Expert advice on what to do if apple trees dry out? Why do fruit trees dry out? Why does a tangerine turn yellow?

The gardener has a lot to do in the spring so that the apple trees will be pleased with an excellent harvest in the fall. Work in the garden begins as soon as the air temperature during the day is not lower than +10 C (early-mid-April), and the likelihood of night frosts is minimal. Spring apple tree care consists of the following activities:

  • The tree is freed from winter insulation and shelters;
  • The area around the tree trunks is cleared of last year's fallen fruits, leaves, and branches. Such cleaning is necessary not only in autumn, but also in spring.
  • Inspect the trunk and branches for damage. If the wounds are superficial (for example, cracking and peeling of the bark), then it is enough to remove the damaged bark and treat it with garden varnish.
  • If there is serious damage to a trunk or branch, for example by rodents, the exposed wood is carefully cleaned and covered with garden varnish, and then wrapped with burlap.
  • The apple tree is pruned before the buds appear. Remove damaged and weak branches and growths. Formative pruning avoids splitting of the main trunk.

Important! Before you start pruning apple trees, you should read the recommendations and advice of experts and watch thematic videos on the Internet. Incorrectly performed spring pruning will greatly weaken the tree and reduce its yield and resistance to diseases and pests.

  • After pruning, they begin to whitewash the trunk and skeletal branches. For this purpose, solutions of lime, chalk, and copper sulfate are used. Sometimes acrylic paint is applied to the trunk as a protective layer, which is more resistant to rain and frost. These are the main tasks that a gardener performs every spring.

Rules for caring for an apple tree in spring

However, very often in the spring, gardeners, when examining an apple tree, discover drying out of both its individual parts and the entire tree. This situation requires taking immediate measures, but before them it is necessary to understand why the apple tree dried up after winter, because the choice of measures that will reduce the consequences of this phenomenon not only in the current year, but also in subsequent seasons depends on the reason.

Determining a specific cause is not easy.

First, let's look at a few general points that can lead to the apple tree drying out throughout the growing season:

  • Features of the soil in the garden plot;
  • Shallow groundwater table;
  • Lack or complete absence of elements and trace elements;
  • Influence of climatic and atmospheric conditions;
  • Manifestation of fungal, viral, bacterial diseases;
  • Presence of dangerous pests.

After wintering, the apple tree can either partially or completely dry out due to:

  • Severe frosts, lack of snow cover;
  • Insufficient cover of the tree trunk circle;
  • Bacterial disease root canker.

Damage to the apple tree caused by the reasons described above has a number of negative consequences:

  • Freezing of the trunk and root system leads to drying out of a healthy apple tree after winter.
  • Cancerous growths on the root and its lateral processes rot in the fall, completely destroying the root. The tree dies in the spring.

If the apple tree dries out in spring or June

If an apple tree dries up in the spring, what to do to save it, the gardener can decide only after he determines the cause of the drying of the branches, top, and leaves of the trunk. Let's look at each of these cases in detail.

Why do the branches of an apple tree dry out?


The main reasons for drying of apple tree branches are:

  • waterlogging of the trunk circle with groundwater;
  • excessive accumulation of water from melting snow;
  • lack of nutrition.


  • Excess moisture prevents air from reaching the root hairs, which provide the entire tree with nutrients;
  • Due to lack of nutrition, the branches of the apple tree begin to dry out gradually.

The apple tree dries up in the spring

The top has dried up


Drying of the top of the apple tree occurs due to reasons such as:

  • High groundwater table;
  • Flooding of the trunk circle and root system with melt water in the spring during sudden warming;
  • Lack of nutrition (nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium starvation).


  • Overmoistening of the soil leads to rotting and partial death of the root system, which leads to dry tops.
  • Due to insufficient amounts of certain nutrients (nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium), the plant shows signs of starvation. The tops are starting to dry out. For example, if the top of a young apple tree is almost half dry, it means it does not have enough nutrition to grow.

Leaves are drying


On a plant with a damaged root, not only the branch, the top, but also the leaf becomes dry and lifeless.

But the main reasons for foliage drying out are:

  • Scab - leaves become covered with an oily coating, brown, gradually growing spots appear;
  • Powdery mildew - the leaves first become a dirty gray color, then dark brown;
  • Rust - bright brown spots with black dots appear on the leaf plate;
  • Black cancer - the leaves become covered with black spots, black ulcers and rot appear on the branches and bark of the trunk. This insidious disease can destroy all parts of a tree in a short time. Often this infection becomes the reason why apple trees on the site die if they are well cared for.
  • Lack of nutrients: potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium.


The leaves begin to wither and dry out prematurely. The apple tree does not bear fruit.

Flowers are drying


  • Lack or absence of minerals;
  • Fungal diseases (powdery mildew, black cancer or sooty fungus);
  • Presence of pests (aphids, ants, mites).


During the flowering period, the plant requires increased nutrition. But if any individual nutrient element (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) is not contained in the soil, then the annoying fall of flowers and drying of buds begin. Flower buds that are severely affected by diseases or pests may not bloom at all. All this will lead to the fact that the future harvest will be at risk.

  • If a young branch is covered with aphids (just take a good look), then the flowers dry up before they have time to bloom.
  • Black cancer is an insidious disease. It destroys all parts of the tree. The petals turn brown, the pistil and stamens turn black.
  • The central trunk has dried up


  • Proximity of groundwater;
  • Accumulation of surface water;
  • Complete freezing of roots in winter;
  • Bacterial cancer (growths, compactions on roots);
  • Insufficient insulation of the trunk for the winter.


Overmoistening of the soil near the trunk has a detrimental effect on the roots. The root system infected with bacterial cancer also does not survive. Without a root, the main trunk dies and it is almost impossible to save the tree.

If the trunk of the apple tree is not properly insulated for the winter, cracks may appear in severe frosts. The capillaries of the trunk and the fibers of the bark die.

All the buds have dried up


  • Presence of disease (powdery mildew);
  • Exposure to winter and spring frosts;


If buds damaged by powdery mildew are not treated in time, they may die and the tree will not bear fruit.

Both in winter and in spring, the buds can suffer from frost. How to reanimate an apple tree if all the buds have dried will be described below.

Half the apple tree has dried up


  • Proximity of groundwater;
  • The main trunk was not insulated for the winter;
  • Presence of rodents (mice, moles).


Due to partial death of the roots as a result of freezing, getting wet, and damage by rodents, part of the apple tree, sometimes even half, dries out.

The apple tree has dried up, but a new sprout has emerged from the root.

When a tree cannot be saved, it dries up. But even in this case, the apple tree can be revived if a small root still remains in the ground, from which a small shoot can emerge. But this wild tree will not turn out to be a real fruit-bearing tree - the fruits will be small, tasteless, and the branches will be strewn with thorns. In order to get a cultivated tree for wild use, you need to graft part of the cultivated variety - a shield with a bud, a cutting.

The apple tree has dried up, but a new sprout has emerged from the root.

Thus, each of the above reasons can be the answer, for example, why and why the apple trees are dying this year on the site.

The apple tree has dried up after winter, what to do?

With diseases

At the first signs of a plant being damaged by a fungus or bacteria, treatment begins:

  • For powdery mildew, spray with a solution of fungicides (Hom, Skor, Topaz);
  • To treat scab and rust, the following drugs are used: Fitosporin-M, Horus, Gamair, etc. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture (1%) is carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks. For rust, 3 treatments are enough; to treat scab, up to 7 sprays will be required.

On a note. To prevent burns when processing buds, young leaves, buds and flowers, use Bordeaux mixture with a solution concentration of no more than 1%.

Gardeners often resort to simple means. For example, you can make solutions for spraying trees yourself from copper sulfate (5 g per 10 l of water), baking soda (50 g per 10 l).

It is difficult to overcome a disease such as black cancer; it is easier to prevent it, for which a number of preventive measures are performed:

  • Diseased branches and leaves are removed, as fungal spores like to overwinter in fallen leaves and fruits.
  • Seedlings are carefully selected, examining the roots for the presence of diseased growths. Then in the spring there will be no problem as to why the young apple tree dries out and what to do with it.

To get rid of harmful insects, the plant is sprayed with a solution of drugs such as Decis, Karate, Aktelik, Iskra, Inta-Vir, Fufanon and their analogues. For common rodents and moles, special potent poisons are used, for example, the drug Ratobor.

The apple tree has dried up after winter

With malnutrition (signs of starvation)

  • In spring, the crown is formed correctly, excess branches are cut off so that they do not take away food;
  • Flowers, buds, buds are sprayed with the following preparations: Skor, Epin-extra, Ovary. Treatment is carried out before the flowers appear, then during the flowering period (May) and when flowering is completely completed (June-July).
  • At the end of April and beginning of May, apple trees are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, etc.). In June, superphosphate, potassium sulfate, and potassium nitrate are added. From organic matter, slurry and chicken manure infusion are used.

With waterlogging of the soil, proximity to groundwater

  • In the spring, the tree trunk circle is allowed to dry well, for which shallow drainage ditches are installed.
  • Places where water accumulates are covered with fertile soil.

With adverse weather conditions

  • The central trunk is securely covered for the winter, otherwise the tree may simply not survive the winter, completely freezing out in severe frosts.
  • The tree trunk circle is covered with snow.
  • For regions with a harsh climate, seedlings of zoned varieties with high frost resistance are purchased (for example, any winter variety - Medunitsa, Grushovka Moskovskaya, Melba, etc.).

On a note. More detailed information about growing conditions and ripening periods of any apple variety can be found in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use.


In order not to encounter the problem of why the apple tree dries out and what to do in this case, preventive measures are needed:

  • If in the area where the apple tree grows the aquifer is shallow, then drainage and drainage ditches are needed. You can’t do without adding a mixture of peat, fertile soil, rotted manure, and sawdust.
  • By winter, apple tree trunks are well insulated and windproof shelters are installed.
  • Mulching is done in the fall. To do this, dry and loose compost, rotted manure, and non-coniferous sawdust (birch, alder) are poured into the tree trunk circle. If the winter is harsh and frosty, then they are additionally covered with snow.
  • Plants are fertilized in a timely manner, in compliance with the norms and quantity of fertilizing. When August comes, an adult tree devotes a lot of energy to bearing fruit, so it is fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

On a note. In the first year, young apple trees are not fed, since when planting the seedlings, all the necessary nutrients are added.

  • Spring pruning of branches (sanitary, formative) is performed correctly. Removed and damaged branches are removed from the area, the sections are disinfected and treated with garden varnish and oil paint.
  • Trees are checked for the presence of pests and diseases. Modern drugs can cope with any ailment.

In order for the apple orchard to please with an excellent harvest, and for the apple to be appetizing and tasty, the trees need care and attention. Then the branches will turn green, and the buds will bloom and bloom.

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​. The first spraying is in the phase of blossoming of fruit buds, subsequent sprayings are carried out at intervals of 7–10 days.​

​Ripe fruits are best eaten immediately, as they do not store well. For processing or transportation, cherries are harvested before full ripeness, as soon as they reach their maximum size and are almost completely colored.​

​The average duration of cherry ripening is 10 days, but the fruits can remain on the branches for a long time.​

​For many novice gardeners, the issue of pruning cherries leads to a state close to stupor. Questions immediately begin: do cherry trees get pruned? The trees seem to bloom well without this. And if after abundant flowering the harvest turned out to be not very good, then gardeners, without hesitation, explain this by the fact that among the flowers there were many barren flowers, but is this so?

By the way, the July cyclone provoked the appearance of gray rot both on some varieties of roses (the buds rotted without opening) and on individual lilies, whose stems and leaves turned yellow.

Apple tree diseases

​This time I had to go on a visit to figure everything out on the spot. Looking at the dried berries remaining on the bushes, I immediately understood what was going on. The harvest was destroyed by gray rot, which was provoked by the July cyclone. This disease really hit the strawberry beds of many people, “stealing” a considerable part of the harvest from gardeners. The disease was very severe and almost continuous - all the ovaries were affected at a very early stage, so the berries did not rot, but dried out without filling.

  • ​Before processing, it is recommended to rinse the wood in the shower. After this procedure, most of the insect will be washed away. The next day after soap treatment, the remaining soap is washed off in the shower. After 2-3 days, re-treatment is carried out. To completely destroy spider mites, it is necessary to carry out 3 treatments of the tree with a soap solution. The place where the affected tangerine stood is thoroughly washed.
  • Quite often you can observe that tangerine leaves fall off, but this phenomenon does not always indicate a plant disease. The tree can shed its leaves during the dormant period, which usually lasts from late October to mid-February. In this case, you need to place the tree in a cool room with a temperature of 14-17 ° C and reduce the number of waterings.​
  • ​Zineb solution 0.4%;​



​It’s hard to imagine that an apple tree wouldn’t grow on a piece of land, even a tiny one. If the area is favorable for fruit trees, apple orchards become sources of income. But wherever this beautiful tree grows, diseases can overtake it. Why do the leaves of an apple tree turn black and dry out, why does the tree dry out and what to do - questions to which there is an answer.​



​It is not surprising that felt cherries, cultivated in regions with high humidity, especially suffer from moniliosis: in the Far East, in the north and west of the Black Earth Region, in the Non-Black Earth Region and in the southwest of the North Caucasus.​

​Felt cherries help increase appetite, improve digestion, they are consumed fresh, they make delicious preserves, jams, jams, marshmallows, compote, wine, juice.​

​Not at all. The fact is that the buds are simple and are either flowering or leafy. At the same time, flower buds awaken much earlier than deciduous ones, which creates the illusion of a crown completely dotted with flowering.​

​Lyudmila Ezhova​

  • ​Olga Nikolaevna herself saw how she picked a whole dish of ripe berries in front of her. What to answer, because the plots are almost nearby. The development of gray rot is influenced by various factors. This is also a variety (there are more resistant ones, for example,
  • ​Sometimes it happens that tangerine leaves dry out and then fall off. If a dry brown crust has formed on the edges of the leaf blade, the reason is excess moisture in the soil. In this case, the tree should be replanted in fresh, breathable soil with a predominance of leaf soil and good drainage. If rotten roots are found during transplantation, they must be removed.
  • Leaves may also fall if the air is too dry. This can be observed in the summer and during the heating season. In this case, you should spray the crown daily, and place a container of water near the pot, this will help humidify the air near the tree.​

​Topaz, Vectra.​

​In the spring, after the young leaves bloom, the appearance of oily spots on the young foliage will become noticeable. This is a scab on an apple tree. Over time, the spots on top become covered with a velvety coating, then the entire plate becomes brown. That is why not only the leaves of the apple tree turn black and dry out in the middle of summer, but the fruits are also affected by the disease and become unfit for food.​

  • ​A garden only attracts attention and arouses admiration when it is healthy. And the fact that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it applies not only to a person, but also to his green friends. From the very beginning of cultivating an apple tree, you need to control its development.
  • ​. Spraying during the growing season with a 0.1% working solution.​
  • Moniliosis is a fungal infection that affects felt cherry

​- 21-23 mg/%. C The fruits of zoned varieties contain 6-8% sugar, 0.7-1.0% acid, vitamin​

Video about protecting apple trees from diseases and pests

Mandarin diseases

​More experienced gardeners may notice that caring for cherries and pruning are two different things, since removing branches causes gum formation, which will subsequently harm the plant. Such a scenario for the development of events is quite realistic if it is greatly weakened. But if the tree is healthy and not frozen in winter, then proper pruning of the cherry tree will only benefit it.​

Mandarin leaves are falling

​Do not leave winter hibernation.​

​Bohemia, Ray VIR, Fireworks, Holiday, Cinderella. Borovitskaya, Grenadier, Redgauntlit, Troubadour, Ruby Pendant, Commemorative, Generous, Harvest, Gorella, Festival Daisy, Kent, Elvira, Gigantella​

Citrus leaves often dry out due to lack of moisture. You can revive a sick plant as follows. Place the pot in a bowl of water at room temperature so that the water is flush with the edge of the pot. After this, you need to start watering the soil from above. When the soil is completely wet and stops bubbling, drain off the excess water. Then spray the tree with Epin at the rate of 1 ml per 2 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 2 times a week. This method will allow you to revive even a very dried out plant.​

The cause of leaf falling can also be improper replanting, when the root collar is buried in the soil, or the citrus is planted in a pot that is too large. It is necessary to eliminate these shortcomings and observe the plant. If the leaf fall has not stopped, you should look for another reason.​

​Treatments are repeated every 2 weeks until the end of the season.​

Mandarin leaves are turning yellow

​Scab is a fungal disease. Its spores overwinter on last year's foliage and penetrate into the plant along a green cone, from the moment young leaves appear. The conditions for introduction are slow leaf opening and warm, rainy weather. Under such conditions, the introduced spores germinate and create a mycelium. Scab often affects old trees with a dense, poorly ventilated crown. Having developed, the disease first of all destroys the leaves, they turn black and fall off. The fruits turn out ugly or fall off after setting.​

​When buying a seedling, you should make sure that the root system is well developed and there are no mold spots on the roots, and the color of the surface is uniform. The grafting site is noticeable. The stem has a uniform color, the bark is not damaged. Cleaning up leaves of fallen trees in the fall will prevent the spread of spores and other infections; it is best to burn autumn garden leaves and then use the ash as fertilizer.​

Why does a tangerine turn yellow?


With total moniliosis, you can’t expect a harvest. If the disease is allowed to continue, allowing the fungus to destroy the tree year after year, the felt cherry will sooner or later dry out.​

​Recognition of felt cherry, especially in the Middle Zone, has clearly been delayed. However, in recent years, many gardeners have begun to grow this crop here, primarily because of its early ripening, in order to please their children and grandchildren with sweet fruits as early as possible.​

Mandarin leaves are drying up

Cherry trees should be planted, cared for and pruned according to a well-thought-out plan, not allowing growth to take its course. Indeed, despite the difference between bush-like and tree-like species, flower buds will form mainly on annual branches. Moreover, if the annual growth is 0.5 m or more, then the buds will be vegetative and new branches will then form from them. Shoots that are too short, on the contrary, will be dotted with flower buds. Both of these options are unsuitable, so the gardener will need to artificially adjust the length of the growths in the range of 0.25 to 0.5 meters. Only such growths will bear fruit this year and set the basis for a good harvest next year.​

​Plants may suffer from frost and die.​

​etc.), and growing conditions. Particular attention should be paid to thickening plantings and abundant fertilizing with nitrogen, which weakens the immunity of plants.

Why do strawberry berries dry out?

Strawberries are drying

Many tangerine diseases develop due to improper care and lack of microelements in the soil. To grow a healthy fruit-bearing tree, it is important to maintain this tropical crop in its usual conditions, monitor the slightest external changes and take timely measures to eliminate diseases.​

Quite often, the fall of tangerine leaves causes a lack of potassium in the soil. To replenish it, potassium nitrate is used as a fertilizer.​

To prevent this formidable and difficult to remove fungal disease, a number of rules should be followed:

​The fight against fungal diseases consists of following agricultural practices, repeated spraying with copper-based fungicides or their substitutes. All treatments are stopped 3 weeks before harvest.​

​Pruning and shaping of the crown should be done only with a disinfected tool, and the wounds should be immediately closed to prevent the penetration of infection. A photo of apple tree leaf disease and its treatment will show the danger of failure to comply with hygiene requirements. In the spring, two treatments with fungicides should be carried out when the buds are swollen and along the green cone. For mature trees, timely feeding and mulching of the tree trunk are necessary.

​(2 g/10 l of water). Spraying during the growing season: the first - before flowering, subsequent - at intervals of 7-10 days. ​

Why didn’t my neighbor’s strawberries get sick?

In gardens located in lowlands, in places where a lot of snow accumulates in winter, with frequent thaws in winter, plants often suffer from damage to the bark of the lower part of the stems, that is, damping off of the root collar. The lesion may occur in separate foci or as a continuous ring. In spring, the cherry tree begins to bloom normally, but then it gets sick and dries up.​ ​, Doctor of Agriculture sciences​​Sometimes suddenly, in the middle of a normally started growing season, it is discovered that the cherry tree has dried out after flowering. Why are the cherries drying up, because just yesterday nothing foreshadowed such trouble? This is due to a dangerous fungal disease of cherries, moniliosis, or monilial burn, from which the branches of the cherry dry out, and the entire tree can die. Young leaves, flowers, ovaries, shoot tips dry out, and the branches look like after a fire - these are the first symptoms of the disease, reminiscent of the result of fire or frost. Then small gray growths appear on the bark, the cherry fruits rot and fall off, becoming covered with chaotically located gray growths - gray rot. The branches become covered with cracks, and gum protrudes on them, forming sagging, and they die. Cut off drying areas of branches, grabbing healthy tissue, collect and destroy all affected fruits and treat the tree with oleocuprite, captan, cuprosan or other fungicide. Spraying cherries with Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride at a time when the leaves have already bloomed on the cherries can lead to their burn. To defeat moniliosis, you will need more than one treatment of cherries with fungicides, but if you do not wait for the cherries to get sick, but carry out preventive treatments of garden trees against diseases and pests, then you will not have to worry about the health of the trees and the quality of the harvest.​

What to do with strawberries now?

​Also, some gardeners try to add a thick layer of sawdust under the crown of fruit trees in early spring. Such a layer actually delays the melting of snow, promoting the accumulation of moisture, but at the same time awakens the crown to grow, and the root system, being in frozen soil, does not supply food and water to the above-ground part in time. Physiological drying of the crown occurs. Therefore, melt water must be diverted from the crowns of fruit trees, because if it stagnates, the roots can become trapped. Sawdust can be used to retain snow, but only in places where the root system of perennial plants is not located.​

​All affected berries from the garden must be collected and destroyed (buried in the soil outside the border of the site). Now it is advisable to cut off the leaves and spray the beds with 1% Bordeaux mixture. Dig up the row spacing, adding complex mineral fertilizers.​

​And what to do now with these bushes - leave them or throw them away?​

In addition, the leaves turn yellow and fall off when there are drafts in the room, excessive soil moisture, or lack of light.

​it is impossible to allow the proximity of coniferous and fruit trees in close proximity;​

​Another dangerous fungal disease is rust. This disease manifests itself after the apple tree blooms. On the leaves of the tree, orange spots appear on the upper part of the blade. The spots have black dots, under them there are spore sacs that open and shoot spores. The lower part of the leaf also gets a yellow spot in this place. Subsequently, the disease progresses, as can be seen in the photo. Diseases of apple tree leaves and their treatment are a process that requires patience.​

​The tree will remain healthy only with proper care and will delight you with its decorative appearance and harvest. Strict adherence to agricultural technology is the key to a healthy garden.​

Why do fruit trees dry out in the spring?

​Be careful when using plant protection products. Always read the label and product information before use. Carry out processing in compliance with all safety rules. Remember: you can harvest the crops and consume the products only 20, or even better, 30 days after the last treatment with chemicals.​


​And to protect against hares and mice, which can completely destroy the plantings, poisoned baits are laid out, and the trunks are covered with netting at the base.​

​I. Isaeva


Why do cherries turn yellow? This symptom can be observed when there is a lack of nitrogen or boron in the soil, with the difference that with a lack of boron, cherry leaves not only turn yellow, starting from the upper young shoots, they are deformed, and the veins on the leaf plate turn red. Trees suffering from nitrogen deficiency begin to turn yellow on the lower shoots, their leaves become smaller and sometimes fall off. Read about how, when and what to feed cherries so that they do not lack nutrition in the corresponding section of the article. Cherry leaves also turn yellow from moniliosis, simultaneously with the branches drying out. The fungal disease coccomycosis manifests itself in the same way, and you need to get rid of it using the same methods as moniliosis. Sometimes the cause of yellow leaves is ants, and if you have an anthill in your garden, then get ready for big trouble. The leaves turn yellow both from improper watering and because the cherries are frozen in winter. Sometimes honey mushrooms or tinder fungi grow on the lower part of the cherry trunk, which will certainly lead to the death of the tree if they are not dealt with.​

​Fruit trees may dry out in the spring due to the fact that they could not withstand the winter frost. It is recommended to water fruit trees abundantly in the fall, especially if the autumn was not rainy. In dry soil, roots freeze faster and die.

​And in early spring, even before the young leaves begin to grow, the beds need to be cleared of old leaves and tendrils - the main source of wintering infection, and the straw bedding must also be removed. After this, spray the bushes with 2-3% Bordeaux mixture. Loosen the dried soil and sprinkle with fresh humus.

Tata all red

​One good friend approached me with these questions at the end of June. At this time, garden strawberries were just beginning to ripen in our Nizhny Novgorod region. And before that, in June, it was hot for more than two weeks without a single rain. And this is while the berries are being poured! I myself couldn’t get around to watering the strawberry beds. When I saw that the leaves of the bushes had withered and the berries were forming small, I urgently began to water them.

Olga V

​Many gardeners are faced with the fact that tangerine leaves turn yellow. Most often, the reason lies in a lack of minerals. So, with a nitrogen deficiency, first the lower leaves of the citrus tree turn yellow and gradually all the others. To replenish nitrogen in the soil, nitrogen mineral fertilizers are used, for example, ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate, or organic fertilizers. With a lack of iron, the leaf blade becomes light yellow in color, and the disease chlorosis develops. Chlorosis first affects young leaves, then spreads to old ones. To prevent this disease, the plant is treated with iron chelate once a month.

Why the felt cherry dried up » Women's secrets online

​in early spring, before sap flow begins, find the affected areas, clean them down to healthy wood, treat with a strong solution of copper sulfate 5 grams in half a glass of boiling water (5%);​

​In addition to leaves, rust in a neglected state affects the fruits and branches of the tree. Initially, the fungus develops on juniper, and later, after overwintering on plant debris, it ends up on a tree leaf.​

​If all measures are completed, then the apple tree may get sick in rare, especially unfavorable years. If you know the signs of the disease, upon examination you can understand the reason for the yellowing of the foliage on the apple tree.​

​Learn about how to grow other plants, what gardening work needs to be planned,​

Cherry moniliosis.

The most popular varieties of felt cherries are Alice, Amurka, Vostorg, Leto and many others. Each gardener will be able to choose the variety that is most suitable for his garden plot.​

The cherry is turning yellow.

​I have two three-year-old felt cherries growing in my garden. Last spring they bloomed beautifully and even produced a few berries, but in the middle of summer one cherry tree suddenly began to dry out, first the leaves turned brown, and then the branches. I watered the plants regularly, fed them, and insulated them for the winter. Please advise what to do with a dried cherry and how to protect another one growing next to it? L. Shcherbakova​

The cherry falls.

​Why do the cherries fall if it’s summer? This usually occurs following yellowing of the leaves and is the development of a disease process that was not detected in time. Analyze and determine what was the cause - moniliosis, coccomycosis or some other disease, lack of nutrition, moisture, pest attack or damage to cherry roots.​

The cherry tree does not bear fruit.

​And also, perhaps, you need to get rid of various pests that can eat the roots of fruit trees. The most famous pest, at least for me, is the mole cricket. Therefore, before winter, it is good to treat the ground near the root of the fruit tree with some anti-bear liquid. Before flowering, spray the bushes with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate or 1% Bordeaux mixture. When ovaries appear, you can treat the soil to prevent the development of gray rot with an infusion of ash (2 cups of ash per bucket of water), a solution of calcium chloride (100 g per bucket of water) or pollinate the base of the bushes with ash.​

​So I assumed that. Perhaps due to a severe lack of moisture in the soil, the berries dried out. Over the phone, she gave me advice not to touch the bushes if they are not old and their foliage is healthy.​

Yellowing of the plate can be caused by insufficient lighting or a too cramped pot. The problem can be solved by transferring the plant to a larger pot with fresh nutritious soil.​

​Coat with garden varnish or special putty, then repeat the treatment with fungicides for prevention.​

​Therefore, juniper in the garden must be treated for fungal diseases, often even without visible signs of rust.​

The apple tree receives nutrition from its roots and leaves. Therefore, a disease of any part of the tree, if not treated, will lead to death. Why the apple tree dries out and what to do can be determined on the spot. There are different diseases that are transmitted:

​can be found in other articles on our site​ When the ends of the branches of bush-shaped cherries begin to become bare, the number of shoots is reduced, and the remaining ones are cut off by a third of the length. Skeletal and semi-skeletal branches also need to be shortened. Usually they are cut to the upward, developed lateral branches. Experienced gardeners recommend alternating shortening skeletal shoots with semi-skeletal shoots every other year. Then the cherries will give a good harvest.​

​According to the description, your felt cherry is sick with moniliosis, a dangerous fungal disease. When the plant blooms, fungal spores are carried by the wind and land on the flowers. First, flowers, ovaries, shoot tips, and leaves dry out. Subsequently, the conducting vessels of the branches are affected, after which they dry out.

The fruits of the felt cherry are unusually polymorphic.

Well, as already indicated here, you can sprinkle the hole with the fruit tree with sawdust or straw to retain moisture.

​At the beginning of tying berries, spread clean straw or shavings and pine needles on both sides of the row so that the flower stalks and berries do not touch the soil.​

​But two weeks later the bell rang again, and Olga Nikolaevna again asked with alarm: what should she do with the strawberry bushes?​

​Another reason why a tangerine turns yellow may be an invasion of spider mites. The pest attacks the leaf blade and sucks the juices from the plant, which leads to yellowing and falling of the leaves. To see spider mites, you should use a magnifying glass. If this pest is present, you need to wipe the plant with a soapy solution.​

​Wish you rich harvests and a healthy garden! Read why apple tree leaves turn yellow!​

​Rust can cause yellowing of apple tree foliage. It also leads to fruit falling and cracking of the bark on the trunk. At the first sign of rust, they begin to fight it. All infected leaves, shoots, and fruits are immediately removed. The branches are cut a few centimeters below the infection site. Spraying is carried out with one of the drugs:

Drying of apple tree leaves and branches is a very common problem among garden owners.

And before looking for a solution to this problem, you should know all the nuances and features of your climate zone.

Based on this, you should already select the plant variety.

Planting an apple tree will also vary depending on the type of climate.

Although the apple tree is a fairly unpretentious and resilient plant, in especially cold areas, it is recommended to plant semi-cultivated varieties.

For cold climates, the ideal option would be the “Ranetka” variety.

Planting times for apple trees are spring and autumn. Some gardeners plant apple trees in the summer, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Summer planting has many disadvantages compared to autumn and especially spring planting.

When to plant an apple tree? Apple trees usually tolerate spring planting better. Planting in spring gives you the best chance of a large garden. In addition, as winter approaches, your trees will already be formed and strong, which will allow them to safely survive the winter cold. But autumn planting is useful because the tree, if it takes root, will be stronger and more stable.

There are several ways to plant apple trees. Let's look at the most popular one.

1. The pit for planting must be prepared at least a week in advance. The depth of the hole should be at least 60 cm, the diameter should be approximately the same. The soil from the top layer should be placed separately from the bottom and do not mix them.

2. A peg is driven into the bottom of the hole to support the seedling. Consider its length; the peg should rise 35 cm above the ground.

4. After a week, you can plant an apple tree. Don't forget to tie it to a peg.

The apple tree has dried up: why?

There can be many reasons for drying out. But first, eliminate the simplest options. Make sure that the apple tree was planted correctly. Also, the reason that the apple tree has dried out may be other large plants that grow too close to the root system of the apple tree. These plants can take away a large amount of moisture and spoil the roots of the apple tree, which leads to its drying out and disease. Therefore, the solution to the problem may be to get rid of nearby plants or transplant the apple tree to a new location.

Also, the cause of a shriveled tree may be high groundwater. Oddly enough at first glance, it is precisely because of the abundance of water in the soil that the apple tree begins to dry out. This happens because excess water begins to displace air from the soil, which is so necessary for the root system. Therefore, the apple tree begins to “suffocate” and may soon die. The solution is to replant the apple tree, loosen the soil or replace the soil for the root system. In addition, for greater efficiency, you can dig special drainage ditches that will drain excess groundwater away from the roots.

But the most important thing is that the soil must “breathe.” Therefore, layers of sand, heavy clay, crushed stone and gravel are not allowed in the planting area. Young apple trees will probably be able to survive this, because their roots are high and have not yet grown deep enough, and there is always a lot of air in the upper layers of the soil. But for mature trees this is extremely harmful, because their root system goes deep into the depths. And the older the tree, the greater the chance that the apple tree will dry out.

Even on loose and level soil, there may be “surprises” in the form of clay layers.

The place for planting may be unfavorable due to the depressions in which rainwater will drain and moisture will accumulate, thereby again displacing oxygen from the soil. Thus, apple trees standing on the same soil may differ due to deep landscapes. Therefore, it is important, before planting, to study the place and make sure it is safe for the tree, this will save you time and effort.

The leaves of a young apple tree have dried up: what to do - weather reasons

If everything is in order with the place and method of planting, then the reason why the leaves of the apple tree have dried up may be weather and climatic conditions. This is especially noticeable in the hot southern regions, where temperatures can easily reach +40 degrees. The scorching rays of the sun will dry out the leaves, evaporating moisture from them. The branches of an apple tree are practically not affected by the sun's rays in this way.

Too dry air, even in not too hot weather, can also contribute to this phenomenon. Although apple trees are unpretentious and highly resistant to dryness, a minimum level of humidity must be maintained both in the air, so that the leaves of the apple tree do not dry out, and in the soil itself, for the root system. Remedy: regular spraying and sprinkling.

The branches of an old apple tree have dried up: what to do?

Drying branches is a more serious problem than just dried leaves. This is most likely due to illness. One of the most common options is cytosporosis. The bark of the tree dries out in some areas, the branches of the apple tree dry out, and dark tubercles and dry growths appear in some places. Cytosporosis is quite difficult to detect on young plants, on not yet formed bark and branches.

The problem can only be solved by removing the affected areas of the tree. This way you can protect the tree from further infection. If the infection penetrates too far, inside the tree, then it can no longer be saved.

The apple tree is drying up: pests and diseases

Most often, tree drying is caused by pathogenic infections and various small pests. Let's look at the most common diseases and methods of treating them.

1.Black cancer. A very serious illness that requires immediate intervention. You can recognize it by such signs as: black spots on the foliage, branches of the apple tree drying out, black ulcers and rot appearing on the bark. There is only one way out - to prevent the apple tree from drying out completely, you need to cut off the infected branches and remove the ulcerated areas, this is the only way to save the tree.

2. Scab. This infection damages the leaves, slows down the growth of fruits and spoils them. It is easy to recognize - these are brown spots on the foliage, which subsequently dry out the leaf.

The solution is to treat the foliage with “Topaz” or “Home”.

3. Powdery mildew. A fairly common disease that infects tree buds, bark, shoots and foliage. Signs of powdery mildew: White, gray and brown coating on leaves and buds, sometimes dark spots appear, fruits are missing, the tree dries out. After establishing this diagnosis, treatment consists of treatment with special solutions. For these purposes, “Skor” or “Topaz” are perfect.

It's not easy with pests either.

1. Aphids and ants. If there are ants in your garden, there will also be aphids. Therefore, the first ones need to be destroyed. There are special poisons and traps for ants for this purpose. Aphids are destroyed with special solutions.

2. Caterpillars. There are a huge number of species. It is easy to fight - the cobwebs on the branches are destroyed, preferably by fire, and then the apple tree is treated with a solution of karbofos.

3. Mite, leaf roller, codling moth. The presence of mites can be told to you by the cobwebs on the leaves and branches; the other two “comrades” are more difficult to recognize if you do not see the small caterpillars. To destroy these pests, spraying with a solution of nitrophen, chlorophos or karbofos is suitable. Larvae and eggs, if detected, are destroyed by fire.

The apple tree has dried up: what to do if the reasons have not been established

If you cannot determine the reason why the leaves of the apple tree have dried up or the branches of the apple tree are drying up, then we advise you to contact experienced gardeners and ask questions on gardening forums, posting photographs of your problem.

Don’t sit idly by when the apple tree dries out, be sure to find the reason!

The main cause is verticillium wilt.

In recent years, cases of verticillium disease in cherries have become more frequent, which leads to premature drying of both individual branches and the tree as a whole.

On young trees (3-7 years old), the disease begins in the spring; the apical buds of bouquet branches turn black and do not bloom one to two weeks before flowering; wilting of inflorescences is often observed. If you carefully examine the tree trunk, in the forks and on the skeletal branches, you can find faint depressed stripes and rusty-brown spots of various sizes. Such spots may from time to time be separated from living tissue by cracks from which gum flows out. The disease is active. If preventive measures are not taken, the tree may die during the growing season.

In trees older than 7 years, the disease develops into an acquired form: necrotic lesions form on the trunk bark and sedate branches. The bark around it cracks and peels off from the tree species in the form of continuous longitudinal stripes, forming depressions from which gum flows abundantly. Evenly growing wounds completely cover the affected part of the plants and fungi settle on them. Trees slowly dry out over 10-15 years.

Solving the Difficulty

  • To prevent early drying out of cherries, you need to make the following requirements. In the area where it grows, you cannot grow nightshades, vegetables, melons, strawberries, sunflowers, in other words, plants that are very affected by verticillium wilt - they can be a source of infection.
  • The soil for cherries should be breathable. Cherry does not tolerate languid clay soils; saline and saline soils are also undesirable, with a close level of groundwater that impairs the aeration of the root system. Based on my own experience, I plant trees in the fall, while placing the root neck at a depth of 4-5 cm from the surface soil. I perform formative pruning of trees in the summer (late May-August), when the development of microbes is inhibited by high air temperatures. I disinfect cutting tools with 10% copper sulfate, formalin or carbolic acid. I always cover the sections with garden varnish or alkyd paint.
  • To protect trees from sunburn and frost damage, which contribute to the development of verticillium wilt, in the fall and winter-autumn I whitewash the trunks and bases of skeletal branches with a 20% lime substance with the addition of a 2% solution of copper sulfate. I clean the gum ulcers and cover them with clay and mullein putty (1:1), also adding a 2% solution of copper sulfate to it. After heavy rains in August-September and at the beginning of leaf fall, I spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture or cuproxate. In October - two more treatments with the same products with an interval of 15 days.
  • In the spring, to disinfect the apical buds on which the pathogen overwinters, I spray the trees with 3% Bordeaux mixture or cuproxate. Immediately after the end of flowering, during the period of intense leaf disease, I spray with polychome (40 g), cuproxate (35 ml), radomil (40 g) or polycarbacin (40 g). At the end of July - beginning of August I repeat spraying with the same products. The above set of protective measures is also effective in case of early drying out of apricot and other fruit trees.

Cherry is the name of a fruit and tree from the Rosaceae family and belongs to the Plum genus. The oldest

It’s very disappointing when an apple tree suddenly dries up in the middle of summer. So maybe a few reasons:

  • nearby groundwater;
  • pests;
  • soil depletion;
  • diseases.

The second reason is most often found in a young garden - the larva of the cockchafer can easily gnaw the root of a 5-year-old apple tree. With the last two cases, everything is clear. If carried out on time feeding And preventive treatments, problems can be avoided.

Soaking the roots can destroy a tree at any age; it usually appears in apple trees of fruiting age, when the roots reach a depth of 2-3 meters.


Before the movement of juices begins in early spring, the roots do not yet suffer from a lack of air, since the active growth of overgrowing small roots has not yet begun. Their active development begins at the end of June.

At this time, they react very painfully to excess soil moisture - suffocate without air and after three days are dying. After this comes the turn of large roots. And the apple tree dries up.

Consequences The gardener begins to notice the processes occurring underground when:

  • The growth of shoots stops;
  • The leaves are turning brown;
  • Often covered with fungal diseases (scab, powdery mildew);
  • Leaves and ovaries fall off in the summer heat.

Read more in this article.

You can also watch a video about one of these causes - black cancer:

Control measures

The first thing to do is cut off dried parts. If the branches have been damaged by pests or disease, such pruning will only benefit the trees.

Watch the video on how to properly trim dry branches:

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the garden - check the condition of the bark for signs of disease black cancer:

  • Black spots;
  • Sagging and growths near deep cracks;
  • Bark peeling;
  • Blackening of wood.

Damage to an apple tree with black cancer.

Attention! Problems with roots usually appear by mid-summer - shoot growth stops.

May beetle larvae one might suspect if humus. To check, just dig under the tree a couple of times - you won’t confuse the larva with anything else.

It is much worse if the roots rot from nearby groundwater. The cessation of growth of young shoots and their subsequent drying out indicates that the roots cannot cope with feeding so many branches and leaves. In this case, the only way to save the tree is transplanting it until the tree died, and not waiting for autumn.

Read more about this here.

The branches are drying on the apple tree

Branches cannot dry out due to lack of water or frosty winter, as inexperienced gardeners sometimes believe. There is always a better reason for this.

We must always remember that a tree is a single organism in which the condition of the branches inextricably depends on the condition of the roots.

The only exception to this case is when the branches on the apple tree dry out at the edges due to damage. pests. But this case has such an obvious solution that there is no point in going into detail.

You should also immediately rule out cancer or other fungal infection. Anyway, dry branches must be removed.

Important! If in the spring the growths grew at the usual pace, and by mid-summer this growth stopped, the reason must be sought underground.

Cause of drying out in roots:

  • Either the roots are damaged by pests;
  • Or the roots have rotted from excess moisture and oxygen starvation.

A young apple tree is drying up

Very young (up to 5 years) trees in the garden rarely suffer from soaking of the roots, which have not had time to penetrate deep into the soil. Most often, young roots are damaged May beetle larvae.

Larvae can be easily discovered by digging up the soil under a tree. Insecticide treatment, as practice shows, does not give results- larvae live at a depth of up to 1 meter.

Larvae of the May beetle (Khrushchev).

If you can’t destroy them, you can at least drive away. The larvae are afraid of the solution ammonia- 50 grams (pharmacy bottle) per bucket of water. Trees in the garden are watered with this solution, and the benefits are double:

  • The larvae leave;
  • Ammonia is an excellent nitrogen supplement.

If the cockchafer is not to blame, but the reason in close proximity to groundwater, then the only available way to save the apple tree is put her somewhere else while it is still possible. Moreover, you cannot postpone replanting until the fall - the process of dying off the roots will not wait.

What to do in a difficult situation

An apple tree cannot dry out significantly right away - and not even within a season. The first signs appear at least a year earlier. The gardener begins to worry when the branches are clearly drying out. First of all, it is necessary to establish the exact cause in a particular case so as not to repeat the mistake in the future on other trees.

Dried branches should be pruned.

A young tree is easiest trim to healthy tissue. Even if you have to cut it down to the trunk, the entire crown can be restored in two years. Enough to stay one living dormant bud above the grafting site.

Do not forget! After pruning, it is necessary to fertilize with complex fertilizer and wait for the sleeping buds to awaken.

Further actions depend on the reason:

  • If the apple tree has suffered from the proximity of groundwater, the young tree can be replanted. There is even a positive point - with a completely trimmed crown in a new place, the tree will take root without problems, the roots will quickly recover and the tree will grow a new crown;
  • If replanting is impossible, and you don’t want to lose the tree, you will have to dig channels to drain the water and carry out land reclamation. The procedure is labor-intensive, but without this the apple tree cannot be saved.


All causes of summer drying out of apple trees are easier to prevent than to treat. After all, if the apple tree has dried out completely, then all that remains is to uproot it.

Before planting a garden, it is better to consult about groundwater occurrence- in 5 years it may be too late.

Timely processing garden from pests and diseases will help eliminate these factors in the death of apple trees.

Remember! Chemicals cannot be used to control cockchafer larvae - they go to a depth of 1 meter and live in the larval phase for 4 years. Therefore, you will have to switch to nitrogen fertilizing of the garden with chemical fertilizers - humus attracts cockchafers (they lay eggs in manure and humus).

The apple tree does not tolerate damp places and shading. and prefers fertile loose loams on sandy or loamy soil. Garden trees rarely suffer from soaking of apple tree roots on sloping slopes.

In problematic areas, you can plant apple trees or after reclamation activities, or (which is much easier) practice landing on the ridges, filled with all sorts of rubbish and earth. This will protect the roots from getting wet.

Planting an apple tree on a hill.

Advice! In even partially flooded areas, it is necessary to establish a garden on traditional vigorous seed rootstocks. Their root systems are much stronger and usually do not cause problems, unlike modern clonal rootstocks and semi-dwarfs.

The lack of soil nutrition is easily compensated fertilizing, and spring spraying against fungal diseases and insect pests should become the rule. And of course, no one canceled pruning in autumn and spring- an important factor in the health of the garden.

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