would become a great power. Internal and external enemies cannot harm her and she will continue on her way to the glory of God. Many formally believers from this period will convert and become churches, become strong in faith and fulfillment of God's commandments, as Christians.

Prophecies for Ukraine

Consider the predictions of clairvoyants in 2017 for Ukraine. Central regions. Until 2017 central part Ukraine is in close alliance with Western and Europe. Troubled times. Politicians are trying to improve relations with the current European Union. Since 2017, the central regions of Ukraine will go under a protectorate to Russia.

Western part of Ukraine. Until 2017, there is a tight union between Western and Central Ukraine. Since 2017, it has been more independent than united with the central regions of Ukraine. Since 2019, there have been ethnic cleansing and hostilities based on internal conflict. It will come to its logical end in 2020.The situation will remain tense until 2021.

Western Ukraine will empathize and actively help the East and South of Ukraine. Especially sympathetic Kharkov. The influence is great on the whole world and these areas will have a leader who will soon enter the political arena of Russia. He will act as a peacemaker. This is the superconscious influence of a passionate. From 2019 to 2021, Russia will oversee and influence Western Ukraine and the Baltics.

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