Clematis preparation for winter. Preparing to insulate clematis At what temperature should clematis be covered for the winter?

HOW TO PREPARE CLEMATIS FOR WINTER Save so as not to lose! Preparing the plant for wintering Preparatory work should begin in August. This month, clematis will need to be fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Proportion – 50 grams of fertilizer is taken per bucket of water. You can cover plants from the end of October and throughout the first ten days of November. Adult clematis tolerate short-term frosts quite well, but it is still not worth delaying the construction of a shelter too much. First, the vine will need to be trimmed. The height of the remaining lash can vary from 1.2 meters to 20 centimeters. The indicator depends on which group the plant belongs to (you will read about this a little below). It is imperative to cut off the foliage (clematis is not a deciduous plant, and will look untidy in the spring) and dry shoots. After this, you can begin building the shelter. How to determine the variety of clematis (by groups)? If you do not know the variety of clematis you are growing, then leave it in the fall without pruning. If in the spring live buds were found on the vine, then clematis belongs to the second group. In plants belonging to the third group, the vines emerge completely dry from under the snow in the spring. Rules for covering clematis (depending on the group) Clematis of the first group include vines that form flowers on last year's shoots. The lashes of plants of such varieties should be left intact. When choosing, you need to be interested in the winter hardiness of the variety. The most popular and viable varieties in this group are: · Pink Flamingo; Frances Rivis; Markcham Pink. They can be left to overwinter without removing them from their support. Of course, everything is relative and depends on the growing region. An uncovered vine will hardly survive severe frosts. The lower part of the bush requires mandatory hilling to a height of thirty to forty centimeters. If suddenly unprotected stems die, then clematis will be able to recover. New shoots will come from the overwintered root collar. Nuances of sheltering clematis of the second group Clematis belonging to the second group bloom on the shoots of both the current and last year. The first flowers form on last year's shoots. The second stream blooms on vines that appeared in the current season. That is why it is advisable to preserve the lashes. In clematis of this group, shoots are pruned at a height of 1...1.2 meters. Leaves are also cut off. The base of the bush needs to be hilled to a height of thirty to forty centimeters. Roll the shortened and freed lashes into a ring, lay them on the ground and cover them with dry leaves. Then insulate the clematis using a double layer of dense covering material. Shelter for clematis of the third group It is the vines that are part of the third group that are found especially often in flower beds. The flowers bloom on the current year's canes, so the plants can be pruned short in the fall. The third group of clematis includes varieties such as: · Purpurea Plena Elegans; · Venosa Violacea; · BLUE ANGEL; · Blue River; · Teksa: · Polish Spirit. The plant’s vines need to be cut to a height of fifteen to twenty centimeters and covered with earth. In most cases, clematis do not need any additional shelter. It all depends on the winter temperatures typical for your region. Shelter for clematis and roses when grown together Quite often, climbing roses and clematis are grown side by side on the same support. The shelter scheme in this case is very simple. · Clematis of the third group need to be cut short and the base of the bush should be hilled. After this, you can bend the rose shoots to the ground and cover them with lutrasil. · Clematis from the second group are cut to the recommended height, not forgetting to remove the leaves. They spud the base of the bush and lower the vines twisted into a ring to the ground. They are insulated with leaves and covered with one layer of covering material. Rose lashes are placed on top and insulated with another layer of lutrasil. How to cover young clematis Young clematis, regardless of group affiliation, need careful shelter. A fragile plant may die in a winter with little snow. When organizing a shelter, it is advisable to adhere to some rules: 1. After heavy pruning, the plant must be hilled high. Additionally, insulate the mound with dry leaves or spruce branches, and lay film on top. It will protect the soil from moisture. 2. Clematis can be hidden under upturned flower pots. And now they need to be covered with sawdust, spruce branches or shavings. 3. Before covering, it is advisable to treat the soil around the plant with foundation sol and additionally scatter wood ash. 4. To hill up the bush, it is advisable to use compost, humus or weathered peat. Mice love to spend the winter under the shelter of clematis. At the same time, they can seriously damage the lashes. That is why, when insulating a vine, it is necessary to place poison under the covering material so that the mice die. If you are against this method of ridding clematis of unnecessary neighbors, then you can use a more humane option. Scatter sawdust from cat litter under the lutrasil. The persistent smell of urine will remain throughout the winter and will repel rodents.

The viability of clematis in winter is due to the correct choice of planting site, compliance with planting rules, and selection of clematis varieties for a specific region. If the plant is planted in a sunny place on well-fertilized soil, soil drainage is arranged and the clematis is slightly buried in the soil, the rules of agricultural technology for the healthy existence of the plant have been met.

Preparing the plant for winter: pruning and covering. Pruning of the plant is done taking into account the variety of vine. There are several options for covering clematis.

Dividing clematis into groups according to pruning method

Clematis are divided according to similar characteristics into six biological groups: Vititsella, Jacquemana, Integrifolia, Patens, Lanuginosa, Florida. All varieties of clematis are divided into three groups according to the characteristics of their flowering. These three groups determine how vines are pruned for the winter and how shelter is arranged.

The first group of clematis according to the pruning method includes plants that bloom on last year's shoots. Most often from this group in gardens you can find the Knyazhiki species clematis, as well as popular varieties: Hegley Hybrid, Biryuzinka, Cardinal Rouge, Andre Leroy and others from the Florida groups, partially Lanuginosa and Patens.

The second group of clematis includes plants that bloom in spring on last year's shoots, and in the second half of summer - on regrown shoots of this year. Varieties: Dawn, President, Fair Rosamund, Flower Ball, Minister, Joan Picton, woolly clematis and other representatives of biological groups - partially: Florida, Patens and Lanuginosa.

Third group: Ville de Lyon, Cosmic Melody, Victory Salute, Tuchka, Jadwiga Valenis, Gypsy Queen, Cuba (belong to the biological groups Integrifolia, Jacqueman and Vititsella). Clematis bloom only on the current year's shoots.

Pruning and covering early-blooming and twice-blooming clematis

Clematis that bloom on last year's shoots are pruned sparingly in order to preserve the main shoots until next year. The liana is cut at a level of 1.2 meters from the ground. Remove broken and dry branches. The leaves of clematis do not fall off on their own; they are also pruned in the fall. Faded shoots are reduced by 1/3 of their length.

This group includes winter-hardy varieties of clematis (for example, Knyazhiki), which are left to overwinter on a support. The base of the bush is sprayed with iron sulfate (2%) or Bordeaux mixture (1%) against fungal diseases and covered with sand with the addition of ash (a glass of ash per bucket of sand) to a height of 15 centimeters. Less winter-hardy ones are removed from the support; they are easily laid on the ground. The top of the vine is covered with spruce branches, sprinkled with sawdust or dry peat and covered with film.

Various materials can serve as insulation: crushed polystyrene foam, brushwood, dry leaves. The shelter should be made air-dry to prevent the root from drying out. To prevent the insulating material from sagging and compacting under the weight of snow in winter, you can make a supporting frame from any available material. The material for the frame will be a vine, a wooden box, a shield.

Mice often settle in the shelter where plants overwinter. Such neighbors can significantly damage clematis branches. To protect them from rodents, place a rag soaked in creolin in the shelter to repel them, or bait with poison.

In spring, the shelter is removed gradually so that the vine does not suffer from repeated frosts. A layer of snow is removed in a few times. When warm weather sets in, cracks are made in the shelter structure for ventilation. As soon as the threat of frost has passed and the snow has cleared from the shelter, the film or roofing material is removed, the remaining parts of the shelter are removed slowly and not immediately, this is how the vines are prepared for the sun and cool air.

If it happens that clematis did not survive the winter and disappeared, there is no need to uproot the root. After a couple of years, the plant may sprout shoots from the roots. It should be covered by next winter.

Clematis of the second group need to be prepared for winter in the same way as those belonging to the first group.

Pruning and covering late-blooming clematis

The third group of clematis, those that bloom on the current year's shoots, are pruned for the winter, leaving about 20 centimeters from the ground level. Pruning is done taking into account that one or two buds are left on the vine. Clematis and the soil under the plant are treated with a drug against fungal diseases (for example, foundation) and a winter shelter is made.

One option for protecting clematis from frost: the plant is covered with spruce branches, a wooden box is placed on top, covered with film or roofing felt and sprinkled with peat or soil, a layer of twenty centimeters. Take care to protect the plant from mice.

So that your efforts are not in vain, and the work of planting and caring for clematis is crowned with beautiful flowering in the warm season of your favorites - clematis, you should choose the right plants for planting: in a climate with harsh winters, it is better to plant early and mid-early varieties of clematis. For temperate climates, it is better to choose clematis that blooms twice. Late-flowering varieties are more often suitable for southern regions.

Clematis is a plant of rare beauty, which is why it is actively used in landscaping walls, facades, and just gardens. This vine is quite unpretentious - with proper care it can please its owners for two decades. And yet, preparing clematis for winter, pruning and covering clematis for winter are tasks that must be completed.

So, today we will talk about how to properly prepare clematis for the winter how it is carried out pruning clematis and how to build a shelter for them.

When to prepare clematis for winter?

Preparing clematis for winter we need to start at the end of summer. At this time it should. Since they tolerate light frosts well (-5...-7 degrees), there is no point in starting pruning and covering in warm weather - let the plants harden off for the winter. It is better to start covering clematis around November, when light frosts set in.

Pruning clematis for the winter

Pruning is exactly what shapes the development, growth, abundance and duration of flowering of clematis. Moreover, it is correct pruning clematis reduces the possibility of contracting all kinds of diseases.

Different groups of clematis need to be pruned differently. Therefore, be sure to check with the sellers which biological group the clematis you have chosen belongs to - this will help you choose the appropriate agricultural technology.

There are trimmings:

- short(strong) when 1-3 nodes are left at the base of the plant;

- long(weak) when they leave at least 10 knots;

- combined, when both weak and strong cuttings are used.

To decide what type clematis trimmings suitable for your plant, we’ll decide on the groups. There are six groups of clematis:







Short pruning of clematis

It is carried out for representatives of the first three groups: Jacqueman, Vititsella, Intergifolia. In these plants, flowers form mainly on the shoots of the current year, that is, the lashes of these clematis in winter there is no need to save them - new ones grow in the spring. Due to the ease of care, it is this group of semi-shrub and herbaceous clematis that has taken root most in our area: varieties Blue Angel, Venosa Violacea, Purpurea Plena Elegans, Teksa, Blue river.

As a rule, these clematis bloom from mid-summer to September; they tolerate frost easily.

When pruning heavily, you should leave a couple of buds from the ground - 1-3 nodes (15-20 cm). These clematis for the winter you can save more nodes, then you can get earlier flowers, but you can’t skip pruning clematis for the winter.

Long (weak) pruning of clematis

In the groups of clematis Florida, Patens and some representatives of Lanuginosa, flower buds are laid on the shoots of the previous year in the fall. These include Frances Rivis, Markcham Pink, Pink Flamingo and others (the so-called “princelings”). This group can also be called winter-hardy.

The shoots of these clematis must be left, removing only the faded part. Shoots are cut out only if the bush is very thick, and even then they are the weakest. With this type clematis prunings 10-15 knots should be left (at least 1 meter).

By the way, clematis for the winter leaves don't fall. Therefore, they need to be removed in the fall - so that the vine looks neat.

Combined pruning of clematis

This winter pruning of clematis is used for plants that form flowers both on the shoots of the previous year and the current year. These are almost all representatives of the Lanuginosa group, some are Patensa and Florida and woolly clematis. In these clematis varieties, flowering occurs in two stages:

- on last year's shoots(late spring – early summer)

- on the shoots of the current year(from mid-summer to early autumn).

Therefore, these clematis need to be cared for in two stages - the faded part is removed in the summer, and immediately before sheltering for the winter, the shoots of the current year are pruned. Clematis pruned depending on the density of the bush - stronger shoots are smaller, weaker shoots are larger.

Sheltering clematis for the winter

After pruning, an equally important stage begins - shelter clematis for the winter. Before this, the root collar of the plants should be treated to prevent diseases - either with a two percent or one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Sheltering clematis for the winter can be done in different ways. Plants to which severe pruning has been applied can simply be covered with dry soil and covered with mulch (leaves, spruce branches) and film to protect them from moisture for the winter.

For clematis that have been poorly pruned, it is better to use air-dry cover. In this case, supports are placed around the shoots, wrapped in earth and sprinkled with mulch, twisted into a ring - columns of bricks, boards, etc. A covering material is placed on the supports - a thick film, roofing felt or other suitable materials.

And, of course, covering clematis for the winter will depend on how severe the winters are in your region.

Do not cover clematis too early or too warm. During capricious winters, plants can simply wither and rot. Therefore, it is advisable to occasionally check the status clematis in winter and let them “breathe.”

With the arrival of spring, the clematis shelter for the winter is gradually dismantled.

You can read about how to properly care for clematis in a separate article.

And now we bring to your attention a video on how to prune and cover clematis for the winter:

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-industrial Bulletin"

Clematis is a wonderful plant that will be an excellent decorative element for the garden. There are several types of this flower, each of which has a special appearance and properties. The liana is strewn with small flowers that can decorate an arched opening, a lattice surface, and can also be placed well on one of the walls of the room. In this regard, a logical question arises: how to care for clematis in the fall? This matter is quite simple, however, there are important aspects that must be taken into account. Let's take a closer look at how to maintain the health of your living decorative element - clematis - in the winter, without making any mistakes.

Clematis group Vititsella variety "Polish-Spirit"

Unique external features can give the false impression that the plant requires a lot of effort to care for. In fact, clematis vines are extremely unpretentious and can bloom for 20 years if simple maintenance rules are followed.

However, when growing, troubles may occur: freezing or disruption of the flowering process. To avoid these problems, the owner of the vine only needs to devote a little time to studying the flower and how to properly care for it and prepare it for winter.

Note that those flowers that lived in the wild are not susceptible to problems with flowering. They also thrive in conditions of -12º C. These plants are extremely frost-resistant, and flowers begin to appear on them in mid-winter.

Variety of species

It is necessary to choose a living decoration for your site based on the climate in which you live. Some types of climatis respond better to cold, while others require warmth and sun for normal growth. Let's look at which varieties are best suited for individual climate conditions.

People who are accustomed to the cold and frost of their region should pay attention to vines that are distinguished by the early appearance of flowers.

Clematis Hegley Highbridge

These varieties include:

  • Andre Leroy;
  • Hegley Hybrid;
  • Cardinal Rouge, etc.

Even in Siberia, clematis of these varieties will be able to grow and develop, bringing aesthetic pleasure to the owner. Plants that bloom on last year’s shoots deserve mention. Their representatives are able to spend the winter completely uncovered.

The temperate climate zone will be an excellent place for breeding species that bloom twice a year: in spring and in August.

Clematis Ballerina

These varieties are:

  • Ballerina;
  • Pennel;
  • The president;
  • Joan of Arc, etc.

These varieties have gained popularity among flower growers due to the fact that if they freeze out in winter, flowering can begin this year.

The weather prevailing in the southern regions of Russia is perfect for varieties that are not winter hardy.

Here are a few examples of such varieties:

Clematis Daniel Deronda

  • Daniel Deronda;
  • Blue flame;
  • Lord Neville, etc.

In order for these plants to bloom well and not die in winter, they must be moved to gentle conditions during the cold season.

Caring for clematis in autumn

Clematis 'Doctor Ruppel'

In order for the clematis plant to survive the winter well, you will have to take into account several factors that will help the flowers survive this period. Let us examine in more detail each stage that a gardener must complete to ensure proper care of clematis for the winter.

  • The soil

The clematis flower should be planted so that the tillering node is at a depth of 12 cm.

A little about fertilizers: at the end of summer you need to stop feeding nitrogen mixtures; caring for clematis in the fall includes applying fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.

  • Trimming

Autumn care for clematis involves pruning. Varieties that bloom on last year's shoots are pruned to preserve growth and thin out. They should winter in a covered room, protected from the cold.

Lianas, the flowers of which appear on the shoots of both last and current years, should be cut twice after flowering, removing a third from the edge. Having gotten rid of the excess, the shoots should be covered and left to overwinter. Flowering on the shoots of the current year require fairly short pruning, in which the shoots are removed entirely. You need to leave one or two buds located above the ground.

  • Spraying and covering

To protect your plants from infection and fungus, caring for clematis in the fall, before wintering, includes treatment with foundationazole. Flowers should be covered in dry weather, providing the roots with access to air. In areas with unusual temperature conditions, it is not recommended to cover flowers particularly, as they require ventilation.

  • Insulation materials

You can add dried leaves, brushwood or spruce branches to the container where clematis grows. These materials can cake under the snow layer, so they should not be placed directly on the soil before winter. Any sufficiently sized box would be a good container option for such insulation.

  • Final preparations

The prepared vines need to be sprinkled with a layer of foliage, covered with a wooden box and placed on it with waterproof material. The entire structure is covered with soil or peat, the layer of which should not exceed 25 cm.

Video “Pruning and covering clematis in autumn”

Video “Caring for clematis in the fall - preparing for winter”

The process of caring for clematis in the fall is not such a difficult task that any gardener can cope with. By strictly following the instructions, it will be possible to create all the necessary conditions for the plants so that wintering passes without problems, and in the spring they can once again please the eye every day.


For beginning gardeners, it is very important to know how to preserve planted plants during the cold season. After all, if in the absence of watering or weeding, cultivated plants have at least some chance of surviving, then a severe frost can destroy the plantings in one day. In this article we will tell you how to properly cover a wonderful flower – clematis – for the winter.

Clematis - how to cover it for the winter?

It is possible to grow clematis in almost any region of our country, but provided that you have to cover it for the winter. Given the fact that winters in some areas can be long and harsh, this should be taken seriously. So, preparations for cold weather should begin in the fall. It is during this period that young shoots of all plants begin to ripen and harden. Traditionally, in the autumn, gardeners fertilize their “pupils”, which contribute to better ripening of the shoots. Clematis is no exception.

In addition, old leaves are removed in the fall. Keep in mind that for those varieties of clematis that form flowers on last year's shoots, it is necessary to preserve summer growth (look at the photo). Before the cold weather sets in, it is advisable to cope with spraying - Before the first frost, treat the bush with 1% Bordeaux mixture or 2% solution of ferrous sulfate. Or use more modern drugs, for example, Foundationazol, which is diluted at the rate of 20 grams per 10 liters of water.

It is necessary to start such work before the temperature drops below 5 degrees Celsius. These measures will protect the shoots from fungal diseases. The base of the flower needs to be hilled up; a mixture of sand and ash is best suited for this purpose. The components are mixed according to the following calculation - 250 grams of ash per bucket of sand. Just before frost, in order to cover the flower for the winter, you need to bend the branches and cover the bush with coniferous spruce branches.

These materials absorb excess moisture. It is advisable to lay a layer of film on top of them. If clematis grows on the windy side, and you are seriously afraid that gusts can damage the shoots, then create protective frames from wooden slats and the same film that will take the full blow of gusts of wind. But when covering the bushes with film, do not forget to leave an air gap, otherwise the branches may collapse.

How to make a shelter for the winter - protecting clematis

Clematis is planted to a height of approximately 12–15 centimeters. If you grow low varieties, then at the same level you can prune the shoots - in this case there is no need for protective structures from the wind. The optimal pruning height for tall varieties of clematis is about half a meter, as in the photo. The layer of peat, sawdust or manure should be no more than 22–25 centimeters. The film itself should be durable, but not thick.

Such a shelter for the winter will be quite enough for clematis (see photo). To properly build a shelter for clematis, it is better to watch the video. With proper skill, all actions can be performed in a minimum of time. For those who are not familiar with clematis, this plant can easily survive in frosts of 35–40 °C if there is good snow cover. In this case, you can do without shelter altogether. However, it’s not worth the risk - thaws and then frosts can severely damage these plants even under the snow.

By the arrival of the spring sun, the winter shelter is gradually removed. Remove the film first, and then everything else. The last to be removed are the coniferous branches and the peat layer. They should be stored until the cold weather at night passes. Only after this can the shoots be slowly raised. Videos and photos on our website will help you learn how to shelter clematis varieties for the winter.

How to choose the right clematis varieties?

Clematis is a truly beautiful plant that, during flowering, delights the eye with incredible colors. Landscape designers love it very much - with the help of this plant you can transform any wall with vertical gardening. It is this flower that is often decorated with arches or country gazebos.

Clematis can have both large and very small inflorescences, delight you with double petals and a range of colors from snow-white and pale yellow to bright crimson and purple. Without clematis, your house or gazebo will simply be faceless. Such an unpretentious plant can grow in one place for two decades. Of course, if you take care of it correctly all this time. Care is especially important in winter - even if the plant does not die, but is seriously frozen, it will stop blooming.

Pay attention to varieties that bloom at different times - by planting early, mid and late flowering clematis on your plot, you will ensure a constant play of colors from early spring to late autumn.

If you have a harsh climate, then select early or mid-early varieties of clematis. If the climate is moderate, then you can take those that bloom twice a year - in spring and late summer. The most popular varieties of clematis are: Ballerina, President, Joan of Arc. Those that bloom later than others can be planted in regions with a warm southern climate.

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