Scorpio horoscope for the month of December

In December, Scorpios must express themselves to the maximum and fully. This period for representatives of the zodiac should become the personification of kindness and activity. Horoscope for Scorpio for Decemberwill confidently recommend that all the brightest representatives of this brave zodiac sign enroll in any educational or health courses. It is important to ensure that Scorpios do not get bored this month.

The entire frosty period is wonderful for bringing your most cherished and long-awaited dreams into real life. Right now you can safely take risks, but in the end it must be justified. But representatives of the stars are not recommended to “get into” extremely dubious situations; the surprise and incomprehensibility of what is happening can have a very negative and even sad effect on their general physical well-being.

Until recently, Scorpios enjoyed calm and quiet peace, but the time of passivity has passed, and now it’s time to do something active and decisive. It’s good if representatives of the zodiac manage to travel. It would be ideal to visit distant relatives, as well as mend broken relationships with them. The period is also positive for new communication; this month the zodiac representatives are unusually open and kind. In December, they will be able to step back a little from their egoism, which will undoubtedly attract increased attention to their person.

From the middle of the month, the likelihood of the past returning to the life of the zodiac representative returns. It is possible that this past will concern the professional sphere of life. Most likely, the Star Trek representative will have to complete previous professional commitments or establish professional contacts with former companions. The utmost caution should be taken when returning to past love relationships. If they initially brought sadness to the zodiac representatives, then it is strictly forbidden to let such people from the past into a new comfortable life.

A wonderful time is coming for beautiful ladies. They will become unusually cute, thereby attracting hundreds of admiring glances from fans. Now love horoscope for Scorpio for December 2018will strongly advise you to remove negativity from your own character and show more feelings of respect, kindness and understanding.

On the eve of the long-awaited New Year's celebrations, women are recommended to take care of their own appearance. Perhaps it's time to fix something in your own wardrobe, or perhaps you need to radically change your hairstyle.

Horoscope for December 2018 for the Scorpio man

For the stronger half of the zodiac, material achievements will take first place. It is at the end of this year that they will need to earn more money, because the long New Year holidays are planned ahead.

But the sphere of love will also require some attention from men.Family representatives of the zodiac are now recommended to establish internal partnerships and set up family life in the right way. But single men can think about finding their soulmate; the winter month is perfect for this.

Love horoscope for December 2018 for Scorpio

A sincere romantic mood will visit the soul of the representatives of the zodiac. The period is great for romantic dates and non-binding flirting. For family representatives of the sign, a completely different life position is recommended in December; it is important for them at this moment to try to improve all damaged family relationships. Scorpio needs to give up his selfish qualities; now he cannot subjugate his soulmate to his will. At this same moment, it is important to resolve all looming conflicts, otherwise they risk turning into a huge break in relations.

Fate has prepared several pleasant surprises for lonely Scorpios.To begin with, they need to take a break from their professional routine and “go out into the world.” You can’t refuse positive and interesting acquaintances; it’s important to communicate more with active people. Those Scorpios who want to change their own personal life can hope for success - they are guaranteed a meeting with a long-awaited and happy future in the month of December.

Health horoscope for December 2018 for Scorpio

A huge number of emotional situations risk undermining the normal functioning of the entire nervous system. Even if Scorpios always seem cheerful and active, in their hearts they also know how to be sad and worry sharply. Representatives of the zodiac are advised to take care of their nervous system; it is important, if possible, to move away from conflicts and the slightest frustration. Health horoscope for Scorpiowill recommend maintenance therapy. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to take a course of sedatives; you can successfully use folk therapy. An excellent remedy for calming the nervous system is lemon balm decoction or weak mint tea.

In addition to normalizing their nervous state, representatives of the star trek are advised to take care of strengthening the body’s own defenses. Frequent colds and infectious viruses risk dramatically damaging the health of the latter. It is ideal now to engage in healing procedures aimed at strengthening the immune system. A wonderful example of all this is swimming in the pool or preventive gymnastics.

Financial horoscope for December 2018 for Scorpio

If representatives of the star sign themselves wish it, then they have an excellent chance to change their current professional position. The career of Scorpios is not in the best condition, and the fault is that the representatives of the zodiac have pushed the performance of their professional duties into the background.

There is still a chance to improve the situation at work, but for this, zodiac representatives need to work hard and responsibly. It is important to complete all previously started professional matters before the end of the specified month. It is not yet recommended to take on new tasks, especially if Scorpios are not confident in their own abilities.

Finance horoscope for December 2018 for Scorpio notes that you can’t get carried away by the increased urge to spend this month. Now it’s better to start accumulating financial resources, but the necessary and desired purchases can be made a little later. Ideally, Scorpios will not take on debt obligations in December.

Throughout December 2016, most representatives of this zodiac sign will be busy with improving their own material well-being, as well as increasing their status in society. In this matter, the stars favor Scorpios, creating the best conditions and removing obstacles from their path. The main condition in this regard is to act in accordance with your conscience, to be a decent person and not to act to the detriment of the interests of other people.

So, in the period until the 19th day of December, the stars tell all Scorpios that expensive purchases and acquisitions will be successful and therefore before this date it is recommended to buy equipment, interior items or beautiful things for your wardrobe. In addition, the stars strongly recommend buying gifts for your family and friends, and moving to a new apartment or office will be successful, and most importantly, easy and hassle-free.

Regarding the last monthly ten-day period, this is the optimal period of time for summing up the results of the past year, 2016, drawing your conclusions and paying off debts, but not getting into new ones. Among other things, it is worth thanking each and every one personally for everything that, by their will or with their participation, happened in their personal lives throughout the year. Even if unpleasant or difficult situations occurred through their fault, someone betrayed them - learn to say thank you to fate for this. Just forgive people and let go of the grudge along with the passing year - appreciate what you have now.

Favorable days in December - 6 And 15 , 20-21 , 31st;
Unfavorable numbers in December - 13 And 17 , 28-29th;

Love and family

In December, the spirit of the holiday will reign in the home of all Scorpios - communicate more with your family, tell your children fairy tales about Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale, kind heroes, plunging into an unforgettable New Year's atmosphere of magic and anticipation of a real miracle. In the soul of every adult there lives a child - he needs to be pampered, pampered and cherished, loved, paying a lot of attention. This is worth remembering and not forgetting, and therefore, when buying a gift for your family and friends, be sure to treat yourself to something special that will please your little inner person, as well as you, the adult.

In the period from the 19th to the New Year, it is worth establishing all the old, difficult relationships, renewing contact with those with whom it was interrupted - call first, make peace. Regarding new relationships, love affairs, you should not start them during this period, since they are short-lived.

Work and finance

If there are unfinished projects or tasks under your leadership, you should make every effort to complete them or to ensure that their active stage passes before the 19th of the current month. The same will apply to business trips and business trips. If there is a need to purchase equipment for a business or a new car, it is best to do this before the specified date, since this is very important. Otherwise, you will face very unpleasant surprises, breakdowns of machinery and equipment, and other problems and malfunctions.

On the last day of December, you should devote all your work to completing important projects and things started earlier. If Scorpio works with people, this period promises a significant rise in the career ladder and additional financial income.

beauty and health

In the month of December, any water procedures will have the best effect on your health - just start with a contrast shower, then move on to hardening and going to the bathhouse and swimming in an ice hole. But in December, Scorpios should not undergo surgery on the veins, joints, or eyes - if these organs are bothering you, you should first postpone the operation. Also, handle electrical devices with care - you may get an electric shock, and on New Year's holidays, do not abuse alcohol.

Astrological horoscope for the zodiac sign Scorpio for December 2016 from our regular astrologer Horoscope. Let's find out from the video horoscope what awaits Scorpio in December 2016, what new, interesting events the month of December has in store for him.

December is the time when everyone is waiting for the New Year 2017, preparing for the holiday - New Year's Eve, going to corporate parties, Christmas trees in kindergarten, school. December is a magical time.

So let's spend the month of December usefully, without making mistakes: great and strong love, or an increase in wages and promotion on the career ladder, or moving and improving living conditions, or maybe... Why fantasize, let's find out from a real astrologer from the video how December 2016 will turn out for Scorpioa. Advice from the stars from a professional astrologer for you.

Horoscope for December 2016 Scorpio. Video

Horoscope for Scorpio for December 2016. Video text

In the first half of the month, there will be a feeling that you and your chosen one seem to have lost touch with each other, and discomfort has appeared in the relationship. This time your feelings will let you down, as you will see in mid-December. Revelations and emotionality cannot always be expected from you, but you are also capable of surprising. This is exactly what you will do in December, becoming fluffy and cute. You can't go wrong - it will help improve relationships, make them warm, trusting, and harmonious. Lonely Scorpios would do well to take advantage of their fluids, of which they have more than enough. In December, a candidate worthy of your attention may fall under your spell to take the place of your chosen one.

In the first half of the month you will not have any problems either at work or with finances. But you still keep your finger on the pulse, control your work affairs. It is better to complete them before the middle of the month. Perhaps at this time you will meet an influential person whose help you will not refuse, and this will be the right decision.

P.S. And most importantly. At the end of December, you will have already finished your business for the outgoing year, and therefore it will be time to make plans for the coming year. Do this.

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What does December 2016 have in store for the Scorpio man?

Scorpio men will be completely absorbed in work in December. But despite all your busy lives, you need to devote time to your loved ones. Have a nice family dinner and invite all your loved ones to it. Also, on the eve of the winter holidays, treat your family with a nice gift. And if you have the opportunity to take a vacation, then spend it somewhere abroad.

Love horoscope for Scorpio Men

Single Scorpio men need to be more open to others. Try to hide all your negative qualities as far as possible, and put forward only attractiveness and friendliness. This way of behavior will allow many women to find in you not only a good interlocutor, but also a wonderful lover. And among such a large number of fans you will meet your soul mate.

For those men who have already met their chosen one, December will be a month of romance and mutual understanding. Finally, you and your partner will begin to have a heart-to-heart conversation. Such conversations will allow you to get closer to each other, as well as build respect and trust.

Family Scorpio men need to control themselves and not get into arguments with their significant other. It's better to give all your energy in bed. But those men who have children need to seriously think about your relationship with them. Stop controlling them and just trust them. Every wrong action will become a lesson for them.

Love horoscope for December 2016: A Scorpio man can become not only a good friend, but also a wonderful lover.

Work and finance

In December, finances may increase slightly, the main thing is not to slow down the pace of work. There is also an option to get a good offer for a joint business. But before you sign the documents, read them carefully. There is a high probability of encountering scammers.

Everything will be excellent in work for Scorpio men. You may receive an offer for promotion. December will also be a great month to make a plan for future prospects.

Health and leisure

In December, representatives of this sign should check their cholesterol levels. Also pay special attention to the thyroid gland.

Love horoscope

From December 1 to December 10. All you have to do is show your sense of style and charm, and the right person will want to meet you. On December 4-5, a financial issue can become a stumbling block in a relationship with a loved one. These days you are prone to self-deception and are able to regard a simple romantic interest as a relationship for life. Harmony in a couple may also be shaken in the period from December 6 to December 9 due to selfish interests and unwillingness to put up with the partner’s shortcomings. Do not allow third parties into your tandem.

From December 11 to December 20. You will be drawn to places where there are a lot of people. Your loved one will not be happy about this trend, but it is precisely this development of events that will help avoid conflicts. From December 17 to 20, pickiness about little things in your partner’s behavior and words may awaken. Try to look at everyday things differently.

From December 21 to 31. From December 23 to 25 you will experience success and luck. Optimism and self-confidence will make your eyes sparkle and your heart rejoice. In such a mood, it will be easy for you to inspire your loved one. You should not make dates on December 26-27. And from December 29 to 31, the main thing for you will be mental comfort.

Family horoscope

In December, it is better not to start philosophical conversations with your spouse. It is on this basis that irreconcilable
conflicts. He is prone to risky behavior. Add passion to your relationship, and your husband will be delighted with you. As for children, excessive activity, imposing your vision and ways of spending time will push their friends away from them. At the end of December, do not delay the recovery or treatment of older family members. If you see that depression is taking over them completely, try to help. It may be worth consulting with a specialist.

Health horoscope

There may be difficulties with digestion of food, various intoxications (poisoning). If you notice increased irritability and fatigue, it is worth checking the condition of the thyroid gland with an endocrinologist. Take care of your throat and do not ignore a runny nose. Use folk remedies for treatment and prevention, since your body can react to pharmaceuticals by losing taste and smell. In December, an effective method of combating ailments and fatigue will be foot massage and hot salt foot baths.

Horoscope of work and money

In this zodiac month, you will have the opportunity to increase your income and strengthen your position in the professional sphere. From December 9 to 11 is a favorable period for successful career advancement. You will receive an offer for profitable cooperation or the possibility of good earnings and a salary increase. Your boss can help you solve your housing problem. During the December decade, try not to waste money.

Horoscope for December 2016 for Scorpio men

Love.Show your respect, admire him, and before you know it, he will throw, if not the whole world, then a significant part of it, at your feet. Your chosen one will be ready to give you gifts and delight you with pleasant surprises if he feels sincere recognition of his talents.

Tone. In December it is favorable to take care of your health. If possible, from December 7 it is advisable to go to a sanatorium. During this period, a change in your usual environment and diet will have a beneficial effect on all systems of the body. You can check the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Finance.Although he can't make all the money, he will try. Financial adventures, creative projects, and publishing activities from December 5 to 14 will not live up to expectations. Tax benefits and mutually beneficial cooperation with bureaucratic services are possible. In December, short-distance trips will be financially beneficial. After December 20, the purchase and sale of a vehicle is successful.

Job.The period is successful for career achievements and financial success. You can expect an increase in salary and position. In December, a comfortable, creative atmosphere at work will promote productivity.

Friends. Meetings with relatives and their friends in December will be carefree and noisy. Until December 8, communication with friends will be the main component of his life. This will be both business cooperation and recreation for the soul. It is better not to have financial relations with foreign acquaintances.

Leisure.From December 5 to 15, you need to be careful when traveling abroad and not leave your belongings unattended. Risk and excitement can lead to losses.

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