Why did Budyonny shave off his brother's mustache? "This, Semyon, is not your mustache, but a folk mustache." Myths and truths about Marshal Budyonny

I remember the old story, Budyonny wanted to completely shave off his mustache, but Stalin did not give: "This, Semyon, is not your mustache, but the people's mustache ...". When I arrived today at the opening of a new roundabout at the intersection of Budyonny Avenue with the North-East Expressway and saw this interlacing of complex interchanges, I immediately remembered the famous mustache of Budyonny.

For almost 10 years, the construction of the most complicated junction with the North-Eastern Expressway and Budyonny Avenue has been going on on the Entuziastov highway. In total, it was planned to build 15 overpasses with a total length of almost 10 km.
Doesn't it look like a mustache?

Let me remind you that the North-East Expressway with a total length of about 35 km will run from the new M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway to the Kosinskaya overpass (a junction at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway). The route will connect the major highways of the city - the Moscow Ring Road, the Entuziastov Highway, Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Otkrytoye, Yaroslavskoye, Altufevskoye and Dmitrovskoye Highways.
Thus, the Northeast Expressway will provide a diagonal connection between the north, east and southeast of the capital, reducing the traffic load on the center, TTK, MKAD and outbound routes.
And here on the diagram you can see how it looks from a bird's eye view.

So far, only a part of the overpass will be accessible to motorists, and after the completion of the section from Veshnyakov to Lyubertsy, the right side of the overpass will accept transport from Nekrasovka and from the Moscow region.

You can update your navigator today

The local dog, quite friendly, still feels like the owner here.

It was decided to open the junction ahead of schedule, along the way they will finish the area around

A city and a village, a village, a village and a district, streets, squares and avenues, a hippodrome, a military academy and a circus, an oil tanker and an armored train, a military march and a headdress of a Red Army soldier, finally, a unique breed of riding horses and even a cemetery ... Surely, there is something else- something forgotten and not mentioned by us, named by the inhabitants of the country in honor of Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny.

A special - warm - attitude towards him has developed in the Don and Kuban, which is not surprising! After all, Semyon Mikhailovich is a native of the Rostov region. And, although he was born into a family of immigrants from central Russia, with his ardent character and love of risk, excellent qualities of a rider and practicality, he was very close to the Cossacks.

The Budyonny family struggled to make ends meet on the Kozyurin farm, which is not far from the village of Platovskaya. No joke, feed, dress and shoe eight children! The winter of 1892 turned out to be especially fierce: there was not enough food or firewood. To survive, the head of the family borrowed money from a local merchant, but could not repay the debt on time. Then the creditor offered to pay in kind - to release nine-year-old Semyon to work for him.

The parents did not want to part with the boy, but they had to. In a merchant's house, the teenager mastered literacy and arithmetic, at night he often sat up at a torch for books. Looking ahead, it is worth saying that Budyonny carried his love of reading throughout his life, in addition, he spoke English, German, French and Turkish. As a child, he also mastered playing the accordion. Later, among the grateful listeners of Budyonny was Stalin himself, who loved "The Barynya" performed by the red commander.

Semyon Budyonny. Photo hystory.mediasole.ru

As he got older, the future army commander began to work at the thresher. Horses were the real passion of Semyon Budyonny, enduring throughout his life. Few knew how to love them so much, so to understand, as he did. At the age of 17, speaking at horse races from nonresident residents, Semyon won a beautiful victory, for which he received a silver ruble and the surprise of all those present, including the Minister of War.

At the age of twenty, the young man was taken to the army service, which continued, practically, for the rest of his life. After serving urgently, he remained in the Far East in the Primorsky Dragoon regiment. Later he took part in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Having established himself as the best rider of the unit, he was sent to St. Petersburg for a rider course.

By the beginning of the First World War, Semyon Mikhailovich had already risen to the rank of a senior non-commissioned officer, but was often as hot and reckless as in his youth. He received the first St. George Cross, having carried out an operation that was unprecedented in courage and courage. Ignoring the order of a superior captain to conduct covert surveillance of the enemy, Budyonny disarmed an entire German convoy. Having lost only two soldiers, the platoon of the future hero of the Civil War took about two hundred prisoners and captured about forty carts with valuable cargo. But soon Semyon Mikhailovich also famously lost "George" for giving back to the sergeant who had hit him.

The German, Caucasian, Turkish fronts replaced each other, and the brave warrior had every chance of becoming famous again. As a result for the First World War - a complete St. George's bow. The uniform of a fearless rider from the Don was decorated with the St. George crosses of all four degrees and the St. George medals of four degrees!

A typical representative of the Russian poor, Semyon Budyonny accepted the revolutionary events immediately and unconditionally. In the summer of 1917, he became chairman of the regimental committee. In tandem with Mikhail Frunze, he opposed the Kornilovites, and after returning to the Don he earned money in the executive committee of the district council.

Photo w.litfund.ru

In the second half of 1919, a large Cavalry Corps was first created in the Red Army, headed by Budyonny. By that time, for many, his name had become a symbol of selfless service to the revolution. The Budennovists staunchly resisted the troops of Generals Wrangel and Denikin, smashed the Cossack corps of Generals Mamontov and Shkuro. It was the soldiers of Semyon Mikhailovich who made a huge contribution to the defeat of the White Guard units of the Kuban and Don armies.

At the end of the Civil War, Budyonny became Deputy Commander of the North Caucasian District. He is entrusted with the mission to declare Chechnya an autonomous region in 1923. In the early 30s, his knowledge and experience were in demand in the suppression of anti-Soviet Kazakh uprisings. The army commander himself is well aware of the need for further professional education and in 1932 he graduated from the military academy. Three years later he was awarded the rank of marshal.

But neither high positions nor peaceful city life compensated the noble cavalryman for communicating with horses. He oversees the opening and operation of the Moscow Zootechnical Institute of Horse Breeding and Horse Breeding, is the editor of an industry magazine. Thanks to his enthusiasm, two new promising horse breeds appeared in the Soviet Union - Budennovskaya and Terskaya.

Before the Great Patriotic War, Semyon Mikhailovich received the troops of the Moscow Military District under the command, and later became the first deputy commissar of defense. In those years, the leadership of the country's armed forces pursued a policy of reducing cavalry, but Budyonny did not share this point of view. He believes that it is necessary to create horse-motorized units. As subsequent events showed, the country's leadership in vain in this matter did not listen to Budyonny.

Photo topwar.ru

During the Great Patriotic War, Semyon Mikhailovich was appointed commander-in-chief and commander of various fronts and directions. And from January 1943 he was the commander of the Red Army cavalry. According to the recollections of colleagues, it was Budyonny who initiated the restoration of cavalry units, which began in 1941. Semyon Mikhailovich was also a member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. He personally commanded troops in the defense of Moscow.

Despite the retirement age, Budyonny continued to work actively in the post-war years. Until 1953, he worked as deputy minister of agriculture for horse breeding, was a cavalry inspector, headed the Soviet-Mongolian friendship society. Eight times Marshal Budyonny became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, was a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and a member of the Central Committee of the party. The listing of all the hero's awards will take too much space, but it is worth saying that he was three times a hero of the Soviet Union and had eight Orders of Lenin.

The personal life of Marshal Budyonny was also eventful and stormy. Semyon Mikhailovich was married three times, had three children from his last wife, who was 33 years younger than him. By the way, the granddaughter of Marshal Anastasia was the wife in the first marriage of Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the current president of Russia.

The legendary commander died at the age of 91 from a cerebral hemorrhage, and was buried at the Kremlin wall in Moscow. But his biography, personality and characteristic features of his appearance have long become a national property. It is no coincidence that historians give the following example: when Budyonny came up with the idea to shave off his famous mustache, Stalin jokingly forbade him to do it, dropping: "This, Semyon, is no longer your mustache, but a folk one!"

On April 25, 1883, one of the most famous Soviet military leaders and the owner of a unique set of awards was born

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny is probably the same folk hero in Russia as the division commander, with the only difference that Budyonny did not have to become the hero of numerous anecdotes. The legendary horseman, commander of one of the most famous armies at the time, one of the first five Soviet marshals, the owner of many awards - all this is about him, a man who, probably, at another time would have become an excellent military man at best, but would not have risen higher non-commissioned officer ranks. But Semyon Budyonny got into the heat of revolutionary events and emerged from them as one of the most famous Soviet military leaders.

1. Originally from the Don

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny was born on April 25 (O.S.) 1883 on the Don farm Kozyurin. His father, Mikhail Budyonny, moved here after he married a peasant woman, Melania Yemchenko. Budyonny's paternal ancestors came to the Don from the north, from the Voronezh province, and not because of a good life: the grandfather simply could not pay taxes on time for the land received after the abolition of serfdom and left his native land in search of a better life. Semyon Budyonny became the second son in a large family: in total, Mikhail and Melania had eight children. By the way, Budyonny did not have to count on Cossack service: he was a "foreigner", that is, an alien clan, not a Cossack, and therefore could not serve in Cossack units. But Semyon learned how to handle horses early, and just as early he fell in love with these animals and appreciated what role they can play in military affairs. But in the riders' competitions, which were regularly arranged in the Don villages, the young Budyonny participated regularly and sometimes even defeated the "homely" Cossacks.

Semyon Budyonny's parents: father Mikhail Ivanovich and mother Melanya Nikitichna.
Source: https://www.geni.com

2. Full Knight of St. George

Semyon Budyonny, during his service in the Russian Imperial Army, managed to become a knight of the highest award - the so-called full St. George's bow. This means that he received all four degrees of the soldier's St. George Cross (the insignia of the Military Order of St. George) and all four St. George medals "For Bravery." For soldiers and non-commissioned officers of the tsarist army, there was no higher award! It is worth noting that Budyonny "lost" his first St. George Cross for not letting the non-commissioned officer hit him in the face, but managed to earn the award again.

It must be said that Semyon Budyonny received all of his St. George crosses and medals quite deservedly, as evidenced by the surviving award sheets. Apparently, in the farm boy, who was drafted into military service in the Primorsky Dragoon Regiment in 1903, the military talent, which managed to reveal itself already during the First World War, was dozing. Before her, Semyon Budyonny became famous primarily for his talent for horse riding: as the best rider of the regiment, he entered the Officer Cavalry School in St. Petersburg for courses for lower ranks, from where he returned to his regiment in 1908, remaining on long service.

Dragoon senior non-commissioned officer Semyon Budyonny with a full St. George's bow, 1916.
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org

3. There is such a breed - Budennovskaya

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny's passion for good horses manifested itself precisely then, at the very beginning of the twentieth century: for a talented rider, this is as necessary an instrument as a rare violin for a talented violinist. After the Civil War, the future marshal got the opportunity to come to grips with horses and achieved the same success in this as in commanding troops. Of course, one should not think that Budyonny was personally involved in selection - for this he did not have enough education, and, no matter what they say about him, the commander knew perfectly well the limits of his competence. But Semyon Mikhailovich managed to organize breeding work at the Kuban stud farms, and as a result, a new breed of horses was bred there, named Budennovskaya in honor of the person who stood at the origins of this work.

Marshal Semyon Budyonny examines the Budyonnovsk horse, 1960s.
Source: http://sputnikimages.com

4. Creator of the First Cavalry Army

The future Marshal Semyon Budyonny came to the Red Army at the very beginning, creating in February 1918 a cavalry detachment to fight the White Guards on the Don. With this detachment, he joined the 1st Cavalry Peasant Socialist Regiment, becoming its deputy commander. Little by little, the former senior non-commissioned officer grew up to the commander of the First Cavalry Corps, which on November 19, 1919 was transformed into the First Cavalry Army under the command of Semyon Budyonny. It should be noted that Budyonny was far from alone in creating this legendary unit: the commanders of the units that became part of it also played a colossal role in the formation of the army. And there were many such units: as part of the First Cavalry, ten cavalry divisions, one separate special-purpose brigade, an armored detachment named after Sverdlov, four armored trains and a separate air group fought!

Revolutionary Military Council of the 1st Cavalry Army (from left to right):
Kliment Voroshilov, Semyon Budyonny, Efim Shchadenko. Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org

5. Legendary order bearer

Semyon Budyonny can be called the owner of a unique set of Russian and Soviet awards. No one in the Soviet Union had the same set of insignia as the former Don farm laborer: the full St. George bow plus the title three times Hero of the Soviet Union, plus eight Orders of Lenin, plus six Orders of the Red Banner! Suffice it to say that eight-time holders of the Order of Lenin, which before its introduction was the highest award of the USSR, are known only 14 people, and six-time holders of the Order of the Battle Red Banner - 47.

Commander Budyonny received his first Order of the Red Banner in 1919, three in the interwar period, one in 1944 and the last in 1948. The awarding of two Orders of Lenin (1943 and 1945) also belongs to wartime, while before the war Budyonny was awarded only one such award, and he received all the rest in the post-war years.

Semyon Budyonny in a marshal's uniform during the Great Patriotic War,
photograph of mid-1944.

Street life

Briquette and Budyonny

Town: Ekaterinburg
District: Kirovsky
Type of: dead end and street
Name: Briquette and Budyonny

“In the end, they somehow decided to let him go to a meeting of the famous Politburo. My memory has definitely preserved this funny event. At the Politburo meeting, the turn comes to questions of the military department. The passage is wide between the table and the wall, but the whole figure of Budyonny expresses apprehension - lest he be knocked over and broken. He is shown a chair next to Rykov. Budyonny sits down. His mustache sticks out like a cockroach. He looks straight ahead and clearly does not understand anything about what is being said. He seems to think: "Here you go, this is the famous Politburo, which, they say, can do anything, even turn a man into a woman."

It was a great man

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny. Marshal of the Soviet Union. Three times Hero of the Soviet Union (1958, 1963, 1968). In the Civil War, commander of the 1st Cavalry Army. During the Great Patriotic War, commander-in-chief of the troops of the Southwestern and North Caucasian directions, commander of the Reserve and North Caucasian fronts. One of the organizers of mass repressions among the military in the 30s and 40s.

Budyonny is an outstanding person. Both in their abilities and in their external qualities. The marshal was respected and loved by everyone - from an ordinary soldier to the leaders of the Communist Party and the Soviet state. He skillfully and quickly solved the difficult issues of recruiting and putting together cavalry units, teaching them the art of combat, supply, and recruiting personnel. Budyonny worked hard and hard in the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, which took the necessary measures to strengthen the country's defense capability.

It was about him that legends and fables were composed. Particular attention was paid to his chic mustache. Back in the Soviet years, there were half-true stories about how sellers in a store were asked to show "that faience kitty over there." - This is not a kitty, but Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, the trade workers answered. Or here's another story that they were afraid to tell even in kitchens.

At a meeting of the Central Committee, Stalin said in his speech: "There are two issues on the agenda. Question one. Repaint Budyonny's mustache green. Question two. Send half of the Council of People's Commissars to the Kolyma." Everyone was surprised - why the mustache is green? "Well, comrades, said Stalin, I knew that the second question would not raise objections."

In our city, Budyonny street is located in the mountain shield. It used to be like this in the city itself. But only she was expelled, and the residential buildings that were located here were redirected along Parkovy Lane and Solnechnaya Street. This is a pioneer microdistrict.

Do not tell me how to get through.

There is a dead end on Izoplit. Moreover, this is the official name, like a street, lane or boulevard. It is called Briquette. Nearby is a vigorous alley, we have already spoken about it in our program. Izoplitnaya Street passes by. And Briketny itself is a real dead end. Just swerve deep into houses without a second exit. You can get to it by bus 10. Stop "Nursery". By the way, in the same place, nearby, there is Nareznaya lane ... J. But this is so, by the way.

How, I remember, was the case.

A long time ago, on March 14, 1989, when the USSR was still in the yard. Residents, then Sverdlovsk, late at night saw a "ball with rays" over the city. It was noticed by residents of different districts, including on Budyonny Street.

SEREZHA According to the accounts of the witnesses of the incident, it is possible to trace the flight path of the balloon. “I walked towards Uralskaya Street. I see that the ball is flying like a star in color, visually - with a diameter of 9-10 centimeters. From him - a scattering beam, like from a flashlight. Moved slowly from northwest to southeast. " They also noticed him over Khimmash, and on concrete goods, and in the city center. "A luminous ball flew like a ball, rays were coming from behind it," said some. “I was returning from the railway station, I live on Zavokzalnaya Street ... The beams spread like a fan… they were of different lengths,” others echoed. “It looked like a shuttlecock, I saw it, standing at the hostel of the communist school on 8 Marta Street. “On Lenin Avenue, we were between the Presents and Cookery stores, facing the UPI. A luminous point appeared from the side of the main building of the university, behind it a light trail diverged at an angle of 90 degrees. It is heterogeneous. The dot was blue and white, when it went behind the cloud, it became invisible. " If you plot points on the city map where the residents of Sverdlovsk saw the "ball", then the line connecting these points will coincide with the route described in the first message. A mysterious object, emitting light and glowing by itself, swept over the heads of Sverdlovsk residents at about 20 hours and 10 minutes, crossed the city's territory and disappeared somewhere near the Koltsevo airport.

The program was prepared with the participation of the state archive of the Sverdlovsk region .. The UFO was observed from the Monitoring Station of the Ural Anomalistics URAN.

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Tuesday and Thursday at 15:10.
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