What awaits Aquarius in December

What does December 2016 have in store for Women under the sign of Aquarius?

In December, it is best for Aquarius women to relax somewhere away from home. The most suitable place for such a holiday would be a trip to the mountains. A good ski resort and beautiful landscapes will inspire Aquarius to new discoveries. Also in December, you may get lucky in the form of a lottery ticket. Do not miss your chance.

Love horoscope for Aquarius woman

Single women can meet their soulmate on a wonderful journey. There you can relax not only physically and mentally, but also mentally. Such easy behavior will attract a lot of attention from men. Bathe in compliments and don't think about tomorrow.

Aquarius women who are in a couple will experience a small crisis. It will be associated with money problems. Your partner will not be ready to spend money on you, much less go on a trip with you. Therefore, you should find a compromise or simply break up with such a young man.

Family Aquarius will face a little trouble. They will be related to work and household chores. But despite all the difficulties, the atmosphere in the family will be very calm and joyful. Feel free to include children in the order. They will be happy to help you.

Love horoscope for December 2016: The Aquarius woman can easily survive all difficulties if she sets her priorities correctly. You shouldn’t expect support from your loved one; it’s better to rely only on yourself.

Work and finance

Finances in December will be at a stable level, but at the beginning of December you may expect unexpected expenses. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to get money somewhere, then you should take advantage of this opportunity.

A small surprise awaits Aquarius in the team. In mid-December you will be able to expose your ill-wishers.

Health and leisure

The health of Aquarius women can seriously deteriorate. You should pay attention to chronic diseases. They can escalate very seriously and affect your peace of mind. Also take care of your spine, constant stress will cause back pain. To avoid serious complications, sign up for a massage and complete the full course of treatment.

In the first month of winter, the stars are generous to representatives of your sign. An exciting and passionate time awaits you, full of interesting events. In December 2016, Aquarius will be one of the luckiest in love among the Zodiac signs. Circumstances in your personal life and relationships can change for the better, everything will fall into place and exactly as you wish.

The planet of love, Venus, has been in Aquarius since December 7, promising the joys of love. Under the influence of Venus, your attractiveness to the opposite sex increases, and it will be easy for you to attract love your way. The full moon on December 14, 2016 illuminates the house of love of Aquarius, hinting at special events in your personal life. If you are still single, there is a good chance of a fateful meeting that will change your life and bring new colors to it. Maybe you will meet someone special, and then the passion will develop into a stable relationship. If you already have a loved one by your side, use this month to strengthen your bond.

The influence of Venus is enhanced by Mars, the planet of desire and passion. Fiery Mars remains in Aquarius until December 19, 2016, so many passionate impulses and strong emotions are expected in amorous affairs. This is the time of initiative, the first step, and conquest. If you are a man, then this is normal; this style has every chance of bringing you victory on the love front. But if you are a woman, the stars advise you to act a little softer, use your charm and charm the subject of your interest.

For the family life of Aquarius, the horoscope does not foretell anxiety or any unexpected problems. Everything will go as usual, the spouses will feel more warmth in the relationship and enjoy moments of true intimacy.

Aquarius career and financial horoscope for December 2016

Mars in Aquarius gives you an inexhaustible supply of strength and the desire to accomplish the impossible. If you set yourself a goal to reach heights, nothing can stop you, no one can stand in your way. You have assertiveness, determination, initiative - all these are components of success. The entrepreneurial spirit will help you open up new paths and start something new.

In December 2016, the chances of success in work and career are high; you are able to express yourself, earn respect and appreciation, and strengthen your reputation. Venus will help make relationships with bosses, business partners and colleagues harmonious. In addition, this month you can count on the support of the team. Perhaps there will be patrons who will protect your interests. The stars are favorable to Aquarius, but remember that you yourself need to make an effort. Be persistent and active, then your dreams will come true.

Regarding finances, the period promises you a lot. Good chances and financial achievements are very likely. Of course, you deserve the financial success that you worked hard for in previous periods. And even if your income this month is not what can be called fabulous, there will be signs of an improvement in your financial situation.


With Mars on your side, you have a lot of energy. However, this does not mean that you can ignore your health. On December 19, 2016, the cycle of retrograde (reverse) movement of Mercury begins in the twelfth house of Aquarius, in the shadow of which illnesses may be hiding. Mars, although it gives energy, also tends to be hasty and inattentive. This may cause injury, so be careful.

Be persistent and don't give up on your intentions! This is your time when what previously seemed unattainable is possible.

Bright events on the love front this month will mainly be observed at the very end of the month, when Venus on the same day - December 25 – will make several favorable aspects with slow planets at once. Catholic Christmas is a special day this year: now is the time to meet people, start new relationships and enjoy pleasant love experiences.

Unlike November, December does not promise any complex and contradictory events in love relationships in general. Of course, there will be those among us who will experience more complex feelings, who may even experience an unpleasant breakup. However, such events should be quite rare.

Venus in the sign of Aquarius ( from December 7, 2016) will make people more peaceful and friendly. You want to quarrel and sort things out less, and friendly communication will be more conducive to starting a romantic relationship.

This month it will be easier to find love in friendly groups or groups of like-minded people. The love that arises during this period should be based on common interests. If partners have few or no common interests, it will be difficult for them to stay together for a long time.

This month is the best time to improve relationships if there are cracks in them. You will be able to understand each other more easily, it will be easier for you to compromise and negotiate. Many misunderstandings will resolve themselves or not arise at all.

This month, various surprises may arise in your love life. Venus in Aquarius is not conducive to starting a serious relationship, and established couples will want novelty and change. It is possible that you will want to propose marriage to your beloved, and in a rather unusual form.

The simultaneous aspect of Venus to both Saturn and Uranus, such different planets, can confuse you: on the one hand, you will want changes, on the other, it will be difficult to take a step towards a new life. These aspects will most likely show the essence of things: where is real love, and where is just an illusion. You will want honesty and straightforwardness, but at the same time you will strive for variety and change.

Love horoscope: men and women

WOMEN. This month will not be very favorable for those women who take marriage and relationships too seriously. Now is the time for light flirting and non-binding relationships, but not serious and stable feelings. That is why if you want to start a long-term and serious relationship, it is better not to look for new acquaintances this month.

If your goal is simply to please, play, flirt and have fun, the best decision is to go to a friendly company or to a club of similar interests. It will be easy for you to make new acquaintances.

If you already have an established relationship, it is possible that your partners will want to surprise you.

We also advise you to brighten up your everyday life a little, get a new hairstyle, buy new clothes, and offer some interesting activity. Your partners will appreciate your enthusiasm. And relationships will only benefit from this!

If your relationship has been established for a long time, but you don’t yet know how to continue it, now the most unexpected thought may come to your mind. This is the time to change your single status or bring something unexpected into your relationship.

When is the best time to celebrate a wedding in December 2016?

There are no weddings in December, since this month is always associated with the period of Advent Lent, so weddings are celebrated extremely rarely now. If you still decide to go to the registry office in December 2016, it’s better to choose the very beginning of the month - from 1 to 3 December or the end of the month - December 30th. These days the Moon will move through the sign of Capricorn, a strict and reserved sign.

In addition, Venus will not yet move into Aquarius these days; it will also be in the sign of Capricorn. This time is ideal for those couples who are serious about marriage. It is also good if the spouses have a large age difference, or if one of them was previously widowed.

Read also: Lunar wedding calendar and the best dates for a wedding in 2017

December 6 The Moon will be in the sign of Pisces, a very strong sign of love, but will move towards an aspect with Saturn and approach the change of the lunar phase, so this day should not be considered the best.

The most successful days for dating and starting relationships: December 11, 12, 21-25, 2016

The best days to get engaged : 21, 22 December 2016

The most successful days to register a marriage: 1 (after 12:00), 2, 3 (before 13:00), 10 (after 16:00), 30 (before 11:00) December 2016

The most successful days for a wedding: no

The unluckiest days this month for love relationships and dating: December 7, 18, 19, 28, 2016

♈ Aries love horoscope for December 2016

This month promises to be quite successful in terms of love and relationships: personal life does not promise any particular stress, just the opposite: it will bring a lot of joy and pleasant moments. This month you have a chance to start new relationships with unusual and interesting partners who are somehow related to abroad, foreign languages ​​or higher education. It's good to spend more time in friendly groups, where you also have a chance to find a romantic relationship.

Luck: high

Events in personal life: New acquaintances

♉ Love horoscope Taurus for December 2016

This month you may experience a return to an old relationship, or you may find yourself thinking a lot about what happened in the past. Although most of your thoughts will be occupied by work and professional achievements, this does not mean that you will not think about your personal life at all. It is possible to meet former lovers or hear some information about them. How exactly further events will develop will depend only on you.

Luck: average

Events in personal life: the return of former lovers

♊ Gemini love horoscope for December 2016

In your love life this month, you may expect some surprises, which at first may throw you into a stupor. There is an opportunity to go on trips where you can start new, but non-binding relationships. If your goal is a serious relationship, it is better not to get your hopes up, since this month will be a month of flirting and easy communication, but not the beginning of a serious connection.

Luck: average

Events in personal life: dating abroad or with foreigners

♋ Cancer love horoscope for December 2016

This month you have the chance to experience some pretty strong emotions through your love life. For the most part, these will be positive emotions; there will be mutual understanding with partners. However, your personal life does not promise to be too turbulent now, and it is unlikely that you will be able to start a new relationship, even if you strive for it. But with regular partners, you have every chance to experience truly new and unexpected sensations. Your partners may surprise you a lot.

Luck: average

Events in personal life: strong sensations, surprises from partners

♌ Love horoscope Leo for December 2016

This month, your personal life will occupy one of the most important places, and you will devote most of your energy to this area of ​​life. If you have tense relationships with your partners, this is the ideal time to improve them: pleasant surprises and attention will be appreciated by your partners. Lonely Leos can experience vivid emotions from new meetings and acquaintances, romantic dates. Love at first sight is possible.

Luck: high

Events in personal life: bright and unexpected events, falling in love, love at first sight, surprises from partners, unexpected marriage proposal.

♍ Virgo love horoscope for December 2016

In your case, it is also possible that an old love may show up, or you will receive some news about former lovers. You shouldn't take this too seriously, as you can't step into the same river twice. Take these events with a calm heart and don’t expect anything special from them. This month you may develop a romantic relationship at work.

Luck: average

Events in personal life: return of former lovers, romantic relationships in the work environment

♎ Libra love horoscope for December 2016

This month you will be able to experience exciting events in terms of love and relationships. This month may be especially lucky for you. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative, even if you’re used to relying on your partners for everything. This is especially true for those Libra who dream of new meetings and relationships. Now your behavior may turn out to be a little non-standard, thereby you will gain important experience. However, towards the end of the month, your partners may upset or disappoint you.

Luck: average

Events in personal life: new acquaintances, falling in love, love at first sight, disappointments in love

♏ Scorpio love horoscope for December 2016

This month is good for resolving any family issues. Personal life will take up a lot of space now; you will have to devote a lot of time to it. Lonely Scorpios have a chance to make new acquaintances, but married people can also experience new feelings and take a fresh look at their regular partners. A good month for building relationships with partners; if you have any disagreements, they will be easily resolved.

Luck: high

Events in personal life: new acquaintances, establishing relationships with partners

♐ Sagittarius love horoscope for December 2016

This month promises to bring you a lot of new things, including in your personal life. Lonely Sagittarius will be especially lucky, as new interesting acquaintances and a lot of communication await them. If you meet someone, most likely, this person will first of all be interested in you in terms of communication. This is the time when you can just chat with a random neighbor on the subway or train, and then find a lot in common.

Luck: high

Events in personal life: new acquaintances, love at first sight

♑ Capricorn love horoscope for December 2016

This month, your personal life will be a little relegated to the background; you will be mainly interested in money, earnings and new sources of income that you want to acquire in the coming month. There is little hope for new acquaintances, but former lovers may show up, or you will receive news from them. You will not be particularly upset by the lack of personal life, since your thoughts will be occupied with completely different things.

Luck: low

Events in personal life: news from ex-lovers

♒ Aquarius love horoscope for December 2016

Personal charm and attractiveness to the opposite sex this month can quickly attract new acquaintances to you, but there is little chance that they will turn out to be favorable and long-lasting. This month is quite stressful for you, so it is better not to look for new acquaintances. In the existing relationship, some old problems may return, you will actively discuss them, but it will be quite difficult to find solutions.

Luck: low

Events in personal life: return of old problems

♓ Pisces love horoscope for December 2016

This month will make you immerse yourself in inner experiences, you will try to understand yourself and your feelings. Your relationship during this period may undergo some crisis, but solutions to problems may come quite unexpectedly for you. Personal life will help relieve stress and fatigue; this period promises many happy moments, despite the problems.

Luck: average

Events in personal life: relationship crisis

From December 1 to December 10. Your intuition will be at its peak, and you will especially feel this on December 2. The amount of friendly communication and new acquaintances will itself increase greatly. It will take a lot of advice, consultation, and cooperation. The period is favorable for pleasant events in the heart sphere. You can take the chance and make a long-distance tour. A romantic atmosphere is more suitable for communication on December 3-9. These days will help you relax and rest your soul. You should avoid secrecy and unseemly actions that you would not want to make public.

From 11 to 20 December.

From December 20 to December 31.
Issues of professional implementation can capture you with their rapidly developing whirlwind of events, throwing up more and more new input data. Success and patronage may be quite unexpected for you. Fortune will try to push you to the top in those matters and topics in which you have invested a lot of your work. At the same time with

On December 24, cordial relationships will develop very harmoniously.

Family horoscope

Daily hassles and workloads from December 3 to 8 can greatly distract you. Therefore, during this period, harmonious relationships between family members will help you feel joy and peace, and it will be possible to restore order and improve the atmosphere in the family nest from December 9th. The spouse's outbursts of gambling in December and from December 15 to 19 should be dampened a little. Children will show their hard work from December 13 to 20. In the month of Sagittarius, they will have to work on building equal relationships.

Health horoscope

Trigons of planets will create a regime favorable to efforts to take care of your well-being. Caring for the flexibility of the spinal column will remain relevant in December. December will force you to constantly monitor chronic diseases that may relapse. It is important to maintain a moderate lifestyle, sleep and diet. From December 14, pay attention to the cardiovascular system, control your blood pressure.

Horoscope of work and money

Stability will remain in sources of income. It is worth insuring yourself in case of unexpected expenses on December 5-8. Social activities and work in a large, close-knit team will experience an upswing in December. Business-related matters may bring benefits from December 1-9. The machinations of hidden ill-wishers will become obvious on December 13-18.

Horoscope for December 2016 for Aquarius men

Love . In a harmonious relationship, he will prove himself to be a responsible partner, but if there are fundamental disagreements, Aquarius may well slam the door. He will show himself tender and romantic in December. Unity will be achieved through common views on life.

Tone. The period of greatest activity and inspiration will be December 3-8. This will help him be the life of the party. For Aquarius, it is important not to make time for yourself at the expense of proper sleep.

Job. The period is good for registering and promoting your own business. It's time for career growth. It is better to place a bet on performing more responsible work.

Friends. There will be a lot of contacts with friends, but before December 10, financial misunderstandings with some of them may cause conflicts and litigation. Until December 13, you will meet new necessary people. From December 14, mutual assistance with friends will be an immutable law for him.

Leisure. Communication with like-minded people, their ideas and detached observation of what is happening will become his main entertainment. In December he will show interest in winter sports. From December 5, Aquarius will be able to devote time to his hobbies, the realization of almost fantastic desires and aspirations.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for December 2016:

For Aquarius, December 2016 will be moderately dynamic. As is customary in your personal life scenario, you will at first be somewhat skeptical about the fact that everyone around you is eagerly preparing for the New Year. Without holding back your cynical chuckles, you will make fun of your friends: “Do you still believe in Santa Claus?” However, the inexorably approaching December 31st will also involve you in the general turmoil. Moreover, you will approach the pre-holiday chores in a very unusual way! Gifts purchased for relatives will be presented to you before the Chimes strike. Why? The thing is that on New Year's Day you will find yourself far from home (somewhere on the seashore or in the hot African desert). It is impossible to guess exactly how you will decide to celebrate the coming of 2017. One thing is clear, you will hold this celebration in a very original way and on a colossal scale.

In general, not once in December 2016 have you been overcome by pessimistic moods. You will face the truth - yes, much of what was planned for the outgoing year did not come true. Yes, you had to postpone some goals and dreams for later, not seeing the strength in yourself to achieve them. However, there were many positive moments in your life in 2016. You will focus on them, mentally conducting an intermediate analysis of your own life.

Lonely Aquarius in December 2016 will shock the opposite sex with their eccentric behavior. You suddenly imagine yourself as the brightest star, which unilaterally decides who to warm with the rays of its light, and who should be steadfastly “ignored”. The most offensive thing is that among the people whom you will bypass with your “royal” attention, there will be a lot of worthy contenders for the role of your soulmate. Alas, in December you will categorically refuse to get close to anyone, and therefore you will celebrate the New Year 2017 alone with your overly inflated self-esteem.

Family Aquarius in December 2016 also runs the risk of becoming a star. Even if you have objective prerequisites for “star fever” behind you, you should not offend your household! Agree, it’s unlikely that anyone will like it when you tactlessly interrupt his monologue about his own successes and achievements with phrases like “oh, is this a reason for pride, better listen to how I managed to achieve much more!” With these remarks, as well as the lack of lively attention to anyone, you risk greatly offending both your marriage partner and, what is especially scary, the younger members of the family! Do you like receiving compliments? So why are you sure that others do not want to receive praise and verbal thanks for their achievements? At least once, put yourself in the shoes of the people around you and try to give them sincere, selfless attention (this is more valuable than any gift).

The career successes of Aquarius in December 2016 will not be particularly large. You will carry out your usual job duties without much enthusiasm, sometimes catching yourself thinking that it would not hurt you to go on vacation. By the end of the working year, you will be pretty fed up with both routine service and the usual “decor” of the boring faces of your colleagues. Without the opportunity to somehow stir up this “idyll,” you will increasingly wander through social networks during the working day, for some reason register on a dating site, or begin to “troll” people chatting about something on the next thematic forum. This is how you pass the days remaining until the New Year, and then retire with a clear conscience (if you can call the 10 stormy days of the New Year holidays that way).

Attention, the Aquarius horoscope for the month of December 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Horoscope 2016 Monkeys.

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