What do you think the comet in The Revenant means, and where can I learn about symbols in art using examples? See the meaning of Comet in other dictionaries

It portends trouble, war, fire or epidemic, but can also be a messenger of the solar gods.

View value Comet in other dictionaries

Comet- and. a celestial body, compared to others, of enormous size, but rare or liquid, see-through; sometimes the core is noticeable in it, and the surrounding environment forms, as it were, a tail, a beard........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Comet- comets, w. (from Greek kometes, lit. hairy) (astron.). A celestial body consisting of a nebulous spot with a luminous core and a tail in the form of a silvery strip of light. Halley.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Comet- -s; and. [from Greek komētēs - long-haired]
1. A celestial body moving in an elongated orbit around the Sun and looking like a nebulous spot with a bright core in the middle and a luminous......
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Comet- , a small celestial body consisting of ice belonging to the Solar System and revolving in its own orbit around the Sun. The solid nucleus of comets is small, for example;........

Halley's Comet- , bright periodic COMET. The orbital period takes about 76 years in an orbit that passes within the orbit of Venus and extends beyond the orbit of Neptune. Was researched........
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Halley's Comet- named after E. Halley, who predicted her return in 1758 and thereby proved that she is a member of the Solar System. The orbital period of Comet Halley is ca. 76 years old. At the next.........

Comet Artificial- a cloud of sodium vapor or other substances released by a spacecraft for optical observations of its flight, determining trajectory parameters, carrying out......
Large encyclopedic dictionary

A34 "comet"— Cruiser tank A34 "Comet"
The Comet Mk.1 cruiser tank was the last and most powerful British tank to see action in World War II. IN........
Encyclopedia of technology

Comet— A defect that occurs during intaglio printing; consists of the formation of long dark lines running across the print due to chips on the squeegee.
Polygraphic dictionary

COMET— COMET, -y, w. 1. A celestial body that, far from the Sun, looks like a foggy luminous spot, and as it approaches the Sun, it reveals a bright head and tail. 2. River high-speed........
Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


full member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Scientific and Cultural Center SETI,


An eclipsing comet is a sign of a new era

The promised signs are generously given. They must be accepted with a non-denying heart. After all, these are guiding milestones into the future. How can you enter it if your eyes are closed? So let your heart be open and your mind not darkened by ordinary vanity.

We knew a lot at one time, but few people believed us, except our friends.

Centuries will pass, and only then the meaning of current events will be clear to everyone.<...>Many signs are scattered everywhere, indicating the meaning of ongoing events. But they must be seen with an unprejudiced eye. If you collect them, the picture you get will be amazing in its convincingness.

Facets of Agni Yoga

The New Epoch is always accompanied by certain signs. Among them there may be astronomical ones. One of them will be discussed here.


The book “Illumination” talks about the star of the Mother of the World, which is uncontrollably approaching the Earth. In the first edition of Illumination (1925) this star is called "Svati". In the publication of the ICR (1994) it is called “Urusvati”. The name "Urusvati" - Light of the Morning Star - is usually associated with Venus. But how can Venus be uncontrollably approaching Earth?

The Earth and Venus revolve around the Sun in elliptical, almost circular orbits. When they are in conjunction on one side of the Sun, the distance between them is minimal and approximately equal to the difference in the radii of their orbits. When the planets are in conjunction on opposite sides of the Sun, the distance between them is maximum and approximately equal to the sum of the orbital radii. Approximately, because in fact their orbits are not circular, but elliptical. But this clarification does not change the essence of the matter. Planetary configurations repeat themselves over a period of time called the synodic period of the planet. For Venus it is 584 days, or 1.6 Earth years. This means that every 1.6 years Venus and Earth come closer to a minimum distance, and then diverge again, only to come closer again after about a year and a half. How can Venus be uncontrollably approaching Earth?


Maybe “Urusvati” is not Venus after all, but some other luminary? However, in the Letters of Helena Ivanovna Roerich, published in 1940 in Riga, it is said: “The star of the Mother of the World is the planet Venus.” Further in this letter it is said that in 1924 this planet came unusually close to the Earth for a short period of time, its rays sprinkled the Earth and gave a powerful impetus to the development of the women's movement. In 1924, Venus did approach the Earth, but this was an ordinary approach, which occurs, as mentioned above, every 1.6 years. How can we understand what E.I. Roerich said? From the standpoint of modern astronomy, it is extremely difficult to accommodate this position.

When I first encountered this circumstance and tried to comprehend the contradiction that had arisen, the following thought occurred to me. Since the planets' orbit around the Sun is not strictly circular, the minimum distance between them varies. Maybe in 1924 it was the smallest? Of course, this can hardly be called an unstoppable approach, but it still gave some hope. How to test this hypothesis? To do this, it was necessary to know the distance between Earth and Venus for some long period of time, say, a hundred years before 1924 and a hundred years after 1924. But where to get these distances? After all, yearbooks only print angular ephemeris of planets. These were the 70s, when our country was actively exploring Venus using spacecraft. I knew that the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy in Leningrad was involved in calculating the trajectory of spacecraft. This means they must have a program that allows them to determine the distances between planets. I contacted my friend who worked there, and after a couple of months I received a printout from him with the necessary data. What happened?

It turned out that in the period from 1900 to 2000, the minimum distance between the Earth and Venus (at the moment of approach) actually changed over time from one approach to another, ranging from 0.265 astronomical units to 0.290, that is, by approximately 9%. The change was periodic in nature, with a five-fold period clearly distinguished, that is, the pattern was repeated every five synodic periods of Venus’s revolution (that is, after 8 years). Schematically it looked like this:

In Fig. Figure 2 shows the minimum distance between the Earth and Venus at the moment of approach, then the same after one synodic period, after two, three, four, five, etc. I don’t know how to explain the presence of a 5-fold period. Perhaps this is due to disturbances from other planets. But that's another question. It is important for us that in 1924 (and this, as already mentioned, was the year of the rapprochement of the Earth and Venus), the distance between the Earth and Venus was 0.290 astronomical units, that is, equal to the maximum value of those within which variations in the geocentric distance of Venus occur in moment of convergence during our century. So, the hypothesis failed.

Another assumption was that perhaps Elena Ivanovna meant not a three-dimensional, but a four-dimensional distance between the Earth and Venus. Astronomers measure only the projection of four-dimensional distance onto our three-dimensional physical world. Therefore, one can imagine that the four-dimensional distance has changed greatly, but its projection remains unchanged. The following figure explains this.

If Venus were to physically approach the Earth, much less unusually approach it, astronomers could not fail to notice it. And not just astronomers. It would become much brighter, and ordinary people could see it with the naked eye. But if only one fourth coordinate had changed, then no one would have noticed it. And in order to sprinkle the Earth with spiritual energies, it is the fourth coordinate that is important. I wrote about this guess to Nikolai Aleksandrovich Uranov. But the letter came to him a few days before his death, and he did not have time to answer me. Now I know that this hypothesis turned out to be incorrect.


Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich has a wonderful article “The Star of the Mother of the World”. “Like two sparkling wings,” he writes, “these two constellations spread across the sky (we are talking about the constellations Ursa Major and Orion. - L.G.). Between them, the star of the morning, the bright abode of the Mother of the World, is now rushing uncontrollably towards the Earth. And with its overwhelming light, its significantly unprecedented approach, it foretells a new great era of humanity.” This was written in 1921, four years before Illumination was published. Clarification is required here. Nikolai Konstantinovich’s article is dated 1924, but it consists of several parts. The first part reproduces the article "Ways of Blessing" from the Santa Fe newspaper of 1921. And this is where the words quoted above are contained. Probably in the year 21, the Roerichs first received news about the Star of the Mother of the World. Again it is said that it is rushing uncontrollably towards the Earth. What kind of star is this, could it be that we are talking about Venus? If you carefully read what Nikolai Konstantinovich writes about, it becomes clear that it could not be Venus. N.K. Roerich indicates the position of the star in the sky: between the constellations of Orion and Ursa Major. The position is indicated rather approximately, but it is not required to be more precise, because if we were talking about Venus, any indication of the coordinates would be meaningless, since for Venus they change quickly: today it is in one constellation, and a month later it is already in another. This means that the Star of the Mother of the World is not Venus. Then what is this Luminary?


The veil over the secret of the Star of the Mother of the World was lifted by Elena Ivanovna in 1947. A letter to America to Zinaida Grigorievna Fosdick dated April 14, 1947 contains an amazing confession. Referring to the aforementioned paragraph of “Illumination,” Elena Ivanovna writes: “Of course, the star indicated there is not Venus (emphasis added by me - L.G.), but another luminary that has not yet appeared in our field of vision. This luminary appeared more than once during the time of Atlantis. In the near, very near future it will visit our solar system.<...>The full name of this star is Urusvati, but I didn’t want to give it in the book then (emphasis added - L.G.) and even told some who were interested that it was the star Venus<...>soon this sign, apparently, will shine on our horizon and leave, only to return again in the near future and settle as a new member in our solar system.”


So, this is not Venus, but, undoubtedly, this luminary - the “Star of the Mother of the World”, bearing the name Urusvati, is somehow connected with Venus. The key can be found in esoteric ideas about the evolution of planets and, in particular, about the evolution of Venus. According to N. Uranov, Venus completes its evolution, it is in the seventh circle, and its humanity evolves into the Seventh Race on the last, seventh globe of the planetary chain. “Relatively soon,” writes N. Uranov, “a small star will appear near this planet - one of the comets, passing the gravitational zone of Venus, will be captured by this planet and turn into its satellite. Eons will pass, and the satellite of Venus will grow, gradually turning into a large planet. Venus will shrink, move away from the new body and will gradually turn into a satellite or the Moon of the New Venus!” .

So, maybe we are talking about a new Venus, which is still a comet? This is what Elena Ivanovna wrote in November 1948 to A.M. Aseev (a year and a half after the letter to Z.G. Fosdick quoted above). Reporting about a remarkable comet observed by the Roerichs near the horizon in Khandala (India), she writes: “You, of course, remember the prophecy about the New Planet, the appearance of which will mark the beginning of a new era - the Era of the Mother of the World!<...>I’ll just tell you that this comet is the expected planet, but, of course, none of the learned astronomers will agree with this statement.” What kind of comet is this?


The year 1948 was rich in comets; 13 comets were observed that year, including 4 comets in the last quarter (October–December). Of these latter, only one was bright: comet 1948 XI or 1948 L (modern designation C/1948 VI). It was observed in the southern sky in the first days of November, and, undoubtedly, Elena Ivanovna had it in mind.

The story of the discovery of this comet is amazing. It was spotted and photographed on November 1 during a total solar eclipse, when it was just one degree from the edge of the solar disk. Therefore, it received the unofficial name of eclipse. At the end of the eclipse, the comet disappeared into the glare of the sun's rays. And only a few days later, when it had moved a sufficient distance from the Sun, it could be observed again. On November 6, it was discovered by two observers in Africa and Australia, and already on November 7, the Roerichs admired it in India. The comet was quickly moving away from the Sun. In December it could only be observed with binoculars, and then only with a telescope. The most surprising thing is why it was not observed as it approached the Sun. Typically, comets are discovered using a telescope when they are still beyond the orbit of Jupiter. As the comet approaches the Sun, it becomes brighter and brighter, an extended coma (the head of the comet) develops around the nucleus, then a tail appears. About a month before passing through perihelion, a bright comet can usually be seen with the naked eye. There was nothing like this in the case of an eclipsing comet. It seemed to suddenly appear in the circumsolar space from nowhere, and if not for a solar eclipse, it would have been impossible to notice it so close to the Sun. N.N. Yakimova analyzed data on the orbital motion of the comet and found that from the end of September to November (!) the comet was in conjunction with the Sun. If this is so, it means that the movement of the Earth and the comet were synchronized in such a way that the comet was in the direction of the Sun all this time and was hidden in its rays. This synchronization, in itself, is quite amazing. But why the comet was not discovered before September remains a mystery.

According to updated data, the comet's orbital period around the Sun is 95 thousand years. This means that the last time, before 1948, it approached the Sun about 100 thousand years ago. Its maximum distance from the Sun (at apogee) is 4166 astronomical units (this is more than 100 times the average distance of Pluto from the Sun). In the twenties, when the Teaching was given, a comet was rapidly rushing towards the Earth. In 1921, it passed near the star Alpha Hydrae at a distance of about 1 degree from it. The position of the comet is marked on the map.

The constellations Orion and Ursa Major are visible, with which it actually forms a giant triangle. Of course, none of the astronomers at that time, in 1921, knew or could know about this. But Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich knew and wrote in his article “The Star of the Mother of the World”.

By 1924, the comet had approached the Sun to within 47 astronomical units, less than Pluto's distance from the Sun at the apogee of its orbit. With some degree of convention, we can say that the comet entered the solar system. Its distance from the Sun was steadily decreasing. But the distance from the Earth, due to the rotation of the Earth itself around the Sun, changed in a more complex way. In general, it also decreased, but not so evenly. If we take the period from October 1923 to July 1924, we see (see table) that the distance of the comet to the Earth decreased from 48.5 to about 46.5, and then increased again to 47.6 astronomical units.






Comet distance from the Sun (au)





Comet distance from Earth (au)





From January to April 1924, there was a local minimum distance when the comet was closer to the Earth than to the Sun. Isn’t this the approach spoken of in Elena Ivanovna’s Letters?


So, the Star of the Mother of the World, which is mentioned in “Illumination,” or the new planet, the appearance of which marks the beginning of the New Era, is the comet that the Roerichs observed in India in November 1948 and which should become a new planet. Now it is clear why this luminary appeared more than once during the time of Atlantis. The eclipsing comet moves in a very elongated, but still closed orbit and periodically appears near the Sun, when it can be observed from Earth. She really shone on the horizon and left, as Helena Roerich predicted a year and a half before her appearance. Left to return again and become a new planet. When will this happen? If the comet's orbital period is determined correctly, this should occur in 95 thousand years.

Yes, the Star of the Mother of the World - Urusvati - is not Venus, or rather, not the Venus that we admire in the morning or evening sky. The star of the Mother of the World is a new Venus, which will be captured into the orbit of the old one during the subsequent return of the eclipsing comet to the Sun and will gradually turn into a new planet.


In conclusion, I would like to address the following question. In a letter to Z.G. Fosdick dated April 14, 1947, Elena Ivanovna writes that this planet is also mentioned in the book “Infinity,” where it is said: “And the period begins to bring a new planet closer from Infinity, and therefore observe the earthly perturbations. But the width of planetary bodies is not important...” Now that we know that we are talking about a comet, the remark “the width of planetary bodies is not important” becomes clear, because comet nuclei are only a few tens of kilometers in size - no more, they are negligible compared to the planets. Commenting on this place in “Infinity,” Nikolai Uranov drew attention to the indication “the width of planetary bodies is not important,” he repeatedly returns to it throughout his book “Reflecting on Infinity.” He came very close to unraveling the mystery of this planet. “What planet is the Teaching talking about?” - asks Uranov. And he answers: “In the second paragraph of “Infinity” it is said: “The Fire of Infinity and the radiance of the star of the Mother of the World send us confirmation of our existence!” Thus, as if hinting at the approach of Venus - the viceroy of Mulaprakriti<...>in our Solar System. After all, the coming era is the Epoch of the Mother of the World." But he didn't have enough data to make a correct conclusion. In addition, he used the first edition of Infinity, where the important word new planet was omitted. Be that as it may, Uranov identified the planet with Pluto. Now we see that this identification turned out to be erroneous. In the preface to his book about Infinity, N. Uranov wrote: “The author does not deny the possibility of errors in this work. While deeply apologizing for possible mistakes, he still believes that, despite them, and perhaps precisely because of them, the Truth will come to light and, with each new step of evolution, will shine brighter and brighter...” Note that Uranov’s mistake turned out to be very significant, because the astrologically highest aspect of Pluto is Minerva - the Goddess of Wisdom, equivalent to the Greek Athena, otherwise Sophia, or Mother of the World.

* * *

The new planet is called “Urusvati”. But this is the hidden Name of the Mother of the Teaching. Is this a coincidence? In Z. G. Fosdick’s work “The Great Life” the following words of the Lord are quoted: “Yes, Urusvati, the power of the future life indicates that planetary spaces are small for the synthesis of your creativity. The synthesis of the cup is so concentrated that it should not be manifested in one area. In your completed life, as a cornerstone, lies the achievement of the Mother of the World. You will build life in the creation of the manifested spheres." Do these words indicate that Urusvati will be destined to build the new planet that was spoken of here?

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to Yuri Pakhomov, a graduate student at the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, for providing data on the eclipsing comet, and to Natalya Vladimirovna Dmitrieva for her assistance in working on the sources.


1. Sheets of the Garden M., 1925.

2. Sheets of the Garden M. Illumination. M.: MCR, 1994.

3. Letters of Helena Roerich. 1929–1938. Riga, 1940.

4. Nicholas Roerich. Flowers of Moria. Paths of Blessing. Heart of Asia. Riga: Vieda, 1992.

5. Roerich E.I. Letters to America. T. IV. 1923–1952. M.: Sfera, 1999.

6. Nikolay Uranov. Fiery feat. Parts one and two. Riga–Moscow, 1997.

7. Occultism and Yoga. T. 1. M.: Sfera, 1996.

8. Lara Young. Strange comet of the year forty-eight // Delphis. 1998. No. 1(13).

9. Uranov N. Reflecting on Infinity. Issue I. M.: Sfera, 1997.

10. Fosdick Z.G. Great life. Presented at the Agni Yoga Society, New York, October 10, 1963 and May 28, 1964.

To understand the idea of ​​the myth of Osiris, Isis and Horus, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of what these mythological terms meant. After all, Egyptian mythology is organically connected with biblical mythology, and this makes many biblical texts completely transparent for rational understanding.

Egyptian Horus (Chorus) (hr, "height", sky) - god of sunshine, son of Osiris and Isis. In Egyptian mythology he was god of the sky A The sun and moon were his eyes. Horus appeared patron of the power of the pharaoh and was part of the five-member titulary of the Egyptian pharaohs. The cult of Horus became widespread in Egypt from the middle of the second millennium BC.

In addition to Egypt, Horus was revered in Nubia, and later when Christian doctrine, the symbolism of Horus - Aries began to be used in the symbolism of Jesus Christ.

Horus was portrayed in the form of a solar disk with falcon wings, or in the form falcon. In addition, an articulated image of Horus was also used in the form of a man with the head of a falcon. The earliest hypostasis of Horus is recognized Horus the Elder (Great), who was called Haroeris (Horus-Ur) - primordial god, which served as the basis for other (about twenty known) hypostases of Horus.

How god of sunshine, Horus was portrayed in the form of a falcon with outstretched wings flying through space.

Another hypostasis and image of Horus, included in world and religious mythology, is Horus-pa-Ra, (Gorpacrates, Horus - Child). And later, The image of the Child, Horus, borrowed by Christians, entered the biblical legend of the birth of Jesus Christ. As the son of Isis, he was depicted as a child sucking the breast of Isis, or as a seated child sucking his finger.

Another, most famous hypostasis of Horus is Hor-em-akhet (Gore-on-the-horizon), and this symbolism is used in Egyptian mythology and ancient Egyptian legends to indicate the time of the onset of a global space catastrophe.

This is exactly how it was designated in Egyptian myths when it appeared in 1596 (1528) BC. There is a mysterious “comet of retribution” in the Earth’s sky. In Egyptian legends, Horus appears as the god of light fighting the forces of darkness, the son of Isis (Horus-sa-Iset), an avenger for his father Osiris.

The Egyptian pharaohs considered themselves the governors of Horus on earth, and, according to legend, inherited his heavenly power over Egypt and the world.

For example, on the statue of Pharaoh Khafre, behind the back of the head there is a falcon covering his head with its wings. This is an image of Horus guarding the king. Horus, spreading his wings over the pharaoh, overshadows the power of the pharaoh with heavenly protection, being a symbol of its divinity.

In Egyptian myths, Horus is reproduced as the son of the Sun god Ra, but at the same time he himself is not the god of the Sun, but the god of sunlight (for more details, see Art. Apollo), therefore another of his hypostases is Ra-Garakhti (Garahuti) (lit. "Horus from the Land of Sunlight", "Horus of Both Horizons"), appearing in these hypostases as a single deity. And, I repeat, this is not the god of the Sun, as modern researchers are trying to interpret this mythological concept, but god of sunshine. Therefore, Herodotus compared Horus with the Greek Apollo. That is, Horus, like Apollo, symbolizes not the Sun itself, but is a symbol of the pillar of a cosmic electric discharge explosion that flared up “brighter than a thousand suns.”

According to Egyptian myth, Set killed Osiris, and, cutting his body into forty pieces, scattered them all over the Earth. Isis, put it together pieces of Osiris, and Horus conceived from the dead Osiris. Having gone into the swamps of the Nile Delta, Isis gave birth to and raised Horus. When Horus grew up, at the court of the gods in a dispute with Set, he achieved recognition the only heir of Osiris. In the battle with Horus, Set snatched from Horus eye, but then Horus defeated Set and deprived him of his masculinity. As a sign of victory over Seth, he places his sandal on his head.

After defeating the god of death Set, Horus let Osiris swallow his torn eye, after which he resurrected. The resurrected Osiris handed over his throne in Egypt to Horus, and he himself became the king of the underworld.

Forty pieces cut Osiris is a mythological term for Osiris, meaning forty centuries, components of the orbital period of the “retribution comet”, and therefore the legend is transparent to rational understanding, because this is how the legend designates the gap between global cataclysms.

Now let’s tell you clearly and consistently, what did the numerous symbolism of Horus, Osiris and Isis mean?, and why, how quite fair testifies to one of the most popular modern historians, Doctor of Historical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Nikonov, in the article "Egyptian symbols. The semantic content of ancient Egyptian symbolism" , The Great Pyramids, according to the hieroglyphic inscriptions of the Egyptians, were dedicated to Osiris, Isis and Horus?

And here we have to answer a number of fundamental questions that academic scientists, including V.A., have so far been unable to answer. Nikonov. Why are the Great Pyramids dedicated to Osiris, Isis and Horus?

Why, in later myths, sculptures and images, Is Horus portrayed only as Aries? What does the mythological term mean? "rebirth of Horus", which is thoughtlessly used by absolutely all authors interpreting the legends of Osiris. We will try to illuminate these questions, which none of the Egyptologists have yet given an intelligible answer to, in this article. To do this, we will conduct a comparative analysis of some Egyptian mythological sculptures-symbols and try to determine their meaning.

Our task is greatly facilitated by the fact that all sculptures and drawings of Egypt associated with Horus, Isis and Osiris carry flood symbolism, and this allows us to clearly explain their semantic meaning. In addition, I have already written about these symbols several times in my earlier articles and books.

Symbolism of the sphinxes.

Unfortunately, academic scientists have still not been able to scientifically explain why the sphinxes were depicted, either as a lion with the head of a man, or as a lion with the head of a ram. And why were rams depicted with the sun’s disk on their horns, and why was there an image of a cobra with the sun’s disk above its head.

Therefore, let's recall the information from my earlier articles regarding the mythological images of Osiris, Isis and Horus, adding new details along the way.

I already wrote that the sun's disk above the cobra's head in Egyptian mythology, (or the image of a snake in world mythology) was a symbol of universal death and cosmic catastrophe.

Accordingly the disk of the Sun above the horns of Aries, combined with the symbol of a cosmic catastrophe, meant that the point of the vernal equinox at the time of the cosmic catastrophe was in the zodiac constellation Aries, that is, in this case we are talking about a cosmic catastrophe of 1528 (1596) BC. (Noah's flood). And looking ahead a little, it should be said that when depicting the dates of other global space disasters associated with the “retribution comet”, the symbolism will quite predictably change.

Astral symbolism on the Metternich Stele in Luxor.

And therefore, the numerous symbolism of cosmic catastrophes, recorded on the Metternich stele in Luxor, clearly reproduces the information presented by mythological symbols regarding the events of three cosmic catastrophes. And these events are recorded in the Egyptian legend about Osiris, Isis, Horus and Set.

Horoscope of the seven planet-gods, on the Metternich Stele, reproduces one of the world horoscopes and means the position of the planets of the solar system at the time of the cosmic catastrophe.

In Uranian mythology, this position is called the position "exalted planets". For example, in Dendera world horoscope of planets It is clearly shown that at the beginning of Noah's flood, vernal equinox point located in Aries, and this made it easy to determine the date of Noah's flood.

Date of Noah's flood.

After all, the disk of the Sun in the Dendera horoscope determines not the position of the Sun in the Zodiac, but the position of the vernal equinox at the time of the cosmic catastrophe. (Although absolutely all researchers of the Dendera horoscope, for some reason, associate it with the position of the Sun, and this makes the horoscope unsolvable).

Mythologically, Noah's flood - "this is the time of the rebirth of Horus", but, unfortunately, none of the scientists could understand that this term means the time of cosmic catastrophe. As a result, no one was able to correctly determine the date of Noah’s flood, which, according to the Dendera horoscope and biblical texts, occurred April 3, 1528 BC V the former, antediluvian chronology. (And due to the displacement of the earth’s axis that occurred during this catastrophe - this is 1596 BC. in modern chronology from A.D.). According to my calculations, this cosmic catastrophe occurred a week after the vernal equinox, April 3, 1596 (1528) BC, and this day is still celebrated by Christian doctrine as the date of the First Easter. This is also recorded in historical chronicles. For example, The Parian Chronicle also reports that O Deucalion's (Noah's) flood, " destroying all people", happened in 1528 BC The same is reported by Clement of Alexandria and the chronology of Eusebius. But modern academic science has proven unable to understand what historians report, because most ancient manuscripts have been removed from circulation over the centuries, and biblical texts containing unique evidence of this catastrophe still remain outside the attention of official science.

Date of the death of Atlantis.

Another space disaster called "rebirth of Osiris" occurred at the time when the vernal equinox point was in the zodiac constellation Leo, and this happened August 13, 9612 BC in modern chronology. According to Plato's dialogues, on this day the death of degenerate Atlantis occurred.

The date of the “creation of the world.”

To Art. Gore

Accordingly, the cosmic catastrophe of 5604 BC, known to us under the mythological name “creation of the world,” occurred at a time when the vernal equinox point was in the zodiac sign Gemini. and this sign is the mythological symbol of Isis.

Thus, the zodiac sign of Horus was Aries, the zodiac sign of Gemini corresponded to Isis, and the zodiac sign of Leo corresponded to Osiris.

I have already written about the amazing interconnection of legends telling about various cosmic disasters. Therefore, different Egyptian sphinxes, which are the mythological symbol of the “retribution comet,” also carry the combined symbolism of global cosmic catastrophes, due to the fact that they are united by a single causal relationship - the passage of the “retribution comet” through the Earth’s orbit.

Unfortunately, modern researchers completely arbitrarily and almost always incorrectly interpret the mythological symbolism of the Egyptians, not realizing that any mistake or distortion of the meaning of a mythological symbol is equivalent to the scientific death of the researcher himself.

Of all the numerous symbolism Mountain, its most important symbol, except falcon, which is a symbol of the “comet of retribution”, is Aries symbol, determining the date of Noah's flood. And so we will first reveal the meaning of this symbol.


To Art. Gore

Ancient priests used the symbolism of Horus in the form of Aries, between the horns of which there is a uraeus and a solar disk, to indicate global cosmic catastrophes.

But talking about the symbolism of Horus in connection with the cosmic catastrophe of 1596 BC, I must also say that in reality the symbolism of Horus-Aries was much more diverse, because it was understood that Horus-Aries signifies all the events that took place at that time the period of time when the vernal equinox was in the zodiac sign of Aries (2317-158 BC).

The same applies to symbolism Osiris - Leo(10957-8798 BC).

In the same way, the symbolism of Isis denoted all the events that occurred at the time when the vernal equinox point was located in the zodiac sign Gemini(6637-4478 BC).

In world mythology, this equally applies to the symbolism of other signs of the Zodiac. For example, the symbol of the ancient Sumerian civilization was Taurus (winged bulls), and the symbol of the ancient Roman

civilization - the zodiac sign of Pisces.(for more details, see the article “The Legend of the Betrayal of Judas” in the book “The Secret of the “Retribution Comet””).

That is, ancient civilizations in religious mythology revered as the Supreme God the symbolism of the zodiac sign in which the vernal equinox point was located at a specified time, because the zodiac calendar at all times took precedence over all national civil calendars. Knowing this facilitates a rational understanding of the religious symbolism and mythology of biblical texts.

And my conviction is that without the theory of global cosmic catastrophes, and knowledge of the astral terminology of the ancients, it is generally impossible to understand the true meaning of Egyptian symbolism.

Seated Horus with the body of a man and the head of Aries.

To Art. Gore

Seated figure of Horus with a human torso and head Aries, combines two zodiac signs, Aries and Aquarius, which has always been depicted in the form of a man. After all, the next cosmic catastrophe, calculated by the ancient priests for the year 2412, is expected as the coming "end of the world", will happen under the sign Aquarius. That is, this is the symbolism of two interconnected cyclical cosmic catastrophes, Noah’s flood, which took place April 3, 1596 BC and the upcoming "end of the world" that is about to happen December 25, 2412.

Horus-Aries with the symbolism of the uraeus on the throne.

To Art. Gore

Head depicted with a uraeus (snake) Aries on the Throne is a symbol of Hor-em-akhet (lit. “Horus-on-the-horizon”), contains information about the time of Noah's flood, as a result of which Aries became the dominant sign in the modern Zodiac. It was thanks to this circumstance that he was depicted with uraeus(symbol of cosmic catastrophe), and on the throne(time of cosmic catastrophe). After all, in Uranian mythology The Throne is the time of the "exalted planets". So in Uranian mythology it was designated position of the planets at the time of the cosmic catastrophe(see article “Dendera Zodiac”). And a little later, Egyptian artists and sculptures will depict a cosmic catastrophe, like horns of Aries (ram) in the form of a crescent moon, in the position of the day "Pesach". The image of Aries on the Throne can also be supplemented by an image a man with the head of a ram, between the horns of which there is a solar disk. But let me remind you once again that the image of the solar disk does not symbolize the position of the Sun in the Zodiac, but the position of the vernal equinox point in the zodiac constellation Aries at the time of Noah’s Flood.

Jesus in the form of a shepherd.

To Art. Gor. Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, whose cult succeeded the cult of Osiris, was depicted on old icons only in the form of a Lamb (young Aries), (symbol of Noah’s flood) and later began to be depicted as a man (Aquarius), with a Lamb on his shoulders, (shepherd man, shepherd man). And it was already combined symbolism of Noah’s flood and the future “end of the world”, cosmic catastrophe, which will occur in 2412.

Horus with the head of Aries and the solar disk.

This picture shows the figure of Horus with the head of an ram, between the horns of which there is a solar disk. This indicates that the point of the vernal equinox is located in Aries, i.e. this is symbolism of the cosmic catastrophe of 1596 (1528 BC). At the same time, Gore stands

To Art. Gore

on a pedestal, on both sides of which there are two identical female figures of Isis. The left figure has a sun disk on his head, and the right figure has a throne on his head. Two identical female figures of Isis symbolize the zodiac sign Gemini. The staff shown in the figure symbolizes the relationship between the cosmic catastrophes of 5604 BC. e (“creation of the world”) and 1596 (1528) BC. Behind the back of the right figure is a vertical row flood mythological symbols, among which are the most significant symbols of the cosmic catastrophe: lotus, staff, pillar, cross "ankh".

The depiction of continuity and interconnection of cyclical cosmic catastrophes is a characteristic feature of Egyptian mythology.


This picture shows the “ankh” cross, which depicts a staff, a pillar and a seated figure of a man (symbol of Aquarius) above which the sun disk is depicted. It is not difficult to understand that in this case this is a symbolic image of the date of the upcoming “end of the world”, which will occur when the vernal equinox moves to the constellation Aquarius.
The Egyptian cross "ankh" is symbol of death and rebirth, and at the same time serves as a designation of global space disasters. And the crossbars on the crosses indicated the number of space disasters associated with the passage of the “retribution comet” through the Earth’s orbit. Ancient civilizations counted their calendars from various cosmic disasters, so the number of crossbars on the crosses may vary. Hence the abundance of previously revered multi-pointed crosses.

In particular, the civilization of Egypt and the ancient Jews preserved information about five global space disasters, therefore, the “retribution comet” in these civilizations was designated by the number five, as well as the word "hand", “finger” and was designated five-pointed star, or pentagram. (Wherein the finger was a symbol of the “retribution comet” and at the same time a designation of one of the cosmic disasters). For example, in the mythology of the New World there are images of a hand with four fingers (a symbol of four catastrophes), and the Orthodox six-pointed “true cross”, after Nikon’s reform, has only two crossbars(symbol of two catastrophes). And this is due to the fact that after Nikon’s reform, chronology in Rus' was carried out only from the “creation of the world.” And, according to church dogma, the world did not exist beyond this date.

To Art. Gore

At the same time, the Old Believers worshiped an eight-pointed cross with three crossbars (a symbol of three catastrophes). And the Catholic Church for liturgical purposes uses only a four-pointed cross (one crossbar), as a general designation of a cosmic catastrophe. Moreover, the Jewish “Star of David” is generally six-pointed, since it also includes the date of the upcoming cosmic catastrophe (the upcoming “end of the world”). Let me remind you that on the Egyptian cross there is an “ankh”, the upcoming sixth the global cosmic catastrophe is depicted in the form of an Aquarius man with the solar disk above him. Man holding with his hands behind the curved line connecting the solar disk with the crossbars, which, apparently, should indicate the interconnection of all cataclysms caused by the “retribution comet”. The variety of crosses at one time was the reason for numerous church disputes and debates, as well as various contradictory scientific hypotheses, in order to determine which of the crosses is the “most correct”. But at present, the church reasonably and unreservedly recognizes that “The cross of any form is the true cross.”

Baby Horus.

This drawing depicts the baby Horus sucking his finger, holding a uraeus and staff, on a lotus flower. Lotus in Uranian mythology, the symbol of the throne, that is, it is a symbol of the cosmic catastrophe of Horus-Aries in 1596 (1528) BC, which is also evidenced by uraeus on his head. Additional symbolism is finger, which is a designation for “retribution comet” (see also "Ashirata's finger", "pointing finger", "finger of fate")), And staff(see article of the same name) in his hand.

Mythological idea of ​​birth God the Child was later used in the biblical birth legend Jesus Christ. The solar disk above the head of the Mountain is a symbol sunlight, and determines the position of the vernal equinox point in the zodiac calendar. After all Horus is the god of sunlight, not the sun god. Depicted on both sides of Horus are two identical snakes (cobras) with solar disks above their heads, are a symbol of previous and future cosmic catastrophes. That is, in this composition, the left cobra symbolizes the cosmic catastrophe of 5604 BC, Horus the Child, sitting in the center on a lotus flower, symbolizes the cosmic catastrophe of 1596 (1528) (Noah’s Flood), and the right cobra symbolizes the upcoming “end” in 2412 Sveta". The tails of the side cobras converge above the head of Horus, since they are united by a single causal connection - the passage of the “retribution comet” through the Earth’s orbit. At the same time, two identical cobras also symbolize the catastrophe of 5604 BC, which occurred at a time when the vernal equinox point was in the zodiac sign Gemini (symbol of two symmetrical cobras). The cosmic catastrophe of 1596 (1528) occurred under the sign Aries, and the catastrophe of 2412 will occur under the sign Aquarius, which is also reflected in the symbolism of this picture.

Infant Horus on funerary papyrus.

Next to the solar disk there is an “eye of Horus” resting on the horns of Aries and two identical figures of lions, as an image of the zodiac signs Gemini and Leo, - symbols of previous space disasters. That is, this figure also shows the continuity and interconnection of global space disasters associated with the “retribution comet”.

Here again we encounter the figure of a baby sucking his finger against the background of the solar disk. A snake is depicted around the disk of the Sun - a symbol of universal death and cosmic catastrophe. The snake holds its tail in its mouth- This is a common mythological plot indicating the orbit of the comet of retribution, the period of which is 4008 years. (symbol of the world year). In this picture the snake's head on top of the resulting circle. In other horoscopes of Horus, the head of the snake may occupy a different position. That is the snake's head signified the position of the "retribution comet" in its orbit. (See also in the article “World Horoscopes.”) Indeed, in Uranian mythology, the position of the hypothetical point of the “retribution comet” in its orbit is constantly monitored. For example, on the Metternich stele the same snake is depicted with its head at the bottom of the circle. The symbol of the “retribution comet” in orbit is also the symbolism of the ring.

Another of the most common names for “retribution comets” is god of sunlight Apollo.

Artem Novichonok,
Researcher at the Petrozavodsk State University Observatory,
discoverer of two comets and several dozen asteroids
“Trinity Option” No. 21(165), October 21, 2014

  1. Comets are one of the types of small bodies in the Solar System. They owe their name to the characteristic tails that “bloom” near the Sun. In Greek κομήτης means “hairy”, “having long hair”. Even the astronomical symbol for a comet (☄) has the shape of a disk, from which three lines extend, like hair.
  2. The periods of revolution of comets around the Sun range over a wide range - from several years to several million years. Based on this, comets are divided into short- and long-period. The orbits of the latter are highly elongated, the minimum possible distance of the comet from the Sun can practically coincide with the surface of the star, and the maximum can be tens of thousands of astronomical units.
  3. The main part of a comet is the nucleus. The size of the nuclei is relatively small - up to several tens of kilometers. The cores consist of a loose mixture of rocks, dust and fusible substances (frozen H 2 O, CO 2, CO, NH 3, etc.). Comet nuclei are very dark - they reflect only a few percent of the light falling on them.
  4. As a comet approaches the Sun, the surface temperature of its core increases, causing ice of different compositions to sublimate. The coma (atmosphere) of the comet is formed, which, together with the nucleus, makes up the head of the comet. The size of the coma can reach several million kilometers.
  5. When approaching the Sun, the comet also forms a tail, consisting of coma particles moving away from the nucleus. There are two types of tails: ion (gas) tails, which are always directed in the direction opposite to the Sun due to the action of the solar wind, and dust tails, “spreading” along the comet’s orbit with relatively small deviations. The length of a comet's tail can reach hundreds of millions of kilometers.
  6. As a result of cometary activity, a fair amount of small celestial bodies - meteor particles - remain in the comet's orbit. If the comet's orbit is close enough to the Earth's orbit, a meteor shower can be observed - many meteors ("shooting stars") visible in a short period of time. During heavy meteor showers, thousands of meteors can be observed per hour.
  7. Since comets are constantly losing matter, they cannot exist in the active phase for a long time and, over time, disintegrate into fragments, completely turn into interplanetary dust, or, having lost the supply of near-surface fusible substances, become inert asteroid-like objects.
  8. Every year, dozens of comets are discovered coming to us from the outskirts of the solar system. Consequently, there (at distances up to 50–100 thousand AU) there is a large reservoir of cometary nuclei - the Oort cloud. It cannot be observed directly, but comets provide compelling evidence of its existence.
  9. In the Middle Ages, comets caused fear among people and were considered harbingers of tragic events in the lives of nations (wars, epidemics) and royalty. And even the appearance of Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997 is notorious for the mass suicides of members of the Heaven's Gate sect.
  10. Very bright comets appear infrequently. But they are certainly among the most beautiful and impressive objects in the sky. It is enough to mention, for example, the Great Comet of 1861, C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), which was easily observed even in cities in the spring of 1997, or comet C/2006 P1 (McNaught), which was observed in January 2007, including in during the daytime, and at dusk it showed a huge fan-shaped tail.

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