What does if mean? Is the coincidence of numbers on the clock magic or a banal coincidence? Mysteries of dreams: why do you dream about the guy you like?

Real tender feelings are ineradicable, even in a dream they make themselves felt. A typical “girl’s” dream: she is in the company of a young man, who causes a surge of positive emotions, makes the heart beat faster and gives rise to a strong urge to go to the registry office. However, you should not delude yourself, such a dream does not necessarily mean getting closer to a man, but is often a sign of a break and loss of connection with each other.

On the importance of dream circumstances

There is such a pattern that the more romantic and intimate the dream, the greater troubles should be expected after it. A dream involving a young man you like belongs to that category of night dreams that reflect reality according to the mirror principle. If everything is fine in a dream, then expect problems in life.

  • A girl dreams of a romantic walk down the street, during which she is impeccably happy. A dream could mean an imminent quarrel with the object of your desire.
  • Intimate setting, accompanying the dream, indicates that the young man may soon meet another girl. It is useless to “graze” him; this is determined from above.
  • If the dream is accompanied by dim light, then be on your guard - someone is actively discussing you behind your back and spreading unthinkable gossip.
  • If the dream is accompanied by kisses, then don’t rush to rejoice. Such visions foreshadow disappointment in a young man. This may be due to the fact that some unpleasant truth about his personality will soon be revealed.

As you can see, the sweeter the dream, the more bitter the disappointment. But don’t rush to pass judgment on relationships, because dreams are a reflection of a person’s mind. If a girl constantly thinks about the object of her desire, then the usual game of the subconscious cannot be ruled out.

Unusual options for interpreting dreams

There are so many dream interpreters, so many opinions. This is especially true for “night dreams”, which go beyond the human vision of the world. For example, the events take place in an unknown alien world, where you are surrounded by strange creatures. Interpretations of interpreters agree that such stories serve as signals for the beginning of some action. There are other options, let's talk about them in more detail.

  • You see how your chosen one turns into a different person. There may be such options that he becomes like an animal, or even an unknown monster. Such a dream speaks of your fear of this person. Perhaps you are not sure of its reliability, but you like it so much that all the shortcomings are covered with a thin film of charm.
  • You see a young man lying in a coffin. It sounds strange, but there is nothing scary in this dream. This is just a sign that a man will have to go through some tests that will definitely change his life for the better. Who knows, maybe we are talking about your wedding?
  • A young man helps you with housework. This is a very good dream, it speaks of a man’s inner responsibility, and at the same time his sympathy for you. If you try to get closer to the object of your desire in the near future, then the relationship will be strong and long-lasting, it will not be overshadowed by scandals and names.

Such dreams should be analyzed based on the events of your daily life. Household chores and the degree of your involvement in them play a big role here. The films you watched over the last three days and the music that accompanies you before bed also matter.

Among other things, dreams involving a guy you really like may arise due to sexual dissatisfaction. It is not at all necessary that dreams will be filled with intimacy, because the female psyche allows sexual arousal from the mere sight of an adored man.

Positive interpretation of dreams

We are all about something sad and sad, and such dreams, by the way, sometimes carry a very good omen. As mentioned above, dreams tend to mirror reality. If you see death and illness in a dream, then reality may mean getting rid of a serious illness.

from Khabarovsk saw in a dream how her lover passionately kissed their mutual friend. The girl’s indignation knew no bounds; she believed that the young man began to cheat on her just three weeks after the start of the relationship. However, a few days after the dream, he proposed marriage to her. And a little later she found out that the guy never even looked in the direction of the other woman.

Dream interpreters claim that betrayal in a dream is a good sign of a partner’s fidelity. However, the opposite in this case played an interesting joke. If in a dream a young man swears fidelity, then after some time you yourself will meet another man.

Pleasant dream

More often the question is: “If you dream about a person you like, what is this for?” - the girls ask. Young men dream less often about someone they have feelings for. So, such a dream does not bode well. If you dreamed that a young man you liked gave you flowers, then you should soon expect a close meeting, perhaps a date. If he takes a girl by the hand, then most likely she will become his lover. However, there is no need to rush time - let everything take its course.

Love dream book

If you dream of a person you like and he smiles, then it’s worth pushing him to take his first steps. If you dreamed of a quarrel with this person, you should avoid conflict situations, because you can quarrel in life. It is worth considering whether your feelings are strong with this young man if he hesitates between two sentences in a dream. A declaration of love from him means that in reality he is exhausted from the desire to hear about sympathy from the girl to whom this vision appeared in a dream. What does it mean if you dream of a person for whom you have strong feelings, and the action takes place in the registry office? This means that, most likely, this relationship will end with the registry office. However, we must not forget that dreams are often a reflection of thoughts.

Modern dream book

If you dream of a person you like, then this vision can be interpreted in different ways. When in real life a young man does not reciprocate, but in a dream the relationship is quite close, this dream is interpreted as a warning. You shouldn't try to win his heart. The relationship will simply turn into trouble. But if a guy is indifferent in a dream (as in real life), this, on the contrary, means that one should act, and actively. If you manage to win his heart, then for a long time. Also, if you dream of a person you like, this may simply mean longing for him: a lack of communication or simply a desire to be together. After all, dreams are a reflection of our desires.

If a guy dreams of a girl...

Question: “If you dream about a person you like, what is this for?” - young people ask themselves too. Most likely, this dream means that feelings are really strong, and you want to find answers to questions that have long been bothering you about this. If a girl takes a guy by the hand in a dream and leads him somewhere, this most likely means that they will soon become a couple. However, the relationship should not be rushed. Luck will run out if you rush too much. Seeing a girl smiling and looking with a gentle gaze means that perhaps she will soon say something serious. Passion is very shy, and therefore it is worth helping her to speak out, but you should watch your actions and words. It happens that you dreamed of a girl to whom the sleeper is not indifferent, but she did not recognize him. This means she already has a boyfriend, and it’s useless to count on anything. If you dreamed about her calling you to go for a walk, this means that it’s time to sort out the relationship, since there are a lot of ambiguities and understatements in them.

A very unpleasant dream. It can be interpreted in different ways. However, often this dream simply symbolizes the fear of losing loved ones and loved ones.

If you dream about a guy you like, what does it mean?

Dreams have always attracted the attention of ordinary people with their unpredictability and absurdity. And for a person who knows the meaning of all these symbols, they are sometimes very significant for one or another important action in real life.

Quite often, girls are interested in the question of why they dream about the guy they like. The thing is that during rest, our brain processes all the information received throughout the day, including our passionate desires to get something or someone.

According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, all our unfulfilled desires tend to move to the level of the unconscious, and it is in night visions that they diligently try to break into consciousness. This may just be the answer to the question of what it means if you dream about a guy you like.

But it is not only from this perspective that the plots of night visions can be interpreted. Not only Freud dealt with this issue; there are other soothsayers who explained the meaning of different dreams differently. Over many years of practice, grandmother healers and prophets have gained their own experience and, based on their observations, have different interpretations of what to expect if you dream about a guy you like.

In principle, this may be a warning that very soon you will receive some news, and quite possibly about someone who worries your heart so much. But very often the plot and emotional coloring of the vision play a significant role. A calm, peaceful atmosphere and a positive attitude are a very good sign. It’s best if you dream about the guy you like when he presents flowers or you have a nice conversation. This means that in the near future you will have a very pleasant meeting. It will most likely develop into a warm romantic relationship. This will eventually lead you two to the altar.

Don’t worry if the dream was about your loved one’s indifferent attitude towards you. Sometimes not only our secret desires, but also fears very symbolically manifest themselves in night visions.

A completely different interpretation can be given if you dream of a guy you like with the manifestation of negative emotions. So, a showdown is a harbinger of the fact that in real life you will most likely cause a scandal. Parting is possible.

Kisses in a dream can also tell you a lot. If you are given a kiss by a young man with whom you are in a close relationship, this may indicate that you have very warm, tender mutual feelings, and it is unlikely that anyone can destroy them. If you had such a dream when you are in a quarrel, rest assured that in the near future you will definitely make peace. Quite often you can find a very extraordinary interpretation of such a dream. So, these may be troubles awaiting you, and sometimes significant profits.

In search of interpretations and interpretations of various night dreams, many rush to look into the dream book. Dreaming of a guy you like is always a good sign, because you and your boyfriend are connected on a psycho-emotional level.

Dream Interpretation: what does it mean if you dream about a guy you like? What is this for?

What does it mean if you dream about a guy you like? If a girl sees such a dream, perhaps in reality her feelings for this person are very strong. In reality, they may even be unrequited, but in a dream the young man will smile and care for her. That is, do everything that a lady expects in real life. Such a dream may simply be part of a girl’s fantasies about a young man; it means little.

If a guy you like in a conversation with a sleeping woman is unable to look directly into her eyes, his eyes run around, most likely, in real life he is not trustworthy. They talk about such people - in their own minds. When a young man in a dream is rude, behaves rudely and very frivolously, most often this is a harbinger of an imminent separation. This person is not suitable for the dreamer. They have different paths.

If a guy you like brings a bouquet of red roses in a dream, in reality the girl needs to prepare for a warm, intimate conversation, a romantic evening. It is possible that the date will end in intimacy. Each author's dream book answers the question of what it means if you dream about a guy you like, in its own way. Below we present some interpretations.

Velesov's dream book (small) Interpretation of sleep

A guy who likes dreams means that the girl will soon meet her beloved.

Modern dream book

The guy you like dreams of love games.

Eastern dream book

What does it mean if you dream about a guy you like? Kissing your loved one in the dark means gossip and condemnation from society. If this happens in the light, then the sleeper will show himself on the good side. When a bride dreams that her chosen one has married someone else, in reality she will be tormented by attacks of jealousy, which has no basis in reality. A dream in which a girl is upset that her boyfriend treats her indifferently, in reality means that she will face a painful choice between marriage and freedom.

Treason on the part of the dreamer herself dreams that she will deceive her beloved. If the opposite dream occurs (the guy she likes cheats on the sleeping woman), in reality her trust may be abused. A dream where a lady cheats on her chosen one out of revenge means that everything will go smoothly in her family life.

A dream in which a girl received a photo from her betrothed suggests that in reality he does not love her, but simply uses her for some selfish purposes. If a guy she likes gives an unmarried lady expensive gifts, in reality she will have a decent and rich husband. A dream in which a girl is walking with her beloved in a well-groomed and very beautiful park foreshadows her having a great time, and in the future - a happy marriage.

If a young woman dreams that she is having dinner with her chosen one, this is a warning. In reality, their couple is facing separation or a very serious quarrel. What does it mean if you dream of a guy you like, and in this vision he says goodbye to you? For a lady, this dream is a sign of indifference on the part of her beloved. If a girl experiences absolutely no emotions when breaking up with a guy, then in reality she will have many fans.

If you dream about a guy

When a girl is passionate about a guy and she likes him, no matter for a long time or recently, she looks for every opportunity to make sure that his feelings are mutual, that everything is not in vain. As a rule, sympathy for a young man is so strong that even at night, even in a dream, the girl searches for the answer to the most important question. She searches in a dream for even the smallest clue that her beloved loves just like her. But how to solve the riddles that are given in a dream, how to understand what the dream means and what to do and think if you dream about a guy? This article will help in this complex issue and will illuminate as much as possible all possible situations in which a guy may dream and interpret. So, what does it mean when you dream about a guy?

As a rule, a girl dreams of seeing her lover before going to bed. And so she goes to bed, closes her eyes, and she dreams of different situations related to someone she really, really likes.

If in a dream a guy gives a bouquet of white roses, it means that there will soon be a meeting, which in nature will be closer to a date, shrouded in warmth and love.

If in a dream a guy takes a girl by the hand and leads her somewhere, then in the near future, quite possibly, if this has not happened yet, the girl will become his friend, his beloved. It is important here not to rush things, but to let the situation take its course. It should be remembered that luck can be frightened off by your excessive curiosity and impatience. It is clear that the exciting question of what will happen next is very interesting, but it is better to keep up with the times and not try to overtake it.

If you dream of a guy who you like very much and at the same time he looks and smiles, it means that he wants to say a lot of kind words and compliments. There is a possibility that in reality he is silent only because of his embarrassment. The girl should be patient and wait out this moment, everything will come in due time. If you don’t have the strength to wait, you can gently push the guy, but you don’t need to act rashly.

It happens that you dream of a quarrel. This is a kind of warning that you should not enter into disputes and polemics with each other. All issues can be resolved by reaching a compromise or turning everything into a joke.

A girl may just see a guy she knows in different situations, for example, he does not recognize her in a dream. Such a dream may mean that he has another. There is no need to get upset and try to sort things out. If there are no deep feelings, you should let him go, let him go his own way, such situations happen very often, anger and revenge will not help here at all.

Why do you dream about a guy you know, if, for example, he invites you to take a walk or go somewhere with him? The dream often suggests that the guy is at a loss. Before you let him know about your feelings, you need to figure out what’s in your heart yourself.

If you dream of a guy and in the dream he calls you by name, you can be sure that your loved one remembers him very often. Perhaps he is fascinated and constantly thinks about the girl. It’s better not to be proud here, since guys love simple girls more. Such couples quickly become family.

You can be with a guy in a registry office in a dream. Anything can happen, it's a dream. There is a possibility that a marriage proposal from your loved one will actually arrive soon.

If a guy is rude in a dream and does not look you in the eye, this is often evidence of deception and disrespect. It’s better to check if this is really the case, and it’s not too late to break off all relationships before they reach a stage where the break will be painful.

There are quite a lot of situations when a loved one may dream. If a guy dreams, any girl rushes to find the meaning of the dream. The main thing is not to take everything seriously. Everything in this life can be wrong, including dreams. You can treat them the same way as horoscopes - believe in what you like best. Moreover, different dream books for the same case usually give different interpretations. You can choose exactly what you like the most. You need to travel through dreams with a smile!

Dream Interpretation The guy you like, why you dream The guy you like to see in your dreams

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about the guy you like according to the dream book:

Guy you like? Usually such dreams are reflections of your desires. You constantly think about your loved one, so you dreamed about him. In a dream, you should pay attention to your feelings, emotions, the environment, the behavior of the young man, his clothes. If he behaves diligently and tries to please you, you shouldn’t trust him in real life, he can bring a lot of disappointments. The dream can also indicate success in areas not related to personal relationships.

Universal dream book

What does it mean if you dream about a guy you like?

Interpretation of the dream book: A guy you like kissing you? In reality, you need to remain vigilant, as some troubles are possible, although you shouldn’t expect anything terrible. You may feel slightly unwell, lose something, be disappointed in some people. If possible, you should avoid conflict situations, because they can have bad consequences for you. Dream Interpretation A guy you like can warn you about gossipers who are closely watching you. In a dream, you and your loved one are in twilight, you feel safe - in reality they are discussing you and weaving intrigues.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the guy you like in your night dreams?

To understand why the guy you like is dreaming about, you should determine him and your mood. If you saw a rival in a dream, you may not even suspect this girl of having a love relationship with her beloved, she is not interested in him or she is not his type. Dream Interpretation The guy you like does not evoke the proper awe in your dream, you are overcome by disappointment - in reality another man likes you, and he will soon declare his feelings. A quarrel in a dream means rapprochement in reality.

In a dream, the guy you like suddenly turns into a monster or an animal - in real life he repels you in some way, scares you. Perhaps some of his habits are unpleasant to you, you are trying to re-educate him, remake him for yourself. Hugs with a young man indicate that you are very much liked, but not by the person who hugged you.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the guy you like?

Interpretation of the dream: Is the guy you like sloppily dressed, drunk, or fabulously handsome? Such a dream has a meaning: you are not confident in yourself, suffer from low self-esteem, but you overly idealize your soulmate. Dream Interpretation A guy you like shows indifference in a dream - in reality everything is exactly the opposite, your relationship will become warmer, more trusting. If you scold your lover for something, you will break up in the near future.

Dream Interpretation A guy you know, why do you dream about a guy you know in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why do you dream about a guy you know in a dream?

A guy with another girl - you don't trust your boyfriend too much and still expect him to cheat on you. The time has come to give him more attention and trust.

a guy with another girl - do you know the girl you saw in your dream? If so, then perhaps your suspicions of infidelity are justified and you should be wary.

If you constantly dream about a guy, your wishes will come true.

If you constantly dream about a guy, then this dream can serve as an indicator of your serene happiness and long-term love for your chosen one.

The guy leaves, and his departure in a dream is accompanied by violent quarrels, screams, tears - this does not necessarily have to happen again in reality, you will quarrel, but not on a big scale.

Why dream that a guy is leaving, a guy has left you - if this happens in a dream through your fault, then such a dream warns against distrust of your loved one and harsh statements, otherwise he may really leave you due to mistreatment.

The guy left and went to someone else - you will meet a person with whom you have not kept in touch for a very long time.

Why dream that a guy left you in a dream - the dream could also mean that he will soon propose to you if his departure in the dream was quiet and unnoticed.

A guy's parents - seeing them in a dream means that you and your boyfriend have a strong and happy marriage ahead.

The guy's parents - if you quarrel with them, it means they don't approve of their son's choice. If they are dissatisfied or sad with something, or cry, your happiness with your loved one will be overshadowed by some conflicts.

Ukrainian dream book

Why do you dream about a guy you know, according to popular beliefs in Little Russia:

Guy, young man - Like a girl dreams of being attacked by a guy - troubles, misfortune. Dreaming of a young man - there will be profit.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

  • To see a guy or a young man in a dream - Handsome and slender - a messenger of heavenly prophetic Powers;
  • angel-like image - vitality, active energy for a man, the dreamer himself (based on appearance and behavior).
  • For a girl, a guy means dreams of marriage;
  • for a woman - the appearance of a spiritual assistant;
  • maternal or sexual urges.
  • Seeing an unsightly looking guy in a dream means everything is bad. See Add. Dictionary “mythological” (demon, demon, angel of death).

Everyday dream book

Why do you see a guy you know in a dream, what does it symbolize?

Seeing a guy you have known for a long time in a dream means that you will soon receive news from a person you have not heard anything about for a long time.

Also, such a dream can be interpreted in the sense that you are not satisfied with your life today, perhaps you cannot achieve the goals you have set for yourself, or you do not like the way your loved ones treat you, show you, for example , disrespect, or don't provide the support you need.

guy - If you dreamed of a guy whom you have never seen, then such a dream may mean that you wanted a thrill, and you decided to go in search of it. But we should not forget that such feelings often end very badly.

If a girl had a dream in which she was talking to an unfamiliar young man, a guy, flirting with him, it means that in reality she does not feel due attention and care from her young man, and perhaps she is jealous of him.

To see a guy in a dream - If a lonely girl had such a dream, then it is quite possible that a romantic acquaintance awaits her soon.

If you dreamed of a guy who pesters you with clearly bad intentions, then in reality you should expect some unpleasant events that will spoil your mood, but will not affect your life in any other way.

Mysteries of dreams: why do you dream about the guy you like?

Some dreams are difficult to explain, but still, if you carefully think about everything that happened in your subconscious, you can “catch” some prerequisites for real life.

Everyone has experienced times of constant falling in love. And therefore, the question of why the guy they like is dreamed of was asked by almost all girls, young women and women. It will be quite problematic to answer this question unambiguously, since many factors can influence this. One of the versions that explains why the guy she likes dreams about is as follows: the girl herself very often thinks about him, and real thoughts and experiences are transferred to the dream. After all, it is in a dream that we see what we want, isn’t it? There, in this second reality, you hug him, kiss him, hold his hand... Your most secret desires come true in a dream. And, waking up, you begin to think about this dream, devoting your free time to thinking about what it might mean to you. These thoughts further cement in you the image of the person you like, after which you begin to dream about him with increasing frequency.

There is another explanation for why the guy you like dreams about. Some believe that such dreams can be caused by the fact that it is not you who are thinking about the person you like, but he is thinking about you. You can find out whether this is true or not only by asking the guy himself, and for many this is problematic to do. To stop these dreams, you just need to spend some time with the object of your adoration. Get to know him (if this has not already been done), and then it is likely that you will stop dreaming about him. Yes, and why these dreams, if your communication becomes real - this is much better, isn’t it?

In some cases, the explanation of what the guy you like is dreaming about is not as rosy as the previous ones. These can be so-called “prophetic dreams”, which can warn you about some event, and perhaps danger awaiting your loved one. So in some cases you need to listen to dreams. It's better to be safe, as they say.

There are also separate interpretations, or rather, their unique “schedule”. The reasons why you dreamed about your beloved guy are explained depending on when he appeared in your dream (but the veracity of this “schedule” is still in question). So, if this happened on the night from Monday to Tuesday, then this indicates that the dreamer has a feeling of deepest respect for you. If the guy you like dreamed on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this means that he is thinking about you, if from Wednesday to Thursday, it means you also came into his dream. If you dream of a guy from Thursday to Friday, then you can be congratulated - you won his heart, and if from Friday to Saturday, then you also made him experience an unpleasant feeling of jealousy. A dream involving a loved one from Saturday to Sunday indicates that this person is offended by you for something, and from Sunday to Monday - that the object of your dreams dreams of meeting you.

Dreams are a mysterious and still unsolved area of ​​our consciousness that can show the future, remind you of the past, or guide you along the right path in the present, and the main thing here is to learn to understand them.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Not so long ago, we discussed in some detail the topic of using emoticons on the VKontakte social network. The main codes of Emoji emoticons were also given there (about a thousand - for all occasions). If you have not yet read that publication, I strongly recommend that you do so:

What do text emoticons made up of symbols mean?

Let's continue to study the meanings of the most common options writing certain emoticons using ordinary (non-fancy) symbols. Ready? Well, then let's go.

Initially they became widespread, i.e. lying on their side (see the above examples of laughing and sad faces). Let's see what other combinations you might encounter on the Internet and what they mean (how to decipher them).

Indication of emotions by emoticon symbols

  1. Joy or smile 🙂 is most often depicted using the symbols: :) or :-) or =)
  2. Uncontrollable laughter 😀 (equivalent to the expression: :-D or :D or)))) (under-smile used mainly in RuNet)
  3. Another designation for laughter, but more like mockery 😆 (equivalent): XD or xD or >:-D (schadenfreude)
  4. Laughter to tears, i.e. what does the “tears of joy” emoticon mean 😂: :"-) or:"-D
  5. Insidious grin 😏: ):-> or ]:->
  6. A sad or sorrowful emoticon 🙁 has text meanings: :-(or =(or:(
  7. Symbolic designation of a very sad smiley 😩: :-C or:C or (((((again, a variant of the under-smiley)
  8. Mild displeasure, confusion or puzzlement 😕: :-/ or:-\
  9. Strong anger 😡: D-:
  10. Text designation of the neutral attitude emoticon 😐: :-| either: -I or._. or -_-
  11. The symbolic meaning of the admiration emoticon 😃: *O* or *_* or **
  12. Decoding the emotion of surprise 😵: :-() either:- or: -0 or: O or O: either o_O or oO or o.O
  13. Options for what an emoticon of great surprise or bewilderment can mean 😯: 8-O
    either =-O or:-
  14. Disappointment 😞: ​​:-e
  15. Fury 😠: :-E or:E or:-t
  16. Confusion 😖: :-[ or %0
  17. Sullenness: :-*
  18. Sadness: :-<

Meaning of text emoticons emotional actions or gestures

  1. What does a winking smiley mean in text-symbolic form 😉: ;-) or;)
  2. Sad joke: ;-(
  3. Happy joke: ;-)
  4. Options for designating a crying emoticon 😥 or 😭: :_(or:~(or:"(or:*(
  5. Joyful crying (means “tears of joy” emoticon 😂): :~-
  6. Sad cry 😭: :~-(
  7. Angry cry: :-@
  8. Kiss in text notation 😚 or 😙 or 😗: :-* or:-()
  9. Hugs: ()
  10. To show your tongue (means to tease) 😛 or 😜: :-P or:-p or:-Ъ
  11. Mouth shut (means shh) 😶: :-X
  12. It makes me sick to my stomach (denoting nausea): :-!
  13. Drunk or embarrassed (means either “I’m drunk” or “you’re drunk”): :*)
  14. You are a deer: E:-) or 3:-)
  15. You're a clown: *:O)
  16. Heart 💓:<3
  17. Text designation of the “rose flower” emoticon 🌹: @)->-- or @)~>~~ or @-"-,"-,---
  18. Carnation: *->->--
  19. Old joke (meaning button accordion): [:|||:] or [:]/\/\/\[:] or [:]|||[:]
  20. Krezi (means “you’ve gone crazy”): /:-(or /:-]
  21. Fifth point: (_!_)

What do horizontal (Japanese) symbolic emoticons mean?

Initially, it so happened that most of the text emoticons that were invented and became widespread had to be deciphered as if “tilting the head to the side.” However, this is not entirely convenient, you will agree. Therefore, over time, their analogues began to appear (also typed from symbols), which did not require virtually or actually tilting the head to the side, because the image created by the symbols was located horizontally.

Let's consider, what do the most common horizontal text emoticons mean?:

  1. (joy) is usually indicated: (^_^) or (^____^) or (n_n) or (^ ^) or \(^_^)/
  2. in symbols denoted as: (<_>) or (v_v)
  3. The following symbols mean different things: (o_o) or (0_0) or (O_o) or (o_O) or (V_v) (unpleasant surprise) or (@_@) (meaning “You can be stunned”)
  4. Emoticon meaning: (*_*) or (*o*) or (*O*)
  5. I'm sick: (-_-;) or (-_-;)~
  6. Sleeping: (- . -) Zzz. or (-_-) Zzz. or (u_u)
  7. Confusion: ^_^" or *^_^* or (-_-") or (-_-v)
  8. Anger and rage: (-_-#) or (-_-¤) or (-_-+) or (>__
  9. What does fatigue mean: (>_
  10. Jealousy: 8 (>_
  11. Distrust: (>>) or (>_>) or (<_>
  12. Indifference: -__- or =__=
  13. This emoticon text expression means: (?_?) or ^o^;>
  14. Value close to: (;_;) or (T_T) or (TT.TT) or (ToT) or Q__Q
  15. What does winking mean: (^_~) or (^_-)
  16. Kiss: ^)(^ either (^)...(^) or (^)(^^)
  17. High five (means friend): =X= or (^_^)(^_^)
  18. Carrot Love: (^3^) or (*^) 3 (*^^*)
  19. Apology: m (._.) m
  20. Greedy emoticon: ($_$)

Naturally, on many blogs and forums it has long been possible to add emoticons in the form of pictures (from ready-made sets), but many still continue to use text emoticons, because they have already gotten their hands on this and there is no need to find the right one in the catalog picture.

If you want to know what this or that set of characters that is a text emoticon means, write about it in the comments. Maybe the whole world will figure it out...

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Many people have repeatedly observed the coincidence of numbers on the clock, for example, 12: 12, 13:13, 6: 06, etc. Everyone treats such phenomena differently. Some people don’t notice and consider it just an ordinary coincidence, while others see a special mysticism, secret meaning, messages with predictions of the future in the coincidence of numbers.

There are several versions. Psychologists have conducted a number of studies and come to the conclusion that such increased attentiveness is associated with suspiciousness. Every person has their own biological clock, which gives them the ability to sense time intuitively. When a person's attention is concentrated on a task, the biological clock acts as an alarm clock. And so the glance at the clock falls at a certain time.

According to others, the coincidence of the numbers on the clock is just a coincidence. If, for example, you set an alarm for 7 o’clock and lie in bed for a few more minutes after it rings, then the probability of seeing 7:07 on the clock is extremely high.

The coincidence of numbers on the clock is associated with the human biological clock

Numerology, the oldest science of numbers, the progenitor of which is considered to be Pythagoras, has a completely different attitude towards the coincidence of numbers. Numerology allows you to determine a person’s character, determine his best and weaknesses, and even predict the future.

All numbers are raised to prime numbers, from 0 to 9, by addition. Multi-digit numbers are added until a prime number is formed. The numbers 11 and 22 in some calculations are not reduced to single digits, since they are called Teacher numbers. Dates of birth, weddings, phone numbers, cars, apartments, etc. can be subjected to numerological analysis.

Meaning of number matches

Each number has its own special magical meaning and meaning. If the numbers are repeated, it means they want to convey some kind of message in their language of numbers. Numerologists are sure that such messages cannot be ignored. If a person begins to notice the coincidence of numbers on the clock, perhaps he has lost sight of something important. And the more often such repetitions occur, the more relevant they are for a person.

What does the coincidence of numbers on the clock mean from the point of view of numerology?

  1. One is considered a sign of energy. If you regularly come across a few, this indicates excessive self-centeredness or, on the contrary, you need to pay attention to your personality.
  2. Two means moderation in emotions and relationships. Frequently occurring twos indicate that a person needs to soften his character and seek compromises in the current situation.
  3. Threes are found for those who need to determine guidelines and life goals, reflect on their past, present and think about the future.
  4. The slogan of the four is hard work. If a person constantly sees fours, he needs to find a more practical approach to life situations and take care of his health.
  5. Fives are often found among those who love adventure and risk and indicate that life needs to be approached more carefully, and risk can lead to serious losses.
  6. Six is ​​a sign of peacemaking and speaks of the need to develop honesty both in relationships with people and with oneself.
  7. Seven is a symbol of success. Seeing seven on the clock is considered a good sign. Sevens say that a person has every chance to experience the harmony of the world.
  8. The number eight symbolizes infinity and indicates upcoming changes. People who often meet Eights should pay attention to events that require important decisions. It is possible that today’s actions will determine the entire future fate.
  9. Nine means development. The frequent appearance of nine on the dial reminds a person that situations in his life are repeated. And if he wants to develop further, it is necessary to remove obstacles.

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Of particular importance are repeating (11:11), paired (20:20) and mirror (14:14) numbers. Oracles claim that only on Tuesdays and Thursdays the theory of coincidence of numbers lifts the veil of the future.

Interpretation of coincidences:
  • 00:00 ─ It is believed that if you notice such a coincidence, you need to make a wish. A wish made with pure thoughts will certainly come true;
  • 01:01 ─ a pleasant message is expected from a male friend;
  • 01:10 ─ a recently started new project will not bring the desired result;
  • 01:11 ─ it is possible that a very lucrative offer will come;
  • 02:02 ─ wait for an invitation to have fun. It is possible that this will be a trip to a club or restaurant;
  • 02:20 ─ suppress your irritation, carefully select your expressions so as not to say anything unnecessary that you will regret in the future;
  • 02:22 ─ a secret will soon be revealed to you;
  • 03:03 ─ such repetition foreshadows the coming of love;
  • 03:30 ─ the combination of numbers warns that you will soon be disappointed: your feelings will remain unrequited;
  • 03:33 ─ a coincidence portends good luck and success;
  • 04:04 ─ try to look at the current situation from a different point of view, and this will become a solution to the problem;
  • 04:40 ─ You shouldn’t expect any luck today. Fortune is not in the mood to pamper you today;
  • 04:44 ─ the coming day promises troubles from the authorities;
  • 05:05 ─ your secret enemies are plotting, be careful: fair ways of playing are not their method;
  • 05:50 ─ the combination warns against fire and water, the consequences can be the most unpleasant;
  • 05:55 ─ a meeting with a wise, reasonable person is expected;
  • 06:06 ─ a good day is ahead; for single people, such a composition of numbers hints at the upcoming wedding;
  • 07:07 ─ beware of people in uniform, especially military ones;
  • 08:08 ─ the combination portends an upswing in your career, expect a promotion;
  • 09:09 ─ be careful, there is a risk of losing your handbag or wallet;
  • 10:01 ─ expect to meet an influential person, it is possible that it will be a man;
  • 10:10 ─ big changes are coming;
  • 11:11 ─ be on your guard, the likelihood of becoming dependent on a person or a habit is too high;
  • 12:12 ─ such a combination is a harbinger of success in your personal life;
  • 12:21 ─ pleasant acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex;
  • 13:13 ─ a combination of two damn dozens cannot bode well, rivals are not asleep, be on your guard;
  • 13:31 ─ your most cherished wish will soon come true;
  • 14:14 ─ love will take over you completely;
  • 14:41 ─ the day is preparing troubles;
  • 15:15 ─ wise people will help you find a way out of the current impasse;
  • 15:51 ─ a stormy short-term romance awaits;
  • 16:16 ─ transport management will require increased attention;
  • 17:17 ─ ​​the combination warns of a possible attack by hooligans or robbers;
  • 18:18 ─ be careful on the road;
  • 19:19 ─ the combination of ones and nines foretells success in everything;
  • 20:02 ─ try to control your behavior and emotions, a quarrel with a person close to you is expected;
  • 20:20 ─ family scandal is coming;
  • 21:12 ─ a new addition to the family or the start of a new project is expected;
  • 21:21 ─ a passionate romance is just around the corner;
  • 22:22 ─ interesting acquaintance ahead;
  • 23:23 ─ numbers foreshadow a dangerous connection;
  • 23:32 ─ pay attention to your health, it is possible that in the near future it will deteriorate significantly.

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Are number coincidences mystical or not?

Should we trust the coincidence of the numbers on the clock? Do numbers have an impact on a person's life? If you look at it, every number in any religion has a mystical meaning. Take the number 13. Many people are afraid of it; in the USA there is not even a 13th floor; after 12 there is 14. In China, Japan, and Korea they do not like the number “4”, so in these countries after the third there is immediately a fifth floor. In Italy they fear Friday the 17th, in Spain the 4th and 44th, the Germanic tribes revered the number 15. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Proponents of the theory of coincidence of numbers have a difficult attitude towards the number 11. The Babylonians had the same attitude towards this number as ours towards 13. According to Indian traditions, there are 11 forms of incarnation of the God of destruction, the cycle of solar activity is 11 years. Inquiring minds blame the number 11 for many tragedies. In 2001, on September 11, two planes crashed into skyscrapers. The flight numbers were 77 and 11, New York is in the 11th state. One plane carried 92 passengers, 9+2=11, the second plane carried 65 people, 6+5=11. In 2011, on April 11, a bomb explosion at a Minsk metro station injured 203 people and killed 15. 2+3+1+ 5=11.

Unusual coincidences haunted Wagner. Born in 1813, the total year of birth gives the number 13, he spent 13 of his life in exile, wrote 13 operas. The theater was opened by him on August 13, Wagner died on February 13. What is this - coincidences or a pattern?

Numbers influence our consciousness and trigger certain processes in it

There is a theory that believes that numbers do not affect events. A number is simply a key that triggers a chain of certain events; everything in the world is cyclical and therefore all events are repeated, but at a new level. This means that they will be accompanied by certain events. Every action has consequences in the future. This is what determines the chain of further events. According to theorists, there is no past, no present, no future. Time is just a measurement, and if outside the Universe there is no such concept as time, then the whole world, the past and the future, is one single whole, and that means all accidents are patterns. That is, theoretically, everything that could happen has already happened. This means that it is at least stupid to be afraid of some numbers.

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