Someone else's mirror in the house of signs. The magic of mirrors. Rules for handling mirrors. Old people recommend covering or taking mirrors out of the room where the patient is very sick. Firstly, it is bad if the patient sees himself in the mirror, and secondly, the mirror is able to

People have always believed that mirrors are endowed with special magical powers. Many signs were associated with them, they were bewitched, they wondered about the future. Therefore, omen mirrors are one of the most faithful, and many troubles in life can be avoided if you follow them.

If in your house a mirror has faded by itself, then soon expect misfortune - illness of a loved one or, even worse, someone's death. This can be avoided if you wrap the mirror in a cloth and take it into the closet, and hang a new one in its place. Just in front of this new mirror, you need to say:

"I change the mirror - I chase away the trouble, the old one - peace, the new one - with me. The mirror is with me - forever, but trouble - never."

If a person looks in your mirror, from whom you do not expect anything good, neutralize his unpleasant energy, which otherwise the mirror will store for a very long time. Light a candle by the mirror and say:

"Was and swam, someone else's trail - get lost, mine - charge yourself with good power."

The mirror can attract financial success to you. To do this, put a small mirror in a wallet with large bills at night and, before going to bed, say:

"Money, reflect in the mirror, multiply in my wallet, multiply everywhere out of need."

You need to do this one of the nights.

You should never take a mirror from the house of a deceased person, and it is better not to use other people's mirrors, you can "look through" your happiness. Better to have your own little mirror in your purse. But if you need to look in the mirror in a public place (office, theater, etc.), do not forget to say to yourself:

"Keep your mirror for yourself, don't take mine. I look - I don't believe, I don't expect loss."

If you happen to leave home, and then return, so that there is no failure on the way, go to the mirror and say this:

"The mirror that is gone - forget it, let's go the good way."

Do not allow the mirrors in the house to be dusty, dirty. Otherwise, the beauty of everyone who lives in this house and looks in them will quickly go away. To prevent this from happening, starting cleaning in the house, wipe the mirrors first and say:

"A mirror to shine - everyone in this house is prettier, not to be afraid of old age - to remain young."

*** With the help of a mirror, you can ward off damage or the evil eye. If, after visiting a public place, you return with a headache or even feel unwell, go to the mirror and say this:

"My appearance, reflect in the mirror, someone else's libel was a success. The evil eye - down with, damage - by the side, me - good health and vigor at the head."

Then stand with your back to the mirror and say three times: "Chur me!"

The state of health will immediately improve.

If something unknown is happening in the house - steps at night, dishes or something else are ringing for no reason, ask a mirror to protect your house from evil spirits. Hang a large mirror in the hallway (if it is not there) and, after sprinkling it with holy water, say:

"Open, mirror, the way is unknown, be a guardian for my house. Take the evil away, bring the good forces to my house. For us to live - do not be afraid, do not touch us any more evil."

It happened to break the mirror - unfortunately. You can avoid trouble with the help of such a ceremony. Collect the fragments and wrap them in a white cloth, then bury them in the ground outside the yard and say:

"I will bury the mirror, I will take out the trouble. The fragments will not return to my house - bad things will not happen."

The mirror can also help in obtaining good harvest... If tomorrow you plan to sow certain seeds in the ground, put them in front of a mirror in the evening and say this:

"I will put the seeds in the mirror for good shoots, for a rich harvest. The seeds are reflected in the mirror, germination improves, the harvest increases."

Then from these seeds there will be good shoots.

Before going to the store for a new item, go to a large mirror and say:

"In the mirror, the girl will appear in full glory, she does not shy away from herself, and people like what she is wearing."

There will be no mistakes in the selection of wardrobe. You will buy exactly what will fit on you well.

Never eat in front of a mirror - this can lead to illness. If this happened by accident, be sure to say:

"Mirror, forgive me, kindly let go, don't be angry with me."

If you are on a full moon night on a glass of water, put a mirror (reflective surface up) and say:

"By fast water, the sir (madam) rides on a fast boat on the mirror surface. Rides - does not interfere, hurries to me "

You will soon meet your love.

You can also ward off the enemy with the help of a mirror. If someone is hostile to you and interferes in life, ask the mirror in these words, "showing" him a photo of the ill-wisher:

"Do not harm him, but take away his plans, his slander, his unkind thoughts from me. Let him live on his own, he doesn’t stick to me, he doesn’t fierce against me, he doesn’t want anything bad for me."

After that, the intrigues of the enemy will be nullified.

If you stick a needle into the wall behind the mirror and say so:

"The secret is kept here, I don't scold my family, get along with my husband, evil people ward off ",

peace and tranquility will always reign in the house, and unkind people or simply gossips will forever forget their way to it.

If close person Has not been coming to you for a long time, take a red thread, fasten it on the mirror frame from above and say the following words:

"Along the dusty path, along a thin thread, I ask the servant of God (name) to come to me, to appear to me. Today I hand over my request to the mirror, tomorrow I meet the long-awaited guest."

And the one you are waiting for will definitely come to you.

Signs about the mirror

There are things in our everyday life that we need to use every day. So, every day we look in the mirror. Without it, we will not be able to put ourselves in order: comb our hair, put on makeup, pick up clothes. It attracts us like a drug. The role of a mirror in ours is not as primitive and safe as it seems to us.

The mirror connects us with otherworldly forces. Looking in the mirror, we see not only our own reflection, as many believe. First of all, the mirror reflects our inner world, our soul. Remember how aggressive you are when someone tries to "get into your soul." In fact, the same thing happens when several people use the same mirror. We ourselves, not wanting to, get into the soul of another, only at a higher level. In this way, we can intercept the negative emotions of our "neighbor in the mirror", illness, or whatever.

For carrying out daily morning procedures, it is advisable for each family member to have their own mirror. This is the same hygiene rule as everyone has their own toothbrush. Likewise, you cannot lend your mirror to anyone, even if your close friend asks for it in order to fix her makeup.

You should pay attention to the fact that the shape of the mirror has a very strong effect on a person with the help of its energy, which it emits.

A round, oval or square shape is suitable for those signs of the zodiac, whose element is Water or Earth.

Rectangular, but not square, is favorable for those whose element is Water or Fire.

The arch-shaped mirror is closer to the energy of Water.

The triangular shape is suitable for people whose element is Fire or Earth.

It is best when the energy of the mirror is either identical with your energy, or radiates energy that supports you. Thus, you can replenish your inner strength without much effort for you, since the need to look in the mirror occurs at least once a day.

Mirrors in public places are extremely dangerous. If you come to the theater or somewhere else, where there are usually many different people, do not look in the mirrors, use your pocket mirror.

The mirror absorbs some of the energy of objects and creatures that are next to it. It remembers our reflection for a long time, so it cannot be simply thrown away. If you want to get rid of the mirror, you need to prepare the mirror for this. First, it should be rinsed by holding it for 15 minutes to an hour under running water. Then wipe dry and put in some inaccessible place for at least three days. Only then can the mirror be thrown away.

Since ancient times, in many countries, a broken mirror was considered very bad sign... It was believed that if a person broke a mirror, then he would have a misfortune. There is a lot of truth in this. The mirror is connected with our soul, so any crack in the mirror is a crack in our soul. It is very dangerous to look in a cracked mirror: it can lead to serious illness. If you break the mirror, you need to surpass it over your left shoulder, sprinkle the fragments with salt and throw them away with the sentence: " Misfortune is not for me"After that, he will light a candle in the church for his own health.

A mirror, like any thing that appears in your home, must be cleaned before use. To do this, it must be rinsed under running water, but you can also use detergent for glass. Then it must be thoroughly wiped off, turning so that the sun's rays are reflected in it, and say the words: "My father, the Sun, I ask you to cleanse my mirror. Fill it with your power to the very depths."... The mirror should be held in the sun for another five minutes.

It is good if you wipe the mirror every night with a dry cloth. It must be cleaned at least once every ten days. Each time remove it from the wall and bring it under the sun for about five minutes, if the mirror is usually located in the shady part of your house or apartment.

Exists a few more rules to follow:

- you can't eat if you see yourself in the mirror,

In order for a child to grow up healthy and happy, it is not recommended for him to look in the mirror until the age of three,

You cannot sit with your back to the mirror - this leads to a loss of strength or to illness.

If a person is sick, he cannot look in the mirror. However, if you charge the mirror solar energy, then you can let the patient look at it, and then clean it according to all the rules and let it stand in the sun.

If the mirror is very old, stains or smudges began to appear on it, it is better to get rid of it. It stops emitting positive energy, but on the contrary, it becomes a source of negative energy. The mirror becomes the open door to the underworld. Through such a mirror, the inhabitants of the underworld can easily get into your house and bring serious trouble.

A mirror can help you get rid of geopathogenic zones in your home. To do this, the mirror should be placed face down under an object that stands in an unfavorable place, thereby blocking the flow of negative energy.

It should be taken seriously that the sleeper should not be reflected in the mirror. Whether we like it or not, we are most vulnerable at the moment of sleep, when the astral body leaves the physical. Most often, the astral is next to the sleeping person. That is why it is dangerous when a sleeping person is reflected in a mirror. In this case, the mirror acts as a funnel, which imagines, tightens the subtle component of our body and can absorb forever.

If you take good care of mirrors, it will become as invisible to you as most objects. Surrounding you in life.

Why glass mirrors were banned in the Middle Ages. How evil spirits enter the world of the living through mirrored corridors and how negative can be removed. Feng Shui tips.

Since ancient times, all objects capable of reflection have been associated in the human mind with magic and mystery. Household mirrors date back to the 18th century, when a Franciscan monk from Italy described a technique for covering glass with a thin layer of tin to obtain a reflective surface. Despite their ecclesiastical origin, these things are surrounded by legends about a connection with the other world and are considered an effective guide to parallel worlds.

Myths and fortune telling with the help of mirrors

As soon as the real mirror was invented (as we know it), many religious denominations imposed a ban on it. It was believed that through the surface on the world the devil is looking. According to another version, Satan specially invented this thing so that Eve could see her beauty and be proud of her. Therefore, in order not to repeat the sin of the pro-mother, medieval women of fashion used carefully polished metal discs.

The addiction of evil spirits to this thing is mentioned in many legends. For example, in Chinese mythology, it is believed that if the mirrors are placed opposite each other, then the demons will be able to enter our reality along the corridor created by the reflection.

This method of communication with the otherworldly was well known in ancient Russia, where the girl's Christmas divination took place in this way. The girl put one mirror in front of her, and the other right in front of him but behind her. Then she lit candles and tried to see the betrothed's face. It was believed that the devil summoned in this way would show the fortune-teller fate. This method is still used, but its fans need to know that such magic sessions do not always end happily. An angry spirit can punish the one that disturbed his peace.

Another popular female fortune telling looks like that. You need to take a wax candle and draw 13 crosses on the reflective surface. Then the mirror is placed on the table, candles are lit on the sides, and a cup of water and a salt shaker are placed on the table. The fortuneteller eats a pinch of salt, drinks it with water and stares into it. Since the ritual is carried out at night, then after it you need to go to sleep in silence. The future will be revealed in a dream.

Remember that according to legend, breaking this object means seven troubles. To avoid them, throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder or turn counterclockwise three times. Parents are not recommended to bring small children to the mirror - they may get scared and then have bad dreams.

Feng Shui Mirrors

Feng Shui considers this thing to be a powerful accumulator of energy. Therefore, if used correctly, it can improve the atmosphere in your home.

In the East, they believe that a mirror can scare away demons, which are so terrible that they are able to squander at the sight of their own reflection. Therefore, they decorated the entrance to the house with this object. Therefore, the mirror opposite the front door in Feng Shui serves as a talisman.

At the same time, according to feng shui, you cannot place a mirror in front of a mirror (so as not to open the way for evil spirits) and place it next to the bed, because it will use a sleeping person as a donor for evil spirits. If it is not possible to remove the object, it is better to throw a cloth over its surface at night. Thus, energy vampires will be neutralized.

A feng shui mirror in the hallway symbolizes the attraction of money to the house. You can also perform a good luck ritual. To do this, the specified object must be hung in the kitchen next to the dining table or in the living room in such a way that it reflects the beautiful decoration of the room and the set table. There is a rite of passage to multiply finances - to put a stack of coins in front of the surface.

Do not forget that to preserve youth and beauty, you need to look in the mirror only in good mood... It will help build up positive energy and create a smile that beautifies everyone. Ancient Chinese teaching advises from time to time to fumigate a thing with aromatic herbs that drive away evil spirits. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

13.07.2015 09:30

All things in the house carry energy, which can be both positive and negative. Specialists ...

28.10.2016 17:11

A mirror is a special piece of interior, shrouded in a halo of mystery. People have always treated mirrors with care and some caution.

It is believed that a mirror is not just a thing, but a kind of road to the other world. This item is often given a mystical meaning and associated with the influence of mysterious forces. And, of course, over the centuries there have been many signs and beliefs about the mirror, many of which are popular to this day.

In this article of the women's online magazine "100 Worlds" we will talk about what beliefs exist about the mirror.

What your mirror should look like

First of all, it should be noted that for personal use it is better to choose only a new mirror. It is believed that mirrors keep in themselves the memory of people who previously looked in them. And this means that if earlier a person who was seriously ill, had a heavy heart or was simply angry often looked in the mirror, then his energy still lives behind the mirror surface. And, if you often look in the mirror after it, you will absorb its negative energy.

Therefore, there is a belief not to take mirrors that previously belonged to other people, even close ones, to your home. For the same reason, you should not buy antique mirrors, even if they look very beautiful and mysterious. Who knows what secrets they hold? Indeed, over the years, more than one generation of people has looked at them.

In addition, there is a sign that a rimless mirror sucks strength from its owner. Therefore, it is important to choose a frame for your mirror - of any kind, but it must be. And, of course, your mirror should be beautiful - you should like looking into it so that you have only positive emotions.

Mirrors in your home

They say that you can't have too many mirrors in your home, you don't have to hang them all over the place. Beliefs about mirrors say that these things have a very strong energy, and in excess they will have destructive force... Namely - they will draw strength from their master, making him hurt and depressed. So everything should be in moderation.

Hanging a mirror in front of the bed is considered a bad omen. You should not allow it to reflect sleeping people, otherwise it will bring them illness, quarrels and troubles.

There is a belief that a mirror should not be hung in the corner of a room. With this arrangement, it opens the door to the other world, which is fraught with many fears and dangers.

It is undesirable to have a mirror opposite the dining table. They say that if a person eats in front of a mirror, then it will deprive him of vitality, take away beauty and destroy memory. However, in principle, it is possible and even necessary to hang a mirror in the kitchen next to the table - if it hangs next to it, but at the same time does not reflect the dining people, it will bring money to your home. For the same reason, it is advisable to hang a mirror in the living room, in the hall - this is for money.

And, of course, each of us has a bathroom mirror. However, it is important to consider that it should be correctly positioned, namely, you should not be reflected in it when you wash. This sign about the mirror says that otherwise you will get sick.

How to look in the mirror

As we have already noted, beliefs about mirrors say that these mystical objects absorb information about their owners, absorb emotions and reflect them back. Therefore, you cannot look at your reflection when you are very upset or sick, when you are angry and crying, otherwise the mirror will then "return" this negative to you. Accordingly, you need to look in the mirror when you are happy, feel good and smile - and then it will “remember” exactly this and will give you and your hearth joy.

There is a sign according to which you cannot allow other people to look over your shoulder when you look in the mirror, otherwise the person will "steal" your energy. In addition, you cannot give your personal mirror, which you carry in your cosmetic bag, to anyone - this is your personal little thing that should not come into contact with other people's "waves".

Broken mirror sign

Of course, everyone has heard that breaking a mirror is very Bad sign, it brings sorrow and attracts misfortune. However, if this happens, then there is no need to panic. In such cases, it is recommended to collect the fragments with a rag, without touching them with your hands, take them outside and trample them into the ground.

You can act differently - there is a sign about a broken mirror, according to which it is enough to throw a pinch of salt over the left shoulder, turn around its axis clockwise three times and throw out the fragments.

The main thing, as legends say about mirrors, is not to look into the fragments of a broken mirror. And then, perhaps, the trouble will be averted.

Everyday signs about the mirror

You can't sit with your back to the mirror - this will lead to illness and fatigue.

Mirrors in the house should always shine with cleanliness, then there will be order and harmony in it.

You should not give mirrors to your friends and family. Let you have good intentions, but still the signs say that giving mirrors is a sign of separation.

No need to show mirrors to children under one year old. It is generally accepted that if such a small child looks in the mirror, he will be frightened and will grow up anxious.

If you went out into the street and realized that you forgot something, then when you return home, you should definitely look in the mirror with a smile. According to this sign about the mirror, without this simple action you will have to face troubles along the way.

Eerie beliefs about mirrors

Our great-grandmothers treated mirrors with fear, believing that they were associated with the world of spirits and other representatives of evil spirits. Therefore, many terrible legends and superstitions have survived to this day.

There is a belief that after midnight you cannot look in the mirror. At night, behind the mirror-like surface, you can see ghosts and other evil spirits that will frighten and bring trouble.

When a person dies, all the mirrors are curtained in his apartment - this sign is followed to this day. It is generally accepted that if the mirrors remain open, then the human soul will not be able to find the right path, that the soul can go into the mirror and remain in it without finding peace.

Besides, since ancient times, people believe that the mirror is a magical attribute used by witches, magicians and sorcerers. Beliefs about mirrors say that with the help of these objects you can summon spirits, bewitch, impose damage and cast spells of love and beauty.

At the same time, ancient beliefs about mirrors say that representatives of evil spirits are not reflected in mirrors. And if this happened, it means that the mirror is "evil", the sorcerer put a spell on it. By the way, the sorcerers themselves avoid being reflected in the mirrors - if this happens, the sorcerer will lose his power and fall ill. For this reason, shards of mirrors were previously left in the barns - in order to thereby protect the cattle from the effects of evil otherworldly forces.

And, of course, at all times, mirrors have been used for all sorts of fortune-telling. For these purposes, they are used to this day - fortune-telling with mirrors is popular during Christmas and Halloween, when young girls want to know their fate and see the face of their future husband. But such fortune-telling, of course, is terrible and is suitable only for the brave and desperate.

By the way, on the website of the women's online magazine "100 Worlds" you can read a separate article dedicated to the terrible fortune-telling about the mirror: The mirror will help you see your future spouse.

So, as you can see, there are a lot of signs about mirrors. Some beliefs look harmless, and some are very scary, because in any case, a mirror is a mystical object. Who knows what the cold surface is fraught with, which sparkles so terribly in the dark ...

However, you should not be too afraid of mirrors and avoid them, of course. Treat them with love, like other items in your home, keep them clean and smile more often - and then the mirrors will give you joy and peace, and not fear.

Anastasia Cherkasova prepared the article for the readers of the women's online magazine.

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The mirror is an eternal source of superstition. There are many fortune-telling and rituals associated with mirrors. For a long time, the reflection in the mirror has been attributed to a mystical sacrament that causes fear and anxiety. For centuries, mirrors have kept the energy of people and objects that at least once were reflected in them. Nevertheless, at present, people do not attach any special importance to mirrors, regarding them only as a household item.

Mirrors surround us everywhere - at home, on the street, in the store and at work. How to be? Not to remove from yourself all the objects in which you inadvertently can be reflected? Or maybe women hide under a veil, and men don't shave for weeks? Do not worry, I think that you should not aggravate the situation to the point of absurdity and take extreme measures, you just need to know how to better behave with mirrors so as not to incur trouble on yourself. Here is some of them:

  • If you have your own small mirror in your makeup bag or at home, don't let anyone else look in it. It has preserved your energy, it should not be mixed with someone else's, this will lead to misfortune.
  • It is also unfortunate to break the mirror. To avoid it, you need to carefully collect the debris with a sheet of paper or otherwise, without touching your hands, and bury the debris in the ground. In no case should you look into a broken mirror or a shard of it! It can split your life into the same pieces.
  • You cannot show the mirror to babies under one year old, otherwise he will be shy and speak late.
  • If, after leaving the house, you had to return, you must definitely look at yourself in the mirror, thereby you will scare away evil spirits, otherwise there will be no successful road.
  • If someone died in the house, then it is imperative to hang up all the mirrors so that the soul of the deceased cannot be reflected in them, thereby remaining in the world of the living.
  • Do not hang mirrors in the bathroom or bedroom so that a person who is bathing or sleeping is reflected in them. This will lead to frequent illnesses and love failures.
  • You can't sit with your back to the mirror - this will lead to loss of vitality or illness.
  • In order not to destroy your energy field, mirrors should always be framed.
  • Even the shape of a mirror can affect a person. You need to choose the one that you like, so that when you reflect in it, you do not experience negative emotions. It is better to wear a round mirror in your cosmetic bag.
  • The mirrors in the house should always be clean. Wipe them down regularly.

There are many more signs and beliefs associated with mirrors. The main thing is to remember that mirrors accumulate energy, both good and bad. But don't take all of these mirrored signs lightly. Be positive, smile to yourself and others more often, then you will not be afraid of any troubles and sorrows.

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