Curriculum for the subject. Work programs How to create a work program

World of the Russian word

Calendar and thematic planning of the subject _____________ for the 2012 – 2013 academic year

Requirements for the level of training of secondary school graduates

As a result of studying a foreign language, the student must


basic meanings of the studied lexical units (words, phrases); main methods of word formation (affic

sation, compounding, conversion);

features of the structure of simple and complex sentences of the foreign language being studied; intonation of various commu-

native sentence types;

signs of the studied grammatical phenomena (aspectual forms of verbs, modal verbs and their equivalents,

articles, nouns, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, pronouns, numerals, prepositions);

basic norms of speech etiquette (cliche remarks, the most common evaluative vocabulary) adopted in the country

the language being studied;

the role of foreign language skills in the modern world; features of the lifestyle, way of life, culture of the countries being studied

language (world-famous landmarks, outstanding people and their contributions to world culture), similarities and differences in

traditions of your country and the countries of the language being studied;

be able to speak

start, conduct/maintain and end a conversation in standard communication situations, observing the norms of speech ethics

that, if necessary, asking again, clarifying; question the interlocutor and answer his questions, expressing his opinion,

request, respond to the interlocutor’s proposal with consent/refusal, based on the topic studied and the vocabulary acquired

grammatical material; talk about yourself, your family, friends, your interests and plans for the future, provide brief information

about your city-| de/village, your country and the country of the language being studied; make short messages, describe events/phenomena(i

within the framework of the topics studied), convey the main content, the main idea of ​​what was read or heard, express one’s attitude

In response to what you read/heard, give a brief description of the characters;

use paraphrases and synonymous means in the process of oral communication;


understand the main content of short, simple, authentic pragmatic texts (weather forecast, programs

television/radio broadcasts, announcements at the station/airport) and highlight significant information;

understand the main content of simple authentic texts related to different communicative types of speech

(message/story); be able to determine the topic of the text, highlight the main facts, omitting the secondary ones; use questioning

repeat the request;


navigate a foreign language text; predict its content by title;

divide the main facts, omitting the secondary ones; establish a logical sequence of the main facts of the text);

semantic processing of the text (language guesswork, analysis, selective translation), evaluate the information received, express

written language

fill out questionnaires and forms;

write congratulations, personal letters based on a sample: ask the recipient about his life and affairs, report the same about

to yourself, express gratitude, request, using speech etiquette formulas adopted in the countries of the language being studied;


social adaptation; achieving mutual understanding in the process of oral and written communication with speakers of foreign languages

a strange language, establishing interpersonal and intercultural contacts within accessible limits; creating a complete picture

multilingual, multicultural world, awareness of the place and role of the native language and the foreign language being studied in this world;

familiarization with the values ​​of world culture through foreign language sources of information (including multimedia),

through participation in school exchanges, tourist trips, youth forums;

familiarizing representatives of other countries with the culture of their people; awareness of oneself as a citizen of one’s country and the world.

High school (10th – 11th grade)


Studying a foreign language at the basic level of secondary (complete) general education is aimed at achieving

the following purposes:

Further developmentforeign language communicative competence (speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory

noah, educational and cognitive):

speech competence- improvement of communication skills in four main types of speech activity

(speaking, listening, reading and writing); skills to plan your speech and non-speech behavior;

language competence- mastery of new language tools in accordance with selected topics and areas

communication: increasing the volume of used lexical units; development of skills in operating language units in commu-

nicative purposes;

sociocultural competence- increasing the amount of knowledge about the sociocultural specifics of the country/countries being studied

language, improving the ability to construct one’s speech and non-verbal behavior adequate to this specificity, developing skills

highlight the general and specific in the culture of the native country and the country of the language being studied;

compensatory competence- further development of skills to overcome situations in conditions of language deficiency;

means for receiving and transmitting foreign language information;

educational and cognitive competence- development of general and special educational skills that allow improvement

carry out educational activities on mastering a foreign language, satisfy with its help cognitive interests in other

areas of knowledge.

development and educationability and readiness for independent and continuous study of a foreign language,

further self-education with its help, the use of a foreign language in other areas of knowledge; ability to self-

self-assessment through observation of one’s own speech in native and foreign languages; personal self-determination in relation to

their future profession; social adaptation; formation of the qualities of a citizen and patriot.

(*At the level of secondary (complete) general education, either

continued study of a second foreign language through the educational institution component.)

Requirements for the level of preparation of high school graduates

As a result of studying a foreign language at a basic level, the student must


The meanings of new lexical units related to the topics of this stage of learning and the corresponding situations of learning

language, including evaluative vocabulary, cliché remarks of speech etiquette, reflecting the cultural characteristics of the country/countries being studied.

my language;

The meaning of the studied grammatical phenomena in an expanded volume (aspectual-temporal, non-personal and indefinite-personal

forms of the verb, forms of the conditional mood, indirect speech / indirect question, incentive, etc., coordination of tenses);

Regional information from authentic sources, enriching the social experience of schoolchildren: information about the country

non/countries of the language being studied, their science and culture, historical and modern realities, public figures, place in the world

community and world culture, relations with our country, linguistic means and rules of speech and non-speech behavior

tions in accordance with the sphere of communication and social status of the partner;

be able to speak

conduct a dialogue using value judgments in situations of official and informal communication (within the framework of the studied

no topic); talk about yourself, your plans; participate V discussing problems in connection with reading/listening to foreign

in a language text, observing the rules of speech etiquette; talk about your surroundings, reason within the framework of the studied topic

and issues; present a sociocultural portrait of your country and the country/countries of the language being studied;


relatively fully and accurately understand the interlocutor’s statements in common standard everyday situations

communication, understand the main content and extract the necessary information from various audio and video texts: pragmatic

mathematical (announcements, weather forecast), journalistic (interviews, reportage), corresponding to the topic of this level


using the main types of reading (introductory, studying, searching/viewing) depending on the communicative


written language

write a personal letter, fill out a questionnaire, present information about yourself in writing in the form accepted in the country/countries of study

foreign language, make extracts from a foreign language text;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life For:

communication with representatives of other countries, orientation in the modern multicultural world;

obtaining information from foreign language sources of information (including via the Internet) necessary in educational

educational and self-educational purposes;

expanding opportunities in choosing future professional activities;

studying the values ​​of world culture, cultural heritage and achievements of other countries; familiarization of representatives

foreign countries with the culture and achievements of Russia.

Standards for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students in a foreign language

The assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities should be based on a communicative approach: students’ implementation

any type of school of communication and their solution of communicative problems. Assessment standards must be correlated with the quality

quality in performing these tasks.

Foreign language assessment

“5” is given in the case when communication took place, the graduate’s statement corresponded to the stated

communicative task and at the same time his oral speech fully complied with the norms of the foreign language

language within the program requirements of one of the levels - basic or advanced. At the same time, the release

Nick fully understood and comprehended the content of the read foreign language text to the extent provided for

task, is able to express his opinion and attitude towards the proposed micro-topic and the problems raised in

text. Translation into a foreign language at an advanced level is adequate to basic grammatical norms

“4” is put in the case when communication took place, the graduate’s statement corresponded to the stated

communicative task and at the same time he expressed his thoughts in a foreign language with little deviation

deviation from linguistic norms;

(for example, errors in the use of articles, prepositions, incorrect use of case forms, etc.), and

Otherwise, his speech corresponded to the norms of a foreign language within the program requirements of one

one of the levels - basic or advanced.

At the same time, the graduate understood and comprehended the content of the read foreign language text to the extent provided for

given the task, is able to express his opinion and attitude towards the proposed micro-topic and the problems raised

tym in the text. Translation into a foreign language at an advanced level is adequate for basic grammar

standards The graduate corrects minor inaccuracies when asking a leading question himself.

“3” is put in the case when communication took place, the graduate’s statement corresponded to the stated

communicative task, but at the same time the graduate expressed his thoughts with deviations from language norms,

not interfering, however, with understanding the content of what was said. The graduate understood and comprehended the main idea of ​​the

given foreign language text to the extent provided for by the task, he is able to express his opinion and

attitude towards the proposed micro-topic and the problems raised in the text. Translation into a foreign language is right-

vilen in three cases out of five at an increased level

“2” is put in the case when communication did not take place or the graduate’s statement did not correspond

assigned communicative task. The graduate has poorly mastered the language material covered and is

speaking does not allow one to understand the content of most of what he says. However, he did not understand the content

read foreign language text. Translation into a foreign language is correct in two or fewer cases out of five

at elevated levels

Note: When assessing a graduate’s oral monologue statement, it is important to take into account the basic and additional

nitive indicators.

Basic indicators of competent foreign language utterance Additional indicators

Compliance with a given micro-theme;

The volume of utterance depending on the level of training;

Logic and consistency of statements;

Using a variety of speech patterns

Phonetic design of speech;

Literacy of presentation.

Workshop for teachers.

How to write a work program for Federal State Educational Standards LLC.

Annotation: On September 1, 2015, the implementation of federal state educational standards in basic schools begins. Each teacher who will work in 5th grade in the 2015-2016 academic year must write a work program for their subject. These methodological recommendations are intended for subject teachers who will have to draw up work programs for the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC. How to minimize such a lot of work for a teacher, what Internet resources exist to help a teacher - this is what the methodological recommendations presented are about.

So, you are lucky; in the 2015-2016 school year you will be in fifth grade. Deputy directors demand to write a work program for the Federal State Educational Standard. How to do this? Most likely, you have already seen, read, and even tried to understand the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. I can assume that there were still questions in my head, and some things remained unclear. Take a break from everything and focus on the main thing - drawing up a work program for the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC in your subject.

  1. The first rule is that your school must have a local act “Regulations on the work program for the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC.” Such documents are usually adopted at Pedagogical Councils by the entire teaching staff of the educational organization.
From this local act you will learn how it is customary to write work programs in your school: for one academic year or for the entire level of basic general education. It is more correct to write for the entire level, i.e. for grades 5-9 (depending on what grade and how many years your subject has been studied, for example, mathematics is written for grades 5-6, respectively). Unfortunately, some deputy directors who draw up the local act “Regulations on the work program” try to provide for everything and therefore overload the said local act with unnecessary information. There is a law - on the basis of which you can write a program (rule: no less, but not more!!!)

  1. Second rule. The teacher must follow two points when drawing up a work program - this is the structure of the work program (we take it from the local act, which must comply with the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC; the last specified document also prescribes the structure of the work program), and this is the content of the work program.

  2. Work program structure:

  • Explanatory note

  • General characteristics of the item

  • Place of the subject in the curriculum

  • Personal, interdisciplinary and subject-specific results of mastering an academic subject

  • Subject content

  • Thematic planning

  • Educational-thematic and material-technical support of the educational process.
These are mandatory structural elements of the work program for the Federal State Educational Standard. Let's look at these parts of the work program.

IN "Explanatory note" The teacher must indicate the goals and objectives of studying his subject. Where can I get this information? The goals and objectives are listed in a document known as the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education.

It would be more correct to include the following sentence in the Explanatory Note: “The main goal of the work program is the implementation of the Basic Educational Program of Basic General Education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the fulfillment of the state municipal task.”

IN “General characteristics of the subject” The teacher indicates the sections of his academic subject for each class. For example:

Story. 5th grade.

Section 1. Introduction to the history of the Ancient World.

Section 2. Primitiveness.

Section 3. Ancient East.

Section 4. Ancient world.

In this structural element of the work program, it is recommended to list the forms of organizing the educational activities of students - lessons, lectures, workshops, seminar lessons, test lessons, excursions, laboratory work, practical work, etc.

It also lists the methods of organizing educational activities, that is, with the help of what, what techniques the teacher will implement the work program. It must be remembered that the methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC is a system-activity approach.

Finally, the connection between your academic subject and other academic subjects is described.

Section “Place of the subject in the curriculum” can be presented in the form of such tables (two options):

Option 1.

Option 2.


Number of hours per week

Number of school weeks

Total hours per year


Practical, laboratory







Chapter "Content of the subject"- when we wrote work programs for FC GOS BUP 2004, the content was taken from the standard (the so-called didactic units). Now we take the content from the Federal State Educational Standard for each subject (just copy and paste into your work program).

Chapter "Thematic planning", in my opinion, requires no explanation. The only note is that if the work program is written for the entire level, for example, for grades 5-9, then it is more advisable to write Thematic Planning annually, which must be recorded in the school’s local act.

Chapter “Educational, thematic and logistical support of the educational process” can be presented in the form of the following table:

Possible information presentation option:

Name of objects and means of educational, methodological and logistical support


Library collection (printed products)

Printed manuals

Technical training aids

Screen and sound aids

Equipment class

Electronic educational resources

Free educational Internet resources

Probably, the attentive reader noticed that there are no explanations for the section “Personal, interdisciplinary and subject-specific results of mastering an academic subject.” This was done on purpose, since from experience, this section is the most difficult for a teacher, so we will highlight a separate paragraph for this section.

  1. Chapter “Personal, interdisciplinary and subject-specific results of mastering an academic subject”.
In order to write this section without difficulty, you need to understand what personal results are, what interdisciplinary results are, and what subject results are.

Personal results- are listed in detail in the Approximate basic educational program of basic general education, approved by the decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education (protocol dated April 8, 2015 No. 1/15).

Interdisciplinary results include interdisciplinary concepts mastered by students: the formation of reading competence, the acquisition of skills in working with information, the acquisition of experience in project activities and universal educational activities (regulatory, cognitive, communicative).

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards LLC, three groups of universal educational actions are distinguished: regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

Regulatory UUD This is the ability to independently determine learning goals, set and formulate new tasks in learning and cognitive activity, and develop the motives and interests of one’s cognitive activity.

Cognitive UUD This is the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently select grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive, by analogy) and draw conclusions.

Communicative UUD this is the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on coordinating positions and taking into account interests; formulate, argue and defend your opinion.

Subject results The easiest thing to write is the results of studying a specific subject.

The list of all of the above results is indicated in the Approximate basic educational program of basic general education, approved by the decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education (protocol dated April 8, 2015 No. 1/15).

Possible option for presenting personal results:

Possible option for presenting interdisciplinary results:

Module no.

Educational result

Number of years to master


Meta-subject results:

  1. Regulatory


Result 1


  1. Cognitive


Result 1


  1. Communication


Result 1


Possible option for presenting subject results:

Module no.

Subject result

Number of years to master


Is it subject to intermediate certification?

  1. The student will learn (basic level):


Result 1


  1. The student will have the opportunity to learn (advanced level):


Result 1


  1. Internet resources for teachers to help write and compile a work program.
There is a main resource on the Internet - the site “Public Expertise of Regulatory Documents in the Field of Education”, where, firstly, programs for each subject according to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC are presented, as well as a designer of work programs for the Federal State Educational Standard. This designer does not have legislative force and is advisory in nature, but is the main methodological tool for drawing up work programs.

  1. Tips for drafting:

  • Some teachers follow the “path of least resistance,” as they say, namely, they download ready-made work programs of other teachers from the Internet or buy books with ready-made work programs printed. But you must admit, remaking someone’s finished product to suit your own needs requires a lot of time resources. Firstly, you may not be satisfied with everything in the finished product, secondly, no one guarantees that the finished product contains all the necessary didactic units according to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, thirdly, the finished product will not comply with your local act on the work program. Therefore, it is still more advisable to create work programs for yourself, for your classes, for your school.

  • it is necessary to remember that the work programs of teachers are an integral part of the Basic educational program of the educational organization. That is, in your educational institution for the next academic year there will be at least four educational programs - the main educational program for grades 1-4 according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, the main educational program for grades 6-9, the main educational program for grades 5-9 according to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC. The fact is that, in accordance with the law, basic educational programs are written for the entire level of education, which is why it is more expedient to write working programs for the entire level. In addition, the main educational program at the basic school level according to the Federal State Educational Standard consists of two parts: 70% is the Federal State Educational Standard, and 30% is the part formed by the participants in the educational process.
You should ask the deputy directors who oversee the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC about this last part. What will this part be like in your school? Will it be included in the content of your work programs? I repeat once again, the teacher’s work program is an integral part of the main educational program, so it logically turns out that 30% of your program should be the part formed by the participants in the educational process. What could it be? Excursions, generalization lessons, repetition lessons, tests, project activities.

It is also necessary to remember that project activity is mandatory for each subject in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, it is necessary to include a list of design work in your subject as an appendix to the work program.

Is it possible to make changes and adjustments to the work program? It’s possible, because it’s not for nothing that the program is called a working program, because they work with it. But changes and adjustments must be included in the local act “Regulations on the work program”.

And, in conclusion, I would like to note that the work program is the main document according to which the teacher will work, therefore, when I draw up a work program, the teacher, first of all, works for himself.

I wish you success in drawing up your work program!


A work program is an individual tool for a teacher, in which he determines the most optimal and effective content, forms, methods and techniques for organizing the educational process for a particular class in order to obtain a result that meets the requirements of the standard.

Compiled by a subject teacher for a specific academic subject and calculated, as a rule, per academic year or level of study. For example, “Work program for a biology course in 6th grade,” “Work program for basic general education in biology.” When drawing up a work program, factors such as:

  • targets and value bases for the activities of an educational institution;
  • students' health status;
  • their level of ability;
  • the nature of educational motivation;
  • quality of educational achievements;
  • educational needs;
  • teacher's capabilities;
  • the state of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational institution.

The development of a work program, which is a rather complex educational and regulatory document, requires a high level of qualifications from the author-compiler. The author's lack of readiness to develop new or modernize existing programs is the cause of serious shortcomings in them.

The most typical shortcomings in work programs:
the goals and objectives of the school’s educational program are not taken into account;
some mandatory sections are missing, for example, requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities; justification of the goals, objectives of the course and others;
provision of the proposed program with the necessary educational and methodological complex is not always provided;
the principle of continuity with other programs in the educational field or subject is not observed.

Requirements for the design of work programs

The text of the teacher’s work program includes 8 main structural elements:
1. Title page (program name).
2. Explanatory note.
3. Educational and thematic plan.
4. Contents of the topics of the training course.
5. Requirements for the level of training of students enrolled in this program.
6. Calendar and thematic planning.
7. List of educational and methodological support. List of references (main and additional).
8. Applications to the program.

All structural elements of the work program must be clearly identified and meet certain requirements for them.

Explanations of the structural elements of the program

The functions of the program determine the following requirements for it:

1. Taking into account the main provisions of the school’s educational program (social order requirements, requirements for graduates, goals and objectives of the educational process, features of the school’s curriculum).
2. The relationship of curricula within the educational field, a reflection of the complete, holistic content of education.
3. Presence of signs of a normative document.
4. Sequence of arrangement and relationship of all elements of the course content; determination of methods, organizational forms and means of teaching, which reflects the unity of the content of education and the learning process in the construction of the program.
5. Complete disclosure of the goals and values ​​of learning with the inclusion in the program of all necessary and sufficient elements of content for the implementation of the set goals (knowledge about nature, society, technology, people, methods of activity; experience of creative activity; experience of an emotional and value-based attitude to reality).
6. Specificity of presentation of elements of educational content.

Table 1
Structural elements of a teacher’s work program

Work program elements

Title page

Full name of the educational institution,
- stamp of approval of the program (by the teaching council or methodological association of the school and the school director, indicating the date);
- the name of the training course for which the program was written;
- indication of the parallel on which the program is studied;
- last name, first name and patronymic of the program developer (one or more);
- name of the city, locality;
- year of program development.

Explanatory note

To whom the program is addressed: type (general education, special education, etc.), type (gymnasium, lyceum, etc.) of educational institution and definition of the class of students;
- concept (main idea) of the program;
- validity (relevance, novelty, significance);
- it is indicated which educational area this subject belongs to;
- the goals of the academic subject for each level of education are briefly formulated;
- an indication of the place and role of the course in training;
- goals, objectives;
- timing of the program implementation;
- basic principles for selecting material and a brief explanation of the logic of the program structure, including disclosure of the connections between basic and additional education in a given subject (if any);
- general characteristics of the educational process: methods, forms of teaching and training schedule;
- logical connections of this subject with other subjects (sections) of the curriculum (educational) plan;
- expected results;
- system for assessing student achievements;
- tools for evaluating results;
- the system of symbols used in the text of the program is given.

Educational and thematic plan

List of sections, the sequence of their study;
- the number of hours to study each section and each topic;
- type of classes (theoretical or practical, number of hours)

List and title of section and topics of the course;
- the required number of hours to study a section or topic;
- content of the training topic:
main issues being studied;
practical and laboratory work, creative and practical tasks, excursions and other forms of classes used in training;
requirements for knowledge and skills of students;
forms and issues of control;
possible types of independent work for students;
- regional component.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students enrolled in this program

This section sets out the requirements for:
- knowledge;
- skills;
- competencies.
The forms of monitoring students' knowledge are specified

List of educational and methodological support. List of references (main and additional)

Methodological and teaching aids;
- equipment and devices;
- didactic material;
- literature used in preparing the program;
- literature recommended for students;
- educational CDs.

Applications to the program

Commentary on the structural elements of a teacher’s work program

1. The development and approval of work programs for educational courses and disciplines falls within the competence of educational institutions (clauses 6 and 7 of Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

2. Purpose explanatory note in the structure of the program is to:

Briefly and reasonably characterize the essence of this educational subject, its functions, specifics and significance for solving the general goals and objectives of education defined in the educational program of this level of schoolchildren’s education;
give an idea of ​​the ways of developing educational material, show in general terms the methodological system for achieving the goals that are set when studying the subject, and describe the means of achieving them.

The explanatory note explains the relevance of studying this course, its objectives and specifics, as well as methods and forms of solving the assigned problems (practical assignments, independent work, trainings, etc.), recommendations for their implementation. For compiling programs, the output data of the materials (programs, teaching aids, etc.) that were used in compiling the program must be indicated. The explanatory note must justify the proposed content and scope of the course, indicate the number of hours allocated to study this course in accordance with the curriculum, forms of control and possible options for its implementation. The number and nature of control activities to assess the quality of student training must be clearly justified. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate how exactly these activities make it possible to identify the compliance of educational results with the goals and objectives of training.

3. In educational and thematic terms The topics of the course, the sequence of their study, the organizational forms of training used and the number of hours allocated both for studying the entire course and for individual topics are reflected. The curriculum is traditionally presented in the form of a table.

When filling out the calendar-thematic plan, it should be taken into account that the wording of the topic of the work program, the calendar-thematic plan and the entries in the educational journal must match.

  • unity of training content at its different levels;
  • reflection of the tasks of personality development in the content of training;
  • the scientific nature and practical significance of the training content;
  • accessibility of training;
  • maintaining continuity.

When describing content of work program topics The following sequence of presentation may be recommended:

  • topic name;
  • the required number of hours to study it;
  • content of the training topic:
  • main issues being studied;
  • practical and laboratory work, creative and practical tasks, excursions and other forms of classes used in training;
  • requirements for knowledge and skills of students;
  • forms and issues of control;
  • possible types of independent work for students.

5.In the block of the work program “Requirements for the level of training of students” the requirements should be reflected under the headings “Know/understand”, “Be able”, “Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life”.
This item of the work program may include a list of questions for final control in the discipline being studied. The control must be planned and recorded in the educational and thematic plan. (Information about tests, laboratory, practical work and excursions).

6. Literature on the academic discipline is divided into basic and additional. The list of basic literature includes publications, the content of which specifies the knowledge of students on the main issues outlined in the program. The additional list depends on the preferences of the authors of the work program. It includes publications that expand students’ knowledge on individual aspects and issues of the course.
The bibliographic list highlights publications intended for students and literature for teachers (both basic and additional). The list of references includes bibliographic descriptions of publications recommended by the author of the program, which are listed in alphabetical order indicating the author, title of the book, place and year of publication.
Example: Gorsky D.., Ivin A.A. A brief dictionary of physical education. M: Enlightenment. 2006.

7. Calendar and thematic planning is drawn up in the traditional form.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” does not define the requirements for the work program.
Each teacher chooses an independent form of notes, a text version of the work program.
One of the options for the work program can be drawn up by analogy with the requirements for a standard curriculum.
A teacher can make adjustments to all structural elements of the program, taking into account the characteristics of his educational institution and the characteristics of students in a particular class.
For example, determine a new procedure for studying the material, change the number of hours, make changes to the content of the topic being studied, and add requirements for the level of students’ preparation.
This will allow you to see the features of the content implemented by the teacher, but does not contain information about the features of the organization of the educational process.

1. General Provisions.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in paragraph 2.7 of Article 32 “Competencies and responsibilities of an educational institution” states that the competence of an educational institution includes “the development and approval of work programs for educational courses and disciplines.”

The main documents containing the requirements for the level of training of students and the minimum content of education are:

  1. State educational standard (federal and regional components).
  2. The basic curriculum of the school, compiled on the basis of the MBUP.

Work training programs are drawn up on the basis of sample programs, reviewed by the methodological association, approved by the school’s methodological council and the director.

Work programs are based on the requirements of the State educational standard for the subject. Unlike the sample program, they are based on the educational program of the school, taking into account the main directions of development, the national-regional component is described, the possibilities of methodological, information, and technical support of the educational process, the level of preparedness of students of a particular educational institution and class are taken into account.

In accordance with modern requirements for planning the educational process, the working curriculum for the subject must reflect and specify the key competencies that can be developed in this academic discipline, i.e. their component composition is described taking into account the specifics of the subject.

In addition, in the work program for the subject, if there is a final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam (USE) in grades 11 and GIA-9 in grades 9, time should be allocated to prepare for this form of certification when studying the didactic units included in the USE and GIA-9.

The work program of the academic discipline is the same for all forms of education: classroom, home, individual and external studies.

Invariant part of the work program- in it, the teacher can, at his own discretion, reveal the content of those main sections and topics that are designated in the standard as didactic units, relying on scientific schools and teaching aids that he considers appropriate. Based on his considerations (interdisciplinary connections, the need for faster preparation for the Unified State Exam and GIA-9), he can establish the sequence of studying educational material, distribute the time allotted for studying the course between sections and topics according to their significance, develop a list of laboratory work and practical classes, select topics for independent study by schoolchildren, specify the requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, include the material of the school component in the amount of teaching hours allocated for this discipline, select, based on the tasks facing the academic discipline, technologies, forms and methods of teaching and monitoring knowledge and skills .

2. The procedure for developing a working curriculum.

The working curriculum includes a title page, an explanatory note, a calendar-thematic plan for the current academic year, the content of educational material, mandatory laboratory, practical, test and other works, educational results, methods and forms for assessing the achievement of these results, educational and methodological and information support for the course, list of literature for students. Other documents that are necessary for the teacher to fully and effectively implement the educational process (for example, codifiers, approximate control options, etc.) may be attached to the working curriculum.

1) The title page indicates:

  • full name of the founder and educational institution in accordance with the charter;
  • where, when and by whom the working curriculum was approved;
  • Full name. the teacher who compiled this working curriculum;
  • name of the methodological association (department);
  • name of educational field;
  • name of the academic subject (course);
  • name of the class, its number and letter;
  • indications of whether the work curriculum belongs to the stage or level of general education;
  • an indication of the sample program and its authors, on the basis of which this working curriculum was developed (title, authors);
  • the number of hours allocated to studying the subject per year;
  • educational and methodological set (title, authors, output data);
  • additional literature.

2) An explanatory note is one of the most important sections of the work program. The explanatory note, as a rule, contains the goals and objectives of studying the subject (course), the concept embedded in the content of the educational material, taking into account the type of educational institution and student population, the distinctive features of the work program in comparison with the sample program, the timing of the implementation of the work curriculum, forms and methods, teaching technologies, the forms used, methods and means of checking and assessing learning outcomes for this working curriculum, justification for the choice of educational and methodological complex for the implementation of the working curriculum. In this section, the teacher determines what students should master in the subject in a year and what material they should master.

3) The work program is accompanied by a codifier for the subject, which can be found on the FIPI website in KIM:

  • for grades 5-9 - a codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education, for conducting state (final) certification (in a new form) in... (subject);
  • for grades 10-11 - a codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general education institutions for conducting a unified state exam in... (subject).

4) The work program is also accompanied by control over the implementation of the program (options of tests, tests for initial, midterm and final controls, options for practical and laboratory work).

5) The work program also includes literature, which is divided into literature on the academic discipline, into basic and additional, into educational and reference manuals, as well as educational and methodological literature. The list of basic literature includes publications, the content of which specifies the knowledge of students on the main issues outlined in the program. The additional list depends on the preferences of the writer of the work program. The work program includes publications that expand the knowledge of students on certain aspects and problems of the course.

The approximate volume of the work program is 8–10 sheets in MS Word.

4. The teacher also draws up a calendar and thematic planning for the subject and attaches it to the work program.

The calendar and thematic plan should reveal the sequence of studying sections and topics of the program, distribute training hours among sections and topics of the discipline based on the labor intensity of the subject and the number of study weeks. The list of laboratory work and practical classes, as well as the number of hours, may differ from those recommended by the approximate program, but at the same time they must form a level of training determined by State requirements, as well as additional requirements established by the educational institution itself. When developing a thematic plan, it is necessary to pay attention to the allocation of time for preparation for the Unified State Exam and GIA-9, especially in the graduating classes.

The title page of calendar-thematic planning contains the following information:

The calendar-thematic planning itself has the following structure:

Working curriculums and calendar-thematic planning for the subject developed by the teacher are considered at a meeting of the methodological association of school teachers.

After an examination, the school methodological association of teachers gives an opinion on the approval or modification of curricula. The decision of the school methodological association is documented in a protocol. After which, if the decision is positive, the work curricula are submitted to the administration of the educational institution. The school director issues an order approving working curricula for each subject (course).

All work curricula indicate the date of their adoption at a meeting of the school methodological association with the signature of its chairman, the signature of the deputy director for education and management on approval and the school director on their approval, indicating the date and number of the order. Approval of working curricula for academic subjects is carried out before the start of the academic year, but no later than August 31 of the current academic year.

One copy of the approved working curriculum is stored in the school documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, the second is transferred to the teacher for the implementation of the educational process.

The administration of a general education institution periodically monitors the implementation and implementation of work study programs throughout the year: monitoring of the implementation of work programs and curricula is carried out, and an administrative certificate is drawn up.

The regulations on the structure of the work program are formed in accordance with industry legislation, the charter of the educational institution and other regulatory and local documents. Next, we will consider what the structure and content of the work program is.

General information

First of all, the concept of a work program should be explained. It acts as a regulatory document that must be complied with in full. The structure of the work program for the subject ensures the implementation of the requirements of the second generation state standard. It is formed in accordance with the conditions and results of education at the 1st and 2nd stages. Drawing up a work program is necessary to create conditions for organizing, planning and managing the education process in a specific discipline (area). It must ensure the achievement of the set results for mastering the basic material.


The structure of the work program for the Federal State Educational Standard is built in such a way that:

  1. To form an idea of ​​the practical implementation of the components of the standard when studying a specific discipline.
  2. Clearly define the essence, order, and scope of studying the course in accordance with the goals, features and process of the institution and student population.


The structure of the work program for the Federal State Educational Standard implements:


The structure of the working curriculum is formed and approved by the educational institution. The document can be compiled by one teacher or a group of them. The program should be uniform for all specialists in a particular discipline. It serves as the basis for the teacher to formulate a calendar-thematic plan for the year. If the project does not indicate the distribution of hours by topics and sections, if only their total number is given, the teacher independently sets them. In this case, one should be guided by the appropriate methodological materials and focus on the personal characteristics of children.


Work programs in mathematics, literature or any other discipline are executed according to a model on a computer. There should be no corrections in the text. Typesetting is carried out in the Word editor. Letter font should be Times New Roman, font size 12-14. The spacing between lines is single. The text is aligned in width, there should be 1-2 cm margins on all sides. Paragraphs and headings are centered using the editor tools. Tables are inserted directly into the text. The first is the title page. It is not numbered. The calendar-thematic plan is carried out in the form of a table. The structure of the work program should include a list of references. It is arranged alphabetically, indicating all output data. The document must be prepared accurately, all information must be presented in a logical connection with each other. Program format A4. The standards do not provide for additional design for the work program in academic subjects in an educational institution.


The structure of the teacher’s work program is as follows:

All this information is indicated on the structure of the teacher’s work program will differ from the presented diagram. They are due to the specifics of the work of the preschool educational institution itself.


All work programs (in mathematics, foreign languages, biology and other disciplines) are accompanied by applications and explanations. These include:

  1. List of normative legal acts.
  2. General tasks of primary and basic education. They must be specified in accordance with the specifics of the course (subject).
  3. General characteristics of the discipline.
  4. Description of the course position in the plan.
  5. The exact name of the program in the discipline with bibliographic characteristics.
  6. Statement of value guidelines.
  7. Meta-subject, personal, subject-specific results of mastering a specific discipline.
  8. Course content.
  9. Description of the regional component. It is presented in a table.
  10. Calendar-thematic plan. At the same time, the main types of educational activities must be determined with a description of the expected results of mastery.
  11. Requirements for the level of training of children.
  12. Description of control and measuring materials.


The structure of the teacher's work program must meet the requirements of the standards. The educational course material is aimed at providing conditions for the formation of individual and meta-subject (universal) actions. In this regard, the relevant section should list the learning activities that are performed when mastering a specific course. In addition, the types of tasks and techniques in which the formation of universal actions are designed are given.

Sequence of study

The structure of the work program includes the rationale for the choice of hours by section and year. It should reveal the sequence of mastering the material and show the distribution of time taking into account the maximum load. The description of the content of sections (topics) establishes the following sequence:

  1. Name.
  2. Content.
  3. Required number of hours.

The expected results of mastery are presented taking into account the specifics of the subject (“the graduate will learn/will be able to learn...”).

Methodological support

This section provides characteristics of the corresponding complex. The list of educational and methodological support should contain the following materials:

  1. Theoretical (textbook, program).
  2. Didactic and methodological (manuals for teachers, collections of tests/tests, notebooks for independent work).

Other sections

When describing the part of practical exercises, you should indicate the number of them that is required by the program, and which are distributed by topic. The section for monitoring the level of mastery includes a set of measuring materials (tests, practical/control work). Each discipline has its own forms:

  • In the Russian language - dictations, tests, essays, tests, test copying, presentations.
  • In physical education - physical fitness standards.
  • In mathematics - independent work/tests, testing, and so on.

The structure of the work program must include measuring materials that comply with the standard. The forms created by the author of the project must be included in the appendix.

Explanatory note

It should indicate:

  1. Addressee (type and type of educational institution, class.
  2. Features of the program regarding the Federal State Educational Standard.
  3. The main idea of ​​the project.
  4. Validity of the program.
  5. The area that a particular course covers.
  6. A brief statement of the overall goals for
  7. Project implementation period.
  8. Key criteria for selecting materials, explanations of the logic of program construction. This section, among other things, reveals the connections between the main and additional courses in the discipline (if any).
  9. Planned results.
  10. Summary of the grading system.
  11. Description of the main analysis tools.
  12. Presentation of the system of symbols.

Course characteristics

This section contains information about:

  1. An approximate or original program on the basis of which this project was created (year of publication, publisher).
  2. Basic technologies, forms, methods, training regimen.
  3. Logical connections of the subject with other disciplines/sections of the plan.

Development results

This section describes the requirements:

Description of topics

The work program contains lists and names of sections, topics of the discipline, and the required number of hours. The topic contents include:

  1. Key questions to study.
  2. Laboratory and practical work, creative tasks, excursions and other forms used in training.
  3. Requirements for the skills and knowledge of schoolchildren to complete the study.
  4. Questions and forms for control.
  5. Intended types of independent work of schoolchildren.
  6. Formed UUD.

Calendar-thematic plan

It is compiled indicating the key activities of children:

  1. List of sections, topics, sequence of studying the material.
  2. Number of hours for each item.
  3. Topics for individual lessons and materials for them.
  4. Type of classes (practical, theoretical), number of hours.
  5. Types of activities of schoolchildren.
  6. Control methods and forms.


They can be presented as:

  1. Topics of projects.
  2. Basic concepts used in the course.
  3. Testing and measuring materials.
  4. Topics of creative tasks.
  5. Examples of work.
  6. Texts of dictations, checks, tests, etc.

Responsibility of the educational institution

It is established in the Federal Law “On Education”. According to its provisions, the educational institution will be responsible for the implementation of educational programs that are completely inconsistent with the schedule of the educational process. When drawing up his project, the teacher must take into account the requirements imposed by state standards. The basic principles for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards in the discipline are:

Review and approval

The work program for the subject is discussed at a meeting of methodological school associations. The project is agreed upon with the head of the Moscow Region. In particular, the date is indicated, the number of the minutes that were taken at the meeting, and the signatures of authorized persons are affixed. The work program is agreed upon by the deputy director. After this, the project is approved by the director of the educational institution itself. The corresponding stamp is affixed to the title page.


The structure of the program reflects all aspects of the educational process specifically in the subject. Drawing up this document ensures the clarity and consistency of the teacher’s actions and allows for various situations to be envisaged. When forming the program, the individual characteristics of children and the specifics of the discipline are taken into account. Program development is of critical practical importance. It not only describes the features of the discipline, methods of studying and presenting the material, but also establishes the results that graduates should achieve. The introduction of programs into the practice of teachers has a stimulating effect on them. By analyzing the final results, teachers see the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of certain tools and means, find errors, problems, and ways to eliminate them. It is also important that the implementation of the work program is carried out with the active participation of schoolchildren. The document provides for various forms and types of children’s actions that contribute to the assimilation of the material.

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