The virtual state of Sealand (principality) is a micro-state on an offshore platform in the North Sea. Principality of Sealand is a micro-state located on an offshore platform in the north sea

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The original idea was to capture a no-man's sea platform and organize some kind of entertainment center like an amusement park on it. The adventure was interesting, albeit financially costly, but Paddy's two sidekicks Roy Bates and Ronan O'Reilly decided to take the risk and secure a source of constant income. Shortly after the 1966 landing, the friends differed and Bates sent O'Reilly “out of the blue,” claiming that from now on the platform belonged only to him. However, the retired major of the British Armed Forces did not have money for a complete re-equipment of the platform, and he decided on a mind-blowing step - he declared the platform territory equal to 1,300 square meters, the Principality of Sealand, and himself - the monarch and Prince Roy I. Do you think he is a potential patient of a psychiatric hospital? Everything is much more complicated ...

The territory of the Sealand Principality in its "youth" served in the army and bore the name "Fort Maunsell" - the offshore platform was created and installed by order of the British Navy in 1942. There were several dozen similar platforms along the coastline of England, each housed a detachment of two hundred soldiers serving the anti-aircraft gun complex. With their help, Churchill and the British Admiralty hoped to seriously thin out the ranks of German bombers in the event of an air strike from the side Hitlerite Germany, track the setting of minefields by enemy minelayers - anti-aircraft gun platforms were something like the first line of defense of Great Britain.

The second World War ended in victory for the allies and the line of defense from offshore platforms was dismantled, but "Fort Maunsell" remained in its place - guns and other army equipment were removed from it, but they had no right to remove it (there was still Nok John Fort, he is in the image below). The fact is that, according to international law, the maritime territory along the perimeter of the British Isles, which is owned by Great Britain, is limited to three nautical miles from the coastline. All other anti-aircraft gun platforms were displayed within its limits, but "Fort Maunsell" was installed farthest - six nautical miles from the coast, exactly opposite the mouth of the Thames River. Those. England had no right to it and therefore could not dismantle it - the platform became no-man's, located in neutral waters.

Another post-war platform and fellow Sealand - Knock John Fort

In the media of the middle of the last century, the no-man's offshore platform received the nickname "Hooligan Tower" or "Rafs Tower" - the platform is available, but it does not have an owner. And in 1966, this situation was changed by the British Bates and O'Reilly, they had reasons for that - both were in conflict with the law of Great Britain and were considered radio pirates for the illegal radio stations Radio Essex and Radio Caroline (lack of a license, non-payment taxes, copyright infringement, etc.). Returning to the former Major Roy Bates, who became the sole owner of the Rafs Tower, the first thing he did was re-launch his Radio Essex, enjoying freedom from the jurisdiction of England. But the euphoria did not last long - the structure of the platform was in a deplorable state and required constant repairs, and Bates, who, moreover, England refused to pay his pension, did not have money for this ... But he was found - after lengthy negotiations with lawyers and lawyers, a retired soldier declared himself the prince and monarch of the Sealand principality, the territory of which was the sea platform and the three-mile sea zone around it.

The young principality immediately had two military conflicts - a former friend of O'Reilly tried to knock out a radio pirate colleague and appropriate the platform for himself, the British Navy made a similar attempt, also trying to return the platform to its jurisdiction and expel the cheeky invader along with family and friends, whom Bates by that time he had settled in the former army barracks of Sealand. We must pay tribute to the extraordinary courage and determination of the retired major, his family and friends - both attacks were repulsed! In the first case, the population of the platform fought off the attackers with the help of rifles, machine guns and flamethrowers (!), In the second, the British Coast Guard boats turned to the coast, as soon as rifle bullets whistled over their heads (the captains of the Navy can be understood - get wounded just like that and fight with civilians they did not want, not the case).

Passport, coins and postage stamps of the Principality of Sealand

Now about the legal status of the Sealand Principality. Faced with armed resistance from the population of Sealand, representatives of the British Navy applied to the Essex court with a demand to release the platform illegally occupied by an English citizen. But the judge of Essex accepted reverse solution- in early September 1968, he ruled that the Sealand offshore platform was outside the jurisdiction of Great Britain, i.e. the laws of the country have no power over its population. This was the first success of the young principality, which Prince Roy I Bates immediately decided to consolidate by issuing his own postage stamps in 1969 (and demanding from the Universal Postal Union in Brussels to accept the principality of Sealand into its structure), starting to mint his own coin in 1972, and in 1975 - creating the Constitution of the Sealand monarchy, its coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Those. according to the international Montevideo Convention, adopted in 1933 at the 7th Pan American Conference, the principality of Sealand has all the features of an independent state, namely: it has its own territory, there is a permanent population, it has its own government and the principality is able (and has repeatedly tried!) to enter into diplomatic relations with other states.

So, since 1967 - already 45 years - the principality of Sealand has existed in good health, and the "august" family of a retired British major, who exchanged his homeland for a princely title, has amassed a considerable fortune. I had a reasonable question - how much income can a principality, located on the high seas and on an area the size of a football field, bring? The first source of income was the pirate Radio Essex, then Roy I and his family switched to all sorts of promotional items - cups, T-shirts, posters, etc. Trade was greatly aided by the attempted coup d'état in Sealand in 1978, which brought incredible popularity to the microscopic principality and its population in the European media.

Crown Prince of Sealand Michael Bates

As the monarch of a sovereign state with all the necessary regalia, Roy I Bates, his wife, Princess Joan I Bates, the heir to the princely throne, Prince Regent Michael I and daughter Penelope are engaged in trade in titles and other attributes of the principality - to acquire the title and the corresponding documentation for it for 316 Anyone can $ on the official website of the Principality of Sealand And the former putschist and Prime Minister of Sealand Count Alexander Gottfried Achenbach, a German citizen, declared himself a "government in exile" and actively traded fake passports of the principality, selling about 150,000 documents for $ 1,000 each (at the request of Interpol, Prince Roy I canceled the action all passports of Sealand several years ago). From 2000 to 2008, the servers of the HavenCo hosting company were located on the platform of the principality, which made a bet on the offshore zone and paid a tidy sum for rent.

Diploma for the title of the Principality of Sealand

Since 2007, the principality on an offshore platform has been sold for only 750 million euros; only one of the 27 citizens of Sealand is now permanently located on its territory. The elderly prince himself and his wife ten years ago moved on land to England - not the age to live on a platform in the middle of the sea.

28.08.2015 - 17:58

What do women usually get for their birthday? Flowers, jewelry, perfume. The Englishman Roy Bates gave his beloved wife Joan a principality on September 2, 1967. And even if it was very small, just tiny - 10x15 meters, but real, without a fake. What woman would refuse such a gift? So, on September 2, 1967, Joan Bates became a princess, and less than 10 miles off the coast of Great Britain, the smallest state in the world, the Principality of Sealand, appeared. Like every state, in the history of Sealand there have been power struggles between representatives of different clans, and wars, and coups d'état.

"Hooligan Tower"

In 1942, Great Britain, in order to protect its territory from air raids by the Luftwaffe, built a network of platforms on the high seas near its shores and installed anti-aircraft guns on them.

The garrison of each such fort numbered from 250 to 300 people and could well live and serve on the platform for a long time in full autonomy.

At the end of World War II, the garrisons were evacuated, the platforms were abandoned. Some of them were destroyed, some are still in the sea.

One of these platforms, called "Roughs Tower" (Hooligan Tower), was destined to justify its name with a stunning trick: for 48 years it has been proudly referred to as "the independent sovereign principality of Sealand".

Restless retired Major Roy Bates

In 1966, the Roughs Tower, standing alone in the sea, attracted the attention of retired Major of the British Armed Forces, Paddy Roy Bates. The biography of this man deserves a separate story. Events and adventures in his life would be enough for ten.

Roy Bates began his military service as a 15-year-old fighter in the International Brigade in Spain and graduated with the rank of Major in the British Army. Peaceful life haunted the retired officer. His restless nature constantly craved new adventures, which were abound in his life and after the war. In 1965, the restless Roy Bates became a radio pirate.

In the 60s, Europe was covered by a wave of private radio stations. Many of them broadcast on the air without a license, for which they were called "pirate". In an effort to get away from police officers pursuing them, radio pirates often broadcast from ships on the high seas. Two such radio hooligans, Roy Bates and Ronan O'Reilly in 1966, had their eye on the Roughs Tower in the middle of the sea. It is not known which cat ran between them, but friends became enemies, and soon Roy Bates was already the sole owner of the platform.

First war in Sealand history

In the summer of 1967, Roughs Tower survived its first military invasion attempt. Ronan O'Reilly, who tasted the fruits of independent existence at Roughs Tower, attempted to seize the platform by force. However, Bates proved that it was not in vain that he once wore the shoulder straps of a military and managed to repel the attack.

How many people participated in that scuffle is unknown, but both Roy and Ronan did not fight alone. The fight was long and hot. The first, but not the last, military conflict in the history of the island used rifles, shotguns, Molotov cocktails and even flamethrowers. The attack was repulsed, the aggressors went back to the mainland to lick their wounds.

After repelling the attack, Roy began to strengthen the status of his territory. On September 2, 1967, on the birthday of his wife Joan, he declared the Roughs Tower platform an independent principality, himself a prince, and his beloved wife a princess. Appreciating the gift, John I Bates, along with her children, moved to her principality, and the whole family began to equip the young state.

In 1968, the "Hooligan Tower", already in the status of the Sealand Principality, survived a second attempt at an armed occupation. This time Great Britain acted as the aggressor. The officer of the coast guard patrol boat that approached demanded that the platform be released, to which Prince Roy I Bates proudly replied that the people of Sealand (in the amount of 5 people) value their freedom and are ready to fight for it with arms in hand.

His words, under the approving cries of the people supporting their sovereign, the prince reinforced with several shots into the air. The officer decided not to get involved with armed idiots and left home. He was followed by the enthusiastic cries of the Silendians, who defended the honor and independence of their state.

How a British court "recognized" Sealand's independence

Here the British Themis remembered that Roy Bates is a British citizen, and opened a criminal case against him on the fact of illegal possession and use of firearms. But the judge of the city of Essex, who was considering the case, only threw up his hands: "Roughs Tower" is located outside the 3-mile coastal zone of the United Kingdom, and therefore everything that happens on it does not fall under the jurisdiction of British justice.

No wonder, oh no wonder, of all the towers standing in the sea, Roy once chose Roughs Tower! The decision of the Essex court became fateful in the life of the young state: Great Britain officially recognized Sealand as free from its control.

Justified by the British court, Roy Bates with renewed vigor took up the further construction of his principality. The flag, anthem, coat of arms, constitution and the first state decrees of the monarch appeared.

In 1972, Sealand began minting the Sealand dollar, which is currently the only legal tender in the principality. The formed government established the issue of postage stamps and began to issue passports to its citizens.

Failed coup attempt

After repelling two attempts at military incursion into his territory, Sealand survived the coup in August 1978. The Prime Minister of the country, Count Alexander Gottfried Achenbach, taking advantage of the absence of Roy I Bates, landed on the island with a group of Dutch mercenaries, captured Crown Prince Michael, took him out of the country and declared himself ruler of Sealand.

The young prince managed to escape and soon met his father. Roy I reaffirmed his talent as a military strategist by organizing a military operation, during which the island was recaptured and the invaders were captured.

In accordance with the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, the mercenaries were released. The organizer of the coup, Alexander Achenbach, was stripped of all posts, titles, and titles and was brought before the Sealand court, accused of high treason.

The ex-count was saved from the inevitable death sentence by the fact that he had German citizenship. The FRG stood up for the putschist. The British Foreign Office, where the staff of the German embassy, ​​concerned about the fate of their citizen, contacted, prudently refused to intervene in this matter, referring to the decision of the Essex court in 1968, and advised to settle the issue directly with the Sealand authorities.

Going to meet the requests of an employee of the German embassy who arrived on the island, Prince Sealand Roy I Bates pardoned the state criminal and released him, forever expelling him from the country. The failed prince and his supporters organized the government of Sealand in exile and are still fighting for power.

Sealand lives and thrives

This whole story of the self-proclaimed micro-state has long gone beyond fun. From the point of view of specialists of international law, the independent state of Sealand has every legal basis to be recognized. The small size of Sealand can in no way be an obstacle to its legitimization.

The actions of Bates and his supporters in terms of state building are simply amazing. Sealand has all the attributes of statehood: a flag, anthem, coat of arms, constitution, currency, its own international dialing code, ISO code and Internet domain.

The principality in the bud suppresses the slightest attempts to encroach on its sovereignty, so in 1990 a warning salvo was fired towards a British ship that violated the territorial waters of Sealand. Sealand has his own football team. In 2008, the island's team won the World Egg Throwing Championship. At one time, the Sealand stamps were recognized by the Belgian post.

Using unrecognized Sealand passports, they manage to cross borders, make purchase and sale transactions, get a driver's license, and open bank accounts. (However, after Interpol "covered" the international cartel selling fake Sealand identity cards in 1997, the authorities of the principality canceled the passports)

The minting of their own coins is carried out (Sealand dollars are highly valued among numismatists), goods with the Sealand emblem are sold, anyone can (quite inexpensively!) Become a count or baron of an independent principality. The Sealand Church of England was founded in 2006. The government plans to open and establish a tourism business.

On October 9, 2012, at the age of 90, the founder and first ruler of the Sealand Principality, Roy I Bates, died. His son Michael I Bates took over the reins. The king is dead - long live the king!


Historically, humanity seeks to divide the vast expanses of our planet into separate pieces. In the course of millennial conquests, each nation has its own territories - some have more, some have less.

We studied the names of most of the large countries at school, but few remember about these states. They do not have huge armies or natural deposits, but are known for their tiny area. This collection contains the 10 smallest countries in the world!

10 Maldives

This ranking of countries is in descending order. Among the top tiny countries, they have the largest area - 298 km². But in terms of population density, this state can compete with any large country - more than 400 thousand people live here on such an area.

The Maldives is made up of 26 atolls, which in turn are a chain of 1,192 coral islets. The only city in the Maldives is Male, which is also the capital of this country. This amazing archipelago is a unique ecosystem with reefs, different kinds fish and marine organisms.

9 Saint Kitts and Nevis

This small country covers an area of ​​261 km² and consists of two islets - Saint Kitts and Nevis. It is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean and has the title of the most small state western hemisphere. The population of Saint Kitts and Nevis is small - only 50 thousand people.

The state is well known among tourists and the income from this destination is more than 70% of the country's GDP per year. Sugarcane and shellfish are also processed here. The largest city in this country, and also the capital, is inhabited by 11 thousand people. Saint Kitts and Nesiv have their own army of 300 men.

8 Marshall Islands

The Republic of the Marshall Islands covers an area of ​​181.3 km² of land. It is located in the western part The Pacific and is a chain of atoll islands. These islands were discovered in 1526 by Alonso de Salazar, and for many centuries passed as a colony from one country to another.

These 34 atoll islands are paradise these days. The territory of the republic has a unique head start and fauna, which, by the way, was almost destroyed by man. In the middle of the 20th century, the Americans tested a hydrogen bomb here. The explosion was so powerful that it surpassed Hiroshima 1000 times. However, the locals managed to slowly restore the ecosystem of the islands.

7 Liechtenstein

The European principality of Liechtenstein is tiny in size and is very famous in the world. Despite its area of ​​160 km², this state has a very powerful economy and developed industry. It can serve as an example for many powers due to its unique system of government, so that people lived here very well.

Liechtenstein is located in the Alpine Mountains and borders Switzerland and Austria. The name of the country comes from the ruling dynasty, which has been ruling together with the Landtag for many years. The population of this European country is small - about 36 thousand people.

6 San Marino

On the sixth line of our ranking is the state of San Marino, which has an area of ​​60 km². It is unique in its location - it borders on Italy on all sides. The name of the country was formed from the name of the saint who founded it according to an ancient legend - the stonemason Marin.

With its modern borders, San Marino is considered the most ancient state in Europe, it was founded in 301. Almost the entire territory of the country (80%) is the foothills of the Apennines, so there is practically no arable land here. The population of the country is 33 thousand people with such a small area. This country has many unique architectural monuments on its territory.

5 Tuvalu

This small state in Polynesia has an area of ​​26 km². It consists of nine coral atolls, four of which make up the Tuvalu archipelago. The discoverer of the islands, Alvaro Mendanya de Neira, called them Lagoon, but they received their name Tuvalu only in 1975.

This beautiful place, however, was included in the ranking of the poorest countries as of 2016. The area of ​​the islands is decreasing from year to year, so in 50 years, according to experts, Tuvalu may completely disappear from the face of the Earth as a state. According to the latest data, the population of the country is just over 12 thousand people.

4 Nauru

The dwarf state of Nauru covers an area of ​​21 km² and was very popular in the middle of the 20th century. Such popularity was provided by phosphates, which were full of the territory of this piece of land. But today only dilapidated mines remain of phosphates, and the country's ecology has been irretrievably damaged even for tourism.

Like the islands of Tuvalu, Nauru is located near the Republic of Kiribati and is 42 km south of the equator. This country does not have an official capital, and the population is only 10 thousand people. But, unlike Tuvalu, this dwarf country has begun to develop its economy and increase its birth rate again.

3 Monaco

The third line of our rating is occupied by the well-known European principality of Monaco. Probably everyone has heard about it, despite the fact that it occupies only 2.02 km². The legendary Monaco Grand Prix races are held here, and the casino in Monte Carlo is well known among gamblers.

The population of Monaco (with such and such an area!) Is 38 thousand people. This is a lot, but this popularity has its own explanation. For a long time, there was no taxation in Monaco, so many businessmen, wealthy foreigners settled here and large companies were founded. Monaco is ruled by Prince Albert II, assisted by a national council.

2 Vatican

The Vatican State, with its tiny area of ​​0.44 km², is a very powerful state that has been deciding the fate of many countries for many centuries. The population of the country is equal to the number of employees - 836 people. At the same time, the Vatican does not have any economy, and the country's budget is replenished only through numerous donations from Catholic organizations.

Here is the residence of the Pope - the heart of the Catholic Church. The state is located inside Rome and is directly associated with Italy. But despite its proximity, the Vatican gained its independence in 1929 and has been an independent country ever since. By right, it has the title of the smallest country in the world, but there is another state that should be paid attention to.

1 Order of Malta

And the first place in this list is occupied by the state, which some countries do not recognize as a separate state unit. It is about the Order of Malta with an area of ​​0.012 km². This Order has about 13,000 members who hold the country's passports and use their own currency.

Not all countries recognize the sovereignty of the Order of Malta and consider it only at the level of diplomatic relations. The largest city of the Order is Fort Sant'Angelo, which the country rents from Malta. Aside from the shaky recognition of this sovereignty, the Order is the smallest state in the world.

All these dwarf states rightfully take their place in the ranking of the smallest countries. They are unique and distinctive, and most of them, despite their small territory, are prosperous countries.

Which country is the smallest? Many will answer: Vatican. However, ten kilometers from the coast of Great Britain is a tiny independent state - Sealand. The principality is located on an abandoned offshore platform.


The Rafs Tower ("Tower of the Hooligans" in English) was built during the Second World War. To protect against Nazi bombers, several such platforms were installed off the coast of Great Britain. They had an anti-aircraft gun complex, which was guarded and served by 200 soldiers.

The Rafs Tower platform, which later became the physical territory that was occupied by virtual state, was six miles from the mouth of the Thames. And the territorial waters of Britain ended three miles offshore. Thus, the platform found itself in neutral waters. After the end of the war, weapons from all the forts were dismantled, the platforms located close to the coast were destroyed. And the Rafs Tower remained abandoned.

In the 60s of the last century, radio pirates began to actively explore the coastal waters of England. Roy Bates, a retired major in the British Army, was one of them. He organized his first radio station, Radio Essex, on a different platform, displacing his colleagues from there. However, in 1965 he was fined for violating the wireless telegraph law and had to find a new location for the radio station.

Together with his friend Ronan O'Rahilly, the Major decided to take over the Rafs Tower and create an amusement park on the platform. However, the friends soon quarreled, and Roy Bates began to independently master the platform. He even had to defend the right to her with a weapon in his hands.

History of creation

The idea for an amusement park failed. But Bates could no longer recreate the radio station, despite the fact that he had everything necessary equipment... The fact is that in 1967 a law came into force that made broadcasting a crime, including from neutral waters. Now, even the location of the platform could not save Bates from persecution from the state.

But what if the waters are no longer neutral? The retired major had a seemingly crazy idea - to proclaim the platform as a separate state. On September 2, 1967, the former military proclaimed the platform an independent state and named it Sealand, and declared himself the ruler of the new country, Prince Roy I Bates. Accordingly, his wife became Princess John I.

Of course, Roy initially studied international law and spoke to lawyers. It turned out that the actions of the major would indeed be difficult to challenge in court. The newly formed state of Sealand had a physical territory, albeit a small one - only 0.004 square kilometers.

At the same time, the construction of the platform was completely legal. A document prohibiting such buildings appeared only in the 80s. And at the same time, the platform was outside the jurisdiction of Britain, and the authorities could not legally dismantle it.

Relations with Great Britain

Three more similar platforms remained in the territorial waters of England. Just in case, the government decided to get rid of them. The platforms were blown up. One of the naval vessels carrying out this mission sailed to Sealand. The ship's crew said that this platform will soon be destroyed. To which the inhabitants of the principality responded with warning shots into the air.

Roy Bates was a British citizen. Therefore, as soon as the major stepped ashore, he was arrested on charges of illegal possession of weapons. A lawsuit has begun against Prince Bates. On September 2, 1968, an Essex judge delivered a historic ruling: he ruled that the case was outside British jurisdiction. This fact became official evidence that the UK has relinquished its rights to the platform.

Coup attempt

In August 1978, a coup d'etat almost took place in the country. Between the ruler of the state, Roy Bates, and his closest aide, Count Alexander Gottfried Achenbach, a conflict arose over the policy of attracting foreign investment to the country. The men accused each other of anti-constitutional intentions.

When the prince went to Austria to negotiate with potential investors, the count decided to seize the platform by force. At that time, only Michael (Michael) I Bates, Roy's son and heir to the throne, was on the territory of Sealand. Achenbach, along with several mercenaries, captured the platform, and the young prince was locked in a windowless cabin for several days. After that, Michael was taken to the Netherlands, from where he was able to escape.

Roy and Michael soon reunited and were able to regain control of the platform. The mercenaries and Achenbach were captured. What to do with the people who betrayed Sealand? The principality fully complied with the norms of international law. on the rights of prisoners of war, it states that after the cessation of hostilities, all prisoners must be released.

The mercenaries were immediately released. But Achenbach was accused of attempting a coup d'etat under the laws of the principality. He was convicted and removed from all government posts. Since the traitor was a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany, the German authorities became interested in his fate. Britain refused to intervene in this conflict.

A German official arrived at Sealand to speak with Prince Roy. As a result of the intervention of the German diplomat, Achenbach was released.

Illegal government

What then did Achenbach do after the failed attempt to capture Sealand? The principality was now inaccessible to him. But the former earl continued to insist on his rights and even organized the government of Sealand in exile. He also claimed to be the chairman of a certain secret council.

Germany has Achenbach's diplomatic status, and in 1989 he was arrested. The post of head of the illegal government of Sealand was taken by Johannes Seiger, a former minister for economic cooperation.

Expansion of the territory

In 1987 Sealand (principality) expanded its territorial waters. He announced this desire on September 30, and the next day the UK made the same statement. In accordance with international law, the disputed maritime territory is equally divided between the two states.

Since there are no agreements between the countries on this score, and Great Britain did not make any statements, the Sealand government considered the disputed territory divided in accordance with international norms.

This led to an unpleasant incident. In 1990, a British ship unauthorizedly approached the shores of the principality. The inhabitants of Sealand fired several warning shots into the air.


In 1975, the virtual state began issuing its own passports, including diplomatic ones. But Sealand's good name was tarnished when an illegal government-in-exile engaged in a major global scam. In 1997, Interpol began looking for the origin of the vast amount of false documents allegedly issued in Sealand.

Passports, driving licenses, diplomas higher education and other documents were sold to Russia, the United States and European countries... According to these documents, people tried to cross the border, open a bank account, buy weapons. The Sealand government cooperated with the investigation. After this incident, absolutely all passports, including those issued absolutely legally, were revoked and abolished.

Constitution, state symbols, form of government

After Great Britain recognized in 1968 that Sealand was outside its jurisdiction, the inhabitants decided that this was the de facto recognition of the country's independence. After 7 years, in 1975, state symbols were developed - the anthem, flag and coat of arms. At the same time, the Constitution was issued, which includes a preamble and 7 articles. New government decisions are formalized in the form of decrees.

The Sealand flag is a combination of three colors - red, black and white. In the upper left corner there is a red triangle, in the lower right corner there is a black triangle. There is a white stripe between them.

The flag and coat of arms are the official symbols of Sealand. The coat of arms of Sealand depicts two lions with fish tails holding a shield in the colors of the flag in their paws. Under the coat of arms there is a motto that reads: "Freedom - from the sea." The anthem of the state, written by the composer Vasily Symonenko, is also called.

By state structure Sealand is a monarchy. There are three ministries in the governing structure - Foreign, Interior and Telecommunications and Technology.

Coins and stamps

Since 1972, Sealand coins have been issued. The first silver coin depicting Princess Joanna was issued in 1972. From 1972 to 1994, several types of coins were issued, mainly made of silver, gold and bronze, on the obverse of which portraits of Joanna and Roy or a dolphin are depicted, and on the reverse - a sailing ship or a coat of arms. The monetary unit of the principality is the Sealand dollar, which is pegged to the US dollar exchange rate.

Between 1969 and 1977, the state issued postage stamps. For some time they were accepted by Belgium post.


The first ruler of Sealand was Prince Roy Bates. In 1990, he transferred all rights to his son and left to live in Spain with the princess. Roy died in 2012, his wife Joanna in 2016. IN this moment the ruler is Prince Michael I of Bates. He has an heir, James Bates, who is the Prince of Sealand. In 2014, James had a son, Freddie, who is the great-grandson of the first ruler of the principality.

Who lives in Sealand today? The population of the principality at different times ranged from 3 to 27 people. Now about ten people are on the platform every day.

Religion and sport

On the territory of the principality there is also a small chapel named after St. Brendan the navigator on the platform. Sealand does not stand aside from sports achievements. Despite the fact that the population of the principality is not enough to form sports teams, some athletes represent the unrecognized state. There is even a soccer team.

Sealand and the Internet

A simple law applies to the Internet on the territory of the state - everything is allowed except spam, hacker attacks and child pornography. Therefore, Sealand, which started out as a pirate radio station, is still attractive territory for modern pirates. For 8 years, the servers of the HavenCo company were located on the territory of the principality. After the closure of the company, the principality continues to provide server hosting services for various organizations.

Legal status

Unlike other self-proclaimed states, Sealand has a slim chance of gaining recognition. The principality has a physical territory, it was founded before the expansion of the water borders of Britain. The platform was abandoned, which means that its settlement can be considered as colonization. Thus, Roy Bates could really establish a state in a free territory. However, in order for Sealand to receive full rights, it must be recognized by other states.

Sale of Sealand

In 2006, a fire broke out on the platform. The restoration required substantial funds. In 2007, the principality was put up for sale at a price of 750 million euros. The Pirate Bay intended to acquire the platform, but the parties could not agree.

Sealand today

You can not only find out which country is the smallest, but also support the government of the rebellious platform in its quest for independence. Anyone can donate money to the treasury of the principality. In addition, various souvenirs, coins, stamps can be purchased on the official website.

For just € 6, you can create a personal Sealand email address. Order an official ID for 25 euros. For those who have dreamed of a title all their lives, Sealand gives such an opportunity. Quite officially, according to the laws of the principality, anyone who pays 30 euros can become a baron, for 100 euros - a knight of the Sovereign Military Order, and for 200 - a real count or countess.

Today the principality of Sealand is ruled by Michael I Bates. Like his father, he stands for freedom of information, and the bully tower remains the mainstay of modern information pirates.

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The plot of the play is an example of masterly bringing together several plot motives. The story of the bill is told in the collection of short stories by Giovanni Fiorentino "The Simpleton" (1558); grooms wondering in which box the portrait of the bride is hidden are described in the 66th story Wed
The New Miley Cyrus: Why No One Believes In The Sincerity Of Pop Stars
TV star, singer and just a bright creative personality Miley Cyrus, gained popularity thanks to the American youth sitcom from Walt Disney Hannah Montana, in which she played the main role. A teenage girl on TV screens became a teen idol