Name all the United States of America. All states of the United States. Confederate States of America

One of the largest countries in the world -- occupies almost a third of the continent of North America, where it owns an area of ​​over 9, 5 million km. sq. and according to this indicator it ranks fourth in the world.

The US population is about 314 million people(4.5% of the total population of our planet). The United States has the highest population growth rate in the world. Demographically, this is a youth state: the average age of an American is just over 36 years old.

USA is an urban state. The vast majority of the population is concentrated in cities. No more than 18% of Americans live in rural areas.

What is a "state" and how many are there in the US?

In 2016, the country will celebrate its 240th anniversary... Throughout its history, the United States has developed (and continues to develop) its administrative system.

From 1959 to the present, the United States, on an equal footing, includes 50 states, one federal district and several dependent territories that are not officially part of any state, but are directly controlled by the American government.

The state is the main administrative-territorial unit that, within the framework of its sovereignty, has significant powers in resolving internal issues, but does not interfere with the activities of the federal government on foreign policy.

The decision to admit the new territory to the United States as a state is made by Congress.

The procedure is long and complicated. Once having joined the state, the state will not be able to unilaterally withdraw from it in the future. This is exactly the decision made by the US Supreme Court in 1869.

State Legislation:

  1. In addition to federal legislation, which is binding throughout the country, each state has its own legal framework, which regulates the lifestyle of the population of a state.
  2. Often state laws prescribe the opposite of those in the neighboring state., and a citizen has the right to choose according to which laws life is more convenient for him.
  3. Local legislation must not conflict with the supreme law of the country- the US Constitution.
  4. The rights of one citizen should not infringe on the rights and freedoms of another.

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Division of the United States into counties

The American state is a fairly large administrative entity. In order to facilitate the administration of the territory, each state is divided, in turn, into districts.

The constituencies include:

  • city ​​formations (municipalities);
  • rural (township) - only available in 20 of the 50 states.

It has its own authorities with specific terms of reference. and its own resources to address local issues. The total number of counties in the country is 3,140. The largest number of them is in the state of Texas (over 250), and the least in the state of Delaware (3).

Where and how many districts the state decides on its own, without the participation of federal authorities. The procedure for the division of powers between the state administrations and municipalities located on its territory is also independently determined.

The District of Columbia has a special status... It is located on the territory of the capital of the United States, in the city of Washington, and has federal significance. Until 1801, it was part of the state of Maryland. In 1871, the District of Columbia acquired the federal status that it remains today.

It is customary to add the English letters D.C (District Columbia) to the name of the city of Washington, so that there is no confusion with the state of Washington. The District of Columbia is home to 5.2 million people. Here are the offices of federal authorities, many embassies, banks, and global organizations. The residence of the head of state is also located in Washington.

The county is governed by a Council headed by the mayor of the city., but the supreme power still remains with the US Congress.

Several island territories are under US jurisdiction. They are managed by the US Government, but they have nothing to do with any of the states.

List of dependent territories:

  • Puerto Rico;
  • US Virgin Islands;
  • American Samoa;
  • Guam;
  • Midway Atoll;
  • Palmyra Atoll;
  • Johnston Atoll;
  • Kingman Reef;
  • Northern Mariana Islands;
  • Baker Island;
  • Navassa Island;
  • Wake Island;
  • Howland Island;
  • Jarvis Island;
  • Bajo Nuevo Bank;
  • Bank of Serranilla.

In a number of these territories, residents are US citizens and, accordingly, are subject to American law, in other territories the action of the American Constitution is limited.

In resolving national issues, these territories are given the right to an advisory vote.

The term "Fifty-first State"

Over the past decades, there have been active discussions in the United States on the topic of increasing the number of states in the federation.

There are many who want to become the new official state territory, but most often the DC is named as applicants.

The issue of admitting the district to the administrative structure of the country as a new US state has been repeatedly discussed in Congress.

The last discussion on this topic took place in 1993. But all attempts failed. However, the district does not lose hope of joining the federation as the 51st state and does not remove the issue from the agenda.

Similar plans are hatched by Puerto Ricans, residents and the population of the Pacific Islands.

Allegorically, the fifty-first state refers to countries that have come under the political influence of the United States. For example, in the press you can find mention of the Americanization of the population of countries such as Georgia, Mexico, Iraq, Israel and some others.

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List of all US states

The names of the American states in English with the indication of their capitals:

State name Capital State name Capital
Alabama Montgomery Montana Helena
Alaska Juneau Nebraska Lincoln
Arizona Phoenix Nevada Carson city
Arkansas Little rock New Hampshire Concord
California Sacramento New jersey Trenton
Colorado Denver New mexico Santa fe
Connecticut Hartford New york Albany
Delaware Dover North carolina Raleigh
Florida Tallahassee North dakota Bismarck
Georgia Atlanta Ohio Columbus
Hawaii Honolulu Oklahoma Oklahoma city
Idaho Boise Oregon Salem
Illinois Springfield Pennsylvania Harrisburg
Indiana Indianapolis Rhode island Providence
Iowa Des moines South carolina Columbia
Kansas Topeka South dakota Pierre
Kentucky Frankfort Tennessee Nashville
Louisiana Baton Rouge Texas Austin
Maine Augusta Utah Salt lake city
Maryland Annapolis Vermont Montpelier
Massachusetts Boston Virginia Richmond
Michigan Lansing Washington Olympia
Minnesota St. Paul West virginia Charleston
Mississippi Jackson Wisconsin Madison
Missouri Jefferson city Wyoming Cheyenne

Friends, imagine the situation: you are going to travel to the United States of America. But America is a big country, this state consists of 50 states and one district. In this case, the question arises, which state to visit first?

Today we will briefly introduce you to the states of the United States, and you yourself will decide which one you prefer. So, let's go!

So friends, how many states are there in the US? As we mentioned, America has only 50 states and one District of Columbia. Each state is an equal subject of the federation, each has its own constitution, as well as legislative, executive and judicial branches. In addition, each state has its own coat of arms and flag.

The states of the United States are divided into counties - these are smaller administrative units, they are smaller than a state, but no less than a city. In total, there are 3141 counties in the United States, the least of all counties in the state of Delaware - 3, and the most in the state of Texas - 254.

The so-called unincorporated territories have a special status. These are Puerto Rico, the Federation of Micronesia, Eastern Samoa, the Virgin Islands, etc. These territories can theoretically suspend or terminate their privileged relationship with the US capital, Washington.

Learn the names of the states in English!

When asked how many states in the United States we answered. Now let's turn directly to the states of America themselves.

For English learners, it is advisable to know the names of the American states in English. Below we give a complete list of US states, but for now, a few words about their names.

Friends, you, of course, know that Indians once lived in America. That is why some state names come from the names of Indian tribes, for example, the state of Delaware (the Delaware Indian tribe).

In addition, since America has long been a colony of Great Britain, some state names derive from the names of the English kings.

Some names also come from the names of French kings. In the 18th century, France helped America in the struggle for independence from Britain. At that time, King Louis XVI sent an army led by the Marquis de Lafayette to help the American rebels. And since Louis is Louis in French, the state of Louisiana appeared.

And now we bring to your attention a complete list of US states in English with translation into Russian:

Idaho Idaho - Idaho

Iowa Iowa - Iowa

Alabama Alabama - Alabama

Alaska Alaska - Alaska

Arizona Arizona - Arizona

Arkansas Arkansas - Arkansas

Wyoming Wyoming - Wyoming

Washington Washington - Washington

Vermont Vermont - Vermont

Virginia Virginia - Virginia

Wisconsin Wisconsin - Wisconsin

Hawaii Hawaii - Hawaii

Delaware Delaware - Delaware

Georgia Georgia - Georgia

West Virginia West Virginia - West Virginia

Illinois Illinois - Illinois

Indiana Indiana - Indiana

California California - California

Kansas Kansas - Kansas

Kentucky Kentucky - Kentucky

Colorado Colorado - Colorado

Connecticut Connecticut - Connecticut

Louisiana Louisiana - Louisiana

Massachusetts Massachusetts - Massachusetts

Minnesota Minnesota - Minnesota

Mississippi Mississippi - Mississippi

Missouri Missouri - Missouri

Michigan Michigan - Michigan

Montana Montana - Montana

Maine Maine - Maine

Nebraska Nebraska - Nebraska

Nevada Nevada - Nevada

New Hampshire New Hampshire - New Hampshire

New Jersey New Jersey - New Jersey

New York New York - New York

New Mexico New Mexico - New Mexico

Ohio Ohio - Ohio

Oklahoma Oklahoma - Oklahoma

Oregon Oregon - Oregon

Pennsylvania Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania

Rhode Island Rhode Island - Rhode Island

North Dakota North Dakota - North Dakota

North Carolina North Carolina - North Carolina

Tennessee Tennessee - Tennessee

Texas Texas - Texas

Florida Florida - Florida

South Dacota South Dacota - South Dakota

South Carolina South Carolina - South Carolina

Utah Utah - Utah

Washington Washington DC - District of Columbia (Washington) States of the USA on the map These are the names of fifty states of America and one of its districts. Now for some additional information.

This is curious!

I would like to say a few more words about the American states.

The territory of Alaska once belonged to the Russian Empire. At that time, Russia did not have the opportunity to protect and develop this territory, so the authorities decided to sell it. The signing of the sales agreement took place on March 30, 1867 in Washington. Alaska was sold for $ 7.2 million in gold, which was considered a very good deal at the time.

Much later it turned out that there is a lot of gold in Alaska and crowds of Americans rushed there in search of happiness (you can read about this from the famous American writer Jack London). It turned out that America had acquired a very profitable territory.

It is worth saying that the commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a free state. It is located in the Caribbean and occupies the Antilles. Puerto Rico has only territorial dependence on the United States, which consists in the presence of American citizenship, defense and currency. Otherwise, the territory of Puerto Rico is full of self-government.

As for the city of New York or New York City, Congress has repeatedly considered granting the city state status. The fact is that the city includes five large areas: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island. In addition, the city is a global financial center. For economic reasons, one of the City Council representatives presented to Congress a proposal for the title "51st state" and separation from New York State itself.

Now, friends, you already know a thing or two about the US states, you just have to choose which of them you would like to visit. Until next time on our website!

The state is the main administrative unit of this state. Further, the states are subdivided into counties, and in rural areas - into townships. There are 50 states in total. The last of them (Hawaii) was annexed to the United States in 1959. Some confusion arising in the question of how many states there are in the United States arises because there are currently discussions about the possibility of joining the state of the 51st state, but so far That did not happen.

The 51st state is claimed by the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and some other territories. The term "51st state" is used in relation to territories under strong American influence (Australia, Mexico, Iraq, and others).

Not all administrative units are formally states. Distinguish between commonwealths (eg, Kentucky, Pennsylvania) and the District of Columbia. Colombia is the capital of the United States - Washington. The principles of government are similar for states and commonwealths. Colombia, on the other hand, due to the fact that it is not a state, cannot elect its representatives to the Senate. Associated with this is her struggle for the right to become the 51st state of America.

The American flag features 50 stars by number of states. If another administrative unit joins the country, the number of stars will increase.

Regions of the USA

The US map makes it clear that onfns are grouped by region - depending on their location. Distinguish between the Northeast of the United States, which includes New England and the Mid-Atlantic states, the Midwest, the South of the United States, and the West of the United States.

The Northeast includes Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and other states. This region is considered the most developed and richest in the country.

The Midwest region includes 12 states - Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and others. It has the lowest unemployment rate in the country, industry and agriculture are well developed.

The South of the United States is also called the Black Belt. There is traditionally a large percentage of black Americans here - they were once brought to the South as slaves. The region includes 12 states and one federal district, Columbia. This region has the greatest ethnic and linguistic diversity.

The West of the United States is the largest region; it occupies more than half of the country's territory. It includes 13 states (Nevada, Hawaii, California and others). It is home to the largest number of US national minorities.

Local government

The United States of America is a federal republic. First of all, this is reflected in the high level of local self-government.

Each of the 50 states has:

  • The Constitution;
  • the governor;
  • Supreme Court;
  • Legislative Assembly;
  • the capital.

Any resident of America has, as it were, dual citizenship - the country of the United States and the state in which he lives. In addition, each state has its own flag, animal, product, and even an insect! All states also have mottos and nicknames, both official and unofficial.

For example, the official name of the state of Indiana is "The State of Verzil", Missouri is the State of "Show Me", Nebraska is the "State of the Corn Peelers", and New York, as you know, is "The Big Apple". There are also interesting unofficial nicknames (so-called nicknames) - "Gopher State" for North Dakota, "Pan State" for West Virginia, "Land of the Midnight Sun" for Alaska and others.

State mottos are widely used in the official symbols of the country: they are minted on coins, carved on seals. They sound in different languages: Florida - we trust in God (English), Oklahoma - Labor conquers everything (Latin), Minnesota - the North Star (French) and so on.

In the state of Washington, in the city of Seattle, there is a huge wall covered with gum. Oddly enough, this is the wall of the local theater. The phenomenon arose spontaneously, and at first the authorities tried to fight it, but since this did not succeed, they decided to leave it as it is - another attraction appeared.

The state of Kansas invites you to slide down the highest water slide on the planet: its height exceeds the height of Niagara Falls.

In general, each state in the United States is unique and not like another. Despite their differences, they still make up one great country - the United States of America.

Administratively, the United States consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia. States have a fairly large internal sovereignty, possessing their own flag, laws, and so on. In the external arena, they are inferior to the federal authorities, having no powers at the state level.

The United States occupies a huge territory, and therefore the states located in different parts of the country can differ significantly from each other in various parameters: population, area, income level, and so on. Various , engaged in statistics, are classifying the US states according to certain criteria.

So, the Census Bureau subdivides 4 macroregions:

  • Northeast;
  • Midwest;
  • West.
In turn, each macro-region includes from 2 to 3 sub-regions, with a total number of 9 units:
  • New England;
  • Mid-Atlantic states;
  • Northeastern Central States;
  • Northwest Central States;
  • South Atlantic states;
  • Southeast Central States;
  • Southwest Central States;
  • Mountain states;
  • Pacific states.
In this case, the main criterion for dividing the United States into regions and sub-regions is the geographical principle.

In addition, the US states can be distinguished according to other criteria.


The largest US state in terms of population is California. It is home to almost 40 million people, which is comparable to Spain and other large states.

In addition to California, Texas (27 million), Florida (21 million), New York (20 million) and Illinois (13 million) can also be distinguished.

The smallest state in terms of population is Wyoming. It is home to 600 thousand inhabitants, as in a large regional center of Russia.


There are real giants among the states of the United States in terms of territory occupied. The clear leader is Alaska. This state covers an area of ​​1.7 million square kilometers. If Alaska were a separate state, then according to this parameter it would be included in the Top 20 countries of the world.

At the other end of the ranking is the state of Rhode Island, it occupies only 4 thousand square kilometers, of which land occupies only 67%, the rest is water. The area of ​​Rhode Island is comparable to the territory of Moscow (with the suburbs).

Not far from Rhode Island is Delaware (6.5 thousand square kilometers). Delaware is considered the first state to sign the 1787 US Constitution.

GDP per capita

The level of GDP per capita is an indicator that economists use to determine the development of a state or a separate territory, which allows the states to be ranked as follows:
  • Delaware - $ 65,000 per capita;
  • Alaska - 60.0 thousand dollars per capita;
  • Connecticut - $ 55,000 per capita;
  • Wyoming - $ 53,000 per capita.
All of the states listed above fall into countries of the world for this indicator.

Mississippi is considered one of the poorest states in the United States (GDP per capita is 27.5 thousand dollars), which is comparable to the level of countries such as Kuwait, Spain or South Korea.

Political preferences

In the United States, the political preferences of the population are divided into two parts, between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. At the same time, some of the states almost always support the policy of one party, and some of the other.

More conservative states that have strong Republican support include:

  • Montana;
  • Idaho;
  • Wyoming;
  • North Dakota;
  • South Dakota;
  • Kansas;
  • Oklahoma;
  • Texas;
  • Missouri;
  • Arkansas;
  • Louisiana;
  • Tennessee;
  • Kentucky;
  • Indiana;
  • West Virginia;
  • South Carolina;
  • Alaska.
The Democratic Party enjoys the support of residents of these states to a greater extent:
  • Washington;
  • Oregon;
  • California;
  • Colorado;
  • New Mexico;
  • Hawaii;
  • Minnesota;
  • Michigan;
  • Illinois;
  • Virginia;
  • Vermont;
  • Massachusetts;
  • Rhode Island;
  • New York;
  • Pennsylvania;
  • Connecticut;
  • New Jersey;
  • Delaver;
  • Maryland;
  • Columbia region.
There is no pronounced political coloration in such states:
  • Nevada;
  • Arizona;
  • Nebraska;
  • Iowa;
  • Wisconsin;
  • Ohio;
  • North Carolina;
  • Georgia;
  • Florida;
  • New Hamshire.
Each of the parties is fighting for electoral support in states with an undecided population.

Have you ever wondered how many states are in the US? It seems to me that this is a completely logical and natural question for those who are fond of American culture, cinema or the English language.

In my article, I will try to tell in detail not only how many states there are in the United States, but also explain why this happened from a historical point of view. In addition, readers will learn many new and interesting facts about the amazing and huge country called

Number of states in the US: 50 or 51?

The United States is a huge state located in the central part of the mainland.And today the country consists of 50 states, one Federal District of Columbia, which is considered an independent federal unit, and several island territories that also do not belong to any state.

Each federal unit is divided into districts administered by urban municipalities, and rural areas can, among other things, be subdivided into townships.

Why do states in the United States sometimes have such strange names?

Those who speak English probably know that the word “state” itself can be translated both as “state”, but at the same time as “state or country”. In 1648, when the United States was in the colonial period of the formation of the state, it was mainly with this word that they called individual colonies. And starting in 1776, after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, the word "state" began to be included in the official name of 46 states (for example, Texas or Idaho). Although it should be noted that on the flag of, say, California, to this day, you can read "Republic of California".

It is believed that the basis for the origin of the names of the federal units of the state were eight main sources. Let's dwell on each in more detail:

  • 26 states have names of Indian origin, although Idaho was most likely invented. This is the conclusion reached by modern linguistic scientists, since they have not yet managed to find out its meaning;
  • the name of the northernmost state (Alaska) comes from the ancient;
  • the word "Hawaii" belongs to the language of the local population - the Hawaiians;
  • eleven states are of English origin, six are Spanish and three are French;
  • the name of the state of Rhode Island is taken from (presumably) Dutch;
  • and only Washington has purely American historical roots.

What is the likelihood of a 51st state emerging?

We seem to have received a fairly comprehensive answer to the question of how many states there are in the United States, but why then do we have to hear about some 51st from time to time? What is this mythical federal unit and why is it called that way?

The thing is that this is a kind of term used to refer to territories claiming such a status (Guyana, Haiti, Rio Grande, Sonora, Yucatan). In addition, this is the name for countries that the United States of America has a strong cultural, political or economic influence. For example, Australia, UK, Georgia, Israel, Iraq, Mexico and other countries.

Also, the following proposals have been repeatedly received by the US Government:

  • About the establishment of Lincoln State in eastern Washington and northern Idaho.
  • On granting, for purely economic reasons, New York the status of a separate state called New York City.
  • On the allocation of parts and Idaho in a separate state of Eastern Oregon.
  • Attempts to separate the regions on the Michigan state peninsula into a separate Superior state. Supporters came up with this proposal, tk. it is believed that the current government does not pay enough attention to the residents of this area.
  • About the hypothetical merger of several former and present Pacific territories of the United States and the creation of a unified federal unit of Pacifica.

That is, based on all of the above, the question of how many states in the United States remains open. One thing can be said with complete certainty - today there are 50 of them, but in the very near future the situation may well change.

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