Interesting flower bed designs. Types of flower beds for a summer residence - ideas for creating and implementing a project. Original compositions from old things

How we want every corner of the dacha to please our eyes. And if stationary flower beds require preliminary preparation and careful planning, then we can make small flower beds with our own hands from scrap materials, which can quickly add an additional bright element to any corner of our garden.

With minimal effort you can turn any unnecessary container into a flower container.

Bright red salvia is a favorite choice for a bonfire bed.

Do you have a bunch of old flower pots in your house? Let's make cheerful flower beds with our own hands that will make everyone smile.

Have you always wanted to try making a flower garden from a single log?

If you don’t have a suitable log, you can make such a flower garden yourself from the remains of a slab.

Tired of plastic bottles at your dacha? There is a chance to make a vertical flower bed out of them for a gazebo or terrace.

You can easily make a flower garden from building blocks. Depending on how the blocks are painted, you can create a completely different mood: from strictly black to a fun colored mosaic.

No old containers, boards, bottles and other unnecessary things? Believe it or not, an ordinary thick rag and a cement solution can become the basis for an unusual flower garden.

An option for those who still have old unnecessary containers at their dacha. Your dacha - your rules, perhaps such a flower garden will not become a permanent guest in your garden, but it will lift your spirits for the season.

A flower garden option for fans of crafts made from tires.

Indeed, you can make flower beds with your own hands from any available materials. For example, this flower garden is made from an old motorcycle tank.

Any old box in skillful hands has a chance to turn into an unusual flower garden.

If you are a fan of landscaping using flower containers, then you know about their high cost. You can make such flower containers yourself from cement, decorating them to your liking.

It's always a pity to part with unnecessary things that we have become accustomed to. We can say goodbye to them beautifully, making an unusual flower garden out of them with our own hands, and then calmly throw them away.

Even if these things are of small capacity, they can still serve us as a cute flower garden.

Near the house itself we usually have a blind area near the foundation and shade - this is not the best place for a large flower bed. But a small stump from an old tree and one bush of ampelous petunia can create a small miracle.

Any unpretentious annuals can be planted both in a flower bed and in containers. These containers can beautify your garden lawn, porch or gazebo. In order to give these flower beds a rustic style, we wrap them in burlap.

Any old tub or even just an unnecessary barrel, plus a small bush of creeping flowers - and you already have a beautiful flower stream right under the windows of the house.

Plastic containers with flowers look better if they are brought a little closer to their natural appearance, for example, placed in a wicker basket.

Unusual DIY flower beds made from wood cuts require more frequent watering - unlike a regular flower bed, the flowers in them dry out faster.

Not only flowers, but also ornamental grasses look beautiful in the garden. Look how interestingly this sheep flower garden is organized.

Taking an original flower container is one of the simplest and most effective ideas. Cheerful flower caterpillars will illuminate your entire garden with their bright smile.

The unusual swan flower garden skillfully uses the bright contrast between white and blue bushes of small flowers.

If no one needs your old car anymore, and there is no hope of getting rid of it, you can make an unusual flower garden out of it with your own hands. The solution, of course, is not for everyone.
The owner of an old clothing mannequin has the chance to create a small garden masterpiece with his own hands, like this goldilocks flower garden.

If you decide to decorate your garden with flowers, then an old dried tree is not a hindrance for you, but a new challenge for design ideas. An unusual flower bowl with petunias will be the subject of admiration for your family and friends.

There are both simple and complex ideas for flower beds, but any of them will decorate your garden. Even if you are not a wonderful and skilled gardener, it is enough to buy a couple of flower seedlings in the spring and experiment with them.

Even if in the first year, your flower beds, made with your own hands from scrap materials, do not turn out as beautiful as in these photos, you will be able to draw conclusions and increase your skills every year, and sooner or later your garden will become your pride.

Among the many options for decorating a site, do not forget about the already traditional element of landscape design, like a flower bed. She has many positive sides, and every year they are revealed more and more.

What are they for?

The arrangement of flower beds looks like a beautiful and aesthetically complete solution, thanks to which it is possible to disguise unfavorable-looking parts of the territory. The vast majority of people like the pleasant smells of flowers; they lift their spirits and are pleasing to the eye.

Flowerbeds are given an unusual shape mainly so that they attract attention and become the visual centers of compositions. In urban decorative paths and park complexes, such geometry is very widespread; it emphasizes the artificial origin of the landscape and its stylistic rigor.

Using flower beds, you can, and very simply, eliminate uneven areas of the terrain with your own hands. A competent design approach allows you to decorate the territory both horizontally and vertically. Finally, if the soil is very bad, flower beds can be easily decorated with unpretentious flowers. Just listing these advantages is enough to pay closer attention to such design objects.

Creating a flower bed will help decorate the space around a private house, but provided that the designers and the owners themselves clearly understand what exactly they are doing.

Differences from flower beds

Designing flower beds and flower beds is a fairly simple matter, even when there is not enough money. But you need to clearly understand what these two objects have in common and how they are fundamentally different. This is important whether you have enough money to hire landscaping professionals or not. There will not be any particular difficulty in forming a decorative complex in the yard, and any trained gardener will solve this problem on his own. But don’t make the rather common mistake of ordering seeds and seedlings before thinking about where and how they will be planted.

Making a flower garden and making a flower bed are two different things, although inexperienced landowners often confuse the two closely related terms or cannot distinguish them properly. The classic flowerbed is distinguished by its geometrically correct configuration and closed contour line; almost always it rises above the surrounding area. What is important is that annual crops are almost always planted in flowerbeds in the yard; biennials and perennials are very rare there. When selecting plants, take into account that they should always bloom at the same time.

A flower garden is considered by professionals to be an irregular subtype of flower bed - it can be used to plant diverse plants that bloom even in different seasons. It is allowed to design flower beds of absolutely any shape and exclude the slightest boundaries, or rather, their clarity. Outside the city, flower beds are considered a better solution than regular flower beds, especially for those who have little knowledge of landscape design.

If you do not have experience, it is best to limit yourself to mixborders or flower borders to begin with - here you will just need to plant flowers in a straight line.

Variety of shapes

Clear flower beds look beautiful and elegant in the garden space, so you will have to make a lot of effort to ensure that they fully comply with the canons of landscape design. Believe me, the result will be worth it! Round options, like oval ones, work best. If you prefer an irregular shape, do not make corners under any circumstances. A square flower bed should be created by professionals, especially since it is not suitable in all cases.

In any option, it is worth focusing primarily on perennial plants (they will set the tone), and annuals are given the role of elements of novelty. With their help, the type of planting is adjusted annually. The exact geometry is set using a rope tied to stakes driven into the ground. If the soil is not too hard, you can even scratch a line on it with a shovel and use it to guide you when planting. A wicker flowerbed has any geometric shape, but it is more difficult to create than a simple one, and therefore you will need to carefully prepare for this step.


Setting up vertical flower beds is not as difficult as it seems, and their design possibilities are very great. Containers for flowers are attached to the walls of houses and secondary buildings and bright crops that bloom in summer are planted there. The most inconspicuous corners of gardens and local areas are instantly transformed when this technique is used. By forming columns with petunias distributed along the height, it will be possible to make the area more original and fragrant.

Another way to decorate a space is a “flower wave” of clematis, which can surround a tree trunk and bloom continuously for up to 90 days in a row.

Rocky flower beds, better known as rockeries, are rapidly gaining popularity. Such solutions allow you to diversify the space around the same type of country houses, complete its improvement and make the appearance unique. But please note that it is possible to bring the rockery closer to the home only to a certain limit. In addition, a flower bed made of stones shows its true beauty only when there is plenty of sun. Tall plants are usually planted in the middle, and relatively low ones are placed around the perimeter to create a “pyramid” effect.

Under the rockeries, excavations 0.2 m deep are dug to ensure that weeds are removed. Geotextiles are placed at the bottom of the recess; the purpose of its use is the same. A layer of coarse gravel and sand must be created to avoid excessive moisture and rotting of the root system. Then the substrate is covered with a layer of soil, large stones are placed about a third and compacted with crushed stone.

If you can use large boulders, by all means do so, but place them separately as accent pieces. The ground surface is decorated with gravel chips or pebbles.

Unusual rockeries are obtained by combining large and small stone blocks. The use of annuals helps to make the structure more attractive, which are good because the perception of the composition will change every year. This advantage justifies even the understandable difficulties with the annual cultivation of new plantings.

An alternative to rocky planting is container beds, and it is better to grow seedlings not on a windowsill, but in greenhouses heated by diesel generators. This solution speeds up the appearance of flower buds by about 20 days or even a little more.

Monoflowers can belong to any of the types listed above; they are united only by the fact of using strictly one type of plant in a particular case. Lobularia (alissums) of pink, snow-white and golden colors are widely in demand. Salvia and cineraria are also no less popular.


Multi-tiered flower beds are perceived very well; their advantage is the minimal space they occupy. Such objects, even with the placement of a large number of colors, are easy to create without outside help. The lowest tiers are made especially large, and as they approach the top, the new segments become increasingly narrower. But it doesn’t have to be a pyramid; you can choose a round, rectangular or square shape.

Often, multi-tiered flower beds are formed from wood; for this, they take boards 0.3 m high and knock together 4 or 5 boxes of different sizes. As always, at the planting site it is necessary to dig up the soil, clear it of weeds and thoroughly level it. First they place the largest of the boxes, its bottom is covered with crushed stone or suitable construction waste, this will be a kind of drainage.

The soil poured on top must be compacted very well; it is recommended to supplement the soil with fertilizers. After completing the same manipulations with the next boxes, the plants are planted.

Instead of boards, you can take an old unnecessary chest of drawers. Its drawers pull out like a ladder and are lined with thick oilcloths, onto which soil is poured and flowers are planted. But the plants should require moderate watering, as excessive moisture will quickly destroy the tree. And even in the best case, one cannot count on more than 10-15 years of service life for such an improvised type of flower bed.

A good way to create multi-tiered plantings is to use old tires. They are painted with bright, expressive colors, stacked on top of each other and filled with earth. Designers, however, consider the use of stones to be a more complete aesthetic option. Even broken brick is much superior to rubber in its merits, it is more beautiful and lasts much longer.

To increase the strength of the structure being created, stone blocks are placed not on dry ground, but in a thick cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1 to 3.

The selection of bright colors helps to make the decoration of the site more original, but they will certainly have to be diluted with a green background; it is best to create it from small evergreen shrubs. Multi-tiered rockeries require the use of an arrangement of plants of this kind, which are characterized by abundant flowering for as long as possible. Like the tiers themselves, as the height increases, the size of the flowers systematically decreases.

Professionals believe that the best candidates in this case would be petunia, daisy, surfinia, primrose or nasturtium. You can make the aroma of evening twilight more pleasant by planting matthiola at the lowest level.

Design: master class

It’s not enough just to plant flowers, you also need to combine them correctly. Increasing the flowering period of annual crops does not require any significant effort. All that is required of you is timely trimming of the buds along with parts of the branches. The empty soil can be covered with mats of vegetation, selecting it so that the buds bloom alternately.

The project most often includes the correct geometry of a country oasis, since such a move gives the flowering corner a pleasant appearance and makes it visually more luxurious. Landscape design specialists It is recommended to use contrasting colors and use repetitions of compositions more often, then the result will be optimal. Perennial crops that reach high growth should be planted in a close-knit group in a separate area, even if it is small in area.

To avoid mistakes, you should purchase plants for planting exclusively in containers. It is better to plant perennials in the spring, and the hole is made strictly the size of the soil clod along with the roots penetrating it. Don't be afraid to experiment with products that are used in the design of flower beds.

The use of cast iron is of great benefit both practically and aesthetically. To get rid of seeming boredom and lack of expression, it’s enough to paint old dishes. It’s up to you to decide how exactly to do this - the possibilities are very great, and you can create almost any picture that you want to use. Please note that designers do not condemn the use of cast iron containers of various types and colors; moreover, they only approve of such an extraordinary move.

Quite large plants can be grown if you place one cast iron pot on top of another - such an improvised flowerpot is quite durable and will retain its quality for a long time.

If we talk about the use of waste material, then this is a completely logical measure for novice gardeners and not very experienced designers. They do not risk anything and, if successful, can save considerable money. There are a number of options for exactly how to do this. So, with the help of old windows, on which a box with flowers is fixed, you get a quite elegant decorative element.

When old furniture is thrown away, it can be used not only as a whole; a very interesting step is to remove the boxes and turn them into a “train of flowers”. Since such structures can get wet, it is better to place them under awnings, on verandas, and in gazebos. In addition to independent use, sometimes they form a “bench” flowerbed, but this requires larger boxes.

Original flower beds are formed from logs, but their minimum diameter must be at least 0.5 m. In a smaller log there is too little space for growing flowers. The combination of a box lined along the length with a slab, the ends of which are covered with saw cuts of logs, helps to save money. Quite high demands are also placed on stumps that will be used to create improvised flower beds. Very old stumps are quickly destroyed by watering, and it should also be taken into account that the remains of ordinary-sized trees are not suitable; only the largest stumps are acceptable.

But since they are mostly already decrepit, compromises often have to be made. They take a fairly dense and stable medium-sized stump, split it in the middle, and pull out the core using carpentry tools. The resulting blanks are glued together and then dug into the ground, this creates a sufficient base for plant decoration of the area.

In cases where an old and seemingly unnecessary tree grows on the site, the result is even more attractive. 10 - 12 hanging pots of petunias are enough to complete the original flowerbed. Interesting solutions, in fact, are found around us more often than it seems. The only problem is to find them and discern aesthetic qualities in the most seemingly ordinary object.

Do not rush to throw away old steel rods and linoleum remaining after repairs. Create a flowerbed-basket from them; the bush itself can be either planted in it or surrounded by a similar structure long time after planting. An excellent way to create a vertical composition of succulents is to use plastic pipes.

Organize a system for watering all modules or hang pots outside, then the problem of water spillage and damp walls will be solved.

A combination of “incompatible” items is another way to save space on your site. Consider pairing a doghouse with a pallet flower bed on top. This concept looks attractive and bold, attracting everyone's attention. Just make sure that there are no fasteners or other sharp structures sticking out inside the kennel to protect your pets from accidental injuries.

Another good waste material is excess cement left over after construction or renovation. The solution is poured over a mesh placed at the bottom of any suitable container. The other surface is covered with ordinary cling film; its main advantages are softness and tight fit of the surface. A reinforcing mesh is placed on top of the mortar layer, and after it cement is applied one more time. Pebbles, crushed stone, and broken ceramic tiles can be used for decoration; After the solution has hardened, the mold must be removed, and this completes the production of a pot of the required size and configuration.

An attractive idea is to use soft forms: pour or place something heavy into the pot, then press a plastic bag into which the mortar is poured. Immediately after the form hardens, an even larger bag is put on it, moistened with the same solution, its edges are wrapped inward and again coated with liquid building material. To hold the neck more firmly, use an ordinary rope.

When there is no cement at hand, plastic bottles are a good solution. With their help, if you also use gypsum, you can form swans or other types of figured garden decor. Or you can simply dig cut bottles into the ground and use them as a frame for plants. By applying paint, you can easily escape the stereotype of plastic as something cheap and not very practical.

Continuing the conversation about recycled materials in the design of flower beds, it is worth paying attention to iron barrels; Such containers are great for lobelia and other flowers with a not too demanding “character”.

Where to place it?

We can talk for a long time about what the design of a flower bed might be and how to implement it. But success is achieved only under one condition, namely a carefully selected location. Remember when selecting a location that flowers move steadily after the sun. This means that in a flowerbed visible from the north, almost all the time they will be turned in the opposite direction.

It is not at all necessary to have a flower bed or flower garden near the house. A quite attractive alternative is its placement in the parterre (the front part of the garden) and directly at the entrance to the territory. The arrangement of flower beds near recreational areas, in the middle of lawns (it dilutes the monotony of green grass), next to terraces is no worse. Attractive schemes include flower plantings next to fences, along the outer perimeter of the site, on top of a retaining wall or along the banks of an artificial reservoir.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and cover a significant area with flowers; they can occupy up to 4/5 of the entire space and not seem at all monotonous.


The only limitations are how attached you are to the colors. Be sure to think about the time you will have to spend on caring for lawns, lawns and flower beds. When working on layout solutions, they do this: first of all, draw a flower garden or flower bed on the overall plan of the site, and then increase the scale. Flowerbeds should be marked with round, oval or irregularly shaped zones, maintaining proportion. Before marking on the plan, thoroughly study the principles of flower arrangements, and then you will definitely not make any mistakes.

The leading place is the rule of tiers, according to which a selection of colors is immediately formed for viewing either along the entire perimeter, or only from selected directions. In the first case, the tallest plantings are placed in the center, and in the second, the background is set aside for them. According to the principle of asymmetry, minor deviations from a strictly symmetrical layout and placement will only improve the perception of a flower bed or flower garden.

It is equally important to think through the color part of the composition, since it feels clearly different outdoors than indoors.

If you prefer plants with red, yellow or orange blooms, place your beds in areas that are as light as possible. But if you like blue and bluish flowers, it is better to choose a slightly shaded area for such a flower bed. Consider whether too much shade (or, conversely, too much sun) will harm certain crops. You also need to take into account the shadow that will be cast by neighboring flowers, trees and shrubs on each other. When planting flowers along the path, you don’t need to bring them too close to it, otherwise walking will be very uncomfortable.

Professionals recommend that you first think through the location of the most important flower bed (parterre), and only then prepare designs for all the others. If there is a lawn nearby, it is advisable to raise flower arrangements above it by 0.15-0.2 m. A good step is to place flower beds directly next to garden areas or buildings. Combination with small architectural forms can also look good, but it is better to entrust this to specialists, because such a design is more complicated.


Making a fence

The arrangement of a flower bed cannot be considered complete if a good place has been chosen for it, an original solution for placement has been invented and the layout has been thoroughly worked out. It's time to pay attention to another important element - enclosing structures. Their role is in no way limited to the function of a simple barrier. Such elements make the design of the flowerbed complete and externally harmonious. If desired, it is also easy to divide the territory into zones using fencing.

First of all, you should choose not the material, but the height of the fences; it is determined by how tall the flowers are in the flower beds and lawns. Decorative structures that are only 50-70 mm in height help to separate them from each other and visually mark the border. But in order for the fence to also become a border for paths, it will be necessary to create a barrier of at least 0.1 m. But in most cases, the owners of dachas and gardens also take care of retaining the soil and stabilizing the shape of the flower beds.


Stone blocks are an effective solution to these problems when the plantings are not too high; at the same time, they prevent plants from growing into free space and paths. Brick can perform the same function, but wooden structures cannot cope, they collapse too quickly.

Industrially manufactured metal structures must be driven exactly to the depth specified in the instructions. Then the boundaries will be perfectly smooth, outlined by a line that is insurmountable for children and pets. Instead of a solid fence, they try to use a picket fence, which is made not only of metal, but also of wood and even plastic. It is recommended to use a fence of approximately 50 cm around front gardens and rose gardens. It is enough to outline a mixed border and a border of flowers with a line. Great height will only unnecessarily complicate the work and will not give anything in practice.

If you want not only to show the boundaries on the site, but also to increase their attractiveness, make them in the same style as the flower beds, flower beds and lawns themselves. As for the material, logs and boards are good for minimal heating under the sun's rays; plants will not get burned if they come into contact with them. Another important advantage of wood is ease of work, no need for special skills and complex tools. The insufficient service life of wood can be significantly increased by using special impregnations and tinting the fence from time to time.

The format of a wooden barrier can be very different: these are palisades made of stakes or logs, and a stacked picket fence, and transversely cut parts of logs. It’s not that difficult to make an original-looking wicker fence from branches. Having chosen wooden chocks, do not forget that they need to be dug in about 0.2 m, wrapped underground with roofing felt tape and pre-impregnated with an antiseptic composition. Having fulfilled all the requirements and thoroughly compacted the soil, you can expect that the fence will remain in place for at least 10 years.

If you want to create stronger fences, use different types of stones; immediately decide on the choice of not only the material, but also dry masonry or placement on the solution. Be prepared for a substantial short-term investment that will definitely pay off in longevity and structural stability. It is recommended to combine high stone barriers with stylistically similar paths. The best materials for this, according to experts, are monolithic blocks for curbs and tiles for forming sidewalks.

It is advisable to choose a brick or other stone if you need to create a fence of any height on a not too level area.

Only metal structures that can be forged, produced by casting or welding ready-made blocks can compete with them in terms of service life. In most cases, such fences are formed individually; the size of the sections and the type of sketch are not limited in any way.

But the costs of a metal fence around flower beds, even the simplest one made according to a standard design, are quite significant.

Forged barriers are beautiful in themselves, but it should be remembered that they do not always fit into the decor of the site. It is best to use such a fence for climbing crops. The garden is where rusty steel sometimes turns out better than new. By driving pipes covered with traces of corrosion into the ground to the same level, it is easy to combine them stylistically with pebbles and a group of succulents.

Plastic also has its advantages: it does not suffer from contact with water, does not absorb moisture and lasts quite a long time. There are plastic curbs that are difficult to distinguish from stone, wood or brick from afar. What’s important is that plastic allows you to quickly create tiered structures that vary in height. The stakes are simply driven into the ground, and now the sectional barrier around the flowerbed is completely ready.

Choosing flowers

Fences, both from ready-made elements and those made by hand, are a wonderful thing. But another important thing has been overlooked - gabions. These structures made of steel mesh filled with stones are both practical and aesthetic, ensuring the implementation of even the most non-standard plans and design schemes. With the help of gabions, it is easy to strengthen the shore of a lake, river or stream, and prevent the garden, which was so laboriously designed, from “sliding” into them.

If you wish, you can arrange a mesh bench near the pool. You don’t need any special building materials; crushed stone or concrete left over after major construction or repairs will also work. And now, when decorating the space and protecting it is completed, you can choose the right types and varieties of perennials to beautifully decorate your flower beds.

Those crops that are distinguished by the largest and brightest flowers are naturally placed in the middle of the plantings. More modest-looking plants act as a visual complement, and the smallest species will help avoid breaks and create an attractive low-growing perimeter. Try to choose them, focusing not only on the flowers, but also on the leaves, especially in cases where they are the most decorative.

Flower beds placed near walls or fences are sown along such structures with the tallest crops. But when you can walk around, a high tier is created in the center, and it becomes possible to fit existing plantings and buildings into the composition.

Astilbe is a frequent guest in flower beds; it looks very beautiful even where there is a thick shadow on the ground. The difference in varieties allows you to create thickets of quite different sizes. The color of the paniculate flowers is also dissimilar. Astilbe and hosta plantings go well together. Helenium does not tolerate shading so well, but it blooms powerfully throughout almost the entire warm period.

Magnificent geraniums (botanical name) are distinguished by their large flowers and graceful leaves. This plant easily tolerates partial shade, can be combined with trees and be part of mixborders. The flowering period is May and June, when it ends, the area will be decorated with reddish splashes. Catnip, unlike geranium, is adapted to absolutely any lighting and practical conditions, but it acquires its greatest splendor in bright sunlight. In terms of unpretentiousness, the cuff confidently competes with it.

Oriental poppy can look beautiful, but always check when a particular variety will bloom - from May to June or from June to July. If you want to make your flower bed more vibrant in any season of the year and quickly propagate flowers, choose sedum. For late summer and early autumn, in gardens with fertile soil and good lighting, you should prefer rudbeckia.

Throughout the summer, yarrow will decorate flower beds and flower beds. Japanese anemones are perhaps the most beautiful among all unpretentious types of perennial crops.

In addition to this general information, you must also take into account the real characteristics of plants and your capabilities. Do not try to introduce more species; it is better to select a sequence of crops that will bloom together and for a long time. At any given time, at least three species must have flowers. Carefully familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of cultivation and care, take care of the compatibility of species with each other.

If the height of the plants is 100-200 cm, per 1 sq. m of soil you can plant no more than 5 pieces. When this figure is 0.5-0.9 m, it is allowed to increase the concentration to 9 pieces, and flowers from 200 to 400 mm will fit from 7 to 12 stems in the same area. For 1 sq. m, from 10 to 16 ground covers or low-growing specimens will grow well. Bulb crops, no matter their size, are planted from 12 to 25 pieces per 1 square meter. m.


If you really lack the experience to form an attractive composition, you can simply combine phlox, heuchera, daylilies, astilbe and geraniums. These five types of unassuming plants are definitely enough to form a long-blooming elegant flower bed. We recommend that you do not literally reproduce design schemes that were invented by other people. You can always choose a plant that is similar in terms of flowering period and permissible conditions, and vary the size of the plantings according to your taste and goals.

Now you can understand the specific options for plants in flower beds in more detail. Let's pay attention first of all to the “favorites” of landscape design. Petunias have been among such crops for a long time. Herbs and semi-shrubs from 0.1 to 1 m are classified as perennial, but are grown artificially as annuals.

A tropical plant naturally places increased demands on light and heat. The more flowers a specimen has, the more important good weather is for it. Resistance to dry seasons is average. If there is no watering for a long time, the shoots die. Significantly moist (to a certain limit) soil is tolerable, unless the water stagnates. The optimal substrate is loam and sandy loam, but you can plant petunia on any fertile soil.

Flowers in pots and containers can be packed up to 70 pieces per 1 square meter. m. Lush, abundant flowering is achieved through frequent watering and spraying, weekly feeding (one root feeding should be followed by one leaf treatment). When adverse weather conditions occur, use growth stimulants.

Caring for plants planted in small containers should be more careful and attentive than those growing in open ground.

But with all the advantages of petunia, it is impossible to achieve continuous flowering from it. This means that you will have to form a combined composition from several types. A flowerbed that blooms from spring to autumn should be voluminous and occupy a large area. This is caused not only by the significant number of plants required, but also by the need to create an expressive ensemble. Heterogeneous crops planted here and there will only do harm and greatly worsen the aesthetic qualities of the plantings.

When it is impossible to create a large flower bed or flower garden on your site, a chain of seasonal plantings gives a similar effect. You just need to think about their relationship so that at any moment the overall appearance turns out to be attractive to the observer. Distribute plants with close flowering periods into groups so that seasonal “spots” are formed; the dominant role will smoothly transition from one to another. A flowerbed of continuous flowering is always done in a free layout, and if the whole concept of the garden is geometric, it is better to organize separate flower beds for each season.

Don’t forget that in addition to the time of flower release, the size, growth rate, watering, lighting and soil conditions must also match. Plant species that are developing very quickly and rapidly overwhelming their surroundings will even have to be restrained. And all this is also not enough. Also pay attention to the geometry and color (it can be contrasting or similar in spirit, depending on your preferences). Consider whether the flowerbed will be visible from everywhere or can only be observed from one side.

Despite the importance of perennials, also use annuals - with their help it is easy to vary the situation in the garden in different years and even from season to season.

Speaking about the variety of appearance of a flower bed or flower garden, one cannot fail to mention that many landscape design ideas are closely related to roses. They are easy to use both autonomously and in conjunction with other plants that will be a favorable background for them. Most gardeners believe that roses go best with lilies and peonies, although there are also fans of annuals. The optimal background for the roses themselves is green, for example, a fence of trimmed boxwoods or simple lawns.

Always choose areas where there are no drafts, where the soil is formed by loam with high-quality natural drainage. The acid-base balance of the soil is neutral or slightly acidic. Please note that individual varieties of roses do not tolerate continuous sunlight. For them it is worth setting aside a weak penumbra. Never place flowers of similar tones next to each other; they should be different from each other. A good option that does not require any frills is to plant 3 or 4 flowers of the same color in combination with other plants that highlight it.

Another option is to line the edges of lawns with roses. In this case, you can plant plants of any height you like. When choosing a structural rose garden, a miniature garden is actually created - you can add seating and a terrace, walls, fountains, even small ponds to the composition. All roses in such cases are planted as tapeworms. An excellent approach is a southern slope covered with low-growing flowers, as well as ridges or lawns.

In addition to roses, a monoflower can also consist of hostas. Hostarias require significant space, but the level of shading does not matter for them. Preferred places for organization are around a tall tree or next to a wall. In areas where there is plenty of sunlight or the soil is sandy, pay more attention to watering. Ideally, you should set aside a corner with moderately moist soil for your hosta. Do not buy flowers that are too bright and variegated, because flowerbeds organized only from them look disjointed, seem poorly thought out and do not comply with design principles.

It is undesirable to purchase large varieties - their growth rate is high and the suppression of other plants will quickly begin. As a last resort, “giants” should be planted near trees, and in limited quantities.

When choosing flowers for flowers, take care of a geometrically strict appearance, clarity of shades and shapes. The easiest way is to make two or three oblong stripes; if you want to experiment, alternate bright expressive spots in a checkerboard pattern. A large width bed can be planted in sections of different geometric shapes, creating a unique look. Never create the widest possible “beds” with an abundance of colors; it is better to use small paths, placing flower beds along their edges. Keep in mind that the lighting mode should be optimal for all crops included in the crop.

Even when selecting plants, you should carefully check how accurate and adequate the source of your information is. Do not overly trust messages from seed and seedling sellers. It is better to focus on descriptions from independent sources, then you will be able to create a clear list for forming a composition faster.

Answer immediately the question of what should be in a certain place - plants with vertical placement of inflorescences, dense cones or soft pillows; Whatever the answer, the selection will be significantly simplified, because obviously unsuitable candidates will no longer be available. In many cases, decorating an area with lilies will be quite simple, but the best candidates will be difficult to find.

These flowers can also be planted in a monoflower, subject to strict color compatibility. When creating a joint planting of lilies and roses, it is recommended to use places without shading, but also without excess wind. Excessive exposure to the sun, especially during hot lunch hours, is contraindicated for these flowers.

On sloping areas, choose the highest possible places and add complex fertilizers to the ground.

Lily flower beds are made with holes 230 - 250 mm deep. The larger the bulb, the deeper it should be buried in the fall. The advantage of this flower is its minimal susceptibility to pests and the absence of the need for special care.

The choice of flowers for a flower bed directly depends on its properties. Thus, on previously unused land that has not yet been overgrown with ornamental plants, evergreen ground cover crops should be used. A good move is to plant them on the edge of the flower bed, with a smooth visual transition to the garden and maintaining a pleasant green path even in the cold season. Trees, phloxes, tenacious plants and sunflowers help to form green covers. But where there is a lot of shade, it is worth using astilbe, black cohosh or Rogers.

Soil preparation

Whatever flowers and arrangements you choose, the soil is rarely so fertile that there is no need for additional work. Improvement methods are known to all experienced summer residents and gardeners: for example, sandy loam is improved with clay, peat, manure and compost, always adding lime. Clay soils and heavy loams are easiest to refine with sand, humus, peat and sawdust. In rocky areas, it is recommended to prepare holes or trenches filled with high-quality soil or a mixture replacing it.

The main treatment is digging up the area; this should be done in the fall. Do not crush the clods of earth, just turn them over. After the soil dries out in the spring, they walk through it with hand cultivators. Dahlias have the highest requirements for pre-fertilization; asters, carnations, gladioli and phlox are somewhat less picky.

When calculating the required volume of mineral fertilizers, pay attention to both the quality of soil cultivation and the properties of certain varieties.

How to plant?

Maintain a reasonable distance when planting: if it turns out to be crowded, the flowers will develop slowly, and overly rare specimens seem to be only helplessly inserted in the middle of empty spaces. The soil for perennial flower crops needs to be compacted a little and watered, then they will begin to grow much more intensively. By following these principles, you can create both high and low plantings of the most attractive appearance.

A perennial flower bed (round) can be created very simply. Decorative sunflowers and holly roses are placed in the background; Gaillardia and Spanish poppy protrude slightly forward. The long line in front of them should be given to cardinal lobelia; the frontal plane is formed from blue and accent red flowers.

It doesn’t matter whether you choose this design option or another. Before planting flowers in a flowerbed, you should stock up on a tape measure in order to accurately and correctly measure all the necessary distances. Of course, you need to have a sharpened shovel; In addition to this, a wheelbarrow will come in handy (carrying loads will be much easier). The soil for planting plants is well dug up and loosened; Depending on the shape of the flowerbed and its location, flowers are first planted in the middle or in the far corner, gradually moving in the opposite direction.

The first watering is almost always required; rare crops do not require this approach.

Beautiful examples

New products in the field of landscape design appear constantly, but it is not always wise to chase them. It is better to focus on truly original flowerbed decor. This is how mirrors, rubber wheels and plastic sheets help realize a unique idea.

Flowers are an important element of decorating a summer cottage. They delight the eye, give the atmosphere a unique charm, and fill the air with aroma. But if you plant flowers haphazardly and thoughtlessly, instead of a beautiful, well-groomed flower garden, you can end up with a dull, neglected area with plants that have dried up in the middle of summer.

Let's consider how you can plant flowers beautifully so that they harmonize with the design of the site and bring joy until the end of the summer season.

garden flowers Source

Autumn flower garden: examples of planting flowers in flower beds

The main disadvantage of most flower beds and flower beds is that with the arrival of autumn they begin to thin out and the flowers fade. To avoid this, you need to think about planting in such a way that the flowers delight with their beauty right up to the frost.

Flowering of late plants begins in early September and continues until the end of November. There are many varieties of late flowers, each of them has its own advantages. Before arranging a flowerbed, you need to carefully study the development and growth characteristics of each plant, and select options in the spring.

It is best to sow seeds for seedlings at the end of winter, and after the end of summer flowers bloom, plant the seedlings in the ground. They choose varieties that are unpretentious and do not require much care, since in the fall most people are not often at their dacha and cannot carefully care for the plants.

There are many varieties of flowers that are suitable for the autumn flower garden.

Bright yellow spot on the area Source


This flower has already become a classic in our flower beds. White, pink, burgundy, lilac and yellow varieties up to 0.5 meters high look most impressive, although there are many other colors.

Chrysanthemum begins to bloom at the end of August and lasts until the first frost. Varieties with small heads are especially unpretentious, for example, Korean chrysanthemum, which is a low bush completely covered with small bright flowers.


Late varieties of phlox are low bush plants. The color of the heads varies from pink to purple. Striped phloxes look especially impressive. They bloom in the first half of autumn. You will need to periodically remove dried inflorescences. They love loose, well-fertilized and moist soil.

Phlox paniculata Source


Serves as a real decoration for a flower garden. This is a bush up to 0.5 meters high with very beautiful bright yellow, red-orange and brick-purple flowers. Looks great in a hedge; they decorate areas near a pool or small pond.

It does not require special care, but the soil needs to be fertilized and periodically loosened. It is advisable to provide plenty of sunlight.

Bright helenium flowers Source


Reminiscent of a large chamomile with huge yellow and bright orange flowers. It is better to plant it in the background of a flower garden; it looks organic next to coniferous plants. Does not require maintenance, it is important to ensure regular watering.

Rudbeckia perennial Source

Pansy, or tricolor violet

A low plant, does not exceed 15-30 centimeters. Pansies are unpretentious, grow well in the shade, but bloom better and more abundantly in the sun. Among the most common varieties are white, yellow, blue, red, purple, and there are even black ones. Due to the variety of shades, a flower garden with pansies turns out to be especially bright and interesting.

Viola in the garden Source


Tall plant with pink, red, yellow, white flowers. The center of a flower bed is suitable for planting it, since it is a fairly large plant, and shorter flowers favorably emphasize its height and beauty. It requires regular watering, although it tolerates drought well.


The queen of any autumn flower garden, it blooms long and profusely. There are a great many varieties of this plant, they differ in the height of the bush and colors - you can find asters in white, blue, pink, purple and many other colors. It is unpretentious, does not require special care, reproduces easily and tolerates cold well. The best solution for a flower garden is to mix annual and perennial varieties.

Multi-colored asters Source


Can grow well anywhere in the garden and likes moderate watering. More than 2000 species of dahlias are known - peony, spherical, needle-shaped, collared, nymphal. The largest heads reach 10-12 centimeters.

Marigolds, or Tagetes

There are more than 50 different varieties, including annuals and perennials. They come in an incredible variety of colors, ranging from deep yellow to reddish brown. Terry and two-color marigolds are especially beautiful. Their height does not exceed 20 centimeters, flowering does not stop until the first frost.

Yellow marigolds Source


It is distinguished by large beautiful inflorescences and an erect stem. The flowers are simple and double. Loves good lighting, does not tolerate drafts. Great for borders.

Zinnias in garden design Source:

Scheme of planting flowers in a flower bed

A flower garden that is not thought out and planned in advance rarely looks beautiful. It is necessary to follow a certain planting scheme, taking into account the characteristics of each type of plant. You need to take care of this in the winter so that you can purchase seeds and plant them for seedlings in early spring.

Before buying seeds, you should think about how you can plant flowers beautifully, what flower beds you plan to create - they come in several types.

Regular flower beds

They are distinguished by straight lines, geometric shapes, and complex patterns. Various types of classic flower beds, borders, and modular flower beds are considered regular.

Irregular flower beds

They consist of several groups of plants with different flowering cycles. They bloom in turn, due to which the flowerbed is filled with flowering plants all season long.

Mixborder for the garden Source


These are ordinary elongated, rectangular beds that consist of several rows of plants. This makes it possible to create picturesque stripes like carpet paths.

Multi-level or mixborders

Plants are planted in tiers, which allows you to focus on the beauty of each type of flower.

After choosing the shape of the flower bed, you should consider its color design. Designers distinguish three basic types of flower beds.

Monochrome flower garden. Plants of the same color or the same color scheme are planted. This solution is especially natural for a small flower garden. 2-4 varieties of flowers are enough, the tallest ones are placed in the middle, and the lowest ones are placed at its edges.

White flower garden Source

Contrasting flower beds. You should choose combinations that are opposite in location in the color spectrum. For example, yellow with blue, green with red, pink with blue, orange with blue. For special effect, you need to choose flowers in bright, saturated colors, although muted colors make the flower bed elegant and sophisticated.

Varied flower bed Source

Adjacent colors. They are selected in such a way as to ensure a smooth transition of shades. It is important to choose 2-3 colors adjacent to the color palette. For example, blue with blue, pink with lilac, red with purple.

Now you can draw up a diagram of the flower garden. According to tradition, the tallest flowers are planted in the center, then their height gradually decreases towards the edge of the flowerbed.

How to beautifully plant flowers in a flower bed Source

If the flower beds are located along walls or fences, the background is planted with the tallest plants, the shortest ones are placed in front. Several medium-height perennials are planted next to tall perennials.

Retaining walls with plants Source

It is advisable to sow all the free space of the flowerbed with low-growing ground cover plants or lawn grass, which form a kind of carpet.

You can choose one type of color or several, the main condition is that they match in tone and size.

Multi-tiered flower beds are good for limited area. For example, they build vertical wooden shelving, with which you can hide an unsightly place, decorate a fence, or zone an area.

Vertical flower bed Source

Vertical flower beds can be in the form of flower pots fixed on special frames or rods. As the flowers grow, they usually cover the entire wall with a continuous carpet, especially if some climbing plant is planted here.

You can use old car tires of different diameters and stack them on top of each other. It is allowed to build a stepped structure from boards.

Flower arrangements for the garden and cottage

Beautiful combinations of flowers of various heights and colors are the central place in any summer cottage. They help to break up a monotonous environment and create an elegant design.

When creating a composition, you need to take into account that a suitable environment is important for it. It always attracts attention, so you shouldn’t place it in a place that looks unsightly. For a dacha, it is better to make a landscape-type composition, that is, use all the elements of a suburban area.

Economical flower garden Source

With any type of composition, two principles are used to create it - creating contrast or similarity.

For a contrasting composition, choose plants that differ sharply from each other in shape, color, and texture.

Relaxation area in the garden Source

When using the principle of similarity, plants also differ, but only slightly, and the differences are stepwise. For example, a color transition is used from rich red to light red, and from there to pink.

A selection of red flowers Source

Another important point is the size of the composition. It should become an organic part of the site, so you don’t need to make it too big or too small. A large size does not make it possible to appreciate the beauty of the flower garden as a whole, and a small one will look frivolous.

First, select the main element. It can be a tree, a tall bush on the site, or a tall flower. The composition with spruce looks very beautiful. Shrubs or perennials should be planted at different distances from it. At the same time, it is important to maintain symmetry and remember that plants with picturesque, lush crowns are not always appropriate here. Although any options are possible in a landscape composition.

Flowers under the tree Source

There is usually only one central element in the composition; its framing is chosen in several copies. And the number of lower-level plants is not even counted; they are taken in the quantity necessary to decorate the background.

Selection of colors for compositions

The basis of the flower bed consists of large flowers with tall stems. They are placed in the center. Background flowers are lower than the central ones, their inflorescences are usually not so bright and large, but they play an important role in building the composition: they are used to create a beautiful frame for the central part of the flower garden.

In general, plant height plays an important role. All flowers are divided into several main groups:

  • Ground cover: purslane, saxifrage, pansy, periwinkle, muscari, primrose, Turkish carnation, blue forget-me-not, phlox. They look organically as borders and ridges; they are used to sow the free spaces of flower beds.
  • Low-growing, not exceeding 30 centimeters: nasturtium, petunia, marigolds, lobelia, calceolaria, iberis, Chinese carnation, alpine asters.
  • Medium-sized: geranium, chamomile, cosmos, zinnia, eschscholzia, delphinium, gladioli, astilbe, peonies.
  • Tall: ferns, ornamental shrubs, trees. The most beautiful and popular are hydrangea, rhododendron, jasmine, tree peony, conifers, for example, yew, thuja, juniper.

In order for the flower garden to maintain its beauty at any time of the year, it is advisable to choose flowers taking into account their flowering periods. In early spring, daffodils, forget-me-nots, primroses, violets, scillas and snowdrops bloom.

Spring flower bed Source

Towards the end of spring it is the turn of lilies, tulips, peonies, irises, and bells.

Bright tulips and daffodils Source

To make the flower garden look beautiful in the summer, it is advisable to plant non-flowering perennials on it: hostas, sedum, feather grass, reed grass, chickweed, basil, oregano, mint.

In summer, marigolds, hydrangeas, begonias, morning glory, lavender, petunias, and lavender bloom.

Gorgeous hydrangea Source

All summer long, the queen of any garden – the rose – pleases the eye. It goes well with conifers, which beautifully emphasize the brightness of the buds and inflorescences of the rose.

White roses in mixborders Source

Flower beds look original, where one type of flower plays a decisive role. For example, in a flower bed along a wall or fence in the background, one row of tall paniculate red-violet phlox is planted.

The foreground on the left is decorated with blue-violet phloxes, and on the right - pink. Then surround them with low flowers in pink, red or white, such as penstemons.

White and red phlox Source

To complete the picture, plant a flowerbed with a border of yellow-green soft cuff.

Soft cuff Source

If the site is an open free space, it is decorated with closed fantasy flower beds with flowers of the same variety.

Violets in a flowerbed Source

A beautiful combination of dark red and purple colors. To do this, purple scabiosa is planted next to lupine or red peonies. The entire remaining space is planted with ornamental grasses.

Choosing flowers for a country flower bed Source:

The flower garden is sown with lupine, lobularia or lily, and in order to create bright accents, white and purple bearded irises, blue aquilegia and phlox are planted.

A combination of bright yellow coreopsis with white flowers of pyrethrum and yellow yarrow will provide a joyful mood. You can place a rose bush in the middle of the flower garden.

Tall flower garden Source

Tall gladioli look very beautiful in summer, which perfectly coexist with low perennials - bells, delphiniums, anemones, yarrow, sage.

Gladioli in flower beds Source

Photos of the best compositions of planted flowers for the garden

Cottage decoration

It can be recreated with the help of beautiful flower arrangements, which at the same time mask unattractive elements of the landscape. Therefore, you need to know how to choose and plant flowers correctly so that they delight the eye and soul throughout the entire summer season.

The best decoration for a dacha or garden are flower beds that bloom all summer and are fragrant. Properly placed and beautifully decorated flower arrangements will decorate and ennoble your dacha.

We will tell you how to make a flowerbed with your own hands later in this article.

Preparation for work and rules for designing a flower bed

First, choose a place suitable for decorating a flower bed. Decide what flowers you would like to see and what shape to give to the flower garden.

In order for the flowerbed to fit organically into the landscape of your site, take into account such factors as: the size and shape of the land, the location of buildings, and the illumination of the future flowerbed. The shape of the flower bed can be different, it all depends on your preferences.

It is better to make flower beds along paths and fences long.

Place single-tier flower beds of continuous flowering near the garden house.

Multi-tiered flower beds with climbing plants are ideally placed along fences, walls and around a summerhouse; the vines will create shade and coolness, ideal for relaxation.

If you have a pond on your property, be sure to decorate it with flower arrangements. Open free areas can be decorated with closed, fantasy flower beds with flowers of the same variety.

When creating flower beds and flower beds with your own hands, make plans for future plantings. By transferring your ideas to paper and carefully thinking through color and stylistic solutions, it will be easier for you to bring your ideas to life.

In multi-tiered flower beds, plants are combined in height and planted as follows: ground-growing (purslane, saxifrage), low-growing (nasturtium, petunia), medium-growing (geranium, chamomile), tall (ferns, ornamental trees).

Consider the flowering time - the best option is a constantly blooming flower bed.

Original flowerbed design

When decorating flower beds at your dacha with your own hands, think about fencing for flower plantings. Fences will add additional decor and complement the flower arrangement.

The fencing can be various objects, such as stones, tiles, bricks and other available materials.

Stone fencing

If there are bricks left on your site after building a house, use them to decorate your flower garden. When making a flowerbed from bricks or stone, you will need cement mortar and bricklaying skills.

It will be enough to lay two rows of fencing and a beautiful flower bed is ready. The design with wild stone will be very original, such as slate, granite, cobblestones of various shapes.

Compositions from tires and bottles

Creating flower beds from unusual things such as old tires and plastic bottles has become extremely popular. Using a creative approach, you can make luxurious compositions from these items.

In the photo of the flower bed you can see the use of bottles. Fill the bottles with soil before burying them to avoid deformation.


Flower beds made from tires will serve you for many years. You can create multi-tiered compositions from old wheels of different diameters. If desired, tires can be painted with bright colors.

The wheels can also be hung as flowerpots; plants with flowing stems would be ideal for such a flowerbed.

Furniture and appliances in the design of a flower object

The use of interior items in garden decor is becoming increasingly fashionable. Chairs, sideboards, dressing tables, iron beds, baths, washbasins and even toilets are used.

For example, the outer surface of the bathtub can be painted or tiled, filled with earth and placed near a pond. Plant petunias or violets in chests of drawers with open drawers.

For more durable use, it is better to coat wooden objects with moisture-resistant products.


An old bicycle or even a small car can become a flower garden. You will need paint and a little imagination to transform your dacha or garden into something extraordinary. Photos of flowerbed design will help you with this.

Choice of colors

When choosing flowers for future compositions, take into account not only the color, but also the duration of flowering, the height of the bush, the possibility of proximity, requirements for watering and sunlight.

By carefully choosing plants and putting your soul into the design of your summer cottage, you can turn your wildest ideas into reality.

DIY photo of flower beds


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