Quince fruit: beneficial properties and harm. Quince masks. Composition and energy value

Quince or quince apple tree is one of the most common southern trees. The tree produces yellow, large fruits containing a whole range of useful microelements. By eating just one quince a day, a person saturates his body with amino acids, vitamins and minerals. In addition, these fruits contain monosaccharide compounds and fibers that have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs and accelerate metabolic processes.

However, the strong astringency of the quince apple has meant that quince is not very popular. Many people use the fruit incorrectly: it should not be eaten fresh, but boiled or baked. After exposure to heat, quince becomes sugary, tasty and tender.


Due to the presence of a significant amount of ascorbic-pectin components in the fruit, quince is one of the best absorbents of natural origin. If the human body is overloaded with salt deposits, kvit apples will save him from the destructive consequences of this condition. Fruits also help against poisoning with heavy metals and chemical compounds. Doctors recommend consuming quince in areas with poor environmental conditions.

By constantly eating the fruit, a person avoids colds and does not care about seasonal infections. A high concentration of vitamin C and beta-carotene (up to ¼ of the daily requirement) can significantly increase the protective capabilities of the immune system.

Quince is rich in minerals, a key component for strengthening the vascular system. Regular consumption of these wonderful southern fruits will reduce the risk of atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots, and other vascular problems.

Quince is a very nutritious fruit; it contains a lot of glucose and fructose. These substances not only support the physical capabilities of the body, but also nourish the cerebral cortex.

Even in ancient times, medical scientists discovered the extremely beneficial effect of the dessert fruit on the psyche. Like bananas or pears, quince improves appetite, relieves depression and post-traumatic conditions, normalizes sleep, and helps overcome fatigue.

The chemical composition is ideal for regular gentle cleansing of the digestive system. The intestines quickly get rid of waste and toxins. Tanning components prevent the development of inflammation in the body and act like natural ones.

The scourge of modern society is anemia. People spend a lot of time at the computer and lead a sedentary lifestyle. One of the main fighters against anemia is iron. Just 50 grams of quince (about half a large fruit) will help a person get his daily requirement of iron. The fruit has a restorative and strengthening effect, lowers temperature during flu or bronchitis, and gives strength after serious illnesses.

Quite apple juice, which has excellent antiseptic properties, is considered a genuine medicine. In case of a painful asthmatic or tuberculosis attack, you should drink a small amount of juice - the attack will quickly pass.

Baked quince has been used for nausea since ancient times. This is not only healthy, but also a very tasty dish and a popular dessert. Regularly enjoying the taste of this fruit, a pregnant woman will forever forget what toxicosis is.

Many people complain about the body’s acute reaction to various natural “disasters”. Sudden changes in weather conditions cause headaches and increased blood pressure. A cup of aromatic tea with a few spoons of quince jam - and all unpleasant sensations leave a person. Quince compote will help with urinary incontinence and bleeding from the fallopian tube.

Quince is low in calories. 100 grams of product contains about 40 kcal. At the same time, the vitamin and mineral complex in this fruit is much more extensive than in other fruits. Quite apple must be included in dietary complexes.

Natural fruit sugars are an ideal way for diabetics to enjoy tasty fruit without putting their body at risk. Of course, if you have diabetes, you need to observe the consumption level of even such a gentle fruit.

Quince is also used in folk cosmetology. A simple lotion based on spring water and quince juice will rejuvenate your facial skin, whiten freckles, and remove blemishes. By applying a mask of fruit pulp to the skin, you can significantly reduce the secretion of fats from the sebaceous sacs on the skin and remove unpleasant shine. A decoction of quince leaves will help get rid of gray hair.

Quince in folk medicine

Relief from attacks of bronchial asthma.

Add a glass of boiling water to an enamel container, put 6 leaves of quita wood into the water. Place the container in a water bath, wait ¼ hour. Take out the leaves and squeeze them out. Add about 1/3 cup more boiling water to the resulting broth. The drug should be taken 30 ml daily in the morning, lunch and evening.

Treatment of bleeding from the uterus and poor appetite.

Pour boiling water into a ceramic mug and add 10 grams to the water. dried quince, wait about a day. The tincture should be drunk daily before meals, 15 ml.

Help with laryngitis, sore throats and eye diseases.

Ripe fruits are saturated with juice, which can be obtained using a simple juicer. The juice contains a huge amount of antiseptic components. People who have been diagnosed with bronchial asthma will significantly alleviate their condition by consuming this natural product.

Medicine has documented the excellent diuretic qualities of quince-based products, so it is recommended to use it for cystitis. By eating quit apples, you will get rid of depression and gloomy thoughts.

How to use quince leaves

Diabetics or people who have experienced sudden surges in blood sugar levels are prescribed three daily doses of an infusion of quince leaves and bark. One dose – approximately 30 ml. infusion.

A tincture on the leaves of the quita tree also helps with high blood pressure. Preparing the product does not require much work: pour 0.1 kg of fresh leaves with ½ tbsp. vodka. We send the container to a dark place, wait about a week. After straining the vodka, we begin to use the tincture, strictly following the rule of use: 20 drops 2 times a day.

Even a severe asthma attack can be extinguished by a water infusion of quince leaves. Dry and fresh leaves can be used. In total you will need 10-12 leaves. Pour boiling water over the raw materials and place in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Squeeze out the leaves and add half a glass of boiling water. The infusion should be consumed about 4 times a day, 30 ml.


In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is important to alleviate the patient’s condition with mucolytic agents. One of the best natural medicines of this kind is quince seeds. The infusion perfectly thins and removes phlegm. To prepare the product you will need 10 seeds and 150 ml of water. Doctors warn: you cannot crush the seeds, as they contain the toxic component amygdalin. Simply vigorously stir the seeds in the water for several minutes. The infusion will be quite viscous, it should be taken in 15 ml doses. 4 times a day after meals. The same infusion can treat burns and lubricate irritated skin.

For stomach colic, add quince seeds (about 10 grams) to a small amount of cool, clean water. Leave the container overnight. When you wake up, strain the product and drink 4 times a day, ½ tbsp.

To improve vision, lotions made from quit seeds are used. For laryngitis and deposits on the tonsils, rinsing with seed decoction will help.

Quince in cosmetology

For thousands of years, quince has been used for cosmetic purposes. Women have long noticed that fruit juice removes freckles from the skin, smoothes wrinkles, and cleanses pores. The skin becomes smooth and acquires a healthy color.

Grate the quince on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Using a cotton swab, apply the product to the skin - the effect will be noticeable after 1-2 weeks of use.

In traditional cosmetology, components of the fruit of the quita tree are added to masks, creams and lotions. They are especially useful for people with acne, blackheads and enlarged skin pores. Quince smoothes the skin, making it beautiful and silky.

A decoction of the leaves is an excellent remedy for strengthening hair, which also has coloring properties. A few uses and the gray hair will go away as if it never happened.

An infusion of the seeds relieves seborrheic dermatitis and reduces oily scalp. The drug is rubbed into the skin once a day, after 1-2 hours it is washed off. The course of treatment is 1 week.


In ancient times there were no modern gynecological drugs, and women made do with natural remedies. In the Ancient East, one of the most important methods of stopping uterine bleeding was quince. The fruit alleviates the condition during menstruation and menopause. It is enough 7 days before the onset of the “critical days” to start drinking tea with a small amount of jam from kvitov apples.

A couple who has not been able to conceive a child for a long time may well be helped by drinking fresh quince juice, but the most important thing here is to trust in the Almighty Creator, Lord of all worlds

The fruits have a sour taste, a dull, but very characteristic and pleasant aroma. Jams, drinks, and juice are made from quince. Pieces of raw fruit are added to tea. The great ancient physician Avicenna called quince the “king of fruits” and advised eating it with honey.

Places of growth

Quite tree is a traditional Caucasian plant, one of the few that migrated to Ancient Hellas and the Roman Empire from such remote places in Europe. The plant can reach a height of 5 meters.

In Russia, mainly Japanese quince grows, rarely exceeding three meters in height. Fruit trees are cultivated in a targeted manner for the production of fruits, leaves, bark and branches.

The plant belongs to the frost-resistant class; it does not die even at temperatures of 30 degrees below zero. Another feature of the tree is its ability to withstand heat and drought.

Immediately after the last frost, flowers bloom - they can be red, white, pink. Externally, the buds resemble apple blossoms. The high yield has made the quit tree popular among farmers. After only 3 years, the young plant bears the first fruits of a yellow-orange hue, very similar in shape to pears. The taste depends on the variety: the taste varies from sour to sweet-tart.


  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • sodium.

Potassium- a key component for the construction of cells, without it a person simply cannot exist. Potassium is also involved in hormonal regulation in the body. If a person experiences a lack of potassium, the condition of muscles and bones worsens, and problems with the cardiovascular system begin. Potassium deficiency negatively affects the condition of the kidneys, blood vessels, and digestive system. The healing time of wounds increases, hair becomes dull, and the skin acquires a parchment tint. Scientists have proven that without this microelement a person may well develop diabetes.

Phosphorus is responsible for human mental activity, for transmitting signals from the brain to the muscles. If this component is not enough, we begin to get tired faster, weakness and pain appear in the muscle tissue.

Calcium has a huge impact on the condition of the epidermis, bones, muscle frame and nerves. In order for calcium particles to reach bone tissue faster, a person should increase their physical activity.

One ripened quince fruit is a kind of container filled with iron and copper in an amount that completely covers the daily needs of the human body. The fruit improves hematopoietic function and prevents the development of anemia.

If there is iron deficiency in the body, the first symptoms will be inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasopharynx, and esophagus. A persistent runny nose may well be a sign of iron deficiency.

Cells also respire, and for this process they need copper. In addition, copper is involved in the production of many hormones, including endorphin, testosterone and female sex hormone. The microelement is an auxiliary link in the process of iron absorption.

Regular apples contain 10 times less flavonoids than quince. Flavonide or vitamin P is an essential component for improving the permeability of vascular walls. This vitamin can protect a person from atherosclerosis.

The fruits contain a lot of rare and extremely useful tartaric acid. The amazing aroma, which is difficult to confuse with anything else, is the result of the presence of essential oils in the fruit. These oils are one of the ancient remedies for treating spasms of cerebral vessels. All you have to do is finely chop the kuit apples and inhale their aroma.

However, doctors consider the key feature of quince to be its ability to relieve a person of iron deficiency. Most professional nutritionists recommend the product to people experiencing significant physical or mental stress, pregnant women, and teenagers.

For medicinal purposes, almost not only the fruits are used, but also the seeds, although, of course, the most effective way to improve your health is to regularly drink freshly squeezed quince juice. In stores you can find many sweets made from this wonderful fruit - marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, jam. Despite the fact that heat treatment reduces the usefulness of the product, these sweets are still much healthier than regular ones. In the East, it is customary to put a slice of quince in tea.

The body's resistance to influenza and other colds will increase if you eat 2 peeled quinces daily, dipping the slices in honey. Honey reduces the astringent properties of the fruit. A little apple cider vinegar added to the juice will help improve your appetite.

According to studies, infusion of quinoa apples reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases. Rutoside contained in quince reduces blood density, preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Pectins and unique, easily soluble fiber help cleanse the intestines of harmful deposits that have accumulated over many years. In Japan, during the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, workers were given a bottle of quince juice a day, as it reduces the negative effects of radiation.

In case of diarrhea, quince quickly normalizes digestive processes. Due to its cholesterol-lowering properties, the fruit is considered an excellent weight loss aid.

One of the most amazing products of the quita tree is its seeds. Unlike apple and pear seeds, they are not covered with a hard shell, but with mucus, which swells and separates when it gets into water. This mucus is a valuable source of starches, essential oils and tannins. A decoction is prepared from the seeds, which helps against many diseases. Place several seeds in a glass of boiling water and wait 0.5 hours. 20 minutes before meals, drink the resulting decoction.

Procurement of seeds

When eating fruit, do not throw away the mucus-covered seeds. To save them, you need to send the seeds to the switched off oven, preheated to 50 degrees. When a whitish film appears on the seeds, you can remove them. For storage it is better to use a glass jar with a plastic lid. Seeds should be stored in a cool, unlit place.

Quince has a strong aroma and astringent taste. Quince belongs to the same family as apples and pears, and is similar to them in the shape of the fruit.

Quince is used in cooking due to its beneficial properties.

Composition and calorie content of quince

Quince is a source of dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The fruit contains tannins and a lot of vitamin C. Quince is a good source of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and copper.

The caloric content of quince is 57 kcal per 100 g.

Quince is rich in antioxidants, which treat many diseases, including oncology.

Quince fruits have low calorie content, so they can be used for weight loss. The peel of the “golden apple” contains a lot of tannin, which is useful for...

Vitamin C and other antioxidants in quince have a positive effect on skin, nails and hair.

Biologically active compounds in quince strengthen the immune system.

Recipes with quince

Harm and contraindications of quince

The benefits of quince for digestion are similar to. We must not forget about the dangers of quince for the body. Along with the consequences associated with overeating fruit, there are contraindications:

  • individual intolerance fruit components. At the first symptoms of an allergy, stop eating quince.
  • tendency to constipation. For the same reason, pregnant and lactating women should limit their intake of fruit.
  • “voice” work. Tannins cause hardening of the vocal cords, so singers, teachers, tour guides and representatives of professions related to communication should not eat a lot of quince.

How to choose a quince

When the quince is ripe and ready to eat, its fruit turns bright yellow, sometimes with brown spots. When choosing quince, you should focus on the fruity aroma.

The unripe fruit is greenish and has gray fluff. Mature quince has a golden tone and smooth skin.

Avoid insect-damaged fruits as their nutritional value is reduced and their shelf life is short.

How to store quince

Leave unripe quinces on a sunny windowsill. It will slowly fill the kitchen with the delicate aroma of vanilla, citrus and apple. The aroma will indicate the ripeness of the fruit.

The ripe fruit has a short shelf life, which can be extended to 2 months if stored at low temperatures. An excellent way to prepare for the winter is to prepare jams, jellies, marmalades and baking fillings.

Quince does not lose its beneficial properties when dried.

Quince is a little-known autumn fruit. Many people don't know where to buy it. In autumn and winter, pay attention to the fruit counters of supermarkets - then the fruits are most useful, so they are sold.

Quince is a monotypic representative of plants of the Rosaceae family. The tree or shrub of this plant reaches a height of up to 4 meters and blooms beautifully. Quince and its beneficial properties are actively used in food, nutrition and cosmetology production. Quita apples can be used for food, both fresh and processed, or used in beauty and health recipes. Common quince, or oblong quince, is a single representative of the quince genus. The plant is widespread throughout the world and is cultivated in numerous areas of Europe.

What is quince

To understand how to properly use the beneficial potential of this plant and its fruits, you should learn everything about quince, its properties, areas of application and methods of proper use.

The fruits of the plant resemble both in appearance and in taste, but they are tougher, harder, and not as juicy. Under natural conditions, a tree or bush bears fruit in September-October, wild fruits are small in size, up to 4 cm in diameter, cultivated forms reach 15 centimeters in diameter.

The fruit apple is not only an elegant, tasty fruit, but also a very healthy product for consumption. The fruit is used as an active ingredient in many cosmetic products. Decoctions and infusions of quince leaves are used as medicine in the treatment of stomach, anemia, and daily rubbing with lotion improves complexion and has a general strengthening effect on the skin.

Where does quince grow?

The natural habitat of the culture is Turkmenistan, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Dagestan and Azerbaijan. The plant is widespread in Asia, the Mediterranean and Europe. The species is also cultivated in Australia, Europe, America, Oceania and even Africa.

The species grows well in warm regions, but due to the work of breeders, many cold-resistant varieties have been developed. Thanks to this, the fruit is now widespread everywhere.

Shrubs or fruit trees grow in the lowlands of mountains, along ponds, in clearings and forest edges. Cultivated forms of the plant quickly run wild and take root in almost any natural area, but without proper care, the fruits become more sour, hard and small, which worsens their taste when consumed in their pure form. However, even from wild varieties you can make jam, make a healthy decoction or medicinal mixture.

Quince varieties

The oldest European variety of the species is considered to be Portuguese, bred in Ancient Rome. In modern times, there are many varieties of plants, including Central Asian, Caucasian, and Burbank varieties. Central Asian ones are small-fruited, but the most delicious. Caucasian ones are larger. The varieties bred by Burbank are medium-sized, have good resistance to drought and frost, and are early ripening. The beneficial properties of quince and its relatively easy cultivation stimulate the development of new varieties of the species. Breeders are striving for hardier, more productive and popular quince varieties, a description of which can be found below.

The following quince varieties are the most common at present:

  • Anzherskaya. A very early ripening plant, the tree itself is medium-sized, the fruits look like apples, the color of the skin is bright yellow. Angers apples can be safely eaten fresh or processed in various ways;
  • Aurora. The variety is resistant to drought, cold and fungal diseases. Fruits in autumn with deep yellow fruit;
  • Collective. High-yielding variety, very resistant to low temperatures. Large apple-shaped fruits with dense pulp;
  • Kaunchi-10. Large-fruited variety with a pear-shaped harvest. The variety is distinguished by high taste, the fruits are juicy, sweet, and are consumed fresh;
  • Golden. A weak-growing variety, but with large fruits reaching 400 grams, the fruits taste sweet and sour and look like apples. From one tree of this variety you can harvest up to 60 kilograms of crop;
  • Teplovskaya. Medium-sized tree, apple-shaped yellow fruits. The pulp is dense and aromatic. The harvest remains fresh for four months;
  • Nutmeg. Medium-sized variety, small fruits - from 200 to 250 grams, fluffy, dense, rough pulp, yield per tree up to 45 kilograms;
  • Ilmennaya. A productive, resistant variety with large, sweet and sour fruits.

How to choose a quince

Such a healthy product as quince can be found on store shelves all winter; the fruits ripen in the fall and remain fresh throughout the cold season. To choose a quality fruit, you need to at least know what a quince looks like. The fruit is round, oblong, or pear-shaped, yellow in color. The pulp is dense, sometimes hard and rough, depending on the variety. Quince tastes sweet and sour, astringent, and has a tougher texture than an apple.

The seeds of the fruit are poisonous in their raw form, as they contain the substance amygdalin, so they cannot be eaten, but at high processing temperatures, the seeds lose all their toxic properties. And the fruits themselves are tough and hard, they are rarely eaten raw, more often they are scalded with boiling water or processed in the form of boiling, baking or frying. To make the fruits softer, they are left to lie for a day or two at room temperature.

When everything is clear with the appearance and taste of the fruit, you can move on to recommendations for choosing fruits:

  • You should choose fruits without visible damage, cuts, dents, whole and smooth in appearance;
  • A uniform yellow color indicates the maturity of the quince, green shades indicate unripeness, dark spots indicate spoilage, rot;
  • The aroma of the fruit also signals its ripeness.

Composition of quince

The chemical composition of the fruit is very rich; it is a valuable source of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Ripe apples contain fructose, tannic acids, benzoic acid, essential oils and vitamins in large quantities, so the healthy fruit is rich in composition and diverse in nutrients.

The beneficial properties of quince are also hidden in the seeds, juice and peel of the fruit. The peel contains ethyl esters, which give the product a unique aroma and add additional value to the overall composition.

Quince composition per 100 gr. product:

  • 15.3 gr. carbohydrates;
  • 0.10 gr. fats;
  • 0.40 gr. proteins.

Also, in 100 grams of fruit there are 83.8 grams. water and 0.40 gr. ash.


Vitamins in quince are contained in large quantities: C, E, P, PP, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and carotene. The numerical indicator of substances depends on the variety and place of origin of the product, but even the average values ​​are quite high; the fruit contains almost all vital vitamins.

Quince has a chemical composition that includes many trace elements, acids and minerals. Average phosphorus content per 100 g. product – 11 mg; iron – 0.7 mg; magnesium – 8 mg; potassium – 119 mg; calcium – 11 mg.

Product calorie analysis

The low calorie content of the product makes it a useful assistant in the fight against extra pounds. Many people planning to go on a diet include this low-calorie, healthy product in their diet. The high nutritional value satisfies hunger well and saturates the body with essential vitamins, and the rich chemical composition and small amounts help in the fight against excess weight.

Useful properties of quince

Here are the benefits of quince for the human body:

If you ask yourself why quince is useful for women, the answer will not be long in coming. The benefit of the product is its rich composition, rich in microelements, minerals and vitamins. The fruit has powerful properties of strengthening the nervous system, rejuvenating qualities, has the function of an antioxidant and a bacteria fighter. The beneficial properties of quince for a woman’s body are difficult to overestimate, because eating it promotes metabolic processes, cleanses blood vessels and removes cholesterol. These qualities allow you to prolong youth, maintain slimness, and maintain tone, which is extremely important for any representative of the fair sex.

Active iron substances will strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation if you include this tasty and healthy product in your diet. And the tasteless or coarse pulp is used as homemade beauty recipes, for example, masks for the face and décolleté. To do this, you need to take the contents of one quince fruit, after washing and peeling the quince, crush the pulp with a fork or grater and apply it to your face. The mask must be kept for 10-15 minutes (take a lying position so that it does not spread), then rinse with water at room temperature. The effect of freshness and firmness is noticeable immediately after the procedure.

Application in cosmetology

Many modern skin care products contain quince concentrate or are rich in oil contained in the fruit, and this is not surprising, because the benefits of quince are proven and undeniable. Traditional medicine also has many recipes using this miracle product.

To prepare a healthy lotion, a cocktail of fruit juice (1 tablespoon), glycerin (1 teaspoon) and boiling water (1 glass) is infused to room temperature and used to wipe the skin of the face and décolleté. This product relieves inflammation, fights acne, and has a tonic effect.

Quince for weight loss

Quince for weight loss is used as one of the foods that make up the diet. Low calorie content and a large amount of vitamins make the fruit a useful and effective assistant in the fight against extra pounds. When losing weight, with the help of quince, you can eat it as an independent dish or as part of salads, cereals, and compotes.

The processing time of the product in the stomach allows you to feel a feeling of fullness for a fairly long period, and the beneficial substances included in the fruit accelerate metabolic processes and metabolism, helping to increase the effectiveness of weight loss.

With a protein diet, quince will provide the body with the necessary fiber, valuable substances and dietary fiber. Microelements and beneficial substances are contained in large quantities in the fruit, so you won’t even need to take additional vitamins, which are recommended when following a diet.

Contraindications to the use of quince

Despite the fact that quince is a useful product, it also has its contraindications for use, for example, it is harmful for pleurisy, can harm people suffering from constipation and, of course, is not allowed for use by people who have an individual intolerance to the product or allergies.

It is worth noting that if you have constipation, you are still allowed to eat a small amount of the product, provided it is consumed with honey, which neutralizes the aggressive effect of tannins. So if you take 50 grams of quince, then it is recommended to eat 2 tablespoons of honey.

Application of quince

The fruits of the plant are actively used in cosmetology, as part of some medications and, of course, eaten. Many recipes allow you to find a dish for every taste: fruit salads, jam, dried fruits, baked fruits. Quince also has beneficial properties when used in porridges; such a breakfast will not only be tasty, but also very healthy.

The fruit goes well with teas and is perfect as a healthy addition to your favorite drink. A slice of this apple will add a pleasant tartness to the tea, a unique aroma, and the viscous effect characteristic of the fruit will improve digestion and relieve discomfort in the stomach.

How to eat quince correctly

Some people do not know how to eat quince and deliberately neglect this product in their menu, but in vain, because the healthy fruit can be consumed not only raw, but also baked or included as an addition to the main dish, for example, adding pieces to porridge or cooking fruit salad.

To get the beneficial properties of a viscous fruit, it is not necessary to eat the unpleasant pulp, especially if the fruit is not ripe or has poor taste; it is better to use proven processing methods and enjoy the benefits with the pleasant taste of quince. You can pay attention to how it is eaten in different nations. In England, the fruits of the plant are included in jams and sweet jellies, Moroccan meat dishes include the healthy fruit, and in Greece they prepare marshmallows from false apples.

Quince– one of the most ancient fruits. It has a very pleasant aroma, and at the same time it is very sour (sourer than lemon). Quince bears its healthy and vitamin-rich fruits in late autumn. The ripe fruits are golden yellow in color and their shape resembles a pear.

Quince is a low-calorie product, rich in fiber. 100 grams of fresh quince contain only 48 calories. In addition, quince fruits contain a high concentration of vitamin C. 100 grams of fresh quince contain 23 mg, or just over 25% of the daily requirement. Vitamin C has many health benefits.

1. Has anti-inflammatory properties.
Ripe quince fruit is a rich source of vitamin C, accounting for more than 25% of the recommended daily requirement. Vitamin C helps boost immunity and helps treat inflammatory conditions. In addition, it has anti-allergenic properties.

2. Useful for weight loss.
Quince fruits are low in calories but high in fiber. In addition, it is virtually free of saturated fatty acids, sodium and bad cholesterol. All these properties make it an excellent product for weight loss and overall health. By improving your digestive health with the fiber contained in quince, you can lose weight.

3. Treats stomach ulcers.
The phenolics present in quince have been found to be effective in healing stomach ulcers. However, not only the fruit itself is useful, but also quince juice. It calms and improves the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Treats diseases of the digestive system.
Quince is an effective remedy for eliminating morning sickness in pregnant women. Quince, when mixed with honey, helps in the treatment of colitis, diverticulitis, diarrhea, constipation and intestinal infections. Quince syrup is used to treat hemorrhoids. Boiled or baked quince eliminates nausea and vomiting. Being a good diuretic, it helps remove excess fluid from the body and reduce the risk of edema.

5. Has antioxidant benefits.
This fruit has amazing antioxidant properties due to the presence of polyphenolic compounds. Antioxidants slow down the aging process and also prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

6. Has antiviral properties.
Research has shown that quince fruits have antiviral properties. The phenols contained in this fruit have significant antiviral activity as well as antioxidant properties. This helps protect the body from colds and other viral pathogens.

7. Reduces blood pressure.
Quince fruits are rich in potassium, which helps maintain blood pressure within an acceptable range. Basically, quince helps reduce high blood pressure. Potassium causes blood vessels and arteries to relax, thereby reducing stress on the cardiovascular system. This helps reduce the risks of developing conditions such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

8. Reduces cholesterol levels.
Regular consumption of quince fruit helps reduce LDL (or bad cholesterol) levels in the blood, keeping the heart healthy. This is due to the antioxidant content, which helps the body reduce fat oxidation, neutralize glycosides and reduce the amount of fatty acids contained in the blood vessels.

9. Contains anti-cancer substances.
The antioxidant properties of quince help the body fight free radicals and destroy malignant cancer cells. Free radicals are dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism that can cause mutation or death of healthy cells in the body. The granules in the pulp of the quince fruit contain astringent compounds known as tannins, that is, catechin and epicatechin. Tannins protect mucous membranes from cancer by binding to cancer-causing toxins and chemicals in the colon.

10. Relieves stress.
Various antioxidants contained in quince help relieve stress and maintain a calm state of the nervous system. Moreover, by regularly eating quince, your body will produce beneficial hormones that will help you feel more energetic.

11. Increases immunity.
As mentioned earlier, quince is rich in antioxidants. However, other substances, such as vitamins C and E, also stimulate the immune system in various ways. For example, vitamin C helps increase the number of white blood cells, which are the body's main defenders against pathogens, viruses and bacteria.

12. Helps with diabetes.
High levels of dietary fiber help prevent high blood sugar levels. Unstable sugar levels can negatively affect the health of patients with diabetes. Quince helps normalize constant blood sugar levels and even reduce their levels. This is also possible due to the low glycemic index of the fruit.

13. Promotes the production of red blood cells.
Nutrients from quince zinc and ferrite can help the body produce more red blood cells. With a higher level of red blood cells, the body replenishes the lack of iron, and at the same time anemia and the risk of its occurrence disappear. In addition, you will have additional energy, you will gain fortitude, and daily routine tasks will be carried out with unprecedented ease.

14. Improves eye health.
Flavonoids and phyto-nutrients contained in quince fruits successfully fight free radicals that cause eye diseases and damage the retina. Moreover, quince helps with “night blindness,” which especially often occurs in adults. By regularly consuming this fruit, you can reduce the risk of visual impairment.

In China, boiled quince seeds are used to make jelly, which helps eliminate eye problems, relieve inflammation of the throat and mucous membranes.

Benefits for women

15. Useful during pregnancy.
The beneficial substances contained in quince, in particular potassium, calcium and iron, contribute to the normal development of the fetus. Boiled quince pulp helps fight toxicosis. Ascorbic acid, in addition to its known antiviral and immunostimulating properties, can accelerate the absorption of iron and stabilize hematopoietic function. The diuretic property of quince will help pregnant women get rid of edema.

16. Useful for menopause.
Quince is very useful for women during menopause. At this stage of hormonal development, severe bleeding is possible, which leads to iron deficiency anemia. Thanks to the substances and microelements it contains, quince fruits help stop bleeding, replenish iron deficiency, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Benefits for the skin

17. Skin protection
The high levels of antioxidants and vitamins found in quince are beneficial for maintaining healthy and youthful skin. Antioxidants eliminate damage caused by free radicals, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles, eliminating dark spots on the skin and helping protect it from UV damage.

Benefits for hair

18. Stimulates hair growth.
Quince contains iron, copper and zinc. These three minerals, along with various other trace minerals, are essential for the production of red blood cells. When red blood cell production is high, blood circulation increases as more oxygen is distributed throughout the body. This increases blood flow to the scalp, which makes hair follicles healthy and stimulates hair growth.

19. Improves hair health.
Using quince fruits as masks and lotions, you can get rid of oily roots, strengthen your hair, and saturate it with essential vitamins and minerals. The hair will be shiny and smooth, and therefore beautiful and healthy.

Benefits for men

20. Prevention for inflammation of the prostate gland
Quince fruits are recommended for use by men as a prophylactic. Namely, for inflammatory processes of the prostate gland and bladder. Inflammatory processes can lead to complications and disrupt the function of the male genital organs.

Harm and contraindications

1. Absolutely contraindicated for certain diseases.
Quince is contraindicated for people with pleurisy, enterocolitis, chronic constipation, a tendency to allergies, and individual intolerance.

2. Partially contraindicated.
It is allowed to eat quince very carefully in case of stomach ulcers, high blood clotting and lactation.

3. Causes irritation of mucous membranes.
In its raw form, quince can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa, sore throat, dysfunction of the vocal cords, cough and, in some cases, difficulty breathing.

4. Not for use with other medications.
When combined with medications, quince is less easily absorbed by the body.

5. May cause intoxication.
Quince seeds contain substances hazardous to health - nitriles. Under the influence of gastric juice they turn into hydrocyanic acid, which is very dangerous to health. They also contain tamygdalin, which can turn into cyanide and cause toxicity. When adding this fruit to dishes, be sure to remove the seeds. However, a couple of seeds accidentally ingested with food will not cause much harm.

Chemical composition of the product

Nutritional value of quince (100 g) and percentage of daily value:

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Microelements
  • calories 48 kcal – 3.37%;
  • proteins 0.6 g – 0.73%;
  • fats 0.5 g – 0.77%;
  • carbohydrates 9.6 g – 7.5%;
  • dietary fiber – 3.6 g – 18%;
  • water – 84 g – 3.28%.
  • A 167 mcg – 18.6%;
  • With 23 mg – 26.6%;
  • E 0.4 mg – 2.7%;
  • B1 0.02 mg – 1.3%;
  • B2 0.04 mg – 2.2%;
  • beta-carotene 0.4 mg – 8%;
  • PP 0.2 mg – 1%.
  • potassium 144 mg – 5.8%;
  • calcium 23 mg – 2.3%;
  • magnesium 14 mg – 3.5%;
  • sodium 14 mg – 1.1%;
  • phosphorus 24 mg – 3%.
  • iron 3 mg – 16.7%.


Quince is one of the fruits that is rich in beneficial substances. However, quince can be tricky. If you do not know some of the features of its use and application, you can get the opposite effect.

Beneficial features

  • Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Useful for weight loss.
  • Treats stomach ulcers.
  • Treats diseases of the digestive system.
  • Rich in antioxidants.
  • Has antiviral properties.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Contains anti-cancer substances.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Helps with diabetes.
  • Promotes the production of red blood cells.
  • Improves eye health.
  • Good for skin and hair.
  • Useful for men and women.

Harmful properties

  • Absolutely/partially contraindicated for certain diseases.
  • Causes irritation of mucous membranes.
  • Not for use with other medications.
  • Quince seeds can cause intoxication.

With proper consumption of quince fruits, side effects and risks of complications can be reduced to zero. Follow all the above recommendations.

Additional useful information about quince

How to use

1. In cooking.
Quince can be used to make jams, jellies, marmalade and puddings, and, like pears and apples, taken for a snack or breakfast. Different countries use quince in different ways, often using its juice as a flavoring agent. In some European countries, such as Spain, quince is added to pasta and served as a side dish with the addition of cheese. In Morocco, quince fruit is added to meat soups or dried in the sun until it becomes a dried fruit and eaten sprinkled with cinnamon.

To get the maximum benefit from this fruit, it is recommended to eat it raw. The fruit contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is destroyed during heat treatment. In addition, fresh quince contains fiber, which is very useful for restoring intestinal microflora. Fresh quince can be chopped and added to tea instead of lemon.

As mentioned above, in Europe jelly, marmalade or marshmallow is made from quince. In this form, the fruit retains many of its nutrients. A sweet dessert will be a tasty and healthy addition to the main dish. Quince marshmallow is easy to prepare at home, since the fruit contains a large amount of pectin, which gels the marshmallow.

To prepare you will need 1 kg of quince and 1 liter of honey. Cut the quince into small pieces and remove the seeds. Then boil and grate. Add liquid honey to the resulting puree and stir thoroughly. The resulting sweet mass must be simmered over low heat until it pulls away from the walls of the pan. Place the finished marshmallow on greased baking sheets and level it so that its layer is about 1 cm. Next, the baking sheets should be placed in the oven and the marshmallow should be dried at low temperature on both sides. Roll the dried marshmallow into a roll.

3. In cosmetology.
You can make masks, lotions, scrubs and much more from quince. External use of quince helps get rid of oily skin, eliminates shine, tightens pores, cleanses the skin and acts as an antiseptic. A decoction of quince seeds can be used as a skin emollient.

Quince oil is also used to heal cracks on the lips caused by cold. To strengthen hair and color gray hair, you can use a decoction of quince leaves. To eliminate dandruff, rub a decoction of quince seeds into the scalp. A decoction of the leaves is used to strengthen and color hair during early graying. A decoction of the seeds normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminates dandruff. To nourish aging skin, it is useful to massage with a piece of fresh quince.

How to choose

Quince can be purchased at any fruit store; it is also sold in supermarkets. When purchasing fruit, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Peel color. It should be a uniform yellow color, without the slightest green tint.
  • The fruit should have a characteristic pleasant aroma, indicating its ripeness.
  • If the quince has traces of impacts or mechanical damage, dents, its shelf life will be significantly reduced.
  • Despite the fact that quince itself is quite hard to the touch, excessive “stony” density is a sign of immaturity of the fruit.
  • When purchasing, it is better to choose dense and large fruits.

How to store

  • It is best to store quince in the refrigerator in a plastic or (preferably) paper bag.
  • Staying in the cold improves the taste of this fruit.
  • The shelf life of quince in the refrigerator is 4 months.
  • It is not recommended to place quince in the refrigerator next to pears, as they speed up the ripening of the quince and shorten its shelf life.
  • The favorable temperature for storing quince is 0 °C, air humidity is 90%.
  • You can cut the quince into pieces and store frozen.

History of origin

Quince has been known to mankind for about four thousand years. Initially it grew wild. Until now, quince grows like this in Asia Minor, the Caucasus, in mountainous areas near Turkey, Iran, and also on the hills of New Zealand.

The name "quince" appeared in an ancient Greek manuscript around 600 BC. According to some historical scientific journals, the ancients called the quince fruit the golden apple. In fact, quince appeared much earlier than apple, but, unfortunately, it is less popular due to its sour taste.

Initially, quince, together with rowan, pear, and apples, was classified as a member of the pear genus. However, there are many differences between these fruits, which forced scientists to classify the fruit into a separate genus, Japanese pear. It included the following types of quince: Chinese, evergreen, chaenomeles. Despite a number of common characteristics, which include hard pulp, a large number of seeds, a specific strong aroma and a rocky structure, these plants had numerous differences. Therefore, in 1822, each type of quince was isolated into a separate monotypic genus: Japanese (cydonia) - Chaenomeles, Chinese - Pseudodocinia, evergreen - Docinia.

Today, quince is cultivated in 40 countries around the world. In addition, fruit-bearing trees can be found in Northern Iran, Latvia, Belarus, and Crimea.

How and where they grow

The quince tree is deciduous and quite small. When ripe, the fruits are yellowish-gold in color and are somewhat similar to pears in shape and texture. Quince is a fruit native to the Eurasian region, including Uzbekistan, Armenia, Turkey, Hungary, Macedonia and other nearby regions. Some researchers believe that when apples were mentioned in ancient history, they most likely meant quinces.

Quince is widely used in the food industry in different countries. The height of an adult fruit tree reaches five meters. Quince leaves are similar to the leaves of an apple tree, the inflorescences are large white or pink. The fruits, depending on the variety, are spherical or pear-shaped and yellow, light lemon, dark yellow in color. The size of the fruit is similar to a large apple. The quince peel is covered with small fibers, but as it ripens it becomes smooth. The taste is sweetish, tart, astringent. The pulp is slightly juicy, astringent, sweetish, aromatic and quite tough due to the large number of stony cells. The seeds are reddish-brown with a mucous membrane and contain a toxic substance (amygdalin), which gives the fruit a bitter almond smell.

The bark of the quince tree is quite thin and smooth. The leaves are ovoid or oval in shape. They are glossy and dark green above, much lighter and rougher below. Quince blooms with single large (4–5 cm) white or pink flowers. As a rule, the flowering period occurs in May - June, and the fruits ripen by mid-autumn (from September to late October). Growing quince is limited to average annual temperatures of +8...9 °C and an absolute minimum of –15 °C.

Quince is cultivated as a fruit, medicinal and ornamental species. Growing trees is not difficult, as quince easily tolerates drought and can grow in any soil. The main requirement for cultivation is sufficient lighting; in the shade, quince blooms poorly and bears fruit poorly, the fruits lose their unique aroma. A prolonged lack of moisture negatively affects the quality of fruit pulp: it becomes hard. However, excess moisture can also worsen the taste of quince.

The advantage of quince trees over apple and pear trees is the lack of periodicity in fruiting, that is, the quince harvest can be obtained annually. The tree can bear fruit for several decades in a row without deteriorating in the quality of the fruit. Quince is propagated by cuttings, layering, sprouts and seeds, and the characteristics of the variety can only be preserved through vegetative propagation.

In the Caucasus it grows on dry soil, and often grows around overgrown reservoirs, forming thickets between coastal grasses. The fruits of cultivated trees reach 2 kg, wild ones - 60–100 grams. Wild quince bears fruit poorly, producing only 2–10 fruits per plant. In Russia, quince is not widespread. In our country it grows only in the south of the European part of the country.

  • The famous apple of discord, given by Paris to Aphrodite and which became the root cause of the Trojan War, was nothing more than a quince fruit.
  • In Ancient Greece, this fruit, presented as a gift to a girl, was considered a declaration of love. Quince was revered as a symbol of love and fertility.
  • Traditionally, quince fruits were thrown under the wheels of the newlyweds' chariot.
  • The bright lemon-yellow color, delicate aroma and similarity of shapes led to the fact that the common people began to call quince the “golden apple”.
  • In ancient times, quince juice was used to remove freckles.
  • In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, quince was used to scent clothes and rooms.
  • The word "marmalade" comes from the Portuguese name for quince - marmelo.
  • Wild quince grows on the edges of forests and mountain slopes, sometimes rising up to 1400 meters above sea level.
  • The weight of a quince fruit can reach 2 kg.
  • Avicenna (medieval Persian scientist) in the “Canons of Medical Medicine” devoted an entire chapter to the beneficial properties of this wonderful plant.
  • In Russia there is a river called Aiva (Penza region).

Quince is a shrubby tree. It can grow up to five meters. The fruits are harsh, the surface is textured, the flesh is viscous, sweet, tart. They are shaped like an apple or a lemon-colored pear. They ripen in mid-summer and August. The taste is very unusual, it is better not to eat them raw. The material will discuss why quince is so useful, for whom exactly, how to use it, and what to cook from it.

The fruit has a rich, varied composition:

  • acids of organic origin - malic, citric, tartaric;
  • monosaccharides – glucose, fructose;
  • tanning compounds;
  • vitamins – C, group B, A, PP;
  • protopectins;
  • gum;
  • dextrins;
  • organic compounds – glycine, lysine, arginine, proline;
  • elements – iron, sodium, nickel, potassium, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, copper;
  • flavonoids;
  • triglycerides.

100 grams of fruit contain 0.6 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of fat, 9.6 grams of carbohydrates. The number of kilocalories is 48 per hundred grams.

Beneficial properties of the fruit

Golden apples contain many nutrients. Their benefits are invaluable. They contain beta-carotene, which helps improve vision. The substance is also useful for the prevention of serious diseases - glaucoma, cataracts.


Fruit juice and pulp have a softening and regenerating effect. It is indicated for constipation and poisoning of the body, as it is a laxative with a mild effect.


The variety was developed by the French. She keeps up quickly. It is used as a medicine - the juice helps get rid of a sore throat. The juice also cleanses the respiratory system of mucus. The fruits are indicated for cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins. The decoction fights bleeding gums and stomatitis. Relieves heartburn during pregnancy.


The variety is rich in pectin content. They help remove heavy metal salts and toxins from internal organs.

Quince is recommended for people with reduced immunity. It can enhance the body's protective functions and resist infections. The iron content increases hemoglobin in the blood. The fruit is useful for dizziness, weakness, and fatigue.


The variety is distinguished by large fruits reaching 1.5 kilograms. The composition contains vitamin C, iron, calcium, pectin. After heat treatment, beneficial qualities are not lost. The fruits normalize a person’s psychological background, increase resistance to stress, and improve sleep.

How to select and store quince

The product has a dark yellow or lemon color. The aroma is unusual, but pleasant. It is reminiscent of the smell of an unripe pear with hints of spices, flowers and tree bark. How to select and preserve golden apples:

  • take large hard specimens from the store;
  • the color should be a uniform yellow shade;
  • an important criterion for ripeness is the absence of green spots;
  • if the fruit has dents, it must be eaten immediately, otherwise it will spoil;
  • At home, fruits are washed to remove fluff from the surface;
  • wrapped in polyethylene and stored in a cold place for up to 60 days;
  • Pears should not be placed close to each other, as the product will quickly begin to ripen and will soon spoil.

General effects on the body

It is irreplaceable and beneficial for the health of men, women, and children.

On blood vessels and heart

Fruit juice is indicated for cardiovascular pathologies. It strengthens vascular walls, increases the endurance of the heart muscle, purifies the blood and reduces the fragility of blood vessels.

For the digestive system

Within 1 month, thanks to daily consumption of the fruit, the intestinal microflora is restored after treatment with antibiotics. Tannins and catechin cope with chronic constipation. They also get rid of carcinogens and toxins.

For the genitourinary system

The product is used for cystitis, as it has pronounced diuretic properties.

For the nervous system

Thanks to the concentration of antioxidants, quince has a positive effect on the nervous system, calms and relaxes. Helps to resist stress, lifts your mood, and gives you vigor.

In the form of cancer prevention

Phenols and antioxidants increase the body's resistance and fight the proliferation of cancer cells.

Benefits of quince for women

Golden apples can keep the female body in good shape.


While carrying a child, a woman is recommended to eat the fruit. It contains pyridoxine. This is the best measure to prevent a heart attack. The substance can remove swelling, prevent the occurrence of ischemia, and normalize metabolism. The product contains a high content of vitamin C. It helps iron to be absorbed and improves immunity.

Boiled fruits help fight toxicosis. Thanks to its diuretic properties, unnecessary fluid is removed from the body and swelling is reduced.

During menopause

During periods of hormonal imbalances, heavy menstruation occurs. Because of this, hemoglobin sharply decreases. Fruits help stop bleeding, strengthen vascular walls, and replenish the supply of red cells. Also calms the nerves.

For weight loss

The fruit contains a lot of fiber. It is useful for weight loss. The fruits have no cholesterol and a minimal amount of fatty acids. They improve digestion, suppress appetite and saturate the body.

For men

For children

The product is especially necessary for a young, growing organism. Quince contains a lot of pectin, organic acids, and enzymes. All vitamins directly affect the development of the child.

Regular consumption of quince improves mental activity, increases immunity, and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to give to children with viruses and colds.

Let's look at what quince is used for. It is unique because it has a strong restorative effect on the entire body.


This is one of the few fruits that can be consumed if you have diabetes. It is low in sugar and has a low glycemic index. The product helps overcome pathology. Quince has a rich composition that is incomparable with other fruit crops. Thanks to fiber, the absorption of glucose and its entry into the blood slows down. Quince is universal for diabetics because it does not lose its usefulness during heat treatment.

For gastrointestinal diseases

Quince decoction acts as an enveloping drug for any deviations in the normal functioning of the stomach.

For bronchitis

Golden apple has an expectorant effect. This is useful for colds and dry cough syndrome. Essential oils contained in the peel fight microbes and prevent the spread of viruses.

For colds

A high concentration of vitamin C increases the body's protective functions and helps resist infections. 100 grams contain the daily requirement of vitamin C.

For bronchial asthma

A leaf infusion can reduce and stop attacks. It is prepared like this: 5 grams of leaves are poured into 250 milliliters of water, boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. Drink 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons. Place in the refrigerator and keep for no longer than 3 days.

For anemia

Syrup helps with anemia. Cut a ripe golden apple, add water and cook until the pieces soften. Then squeeze out the juice and boil it.

For periodontitis

The mucilage of the seeds relieves gum inflammation. 10 grams of seeds are poured with 200 milliliters of warm water and shaken for 7 minutes. Lotions are made from the resulting mixture. The seeds must be whole.

For kidney diseases

The product has a diuretic effect, so it is indicated for kidney pathologies. A decoction is prepared from the leaves, which is drunk three times a day, 1 large spoon.

What can you eat?

They eat not only fruits, but also leaves and seeds.

Benefits of quince leaves

Fresh or dried leaves are brewed and drunk as tea or decoction. The leaves help with liver diseases, pathologies of the digestive tract, and pancreas. Helps stop bleeding from cuts. Fight colds, flu, bronchitis. Rinsing your mouth with a decoction restores gums.

Fruit seeds

Their usefulness is valuable for women. The mucus contained on the surface stops uterine bleeding.

Fruit pulp

It does an excellent job of removing excess fluid and relieves swelling in heart and kidney failure.

Popular traditional medicine recipes

There are many options for preparing the fruit.

Quince and dried fruit compote

The fruits are crushed and dried fruits are washed. Pour boiling water, add a little sand and boil for 25 minutes. Then leave for 1 hour.

Quince juice

When the fruit is boiled, the juice is separated from the pulp and granulated sugar is added. The combination of quince juice with apple juice is interesting.

Quince tea

You will need dried fruit, apples and raspberries in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is stirred. To brew, take half a tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water, add honey.

Quince jelly

The chopped slices are placed in a saucepan and boiled in water until soft. The pulp is passed through cheesecloth. Sugar is added to the resulting juice - 750 grams per liter. Place on fire and cook until the mixture thickens. At the end, add citric acid, pour into molds and cool.


The quince is baked and passed through a meat grinder. Add sand and beat until smooth. Then cook until the mixture thickens. Place on a flat surface, wait for it to cool and cut into pieces. Store in glass containers.

Quince jam

Golden apples are cut, boiled for 10 minutes, poured with sugar syrup and left for 4 hours. Then cook until done.

Infusion of leaves

1 tablespoon is poured with 500 grams of boiling water and allowed to stand for 1 hour. Drink half a glass three times a day. This helps with coughs and pneumonia. The effect is noticeable after 2-5 days.

Hemostatic decoction of fresh or dried seeds

Pour 1 tablespoon of seeds into a glass of water and cook for 5 minutes.

Quince in cosmetology

Fruits are used not only for medicinal purposes and cooking, but also as cosmetic ingredients and masks.

Lotions and masks for face and hands

Recommended for oily skin and people with enlarged pores. To make the lotion, beat chicken protein, add a little camphor alcohol, cologne and quince juice in equal quantities. This product is used to treat the skin every day. As a result, the skin will become refreshed, soft, velvety, and the pores will narrow.

The mask is prepared as follows: fresh fruit is crushed into a paste. This mixture is applied to the face and neck, left for a quarter of an hour and washed off with warm water. You need to apply the mask 15 times.

Infusion against seborrhea

A decoction of the leaves colors gray hair and gets rid of dandruff. 200 grams of leaves are poured with two liters of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Then rinse your hair three times a week.

Contraindications for use and harm to the fruit

If you have stomach or intestinal problems, you should not eat raw quince. If there is constant stress on the vocal cords, then you need to limit the consumption of golden apples.

It is forbidden to eat fruits if you have pleurisy or chronic constipation. This will only make the disease worse. Quince is one of the healthiest fruits. It has a wide range of beneficial effects for humans. It strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, heart, and blood vessels.

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