How to determine when to pick a watermelon. How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon: basic methods. Identification by sound

There is about a week left before the official start of the watermelon selling season, but unauthorized trade in melons on the streets of Moscow has been going on since mid-July. Consumers are outraged not only by the high price, but also by the quality of the fruit: watermelons that are artificially ripened with the help of nitrates pose a health hazard.

At the same time, sellers of watermelon crumbles in most cases cannot present either a trade permit or quality certificates.

The permit to trade melons will be valid from August 1. The Moscow Department of Consumer Market and Services explained that it is not recommended to buy watermelons before this date - it is better to wait until the end of summer, when they are definitely ripe.

The number of melon fields in the capital this summer will be almost two times less compared to last year. - total 450 . In addition, retail outlets will operate according to new rules. Sellers are required to work in special clothing, carry a medical book and documents confirming the quality of the products.

Where to choose watermelons

In Moscow, the sale of melons “from the ground” is prohibited. Retail outlets should be equipped with mesh chests and special scales instead of household, medical and postal scales. Sellers should not cut and sell watermelons and melons in parts, as slices.

In addition, visual information about the operating hours of the retail outlet and the legal address of the trading organization must be placed on the tray or spreader.

To protect yourself, it is best not to buy watermelons at “spontaneous” stores where the products are not checked by sanitary services, and always ask if there are documents for them. And even more so, you should not buy at roadside stands: there the products absorb toxins.

Some producers stimulate the ripening of melons with nitrogen fertilizers, which leads to the accumulation of nitrates in watermelons. The consequences of their use can be severe - acute infectious poisoning or chronic intoxication, which doctors call the “cumulative effect.”

How to identify a nitrate "bomb"

It is impossible to identify a nitrate watermelon by eye unless it is cut. You should not even try the berry if its pulp is riddled with yellow or light yellow fibers or has a purple tint.

If you soak the pulp of a nitrate watermelon in water, it will turn red or pink due to the increased content of nitrates. A “healthy” watermelon will make the water slightly cloudy.

If you knock on a nitrate watermelon, it feels like you're hitting a ball that's dropped. Such a watermelon may look ripe, but if it doesn’t crack when squeezed, it means it’s not ripe without someone else’s “help.”

What a watermelon should look like without flaws

There is a widespread belief that a large watermelon is “nitrate”. This is not true: for example, for the “chill” variety, 10-20 kilograms is far from the limit.

An ideal watermelon should be large enough, not very heavy and with a clearly defined striped pattern. In order to determine the natural ripeness of a watermelon, first of all you need to pay attention to the stalk - the tail at the top of the fruit should be dry.

The purchased watermelon should not have cuts or cracks - through which microbes that cause intestinal infections get inside.

There is a myth that a ripe watermelon should ring if you slap it with your palm. In fact, the sound depends on whether the flesh inside has softened or not. It is the green fruit that will ring, but a ripe watermelon should be dull.

The cracking sound that a watermelon makes when you squeeze it with your hands is a good sign. You can safely buy such a product.

The soil spot on the bottom of the side should preferably be yellow, not white.

And one last thing. A ripe watermelon can be easily scratched - by running your fingernail over it, you can easily remove the top layer of the peel.

When choosing a melon, experts advise paying attention to the aroma that its peel should exude, the softness that is felt to the touch, and the absence of light brown spots.

What to do in case of “nitrate” poisoning

In addition to nitrates, watermelons may contain microbes and even heavy metals. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to drink as much water as possible to prevent dehydration and reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Is watermelon good for you?

There is conflicting information about the benefits of watermelons. Some say that watermelon fiber contains potassium, which is washed out of the body when taking diuretics. Therefore, it is recommended to consume watermelons for diseases such as cystitis and nephritis.

At the same time, there is an opinion that although all melons and melons contain fiber, it is poorly absorbed, loading the stomach. That is why doctors advise children and elderly people over 50 years old to refuse juicy fruits.

The material was prepared by the online editors of based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Many people don’t know, but according to experts, watermelons are divided, relatively speaking, by gender.

There are "boys" and "girls". You can tell which one is which when you cut a watermelon.

Those that are sweeter and contain fewer seeds are “girls”.

Others, also professionals in their field, say that all this is fiction, in fact, watermelons are hermaphrodites.

We simple gardeners are of little interest to these disputes; the most important thing for us is to find out ripe watermelon or not.

Amateur gardeners who grow these large berries in their dachas have long known how to determine ripeness. These signs are described below.

The watermelon is ripe if:

  • A good ripe watermelon, usually of the correct shape, that is, it has a slightly elongated ball shape.
  • The fruit should not be small, preferably medium, about 8-12 kg. Small ones are usually not very sweet. If you choose a watermelon on the market, do not take large specimens, more than 12 kg, as they may contain a large amount of harmful nitrates.
  • The ripeness of a watermelon is also indicated by its tail. When ripe and sweet, it is dried out. These appear on the shelves after mid-August. If the tail is greenish and not dry, then it was removed before it was ripe.
  • The crust should not have any damage (dents, cracks, stains). Such a watermelon, even if ripe, loses its taste. It might be sour.

  • Well, the last sign is the well-known knock on the watermelon. The sound of a ripened watermelon is ringing, as if crispy. A dull sound indicates that the fruit is limp and stale. In addition, storage conditions were violated.

By the way, watermelons can be stored for a long time. For this purpose, watermelons without external damage, and if possible without a yellow spot on the side, or so that it is as small as possible. Weight is about 7 kg.

We place it in a net and hang it in a dark place with a temperature no higher than +5C. The watermelon should not be in contact with the wall or anything else.

If stored properly, you can enjoy watermelon on New Year's Day.

If anyone else is interested in the gender of a watermelon, it is determined by its butt. In the “girl” watermelon it is flatter and has a large spot, while in the “boy” there is a depression inside and turns into a small point.

After choosing a ripe watermelon, it’s time to prepare a cocktail for guests called “ drunk watermelon».

Cut a round hole in the watermelon, the size of a bottle neck, and about 7cm deep. After this, turn the bottle of vodka over and insert the neck into this hole.

Make sure that the depth is sufficient and the contents do not spill out. We wait until everything is absorbed.

Seal the hole and place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

After the time has passed, the watermelon cocktail is ready for use, all that remains is to cut it into slices. The watermelon must be ripe.

Watermelon is everyone’s favorite sweet, which is adored by adults and children for its ability to relieve thirst and remove waste, toxins, and harmful substances from the body. Many novice gardeners are interested in the question of how to determine the ripeness of a watermelon growing in the garden, since unripe fruits picked will be unsuitable for consumption.

There are ways, knowing which, you can easily determine the ripeness of a watermelon. To do this, you need to be guided by the main visual indicators:

  • type of crust;
  • color of the spot on the side;
  • condition of the tail;
  • presence of a characteristic sound.

Color and size of the soil spot

A watermelon lying on a bed cannot turn over on its own, so it comes into contact with the ground in the same place. A spot appears on it, which should be yellow or warm orange in a ripe berry. If the soil spot is larger than 10 cm and has an uneven color, then the fruit is not yet ready to eat.

Sound test

Many people make do with just the perception of sound, but not everyone can check for sure; you need to have a certain skill. If the watermelon makes a ringing sound when tapped, this indicates that the product is ready for consumption. But a dull sound should alert you, as it indicates that the fruit is unripe.

You can determine the ripeness by squeezing a watermelon; if it crackles slightly, then this is a signal to harvest a tasty, juicy harvest.

Type of crust

Before picking a juicy watermelon from the garden, you should carefully examine its peel. A remarkable fact is that after ripening, the sweet berry no longer receives moisture from the plant. This fruit has a hard crust, on which dents cannot be felt and there are no cracks. The peel should be so strong and tough that it is difficult to scratch it with a fingernail. Many people do not use this method; they do not want to damage the bark, violating the integrity of the watermelon.

A sign of ripeness is the absence of a waxy coating on the surface of the bark, which glistens beautifully in the sun.

When ripe, the skin of the watermelon acquires a glossy shine, and the stripes on it become clearly defined.

Dryness of the nearest tendril

Before cutting the fruit, you need to find out the condition of its stalk. If it is still green, then the product is not ripe and should lie in the garden for at least another 2 weeks. A dry stalk of the fruit is considered a signal for harvesting, but cases cannot be excluded when it is very dry, then the berry is no longer suitable for consumption due to overripeness.

The method guarantees complete ripeness of the fruit; the dry tendril is the main guideline.

What is the optimal weight

Thanks to the rapid development of the breeding industry, there are varieties of watermelons designed for cultivation in certain regions and for use for various purposes. The weight of the fruit of a crop directly depends on its variety, which grows and develops individually. Therefore, the mass of berries in the garden must correspond to the characteristics of the planted variety.

Important! The fully ripened fruit of popular varieties is distinguished by the shape of an elongated ball and weighs from 8 to 12 kg.

Requirements for color and pulp structure

The pulp of a ripe fruit should have a uniform bright color, and the seeds should have the same color. The presence of cracks and yellow fibers on the cut is unacceptable. You can determine the amount of nitrates by looking at the pulp; place a small piece of watermelon in the water, and if it becomes cloudy, it is better to refrain from consuming it to avoid possible harm to health.

How to check is not worth it

Over time, many different ways to recognize a ripe and sweet watermelon have evolved. Some are effective, but many are wrong, so you should study them more carefully and not use them in practice in the future.

Based on average

The average indicator is a flexible concept and may not be suitable for every variety. For some varieties, a certain weight is considered the maximum, and for other groups - the minimum weight of the unripe fruit.

According to the condition of the tail

A dried tendril always indicates the ripeness of the fruit. At the same time, the tail connecting the watermelon itself with the bush always remains green. It becomes dry when the fruit has long been picked and sent for storage.

The reference point is the completely dry antennae, not the tail.

To size

It is a mistaken belief that if you check the fruits in the garden every day, you will notice that they no longer increase in size or that their growth sharply slows down. And then wait 2-3 weeks and safely harvest. But not every gardener will remember the size of each berry, so if there are few watermelons, then it is possible to measure them, but if there are a large number of them, this will not be possible.

According to the ratio of diameter and weight

You can find a special table for determining ripeness, which shows the ratio of diameter and weight. In most cases, the use of such a table is incorrect, especially in relation to varieties with an oblong fruit shape.

What not to do

When determining the ripeness of a watermelon, it is better not to resort to cutting the fruit. If after such a check it turns out to be unripe, then it can no longer be left in the garden, otherwise it will rot in 2-3 days. It is not recommended to pick unripe fruits in the hope that they will ripen over time. The pulp, of course, will become redder, but it will not acquire any sweetness.

When planting watermelon in your own garden, it is better to make sure in advance that the weather conditions, soil and other aspects of growing are suitable for the selected variety.

Recently, many people have been growing watermelons in suburban areas in the middle zone. There are many names and varieties. Of course, they must first be grown as seedlings, at a temperature not lower than + 22 degrees, and then at the end of May or beginning of June, when at least three leaves appear, watermelons are planted either in a greenhouse or in open ground.

In open ground, crops are covered with spunbond. So from the beginning of sowing them in the ground or greenhouse, 60 days must pass until they ripen. Of course, this period is relative, since in hot weather the period may be shorter, and in rainy weather longer, but it is after 60 days that it is worth determining the ripeness of the berry.

The next indicator of ripeness is the shine of the watermelon peel, when it ceases to be dull and shines, it is at this moment that the ripening process occurs. Many people determine the ripeness of a watermelon by the scratches on the skin that crows leave when they begin to peck at them. How they determine the ripeness of a watermelon remains a mystery, but they are never wrong.

The next indicator of ripeness is the yellow side, the place where the watermelon lies. And a more practical definition is a dried tail. Undoubtedly, the larger spot on the opposite side, from the tail, of the watermelon also affects the taste. Since it determines, with its large size, female affiliation.

Many people prefer to knock on the watermelon, saying that it has become ringing and ripe. This is an erroneous conclusion, since during the ripening period, almost all watermelons have a more sonorous sound, and if you can compare it on a melon field for the first time, and then after a week, this will give a result.

And if you hear this sound for the first time, then determining the ripeness of a watermelon will be problematic, since after a ringing sound (the ripening process), a duller sound should be heard (when it is already ripe), since during ripening the inner part of the pulp bursts and we hear a more empty sound , muffled rather than ringing sound. Of course, a very green and overripe watermelon also has a dull sound.

Sweltering from the summer heat, you really want to quench your thirst with something fresh and tasty. Watermelon is perfect for these purposes. The large berry attracts with crumbly pulp full of vitamins.

Unfortunately, recently there has been a tendency towards a decrease in the quality of this product. And unripe pulp may also be an unpleasant surprise. How can you avoid bringing home a “pig in a poke”? In this article we will look at all the tricks that answer the most important question for the buyer - how to choose a watermelon. The tips will help you buy the safest, most ripe berries, which will certainly lift your spirits while bringing a lot of benefits.

Benefits and harms

Before you make a purchase, let's get to know the fruit. The most delicious and ripe pumpkins contain the following substances:

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • microelements;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • lycopene;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates.

Low calorie content - 27 kcal per 100 grams of product - allows the fruit to be used in medicinal diets. Tidbits are used in vegetarian cuisine. Nutrients will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, replenish the water-salt balance, strengthen the immune system, and remove waste, toxins, and cholesterol from the body.

The sweet pulp can be consumed even by diabetics.

Risk factor

Unfortunately, manufacturers quite often use dangerous chemicals for cultivation, and traders do not comply with the rules for transporting, storing, and selling goods. In pursuit of money, they do not think about the end consumer. To avoid falling into the trap, you should know how to choose the right watermelon.


Looking at the vegetable shelves in the supermarket, it is so easy to succumb to the temptation of buying summer fruits in an uncharacteristic season. The first thing you need to remember before choosing a watermelon is the seasonality of the heat-loving crop.

Meanwhile, melons ripen in mid-August. If you make a purchase before this date, you risk not only purchasing unripe fruits, but also getting seriously poisoned. Manufacturers are trying to harvest early, hitting the jackpot on the first wave of sales. For these purposes, the berries are pumped abundantly and treated with chemicals for long-term storage of the product. The sooner you give in to temptation, the higher the risk of getting chemical poisoning.

Mass ripening of melons begins in mid-August and continues until the end of September. This time period is the best time to buy sweet watermelon without unnecessary chemicals.

Market versus supermarket - trading rules

Choosing a watermelon is not an easy task. Where is it better to buy sweet melons - at the market or in the supermarket? The answer to this question lies in the seller's compliance with the rules of trade.

You should buy berries in places specially designated for sale - at the market or in a closed pavilion. Most supermarkets carefully monitor compliance with trade rules, requiring relevant documents from suppliers.

You can purchase goods on the market if the following trading rules are met:

  1. the presence of a canopy from the sun and rain;
  2. distance from the roadway;
  3. availability of documents for each batch of goods;
  4. presence of a tray 15-20 cm high.

Trading melons from land is a violation of the law.

Where you can’t buy melons

Making a purchase at a spontaneous market or from a car along the road is not a good idea. The fruit easily absorbs harmful substances from the environment. The slightest microcrack in the peel and pulp will become a nutrient substrate for the proliferation of microbes. A watermelon left on a stand by the side of the road will easily absorb heavy metals from exhaust fumes.

Which fruit is better to avoid altogether?

Supermarkets are also fraught with danger. Often cut fruits are sold in a closed trading area; at the market you are unlikely to succumb to the temptation to try a piece of juicy pulp. And the ostentatious cleanliness of the store can lure the buyer into a trap. The risk of purchasing an unripe watermelon is reduced, but there is a possibility of catching an intestinal infection.

Never purchase cut fruit.

It is unknown why the berries were cut. Perhaps it has begun to deteriorate. If dirty tools were used during the cutting process or the fruit was not washed, pathogenic bacteria may have entered inside. To prevent the pulp from getting dirty, sellers pack it in cling film. Such material will only contribute to the rate of reproduction of microorganisms.

Show your documents!

Before choosing a watermelon at a retail outlet, ask the seller about the availability of documents. According to the law, each product is subject to mandatory or voluntary certification. Traders must have a certificate of conformity for each batch of melons.

This document provides the following information:

  1. importer;
  2. the country in which the crop was grown;
  3. harvest date;
  4. compliance with quality standards (content of harmful substances);
  5. product sales period.

The presence of a blue seal is a guarantee of the quality of the product.

If the seller does not present the appropriate document, it is better to refrain from purchasing.

Folk signs

Folk signs will help you choose a ripe watermelon. People have long learned to determine the degree of maturity of a fetus based on its characteristic features. An experienced buyer pays attention to the following parameters:

  • presence of damage;
  • crust exterior;
  • sounds made when tapping and squeezing;
  • dimensions of the earth spot;
  • degree of drying of the “tail”;
  • weight of goods.

It is better to rely not on specific signs, but on their totality.

Crust characteristics

Determining the ripeness of a watermelon by external signs includes a thorough examination of the shell. There should be no dents, cracks or visible signs of spoilage on the peel. Even tiny cracks will become “gates” for bacterial flora. Microorganisms will cause fermentation and spoilage of the pulp.

If the cut fruit has a sour smell, do not eat it.

The appearance of the rind will help you choose the right ripe watermelon. It hardens after the lash dries out, because water stops flowing through the “umbilical cord”. If the peel is easily damaged by nails or smells like mown grass, you have an unripe fruit.

Peel exterior

When choosing a watermelon, pay attention to the color scheme of the rind. The shell of the ripe berry is glossy. The exterior of the peel is of considerable importance - the brighter the contrast between the stripes and the background, the higher the chance of acquiring ripe melon. Small light spots evenly scattered on the surface of the crust are welcome.

Presence of an earthen spot

During the ripening process, the “stripe” constantly lies on one side. The place where the crop comes into contact with the soil is called a soil spot.

It is colored yellow or light orange. Its diameter is 5-10 cm. This section of the bark must correspond to the parameters described above, i.e., have no dents, cracks, or signs of damage. The absence of stripes indicates that the melon did not move during the ripening process. A white earthen spot indicates the immaturity of the fetus..

How to check the degree of ripeness by the condition of the stalk?

A ripe watermelon always has a tail. Through it, the crop received nutrition throughout the entire growing season. After ripening, the lashes dry out. If the stalk is green, full formation has not yet occurred.

A dry tail is also present in long-picked berries, so you should not rely entirely on this sign.

A yellowish and dry stalk indicates that this is a juicy, sweet watermelon.

Knock-knock, who lives under the crust?

Perhaps the most popular way to select a delicacy is to tap the shell. Experienced buyers knowledgeably listen to the “musicality” of the fruit. To choose a delicious watermelon by sound, just a couple of nuances will help you:

  1. a ripe berry will respond to tapping with a ringing sound;
  2. when the poles are compressed, a mature pumpkin produces a characteristic crackling sound and bends slightly.

Girls and boys

Determining the gender of melons is a favorite factor of choice among buyers. Watermelons are not divided into “boys” and “girls” - this berry is unisexual. But, according to popular myth, in order to choose the most delicious specimen you need to adhere to the following rules:

“Boys” have a convex butt with a tiny circle. They are more watery and contain less sugar. The bones of male specimens are black, there are quite a lot of them. The “boy” is slightly elongated relative to the vertical axis.

The female sex is more compact, round, sweeter, and has fewer bones. In addition to the shape, pay attention to the structure of the butt - in the “girl” watermelon it is flatter with a large circle.

Weight category

Some varieties amaze with their large mass - it sometimes reaches 18-20 kg! It is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of eating to your heart’s content, so among the “giants”, try to choose individuals with less weight.

It’s better not to get carried away and follow the rule of the “golden mean” - let your chosen one be a specimen weighing 5-7 kg.

Safety first

Buyers have long heard about. Watermelons are fed with nitrogen to accelerate growth and ripening, so it is necessary to choose the right specimens with a minimum of dangerous chemicals.

Unfortunately, the presence of chemicals can only be determined from cut berries. Try to refrain from consuming the pulp if you notice the following factors:

  • the pulp contains a large percentage of yellow or white elastic fibers;
  • lilac tones are a dangerous sign;
  • the cut surface does not crumble into grains, the cut is smooth with a glossy sheen.

Sometimes a purchased watermelon has red flesh, and the berry itself is not sweet. This can be either a natural process or indicate the presence of chemistry. During ripening, sugars accumulate solely under the influence of sunlight. Cloudy, damp, cold weather could affect the natural process of carbohydrate storage. For the same reason, voids are sometimes hidden under the crust.

Knowing how to choose the right watermelon, you don’t have to worry about the quality and safety of the product you are purchasing. Let the advice of experienced buyers help you make the right choice and enjoy the juicy pulp of a tasty and healthy berry.

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