Presentation about magnets for older children. Abstract of GCD with presentation "Magic Magnet" (preparatory group). Magnets in medicine


Summary of direct educational activities
with children of the senior group on cognitive activity:
"All the secrets of the magnet"

Mavrina L.Yu
year 2014
Educational field: cognitive
Type of activity: direct educational
Age group: senior
Topic: “Mysterious magnet.”
Goal: Creating conditions for the formation of the basic holistic worldview of a child of senior preschool age by means of a physical experiment.
Program content.
Educational objectives: To form ideas about a magnet and its property of attracting objects. Continue to teach independently, make decisions during experimental activities; check these decisions; draw conclusions from the results of this test, learn to make generalizations.
Developmental: To develop the child’s cognitive activity in the process of getting to know the hidden properties of a magnet, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, logical thinking. Develop communication skills.
Educational: Cultivate friendly relationships, the desire to come to the aid of others.
Cultivate accuracy in work.
Preliminary work: Games with a magnetic board and magnetic letters; examination of different types of magnets; games with a magnet in the experimentation corner “Fishing”, “Butterfly”; research activity at home “What attracts a magnet?”
Vocabulary work: Activate vocabulary on the topic: magnetism, magnetic and non-magnetic objects, attraction, magnetic force, magnetite.
Materials and equipment: iron, plastic objects, pieces of fabric, paper, foam; magnets, metal keys, trays for handouts, paper animal figures,
Guys, today I invite you to become real researchers and conduct real experiments in a real laboratory!
All the children gathered in a circle
You are my friend and I am your friend
Let's hold hands together and smile at each other
Educator: Look, a box has appeared on our table. And there is something lying there. Go up and take the item from this box. Who knows what it is?
Children: Magnet.
Educator: You all know this stone

Educator: Here in front of you is an ordinary magnet,
He keeps many secrets within himself.
Educator: look in our box there is something else...
(I take out the mitten in which the magnet is hidden and put it on my hand).
I have a mitten
With her I’m just a master.
Take a closer look,
Watch my hand
(I show a plate with beans and metal objects).
Using my “magic mitt,” I quickly sort through the beans (I cover the contents of the plate with the mitt, metal objects are magnetized to the mitt, and the beans remain in the plate).
Try to unravel this magic? (children's answers)
And I can tell you, these objects are magnetized.
Guys, do you want to know what secrets a magnet holds and why it is called that? Then I invite you to the cinema to watch a film about a magnet.
2. View the presentation “Magic Magnet”
1. slide Teacher. I'll tell you an old legend. In ancient times it was said that far, far away at the edge of the world there was a huge Mount Ida. One day an old man named Magnis wandered past this mountain. He noticed that his iron-lined sandals and a wooden stick with an iron tip were sticking to the black stones that lay in abundance under his feet. Magnis turned the stick over with the tip up and made sure that the tree was not attracted to strange stones. I took off my sandals and saw that my bare feet weren’t attracted to me either.
Magnis realized that these strange black stones did not recognize any other materials except iron. Since then, this unusual stone began to be called by the old man’s name “Magnus stone” or simply a magnet. This is how the name “magnet” appeared.
There is another explanation for the word magnet - after the name of the ancient city of Magnesia, where these stones were found by the ancient Greeks. Now this area is called Manisa, and magnets are still found there.
2.slide A stone is a magnet that has the property of attracting iron.
3.slide Scientists have come up with special machines for processing this stone and producing a magnet. People learned to make magnets themselves by magnetizing pieces of iron.
4. slide Magnets attract metal objects - this is called magnetism, and objects that are attracted to a magnet are called magnetic.
5. slide There are a huge number of different types of magnets
6. slide These are large magnets. They are used to lift very large quantities of iron, as well as in the construction of underwater structures (for securing tools under water).

7.slide Magnets are used in the production of diesel locomotives, high-speed trains, airplanes, electric saws, drills, and for instruments in cars and airplanes.
8.slide People make jewelry from magnets: earrings, bracelets, rings, beads. They even believe that they have healing properties, calm and give strength.
9. slide Magnets are also used to make toys and games for children and adults.
10. slide Cartoons are made about magnets.
Educator: Guys, why was the magnet called that?
Where is it used?
What secret does a magnet keep?
3. Experimental activities of children.

Educator: Guys, now I invite you to become little researchers. Who are the researchers? (this is a person who studies something). Researchers begin their work with experiments and experiments. And you and I will also experiment and study the properties of magnets. Wear aprons and caps and enter our laboratory.
If a magnet is so strong and attracts iron objects, then maybe it should also attract other objects? To check this, I suggest you experiment:
“An experiment is an important thing! Every moment of it is interesting to us.”
We will conduct an experiment and find out whether everything is attracted by a magnet? The magic begins!
Guys, let's see what wonderful properties our magic stone - a magnet - has. To do this, you need to bring a magnet to each of your items.
- put all the objects that the magnet attracts into a white tray;
- Place items in the yellow tray that do not respond to the magnet.
4. Independent work.
Experience No. 1
Get started! Tell us what you did and what worked out for you.
Children: I passed a magnet over objects and all iron objects were attracted to it. This means that the magnet attracts iron objects (iron scrapers, screws, nuts).
Educator: What objects did the magnet not attract? (plastic button, piece of fabric, wooden pencil, eraser)
Experience No. 2
Place: Now place a sheet of paper on the iron objects and bring a magnet to it. What happened?
Children: Iron objects were magnetized through paper. The magnet acts through the paper.
Experience No. 3
Educator: Now cover the iron objects with a piece of cloth and bring a magnet. Show what happened.
Children: The magnet acts through the fabric. (Iron objects are magnetized through the fabric).
Experience No. 4
Educator: Place all the iron objects on a plastic tray, and pass the magnet under the tray. What's happening?
Children: Objects move. The magnet operates through a thin plastic tray.
Conclusion: A magnet only attracts iron objects.
The magnet acts through paper, fabric, or a thin plastic tray.
Experience No. 5
Educator: The next trick is to arrange a “Disco for the animals”
You need to put the silhouette of an animal (picture) in a cardboard box and place a magnet on the bent part. With the second magnet we make various movements under the box. (to music)
Children: The magnet acts through the cardboard.
Educator: Magnets can act through paper, so they are used, for example, to attach notes to the metal door of a refrigerator.
Physical education minute
Making scientific discoveries is not an easy task, so there are rest breaks in laboratories. It would be nice for us to rest a little. And now everyone got up together, everyone came out to me in a circle, we begin our vigorous exercises in order
St. John's "One, two, three, repeat..."
Educator: Let's continue our journey
Experience No. 7
Guys, look at the glasses of water in front of us, what's at the bottom? Keys

Now let's think about how you can get the key out of the glass without getting your hands wet?

Children's answers. independent activity
5. Reflection.
What new did you learn about magnets today?
Children: A magnet attracts iron objects, acts through paper, fabric, glass, cardboard, water, magnets attract each other, a magnet acts at a distance.
Educator: Guys, where in our group can you meet a magnet and see its magical properties? (in wardrobes, magnetic letters, holders, magnetic game..)
Educator: Knowing the properties of a magnet, you can come up with interesting games to play. I invite you to the gaming room. I have prepared Magneticus magnetic kits for you, where you can once again see the properties of a magnet.

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Slide captions:

1. Find answers to the questions: What is a magnet? What properties does a magnet have? How do people use magnets in life? 2. Conduct experiments to determine magnetic force. 3. Conduct experiments to determine the magnetic field. 4. Conduct an experiment that magnetic forces pass through different materials. 5. Conduct an experiment that 2 magnets can attract or repel.

Learn everything about magnets. In practice, explore a process with hidden properties of a magnet.

A magnet is a natural stone that can attract iron and which creates a magnetic field.

Experiments must be carried out calmly and carefully.

We learned what properties a magnet has. Magnet is a natural stone. People use the properties of magnets for their own purposes. A magnet attracts iron objects. A magnet has a magnetic field. Magnetic forces pass through different materials (sand, water, cardboard, glass). 2 magnets can attract and repel depending on how they are brought closer to each other.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Magnet Properties"

Summary of the lesson "Properties of a magnet" on familiarization with the outside world. Introducing children to the properties of a magnet through experiments and experiments...

The magical properties of a magnet

Goals: To contribute to the expansion and systematization of children's knowledge about a magnet and some of its properties. To teach to examine an object and experiment with an object, highlighting the expressed qualities and properties. Develop...

Goal: to contribute to the expansion and systematization of children’s knowledge about a magnet and some of its properties; to teach to examine an object and experiment with an object, highlighting the expressed qualities and properties; develop...


Dear visitors of the site, site. I would like to present to your attention a presentation on the topic “Magnets and their properties. Exciting experimental games." We submitted this presentation to the interregional competition “Rainbow of Discovery”. The competition was held electronically and was dedicated to the experimental activities of preschool children. For the competition, it was possible to submit the experience of individual or collective activities of children in Power Point format.

We decided to take part and presented our experience of using magnets and studying their properties in gaming activities. Our experience received a prize in the “Smart Experiments” category. The children received diplomas as winners.

The modern program places new demands on the methods and forms of children acquiring knowledge. The child must be an active researcher and be able to set a goal and find an answer. Therefore, one of the types of educational field has become the creation of mini-laboratories and experimental activities. Our institution has long established a system of work in this direction, and the presentation represents only part of this work. We are having a week of games, which we devote to experimental activities and is called the week “Playing Scientists”

Plan for the week of the game “Playing Scientists”

Monday: Introduction to magnets and their properties. Opening of the mini-laboratory “World of Magnets”

Tuesday:“Learned it yourself - teach someone else” Conducting experiments with a magnet and how you can use a magnet in a game.

Wednesday: Creating a puppet theater using a magnet. Didactic – magnetic game “Let’s dress the doll for a walk” Magnetic construction set and crafts made from it.

Thursday: Consolidating children’s knowledge about the properties of a magnet “Let’s surprise parents” Conducting experiments together with parents and the ability to give a scientific basis for it

Friday: Open demonstration of a story game with elements of the experiment “Journey to Treasure Island”

I invite you to watch, enjoy your viewing.

Software tasks. Introduce children to a magnet and its properties (attract iron objects, attract through obstacles). Form speech and cognitive activity in the process of conducting experiments.

Equipment: magnets, objects made of different materials (glass, plastic, wood, rubber, iron), research cards for each child.

Teacher:“Today we will meet with our old acquaintance. Do you recognize him? (Slide 2) This is the story that happened to him. Dunno found a stone on the road. (Slide 3) He put it in his pocket and went home. But passing by the houses of his friends, Dunno realized that something strange was happening. Pots, spoons, knives, ladles, nails and other metal objects seemed to come to life and attacked him from all sides. “Have I really found a magic stone that makes everything move?” - thought Dunno. Let's try to figure out together what's going on here. Here is the stone that Dunno found. (Slide 4) Yes, indeed, this is not an ordinary stone. This is a real magnet. And it has a magnetic force that attracts many objects. The ancient Greeks found it more than two thousand years ago. It was named after the ancient Turkish city of Magnesia. Let us find out today whether all materials are attracted by a magnet.”

Experiment “Is everything attracted by a magnet?”

Teacher:“What materials do you see on the table? (Items made of wood, iron, plastic, paper, fabric, rubber)”

Children take one object at a time, name the material and bring a magnet to it. The conclusion is drawn that iron objects attract, but non-iron objects do not. The results are recorded in the research card.

(Slide 5) Game “What will be attracted to a magnet?”

Teacher:“Name the objects that will be attracted to a magnet. Why? “The pencil won’t be attracted to the magnet because it’s made of wood.”

Experiment “Does a magnet act through other materials?”

For the experiment you will need a magnet, a glass jug of water, and paper clips. Throw a paper clip into a jug of water. We lean the magnet against the jug at the level of the paperclip. After the paperclip approaches the wall of the jug, slowly move the magnet upward along the wall.

Teacher:“What do we see? The paperclip follows the movement of the magnet and rises upward until it approaches the surface of the water. Can a magnet attract through obstacles? (The magnet can work through glass and water.)

Teacher:“Can a magnet act through a wooden table or a plastic partition?” Children carry out the experiment independently and come to the conclusion: “A magnet can attract through a wooden table, through plastic.”

Teacher:“Dunno liked playing with the magnet. He even came up with a magnetic machine.” The teacher shows a toy car with a magnet attached. “When Dunno brought the magnet to the car. The car moved forward. (Demonstration by teacher)
But one day, the car began to move in the other direction. (Demonstration by the teacher)) “The magnet is broken,” Dunno decided and was very upset. Why is this happening. It turns out that a magnet has different poles. When we bring identical poles together, the car moves away. When we bring different ones together, a car drives up. Now I’ll bring the magnet to the machine, and you guessed it – they were different or the same poles. Immediately mark the sides of the magnets with colored paper.

The outdoor game “Magnets” is being played

Teacher:“And now each of you will turn into a magnet with two poles”

Children put cardboard gloves of different colors on their hands - blue on the left, red on the right. They scatter in different directions. At the signal “The magnets are attracted,” the children must join hands: blue palms for red ones and vice versa.

Game “Cars”

Teacher:“In which direction will the cars go if the magnets are directed at each other with different poles (slide 6), identical poles (slide 7)? Why?"

Working with handouts

Teacher:“Now you will determine the poles of your magnets yourself. Bring the magnets close to each other. If they attract, then these are different poles. Stick different colored paper on them.

Children independently determine the poles of their small magnets by sticking self-adhesive paper. (This task can be difficult for children, so the teacher’s help is very important)

Teacher:“Where are magnets used?” (Slides 8-15)

Summing up the lesson(slide 16)

Teacher:“What did we learn new about magnets today? (A magnet has different poles. It attracts iron objects. It can attract through others.)

Slide 2

Purpose of the work: to study the properties of magnets, to come up with new uses for magnets. Objectives: 1. Explore the various properties of magnets. 2. Find out how people use magnets. 3. Create your own use for magnets. Hypothesis: Magnetism was discovered a long time ago, but many new applications can be found for it. Literature: 1. What is it. Who is this: In 3 volumes - M.: “Pedagogika-Press”, 1994. – Volume 2. 2. Everything about everything: A popular encyclopedia for children. - Ed.: WORD. - T. 2. 3. Encyclopedia of magnetism. - 4. Precious and ornamental stones, minerals and minerals. Collector's Encyclopedia / John Farndon. – M.: “Eksmo”, 2009.

Slide 3

What does a magnet attract?

The magnets from my construction set attract iron balls. I tried to see what other objects attract magnets. It turned out that: They attract: scissors, Russian coins, pins, keys and other iron objects. Not attracted to: plastic, wood, glass, fabrics, ceramics, paper, copper wire, Ukrainian coin. It turns out that not all metals are attracted! In the encyclopedia, I learned that only magnetic materials are attracted by a magnet: iron, cobalt, nickel and some rare earth elements. all other substances are not attracted by a magnet, including the metals aluminum, copper, lead, gold and silver.

Slide 4

Why does a magnet attract objects?

Magnets act on each other and iron objects, even if glass or cardboard is placed between them. It's a lot like magic! We cannot see or touch the thing through which magnets act on magnetic materials and each other, it does not smell and can act through glass, cardboard, water and other substances.

Slide 5

Magnet poles

Every magnet has two types of poles. If a magnet is allowed to rotate freely, it will turn its north pole to the north and its south pole to the south. This property of a magnet is used in a compass. To determine the poles of my magnets, I made my own compass from the construction set. I marked the north ends of my magnets with blue tape.

Slide 6

Properties of magnet poles

like poles of magnets repel each other. Opposite poles of magnets attract, YUS YUS YUS XY YUS S Yu All magnets tend to turn their north pole to the north, and their south pole to the south. This means that in the north of the Earth there is a south magnetic pole, and in the south there is a north magnetic pole! I tried connecting magnets in different ways and noticed that:

Slide 7

Interaction of a magnet with an iron ball and a composite magnet

S YU XY XY + = I tried applying an iron ball to different parts of the magnet, it turned out that the ball was best attracted to the poles of the magnet, but there was no attraction exactly in the middle between the poles. SY I also tried to fold two magnets, and the magnetic poles were found only at the opposite ends of the composite magnet. Two small magnets turned into one big one!

Slide 8

One magnet holds only 4 steel balls Another magnet holds 7 steel balls While playing with a magnetic construction set, I noticed that an ordinary iron ball becomes a magnet itself if it touches a magnet. He can attract another ball, and that one can attract another, and so on several balls. Magnets can have different strengths!

Slide 9

1. Simulation

Using magnets you can connect parts without glue and without screws. Use of magnets

Slide 10

2. Search for metal objects

You can use a magnet to find a lost needle on a carpet. Remove the keys from the bottom of the aquarium. There are also powerful search magnets that help find iron objects at the bottom of the river.

Slide 11

3. Fastening objects to a metal surface

  • Slide 12

    4. Lifting iron objects

    Magnetic cranes can lift barrels of nails or a whole bunch of iron pipes.

    Slide 13

    5. Magnets are used in games

    Magnetic mosaic and alphabet Magnetic chess and checkers The hands of my toy Valli are attached with magnets Magnetic constructor Magnetic fishing rod

    Slide 14

    6. The reed switch connects the contacts under the influence of a magnet

    Using a magnet and a reed switch, I can turn on a light bulb or alarm that I made from my radio kit. Magnet reed switch

    Slide 15

    7. Determination of cardinal directions

    A compass helps people correctly position the map according to the cardinal directions.

    Slide 16

    8. Magnets in medicine

    An MRI machine will allow us to see how a person’s heart beats.

    Slide 17

    Magnetite - natural magnet

    Until the 18th century, ships carried natural magnets on board to magnetize compass needles. To understand how continents moved in the past, geologists study the orientation of magnetite crystals in various rocks. After all, at the time of their formation, magnetite crystals were oriented towards the North Pole. Such studies are called paleomagnetism. In the encyclopedia of minerals, I learned that in nature there is a mineral with magnetic properties - magnetite.

    Slide 18

    But you need to be careful with magnets

    A magnet can: ruin a watch by magnetizing its mechanism, ruin a subway card, distort the colors on a TV screen

    Slide 19

    My magnetic inventions

    Having become acquainted with the amazing properties of magnets and their applications, I wanted to come up with some of my own ways to use magnets.

    Slide 20


    I came up with a game for two people. You need to roll an iron ball into the enemy's goal using a magnet, but the ball should not stick to the magnet. In this game I used the property of a magnet to attract an iron ball.

    Slide 21

    "Magic" carousels

    A magnet moving under the table. Magnets attached to carousels. I made carousels from the construction set that rotate on their own when placed on a “magic” table. In this invention, I used the property of magnets to attract each other.

    Slide 22

    Ax - self-cutter

    I also made an ax out of a construction set, which starts chopping itself if you put it on the “magic” table. In this invention, I used the repelling properties of magnets. A magnet moving under the table. Magnet attached to an axe.

    Slide 23

    "Magic" table

    I made it from an upside down plastic box. Underneath it I placed a special mechanism that moves a strong magnet in a circle. I made this mechanism from LEGO construction kits. Batteries Electric motor Strong magnet

    Slide 24

    Yoga compass

    This drawn paper yogi on a string always turns his face to the east, because behind his back he has a long magnet glued to his back, which I made up of ten small magnets. Magnet In this invention, I used the property of a magnet to turn its north pole to the north.

    Slide 25


    Magnets attract objects made of magnetic materials. A magnet always has two poles. Like poles of magnets repel each other. opposites attract. Magnets can operate at a distance. Magnets come in different strengths Magnets have many uses in human life. Children love to play with magnets. Inventing games with magnets is very interesting.

    Slide 26

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