Work programs in a foreign language. Thematic planning in English Download CTP in English

Calendar and thematic planning
in English, grade 5 (3 lessons per week (102 classroom hours per year) English language, grade 5: textbook “English in Focus” for grade 5. Authors - Bykova N. I., Dooley D., Pospelova M. D. .
Lesson No. Date Lesson topic/
Lesson type
Lesson content elements Planned subject results and level of mastery Characteristics of students’ activities Forms of diagnosis and control Homework
plan fact The student will learn The student will have the opportunity to learn Updating the material studied (7 lessons)
Goal: developing the ability to communicate in English, taking into account the speech capabilities and needs of middle school students; communication skills in 4 main types of speech activity - speaking, listening, reading and writing; development of personality, speech abilities, attention, thinking, memory and imagination of a primary school student, motivation to master the English language; ensuring the communicative and psychological adaptation of schoolchildren to the new language world in order to overcome the psychological barrier in the future and use language as a means of communication; repetition of linguistic concepts accessible to primary schoolchildren and necessary for mastering oral and written speech in English; introducing children to new social experiences using English, fostering a friendly attitude towards representatives of other countries; formation of speech, intellectual and cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren, as well as their general academic skills.
Personal results:
Formation of awareness of the values ​​of family and society and respect for them.
Awareness of language, including foreign, as the main means of communication between people.
Acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning.
Mastering the initial ability to learn, the ability to organize one’s own activities.
Developing skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different situations, the ability to avoid creating conflicts and finding ways out of controversial situations.
Meta-subject results:
regulatory UUD: determine the goals of the activity, determine the plan for completing the task.
cognitive UUD: retell the information received, find commonalities and differences, learn to express your assumptions based on the information received.
communicative learning activities: participate in life situations in class, listen and understand the speech of others
2016 2.09. 2016 “Repetition of letters of the English alphabet. Part 1.
Lesson type: Introductory lesson.
alphabet from Aa – Hh, vocabulary apple, ball, book, cap, cat, date, doll, egg, eraser, flag, fox, game, girl, hand, hat, read, right, sing, song, wrong. Pronounce the names of English letters correctly. Use the indefinite article. Read introduction phrases using correct intonation. Conduct a dialogue - getting to know each other. Listen and repeat the alphabet from Aa – Hh, do an exercise to consolidate the material, get acquainted with the active vocabulary apple, ball, book, cap, cat, date, doll, egg, eraser, flag, fox, game, girl, hand, hat, read , right, sing, song, wrong, read the words aloud, sing the alphabet song and act out the dialogue - introduction. Oral survey. Ex. 6 page 12
Ex. 6 page 13
2 6.09.
2016 6.09 Repetition of letters of the English alphabet. Part 2.
Lesson type: repetition of learned material. alphabet from Ii – Rr, vocabulary jam, lemon, listen, orange, pen, say, write, Nice to meet you. Pronounce the names of English letters correctly. Use the indefinite article. Read introduction phrases using correct intonation. Conduct a dialogue - getting to know each other. They listen and repeat the alphabet from Ii – Rr, do an exercise to consolidate the material, get acquainted with the active vocabulary jam, lemon, listen, orange, pen, say, write, Nice to meet you, read the words aloud (imitatively), sing the alphabet song and act out a dialogue - a friend's performance. Oral survey. Ex. 7 page 15
Ex. 8 page 15
3 7.09.
2016 7.09 Repetition of letters of the English alphabet. Part 3.
Lesson type: repetition of learned material. alphabet from Ss – Zz, vocabulary box, snake, train, window, zebra, How are you? I"m fine, thanks. Goodbye. See you later, uniform, vet, yacht. Pronounce the names of English letters correctly. Use the indefinite article. Read phrases of acquaintance using the correct intonation. Conduct a dialogue - introduction. Listen and repeat the alphabet from Ss - Zz, perform an exercise to consolidate the material, get acquainted with the active vocabulary box, snake, train, window, zebra, How are you? I'm fine, thanks. Goodbye. See you later, with passive uniform, vet, yacht, sing the alphabet song, act out the dialogue, do a crossword puzzle to reinforce the LE. Frontal survey. Ex. 8 page 17
Ex. 9 page 17
4 9.09.
2016 9.09 Greetings.
Lesson type: developmental control lesson. pronunciation of English letters Aa –Zz, vocabulary friend, letter, new, notebook, Where are you from? I "m from ... , know. Correctly pronounce the names of English letters. Use the indefinite article. Read introduction phrases using the correct intonation. Conduct a dialogue - introduction. Repeat the pronunciation of English letters Aa – Zz, Get acquainted with the active vocabulary friend, letter, new , notebookWhereareyoufrom ? I"mfrom ... With passive know, act out a dialogue - acquaintance Dictation on the letters of the English alphabet. Ex. 7 page 19
Make up a dialogue
5 13.09.
2016 13.09 Repetition of colors.
Lesson type: repetition of learned material. Numbers from 1 to 10, names of colors. Name the color of the object, read the words according to the sample they listened to, count from 1 to 10. Ask and answer questions. They count from 1 to 10, remember colors, describe pictures and do reinforcement exercises. Individual survey Ex. 4 page 20
Ex. 5 page 20
6 14.09.
2016 14.09 Repetition of basic verbs of movement.
Lesson type: repetition of learned material. Verbs of motion. They name the main verbs of movement and read the words according to the sample they listened to. Ask and answer questions. They listen and repeat the main verbs of movement, describe pictures, ask each other questions and answer, repeat the learned LE. Oral survey. Exercise 4 page 21
Ex. on the handout
7 16.09.
2016 16.09 Repetition of school items.
Lesson type: repetition of the material studied. School supplies. They name school supplies based on the sample and picture they listened to. Ask and answer questions. They listen and name school supplies, ask and answer questions. Oral survey. Ex. on the handout
Completed by: Maria Yuryevna Roshchina, English teacher
Municipal educational institution Kuzyaevskaya secondary school, Ramensky district, Kuzyaevo village
G. Ramenskoye 2016

Planned results of mastering an academic subject or course.

Achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students is the main result of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education in English.

Personal results.

In accordance with the approximate program of basic general education, studying a foreign language in grade 5 involves achieving the following personal results:

Within the framework of the cognitive component the following will be formed:

historical and geographical image, including an idea of ​​the territory and borders of Russia, its geographical features, knowledge of the main historical events in the development of statehood and society; knowledge of the history and geography of the region, its achievements and cultural traditions;

the image of the socio-political structure - an idea of ​​the state organization of Russia, knowledge of state symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem), knowledge of public holidays;

knowledge of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, fundamental rights and duties of a citizen, orientation in the legal space of state-public relations;

knowledge about one’s ethnicity, mastering national values, traditions, culture, knowledge about the peoples and ethnic groups of Russia;

development of the general cultural heritage of Russia and the world cultural heritage;

orientation in the system of moral norms and values ​​and their hierarchization, understanding of the conventional nature of morality;

the foundations of social-critical thinking, orientation in the features of social relations and interactions, establishing the relationship between social and political events;

environmental consciousness, recognition of the high value of life in all its manifestations; knowledge of the basic principles and rules of attitude towards nature; knowledge of the basics of a healthy lifestyle and health-saving technologies; rules of conduct in emergency situations.

Within the framework of the value and emotional components the following will be formed:

civic patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in one’s country;

respect for history, cultural and historical monuments;

emotionally positive acceptance of one’s ethnic identity;

respect for and acceptance of other peoples of Russia and the world, interethnic tolerance, readiness for equal cooperation;

respect for the individual and his dignity, a friendly attitude towards others, intolerance towards any type of violence and readiness to resist it;

respect for family values, love of nature, recognition of the value of health, one’s own and other people’s, optimism in the perception of the world;

the need for self-expression and self-realization, social recognition;

positive moral self-esteem and moral feelings - a feeling of pride when following moral standards, the experience of shame and guilt when they are violated.

Within the framework of the activity (behavioral) component the following will be formed:

readiness and ability to participate in school self-government within the limits of age competencies (on duty in school and class, participation in children's and youth public organizations, school and extracurricular activities);

readiness and ability to fulfill the norms and requirements of school life, the rights and responsibilities of the student;

the ability to conduct dialogue on the basis of equal relations and mutual respect and acceptance; the ability to constructively resolve conflicts;

readiness and ability to fulfill moral standards in relation to adults and peers at school, at home, and in extracurricular activities;

the need for participation in the public life of the immediate social environment, socially useful activities;

the ability to make life plans taking into account specific socio-historical, political and economic conditions;

sustainable cognitive interest and the formation of the meaning-forming function of the cognitive motive;

readiness to choose a specialized education.

Schoolchildren will have the opportunity to form:

expressed stable educational and cognitive motivation and interest in learning;

readiness for self-education and self-education;

adequate positive self-esteem and self-concept;

competence in implementing the basics of civil identity in actions and activities;

moral consciousness at the conventional level, the ability to solve moral dilemmas based on positions of the participants in the dilemma, orientation to their motives and feelings; consistent adherence to moral behavior standards and ethical requirements;

empathy as conscious understanding and compassion feelings of others, expressed in actions aimed at helping and ensuring well-being.

Meta-subject results.

In accordance with the approximate program of basic general education, learning a foreign language requires fifth-graders to achieve the following meta-subject results:

In the field of regulatory universal educational activities, 5th grade students will learn:

goal setting, including setting new goals, transforming a practical task into a cognitive one;

independently analyze the conditions for achieving the goal based on taking into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material;

plan ways to achieve goals;

set target priorities;

be able to independently control and manage your time;

make decisions in a problem situation based on negotiations;

carry out ascertaining and anticipatory control based on the result and method of action; actual control at the level of voluntary attention;

adequately independently assess the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the execution both at the end of the action and during its implementation;

the basics of forecasting as foreseeing future events and process development.

independently set new educational goals and objectives;

when planning to achieve goals independently, fully and adequately take into account the conditions and means of achieving them;

highlight alternative ways to achieve a goal and choose the most effective method;

the basics of self-regulation in educational and cognitive activities in the form of conscious management of one’s behavior and activities aimed at achieving set goals;

carry out cognitive reflection regarding actions to solve educational and cognitive problems;

adequately assess objective difficulty as a measure of the actual or expected expenditure of resources to solve a problem;

adequately assess your ability to achieve a goal of a certain complexity in various areas of independent activity;

the basics of self-regulation of emotional states;

make strong-willed efforts and overcome difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving goals.

In the field of communicative universal educational activities, 5th grade students will learn:

take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

formulate your own opinion and position, argue and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation when developing a common solution in joint activities;

establish and compare different points of view before making decisions and choices;

argue your point of view, argue and defend your position in a manner that is not hostile to opponents;

ask questions necessary to organize your own activities and cooperation with a partner;

exercise mutual control and provide the necessary mutual assistance in cooperation;

adequately use speech to plan and regulate one’s activities;

adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks; master oral and written language;

construct a monologue contextual statement;

organize and plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, determine the goals and functions of participants, methods of interaction; plan general ways of working;

exercise control, correction, assessment of the partner’s actions, be able to persuade;

work in a group;

the basics of communicative reflection;

use adequate language to express your feelings, thoughts, motives and needs;

display in speech (description, explanation) the content of the actions performed, both in the form of loud socialized speech and in the form of internal speech.

Schoolchildren will have the opportunity to learn:

take into account and coordinate other people’s positions in cooperation that are different from one’s own;

take into account different opinions and interests and justify your own position;

understand the relativity of opinions and approaches to solving a problem;

productively resolve conflicts based on taking into account the interests and positions of all participants, searching and evaluating alternative ways to resolve conflicts; negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;

take the initiative in organizing joint action (business leadership);

provide support and assistance to those on whom the achievement of goals in joint activities depends;

carry out communicative reflection as awareness of the reasons for one’s own actions and the actions of a partner;

in the process of communication, it is sufficiently accurate, consistent and complete to convey to the partner the necessary information as a guideline for constructing an action;

enter into dialogue, as well as participate in a collective discussion of problems, participate in discussions and argue their position, master monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of their native language;

follow the moral, ethical and psychological principles of communication and cooperation based on respectful attitude towards partners, attention to the personality of the other, adequate interpersonal perception, readiness to adequately respond to the needs of others, in particular to provide assistance and emotional support to partners in the process of achieving the common goal of joint activities;

Facilitate effective group discussions and ensure knowledge sharing among group members to make effective joint decisions;

in joint activities, clearly formulate the goals of the group and allow its participants to express their own energy to achieve these goals.

In the field of cognitive universal educational activities, fifth-graders will learn:

the basics of implementing design and research activities;

carry out an advanced search for information using library resources and the Internet;

define concepts;

carry out comparisons by independently choosing the grounds and criteria for the specified logical operations;

build a classification based on negation;

build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

explain phenomena, processes, connections and relationships identified during the study;

the basics of introductory, learning, assimilation and search reading;

structure texts, including the ability to highlight the main and secondary, the main idea of ​​the text, build a sequence of described events;

work with metaphors - understand the figurative meaning of expressions, understand and use figures of speech built on hidden similarities, figurative convergence of words.

Schoolchildren will have the opportunity to learn:

the basics of reflective reading;

pose a problem, argue its relevance;

put forward hypotheses about connections and patterns of events, processes, objects;

organize research to test hypotheses;

draw conclusions based on argumentation.

Subject results.

In the process of mastering the program, students will achieve certain subject results.

Students will develop communication skills in the following types of speech activities:

Speaking. Dialogical speech.

The student will learn to conduct a combined dialogue in standard situations of informal communication, observing the norms of speech etiquette adopted in the country of the language being studied.

A fifth grader will have the opportunity to learn how to take and give interviews.

Speaking. Monologue speech

A fifth grader will learn:

Talk about yourself, your family, friends, school, your interests, plans for the future; about your city/village, your country and the countries of the language being studied, based on visual clarity and/or verbal supports (keywords, plan, questions);

Describe events based on visual clarity and/or verbal support (keywords, plan, questions);

Give a brief description of real people and literary characters;

Convey the main content of the text read with or without reliance on the text/key words/plan/questions.

make a message on a given topic based on what you read;

comment on facts from the text read/listened to, argue your attitude to what you read/listened to;

speak briefly without prior preparation on a given topic in accordance with the proposed communication situation;

briefly outline the results of the completed project work.


The student will learn:

Perceive by ear and understand the main content of simple authentic texts containing a certain number of unstudied linguistic phenomena;

Perceive by ear and understand significant/necessary/requested information in authentic texts containing both studied linguistic phenomena and a certain number of unstudied linguistic phenomena.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

highlight the main idea in what is perceived by ear text;

separate the main facts from the background;

use contextual or linguistic guesswork when listening to texts containing unfamiliar words;

ignore unfamiliar linguistic phenomena that are not essential for understanding the main content of the text being perceived by ear.


The student will have the opportunity to learn:

guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by similarity with Russian/native language, by word-forming elements, by context;

ignore unfamiliar words while reading, that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text;

use footnotes and linguistic and cultural reference books.

Written speech.

A fifth grader will learn:

Fill out questionnaires and forms in accordance with the standards adopted in the country of the language being studied;

Write a personal letter in response to a stimulus letter using speech etiquette formulas accepted in the country of the language being studied.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

make short extracts from the text for the purpose of using them in your own oral statements;

draw up a plan/thesis for an oral or written communication;

summarize in writing the results of your project activities;

write short written statements with support per sample.

In the basic school, the development of language knowledge and skills of schoolchildren continues.

Phonetic side of speech.

A fifth grader will learn:

Distinguish by ear and adequately, without phonemic errors leading to communication failure, pronounce all the sounds of the English language;

Observe the correct stress in the studied words;

Distinguish between communicative types of sentences by intonation;

Pronounce phrases adequately, without errors leading to communication failure, in terms of their rhythmic and intonation features, including observing the rule of no phrasal stress on function words.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

express modal meanings, feelings and emotions using intonation.


The student will learn to write the learned words correctly.

The student will have the opportunity to learn to compare and analyze letter combinations in English and their transcription.

Lexical side of speech.

A fifth grader will learn:

Recognize studied lexical units (words, phrases, cliché lines of speech etiquette) in written and spoken text, including polysemantic ones, within the scope of the primary school;

Use in oral and written speech in their basic meaning the studied lexical units (words, phrases, cliché lines of speech etiquette), including polysemantic ones, within the scope of the basic school in accordance with the communicative task being solved;

Observe the existing norms of lexical compatibility in the English language;

Recognize and form related words using the basic methods of word formation (affixation) within the scope of the main school in accordance with the communicative task being solved.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

use in speech in several meanings polysemantic words studied within the scope of the main topic schools;

find differences between the phenomena of synonymy and antonymy;

recognize words as parts of speech according to certain characteristics (articles, affixes, etc.);

use language guesswork in the reading process and listening (guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words by context and by word-formation element

The grammatical side of speech.

The student will learn:

Operate in the process of oral and written communication with the basic syntactic structures and morphological forms of the English language in accordance with the communicative task in a communicatively significant context;

Recognize and use in speech:

Various communicative types of sentences: affirmative, negative, interrogative (general, special, alternative, dividing questions), incentive (in affirmative and negative form);

Common simple sentences, including those with several adverbs in a specific order (We moved to a new house last year);

Sentences with initial It (It"s cold. It"s five o"clock. It"s interesting. It"s winter);

Sentences with initial There + to be (There are a lot of trees in the park);

Compound sentences with coordinating words and, but, or;

Nouns in singular and plural, formed according to the rule and exceptions;

Nouns with definite/indefinite/zero articles;

Personal, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite, relative, interrogative pronouns;

Adjectives in the positive, comparative and superlative degrees, formed according to the rule and exceptions; as well as adverbs expressing quantity (many/much, few/a few, little/a little);

Cardinal and ordinal numbers;

Verbs in the most common tense forms of the active voice: Present Simple, Future Simple and Past Simple;

Modal verbs and their equivalents (can, must).

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

recognize complex sentences with subordinate clauses with conjunctions who, which, that

Topics according to Federal State Educational Standards

Reflection of topics in teaching materials

Interpersonal relationships in the family, with peers; resolving conflict situations. Appearance and character traits of a person.

Leisure and hobbies (reading, cinema, theater, museum, music). Types of recreation, travel. Youth fashion. Purchases.

Module 1. English in Use 1 “Greetings”; Extensive Reading 1 “Citizenship”.

Module 2.“I'm from”; “My things”; “My collection”; English in Use 2 “Buying a souvenir”.

Module 3. English in Use 3 “Viewing a house”.

Module 4.“My family”; “Who’s who?”; “Famous people”; English in Use 4 “Identifying & people describing”; Extensive Reading 4 “Literature: My Family”; Sp. on R. “Hobbies”.

Module 6. “ At work”; English in Use 6 “Making suggestions”.

Module 7.“Dress right”; “It's fun”; English in Use 7 “Shopping for clothes”.

Module 8.“It’s my birthday”; English in Use 8 “Ordering food”.

Module 9.“Going shopping.”

Module 10. English in Use 10 “Renting (a bike/car)”.

School education, school life, subjects studied and attitudes towards them. Correspondence with foreign peers. Holidays at different times of the year.

Starter Unit.“The English Alphabet”; “Numbers”; “Colors”; “Classroom objects”; “Classroom language”.

Module 1."School"; “First day”; “Favorite subjects”.

Module 6."Weekends".

Module 10.“Travel & leisure”; “Summer fun”; Sp. on R. “Holidays”.

Universe and man. Nature: flora and fauna. Ecological problems. Environment protection. Climate, weather. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Transport.

Module 1. Culture Corner “Schools in England”; Sp. on R. “School life”.

Module 2. Culture Corner “UK souvenirs”; Extensive Reading 2 “Geography: English-speaking countries”; Sp. on R. “Our Country”.

Module 3.“At home”; “Move in!”; “My bedroom”; Culture Corner “A Typical English House”; Extensive Reading 3 “Art & Design: Taj Mahal”; Sp. on R. “Homes”.

Module 4. Culture Corner “American TV Families.”

Module 6. Culture Corner “Landmarks”; Sp. on R. “Fame”.

Module 7. Culture Corner “The Alaskan Climate”; extensive Reading 7 “Literature: what weather!”; Sp. on R. “Seasons”.

Module 8."Celebrations" Culture Corner “Thanksgiving”; Sp. on R. “Festivals”.

Module 9.“Let's go”; “Don’t miss it!”; Culture Corner “Busy spots in London”; English in Use 9 “Asking for/Giving directions”; Extensive Reading 9 “Maths: British Coins”; Sp. on R. “Museums”.

Module 10. Culture Corner “All aboard”.

Healthy lifestyle: work and rest schedule, sports, balanced nutrition, giving up bad habits.

Module 5.“Amazing creatures”; “At the zoo”; “My pet”; English in Use 5 “A visit to the vet”; Extensive Reading 5 “Science: It’s an insect’s life!”; Sp. on R. “Animals”.

Module 6.“Wake up!”; Extensive Reading 6 “Science: Sundials.”

Module 7.“Year after year.”

Module 8.“Master chef”; Extensive Reading 8 “PSHE: Danger! Keep out.”

Module 10.“Just a note...”.

Extensive Reading 10 “Geography: safe camping”.

Thematic planning

Section title

Characteristics of educational activities

Scheduled date

Date actually

English-speaking countries.

Get acquainted with the content of the course, master classroom expressions; conduct a dialogue, observing the norms of speech etiquette, perceive by ear and correctly reproduce lines from the dialogue, names of professions; conduct a dialogue and question about their family, their parents’ professions.

English alphabet

Letters (Aa-Hh).

Learn the English alphabet; speak about facts based on questions, perceive by ear and correctly reproduce lines from dialogue, observe the norms of pronunciation of English sounds in reading aloud and in oral speech and correctly pronounce sentences from the point of view of their rhythmic and intonation features, correctly use the indefinite article in speech a/an.

English alphabet

Letters (Ii-Rr).

Observe the correct stress in words and phrases, intonation in general. They greet, get to know each other, and introduce people when they meet.

English alphabet

Letters (Ss-Zz).

Conduct a questioning dialogue. They communicate information by answering questions of various types, observe the norms of pronunciation of sounds of the English language in reading aloud and in oral speech, and correctly pronounce sentences in terms of their rhythmic and intonation features.

English alphabet

Letters (Aa-Zz).

They conduct a dialogue, observing the norms of speech etiquette, and use colloquial clichés in their speech. Correctly reproduce and pronounce the sounds /w/, /i:/.

Numerals (1-10).

Request information independently. They distinguish numerals when reading and hearing, write the address based on the example.

Master basic lexical units, counting 1-10, color names; conduct a monologue, observing the norms of speech etiquette.

Verbs of place.

Express motivation using the imperative mood; respond to the interlocutor’s proposal with agreement/refusal, based on the studied topics and acquired lexical and grammatical material.

School supplies.

Fill out the form using the grammatical structures of what is this? - it is a cap, what color is the? -it is blue.

Class vocabulary. Verification work.

They use the indefinite article in speech, new lexical units on the topic, read and understand authentic texts, present a monologue statement, and draw up a lesson schedule.

Back to school.

They count from 12 to 20, use personal pronouns and the verb to be in speech, perform consolidation exercises, read the introduction dialogue at school and compose by analogy with each other.

Favorite items.

Use capital letters with the names of lessons, days of the week, names, listen to the recording and answer questions. They talk about a friend based on a profile.

Schools in England.

Compare the education system in Russia and Britain. They get acquainted with the school system in England, compose a monologue - a story about the students of an English school.

English in everyday life. Greetings.

They act out an etiquette dialogue, read the letters Aa and the letter combinations th.


They become familiar with the rules for working in groups and pairs and develop their own rules.

Repetition on the topic “School everyday life”.

Test on the topic: “School everyday life.”

They listen to the recording and connect country and nationality, study the rules for forming nationalities using ish, an, er, ese, use the picture to answer the question of which country the character is from, study the rules for using have got and do exercises.

My stuff.

They get acquainted with the vocabulary of international words, study the rules for forming the plural of nouns and do exercises, describe pictures using the index words This/these - that/those, act out a dialogue: make a list of gifts for their birthday.

My collection.

They listen and repeat numbers from 21 to 100, read the text about the stamp collection and find the necessary information, talk about the collections.

Corner of culture. Souvenirs from Great Britain.

They read a text about souvenirs from Great Britain and find the necessary information, talk about what they read.

Our country.

English in everyday life. Buying a souvenir.

They listen and read the dialogue, build their own dialogue, practice pronunciation skills and reading rules.

Repetition on the topic “I am from...”

Perform test tasks on vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, writing and speaking.

Test on the topic “I am from...”

Perform lexical and grammatical exercises in test tasks.

Geography. English-speaking countries.

Make up a quiz for classmates.

Get acquainted with active vocabulary. They listen and repeat ordinal numbers, read the text - a description of the house, answer questions about the text, act out a dialogue according to plan based on what they read.


They get acquainted with active vocabulary, use the construction There is/there are in speech, act out a dialogue about a new apartment.

My room.

Use prepositions of place and the construction there is/there are in speech, read the text, describe the room and make up a dialogue about their room.

Corner of culture. Typical English house.

English in everyday life. Home inspection.

Build etiquette dialogues about the location of rooms in the house.

Art and design. Taj Mahal.

They read the text, complete tasks for it, and build a monologue about the attraction.

Repetition on the topic “My home is my castle.”

Perform test tasks on vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, writing and speaking.

Test on the topic “My home is my fortress.”

Perform lexical and grammatical exercises in test tasks.

My family.

They read the text, answer questions, find the necessary information, use the verb and personal pronouns, act out a dialogue - asking about a friend’s family, write a diary page about their family according to the model.

My family.

They read the text, answer questions, find the necessary information, use the verb and personal pronouns, act out a dialogue - a question about a friend’s family, write a diary page about their family according to the model.

Who is who.

They read the text and dialogue aloud, translate, act out their own dialogue about a third person, write and present to the class a short text describing the appearance of their friend.

Famous people. Culture corner: American “TV families”.

They listen, read, translate the text, find the necessary requested information, answer questions about the text, make up a dialogue-question about a famous person, write a short story about their favorite idol.

We are writing a letter.

Write a short story about your favorite idol.

English in everyday life: description of people.

They listen and read the text, do exercises based on what they read, and act out a questioning dialogue in groups in a situation of recognizing and describing people.


They read a poem about the family, compose their own, and do exercises.

Repetition on the topic “Family Ties.”

Test on the topic “Family Ties”.

Perform lexical and grammatical exercises in test tasks.

English in Russia. School life.

Compare the education system in Russia and Britain.

They get acquainted with the school system in England, compose a monologue, a story about the students of an English school.

English in Russia. Our country.

They listen and read the dialogue, write a short essay about souvenirs from Russia.

At home in Russia.

They read texts about houses in England and Russia and describe their house.

English in Russia. Hobbies.

Determine the content of the text, read the text, construct statements.

Amazing creatures.

They become familiar with vocabulary, as well as the names of countries and continents. Read the text about wild animals, make a plan-message in connection with what they read.

In zoo.

Gets acquainted with vocabulary. They listen and read a dialogue about animals in the zoo, act out a questioning dialogue, and exchange opinions.

My pet.

They get acquainted with vocabulary, repeat grammar - Present Simple in exercises and oral speech, act out a question-and-answer dialogue about their favorite pets, write a short message about a pet in an online forum.

Corner of culture. Furry friends.

They listen and read the text, answer questions about what they read and have a conversation about national animal symbols; get acquainted with the lifestyle of the Kamchatka brown bear. Write a short article describing your favorite animal.

Animals of Russia.

Get acquainted with the lifestyle of the Kamchatka brown bear. Write a short article describing your favorite animal.

English in everyday life. Visit to the veterinary hospital.

They get acquainted with the vocabulary: What "s the matter? What"s wrong (with him)? Read the text, answer questions, do exercises based on the text, analyze the dialogue - At the veterinarian, find the requested information, act out a dialogue-question in the situation "At the veterinarian "

The science. From the life of an insect.

They repeat the Present Simple and do exercises to become familiar with vocabulary. Compose a mini-project about insects.

Repetition on the topic “Animals from all over the world.”

Repeat the material covered.

Test on the topic “Animals from all over the world.”

Perform lexical and grammatical exercises in test tasks.

Climb. Schedule.

Get acquainted with vocabulary. They listen and read the text, answer questions about what they read, make up a mini-dialogue - a question in connection with the read text.

At work.

Get acquainted with vocabulary. Act out a dialogue about the parents' professions. They get acquainted with Present Continuous grammar and do exercises to consolidate.

Act out a dialogue about the actions of the characters in the photo using the Present Continuous.


Get acquainted with vocabulary and expressions. Listen, read aloud an email about what family members are doing, act out a dialogue about family members' weekend activities.

Corner of culture. The main attractions of London.

Listen, read the text, find the requested information, answer questions. They draw up a plan for a story about the sights of Russia.

English in everyday life. An invitation to action.

They read the dialogue out loud and role-play, act out the dialogue in the cinema, zoo, park.


Get acquainted with vocabulary and expressions. Read a passage of text aloud and briefly retell it. Make a sundial according to the instructions.

Letter. Schedule.

Repeat the material covered.

Repetition on the topic “From morning to evening.”

Repeat the material covered.

Test on the topic “From morning to evening.”

Perform lexical and grammatical exercises in test tasks.

Year after year.

They say the months and seasons out loud. Translate sayings on this topic. Make up the dialogue “Talk on the phone.”

Dress properly.

Get acquainted with vocabulary. They listen to the recording and pronounce the words, do exercises to consolidate vocabulary, and act out a dialogue-question about clothing according to the weather.

This is cool.

They repeat the previously studied grammar of Present Simple and Continuous and do the exercises. Make up a monologue based on the picture, using the correct tense.

A letter to a friend.

Write a letter from a picture using the correct tense.

Corner of culture. Alaska climate.

Russia. Seasons.

Listen, read the text, find the requested information, answer questions. Make up a story plan and write a short report about the climate of your region.

English in everyday life. Buying clothes.

Get to know the expressions. They do exercises to consolidate vocabulary, act out a dialogue - In a clothing store, using LE.

Literature. Well, the weather.

Listen to the poem, read it aloud, fill in the blanks, and compose a short monologue about the climate in Russia, using words and expressions related to the topic.

Repetition on the topic “In any weather.”

Repeat the material covered.

Test on the topic “In any weather.”

Perform lexical and grammatical exercises in test tasks.

Repetition on the topic “Interrogative sentences”.

Repeat the material covered.

Famous people of Russia.

They compose and present a mini-project about famous people of Russia.


Get acquainted with vocabulary and expressions. Answer questions based on pictures. Read a text about harvest festivals in different countries and complete a message based on what they read. They get acquainted with grammatical material - countable and uncountable nouns, perform consolidation exercises, act out a mini-dialogue - In a restaurant, using correct grammar.

We cook ourselves. Pronouns much, many.

Get acquainted with vocabulary. Act out a dialogue - preparing to cook your favorite dish using vocabulary and constructions some/any(how) much/ (how) many. Perform exercises on the thereis/are turnover.

It's my birthday.

Get to know words and expressions. They listen to the recording with the dialogue, answer the question, act out the dialogue - an incentive to joint action. Make a plan to celebrate your birthday.

Thanksgiving Day.

Listen to a recording of the song Mr. Pumpkin, translate, answer questions. Read the Thanksgiving quiz, choose the correct answers, find the information requested, and answer the questions. Make up a quiz about one of the holidays in Russia.

Holidays in Russia. Festivals.

Make up a quiz about one of the holidays in Russia.

English in everyday life. Ordering food in a restaurant.

Getting to know LE. They read the questionnaire and the text about the rules in the kitchen, find the requested information in the text, and make statements based on what they read.

Fundamentals of safety and life. When I'm cooking in the kitchen.

Read and listen to the text, make up a dialogue in pairs.

Repetition on the topic “Special days.”

Repeat the material covered.

Test on the topic “Special days”.

Perform lexical and grammatical exercises in test tasks.

Go shopping.

Get acquainted with vocabulary. They listen, then read an article about a world famous toy store in London, and answer questions based on the text.

Let's go... Past tense of the verb to be Past Simple.

They do exercises to consolidate the indefinite article, fill in the gaps, correct mistakes, and describe objects in the pictures.

Past tense of the verb. Regular verbs.

Past tense of the verb. Irregular Verbs.

Use verbs in the past tense. Perform substitution exercises.

Lively places in London.

They read an article about Leicester Square - the center of theatrical life in London, answer questions, find the requested information.

Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad.

They read an article about museums in Russia and find the requested information.

How to get. Driving directions.

Get to know LE. Act out the dialogue using phrases and expressions. They express their opinions based on what they read and answer questions.


Listen, read the text, find the requested information, answer questions. Act out the dialogue.

Repetition on the topic “Living with the times.”

Repeat the material covered.

Test on the topic “Living with the times.”

Perform lexical and grammatical exercises in test tasks.

Travel and recreation.

They get acquainted with new vocabulary, answer questions on selected texts, and express their opinions on what they listened to. Act out dialogues about travel choices based on what they read.

Summer pleasures.

They listen and read aloud, role-playing, a dialogue encouraging joint action (sea holidays), and answer questions. They describe photographs of their vacation (according to plan) and talk about their vacation at the children's camp. They get acquainted with the future tense and do exercises to consolidate the material. Describe a picture on the topic - what do you think they will do after they have breakfast.

How to rent a car or bicycle.

Get acquainted with vocabulary on the topic “Diseases and ailments.” Make up micro-dialogues about health problems.

Geography. See you at summer camp.

They become familiar with the rules of behavior in the forest when hiking, read a comic, and create their own comic.

Repetition on the topic “Holidays”.

Repeat the material covered.

Final test for the 5th grade course.

Perform lexical and grammatical exercises.

General review of what was learned in 5th grade.

Repeat the material covered.

Educational and methodological support of the subject.

Names of objects and means of educational and methodological support

1. Apalkov, V. G. English in focus. 5-9 grades. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks “English in Focus” [Text] / V.G. Apalkov – M.: Education, 2014. – 84 p.

2. Vaulina, Yu.E. Textbook for 5th grade for the course “Spotlight / English in Focus” [Text] / Yu.E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O. E. Podolyako, V. Evans. – M.: Education, 2016. – 164 p.

3. Vaulina, Yu.E. Teacher's book for 5th grade for the course “Spotlight / English in Focus” [Text] / Yu.E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O. E. Podolyako, V. Evans. – M.: Education, 2014. – 192 p.

4. Vaulina, Yu.E. Workbook for 5th grade for the course “Spotlight / English in Focus” [Text] / Yu.E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O. E. Podolyako, V. Evans. – M.: Education, 2016. – 88 p.

5. Vaulina, Yu.E. Training exercises in the GIA format for the 5th grade for the course “Spotlight / English in Focus” [Text] / Yu.E. Vaulina, O. E. Podolyako. – M.: Education, 2016. – 112 p.

For students.

1. Vaulina, Yu.E. Textbook for 5th grade for the course “Spotlight / English in Focus” [Text] / Yu.E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O. E. Podolyako, V. Evans. – M.: Education, 2016. – 164 p.

2. Vaulina, Yu.E. Workbook for 5th grade for the course “Spotlight / English in Focus” [Text] / Yu.E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O. E. Podolyako, V. Evans. – M.: Education, 2016. – 88 p.

The program “Creative Writing and Practical English Grammar” was developed for students in grades 10-11 and is aimed at the comprehensive cross-cultural development of students, deepening linguistic and cultural knowledge of the English language, and their practical application. The purpose of this course is the development of foreign language communicative competence in the totality of its components - speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive.

According to the federal state educational standard for primary general education, the goal and main result of education at this stage of the country’s development is “the development of the student’s personality based on the mastery of universal educational activities, knowledge and mastery of the world. “Foreign language” is one of the important and new subjects in the training system of a modern primary school student in a multicultural and multilingual world. The specific activity that students master in the process of studying the subject “foreign language” is communicative (speech) activity in a foreign language. Based on this, the integrative goal of teaching English in primary school is the formation of elementary communicative competence of a junior student at an accessible level in the main types of speech activity - listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Subject: Metasubject

The program lasts 103 hours (3 hours per week). The program contains: an explanatory note, place in the curriculum, requirements for mastering, content by sections, technical technical requirements, bibliography, subject, personal and meta-subject results and assessment criteria.

This working curriculum in English is intended for grade 5 of a general education institution and is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education on the basis of the following regulatory documents:
. Sample programs for academic subjects. Foreign language grades 5-9 Moscow “Enlightenment” 2014
. Work programs English language grades 2-9 Moscow “Drofa” 2014
. UMK “New English course for Russian schools” Afanasyeva O.V., Mikheeva I.V., Yazykova N.V.
. Federal basic curriculum for general education institutions.
. Federal list of textbooks approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Target audience: for teachers

This Year 7 course helps students prepare for the Cambridge Preliminary Test (PET). In addition, the Cambridge course promotes mastering the format of international English language testing tasks, including for preparing for the state foreign language exam at school (OGE). The work program includes: explanatory note, thematic planning, calendar and thematic planning, features of teaching materials.

Target audience: for 7th grade

This program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010. No. 1897. The work uses a working curriculum, which is based on the “English in Focus” program, author V.G. Apalkov publishing house "Prosveshchenie" (5th edition, revised), 2012. This program corresponds to the textbook “English in Focus” for the sixth grade of general education institutions / Vaulina Yu.E., Evans V., Dooley J., Podolyako O.E. - M.: Express Publishing: Education, 2010.

Target audience: for 6th grade

This Year 8 course helps students prepare for the Cambridge Preliminary Test (PET). In addition, the Cambridge course promotes mastering the format of international English language testing tasks, including for preparing for the state foreign language exam at school (OGE). The work program includes: explanatory note, thematic planning, calendar and thematic planning, features of teaching materials.

Cambridge English language exams have been conducted around the world for about 100 years by the examination department of the University of Cambridge (Cambridge ESOL), the most authoritative leader in the examination of English language proficiency of various levels and areas. These exams are linked to the Common European Framework of Reference, which is the basis for the international assessment of language competence.

Target audience: for 8th grade

This work program in English for grade 5 is based on the educational complex "Star English 5" ("Starlight 5"). Authors: Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V., Milrud R. P., Evans V. The work program includes: annotation to the program, explanatory note, general characteristics and content of the course, thematic planning, calendar -thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities (LEA) for 5th grade and the features of teaching and learning activities.

Target audience: for 5th grade

The work program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education, Requirements for the results of mastering primary general education, Model programs in a foreign language.

This work program in English for grade 4 is based on the educational complex “Starlight 4”. Authors: Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V., Milrud R. P., Evans V. The work program includes: an explanatory note, general characteristics and course content, thematic planning, calendar and thematic planning with determination of the main types of educational activities (UAL) for 4th grade and features of teaching and learning activities.

Target audience: for 4th grade

The work program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, Requirements for the results of mastering basic general education, Model programs in a foreign language.
This work program in English for grade 9 is based on the educational complex "Star English 9" ("Starlight 9"). Authors: Baranova K. M., Dooley D., Kopylova V. V., Milrud R. P., Evans V. The work program includes: annotation to the program, explanatory note, general characteristics and content of the course, thematic planning, calendar -thematic planning (CTP) and features of teaching materials.

Target audience: for 9th grade

Calendar and thematic planning in English

Number of hours - 105

Compiled by Volkova N.A.


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Lesson type

form of control




Date plan

Date fact

Unit 1 Let's make a magazine.Let's make a magazine

Formation of lexical skills, development of oral speech and reading skills.

Unit 1. School magazine. Etiquette dialogue, conversation on Skype. Dialogue-questioning A school magazine. School magazine

A/H/G: etiquette dialogue: conversation on Skype (dating). Dialogue-question about the summer holidays. H/G: drawing up a dialogue according to the model. B/G/P: Identity card. Dialogue-questioning based identity card. P: complete sentences.

Combined lesson

L. Formation of motivation for studying a foreign language and the desire for self-improvement.

P.Understand the content of the text while listening, ask questions and answer them based on illustrations. Start, maintain and end etiquette dialogue. Operate in speech with studied lexical units and grammatical structures. Read dialogues in compliance with pronunciation standards, reproduce the intonation of the model. M. Fill out a simple form according to the sample. Work in pairs and small groups

Development of grammatical skills in oral and written speech.

Personal information. Etiquette dialogue. Dialogue – questioning. Personal information

personal information

A/G/H: etiquette dialogue the Past Simple Tense(introduction), dialogue - questioning about the events of the past, about the past summer (work in pairs). P: regular and irregular verbs, tables of regular and irregular verbs, simple past tense (study), complete sentences.

Combined lesson

L. Formation of motivation for studying a foreign language and the desire for self-improvement. Establishment of friendly relationships in the team. Self-esteem and respect for others.

P.Understand the content of the text while listening, ask questions and answer them based on illustrations. Start, maintain and end etiquette dialogue. Understand the rules for using verbs in Past Simple. Distinguish between regular and irregular verbs and the rules for their formation Past Simple.

M. evaluate the correctness of the educational task, highlight, summarize and record the necessary information.

Frontal with selective evaluation

Development of reading skills.

Personal information. Word formation.Personal information

H/G: The headlines. Word formation, filling out a table based on the text read

Combined lesson

L. Responsible attitude towards education and self-education, respect for the achievements of one’s own and other people’s successes.

M. Work independently, rationally organizing your work in the classroom. Work with the text you read, establish a logical sequence of basic facts.
Frontal with selective evaluation

Development of reading and listening skills. Improving pronunciation skills.

Nursery rhyme: “Mary had a little lamb” by Sarah J. Hale.

A/H/G/P: audio text-poem Mary had a little lamb, text To all good children in the United States, answer questions, write sentences based on the text you listened to and read.

Combined lesson

L.awareness of native culture through the context of the culture of English-speaking countries. The desire to improve one’s own speech culture as a whole.

P.Perceive by ear the text of a poem with individual new words, understand its content, follow the instructions given in it. Read the text silently, understand its general content and relate it to the illustration, briefly retell it, answer questions.

M. the idea of ​​a foreign language as a means of understanding the world and other cultures.

Frontal with selective evaluation

Development of reading and listening skills. Improving spelling writing skills.

Nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb" by Sarah J. Hale

A/P: audio text and writing a poem based on the listened text B/P: section Did you know? Filling out cards based on the text, supplementing sentences with information from the texts.

G: reciting one of the poems by heart.

Combined lesson

L.interest and respect for the language and culture of other peoples.

Value-based attitude to learning as a type of creative activity.

P.Perceive by ear the text of a poem with individual words, writing your own poem based on the text you listened to. Read the text silently, understand its general content, briefly retell it, answer questions, fill out cards based on the text.

M. show respect for partners, attention to the personality of the other, correlate your actions with the planned results, monitor your activities in the process of achieving results.

Frontal with selective evaluation

Unit 2 The competition.Competition (contest)

Formation of lexical and grammatical skills, development of listening and speaking skills.

Unit 2. “Competition”. Photo competition. Answers on questions. Dialogue-questioning. A photo competition.

A/G/H: audiotext-story A photo competition, H/G: A/H: G: description of the picture.

Combined lesson

L.ability to work in pairs, groups; mutual assistance.

value attitude towards people’s work and achievements.

P.Perceive aurally and visually a text with some new words and constructions, understand the general content, guess the meaning of new words and constructions from the context. Conduct a questioning dialogue based on text and illustrations. Recognize and use studied lexical units and grammatical structures in speech. Use a dictionary. Describe the picture using lexical and grammatical material.

M. be able to establish working relationships, collaborate effectively and facilitate productive cooperation; adequately use speech means for discussion and argumentation.

Frontal with selective evaluation

Development of dialogical speech skills. Formation of grammatical skills.

A day in the life of…

A day in the life...

A/G/H: audiotext-story A photo competition, H/G: answers to questions dialogue - questioning about the pictures. A/H: etiquette dialogue The Present Continuous Tense. G: description of the picture.

Combined lesson

L.formation of communicative competence; establishing friendly relationships in the team based on mutual assistance and mutual support.

P.Read aloud a text based on the material studied, observing the rules of pronunciation, stress, and rhythm of the English sentence. Perceive text visually, recognize familiar words, grammatical structures, and fully understand its content. Understand the rules for using verbs in Present Continuous.

M. Fill out the table according to the sample; use the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to various criteria, establishing analogies,

Frontal with selective evaluation

P. 18 ex. 14, 17

Formation of lexical and grammatical skills in writing.

A day in the life...

H: text about Alison's daily routine. A/G: audio text and filling out the table based on what you listened to. P/G: drawing up a schedule for the day, dialogue-questioning about the daily routine. A/H/G: audio text A surprise for Kate, dialogue-questioning about the competition.

Combined lesson

L. Knowledge and implementation of sanitary and hygienic rules and adherence to a health-preserving daily regimen; desire for an active lifestyle.

P.Read aloud a text based on the material studied, observing the rules of pronunciation, stress, and rhythm of the English sentence. Perceive text visually, recognize familiar words, grammatical structures, and fully understand its content. Compose your own text using analogy. Conduct a dialogue-question about the daily routine.

M. Work in pairs. Enter into dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of the problem, master monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the studied grammatical and lexical norms.

Frontal with selective evaluation

P. 19 ex. 20, 21

Development of lexical and grammatical skills.

Camera and Photography

Camera and photography

A/ H: audio text How do cameras work? Grammar: Past Simple, Present Simple ( usage), verb forms in Past Simple, Present Simple.

Combined lesson

L. The ability to show discipline, consistency, dedication and independence when completing educational tasks. A value-based attitude towards people’s work and achievements.

P.Perceive aurally and visually a text with some new words and constructions, understand the general content, guess the meaning of new words and constructions from the context. Recognize and use studied lexical units and grammatical structures in speech, compose sentences according to the model. Understand the rules of use Past Simple, Present Simple.

M. Develop the ability to plan your speech and non-speech behavior.

Frontal with selective evaluation

Development of dialogical speech skills.

Camera and photography
H/G: text Ask uncle Harry, dialogue-questioning about photographs, discussing your photographs. A/G: audio text Say Cheese, answers to questions, dialogue-questioning about the holidays.

Combined lesson

L.need to search for truth; confidence in yourself and your abilities.

M.Carry out information search, use a linguistic and regional reference book, a dictionary, use various methods of memorizing words.

Frontal with selective evaluation

P. 23 ex. 32, 33

Unit 3 At the film studio.In the film studio.

Development of lexical and grammatical skills of oral speech.

In the film studio.

A/G/H: audio text - history A film studio, answers to questions, audio text-conversation. G: dialogue - question about Josie.

Combined lesson

L.ideas about moral norms and rules of moral behavior; conviction in the priority of universal human values. An idea of ​​friendship and friends, an attentive attitude to their interests and hobbies.

P.Perceive aurally and visually a text with some new words and constructions, understand the general content, guess the meaning of new words and constructions from the context. answer questions Conduct a questioning dialogue based on the text you listened to. Recognize and use studied lexical units and grammatical structures in speech. Use a dictionary.

M. Work in pairs. Enter into dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of a problem, master monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the studied grammatical and lexical norms.
Frontal with selective evaluation

Formation of grammatical skills. Improving speech skills.

The life of a stunt artist.

The Life of a Stunt Artist

A/G/H: audio text Construction like/go/do + –ing form. G: Filling out the table, role play: interview between male/female stunt coordinator and film director. P: complete sentences.

Combined lesson

L.respectful attitude towards people of various professions. A responsible attitude towards education and self-education, an understanding of their importance in the conditions of the modern information society.

P.Perceive a text with some new constructions like/go/do + –ing form. Fill out the table, role-play the dialogue, complete an exercise to complete sentences using grammatical constructions.

Frontal with selective evaluation

Development of reading and speaking skills.

The life of a stunt choreographer.
G/H: Design would like to, dialogue-conversation between children, dialogue-questioning what would you like to do?A/G: audio text Warning signs, dialogue about danger signs . G/H: answers to questions, text about favorite films. H: text How do you make a film? A/G: audio texts who are they? A young actress dialogue - questioning about the actors.

Combined lesson

L. Awareness of the value of human life; the desire not to commit actions that threaten one’s own health and safety. Ability to conduct discussions and make assessments.

P.Study the rules for using the design would like to. Conduct a dialogue-conversation and a dialogue-question using the studied grammatical structures and verb forms. Perceive by ear a text with studied words and constructions, understand its general content, ask and answer questions based on the information heard, guess the meaning of new words from the context.

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