A.P. Platonov. Return (In abbreviation) - Hypermarket of knowledge. "Return The story of the return of what became the son of the captain

Frame from the film "Return" (1968)

After serving the entire war, Guard Captain Alexei Alekseevich Ivanov leaves the army for demobilization. At the station, waiting for the train for a long time, he meets a girl, Masha, the daughter of a spaceman, who served in the dining room of their unit. For two days they travel together, and for another two days Ivanov stays in the city where Masha was born twenty years ago. In parting, Ivanov kisses Masha, remembering forever that her hair smells like “fallen autumn leaves in the forest.”

A day later, Ivanov's son Petrushka meets him at the train station in his hometown. He has already gone to the twelfth year, and the father does not immediately recognize his child in a serious teenager. Wife Lyubov Vasilievna is waiting for them on the porch of the house. Ivanov hugs his wife, feeling the forgotten and familiar warmth of a loved one. The daughter, little Nastya, does not remember her father and is crying. Petrushka pulls at her: “This is our father, he is our relatives!” The family begins to prepare a festive treat. Everyone is commanded by Petrushka - Ivanov is surprised at how grown-up and old-man's wise his son is. But he likes the little meek Nastya more. Ivanov asks his wife how they lived here without him. Lyubov Vasilievna is shy of her husband, like a bride: she has lost the habit of him. Ivanov feels with shame that something is preventing him from rejoicing with all his heart at the return - after many years of separation, he cannot immediately understand even the most dear people.

The family is sitting at the table. The father sees that the children eat little. When the son indifferently explains: “And I want you to get more,” the parents, shuddering, exchange glances. Nastya hides a piece of the pie - "for Uncle Semyon." Ivanov asks his wife who this Uncle Semyon is. Lyubov Vasilievna explains that the Germans killed Semyon Evseevich's wife and children, and he asked them to go to play with the children, and they saw nothing bad from him, but only good ... Listening to her, Ivanov smiles unkindly and lights up. Petrushka manages the household, tells his father that he should be on allowance tomorrow - and Ivanov feels his timidity in front of his son.

In the evening after dinner, when the children go to bed, Ivanov asks his wife for details of the life she spent without him. Petrushka overhears, he feels sorry for his mother. This conversation is painful for both - Ivanov is afraid of confirming his suspicions of his wife's infidelity, but she frankly admits that she had nothing with Semyon Evseevich. She was waiting for her husband and only loved him. Only once, “when her soul was completely dying,” one person became close to her, an instructor from the district committee, but she regretted that she had allowed him to be close. She realized that only with her husband can she be calm and happy. “Without you, I have nowhere to go, I can’t save myself for the children ... Live with us, Alyosha, we will be fine!” - says Lyubov Vasilievna. Petrushka hears her father groaning and crunching the glass of the lamp. “You hurt me in the heart, and I am also a person, not a toy ...” In the morning Ivanov gets ready. Petrushka tells him everything about their hard life without him, how his mother was waiting for him, and he arrived, and his mother was crying. The father is angry with him: “Yes, you don’t understand anything yet!” “You don't understand yourself. We have things to do, we have to live, and you swear, how stupid they are ... ”And Petrushka tells a story about Uncle Khariton, whom his wife was cheating on, and they also swore, and then Khariton said that he also had a lot of things at the front , and he and his wife laughed and reconciled, although Khariton invented everything about his betrayals ... Ivanov listens to this story with surprise.

He leaves in the morning for the station, drinks vodka and takes the train to go to Masha, whose hair smells like nature. At home, Petrushka, waking up, sees only Nastya - her mother has gone to work. After asking Nastya how his father left, he thinks for a moment, dresses his sister and leads her along.

Ivanov is standing in the vestibule of a train that passes near his house. At the crossing, he sees figurines of children - the one who is larger quickly drags the smaller one behind him, who does not have time to touch with his legs. Ivanov already knows that these are his children. They are far behind, and Petrushka is still dragging the sluggish Nastya behind her. Ivanov throws his duffel bag on the ground, descends to the lower step of the car and gets off the train "to that sandy path along which his children ran after him."


The story "Return" by Platonov, first published in the magazine "New World" in 1946 under the title "The Ivanov Family", caused a flurry of criticism in his address. The author was accused of deliberately slandering Soviet people, soldiers who fought for their homeland. Platonov had to make significant changes to the book, which reflected the problems of Soviet families in the difficult post-war period.

For the best preparation for the literature lesson, we recommend reading the online summary of "Return". You can check your knowledge with the help of a special test on our website.

main characters

Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov- captain of the guard, a man of 35 years old, who went through the whole war.

Lyubov Vasilievna- Ivanov's wife, a kind, indecisive woman, exhausted by hard work.

Parsley- beyond his years, an adult twelve-year-old boy, the son of Ivanov.

Other characters

Semyon Evseevich- a widower who lost his wife and children in the war, a kind, sympathetic person.

Masha- a twenty-year-old girl, naive, gullible, Ivanov's mistress.

Nastya- Ivanov's daughter, an economic, smart girl of five years.

Having gone through the whole war, "Aleksey Alekseevich Ivanov, captain of the guard", was returning home. At the railway station, while waiting for his train, he got to know a girl, Masha, who "served in the canteen as a freelance cook's assistant."

The young people started talking, and Alexey learned that Masha was returning home and had no idea how "she would now live a new civilian life." Sitting at the station, they felt like "orphaned without an army", and under the influx of feelings, Alexei asked the girl for permission to kiss her.

“They traveled together for two days” on the same train, and when Masha needed to get off, Alexei decided to stay in her hometown for a couple more days. The girl was glad about this: her parents died in German captivity, “only a cousin and two aunts” remained alive, with whom Masha had never been close, and the presence of Alexei reassured her.

At home, Alexei “was expecting a wife and two children whom he had not seen for four years,” but he did not tell Masha about this, who, due to her naivety, trusted him in everything. He said goodbye to the girl, expressing banal regret about the separation and kissing goodbye.

Ivanov's wife, Lyubov Vasilievna, could not find a place for herself from overflowing joy - all these days she met trains, asking for leave from work and not fulfilling the norm.

Alexei was met by his twelve-year-old son Petrushka, "who seemed older than his age." Lyubov Vasilievna "met them on the porch of the house", and Alexei hugged her tightly, "feeling the forgotten and familiar warmth of a loved one." Five-year-old Nastena did not remember her father, and at the sight of an unfamiliar man she began to cry, but Petrushka quickly calmed her down.

In honor of the safe return of the head of the family, the house began to prepare for a festive feast. Watching the happy bustle of loved ones, Alexei marveled at how dexterous, intelligent and old-man-wise his son grew up. He began to question his wife, but Lyubov Vasilievna "was embarrassed by her husband, like a bride: she had lost the habit of him."

She said that she works "at a brick factory, for the press", and lamented only that she sees children only at night. With the arrival of her husband, she hoped that he would take on many problems, including the upbringing of children. In turn, Alexey felt that something was preventing him from “feeling the joy of his return with all his heart”, he did not know how many troubles his family had to endure, and how to cope with it.

At the festive dinner, Alexei noticed that his son ate the least, “but he picked up all the crumbs after him and poured them into his mouth.” The boy explained that he wanted his loved ones to get more food. Nastya wrapped a piece of cake in a napkin and set it aside "for Uncle Semyon."

So Alexey learned about the existence of Semyon Evseevich - a lonely man who lost his wife and children in the war. He came to the Ivanovs' house to play with the children, to pamper them on occasion. Upon learning of this, Alexei "smiled unkindly" and lit a cigarette.

After waiting for the children to fall asleep, the couple began a difficult, painful conversation. Alexey began to elicit his wife, how she had lived all these years without him, what kind of relationship she had with Semyon Evseevich. Petrushka woke up from muffled parental voices and began to eavesdrop.

Lyubov Vasilievna admitted that she did not cheat on her husband with Semyon, but it is difficult for Alexei to believe that another man could be kind to his family - “nothing happens without calculation.”

Listening to the conversation of his parents, “Petrushka felt sorry for her mother” - he knew how hard it was for her all this time, and only thanks to the support and kind participation of Semyon Evseevich her life was at least a little easier.

Lyubov Vasilievna told how once, when she was very hard at heart, she cheated on her husband with the instructor of the district committee, but did not feel any joy from this closeness, and later very much regretted what had happened.

Offended by this news, Alexei declared that he was "also a man, not a toy", and began to get ready. Petrushka could not stand it, and began to reproach his father, because of which his mother cried the whole war and continues to cry now. He recalled that they have a common “there is a business, we must live,” and they swear.

The next morning, Petrushka woke up, “when the day became completely bright” - her mother had already gone to work, her father was nowhere to be seen, and Nastya was alone at home. Alexei "was sitting at that hour at the station", where he managed to have breakfast and drink vodka. He planned to come to Masha and start a new life with her.

Alexei got on the train and, standing in the vestibule, said goodbye to his native city for the last time. Suddenly, he noticed two children who were running, falling, after the train, and waving their hands. Alexei "felt how hot it became in his chest" - they were Petrushka and Nastena. He threw the duffel bag on the ground and stepped off the train onto "a sandy path along which his children ran after him."


In his work, Platonov raised the theme of the impact of war on families, on the fates and personalities of people, their relationships. The return to the usual course of life was difficult and not always successful - not everyone could forgive and accept the bitter truth of life.

A brief retelling of "Return" will be useful for the reader's diary and preparation for the literature lesson.

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The work of A. Platonov "Return" has become one of those works that are included in the ranks of Russian classical literature. Each reader can find a summary of Platonov's story "Returns" below. The story teaches all readers the ability to forgive and be more loyal to relatives and friends.

The work itself is small, but for a better understanding of the text, we will break it into several components. The summary of Platonov's "Return" will try to tell the reader about the plot of the work as much as possible. Well, let's get started.

Part one

The summary of Platonov's "Return" begins with the return of the main character Alexei home. While he was waiting at the station for his train, he met a young girl, Masha, who worked in their unit as a cook. New acquaintances spent two days on the road together, after which Masha had to leave. She invites Alexei to stay with her for a while in order to continue his journey home with renewed vigor. Alexei agrees.

Part two

Our summary of Andrei Platonov's "Return" continues with a meeting of the protagonist with his relatives.

Alexei is met on the platform by his son Petya. The boy has grown a lot during the war, and the main character does not immediately manage to recognize him. On the way home, Aleksey notices that nothing has changed in his native land - everything remains as it was.

Already from afar, he sees that his wife Lyubov is already waiting for him on the porch of the house. Approaching the porch, Alexei hugs the woman, and he realizes how much he lacked this care, warmth and trepidation that his wife gave him.

Entering the house, he sees his little daughter Nastya. The girl does not recognize the man who entered and begins to cry heavily. Petya comes up to the girl and says that their dad, that he is a native person. The girl calms down and looks at Alexei with interest.

Part Three

Sitting at the table, Alexei feels uncomfortable. He asks about what happened in the house while he was gone. The wife began to be embarrassed by him as if they were not married - the woman was so unaccustomed to the presence of her beloved husband in the house.

At the table, Lyubov and Aleksey notice that Petya eats very little. To this, the boy simply replies that he wished his parents had more food. Alexey is surprised at how much the boy has matured. Little Nastya puts away some food, saying that she will give it to Uncle Semyon. Alexei asks who it is. Lyubov replies that a man lives nearby, who lost his closest people during the war - his wife and children. Upon learning that Petya and Nastya were growing up without a father, he asked Lyubov to let him come to the guys to play with them. Love says that this does not cause inconvenience, Semyon just misses his children very much. This leads Alexei to suspicion, but he does not say anything to his wife, but simply smiles, pretending that nothing has touched his soul.

Part four

After dinner, when everyone goes to bed, Love feels insecure in bed with her husband. Alexey is trying to find out if his wife was waiting correctly during his absence from home. Lyubov understands that he is asking about Semyon, who often looks into their house. She directly says that there was nothing between him and the unfortunate man. But she admits that at some point it was very hard for her, and she cheated on Alexei with another. She is very sorry about what she did, because she loves only Alexei and was waiting for his return. Aleksey is upset, in a rage he squeezes the light bulb he was holding right in his hands.

Petya heard the conversation between the parents, and he was sincerely sorry for his mother. He heard his father begin to sob after he learned about the betrayal. Petya decided that he would at all costs explain to his father that his mother really loves him and cried for many long nights while waiting for him from the war.

Petya tells Alexei a story about a man who returned from the war and found out that his wife had cheated on him. This man honestly admitted to his wife that he also had a huge number of girls. The couple laughed together at the situation, forgave each other and live together as if nothing had happened. In fact, the man invented everything, and all the time of war he could not think of anyone but his wife.

This story makes Alexey think.

Part five

Getting up early in the morning, the head of the family collects his things and leaves for the station. He firmly decides that he will leave his family forever, will begin to live with Masha, who will certainly be waiting for him.

When Petya wakes up, he sees that his parents are not at home. He asks little Nastya where her father has gone. The girl replies that he left early in the morning with bags. Then Petya grabs the baby and runs out of the house with him.

At the same time, after drinking a few glasses of vodka, Alexei boards the train. The railroad passes his house, and as he passes his home, he sees two small silhouettes in the distance: a thin boy dragging a little girl by the hand, who can hardly keep up with her brother's wide steps.

Alexei understands that he cannot leave his family - he loves his children and wife too much. The train has already gained some speed. Alexey descends to the last step and steps off the train into the grass that grew near the road. Having made the decision to stay, he realizes that he will need to forgive his wife, who was really upset by the absence of her beloved man.

After serving the entire war, Guard Captain Alexei Alekseevich Ivanov leaves the army for demobilization. At the station, waiting for the train for a long time, he meets a girl, Masha, the daughter of a spaceman, who served in the dining room of their unit. For two days they travel together, and for another two days Ivanov stays in the city where Masha was born twenty years ago. In parting, Ivanov kisses Masha, remembering forever that her hair smells like “fallen autumn leaves in the forest.”

A day later, Ivanov's son Petrushka meets him at the train station in his hometown. He was already in his twelfth year, and the father did not immediately recognize his child in a serious teenager. His wife Lyubov Vasilievna is waiting for them on the porch of the house. Ivanov hugs his wife, feeling the forgotten and familiar warmth of a loved one. The daughter, little Nastya, does not remember her father and is crying. Parsley pulls her back: “This is our father, he is our relatives!” The family begins to prepare a festive treat. Everyone is commanded by Petrushka - Ivanov is surprised at how grown-up and old-man's wise his son is. But he likes the little meek Nastya more. Ivanov asks his wife how they lived here without him. Lyubov Vasilievna is shy of her husband, like a bride: she has lost the habit of him. Ivanov feels with shame that something is preventing him from rejoicing with all his heart at the return - after many years of separation, he cannot immediately understand even the most dear people.

The family is sitting at the table. The father sees that the children eat little. When the son indifferently explains: “And I want you to get more,” the parents, shuddering, exchange glances. Nastya hides a piece of the pie - "for Uncle Semyon." Ivanov asks his wife who this Uncle Semyon is. Lyubov Vasilievna explains that the Germans killed Semyon Evseevich's wife and children, and he asked them to go to play with the children, and they did not see anything bad from him, but only good ... Listening to her, Ivanov smiles unkindly and lights up. Petrushka manages the household, tells his father that he should be on allowance tomorrow - and Ivanov feels his timidity in front of his son.

In the evening after dinner, when the children go to bed, Ivanov elicits from his wife the details of the life he

and passed without him. Petrushka overhears, he feels sorry for his mother. This conversation is painful for both - Ivanov is afraid of confirming his suspicions of his wife's infidelity, but she frankly admits that she had nothing with Semyon Evseevich. She was waiting for her husband and only loved him. Only once, “when her soul was completely dying,” one person became close to her, an instructor from the district committee, but she regretted that she had allowed him to be close. She realized that only with her husband can she be calm and happy. “Without you, I have nowhere to go, I can’t save myself for the children ... Live with us, Alyosha, we will be fine!” - says Lyubov Vasilievna. Petrushka hears her father groaning and crunching the glass of the lamp. “You hurt me in the heart, and I am also a person, not a toy ...” In the morning Ivanov gets ready. Petrushka tells him everything about their hard life without him, how his mother was waiting for him, and he arrived, and his mother was crying. The father is angry with him: “Yes, you still don’t understand anything!” “You don't understand yourself. We have things to do, we have to live, and you swear, how stupid they are ... ”And Petrushka tells a story about Uncle Khariton, whom his wife was cheating on, and they also swore, and then Khariton said that he also had a lot of things at the front, and he and his wife laughed and reconciled, although Khariton invented everything about his betrayals ... Ivanov listens to this story with surprise.

He leaves in the morning for the station, drinks vodka and takes the train to go to Masha, whose hair smells like nature. At home, Petrushka, waking up, sees only Nastya - her mother has gone to work. After asking Nastya how his father left, he thinks for a minute, dresses his sister and leads her along.

Ivanov is standing in the vestibule of a train that passes near his house. At the crossing, he sees figurines of children - the one who is larger quickly drags the smaller one behind him, who does not have time to touch with his legs. Ivanov already knows that these are his children. They are far behind, and Petrushka is still dragging the sluggish Nastya behind her. Ivanov throws his duffel bag on the ground, descends to the lower step of the car and gets off the train "to that sandy path along which his children ran after him."

Retelling - V. M. Sotnikov

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Year: 1946 Genre: story

Main characters: captain Ivanov, his wife, son Peter and daughter Nastya

In 1946, Andrei Platonov wrote the story "The Ivanov Family", which was later renamed "Return". This story describes the return of a soldier after the fighting. The military theme in those days was very relevant, in fact, as it is now, but the authors who lived in such times could more accurately describe the events. For us now, victory is a joy, a bright thought and hope for the future. But in the work of Platonov you will not see the special joy of victory. The author shows us the main character, and how the years in the war changed his character and attitude to life. He already treats his family like fellow soldiers. As mentioned earlier, the story was originally called "The Ivanov Family", since Platonov had the goal of showing how the war affects everything that gets in the way, and especially relations between relatives.

Read the summary of Platonov's story The Return

The main character, Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov, spent four years in the war and was demobilized. They say goodbye to him according to all laws, there is music, respect and love from colleagues, after which he goes home. The first attempt to leave was not successful, the train did not arrive, and because of the permitted station, it was impossible to spend the night there, which forced Ivanov to return to the unit. The next day he also arrived at the station, there had been no train since yesterday, but Alexei decided not to go back, but to wait. Near the post booth, the hero notices a woman, she has been sitting there for the second day, when she turned around, Ivanov recognized her, it was Masha, she once worked in the dining room.

The author describes the despondency and sadness of the autumn season, these techniques occupy a special place in the work. The man was in an incomprehensible state, for how long he had been waiting for the train, which was unknown where, and there was no one to talk to. Therefore, the meeting with Masha became a kind of salvation for him, now there was a person nearby with whom it was pleasant to talk. Masha, like Ivano, was on her way home, and thought about how she would live now, how she would miss her military friends. She is so unaccustomed to her relatives that she even experiences fear of traveling. Both of these people experienced similar feelings of longing for the army, but if Masha easily succumbed to a gloomy mood, then Ivanov, on the contrary, tried to distract himself from the problem as soon as possible. Sitting next to the girl, the former captain asked if he could kiss her, well, just on the cheek, because she was bored. Masha nevertheless attracted something in Ivanovo, but she moved away, rejecting the request.

Finally, at night, their train arrived, they traveled together for two days, and on the third day Masha was about to leave and say goodbye to Ivanov. But he had other plans, he threw her bag on his back and went out with her.

Masha was touched by this turn of events, because she herself was afraid to stay in a city that was already alien to her, where, in fact, only her cousin and aunts remained from her relatives. Ivanov had to go home for about another day, but when he left with Masha, he didn’t really think about his family, that they were waiting for him there, but just wanted to enjoy freedom. Ivanov did not tell Masha that he had a family, and she did not ask either, they spent two days together, after which the girl saw off the man at the station. The train left, and Masha was left alone and even cried.

While our main character was getting home, his wife Lyubov Vasilievna was very worried, she was waiting for her husband and went out to the station every day. On the fourth day, without waiting for her husband, she sends the children to the station during the day, as she herself is busy, and by night she goes in person.

They waited for Ivanov only after 6 days, his son Peter met him. Petrusha was 12 years old, but his father did not recognize him at first, the boy looked older than his years, was serious and calm. Outwardly, the boy resembled a poor peasant. When asked by his son why he was driving for so long, Ivanov replies that such a train was caught. After talking a little, the boy and his father are heading home. On the threshold they are met by Love, which seemed to feel and took time off from work.

Semyon Evseevich was a frequent guest in their house, he liked to sit with Petrushka and little Nastya, he also often brought various sweets. Semyon became a friend of the family in two years, he never did anything bad, which earned Lyuba's trust, but despite this, she did not want her husband to see his house as soon as he arrived. Ivanov hugged his wife tightly, felt the warmth of a loved one, but Nastya did not immediately recognize her father and at first began to push the unknown man away from her mother. Once in the house, the main character looked around for a long time, it was new for him, he understood that he would have to get used to the family again. He noticed that Peter took the main place in the house, he worked, helped Nastya and his mother. During the absence of the father in the family, everyone had their own responsibilities, there was help to each other, although from the outside it seemed that Petrushka was in command of everyone too much, in fact it was help from the bottom of the heart, which never offended either mother or Nastya. Love still told her husband about Seeds. She explained that the man’s wife and children had died, he remained on his own, and in order to somehow heal his spiritual wounds, he began to go to Petrusha and Nastya, this man never did anything bad, and the children loved him very much. This story touched Ivanov, he even began to be jealous. Soon, Peter also begins to give instructions to his father, so Ivanov feels an awkward feeling in front of his son.

After dinner, the children go to bed, and Ivanov goes to talk with his wife, he wonders how she lived without him. The most important question for him was a new guest in their house, Semyon, he began to speculate about his wife's affair with this man. But Lyubov calmly explains that her husband's jealousy is without a reason, and that she would dare to change. Of course, Ivanov was fixated on himself, but he did not know and did not listen to how his wife told him, how she was waiting for him, did not sleep at night.

Feeling misunderstanding in the family, and considering himself a stranger, Ivanov decided to go to Masha. After collecting his things, he leaves for the station. While he is waiting for the train at the station, the children woke up at home and, not finding their father, Petrushka grabs Nastya and they run to the station.

Ivanov definitely decided to leave, but seeing the suffering of the children as they run after the train, at the last moment something changes in his soul and he gets off the train.

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