Loyalty and betrayal of the motherland are literary examples. Five of the brightest literary traitors. M.A.Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

Loyalty. What it is? This is the moral foundation on which the human world rests. It is devotion to one's principles, duty, Motherland, one's land, parents, friends and loved ones. The opposite concept is treason. First of all, a person cheats on himself, not withstanding the test of moral strength. People are tested for loyalty and betrayal not only in relation to their duty, to the Fatherland, but also by whether they are cheating on their ideals and life principles. Only a morally strong person will preserve the ideals of youth in his soul, will not change his rules of life in spite of any trials. This is also stated in many works of art.

Let's take a look at some examples.

Chatsky is the protagonist of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". He returned to Moscow after a three-year absence and again ended up in the house of Famusov, a Moscow official. Chatsky stands out among all members of the Famus society in that he is a person with different life principles and ideals. He is ready to serve for the good of society, the Motherland, but does not want to serve ("I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve."), To look for a warm place, to care only about a career and income. In his monologue "Who are the judges?" Chatsky speaks sharply about serfdom and serf-owners, who do not consider the common people people, sell, buy and exchange their slaves. Also, the hero of the play is irreconcilable about the worship of everything foreign, which was so widespread at that time in Russia. Chatsky is a defender of education, because he believes that books and teaching only benefit people, make them wiser. Chatsky's principles contradict the views of members of the Famus society. But I think that Griboyedov's hero will not betray himself, he will be faithful to his ideals and will benefit his country.

It is not easy to remain true to the ideals of youth. A person grows up, and his attitude to life changes. This is stated in the novel by I.A. Goncharova "An Ordinary History". The hero of the work - Alexander Aduev still very young, full of hopes for a happy future. He believes in unchanging love, in strong friendship, he is ready to give his strength to the service for the good of the Fatherland. Such is he at the beginning of the novel. But we see a different hero at the end of the work. The replenished, prosperous official marries a girl with a rich dowry, but he cannot even remember her name in a conversation with his uncle. Now Aduev serves other gods: wealth, career, profitable marriage. His life principles changed and the ideals of youth disappeared. Why did this happen? I think because this person, growing up, failed to preserve the best that was in him. Under the influence of people and circumstances, he cheated on himself, became the same as the people around him.

It is difficult to remain faithful and not change your views and principles in modern life. But only after overcoming these difficulties, you can remain human and find your place in society.

Loyalty and treason - arguments

* Loyalty to a friend:

** Fyodor Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" (Dmitry Razumikhin supports his friend, Rodion Raskolnikov, no matter what)

** Vladimir Korolenko "In a bad society" (Children from the dungeon: Valek and Marusya made friends with a boy from the "upper" estate Vasya. The guys are so loyal to each other that they are ready not to betray under torture. Vasya even committed an unseemly act: he stole from his own house a doll for sick Marusya to brighten up the last days of her life)

* Cheating on a friend:

** Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" (Pyotr Grinev and Shvabrin. Once-friends heroes turn out to be enemies because of different views on such concepts as honor, loyalty, nobility. Shvabrin eventually betrays Grinev, and because of his love for one and the other the same girl-Masha Mironova is doing everything possible to destroy Grinev, with whom he was once friends)

** Mikhail Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" (Grushnitsky, out of envy and jealousy, goes to the betrayal of Pechorin, since he turned out to be happier in love. magnanimity, Grushnitsky cannot forgive Pechorin for his defeat and decides to take a sneaky step - a dishonorable duel. He slanders Pechorin, accusing him of close relations with Princess Mary, and during the fight offers his former friend a pistol loaded with blank cartridges.)

** Haruki Murakami "Colorless Tzkuru Tazaki and the years of his wanderings" ("We don't want to see you again" - and no explanation. Four of his best friends suddenly cut him off from themselves - and from his former life. After 16 years, the already matured Tsukuru will have to meet with his friends again to find out what really happened. It turned out that Belaya accused him of rape and his friends believed it)

* Loyalty to the profession / business:

** Boris Polevoy "A Story of a Real Man" (about the events that took place in the life of Soviet pilot Alexei Meresiev during the Great Patriotic War. During the battle the plane was knocked out by the Germans. He escaped, but his toes were crushed. Eighteen days Meresiev made his way In the hospital, he was amputated. As a result of persistent training and enormous willpower, Alexey achieved the ability to fly as before. In the incredibly difficult conditions of life, he remained devoted to his chosen profession, his chosen business.)

** Andrei Platonov "Sand Teacher" (Maria Nikifirovna Naryshkina chose the difficult profession of a teacher. , poverty and devastation were everywhere, but Maria did not give up, but decided to use her teaching gift for the good: to teach residents to fight the sands.

more peasants began to attend lessons. After the work done, she was sent to help the nomadic people. She could refuse, but, remembering the hopeless fate of this people, she decided to put public interests above her own. With her actions and fortitude, she proved that loyalty to her profession is not limited to the walls of the office. Maria Nikiforovna became an excellent example of disinterested professionalism, kindness and responsiveness and showed how difficult and important the path of a teacher is.)

* Loyalty to a loved one

** William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" (children of militant clans meet each other against the decrees of their parents. Juliet decides to pretend to be dead and avoid marrying another. Not knowing that his beloved is sleeping, Romeo takes poison. Waking up, Juliet sees dead Romeo and kills himself with a dagger)

** Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" (Margarita loved her chosen one so much that she sold her soul to the devil. She was ready to look for him all over the world and beyond. She remained faithful to him, even when there was no hope of finding the Master.)

** Alexander Kuprin "Pomegranate Bracelet" (Loyalty to love pushes a person to a feat, it can be destructive. , which will never be able to reciprocate him. He does not defile his beloved with the demands of reciprocal feelings. Torment and suffering, he blesses Faith for a happy future, does not allow vulgarity and routine to penetrate the fragile world of love. In his loyalty is a tragic doom to death.)

* Infidelity (betrayal) to a loved one

** Alexander Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" (the main character Katerina fell in love with Boris, cheating on her husband (Kabanov Tikhon), and then commits suicide)

** Nikolai Karamzin "Poor Liza" (a rich nobleman Erast seduces Lisa, and then, having received what he wants, leaves her, leaving "for the army", but then they meet 2 months later and he announces to her that he is engaged (he had to marry a rich widow, because he lost his fortune at cards.) In the finale, the heroine commits suicide)

** Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" (Natasha Rostova spiritually betrayed Andrei Bolkonsky with Anatoly Kuragin) / note: + reasons for betrayal + when treason is justified - Rostova, due to her age and inexperience, could not think about the consequences of her choice)

* True to your word

** Leonid Panteleev "Honest word" (it is said about a boy of about seven or eight years old, whom during the game the older boys entrusted to guard an imaginary powder store and took from him his word of honor that he would not leave his post. It was getting dark in the park when the narrator saw a little sentry who never wanted to leave the post entrusted to him, because he was afraid to break his promise. And only the permission of the major, whom the narrator accidentally finds at the tram stop, frees the boy from his word and allows him to go home.The narrator says that he does not know the name, surname, or parents of this boy,

but one thing he knows for sure: a real person will grow out of him with a strong will and a consciousness of fidelity to his word.)

** Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" (Tatiana Larina was the embodiment of moral strength and sincerity. Therefore, she rejected Onegin's love and remained faithful to the marriage vow, despite the fact that she loved him.)

* Loyalty to yourself

** Ivan Bunin "Dark Alleys" (the heroine managed to keep in her soul loyalty to her first and only love in her life - to Nikolai. Years pass, Nadezhda becomes an independent woman, standing firmly on her feet, but she was left alone. Loyalty to her beloved warms the heroine's heart, although at the meeting she accuses him, not forgiving for betrayal.) / note: loyalty to her principles + loyalty to love + forgiveness of betrayal /

** Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" (The Master believed so much in what he was doing that he could not betray the work of his whole life. He could not leave it at the mercy of envious critics. To save his work from misinterpretation and condemnation, he even destroyed it.)

* Loyalty / treason to the Motherland

** Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" (Pyotr Grinev is faithful to his duty and his state, despite the mortal danger when Shvabrin betrays his Motherland, the honor of an officer, friends, saving his life) / note: + reasons for betrayal /

** Nikolai Gogol "Taras Bulba" (the youngest son of Taras - Andriy - fell in love with the lady and betrayed the Motherland) / note: + unforgiveness of betrayal on the part of Taras)

** Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" (The main character Andrei Sokolov showed patriotism, dedication and courage not only during military service, but also in captivity. The hero, being very hungry and tired, refuses to drink and eat in honor of the victory of the Germans. After all, Andrei to the end he is faithful to his Vonsky duty, he is not afraid of being shot for his refusal to a fascist.Andrei Sokolov is a man with a capital letter. It is these people, loyal to the Motherland, who saved the country, defended it.)

Arguments to the direction "Loyalty and treason" for the final essay. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

-Natasha Rostova could not remain faithful to Andrei Bolkonsky. She cheated on him spiritually with Anatol Kuragin, even wanted to run away with him.
She was pushed to treason by 2 reasons: lack of worldly wisdom, inexperience, as well as uncertainty in Andrei and her future with him. Leaving Natasha, Andrei did not clarify personal matters with her, did not give her confidence in her position. Anatol Kuragin, taking advantage of Natasha's inexperience, seduced her. Rostova, due to her age, could not think about the consequences of her choice, only chance saved her from shame.

Helen Kuragina in the novel is presented as a person with a lack of moral principles. Therefore, the concept of loyalty is alien to her. In life, she is guided only by profit, she makes all decisions to please her interests, the feelings of other people mean nothing to her. When she married Pierre, she did not realize that she could hurt him, and thought only about material gain. Helene did not love Pierre and did not want children from him. Therefore, the marriage was doomed to ruin. Her numerous betrayals left no chance for their union. As a result, Pierre invited her to leave, as he could no longer endure the shame.

Loyalty to the Motherland.
- Kutuzov is presented in the novel War and Peace as a person loyal to his Fatherland. He deliberately makes unpopular decisions in order to save his country from destruction.
- Most of the heroes of the novel sacrifice their lives to win the war.

Loyalty to parents and their principles.

- Marya Bolkonskaya devoted her whole life to serving her relatives, in particular, her father. She endured reproaches in her address, steadfastly endured her father's rudeness. When the army of opponents advanced, she did not leave her sick father, did not betray herself. She put the interests of her loved ones higher than her own.
- Marya was a deeply religious person. Neither the hardships of fate nor disappointment could extinguish the fire of faith in her.

Loyalty to your moral principles.

-The Rostov family has shown that even in the most difficult times it is possible to preserve dignity. Even when the country was in chaos, the members of this family remained true to their moral principles. They helped the soldiers by hosting them. The hardships of life were not reflected in their characters.


One of the topics of the final essay on literature for graduates of 2020 may be the topic "Loyalty and treason."

Mistakenly, when writing a work, schoolchildren begin to consider and compare these two concepts - loyalty and betrayal - exclusively from the point of view of romantic relationships. In fact, they are quite broad and versatile. Loyalty is not only steadfastness in feelings, but also the fulfillment of one's duties and responsibilities, responsibility, steadfastness, devotion and constancy. And treason is not only a violation of loyalty to a loved one, but in general, betrayal, infidelity, treachery, apostasy.

In the essay, as recommended by the FIPI, one should compare loyalty and betrayal as opposites, and they can be viewed from any point of view: ethical, philosophical, psychological. The chance to improve the grade is given to those students who will not limit themselves to only stingy reasoning, but also give a variety of life, historical and literary examples in the essay. The latter will not be difficult: loyalty and betrayal are found in the plots of many works. Will increase the appreciation and use of quotes. Moreover, it is possible to quote both ancient thinkers (“Only once we lose life and trust” - the ancient Roman poet Publius Cyrus) and modern authors. For example, you can cite the words of the bard Vladimir Vysotsky: “In this world, I value only loyalty. Without this you are nobody and you have nobody. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate. "

What can your essay on the topic "Loyalty and Treason" be about? You can consider these two concepts in the broadest sense, or you can turn only to the love sphere. Perhaps someone wants to write about loyalty to their homeland and high treason, while another decides to describe these feelings towards friends or just the person who confided in you. The specific topics of such an essay can be as narrow as possible: about loyalty and betrayal in relation to oneself, one's goals, moral principles, religious beliefs, as well as, for example, about the loyalty of pets to their owners.

An approximate list of literary works and carriers of problems in the direction of "Loyalty and treason"

Direction Approximate list of literary works Carriers of the problem
Loyalty and treason A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin" Tatiana Larina- true to her love, true to her husband, true to herself.
A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Petr Grinev(faithful to his father's command), captain Mironov(faithful to duty) wife of captain Mironov(faithful to her husband) Masha Mironova(faithful to her love and ready to protect it), Shvabrin (betrayal of duty, friendship).
M. Yu. Lermontov "The Fugitive" Fugitive, who left the battlefield is worthy only of contempt.
A. I. Kuprin. "Garnet bracelet" Mr. Zheltkov(faithful to love).
M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" Yeshua Ha-Nozri(loyalty to your beliefs), Margarita(loyalty to your love).
A. N. Ostrovsky. "Storm" Katerina(fidelity to your love, betrayal of her husband).
F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment" Sonechka Marmeladova(loyalty to one's convictions, selfless help to others).
N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" Taras Bulba, Ostap- loyalty to camaraderie, loyalty to the homeland. Andriy- betrayal for the sake of love.
L. N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Zhilin- loyalty to duty, home, hope only for yourself. Kostylin- cowardice and expectation of help from others (letter to the mother asking for a remittance for ransom).
I. Bunin "Dark alleys" Hope(loyalty to his love for Nikolai).
A. Green "Scarlet Sails" Assol(fidelity to the dream).
M. Sholokhov. "The fate of a man." Andrey Sokolov(loyalty to the Motherland, to yourself and to your ideas of honor).

Other directions of the final essay.

Loyalty and betrayal in love.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Tatiana is the favorite heroine of A.S. Pushkin. Gentle, honest, open, she, like any woman, wants love. Having invented for herself the image of a lover, having read novels ("... She liked novels early; / They replaced everything for her ..."), she imagined that it was Onegin who was her beloved. The heroine fell in love with Onegin with all her heart ("Tatiana loves not jokingly ..."). Disappointment always resonates with pain in the soul of a person. Having received, in essence, a refusal, Tatiana suffers from a lack of reciprocity. She continues to love Onegin. The author shows this during a meeting of heroes a few years later. But a lot has already changed, and most importantly, Tatiana is married. It would seem that here he is, next to her, her beloved, confesses his love, talks about the strength of his feelings. However, the heroine remains faithful to her husband. She is not capable of betrayal in a relationship, cannot hurt a loved one. She did not choose the path of betrayal, remaining pure spiritually and morally. Loyalty is always associated with such personality traits as responsibility, duty, performance of one's duties. The heroine understands this, remaining faithful to her husband ("But I am given to another and will be faithful to him for a century ...") You can argue for a long time about whether it was necessary to sacrifice love for the sake of family relations, equal, calm, built only on respect, but not on love from Tatiana's side. Her path is the path of a faithful, decent, honest wife. It deserves respect.

A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

The heroine of A. Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm" - Katerina is going through a difficult emotional drama. Once in the Kabanovs' house, she wanted to live in it as well, as it was in her parental home, filled with love and respect for those close to each other, without lies and deception (“... I don’t know how to deceive; I can’t hide anything ... ")
However, I saw something completely different in the new family: on the part of the mother-in-law - arrogance, the desire to dictate their own terms, vain accusations ("... Someone is pleased to endure in vain! .."); from Tikhon, she did not feel support, although she understood that he loved her in his own way.
“Why don't people fly like birds?” - it is no coincidence that Katerina asks this question. She wants freedom, openness in relationships. The heroine's betrayal, her secret meetings with Boris are the result of dissatisfaction in family relations, the desire for love, mutual understanding. The heroine of Boris fell in love with all her heart ("When she saw you, she didn't really belong. From the very first time, it seems, if you had beckoned me, I would have followed you; ...")

Of course, any betrayal is a sin. Lies, deceptions always become apparent. The heroine understands this and suffers. Her tragic end is the result of her perception of the sinfulness of her actions. Are we justifying Katherine? It is very difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Each person builds his own relationships in the family. Which is better: loyalty without warmth, sincerity, calmness or betrayal with its short-term, but happiness? Loyalty and betrayal are always the choice of their behavior in a relationship with a loved one. And not one is responsible for this choice, but both - he and she. In many ways, her husband, Tikhon, is to blame for the tragedy of Katerina. The author makes readers think that both loyalty and betrayal, unfortunately, are possible in the family. But you should always remember the main thing - life should not be lived in lies.

I. Bunin "Dark alleys"

The works of I. Bunin about love are often filled with sadness, because the lovers part. Even if love brings them happy moments, but only for a short time. The heroine of the short story "Dark Alleys" managed to keep in her soul loyalty to her first and only love in her life - to Nicholas. Years pass, Nadezhda becomes an independent, firmly standing woman. She is the hostess of the inn, “rich, cool”, energetic, full of strength, but lonely, because somewhere in the depths of her soul there is a flame of love, this wonderful feeling that she experienced so strongly in her youth for “Nikolenka”, which, as says the heroine, she gave "her beauty, her fever." And what about the hero? For him, a relationship with Nadezhda is a fleeting hobby of a handsome master for a maid. He did not even realize that he had betrayed his beloved, changed their love when he simply forgot about the heroine. But it turned out that it was this love that was the main thing in his life. Nicholas has no happiness: his wife cheated on him and left him, and his son grew up "without a heart, without honor, without conscience." There can be no question of any mutual understanding with him. How bitter it is to realize that happiness was so close. As you can see, the betrayal of love by Nikolai makes both unhappy, and loyalty to the beloved warms the heroine's heart, although when she meets, she accuses him, not forgiving for the betrayal.


Thus, faithfulness in love makes it real, strong, bringing happiness and joy, fills life with meaning. And betrayal, no matter what reasons it may be explained, is always a betrayal - of feelings, trust, love. This is what the classics wrote about in their works, as if emphasizing the idea that human happiness always needs fidelity.

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