History of the creation of the Russian armed forces. Presentation on the topic "History of the creation of the Russian Armed Forces" Download presentation history of the armed forces

Presentation on the topic "History of the creation of the armed forces of the Russian Federation" on life safety in powerpoint format. Contains a lot of interesting information about how the Russian armed forces were historically created. Author of the presentation: teacher-organizer of life safety Pogrebnyak Sergey Fedorovich.

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History is a powerful factor in the education of conscious patriotism.

To belittle your history and forget it means to spit on the graves of your ancestors who fought for their native land... V. Pikul

Kulikovo Field, Poltava Field, Borodino - covered with the glory of Russian weapons, giving birth to freedom and power of our country. All of them have become majestic memorials to history.

At all times, the Russian people came out as a single friendly family to expel the greedy conquerors who came to our land, and were staunch defenders of their native home - the Russian land.

The development and formation of the Russian Armed Forces is inextricably linked with the history of the Russian state.

For many years, the Russian people constantly had to wage armed struggle, defending their lands from foreign invaders. In the period from the XIV to the XVII centuries. There is practically not a single year of peace when the borders of the Russian state would be calm and there would be no need to repel the enemy. Therefore, the state was in constant readiness for war, and its structure met this requirement

Military reforms of Ivan the Terrible 1550 - 1571

  • The origins of the military organization in our Fatherland go back to the reign of Ivan III the Great (1462-1505), who began the massive distribution of land plots and estates to the servants of the princely court, as well as free people, subject to their service, that is, marked the beginning of the formation of the service nobility .
  • The efforts of Ivan III to create a strong military organization of the Russian state were continued by Ivan IV, who created one of the largest armies in Europe - 250-300 thousand people (about 3% of the population of Rus').
  • In the period from 1550 to 1571. Ivan the Terrible carried out military reforms, which began with a decree of October 3, 1550 on the division of lands around Moscow by 1000 landowners who occupied key command positions in the army.
Main content:
  • streamlining the recruitment and military service system
  • in the local army;
  • organization of centralized army control;
  • creation of a permanent Streltsy army;
  • centralization of the supply system;
  • creation of a permanent guard service on the southern border.

Military reforms of Peter I 1st quarter of the 18th century

  • The regular Russian army was created under Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century. Its creation was facilitated by the defeat of Russian troops in 1700 near Narva in a battle with the Swedish army. Streltsy regiments and noble cavalry showed their complete helplessness. The Russian army lost more than 6 thousand people and all artillery near Narva.
  • Peter I introduced a new army recruitment system. It began to be carried out on the principle of recruitment, when 10-20 peasant households, by lot, supplied one person for lifelong military service. The introduction of conscription allowed Peter I to significantly increase the number of standing troops. The officer corps of the Russian army consisted of nobles; for them, public service was mandatory and lifelong. To receive an officer rank, a nobleman had to serve as a soldier in the Guards regiments - Preobrazhensky or Semenovsky.
  • In terms of organization, armament, and combat training, the reforms of Peter I brought the Russian army to one of the first places in Europe.
Main content:
  • the creation of a Russian (national) regular army and navy based on a recruiting system;
  • the abolition of previously existing heterogeneous military formations and the introduction of the same type of organization and weapons in the infantry, cavalry and artillery;
  • introduction of a unified system of military training and education, regulated by regulations;
  • centralization of military administration, replacement of orders by the Military College and the Admiralty College, establishment of the post of commander-in-chief, under which a field headquarters was created headed by the quartermaster general;
  • opening military schools for training officers and regulating the service of officers;
  • carrying out military-judicial reforms.

Military reforms of the 1860-70s

  • Transformation in the Russian armed forces under the leadership of Minister of War D. A. Milyutin. They had the goal of creating a mass army and eliminating the military backwardness of Russia, revealed in the Crimean War of 1853-56.
  • In 1874, a new Charter on military service was approved.
  • From that time on, army recruitment was abolished in Russia and universal military service was introduced, which extended to the male population of all classes and estates who had reached the age of 21. The total service life was set at 15 years: 6 years of which were spent in active military service, and 9 years in reserve. Particular attention was paid to improving the professional training of officers. Literacy among soldiers was recognized as essential, so teaching them to read and write became mandatory.
Main content:
  • replacing conscription with all-class military service, creating an exchange reserve stock, forming a military district control system (15 districts);
  • the allocation of a new “Regulation on field command and control of troops in wartime”, the rearmament of the army with rifled small arms and artillery;
  • reorganization of combat training of troops (development and introduction of new military regulations in the troops), as well as the officer training system (replacement of cadet corps with military gymnasiums, establishment of military and cadet schools);
  • Permanent military courts (regimental, military district and main) were established.

Military reforms of 1905-1912

After the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, the government of Nicholas II took measures to revive the combat power of the Russian armed forces. This was forced by the difficult international situation. The First World War was approaching, which began on July 19, 1914. Germany declared war on Russia, and after it on France. Within days of this, the main European states entered the war. The First World War became another heroic and at the same time tragic page for the history of Russia and its armed forces.

Main content:
  • the centralization of military command was strengthened (a territorial recruitment system was introduced);
  • terms of service have been shortened, the officer corps has been rejuvenated;
  • new programs for military schools, new regulations and new models of artillery pieces were adopted;
  • Heavy field artillery was created, engineering troops were strengthened and material support was improved.

Kryukov Sergey

This presentation tells about the history of the creation of the armed forces of the Russian Federation from the time of Peter 1.



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History of the creation and development of the Russian Armed Forces

Military organization of the ancient Slavs Russian army Military reforms of Ivan the Terrible Conciliar Code of Alexei Mikhailovich Military reforms of Peter I Military reforms of Alexander II Military reforms of Nicholas II Red Army and Soviet Armed Forces Russian Armed Forces Contents

Military organization of the ancient Slavs The first chronicle mention of the military organization of the ancient Slavs is found in the works of Byzantine historians in the 6th century. The troops were militias consisting of adult males of the tribe.

Military organization of the ancient Slavs At the end of the 8th century, the military organization of the ancient Slavs consisted of princely squads and people's militia. The boat fleet was widely used for sea voyages.

Weaponry of the ancient Slavs Shield covered with leather Quiver with arrows Bow in the archer Spears Sword Mace Flail Helmets were used for protection Chain mail (“shirts” made of metal rings

Armament of the Slavic peoples In the 14th century, battering rams, crossbows, etc. were widely used in the armed forces in the defense and siege of cities. The chronicle first mentions the use of firearms in 1382 during the defense of Moscow from the troops of Tokhtamysh.

Military reforms of Ivan the Terrible In Rus', Ivan IV created the first permanent streltsy army in the mid-16th century. They were armed with firearms (squeaks) and bladed weapons (saber and arrowhead).

The military reforms of Ivan the Terrible are aimed at: Streamlining the system of recruitment and military service in the local army; Organization of centralized army control; Creation of a permanent Streltsy army; Allocation of “detail” (artillery) into an independent branch of the military; Centralization of the supply system; The creation of a permanent guard service on the southern borders of the state, which was the prototype of the border troops.

Military reforms of Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century. Rus' has developed a system of military defense of its lands, which has centralized control

The Council Code of Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-1676) During the Zemsky Sobor, the Council Code was developed and adopted - a code of all-Russian laws. The Council Code regulated not only issues of military service, but also the ransom of prisoners and customs policy.

Military reforms of Peter I The era of the reign of Peter I (1692-1725) was marked by decisive reforms that covered all spheres of socio-economic and public life in Russia, in particular the regular army. A powerful navy is being created.

Military reforms of Peter I Formation of the army and navy from recruits (annually, from 500 souls of the tax-paying population, 1 recruit was fielded); Training of officers from the nobles who began serving in the guards regiments; Artillery Improvement

Military reforms of Peter I The Russian fleet, created by Peter I, defeated the Swedes at Cape Gangut on August 7, 1714. (Northern War 1700-1721) Russia gained access to the Baltic Sea.

Military reforms of Alexander II (1874) all-class military service (conscription of men over 20 years of age). The army was rearmed: the infantry received the Mosin rifle; artillery - rifled weapons; fleet - the first torpedo boats.

Military transformations of Nicholas II Territorial system of recruiting troops; Reduced service life; Creation of corps and field artillery; Strengthening the engineering troops.

Red Army and Soviet Armed Forces 1918 - decree “On the organization of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army” (RKKA) “On the dissolution of the Russian fleet and the organization of the Socialist Workers’ and Peasants’ Fleet (SRKKF) on a voluntary basis” The birth of the Red Army is considered to be February 23, 1918. (repelling the attack of German troops near Narva by the Red Army).

Red Army Unity of command; Mandatory nature of military service; New military ranks have been introduced; Battle awards; Strict discipline.

Soviet Army The Navy is creating a submarine fleet, light surface ships and naval aviation. A new branch of troops is being created - airborne troops.

Russian Armed Forces On May 7, 1992, the Decree on the creation of the Russian Armed Forces was signed. The armed forces play an important role in ensuring the national security of the country, protecting state borders, airspace, underwater environment, land and sea.

Russian Armed Forces Air Force is equipped with modern jet aircraft

Russian Armed Forces The navy is equipped with nuclear submarines and cruisers.

Russian Armed Forces Strategic Missile Forces are the country's nuclear shield

Russian Armed Forces Ground forces are equipped with modern equipment

The Russian Armed Forces have gone through a glorious and heroic path of development from the military organization of the ancient Slavs to the modern state organization that forms the basis of the country's defense.

Resources Fundamentals of life safety: 10th grade: Textbook. for general education institutions/ M.P. Frolov, E.N. Litvinov, A.T. Smirnov and others; Ed. Yu.L. Vorobyova. – M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC AST Publishing House LLC, 2001. HISTORY OF RUSSIA from ancient times to the end of the 19th century, grade 10. Basic level, Textbook. for general education institutions/ N.I. Pavlenko, I.L. Andreev, L.M. Lyashenko; edited by A.F. Kiseleva, N.I. Pavlenko. – M.: Bustard, 2007. HISTORY OF RUSSIA for children and adults / ed. V.M. Solovyova. – M.: WHITE CITY, 2003. Multimedia textbook TeachPro Life Safety, grade 10, publishing house EQUILIBRIUM, 2004

History is a powerful factor in the education of conscious patriotism.

To belittle your history and forget it means to spit on the graves of your ancestors who fought for their native land...

V. Pikul

Kulikovo Field, Poltava Field, Borodino - covered with the glory of Russian weapons, which gave birth to freedom and power of our country. All of them have become majestic memorials to history.

At all times, the Russian people came out as a single friendly family to expel the greedy conquerors who came to our land, and were staunch defenders of their native home - the Russian land.

The development and formation of the Russian Armed Forces is inextricably linked with the history of the Russian state.

For many years, the Russian people constantly had to wage armed struggle, defending their lands from foreign invaders. In the period from the XIV to the XVII centuries. There is practically not a single year of peace when the borders of the Russian state would be calm and there would be no need to repel the enemy. Therefore, the state was in constant readiness for war, and its structure met this requirement

“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

This is where the Russian land stood and will stand.”

Alexander Nevskiy


Lesson plan:

  • Organization of the armed forces of the Moscow state in the XIV-XV centuries.
  • Military reform of Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century.
  • Military reform of Peter I in the first quarter of the 18th century, the creation of a regular army and navy.
  • Military reforms of 1860-1870 under the leadership of Minister of War D.Yu. Milyutin, their features.
  • Military reforms of 1905-912 and their features.

Working with a table

Working on definitions


1550 – 1571 G.G.

The origins of the military organization in our Fatherland go back to the reign of Ivan III the Great (1462-1505), who began the massive distribution of land plots and estates to the servants of the princely court, as well as free people, subject to their service, that is, marked the beginning of the formation serviceman nobility.

The efforts of Ivan III to create a strong military organization of the Russian state were continued by Ivan IV, who created one of the largest armies in Europe - 250-300 thousand people (about 3% of the population of Rus').

In the period from 1550 to 1571. Ivan the Terrible carried out military reforms, which began with a decree of October 3, 1550 on the division of lands around Moscow by 1000 landowners who occupied key command positions in the army.

Main content:

  • creation of the Streltsy army.

Local army(noble cavalry, which formed the main branch of the Russian army in the 15th-17th centuries) had the character of a militia.

Organizationally, it was divided into hundreds. All owners of estates and estates fit for service, according to the Code of Service of 1556, went on a campaign with their horses, supplies and weapons and fielded 1 armed warrior for every 50 acres of land that belonged to them. Reorganized by Peter I in 1701 into regular regiments of dragoons.

Streletsky army- the first standing army in the Russian state of the mid-16th - early 18th centuries. It was staffed by the free urban and rural non-taxable (tax-free) population, was armed with arquebuses and reeds, and was governed by governors. Organizationally, it consisted of “devices” (detachments), then orders (500-1000 people each), and from 1681 - regiments, and was under the jurisdiction of the Streletsky Order.

In the 80s of the 17th century it was reorganized in the image of the “new order” regiments. Disbanded by decree of Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century.


The regular Russian army was created under Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century. Its creation was facilitated by the defeat of Russian troops in 1700 near Narva in a battle with the Swedish army. Streltsy regiments and noble cavalry showed their complete helplessness. The Russian army lost more than 6 thousand people and all artillery near Narva.

Peter I introduced a new army recruitment system. It began to be carried out on the principle of recruitment, when 10-20 peasant households, by lot, supplied one person for lifelong military service. The introduction of conscription allowed Peter I to significantly increase the number of standing troops. The officer corps of the Russian army consisted of nobles; for them, public service was mandatory and lifelong. To receive an officer rank, a nobleman had to serve as a soldier in the Guards regiments - Preobrazhensky or Semenovsky.

In terms of organization, armament, and combat training, the reforms of Peter I brought the Russian army to one of the first places in Europe.

Main content:

  • introduction of recruitment;
  • creation of a regular army;
  • military training;
  • creation of the Russian fleet.



Transformation in the Russian armed forces under the leadership of Minister of War D. A. Milyutin. They had the goal of creating a mass army and eliminating the military backwardness of Russia, revealed in the Crimean War of 1853-56.

In 1874, a new Charter on military service was approved.

From that time on, army recruitment was abolished in Russia and universal military service was introduced, which extended to the male population of all classes and estates who had reached the age of 21. The total service life was set at 15 years: 6 years of which were spent in active military service, and 9 years in reserve. Particular attention was paid to improving the professional training of officers. Literacy among soldiers was recognized as essential, so teaching them to read and write became mandatory.

Main content:

  • professional training;
  • literacy training for soldiers;
  • rearmament of the army.

D. A. Milyutin recalled:

“My most notorious enemies had to admit that never before had the Russian army arrived at the theater of war so well prepared and equipped.”

Military-judicial reforms of 1860-1870 contributed to the strengthening of the Russian army.



After the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, the government of Nicholas II took measures to revive the combat power of the Russian armed forces. This was forced by the difficult international situation.

The First World War was approaching, which began on July 19, 1914. Germany declared war on Russia, and after it, France. Within days of this, the main European states entered the war. The First World War became another heroic and at the same time tragic page for the history of Russia and its armed forces.

Main content:

  • service life has been reduced;

Year of reforms

Head of ongoing reforms

Ivan groznyj

  • recruitment of local troops;
  • centralized control and supply of the army;
  • creation of the Streltsy army.
  • introduction of recruitment;
  • creation of a regular army;
  • military training;
  • creation of the Russian fleet.

YES. Milyutin

  • creation of a mobilization reserve for the duration of the war;
  • professional training;
  • literacy training for soldiers;
  • rearmament of the army.

Nicholas II

  • the centralization of military command has been strengthened;
  • service life has been reduced;
  • new educational programs for schools have been adopted;
  • new types of artillery pieces;
  • improvement of material supplies.

Working with a table


Correct answer

A nobleman obliged to perform military service for life was called...


Auxiliary units consisting of peasants who were poorly armed and unsuitable for combat were called...


Infantry armed with arquebuses and reeds


An armed army consisting of noble cavalry was called ... army


A regiment of soldiers consisting of Russian people, in which the officers were foreigners in Russian service, was called a regiment ... formation

A man from a peasant household sent for lifelong military service was subjected to... recruitment


Definitions. Right answers

Check yourself!

noble formations regular army streltsy

Ivan III Peter I Ivan the Terrible Pavel I

Ivan the Terrible Peter 1 Catherine II Ivan III

Defeat in the Crimean War Civil Wars Victory in the Russian-Turkish War Russo-Japanese War

1918 1904 1874

Right answers

The basis of the armed forces of the Moscow state in the 16th century were:

noble formations regular army archers cavalry

The first permanent units of the Streltsy were formed during:

Ivan III Peter I Ivan the Terrible Pavel I

The first regular army was created under:

Ivan the Terrible Peter 1 Catherine II Ivan III

The main reason for the military reform carried out in the 60-70s. XIX century:

Defeat in the Crimean War Civil Wars Victory in the Russian-Turkish War Russo-Japanese War

Date of introduction of universal military service in Russia:

1918 1904 1874

Over the past 3,400 years, there have been only 250 years of peaceful life on earth. During this time, 15,000 wars occurred. Unfortunately, this situation does not change at the present stage. Humanity still resolves controversial issues using force and is in no hurry to disarm. Therefore, our state needs the army. But what it will be like depends, among other things, on you and me.

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