What matron meant about. The predictions of the matron of Moscow for russia literally

Since ancient times, people wanted to know the future in advance and listened to pagan priests, wanderers, and hermits. They trusted many fortunetellers, but only a few of them really had psychic abilities and could open to people the veil of secrets of the future of our world. Most clairvoyants lived long before our century, but their predictions could apply to the present. One of these “seers” was Saint Matrona of Moscow, whose predictions for 2017 excite many of our contemporaries.

How Saint Matrona Lived

Matrona was born at the end of the century before last in a family of ordinary peasants. Due to the fact that the child was born blind, the parents wanted to leave him in an orphanage. But the mother that same night had an unusual dream in which a blind white bird flew to her. This vision determined the fate of Matrona - she stayed with her parents.

From an early age, Matrona was a deeply religious person, knew how to heal human diseases, and made her first prediction when she was eight years old. But her fate was not easy - at the age of eighteen, the girl's legs were taken away.

But even this did not stop her desire to live and help people. While Matrona was young, she traveled, made pilgrimages to various monasteries of our great homeland: Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Trinity-Sergius Monastery and many other shrines forever remembered the kind soul and humility of the young Matrona of Moscow.

The murder of the royal family, the October revolution, civil war Matrona predicted as a child. Parents then could not imagine that all these terrible events would have to go through their daughter.

After the revolution, Matrona was left completely without a family and homeless. She was forced to live with her acquaintances and friends. Moreover, she had to spend almost the rest of her life on the run, hiding from the authorities that persecuted her. The Soviets did not like the fortune teller for her unthinkable devotion to the Lord, faith in people and the ability of a clairvoyant.

Despite all the difficulties, Matrona continued to believe in God and help people: every day, in her modest corner, you could meet many poor people, workers, peasants who came for advice to the soothsayer. During the day she healed people, and at night she prayed - such was her life until the days when the world learned the last prediction of Matrona of Moscow for 2017.

Prophecy of Saint Matrona for 2017

A few weeks before her death, Matrona made a fateful prophecy for her descendants. She said that people will soon turn away from the Lord God, forget about morality, and stop honoring morality. They will exchange spiritual values ​​for money, luxury, material objects. The end of the world did not come in 2012, but it seemed to prepare us for the approaching horror, which Matrona spoke about half a century ago. Moreover, the prophet predicted its exact date - the summer of 2017.

These words sound frighteningly true, because her earlier prophecies have already come true with magical accuracy. For example, the Great World War II Matrona predicted even before the start of the revolution. This fact has been documented. Russian - as many of our compatriots call her, because she predicted not only world events, but also saw the personal lives of many.

Matrona's prediction for 2017 has been literally preserved. Different experts decipher them in different ways, but the essence remains the same. The last prophecy of Matrona for 2017 speaks of the bloodless death of humanity. That is, not war will be the cause of his fall, but something else, unknown. Astrologers are inclined to the version of a meteorite falling to the earth or the passage of a celestial body at a close distance from our planet. But Pavel Globa reassured them, saying that the stars do not portend anything like this.

Saint Matrona's predictions for 2017 speak exactly about the salvation of the human soul. The soothsayer advises people to spend time in prayer, to live decently, not relying on material values, because they are just dust that will disappear after a human death.

Some historians believe that Matrona in her prophecy speaks of the appearance of new diseases and the impossibility of fighting the old. Indeed, scientists are currently trying unsuccessfully to find a cure for AIDS, which is spreading more and more rapidly every year. New epidemics cover entire continents, and people remain powerless in front of them.

The last prophecy for Russia

The last prophecy of Matrona for 2017 was not so hopeless for Russia. It was she who considered her one of the greatest states in the world. Russia will most easily endure the troubles and sufferings of mankind if its people do not lose their true faith. Providence of the Lord - this is how the great fortuneteller called her gift. Without faith, she said, there is no healing of body or soul.

However, the prophet did not mention the complete disappearance of humanity. People will live, but around the middle of 2017 something terrible will happen, after which the whole old world will perish and, as if from the ashes, a new one will be reborn. Powerful nuclear explosion or biological weapons- the majority of scientists are inclined to these versions. But have they thought about the ecological depletion of our planet?

Plants, pumps, waste emissions into the hydrosphere have become a symbol of the new century. All this kills the Earth, depletes its resources and life on it. It was in the twentieth century that most of the Red Book was filled! Who knows how this will all end ...

At the end of the world, if it comes, only the cruelty and greed of mankind will be to blame - this is the thing that the famous soothsayer is trying to convey to people. And salvation, in her words, lies in goodness, in goodness and in prayer. But don't panic! After all, Matrona tells us about the salvation of mankind, about its change for the better.

This was last prophecy Matrona, a video about which will tell you all the details and nuances of the vision of the great holy martyr.

Also interesting:

Every person who is interested in or is engaged in esotericism is concerned about the question of what the predictions of Matrona of Moscow are for 2017. The predictions of this seer are very trusted, because most of them came true with a high degree of accuracy.

After all, it was she who predicted the revolution that took place in Russia in 1917. In her prediction, it was said that during this period people would begin to divide among themselves, as a result of which ordinary citizens would suffer greatly. This is exactly what happened.

The inhabitants of our country honor the predictions of Matrona for 2017, because even in the last century, the fortuneteller expressed prophecies about the future, which have always come true with high accuracy.

Who is Saint Matrona

Matrona Nikonova was born on November 22 in 1881 in the village of Sepino, Epifan district of the Tula province. The future clairvoyant was born blind. Matrona's parents were in old age and even before the girl was born, they decided that they would leave the child to an orphanage, because he would be the fourth. But, one day the mother had a prophetic night dream with a beautiful, pure white pigeon, but blind. Being a very religious woman, she decided not to send her child to an orphanage and leave him at home.

A girl was born, who was named Matrona. She had a small bulge on her chest, resembling a cross in shape. This was considered a sign of God. When the girl was seven years old, she discovered God's gift - predictions and healing. As a little girl, Matrona began to heal people, to help them in trouble and grief.

At the age of seventeen, another misfortune overtook Matrona: she lost the ability to move independently and was in a sitting position for the rest of her life. Many people came to Matrona every day, looking for help and consolation and finding it in the prayers of the saint. Matrona predicted her death three days before her death, but still in this a short time, allotted for her by God, continued to receive people and help those in need. Matrona died on May 2, 1952 in Moscow.

Prophecy of Matrona of Moscow for 2017

This Great Soothsayer in her prophecies predicts the imminent end of humanity, which, at her discretion, should come exactly in 2017. Matrona said that in the evening people will fall to the ground dead. And in the morning everything will disappear underground.

· “Everyone will die without war, there will be a lot of victims, all the dead will lie on the ground. In the evening everything will still be on the surface of the earth, and in the morning you will rise and everything will disappear underground. Without war, there is a war. "

Many people are worried about this prophecy as it was given by a holy man. But, to tell the truth, we have already experienced this kind of predictions, which were given by various clairvoyants, too many times, that we begin to treat with some distrust of the next such prophecy. To be honest, the words of the fortune teller Matrona need to be correctly interpreted.

It is well known that Matrona Moscow's predictions for 2017 are terrible, she paid a lot of attention to her spirituality and the spirituality of the people around her. So one of her last prophecies most likely concerns the human essence, the soul and its rebirth.
During communication with close people, Matrona repeatedly said that it is necessary to be with the Lord, that difficult times are coming, therefore only with God's help it will be possible to avoid the most terrible.

  • · “I am very sorry for you. You will live to the end times. Life will gradually deteriorate. Life will become generally difficult. The time will come when people will be faced with a choice - the cross or the bread. "

Matrona of Moscow has repeatedly repeated that the people stop believing and from this many misfortunes happen. More than half a century ago, the great soothsayer predicted the complete disgust of people from God, that people would exchange faith for material values. This will be the preparation and cause of the coming catastrophe.

From this we can conclude that the prophecies of Matrona for 2017 indicate that humanity itself is approaching its death. And if we consider that the political and economic situation in the world is deteriorating, as well as the state of the entire planet also leaves much to be desired - everything is going exactly to such an end. Mortality is increasing, the birth rate is decreasing, bad habits are cultivated, more and more negativity appears in the world than something bright and good.

Matrona's prediction for 2017 for Russia

Marona Moskovskaya's predictions for 2017 apply directly to Russia. It says that the cause of the death of many people will not be military action, but something else. Most likely, this means not so much the physical end, but the end of the spiritual struggle and the coming of God's righteousness, the rebirth of human nature.

What will happen in reality, we can only find out after living in 2017. As you know, almost all the prophecies of the matron came true. Indeed, long before the October events of 1917, she predicted that a revolution would take place in Russia and the government would change. In addition, her predictions regarding the World Wars have come true.

Matrona spoke confidently enough about the end of the world in 2017. Her words begin to come true completely, which instills fear in the souls of people. Every day it becomes more difficult, the standard of living is falling rapidly. Maybe the time has already come when the Slavs should think about their life, their thoughts and about whom they worship.

Even Matrona of Moscow said that you need to believe in God. You should not turn away from him or grumble, on the contrary, you need to try with all your might to change your life and, with God's help, get rid of sins and vices.

Famous esotericists and astrologers are still discussing what in reality conceals the most terrible prediction of Matrona for 2017 literally, since all her prophecies are devoid of any specifics. But, one thing is clear - people need to think about their perfect deeds and as soon as possible begin to correct their mistakes.

Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov commented on the question of the predictions of Matrona of Moscow.

On the air of the radio station "Radonezh" the clergyman and the rector of several Orthodox churches was asked whether "is the prophecy of St. Matrona of Moscow about 2017 true, in which she allegedly said that people expect sorrow, and without war everyone will die"?

According to Dmitry Smirnov, he does not know what sorrows await people in 2017, but I am sure that many prophecies are often attributed to authoritative people.

- A lot of prophecies are simply attributed to people to make it worse. In order to give credibility. People even wrote the Gospel. For example, Leo Tolstoy in late XIX century wrote a "new gospel." The old did not fit, and he rewrote it, ”noted Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov.

It must be said that in recent months, some media outlets have begun to circulate information about the so-called “predictions of Matrona of Moscow for 2017”. They claim that this year the end of the world will supposedly take place, “there will be many victims” and all people “will die without war”. It was as if I heard these words from Matronushka Antonina Malakhova, who personally knew the righteous old woman. In fact, this woman, and even more so Saint Matrona of Moscow, never spoke about any end of the world in 2017.

It is known that Antonina Malakhova, indeed, somehow, giving, recalled the last instructions of Matronushka. According to elderly woman, Blessed Matrona, before her death, pitied people, asked them to pray and to be less concerned with everyday affairs.

- Even Matronushka said before her death: “You do not know what awaits you. Pray! Such sorrows await you, which you do not know, ”recalled Antonina Malakhova.

Tribulation in this case is something that invariably accompanies the life of any Christian. The Lord Himself said in the Gospel: “In the world you will be mournful” (John 16:33). Likewise, the apostles say that "with many sorrows it is fitting for us to enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22). Thus, Saint Matrona reminded of the words of Christ and called upon to pray to the Lord to relieve suffering. Antonina Malakhova never remembered the end of the world, which was supposed to happen in 2017, and even more so did not attribute these words to Matrona.

Zinaida Zhdanova. From 1941 to 1949 Blessed Matrona lived in the Zhdanovs' house.

However, about "many sacrifices" is said in the book of Zinaida Zhdanova, with whom the blessed Matrona lived for several years. This book, published in 1993, the ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church are not recognized as an official source, because there are many superstitious moments in it. This non-canonical work cites the memoirs of Anna Vybornova, who ascribes to Matrona the following words: “There will be no war, everyone will die without war, there will be many victims, all the dead on the ground will lie. And I will also tell you: in the evening everything will be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - everything will go into the ground ”.

No explanation for these words or additional confirmation is provided in the book. It is also not known for certain whether Blessed Matrona spoke about this at all. Could Anna Vybornova have confused something after many years? Quite possible. However, even in this book, there are no words about the end of the world in 2017. In addition, Anna Vybornova recalls here completely opposite words: “And somehow I went to her post, shortly before her death. She says to me: “Don't be afraid, there will be no war now. We will lie down like this, but we will stand up differently. The plow will work and there will be a good life ”.

Speaking about the life of Matronushka, her instructions, the ministers of the Church trust only the official Saint Matrona of Moscow. There are no words in it about the approaching apocalypse. According to Archpriest Maxim Kozlov, not a single person can know and indicate the timing of the Savior's Coming.

- If we have any texts that have come down to us, where the blessed Matrona is supposedly assigned instructions for a specific year, then this is nothing more than a mistake in other cases, and in other cases falsification, - emphasizes Archpriest Maxim Kozlov.

In the Gospel it is clear that no one can know the exact date when the end of the world will occur, that is, the Coming of the Savior. Jesus Christ Himself spoke about it this way: “About that day and hour no one knows, not the angels of heaven, but only My Father. So watch, because you do not know at what hour your Lord will come. But you know this, that if the owner of the house had known at what time the thief would come, he would have been awake and would not have allowed his house to be broken up. Therefore, you also be ready, for at an hour you don’t think the Son of Man will come ”. (Gospel of Matthew 24: 36,42-44)

Matrona Nikonova was born on November 22, 1881 in the Russian village of Sebino. She was born blind. Matrona's parents were no longer young and even before birth they wanted to leave her, the fourth child, in an orphanage. But Matroona's mother had a prophetic dream with a white and beautiful, but blind dove and the woman refused to give her daughter.

Also on Matrona's chest there was a small bulge in the shape of a cross, which was perceived as a sign from above. At the age of 7, the girl discovered the gift of healing and divination. Even then, little Matrona began to heal people and help in grief and trouble.

At the age of 17, Matrona lost the ability to walk and remained in a sitting position until the end of her days. Every day people came to Matronushka seeking help and found her in the prayers of the saint. The clairvoyant predicted her death three days in advance, continuing to accept people until the last.

Matrona died on May 2, 1952 in Moscow, but she is still remembered. The saint left behind prophecies that are coming true. She also made a prediction for 2017.

The blind prophetess saw the end of the world, which will come in 2017. Saint Matrona said that in the evening all people will fall to the ground, and they will fall dead. In the morning everything will go underground.

Without war, everyone will die, there will be many victims, all the dead on the ground will lie. In the evening everything will be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - and everything will go into the ground. War goes on without war, she predicted.

Matronushka paid great attention to the spirituality of people, therefore her last prediction with a high degree of probability concerns specifically human souls and their rebirth, and not physical death.

How sorry I am for you, you will live to the end times. Life will get worse and worse. Heavy. The time will come when a cross and bread will be laid in front of you and they will say - choose! - said the saint.

Matrona of Moscow repeated more than once that the people cease to believe, and all the troubles come from this. More than fifty years ago, a great prophet predicted the complete aversion of the people from God, because material values ​​will become a substitute for Him. This will be the preparation for a global catastrophe.

The people are under hypnosis, not themselves, a terrible power dwells in the air, penetrates everywhere, before swamps and dense forests were the dwelling place of this power, since people went to temples, wore a cross and houses were protected by images, lamps and consecration, and demons flew past such houses, and now people are inhabited by demons due to unbelief and rejection from God, - said the seer.

The same thing that Matrona actually had in mind will become known very soon.

One of the world's most famous seers, Wanga foresaw many events of the 21st century. She also made a forecast for 2017. According to her vision of the future, next year will be the year economic crises associated with military action, hunger, a general recession in the economy and the standard of living on Earth.

For 2017, Nostradamus predicted a conflict between Turkey and Iran. At first, it will be a local war, the advantage in which will ultimately be on the side of Iran. In the future, the Turkish side may try to use this war for its expansion into Europe. According to Nostradamus, the Turks will try to lay the path of their army through Africa. And that's where they get bogged down and forced to return. Among other things, hostilities between Islamists and Christians will continue in 2017.

In 1949, Evgenia was born. The girl was distinguished by a strong strong-willed character and dreamed of playing in the theater. When she met her future husband Viktor Davitashvili, word spread around the world that an ordinary healer possesses supernatural powers and can predict the future. After such fame, the clairvoyant nicknamed Juna was often invited by various stars, politicians, writers and artists.

From ancient times to the present, people have respected and listened to the words of soothsayers and clairvoyants who open the veil of secrecy over the future. Despite the fact that science and technology have advanced far ahead, in our age of the Internet and the generation of high-tech, people still believe in the prophecies of the great psychics.

Slavs especially respect predictions of Matrona of Moscow for 2017 since even in the last century, the saint talked about the future, and it always came true with frightening accuracy.

Holy Matron

Matrona Nikonova was born on November 22, 1881 in the village of Sebino, Epifan district (now Kimovsky district), Tula province. The future clairvoyant was already born with a terrible vice - blindness.

Matrona's parents were no longer young and even before birth they wanted to leave the girl (who was already the fourth child) in the orphanage, but the mother had a dream-sign with a beautiful white, but blind dove and the god-fearing woman gave up the idea of ​​giving up her daughter.

Also on Matrona's chest there was a small bulge in the shape of a cross, which was perceived as a sign of God. At the age of seven, the gift of healing and divination was revealed to the girl chosen by God. Even then, little Matrona began to heal people and help in grief and trouble.

At the age of seventeen, Matrona lost the ability to walk and remained in a sitting position until the end of her days. Every day people came to Matronushka seeking help and found her in the prayers of the saint. The clairvoyant predicted her death in three days, continuing to receive the suffering in her last time, allotted to her by God on earth. Matrona died on May 2, 1952 in Moscow.

The miraculous eldress Matrona of Moscow is remembered and loved to this day. After herself, the saint left many prophecies that continue to come true.

What Matrona of Moscow predicted for 2017

The great prophetess predicts the end of all mankind, which will come very soon, already in 2017. Saint Matrona said that in the evening all people would fall to the ground, moreover, they would fall dead. In the morning everything will go underground.

“Without war, everyone will die, there will be many victims, all the dead on the ground will lie. In the evening everything will be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - and everything will go into the ground. War goes on without war "

A large number of people are seriously concerned about this prophecy, because it comes from a holy person. But, on the other hand, we have already so many times passed through the possible ends of the world predicted by many clairvoyants, that you treat the next one with great distrust. Or it may be that the words of the divine eldress Matrona just need to be correctly interpreted.

It's not a secret for anyone that Matronushka paid great attention to the spirituality of people, therefore her last prediction with a high degree of probability concerns specifically human souls and their rebirth.

When talking with loved ones, Matrona repeatedly repeated about the need to be with the Lord, about the fact that terrible times will come and only with God's help the most terrible can be avoided.

“How sorry I am for you, you will live to the end times. Life will get worse and worse. Heavy. The time will come when a cross and bread will be laid in front of you and they will say - choose! "

Matrona of Moscow repeated more than once that the people cease to believe, and all the troubles come from this. More than fifty years ago, a great prophet predicted the complete aversion of the people from God, because material values ​​will become a substitute for Him. This will be the preparation for a global catastrophe.

“The people are under hypnosis, they are not themselves, a terrible power dwells in the air, penetrates everywhere, before swamps and dense forests were the dwelling place of this power, since people went to temples, wore a cross and houses were protected by images, lamps and consecration, and demons flew by past such houses, and now people are inhabited by demons due to unbelief and rejection of God. "

It is possible that Matrona's foreshadowing of 2017 tells us that humanity will kill itself. If we take into account the ever aggravating political and economic situation in the world, the state of the planet as a whole - everything goes to that. Mortality rises, the birth rate falls, bad habits are elevated to a cult, there is much more negativity in the world than something good and bright.

Saint Matrona's prediction for Russia for 2017

The prophecy about 2017 concerns, first of all, Russia. It says that the death of people will not be the war, but something else. It is quite possible that the words of the clairvoyant do not mean the physical end, but the final of the spiritual struggle and the coming of God's truth, the rebirth of human souls.

What will actually happen, we will find out only in 2017. Basically, the Matrons came true. Long before 1917, she predicted the revolution. Also, every word came true the prediction of the World War.

Matrona spoke about the end of the world in 2017 with particular confidence. Her words begin to come true and from this it becomes truly scary. Every day it becomes more and more impossible, the quality of life is deteriorating. Maybe it's time for the Slavs to think about how we live, what we think about and who we worship?

Saint Matrona of Moscow said that it is imperative to believe in God. There is no need to despair or grumble, but with all your might try to correct your life and get rid of sins and vices with God's help.

"Pray, believe in the Lord, repent, he will help and preserve the Russian land."

The famous clairvoyant tried to convey to us simple truth- even if the end of the world comes, it is only because of the great human cruelty, and the path to salvation is not in material wealth, but in the reassessment of life priorities, in sincere love for our Creator.

“If the people lose faith in God, then disasters overtake them, and if they do not repent, they perish and disappear from the face of the earth. How many peoples have disappeared, but Russia has existed and will continue to exist. Pray, ask, repent! The Lord will not leave you. "

Leading astrologers and esotericists to this day argue about what actually lies behind the most terrible prophecy of Matrona of Moscow, because in all her predictions there is no particular specifics. One thing is clear - people should think hard about what they are doing and take up the correction of "mistakes."

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