What does it mean to shoot in a dream. Why do you dream about being shot at? New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

On Target: Can mean focusing force on a specific target.

Take a close look at your life goals as you step into the line of fire.

Shooting can also symbolize: your desire to kill a certain part of yourself.

It is better to integrate than to reject something in yourself.

Shooting can also mean: feeling vulnerable and being a victim.

Declare to yourself: “I am responsible for my life and make decisions regarding every step I take.”

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

What does the dream Shooting mean?

You are on the rise, everything is working out for you, feel free to take on new things.

If you shoot, your business involves risk, but the more pleasant the gain.

It means that you are ready to act, to bring to life what you have been thinking about for so long.

Hunting and shooting arrows with a bow - you will take a lot of risks, but the risk will pay off very well.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Seeing Shooting in a dream

Random shooting: in your dream, or shooting without aiming, is a harbinger of conflicts and quarrels that can break out over a completely trivial matter.

At the same time, shoot after careful aiming: a sign of your readiness to implement a particular plan.

Target shooting - Concentrating efforts on a specific target.

Shooting someone means you want to kill a certain part of yourself.

If they shoot at you, it means that you feel that your life is being invaded, you feel like a victim.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What do dreams mean? Shooting

If in a dream you shoot and hit a bird, this is a prophetic dream. It means for a merchant that he will achieve his goal, for a lover - that he will strengthen his position and get happily married. But if you see in a dream that you missed, this is a bad omen that promises failure. To dream that you are hunting game is a promise of wealth and family happiness. Shooting a bird of prey is a sign that you will defeat your enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about shooting

People shooting in a dream or simply the sounds of gunshots in a dream mean discord between lovers and spouses caused by excessive egoism, and the dream also promises dissatisfaction in work and failures caused by one’s own indiscretion.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does Shooting mean in a dream?

If you dream of a shootout between armed people or you simply hear shots, this means a discord between lovers and spouses in reality, caused by the excessive egoism of one of them. Also, shooting in a dream can foreshadow dissatisfaction with your job or problems as a result of reckless actions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Shooting

Shoot accurately and hit the center of the target - to success in everything.

Seeing people shooting, participating in a shootout, hearing the sounds of gunfire is a sign of disagreement, contradiction between spouses, friends, lovers, partners, colleagues.

If you yourself shoot at someone specifically, you will commit an unseemly act or move far from home.

If they shoot at you, wait for the arrival of guests from distant countries.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does Shooting mean in a dream?

If you dream that there is shooting around you, it means that discord awaits you. For lovers, such a dream promises quarrels and disagreements.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Shooting

The sounds of gunfire heard in a dream foretell a discord with a loved one, dissatisfaction in work and various kinds of failures. And it’s all due to exorbitant selfishness and imprudence.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Shooting

Hearing the sounds of shooting (but not seeing it) means you will learn something unpleasant about yourself or about the person closest to you. Perhaps this will be news of a long-standing betrayal...

If you heard shooting in a dream, imagine that the shooting is not real. Children play war and imitate the sounds of shooting with their voices. Everything is fine, no one is shooting at anyone.

Seeing a shootout means you will witness someone's family quarrel. You may have to appear in court regarding divorce proceedings.

Imagine that a shootout occurs not in real life, but in a movie. You take out the remote control, press a button - the screen goes dark, the movie stops.

Participate in a shootout - everyday storms await you.

Imagine that the shooting from the enemy side suddenly ends. The enemy leaves, there is no one else to shoot. As a result of the shooting, no one was injured on either side.

If you are wounded as a result of shooting, you will suffer from the insincerity of your friends.

Imagine being taken from the scene of a shootout to a hospital, an experienced surgeon suturing the wound and applying a bandage. You are recovering quickly.

Interpretation of dreams from
  • September 17, 2018
  • Action
  • Alexander Andreev

Shooting is a fairly aggressive method of fighting. According to numerous dream books, this symbol is not always negative. Regardless of the fact that in life we ​​are afraid of everything that can harm, such activity is sometimes simply necessary. Did you start shooting in your sleep? Why do you dream about such a plot? This is exactly what will be discussed in the review.

Type of weapon

Did you start shooting in your sleep? Weapons play an important role. It should also be remembered whether there were victims or not. These nuances can significantly help in interpreting a dream.

  1. Machine. The dream tells you that participation in any business or project will only bring disappointment. There is a possibility that absolutely all plans and hopes will be destroyed, which is why your emotional state will suffer first of all.
  2. Did they start shooting from the pistol? The dream book views the dream negatively. You will have to face scandals, swearing and long-term quarrels. Conflict will break out in personal relationships. It is recommended to control your emotions, watch your words and support loved ones. Otherwise, excessive impulsiveness will not lead to good things.
  3. Shooting a gun predicts improved well-being. It is likely that you will receive a new position, which will affect your financial condition.
  4. Using a bow in a dream is a symbol of consolation. There is a possibility of new acquaintances, thanks to which there will be one more close person in your environment. He will always support and help.
  5. Shooting from a rifle emphasizes negative character traits. The dreamer is capable of deception out of vanity and envy. It is recommended to reconsider your principles and outlook on life.

Shooting a person

Did you start shooting in your sleep? There are a huge number of interpretations of such a dream. They can be either negative or vice versa. Shot a person? Dream books perceive this symbol positively. The victim in this situation is the goal, and a successful hit is a guarantee of success and the realization of innermost desires.

You should remember exactly where you were aiming in the dream.

  1. Did you start shooting in the head in your sleep? Dream books consider being hit as a sign of unsuccessful attempts to influence someone. It should be understood that manipulations cannot lead to good. It is recommended to stop managing other people's lives and take care of your own actions and thoughts.
  2. Shooting in the back, according to dream books, personifies the desire to get rid of vices and sins.
  3. An accurate hit conveys that rationality and the ability to control thoughts and actions can lead to success. Soon, success will accompany you in all your endeavors.
  4. Was the shooting carried out at point blank range? The dream warns that due to carelessness and inattention, the dreamer will face serious problems. It is recommended to exercise extreme caution and control your emotions and words. Otherwise, you may make enemies.

Shooting season

  1. Spring. The dream hints at conflicts with work colleagues. There is a possibility of competitors appearing that will interfere with achieving your goals. Disagreements can arise on both work and personal issues.
  2. Summer. The dream indicates excessive self-criticism. It is recommended to love yourself and not blame for past mistakes.
  3. Autumn. Perhaps a humiliating act was committed earlier, which you have to regret. There is no need to engage in self-flagellation. There is still an opportunity to fix everything.
  4. Winter. The dream predicts travel. The trip will have a positive effect on your emotional state.

Shooting result

Shot a person in a dream? If the shooting was carried out at the dreamer, it is recommended to remember the details and analyze them:

  1. The sleeping man became a victim? The dream warns of total control by loved ones. However, in their actions they pursue good goals.
  2. Participation in a shootout indicates that there is a person in the environment with whom the dreamer is constantly competing. It is recommended to think about whether the eternal struggle is so important.
  3. Did you fail to hit the dreamer in a dream? Your personal life may seriously change in the near future. Representatives of the opposite sex will pay increased attention to the sleeping person. However, you should not expect novels to become something serious. In any case, the relationship will not last.
  4. Was the dreamer attacked by a man? Colleagues at work closely monitor the actions of the sleeping person. It is recommended to exercise extreme caution and control your emotions and words when communicating with them. There is a possibility of betrayal or gossip.
  5. Shooting in a dream foreshadows getting rid of debt obligations. You will be able to repay your loans.
  6. A disastrous outcome in dreams is not a positive sign. A loved one can substitute.
  7. A weapon in a dream is a symbol of honor, a large supply of mental strength and energy. You just need to find an application for all this in order to achieve enormous success in all areas of life.

Target shooting

Have you started shooting at a target in a dream? If you used a gun for these purposes, you should prepare for a fateful event. We are talking about a serious event or a promising acquaintance with an influential person. The further actions of the sleeping person will depend on this. You should remember the details of the dream, because a hint may be hidden in them.

A successful hit indicates the successful completion of the started project. You don’t even need to make any special efforts for this. But frequent mistakes signal that you still have to work. Shooting in the air indicates an imminent trip or journey. Did the sleeping person dream of visiting a specific country? Soon his wish will be realized.

Why do you dream of shooting in the dark? Numerous dream books do not recommend acting at random. You need to set specific goals for yourself. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve success in all areas of life. To stop acting in vain, you need to understand yourself and analyze your actions.

Non-standard dreams

Shooting is not always carried out from standard weapons. A dream in which the dreamer used a crossbow rather than a pistol or rifle does not carry anything positive in itself. In the near future, conflicts will begin to arise in personal relationships. There is a possibility that quarrels for the dreamer will end in tears. Perhaps a separation from your soulmate awaits.

Was the machine gun firing non-stop? Again, it is worth preparing for conflicts. However, this time they can be dealt with without much effort. It’s enough just to control your emotions and words. Excessive temper can lead to trouble.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Started shooting at people in their sleep? This symbol is not unambiguous. It is very difficult to determine exactly what the subconscious is trying to convey to a person. However, it is worth paying attention to the interpretations that are given in various dream books to complete the picture.

Tsvetkov’s dream book views such a dream positively. Did they start shooting from the pistol? The dream book predicts unconditional success in professional activities. To achieve the desired results, you just need to put in a little effort. Working on tasks will pay off fairly quickly. Are you being shot by a stranger who has no face? In the near future you will have to go on a long journey. There is a possibility that the dreamer will move to live in another country. Was the victim an awake person? Guests can visit at any time. They will bring good news.

Gypsy dream book

The gypsy dream book associates shooting from a weapon in a dream with omissions and secrets between spouses. You can find yourself in a scandalous situation. They fired at the dreamer, but they couldn’t hit him? The dream book speaks of stability in the financial sector. Perhaps in the future there will be an opportunity to make money in a field that is unusual and unfamiliar.

In the dream, was the person who was shot wearing armor? The dream reports a feeling of insecurity. The sleeper is looking for support from loved ones.

Angelic dream book

  1. Shooting in a dream, which the dreamer only watches from the side, is a negative symbol. Relationships with people around you are strained to the limit. The dream speaks of the dreamer's excessive isolation.
  2. The firing of large guns, during which a boom was heard, signals a scandalous situation. It can arise in any sphere of life. Conflicts will negatively affect mental balance.
  3. Shooting birds communicates the achievement of set goals and the realization of innermost desires. However, this will require a lot of effort, willpower and attentiveness. There is a possibility that you will have to use not entirely legal methods. It is recommended to remember that the end does not always justify the means.
  4. Did they start shooting in your dream? The dream book considers mistakes as a symbol of failure, due to which self-confidence and one’s own capabilities will seriously suffer.
  5. Hunting signals the beginning of a favorable period. But it won't last too long. There is a risk that the dreamer will not be able to take advantage of the opportunities provided to solve the assigned tasks. The dream warns that dreams and desires are not destined to come true.


Did they start shooting in your dream? Why do you dream about this? The plot can predict both positive changes in the life of a sleeping person and negative events. They can occur due to the fault of the dreamer or the people around him. To understand the meaning of this symbol, it is recommended to remember all the details of the plot you saw. Perhaps the dream contained a hint about what actions would avoid problems. We hope that this review helped you understand why you dream about shooting.

You were shot in your sleep... An unpleasant dream, no matter how you look at it. The shot is direct threat, a threat to life and health. It is unpleasant to know that in a dream you were the victim of someone's aggressive attack.

And bullet wounds can be deadly. In such dreams, all the details that seem insignificant at first glance are important: who was the aggressor in the dream and why did he shoot? Where did the bullet hit? What was the shot made from? What if you missed and you started shooting back? Let's remember all the details and find out what to expect from such a dream.

They shoot you with a gun

Beware: in reality you have a dangerous ill-wisher. For now he’s doing minor mischief, but in the future he’s aiming to seriously ruin your life. It's time to figure it out and take countermeasures.

You will receive a modest, but a nice amount.

In the near future you will not have the best period; you will begin to get nervous about all sorts of nonsense that is not worth a damn.

Becoming a victim of a machine gun shot - you have enemies, which are about to deal you a fatal blow.

The machine gun is a symbol of the army theme; it is usually classified as the weapon of the aggressor. Therefore, such a dream has another meaning: you yourself will be to blame is that you will be blackmailed and threatened. Your rash actions will endanger not only you, but also your loved ones.

In reality you have a rather dangerous foe. But such a dream means that you are mentally prepared for his attack and will be able to give a worthy rebuff.

If you dream that you were shot at but missed (perhaps due to darkness or poor lighting) - in reality your life aspirations will be understandable only to you. And the ways in which you will achieve them will leave not only those around you bewildered, but you as well.

In reality you will find yourself decent resistance to your ill-wishers.

You woke up after a shootout with euphoria from the fact that you were not hit - such a dream is for different intimate relationships, which will not end in any serious relationship, but will leave behind pleasant memories in the soul.

You're hit, but you're still alive

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller, if you were shot at and hit, and you suddenly found yourself on the verge of life and death - to serious problems, the cause of which will be your best friends. Having become embittered, they can plant a big pig on you, mortally offend you - such a dream speaks of an unforgivable insult. But if you managed to wake up at the moment of death, you can turn the conflict with your friends into the direction of reconciliation.

Modern dream book

You injured- you don’t trust anyone: neither your loved ones, nor your environment, and indeed this whole world. You are very easy to hurt and that is why you close yourself off from everyone, building a concrete wall of exclusion around you. You are vulnerable and afraid of pain. Old grievances are your wounds that cause you such unbearable pain, unconsciously you shoot yourself.

This dream tells you that it’s time to change your life, forgive yourself for past mistakes, let go of old grievances, stop living in the past. Real life is knocking.

You were wounded, but you survived - in reality you you will suffer unfairly from slander and slander. And it will take a long and expensive time to wash your good name from the dirt of gossip.

You were wounded in heart- to heart disease. Take care of your heart and consult a cardiologist.

General dream book

wasted Your energy will be spent on something important to you.

They shot in bursts

Surprisingly, but in sleep, where you are shot in turn, a pleasant meaning: everyone who borrowed money from you will pay you back in full.

Shot from around the corner

Be careful! Such a dream means that in reality you can get a real bullet or injury from criminals.

A man shot

Do you have in reality partner in a business that doesn’t let you out of its sight for a minute. And it's good if he got in the face- this means he is not inclined to hide anything from you. If the shot was in the back, your partner will betray you.


Your close friend will lead you to a strong position with his behavior irritation.

You shot yourself

Such a dream with a suicidal connotation suggests that you cannot fully accept your personality. That's why you're trying destroy those traits in yourself who you don’t like, instead of loving them. This is a deep internal conflict that haunts you in reality.

General overview of dream books

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Will come to your house soon guest. It's time to put it on the table.

Modern dream book

Gain strength, what awaits you ahead troubles. Be careful when communicating with friends and loved ones.

You were hit in a shootout or in a shootout - in reality you are a very risky and gambling person. Your whole life is a game. And such a dream, paradoxically, means that what is at stake ahead of you important bet, which will only play if you take a risk, putting everything on the line. The more extravagant your action, the more successful everything will turn out.

Idiomatic dream book

They shot at you and hit you in the back.

Such a dream is a symbol of the future betrayal. And, as you understand, someone who is closest to you or knows a lot about you can betray.

You are at gunpoint with some kind of weapon - someone is keeping close surveillance on you.

Chinese dream book

Guest will arrive from distant countries on a visit.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

To the unexpected meetings or to guests.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • If you dream that you were shot, perhaps this is an unexpected surprise for you. you romantic connection– after all, Cupid in the modern world easily exchanges arrows for bullets.
  • Or does such a dream mean business relationship that will surprise you.
  • Unexpected guests are on your doorstep.
  • Be carefull! Yours enemies don't sleep.

American dream book

Most likely, you feel pressure from others, everyone is putting moral pressure on you, forcing you to do something you don’t want. Moreover, someone is very rudely invades your life, and you feel deeply unhappy because of this.

Duel. You are participating in a duel in which you were shot - such a dream signifies fierce competition in reality. And everything depends on the outcome of the duel: if you fired back, you have every chance of winning in reality.

Esoteric dream book

To dream that you were shot at in a dream means that in reality someone has set their goal harm you. Be very careful, someone wants to strike you, astral or physical, someone wishes you harm.

If you dreamed that you were shot at, don’t be upset. It's time to pull yourself together and analyze the situation before the shot happened in a dream and not in reality. The benefit of this dream is that now you are warned, which means you are armed.

Open fire, command: fire!, Throw, Ask, Beat, nail, hammer, hammer, plant, beat, scribble, bullet, fire, fire, gypsy, borrow, gypsy, borrow, bang, bang, shoot, shoot, shoot, Borrow, pour in bursts, spit lead, beg, get, intercept, Water, naughty, extract, Borrow, drink, borrow, Kill, borrow, beg, shy away, Spank, shoot

Shoot at Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Shooting a pistol - Noise and argument.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Shoot:

    Shoot - from a pistol - noise and dispute - at the target - good luck in business - not at the target (past) - failure

    Why do you dream of shooting at Esoteric dream book?

  • At you - someone is aiming in your direction. You may become a victim of a blow, both physical and astral. Take action.
  • In someone - aggression towards someone has accumulated in your soul. Excesses may occur.
  • IN Modern dream book, if you dream of Shooting:

    Shooting and hitting the target is luck; missing - failure

    If you dream about shooting? IN Azar's Dream Book:

  • shoot a firearm - don't be frivolous
  • Interpretation of the dream Shoot at The newest dream book:

  • Fighting off an impossible dream.
  • See Shooting in a dream Tsvetkov's Dream Book:

  • if you shoot at someone, you will go far;
  • success;
  • they shoot at you - someone will come from afar.
  • What does it mean to see Shooting in a dream? Schiller's Dream Book?

  • hitting the target - success; misses in shooting are failures.
  • What does it mean to shoot in a dream? Old Russian dream book?

  • success.
  • Shoot in a dream Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong:

  • Another person shoots at you. - Arrival of the traveler.
  • The sounds of shots from bows and crossbows are heard. - Foreshadows a quarrel.
  • You shoot a person yourself. - Presages a long trip.
  • Find out from the online dream book what you dream about Shooting by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

    Why do you dream of shooting in a dream?

    Azar's Dream Book

    Why did you dream of shooting at spiritual sources?

    Shoot - Swear, get nervous

    Astrological dream book

    Shoot to see what does it mean?

    Shoot - convey important information. Sagittarius.

    Modern dream book


    Shoot, hitting the target - Luck; missing - failure.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Shoot - Success; if you shoot at someone, you will go far; they shoot at you - someone will come from afar.

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Interpretation according to the saint:

    Shooting from a pistol - noise and controversy - at the target - good luck in business - not at the target (past) - failure.

    Egyptian dream book

    What does shoot mean?

    Shoot - If a person sees himself shooting at a target in a dream, it means that something good will happen to him.

    Gypsy dream book

    Why do you dream of shooting according to gypsy traditions?

    Archery means consolation; shooting from a gun is a sign of false gain, and sometimes it means boredom and anger, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

    Maly Velesov dream book

    Why do you dream about shooting?

    Shoot - Find something, gain, wealth, good, success; to someone - a long journey; shoot - achieving your plan; they shoot at you - a guest from afar; shot - insult.

    Esoteric dream book

    Mystery of sleep:

    To shoot at someone - aggression towards someone has accumulated in your soul. Excesses may occur. Someone is aiming in your direction. You may become a victim of a blow, both physical and astral. Take action.

    New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

    How to understand why shoot in a dream?

    Shooting is success. Misses in shooting are failures; shooting people or just the sounds of gunfire - discord between lovers and spouses caused by excessive selfishness; dissatisfaction in work and failures caused by one’s own carelessness.

    Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

    Shoot: interpretation of the image

    Shoot - Seeing in a dream how an animal or bird was shot - to sadness. Seeing that an embittered animal has been killed is a sign of well-being. Seeing that a friend has been shot means receiving help from friends in a dangerous situation. Seeing that your wife has been shot is a sign of her health and longevity.

    Idiomatic dream book

    Why do you dream about shooting?

    "Shot in the back" (betrayal); “shoot in the dark” - act at random, unclear goals. “shoot sparrows from a cannon” - waste potential on trifles; “blank shot”, “shoot straight at the target” (achievement, accuracy). “to be under the gun” - to be under someone’s close attention; “to aim at something” - to desire, to strive.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    Interpretation Shoot from your dream

    Shoot - Success or failure depending on the result. To shoot someone and hit the target is success. They shoot at you - business or love contacts (being under someone’s close attention); ill-wishers; guests or anticipation of a visit. They kill you - victory, gain. A shot (sound) is unexpected news. To be at gunpoint means they are interested in you. Shoot - to pay off (for example, for debts).

    Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

    For those born in January, February, March, April

    Shooting in a dream means rivalry.

    For those born in May, June, July and August

    Shooting in a dream means reproaching, executing yourself for something.

    For those born in September, October, November, December

    If you dreamed that you were shooting in a dream, it means self-flagellation.

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