How to make a paste from flour or starch for wallpaper. Making starch glue at home Paste made from flour or starch

Each of us in childhood, during labor lessons, when making various crafts, used a paste that each mother cooked and poured into a small jar. And now it’s time for us to make sure that the child performs appliqués with safe and high-quality material. for children's creativity? This is precisely the topic that is discussed in the article. Here we present to our readers a recipe for flour paste for appliques and creating products using the papier-mâché technique. In the second part of the article you can read the instructions for preparing such an adhesive mass from potato starch. Study the information and choose the paste option that suits you. I wish you a high-quality result.

Flour paste. Recipe and step-by-step instructions

Method number 1. Sift wheat or rye flour (a quarter of a large glass) through a fine sieve and mix with cold water (200 grams) in a bowl. Pour 1 liter of water into a thick-bottomed saucepan and heat. Then add the flour mixture here and mix well. Place the container on low heat. Cook the mixture for three to four minutes, remove from heat and leave to cool, stirring occasionally. That's all. Then use the paste for its intended purpose.

Method No. 2 - recipe for paste prepared in a water bath. In a bowl, mix 1 liter of water and 4 large spoons of flour. Place the vessel with this mass in a large saucepan with hot water, thus creating a water bath. Bring the paste to a boil, pour another 200 grams of water into it and boil for about 5 minutes. Cool the glue in a cool place.

The paste recipe presented above contains only natural ingredients, so you can store it in a warm place for no more than one day, after which it deteriorates, acquiring an unpleasant odor and changing its consistency. If there is any amount of this material left after work, try storing it in the refrigerator. But this method will help preserve the glue for no longer than a day or two. It is better to cook the paste in small portions at a time.

Starch paste. Recipe

Measure 10 large spoons of water into a glass. In a separate saucepan, mix 1 large spoon with part of the water from a glass. The solution should have a consistency similar to sour cream. Stir until all lumps disappear. Boil the remaining water and pour it in a thin stream into the bowl with the starch mass, stirring it. If this amount of liquid is not enough and the glue turns out thick, add a few more tablespoons of boiling water.

It is important to know that starch paste is used warm. Such material can be stored for no more than five hours. Therefore, it cannot be prepared for future use. During cooling, a film forms on the surface of the glue. Try not to let it get on the product and spoil its appearance.

Now you know a paste recipe (and more than one) that performs its function well and is absolutely harmless to the child. And it’s not scary if a little fidget gets dirty in this material during moments of needlework. It is easily washed off clothes and washed off the body. Let creativity be a joy for children!

Starch paste proportions

Flour paste. Instead of glue.

We are staying at home with the child. Boring. I want to make a paste and start applique. Copied

Cooking paste for children's creativity
Probably the last time many people dealt with paste during appliqué classes in kindergarten. It is not by chance that paste is used when working with children: it is completely harmless and easy to use.

The word itself " paste"came to us from the German language and means" glue made from starch or flour"(which is the whole technology of its preparation). The product is 100% natural! It contains absolutely no foreign chemical impurities, which means it does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies. Therefore, the paste can be useful for many home crafts.

For example, it is most convenient with paste glue products using papier-mâché technique, it can also be used in the manufacture of frame souvenir toys and for any applications made of paper or fabric.

The paste is being prepared very quickly and does not require any material or time costs from you. So let's get started! You need: flour, water and hands. Suitable instead of flour starch, and it makes absolutely no difference whether it is potato or corn.

Take a convenient bowl in which you will knead and brew paste. Absolutely any container into which a whisk or fork can easily fit is suitable for mixing.

Pour into a cup 2-3 tablespoons flour or starch, then pour half a glass of cold water and stir quickly until homogeneous pulp.

Water is always poured into flour, rather than flour poured into water - this way the paste will be better stirred. Particularly thrifty owners can, for this purpose, collect leftover flour from baking, sifted through a fine sieve (this will be counted in the list of your virtues in the column “Saving natural resources”)

Exists little technological secret, which only physicists or wizards can explain: to prevent the paste from souring and forming lumps, you need to stir it in a cup “ salting" - that is in the course of the Sun, clockwise. But if you are used to it differently, then interfere as you prefer.

Now you need some flour flour brew with boiling water in the amount of about one glass. Mathematicians can focus on the proportion of 1:15, but in general, more often the proportions of the ingredients for the paste are taken by eye, because small differences in consistency do not affect its adhesive properties.

Pour boiling water in a thin stream into the flour mixture while stirring vigorously, the paste thickens and becomes homogeneous.

If it “slowly thickens,” you can pour it into a small fireproof container and hold it on the stove for a little while (stirring, stirring, stirring), at medium temperature, literally for about 5 minutes (depending on your stove), but do not bring it to boiling.

Paste heated on the stove will begin to “puff” slightly and form small bubbles on the surface. Quickly remove this from the heat and cool in a window or in a large bowl of cold water. The cooled glue will become a little thicker, so it is better to immediately prepare it taking this circumstance into account. A thinner glue will be easier to work with.

That's all! Paste ready to be your reliable assistant in the creative process!

And what’s valuable is that you can cook it in literally three minutes (including washing up).

And now - a few practical nuances.

From starch it turns out more transparent-looking paste(reminiscent of jelly), and made from flour - cloudy whitish(reminiscent of sauce). Both stick equally well.

Don't make “strategic reserves”! Boil the paste It’s better to use small portions so that it’s enough for an hour or two of work. Working with fresh paste is definitely more pleasant.

If after your creative activities there is still some amount of paste left, you need it Keep refrigerated, closing it with a lid or placing it in a plastic bag so that it does not collect odors and does not get airy. Or you can glue up the loose corners of wallpaper in your apartment.

If the paste becomes too thick during storage, it can be slightly diluted again with boiling water (1-2 tablespoons) and stirred thoroughly.

During storage adhesive qualities of the paste decrease slightly every day. A soured or moldy paste left in the refrigerator, of course, should be thrown away...

The paste, even if slightly dried, is easily washed off the skin with warm water and soap. But if you drop paste on clothes, furniture, or the floor, it is better not to wait for it to dry, but to immediately wipe it off with a damp cloth.

If, during the creative process, your child persistently tries to taste the paste, do not interfere with him. If the paste is fresh, and not from the day before yesterday, then there will be no harm. And the child, most likely, will not like to eat the paste, because it tastes like an unleavened thick flour sauce or jelly, and the child will quickly stop this activity)


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The need to glue different materials occurs almost every day. All kinds of repairs, children's crafts, arts and crafts - are there many situations when you need good reliable glue? In construction and stationery stores you will find a variety of compositions - both intended for specific materials and universal. But for some jobs, the one made at home from flour or starch is most suitable. How to prepare paste? Now you will find out.

Why do you need paste?

It would seem that there are no problems with adhesives now. Get into the catalog and choose what your heart desires. And in construction stores the assortment is also quite large, so why else invent something yourself? It's not that simple.

Grandma's wallpaper paste is a truly universal thing. It fits:

  • for repairs - holds wallpaper perfectly;
  • for attaching decorative elements to wallpaper;
  • for covering windows;
  • for making all sorts of interesting things from papier-mâché;
  • for gluing some fabrics;
  • for starching - in this case the composition will be less thick.

What are we repairing?

Let's start with perhaps the most popular use of starch glue - wallpapering a room. This composition has a number of advantages over ready-made ones. Flour paste for wallpaper:

  • absolutely harmless, since only environmentally friendly materials are used for its production;
  • cheap, even if you take the best flour;
  • there is no need to insist on it;
  • you can do more than once;
  • it does not react with the environment, and accordingly does not disintegrate and does not emit harmful substances;
  • practically no odor during operation and no odor at all after drying;
  • You can glue any wallpaper on it - from very thin paper to heavy fabric with non-woven fabric;
  • the canvases do not peel off over time;
  • There are no stains left on the paper after the glue dries.

Important! There are practically no disadvantages to flour or starch paste. The only negative is that it still needs to be cooked, and you will have to deal with boiling water.

If, having sensibly assessed your strengths and the availability of free time, you have come to the conclusion that you still shouldn’t start preparing the building mixture with your own hands, use our review to.

Choosing the ingredients

The following are equally suitable for paste:

  • flour;
  • starch.

There is not much difference, so if you have starch, great; if you don’t have it, but you really love baking buns and you always have everything for this, you will find a way out right away. So before you make wallpaper paste from flour, take a look at what you have in your kitchen cabinet. In principle, any flour is suitable, but it is better to choose the lightest wheat flour you can find. Simply, the lighter the paste, the better. The most common starch is potato starch, but corn starch will also work.

Flour paste

To make your own wallpaper glue, you will need several things:

  • flour;
  • cold water;
  • Bowl;
  • spoon, fork, stick or whisk;
  • pot.

First, let's try to make the simplest composition, without any additives or technological difficulties. It is suitable for wallpaper, windows, and children’s crafts:

  1. Take 4 tablespoons of flour and place them in a bowl.
  2. Add a little water there so that you can stir the flour until it becomes a porridge.
  3. Stir the mixture so that there are no lumps - the mass should be homogeneous and have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. Pour 1 liter of water into the pan.
  5. Place it on the fire and bring to a boil.
  6. Pour in the contents of the bowl and stir.
  7. As soon as you get something like a batter (and this will happen in literally ten seconds), remove the pan from the heat.
  8. Let the paste cool.

Important! Flour or starch paste can be stored for three to four days, but after that it will go rotten.

What to do with starch?

How to cook starch paste for wallpaper? Yes, almost the same as made from flour, although there are some subtleties. To work, you will also need a sieve. The ratio of ingredients is the same as for flour, that is, 4 cups of starch per 1 liter of water:

  1. First of all, sift the starch so that there are no lumps - you don’t have to throw them away, you can just crush them and sift again.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire.
  3. When the water boils, carefully pour in the sifted starch (a very convenient thing is a paper bag with a torn corner, it allows you to pour the dry substances evenly).
  4. After a few seconds, the composition will thicken, then turn off the gas, and if the stove is electric, remove the pan from the heat.
  5. After the paste has cooled, it can be used.

Important! After you pour what you have into a jar, you must wash the pan immediately - when the paste dries, it will be much more difficult to clean the dishes.

Composition for starching

Some washing machines have a compartment for various additional ingredients - starch or conditioner. Housewives usually use special compounds designed specifically for automatic machines.

Important! This method has only one drawback - all laundry is processed at once, even those that do not need it.

But small things can be starched by hand - collars and skirts from children's New Year's costumes, for example. To do this, just take 2 tablespoons of starch per 1 liter of water. And then everything is exactly the same as for the paste, that is, sift the starch, boil water and get the desired substance. If the product can be boiled, nothing prevents you from placing it in the composition as soon as the paste is cooked.

Important! Processing time depends on how well the product needs to hold its shape. If you want it to be hard, hold it for an hour and a half, then iron it. However, this result can be achieved in another way - by making a more concentrated composition, the same as for gluing wallpaper. What you want to lightly starch, simply immerse in the pan, and then remove, squeeze and dry.

There are other recipes for preparing the solution that are used for different things. If you are interested in this particular topic, then click on the links and see information from our thematic articles:

Wallpaper glue with PVA

If you want to glue heavy wallpaper, it is best to make a paste with PVA. Then, for sure, no force will tear the wallpaper off the wall. The first stage is exactly the same as for preparing a regular paste:

  1. Sift the starch.
  2. We heat the water.
  3. Add starch.
  4. Stir (if the volume is large, you can use a wooden spatula or even just a stick).
  5. Add PVA glue.
  6. Bring to a boil.
  7. Mix thoroughly again.
  8. As soon as an adhesive composition forms in the pan (that is, almost immediately), remove from heat.
  9. Take a second pan and cover it with a piece of gauze.
  10. Strain the contents of the first pan until it cools down.

This homemade wallpaper glue is best suited for working with light-colored wallpaper. If you need to glue dark ones, you can add wood glue rather than PVA. If there are no lumps in the PVA paste, you don’t have to strain it.

Important! Do not forget that the quality of the adhesive mixture is only part of the competent finishing of the room. Be sure to review the recommendations and useful tips on decorating rooms with wallpaper so that you don’t have any problems with this:

An adhesive composition or paste, welded with water from grain processing products, is considered one of the most proven and safe types of glue for household work. The uniquely simple method of preparing the adhesive mass is combined with good mechanical strength of the seam, so even with the advent of water-soluble adhesives based on methylated cellulose, the paste made from flour and starch remains revered among those who like to make their own hands.

High-strength paste can be prepared in three ways:

  • On flour, even if the raw material has long lost its nutritional quality;
  • Using crushed or ground grain;
  • Cook with any available grain starch.

For your information! To achieve maximum seam strength, the paste can best be welded using dried and ground grain.

True, the yield of grain paste is somewhat less than if you cook a paste mass from flour. In addition, you will have to work hard to remove the remnants of seedings and husks, but with due care you can brew a paste that will firmly stick even vinyl wallpaper.

How to make paste from flour

In order to properly weld and not burn the paste, you will need an enamel or metal non-food container with a tight-fitting lid and a steel or cast iron flame divider installed above the gas burner. A simple device allows you to safely heat the paste, cook flour grains, and at the same time avoid overcooking the adhesive mass into jelly.

Proportions of water and flour

In order to cook the paste, you will need three ingredients:

  • Purified water, you can use filtered or settled tap water. The main thing is that no rust, organic matter or scale gets into the paste. To cook a liter of paste, you will need 800 ml or four glasses of water;
  • Corn or wheat flour, 250 ml of flour is calculated per liter of adhesive mass. It is best to cook the paste from coarse flour, second or third grade;
  • Ethyl or formic alcohol, about a tablespoon per liter of mixture. The additive helps get rid of lumps and air. You can cook glue without alcohol, but alcohol promotes hydrolysis of gluten, even if the water is very hard and contains a large amount of salts.

For your information! Wallpaper craftsmen advise adding a small amount of soda ash solution, aluminum alum or office glue.

Before the advent of specialized brands of glue for wallpapering during mass construction, it was necessary to cook tens of liters of paste. The additives helped to weld the glue quickly and at the same time ensure storage for several days. At home, you can add alum, this will help to cook a paste that is resistant to fungus and cockroaches. The use of any other additives requires some experience in handling the paste solution.

Preparation and adjustment of consistency

You can cook the paste in 10-15 minutes. Pour lukewarm water into a clean container, about 1/3 of the calculated amount, and add flour in small portions, in approximately the same volume. The mixture is intensively stirred until a homogeneous mass is formed. The rest of the water is brought to a boil and, continuing to stir the mass, added to the paste.

Next, to weld the glue, the container is transferred to a tile with a divider and heated over high heat for about ten minutes. As soon as the paste acquires the texture of thick milk jelly, the tank with glue is transferred from the heat and cooled in water.

It is not difficult to weld the paste, but you need to carefully monitor the consistency of the glue. During the cooking process, the paste mass seems too liquid, and when cooled it thickens greatly. If you do not calculate the proportions and amount of hot water, the glue most often turns out to be too thick and viscous.

In order to adjust the composition, you need to weld a new portion of thicker or thinner glue and mix it hot with the first paste. The viscosity of the adhesive mass depends on the content of gluten and protein substances in the flour, the quality of the water and the exact observance of proportions.


You can change the consistency of a too thick paste that has been standing in the cold for a couple of days using a small amount of not too hot water. If a sour smell appears, the adhesive mass should be boiled over low heat, then add a spoonful of alcohol and stir thoroughly until smooth.

Experts advise to cook the paste a couple of hours before using it and try not to store it for more than one day. You can store the paste without additives or preservatives for one or two days in the refrigerator in a carefully sealed container. If you need to boil and store a large amount of starch glue for some time, then at the stage of final boiling, the hot mass is divided into several containers, cooled in a water bath and half a teaspoon of alcohol or vodka is poured into each jar. Using this technology, you can weld, store and use glue for a week.

How to cook starch paste

In order to cook glue from corn or wheat starch, you will need to make a batch: add 1 part dry starch to 4 parts lukewarm water. The batch should stand for one and a half hours for the starch grain to swell. Next, the mixture needs to be cooked for 10-15 minutes over high heat, stirring with a spoon or spatula. Cook the paste for up to half an hour over low or medium heat until the glue becomes transparent. Cool in a water bath.

It is easier to make glue from starch than from flour, but its strength is clearly inferior to flour and, especially, grain adhesive material.

Application of paste

One of the advantages of starch paste is its good penetrating ability into the pores of walls. For example, a solution of 100 g of alcohol and 200 g of starch solution can be used to prime painted walls or plaster that regularly shows damp spots. In the latter case, the paste must be welded with the addition of 10% PVA glue or aluminum alum at the final stage.

It is believed that if you prepare an adhesive mass with the addition of 40 g of calcium chloride per liter of glue, the pasted wallpaper will not fall off even if the base is heavily moistened.

For light wallpaper

The best option for light wallpaper would be a slightly thinner starch paste than usual. Glue can be made from potato starch with the addition of a small amount of PVA. The polyvinyl acetate emulsion is introduced into the almost cooled glue and stirred thoroughly. This glue does not stain, and practically does not bleed through thin wallpaper, but it is best to use it within 24 hours, or boil it and store it in the refrigerator in preservation mode.

For heavy wallpaper

Even experienced craftsmen prefer to glue non-woven or vinyl wallpaper using expensive branded Methylane, although for heavy wallpaper you can weld very strong glue from corn flour or starch. If the texture and pattern are light, then the same PVA is added to the paste; for darker shades, you can cook a starch mixture with the addition of liquid casein glue. It is clear that in any case, the starch must be prepared, cooled, allowed to stand, and only then the additive must be added.

For fabric crafts

Gluing all kinds of fabric toys and crafts requires a large amount of glue, which you can successfully weld yourself. Moreover, if you choose the right additive, you can weld several liters of glue at once, and it will not disappear or lose its characteristics, even if it is stored at room temperature.

To ensure strong bonding of the fabric, you need to weld a grain paste. Wheat or oat grains are crushed in an electric coffee grinder to form ground coffee. The mass must be boiled without sifting. After swelling, the mixture is pressed through a gauze cloth, a small amount of alcohol and PVA is added, and the glue is ready. For heavy fabrics, instead of PVA and wheat, you can brew rye grain in a water bath with the addition of wood glue and alum.

For papier-mâché

As a working adhesive composition for forming a shell from thin sheets of paper, a base of corn starch with the addition of 10% alcohol and ready-made wood glue is used. This composition quickly saturates the paper and dries well in thick layers of cellulose fiber 3-4 mm thick. If the paper has a laminated coating, then for papier-mâché an adhesive composition with the addition of PVA, acrylic or bustylate is used.


Paste has always been a very convenient material; knowing the recipe, you can weld glue for almost any cellulose materials and cotton fabrics. The grain adhesive composition can be used to attach plastic and even fiberboard boards. The only significant drawback is the edibility of dextrin fibers; starch and flour are easily damaged by fungi and insects, so it is necessary to use additives based on vitriol or other metal salts.

Paste has long been used as wallpaper glue. And even with the advent of modern adhesives, many people prefer this simple product. Moreover, the main reason for such adherence to paste is not even the cheapness of its preparation.

What is a paste?

First, let's figure out what a paste is. This is homemade glue. With its help, paper and wallpaper are easily fixed to almost any surface.

Paste - natural glue of home origin

The paste is prepared from flour or starch with the addition of water and boiling in boiling water. Corn starch paste has the greatest adhesive ability. Next comes homemade wheat flour glue, and in last place is potato starch paste.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fact is that all the most modern adhesive compositions have one big drawback - they do not work well on surfaces covered with old oil paint or primed with drying oil. On such surfaces, only an ordinary paste made from flour or starch can perfectly cope with its function.

The only drawback of the paste is its instability to moisture. However, this drawback can be overcome by using various additives when preparing the paste.

The paste has a lot of advantages:

  • Properly welded and filtered paste does not leave marks even if the work is not very careful.
  • It adheres perfectly to any surface.
  • Its durability is in no way inferior to the most modern adhesives.
  • Another advantage of the paste is that wallpaper that is pasted using it can be removed very easily.
  1. Water is poured into the container in an amount of 2/3 of the planned volume and boiled.
  2. Then flour is poured into hot water. This should be done gradually, and the solution should be thoroughly mixed. Approximately 1/3 of the volume will be needed.
  3. The solution should be brought to the consistency of a very liquid dough (cook for 5 minutes).
  4. After the paste has cooled to 30-40 degrees, it should be strained through gauze, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

It is better not to use the paste while it is hot. The temperature may cause the embossed pattern or paint on the wallpaper to become deformed and become unusable.

Method No. 2

In this recipe the ratio of flour and water is 1:3.

Remember that the finished mass should look like batter

  1. Pour flour into a container. Fill with water.
  2. Place the container on the stove and cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  3. After the water boils, remove it from the heat, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve, and cool.

How to cook from starch with your own hands

The advantage of starch paste over flour paste is its transparency. Although flour paste leaves almost no traces, starch paste is still preferable for pasting walls with light-colored wallpaper.

Paste for damp walls has a higher adhesive ability

Recipe for starch paste for ordinary walls

  1. 750 g of potato starch is mixed in 200 ml of wood alcohol.
  2. Add 1.5 liters of water to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly.
  3. The next step is to add 8-9 liters of boiling water and bring the entire mixture to a boil.
  4. Separately from the mixture, 100 g of alum is dissolved in 0.3 liters of water.
  5. The resulting solution is poured into the boiled mixture and stirred until the mass is uniform.
  6. The composition is cooled and filtered.

How to make homemade glue for damp walls

  1. 40 g of calcium chloride are dissolved in 600 ml of water, the mixture is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  2. In addition, 400 ml of water and 400 g of potato or corn starch are mixed separately;
  3. The mixture from the first point is added to the resulting mixture. Stir, heat and add another 4-5 liters of water.
  4. The resulting mixture is boiled for another 2-3 minutes and removed from the heat.

Do not forget to periodically remove the film that forms after the starch paste has cooled.

  • It is advisable to use any paste immediately after filtration, or at least on the same day. After a day, the adhesive quality of the paste is significantly reduced.
  • Make the paste in small portions to prevent the mixture from quickly cooling and hardening.
  • It is best to store unused mixture in a container with a lid in the refrigerator.
  • If glue gets on your skin or furniture, just wipe the contaminated area with a damp, warm cloth.
  • If we talk about additives to the paste, then in addition to PVA glue, you can also use wood glue, which is added in the same quantities as PVA glue (1 part glue to 1 part water). It should be taken into account that wood glue can leave reddish spots on the wallpaper, and it is not recommended to use such an additive when pasting very light wallpaper.

A paste with the addition of wood glue is perfect for priming the surface of walls and ceilings before gluing wallpaper. Moreover, for these purposes it should be used hot.

Video: how to make a paste from flour for gluing wallpaper, papier-mâché, etc.

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