Dig up flower beds. When and how to plant tulips. Preparing a place for planting

We tidy up flower beds and flower beds

First you need to figure out what exactly is flowers in the old garden you would like to leave. If you think that someneglected flower beds planned successfully, you can save them,gradually putting it in order. If some old flower garden youdon't plan to save, but you like individual copiesplants, then the restoration technology will be slightly different. Butin any case, you need to allocate a place on the site in advance for“overexposure” of plants - sometimes such a bed is called a “school”.This “spare flowerbed” is a useful base for preservingplants, it is also suitable for gifted plants orplants received from neighbors.

This could be an old flower garden, vegetable garden or any open spacewith soil free from planting and weed. More often focused onwest is preferred - this location will be received laterafternoon sun, while south orientation suggestsextreme heat and drying out of plants. When facing northmay be too cold, windy or shady for moretender plants. You can also distinguish two different ones on the sitebeds - in the shade and in a sunny place.

As soon as the flowerbed for overexposure is ready, You can start cleaning and tidying up.

First of all, you should clearly separate the contours of the lawns andflower beds. Try and - ifbehind the flower bed is neatly mowed, then the plotlooks more complete. The second stage is the design of the edgesflower garden Even if it is a narrow ditch, the flowerbed lookscompletely different. This is discussed in detail in the article “» .

Old flower beds are often overgrown with perennial weeds, whichdifficult to eradicate. Therefore, we must keep in mind that it is much more difficultimprove an existing flower garden, especially a full oneperennial weeds rather than starting from scratch.

To restore an aging flower garden, herbaceous perennialscan be divided. To do this, you need to separate the young shoots fromlocated on the sides of the old groups. Separated sprouts withgood roots need to be planted in pots or transplanted directly intogarden, to the planned location. Plants you love butwant to move later, you can plant temporarily and thentransplant to permanent places.
More on this topic:
Transplanting perennials

Some plants grow greatly over time,occupying significant areas in the flowerbed and suppressing others. IfIf you want to keep them, you need to carefully select the best onesspecimens, separate and leave small bushes thatwill take up little space in the flower bed for overexposure. Later they canplant in small groups, given that they are very easy are growing.

To be continued

Today I want to talk about my flower garden and grateful flowers, as well as about my mistakes - maybe it will be useful to someone.
We moved into the house in November, but it was already clear that we would have to “plow and plow” on the site. To remove the diseased hedge, 44 trees had to be uprooted. But it became sunny on the site.

In the spring, the first thing we did was take care of the lawn; I made the first small bed of flowers. It looked pathetic back then

And then, one fine day I come home from work, and my husband has already made a canopy for the trailer.

I think: “It won’t work, I need to plant a flower garden, otherwise my husband will take up all the space.” And the work began... We marked out the flower bed at 18 meters.
The soil is clay, you can't get a shovel in. What to do?
In Internet! And in that bearded year of 2008, he had only two answers to this question - sand and sawdust. They brought sand, dug it up, a couple of waterings and then asphalt again.
They brought in sawdust, dug it up, and even worse, it turned out to be plasticine.

And the flowers are already growing and asking for help!
And then I was lucky - I got to not exactly a master class, but like a question-and-answer conference of a Dutch florist and asked him a question about my own. soil. The answer turned out to be so simple... He said that sand and sawdust are harmful, try taking clay into a container, weigh it, add sand, weigh it. they have become much heavier - this is how sand makes clay heavier, and if you add water, you get a building mixture, sawdust - it absorbs everything, but gives nothing away. He said that the problem with clay is not that it is dense, but that it is cold. This is where you need to “dance.”
And then I remembered... in the villages they covered the cracks in the walls with a mixture of clay + sand + water, and threw sawdust onto the bedding of the piglets, they absorbed moisture and the floor remained dry. That is, these were my mistakes...
And I decided not to dig, not to loosen, just try to “warm”. My husband mowed the grass from the lawn, I laid it out in the shade, dried it, and first applied it to the flower bed in a thin layer. After a couple of waterings, the grass disappeared, no, it didn’t rot, it just disappeared, as if it was being sucked into the clay. Then she began to lay it in a slightly thicker layer, and the same thing. It reminded me of how to fatten a homeless hungry kitten - little by little, little by little. And again, again, again... I’ll say right away that this process does not last for one year, I have been doing this since 2008 and now the soil in my flower garden is such that I can dig it up simply with my hand. But all these years I haven’t been digging the flower garden, I haven’t been loosening it, I just feed it grass. If I need to plant something, I use a garden peg to make a hole.
I began to treat the earth as if it were alive. Previously, many human diseases were treated with bloodletting, but now they give injections, that is, they are treated with little blood. So I used to cut the ground, but now I only give injections.
But for myself, I made a couple of conclusions - if annuals sprout by self-sowing, the last mulching in the fall should be done before dropping the seeds, and the first in the spring after the flowers emerge, because it is very difficult for self-seeding to break through the layer of mulch. If I plant something as seedlings, for example, I do aster mulching after planting.
After mulching “before the winter,” I lightly sprinkle some soil on top, otherwise the birds will build a chicken coop and rake it away, and the wind won’t blow away the dry grass.
According to the results, all the flowers begin to bloom earlier than the neighbors, and continue to bloom longer, do not get sick, stand “cheerfully”, I do not give additional fertilizer.
I suggest you look at what I got as a result - results for last year
I'll start with lilies

When starting to decorate your site, you need to know not only how to plant a flower garden, but also how to care for the planted plants. Considering what crops you sow, the agricultural technology of cultivation will depend. Do not try to plant flowers as densely as possible, because every year perennials will grow both taller and wider, which means they will need more and more space.

Before setting up a flower garden, choose a suitable location. In most cases, it should be well lit and protected from strong winds. Regardless of whether you want to arrange one large flower bed or place several small flower beds on a selected site, the preparatory work will be the same in any case.

Before laying out a flower garden on the site, first draw a sketch on a sheet of paper of the location of the flower and decorative plantings on the site. Be sure to indicate the grid with footage, names of crops and their location.

Setting up a flower garden at the dacha: transferring the grid from plan to site

After the plan for the arrangement of the flower garden has been drawn up, the time comes to bring it, as they say, to life. To do this, using a wooden stick, you need to transfer the grid from the plan to the selected area, and then mark the contours of future flower beds. As you work, check the lines in each square of the plan with the lines in each cell of the grid drawn on the ground. Make the finished outline of each flower bed clearer by laying a thick cord along it.

To develop a flower garden as the correct technology suggests, move a few steps away or go up to an elevation, check the correctness of the forms, and make adjustments if necessary. After this, dig up the soil in the flower bed, first cutting the soil along the contour and then digging it inside the flower bed.

When setting up a flower garden with your own hands, carefully remove any roots from previous plantings. Dig a small groove along the edge, then install the border into it. It should rise 10-12 cm above the ground surface.

Before planting plants to create a flower garden at your dacha, you need to add fertilizer to the treated soil. Heavy clay soil, as well as sandy and peaty soil, require organic and mineral fertilizers with the addition of compost. After this, dig up the soil again and then loosen it thoroughly.

These photos show how to plant a flower garden on your property:

How to plant a flower garden at your dacha: choosing beautiful plants (with photos)

It is not enough to follow the correct technology for arranging a flower garden - you need to decide what type of plant in terms of life expectancy is best to choose for planting. There are three main groups - annuals, biennials and perennials. The former bloom within one season after planting. Biennials and perennials usually bloom in their second year.

There are a great many varieties of seeding material for annual plants on the modern market, so the choice is very rich. They can be grown as seedlings or directly sown in the ground. After planting, after 7-10 weeks, the plants begin to flower. Some of them bloom until late autumn.

Perennial plants are also considered annuals, which, due to the climatic conditions of a particular area, are not left in open ground for the winter.

The life cycle of biennials lasts for 2 years. In the first year they develop leaves, and flowering begins only in the second year.

Perennials, one might say, are very unpretentious, since they grow in the same place for many years, without requiring replanting or any kind of care.

Perennial plants usually bloom in the second or third year of their life. They can grow in poor soil, next to a pond in the shade; usually these plants decorate alpine slides.

To set up a flower garden beautifully, as you saw in beautiful photographs, it is better to plant several types of plants together: since they all bloom at different times, your flowerbed will delight the eye all season.

Propagation of perennial plants is carried out using bulbs, tubers, seeds, cuttings, and also by dividing the bush. Despite the fact that most perennials do not require special care, growing bulbs and tuberous plants requires a special approach.

Look at the photo on how to plant a flower garden at your dacha and what plants you can plant:

How to arrange a flower garden: planting plants

Now it's time to plant the plants. When setting up a flower garden at the dacha, annuals are usually planted in flower beds in May, however, some annual crops will bloom well if the seeds are sown immediately in the ground, and after seedlings appear, thinning is carried out. Sowing can be done in winter. In this case, the seeds are sown at the end of October or beginning of November.

Biennial crops must be planted in the ground in August or September (this is done so that the plants take root faster). In addition, they can be planted in early spring.

Perennial crops are planted in the ground in autumn and spring. The main thing is that the plant has time to take root before the first autumn frosts.

Bulbous crops are planted in a flowerbed either at the end of August or at the beginning of September.

If the flower garden is small in size, it is best to plant two or three types of plants in it, which combine well with each other not only in color, but also in flowering time, and also have a beneficial effect on each other when grown together. If you were unable to select plants that bloom at the same time, you can plant a flower garden with aromatic herbs that do not lose their attractive appearance even when there are no flowers on them.

How to plant a flower garden on your property and how to care for it

When planning to plant a flower garden with your own hands, you should keep in mind that you need to constantly care for it. First of all, this concerns watering. Plants are watered immediately after planting, even if the soil is quite moist. Annual crops need to be watered every day until they are established, and then every other day. Perennial plants require frequent watering only in the first year, and in subsequent years only during drought.

It is necessary to water the plants in the early morning or evening, when the sun is low above the horizon. During the day, watering is not carried out due to the fact that crops can get burned and the soil can crack.

When caring for a flower garden, you need to periodically clear it of dried leaves and stems and remove old inflorescences. In addition, you should regularly weed the flower beds and loosen the soil in them, and fertilize the crops. Removing weeds and loosening are necessary in order to retain moisture in the soil, as well as to maintain air exchange.

It is necessary to loosen the soil some time after heavy rain or watering. Loosening of annuals is carried out to a depth of up to 5 cm, perennials - to a depth of 10 cm. To avoid damage to the roots of young plants, the soil next to the bushes is loosened to a depth of no more than 3 cm.

Fertilizing of flower and ornamental crops is usually carried out using mineral and organic fertilizers. A solution of cow manure and bird droppings diluted with water is used as an organic fertilizer.

When setting up and maintaining a flower garden on a personal plot, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil both in dry and liquid form (solution). This fertilizer is prepared from the following components: 25 g of ammonium nitrate, 50 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium fertilizer (per 1 m2). Liquid fertilizing has a stronger effect, but remember: it is unacceptable to get it on the leaves or roots of crops.

Feeding of annual plants is carried out 2 weeks after planting, and then after 1 month. Perennial crops require fertilizing 2-3 times every year. The first time it is carried out in spring, the second time before the plants bloom, and the third time at the end of their flowering.

It’s very easy to give your patio a cozy and attractive look. A small flower garden near the path and an alpine hill on the lawn behind the house will create a unique charm for the country estate. And in order to show individuality and realize your creative potential, it is better to create a flowerbed with your own hands. But landscaping requires a thoughtful approach, so you should be well prepared!

The main principles of creating a flowerbed with your own hands

City dwellers, breaking free into country life for the first time, often have no idea how to properly design their plot. Fortunately, mistakes in gardening are not terrible - you can always replace plants you don’t like. But why add hassle and financial expenses to yourself if everything can be done right?

Landscape plan of the site

Even a small yard requires a carefully thought out landscaping plan. Otherwise, it will turn from a work of art into a lush but tasteless flowerbed. You can contact professionals who will prepare a landscape design project based on specific data on the location and size of the site.

In the latter case, you should adhere to the main principles of landscape design:

  1. Equilibrium. All sides of the yard should be equal, without preponderance in any part. In practice, this means not crowding the center of the front lawn with a multi-tiered flower bed, leaving the far corner of the yard empty.
  2. Harmony. The garden should be liked, first of all, by its owners. But you shouldn’t try to fit a pond, a fountain, a sundial and a rockery into it - unless the plot is the size of a hectare. There must be free space so that the abundance of plants does not create “pressure” on vacationers.
  3. Moderation. The number of flower beds should not clutter the area, but only zone it. Thus, it is better to divide a narrow courtyard into several zones so as not to create the effect of a long corridor with a path in the middle. In a square garden, round flower beds and curved lines will be appropriate.
  4. Seasonality. The garden should look beautiful not only in summer, but also in winter. The lush greens or ocher colors of autumn leaves will make any area attractive. But bare branches and black empty flower beds will evoke melancholy. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the composition evergreen trees and bushes with bright, non-falling foliage - barberry, juniper and boxwood.
  5. Color combination. Bright colors should be interspersed with calm greenery, and you should not combine more than three primary colors in one flowerbed. The abundance of flowering plants, arranged chaotically and without a well-thought-out scheme, evokes associations with the floral layout at the market.
  6. Points of attention. Every garden should have several interesting objects that will attract the eye. This could be a flowerbed made from an old chest of drawers or a secluded gazebo hidden in a corner, woven with wild grapes. The main thing is that such objects should not immediately catch the eye, but attract attention and arouse the desire to examine them.

When the approximate plan of the site is ready, you need to take the time to study the conditions of maintenance and the mature appearance of the selected plants. After all, even a rock garden created by professionals will require constant and proper care, which an amateur gardener definitely cannot handle.

And a mast pine tree on three hundred square meters is not a very good choice.

Basic rules for flower beds

Once the locations for the flower beds have been chosen, you can begin by planning their composition. This also has its own characteristics:

  • plants are selected according to soil type;
  • conditions of care and maintenance should be similar;
  • the use of commensal plants is allowed - when one plant benefits from the existence of another, but does not harm it;
  • The flowerbed should look beautiful all year round.

Thus, plants that love acidic and alkaline soils should not be planted in the same flowerbed with common soil. On the other hand, flowers that require highly acidic soil can grow in moderately acidic soil, although they will appear somewhat weaker. For example, in a flowerbed with alkaline soil you can plant maples, hawthorn, rowan, decorate it with barberry, boxwood and meadowsweet shrubs, and plant low flowering plants at the edges - snapdragons, carnations or cornflowers.

Flowers in the same flowerbed should love the same conditions - humidity, sun and overhead or root watering. Thus, mosses and lichens require constantly moist soil and grow best in the shade. Azalea also loves moisture, and can burn in the open sun. So they perfectly complement each other and can be planted along the fence or under the canopy of a spreading catalpa.

At the same time, roses do not tolerate overhead watering, so it is better to plant them separately from all other plants and water them individually, pouring water directly under the bush.

If you want to combine tall and short plants, you can plant low-growing evergreen trees, and under them - primroses, aquilegias and polemonium. The spreading crown will create sufficient shade even in the middle of the yard, while the flowers will add variety with bright colors.

If you are planning a high flower bed at the entrance, you need to think about how it will look at any time of the year. Annual and wildly flowering plants are suitable here: in spring and summer, sulfinias and petunias delight the eyes, in autumn - chrysanthemums, and in winter you can decorate the flowerbed with a low artificial Christmas tree or place decorative figurines.

Mistakes of novice gardeners

Those who have not made mistakes have never designed their garden on their own. But you can learn from other people's mistakes! So, what a novice gardener should not do:

  1. Don't try to fill the void in your flower beds with only perennial plants. The young garden will constantly grow and in a few years five barberry bushes, interspersed with juniper, will fill the entire flowerbed. It is better to fill the free space with annual flowers - their number can be adjusted every year depending on need.
  2. There is no need to plant plants chaotically, without a clear idea of ​​the future picture. Firstly, it creates a sloppy look, and secondly, some flowers will simply get lost against the background of the rest. For example, rose bushes planted in pairs - white with pale pink or red with dark burgundy - look very advantageous. In addition, roses create an excellent background for low-growing flowers.
  3. You can’t choose flowers only based on the shape of the inflorescences you like. So, dahlias look beautiful in a bouquet, but in a flowerbed they definitely need to be tied up and planted in a distant line. Asters and chrysanthemums also need to be chosen according to the shape of the bushes, but petunias and carnations can be safely chosen according to their flowers.
  4. It is highly undesirable to make flower beds from color mixtures of one plant. It is better to choose several colors and make interesting patterns. In this case, it is advisable to avoid straight lines - winding, round or geometric shapes will look more original.

Very often, flower beds are planted with plants that bloom during one period. It is better to avoid this situation by choosing the composition in such a way that the plants can bloom from early spring to late autumn.

For example, snowdrops appear first, then the tulip period begins, and after them the leaves of daylilies and peonies bloom.

And in order for the economic hand to be visible, the flowerbed must be regularly thinned, removing faded and dead parts. A few yellowed inflorescences on a hydrangea are enough to make the flower garden look untidy. If regular care is problematic, it is better to focus on evergreens and conifers.

Simple flower beds made from scrap materials

Financial restrictions are not a reason to deny yourself a beautiful flower garden. After all, it can be made from literally anything! All you have to do is use your imagination and sort out the piles of rubbish in the shed.

Bottle fencing

This option is suitable for unpretentious summer residents and city residents who want to decorate their local area. A low border will protect the flower garden from the encroachments of unscrupulous dog owners - animals are much smarter than people and often do not try to step over even such low fences. And the very fact of the presence of a border indicates that this flowerbed is being looked after.

For the bottle fence you will need:

  • glass or plastic bottles, preferably 1.5 liters;
  • garden shovel or hoe;
  • sand (if the site has insufficiently loose soil);
  • paint – paint the finished border if you come across bottles of different sizes.

The procedure is quite simple, you can even involve children in it to cultivate hard work in them:

Tall flower beds made from bottles look original. They are laid on a thick cement solution, the first layer should be placed in a recess or on the base - so that the bottles do not move apart. Each tier is filled with concrete from the inside so that the neck is in the solution. And to prevent concrete from flowing inside the circle, internal formwork is made. The only disadvantage of this solution is that it is quite difficult to find identical glass bottles.

Tire basics

Tires are the most popular bases for country and city flower beds. Strong, durable and unnecessary. Their appearance is quite unpretentious, but with a little imagination, you can create really interesting yard decorations.

Multi-tiered flower beds made up of several tires look good. In this case, you can take tires of different diameters, radii and widths. If you want to add some variety, you can paint the old wheels, but it is better not to get carried away with colorful colors, choosing white or green. This way the base of the flowerbed will not distract attention from the flowers themselves.

Original compositions from old things

What some consider unnecessary trash, summer residents can turn into real works of art! For example, an old chair makes an excellent vintage flowerpot stand. By complementing the composition with the rest of the set, you will get an original flowerbed. Definitely no other housewife has one like this!

Any old things will be used. Even a suitcase without a handle can come in handy again.

If you have an old chest of drawers at home, you should never throw it away! It will be an excellent decoration for a blank stone wall in the far corner of the garden.

But when breathing new life into old things, it is important to carefully treat them with antiseptic solutions that prevent rotting. And then the original flower beds will become the hallmark of the house!

Beautiful and versatile flower beds

Complex flower beds look much more advantageous on any site. But even if you don’t want to bother with capital construction, you can make beautiful vertical flower beds from pots.

To do this, you will need the pots themselves and one metal rod. The pots begin to be strung on it through the drainage hole and themselves take the desired slope.

Another type of convenient and simple flower bed is a column of petunias. It can be moved on a stand with wheels throughout the entire territory, and can be simply disassembled for the winter. For the device you will need a net, a large pot, black spunbond, a cable tie and a lot of petunias or sulfinia seedlings.

Creating a brick fence

A brick flowerbed allows you to advantageously zone the space and is suitable for both large and small courtyards. This is also a great option for flower lovers who don't want to waste their time mowing the lawn.

Making such a flower bed is not difficult, but it takes a long time:

A brick fence for a flower bed can be assembled without mortar. But it does not look so neat, and there is a greater chance that such a structure will collapse over time.

If you don’t want to mix concrete, you can frame the flowerbed with low stone edges.

Laying stone borders without mortar

To do this, a small ditch is dug around the perimeter of the flower bed and bricks are laid in it. The advantage of this solution is that the flowerbed can always be enlarged or its shape changed. When, after a couple of years, the border begins to be overgrown with grass, it is easy to remove it, clean it and lay it again.

To prevent the stones from moving, it is still better to fix them with a small amount of cement. But it’s quite possible to do without it. Such a border is placed on the ground from which the top layer of grass has been removed. The rows are laid gradually, and the evenness of the masonry is determined by the stretched twine.

To ensure that it lies securely, the lower large stones are placed in a previously dug trench. The second layer of stones begins to be laid after the soil is poured inside the flowerbed. It will fix the already laid stones and allow you to install the top ones.

Their design is quite simple: you can buy ready-made cages and fill them with stones or assemble the base yourself. To do this, you will need to dig a trench 25 cm deep, cover the bottom with geotextile, install a strong mesh of the required height and fill the trench with gravel and sand. To prevent the gabions from wobbling, reinforcing rods are dug in every 50 cm. And the mesh sections are treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

You can purchase them or make them yourself from stiff wire. Ready-made gabions are closed cages, which is why they got their name. Self-made flower beds can be left open by simply pouring heaps of stones.

A flowerbed can even be made from waste corrugated sheets after installing a fence! The video shows a simple and quick way to create a beautiful two-tier flower bed:


Arranging flower beds is the most important stage in landscaping. In this article we will focus on all sorts of ways to decorate our yard, vegetable garden and surrounding area. Plus, growing flowers and ornamental plants with your own hands brings pleasure, because in this matter you can give full rein to your imagination.

Before proceeding directly, you should familiarize yourself with some auxiliary circumstances. First of all, decide on the location of the flower bed and, depending on this, select plants. Most flowers turn their buds to follow the sun. Therefore, if you plan to place a flower garden on the north side, then it is better to choose plants that are less responsive to sunlight. Prominent representatives include marigolds, delphinium and lupine.

Selection of plants for a flower bed

Are you planning to plant different groups of flowers? In this case, during sowing it is better to leave as much space as possible between representatives of different species. Perhaps at the beginning of summer the flowerbed will be a little empty, but in this way you will avoid difficult work in July, when you will have to free up space for new flowers from well-grown, but not yet withered old ones.

To extend the life of your flowerbed, do not be lazy and periodically remove ovaries, fruits and faded inflorescences. It is undesirable to sow large areas with the same varieties, especially if they please the eye for a short period of time. Otherwise, your flowerbed will only be beautiful for a few weeks a year. To arrange a flower garden at your dacha, you need to take into account the properties of some plants. For example, the tricolor bindweed opens only in the first half of the day, but the Eschscholzia closes its buds even in cloudy weather. There are also night flowers that will delight us after dark. These include matthiola and night gladioli. By creating a flowerbed with your own hands, you can save a lot on the services of a gardener.

At this point we will consider the simplest options. Of course, you can combine different plants yourself and create new, very impressive flower beds, but if you have no experience in this matter, then you should practice using standard schemes. Carpet flower beds will decorate both a small yard and will be an excellent decoration for large areas. In this case, only low-growing plants are planted. Today there is a huge selection of trailing grasses with different leaf colors. Standard green representatives of the flora will serve as the basis; you can even use lawn grass, but it’s easy to create a pattern using plants with multi-colored foliage. Place several low-growing flowers inside the picture.

You can plant green inhabitants in the form of a flower. In the central part we form a small circle of white-flowering specimens, for example, gillyflowers. Forget-me-nots are perfect for framing. But we organize the outer edge in the form of islands.

Flowerbed in the form of a flower

But the easiest to design is the central flower bed. In this case, different groups are planted in circles, and it is desirable that they differ not only in color, but also in flowering time. This way you can enjoy your work from spring to late autumn.

There is also a multiflower flower bed. In this case, one variety of flora representatives is planted. It is best to form such flower beds on a small hill, otherwise the green island will merge with the environment. It is also very important that the earthen mound has a certain shape, for example, a circle, a rectangle or a more complex figure with wavy lines and bends. By burying PVC pipes in the ground around the perimeter of the future flower garden, you will fence off ornamental plants from aggressive weeds. Another way to save the inhabitants of a flower bed from intrusive wild plants is to lay bricks around it. Having prepared the area at the dacha, all that remains is to plant the flowers. At the same time, green residents should be selected in accordance with the weather conditions of your region, lighting, and soil type. Also evaluate your strengths and capabilities; maybe you should give preference to less colorful, but not too whimsical representatives of the flora.

If the area where you are going to grow flowers is sufficiently lit, then you can try creating a rose garden. It’s just better to set aside a place for it in the dacha, and not outside it, otherwise your rose garden may thin out significantly within the first days of its flowering. When choosing a variety of flowers, you should take into account their characteristics, for example, the most primitive ones grow no more than 40 cm in height. This look is perfect for the foreground. The next row should be given over to medium-sized specimens reaching 80 cm. And by placing climbing varieties in the center, you will give the flowerbed completeness. True, the latter need support, since their height reaches several meters.

Now we will look at the features of arranging coniferous flower beds, especially since it is possible to create them with your own hands. If the area is small, then it is better to place juniper, western thuja and mountain pine on it. All these plants combine perfectly and create a wonderful composition. It should be borne in mind that pine and juniper are low-growing species, so it is better to place them in the foreground.

Arranging a coniferous flower garden

Have you purchased a plot of land and it has gentle terrain? There is no need to rush and level the entire surface; you can turn the situation around and form a horizontal flowerbed. In this case, various types of junipers are perfect. Only they should be planted in rows. In addition, in order for the green island to have a more attractive appearance, it should be diversified with decorative stone. This combination will allow you to create a mountain landscape right in your dacha.

Now let’s look at another type of such a flowerbed, namely a symmetrical one, which is easy to arrange with your own hands and without the involvement of specialists. To do this, we place a couple of tall coniferous trees in the center; Canadian spruce is perfect. Plant a recumbent juniper on one side of the composition. Give the remaining area to horizontal juniper. The features of such a flower bed can be called clear shapes. This type is perfect if you are planning to decorate your landscape in a restrained English style.

Creating this type of plant is quite a painstaking task, but not too complicated, so even novice gardeners can do it all with their own hands. This landscape design will fit perfectly into any dacha and will become its highlight. One of the most popular rocky gardens can be called an alpine slide. To equip it, you will need large cobblestones, with their help you need to imitate a mountain slope. In this case, be sure to place the largest stone in the center of the composition. Smaller stones are laid out around the central element, and we do not forget to plant various varieties of low-growing flowers and alpine plants among them.

Alpine slide in the country

Another type of landscape design involving stones, which is quite possible to do with your own hands, is a retaining wall. Mostly flat specimens are selected for it; large pebbles are perfect. At the same time, we leave a place between the boulders where special earthen pockets are made. We plant dwarf plants in the prepared niche.

Now let's look at the most unusual ways to design flower beds in the country or in the yard. The main advantage of these methods is that you don’t need expensive attributes, but unnecessary furniture, old tires, bottles and other seemingly rubbish will come in handy. We often think where to use used tires? It’s dangerous to ride them, it’s a shame to just throw them away, and they take up too much space to store in a closet. They will fit perfectly in the country house. By planting flowers in them, you will decorate your yard. At the same time, the rubber will prevent ornamental plants from spreading throughout the entire area, and weeds from filling your flowerbed. And to make the rubber border more attractive, you can paint it any color.

Flower garden made from old tires

You can plant plants in absolutely any old thing, from shoes to a cistern and various furniture. It is very important that there are holes at the bottom of the object. If they are not provided by the manufacturer, you should do them yourself.

You shouldn’t leave old dishes idle either. Pots, metal teapots and other kitchen items, decorated with the same pebbles and shells, will remind you of the sea and will become the highlight of any area. Old transport will also come in handy: a bicycle, a car body, a motorcycle or a moped. You can put climbing plants along them or fix several wicker pots there, and then the same motorcycle will act as a stand for containers with flowers. But if you have an unnecessary car, an old boat that cannot be restored, then flowers can be planted right inside them. The trunk and hood will be excellent “pots” for green residents.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that there is nothing difficult in decorating a flowerbed at the dacha with your own hands. If you are limited in funds and you cannot afford coniferous, alpine and other varieties of expensive plants, then you can easily get by with improvised means and simple forget-me-nots.

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