Dream interpretation of bag theft. “Dream Interpretation of Stealing a Bag, I dreamed about why you dream of Stealing a bag in a dream. Bag in the dream book: general interpretations and meanings

Theft in a dream speaks of your weakness of character and possible impending failures.
If you are accused of stealing a bag, this means an obstacle in your planned business, a misunderstanding and worries about this. Which, however, will lead you to honor and glory.
If someone else is accused of theft, you may have rushed to judge someone or made hasty, wrong decisions in relation to this person.

If in a dream you dreamed of a bag filled with something and heavy, this means your wishes are close to fulfillment. Documents in a bag are a waste of time. Stolen documents are empty worries. The interpretation of the dream suggests that empty worries are in vain, they are not worth your worries, think about your desires and they will come true.

Why do you dream about a bag with documents being stolen?

A bag seen in a dream speaks of a woman’s sexual experience. For a woman, seeing a bag filled with documents means her rich sexual experience.

dreamed that a bag with documents was stolen

A bag in a dream represents your secrets. A stolen bag means that someone will find out about your secrets and secrets. This dream means that perhaps among your friends and acquaintances there is a person who is not able to keep other people's secrets. Be carefull.

a bag with documents was stolen in a dream

If you saw your bag with documents stolen, then changes in life await you. The bag itself signifies a world of illusions that you love to delve into. And since the bag is stolen, your illusions are destroyed and you will plunge into real life, with positive social changes, discounts and privileges.

Briefly about the main thing

If a purse is stolen in a dream, this most often signals a violation of a person’s personal boundaries in reality. To more accurately decipher what a bag is stolen in a dream, you should pay attention to the size of the accessory, its contents and the events that took place in the dream.

TOP 2 positive values

  1. Theft of a briefcase with documents- there will be valuables or important things that were lost.
  2. If there was money inside- to big profits or promotion.

Do you want your dream to come true?


If you want the dream not to come true, share the interpretation on social media. networks

TOP 2 negative values

  1. A bag given for storage was stolen- those around you will learn about the dreamer’s unpleasant secrets.
  2. Stealing a wallet from a handbag- to large financial losses.

What does it mean when a bag is stolen in a dream according to Miller’s dream book?

Such a dream is an alarming sign; the subconscious tries to hint to a person about existing problems in his life and protect him from rash actions.

To correctly understand why a bag is stolen in a dream, Miller suggests paying attention to where it happened:

  • in the store - to unsuccessful purchases and new things;
  • on the street - the dreamer is worried about fears and self-doubt;
  • in a crowd - you should beware of unfamiliar people, they can lie;
  • at the station - the planned trip will be disrupted;
  • in transport - to a difficult journey;
  • at home - to family quarrels and discord;
  • on the road - you should not take on a responsible task alone.

Video about the meaning of a dream where a bag appears

Filmed by the “Horoscope for Today” channel.

Freud's Dream Book

If a sleeping person sees that an item has disappeared from his bag, it is worth remembering what it was: this will tell the person what he is missing in reality.

If the bag itself is missing, then in reality the person most likely experiences:

  • fear;
  • diffidence;
  • jealousy;
  • preoccupation with something.

If the bag was stolen and then returned, the vision has a sexual connotation and means the return of attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Vanga's Dream Book

The dream encourages you to protect intangible values: relationships, peace of mind. It also warns that on the day when the dreamer watches his bag being stolen, he should not lend money.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed about the theft of a briefcase, it’s worth thinking about your inner world. This vision suggests that the sleeper has little initiative, is driven, and a series of unfortunate events awaits him ahead.

To steal a bag from a friend - in reality the person treated him meanly.

Loff's Dream Book

According to this book, dreams of a bag being stolen signify the dreamer's vulnerability. He feels unprotected and needs the support of family and friends.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The interpreter predicts difficulties in family relationships and failures in the professional field. Decisions should be made carefully to avoid problems.

To rob a passerby yourself means unexpected income.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

This dream may mean that its owner is facing betrayal or disappointment in a loved one.

They tried to steal the bag, but didn’t do it - the impending danger would pass by.

For women:

  • this dream is a warning that her beloved man is deceiving her and is not faithful.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

A dream about theft bodes well only for those who are planning to commit fraud. For the rest, she predicts failure in business and loss of funds. The more expensive the stolen bag, the more the sleeping person will lose.

According to Meneghetti's dream book, if a person sleeping recognizes a thief in a dream, this is a warning: the person feels envy and is planning meanness.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Watching theft from the side means the dreamer will witness someone's family discord.

The bag contained the keys to successful deals and strong relationships.

For women:

  • the dream promises the girl a quick declaration of love.

Azar's Dream Book

The handbag was stolen in front of the sleeping man, and he did not remember the thief - you should not be too open, among your friends there is someone who constantly lies.

If a person recognizes the offender, the dream is interpreted taking into account who he is in reality:

  1. Relative. Soon the problems will be resolved and a way out of the difficult situation will be found.
  2. Unfamiliar woman. Don't trust others, they might spill the beans.
  3. Favorite person. Excessive jealousy and suspicion on his part threatens.
  4. Unknown man. Gossip and envy are coming.
  5. Close friend. Someone needs the help of a dreamer.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

If there was only an attempt at robbery, this is a warning that in the circle of acquaintances there is a dishonest person who wanted harm.

Dreams about the complete theft of a bag, on the contrary, foreshadow good news.

Someone will take on the sleeper’s problems if the handbag:

  • empty;
  • dirty;
  • old.

According to the interpretation of Kananite, dreams in which a person himself stole an item promise the beginning of serious changes in a negative direction in his life.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream meanings:

  • if a large and expensive bag is stolen from you, pleasant surprises will not keep you waiting;
  • a small and dirty handbag disappears - to gossip and envy of others;
  • losing a briefcase means that the sleeper is losing control over his life.

Aesop's Dream Book

Such dreams indicate that you should not rush to make decisions, you need to think things over.

If the handbag was a lady's, you should not trust a woman close to you.

A man's bag was stolen - a loved one is not who he says he is, there is hypocrisy and lies.

English dream book

In a night vision, hand luggage was stolen - to longing for loved ones. Ahead lies parting and a long journey.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Such dreams indicate that pressing problems will be solved, and someone, without knowing it, will make the sleeper’s life simpler and easier.

French dream book

A suitcase was stolen - the dreamer should expect sudden love.

Stolen and returned - the relationship will be short and disappointing.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Seeing a bag being stolen along with things means the loss of a large sum or moral strength. It is better to cancel all transactions - fraud is possible.

Assyrian dream book

The dreamer is in danger, and the larger the bag, the more serious the troubles are coming.

If the contents are stolen, the problems will be resolved, and an influential person will help with this.

Dream book of healer Akulina

The healer believes that such a vision is ambiguous, and the main content of the stolen bag is important in the interpretation:

  • paper - to empty promises;
  • clothes - the sleeper does not accept himself as he really is;
  • money - to waste;
  • doll - you should be wary of witchcraft, someone may send damage;
  • ladies' accessories - for a pleasant meeting;
  • scarf - the dreamer is protected by white magic.

Other versions depend on the circumstances:

  • dreams in which a bag of groceries is stolen advise the sleeper to go on a diet;
  • thieves stole a bag with documents and keys - a friend will help you overcome the problems that have arisen;
  • stealing yourself - the dreamer’s defiant actions will bring him trouble;
  • to find someone else's thing - the sleeper will take on the burden of another person.

According to the interpretation of the healer Akulina, dreams in which robbers grabbed a bag and wallet say that in the near future the most correct decision is not to buy anything.

Modern dream book

The modern dream book advises paying attention to the details of the dream:

  • after the theft you want to cry - to good news and pleasant meetings;
  • if a branded item is stolen, this portends prosperity and public respect;
  • robber, and money - the current relationship will destroy the usual way of life of the sleeping person.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

When you dream that your handbag is stolen, this dream book advises you to pay attention to its appearance. The bag was old - to get rid of problems. New - to the loss of what the sleeper values.

It is also important to determine the type of bag:

  1. Sports - the real owner experiences unspoken competition with friends or colleagues.
  2. Ladies' - for a love adventure.
  3. Male - a serious competitor will appear in the professional sphere.
  4. Road - for a pleasant trip. If the bag is empty, the journey will be difficult and exhausting.

Chinese dream book

According to the Chinese dream book:

  • dreamed that the bag was stolen - the beginning of a new spiritual quest;
  • the stolen item was found - problems that seemed to have gone away forever will return;
  • look into someone else's backpack - the sleeping person will be drawn into an extraneous conflict.

Muslim dream book

For men:

  • A man sees this dream as a solution to family troubles.

For women:

  • a vision where a bag is stolen - to a quarrel with a loved one, misunderstanding.

Islamic dream book

The book advises a person to pay attention to his thoughts and lifestyle; perhaps he is overcome by wicked thoughts or has become a hostage to bad habits.

To rob a passerby in a dream means that the sleeping person is infantile and dependent.

Russian dream book

The dreamer's bag was robbed - large financial losses lie ahead.

If a woman's handbag is stolen, an overly talkative acquaintance will disappear from the environment.

Slavic dream book

According to the Slavic dream book, such visions are interpreted as a prediction of an unsuccessful trip or hint to the sleeper that he has chosen the wrong path in life.

Ukrainian dream book

Visions of theft indicate a person’s wrong behavior. Most likely, he offended someone close to him.

Dreaming of an empty bag means disappointment and unfulfilled hopes.

Family dream book

For men:

  • For a man, dreams where his bag is stolen are advised to pay attention to his home life - perhaps his significant other is being dishonest with him.

For women:

  • the girl sees that she is being robbed - the current love relationship will soon end;
  • For a married woman, such dreams indicate that temptations will appear in life that could lead her away from her family.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing that a bag has been stolen is a sign of joy; troubles will pass by.

To steal from someone yourself is to form a bad opinion about yourself in reality.

Love dream book

Stealing things from a bag - to superficial connections.

According to the love dream book, if the dreamer steals someone else’s handbag himself, he will take his loved one away from the family.

For men:

  • For the stronger sex, the dream foreshadows troubles; an overly mercantile woman will appear in life, who will have to be supported.

For women:

  • a girl in a dream where she was robbed is promised a stormy romantic adventure.

Dream book by numbers

Visions of the theft of a briefcase that visited a sleeper on an odd date promise:

  • losses;
  • troubles;
  • care.

On an even day, they predict a successful completion of a difficult life period.

The dream occurred before sunset - you should take a closer look at your surroundings; the person is in the company of stupid, envious people.

Dream book for women

For women:

  • an empty bag was stolen - the dreamer will get rid of the love affair that was weighing her down;
  • a dream visited a virgin - to deception, the man she trusts only uses the girl;
  • the bag was stolen and the contents were spilled - the woman is mistaken for a dummy.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • Sleeping and seeing a thief take a beautiful briefcase means problems. At work, a person may no longer be valued as an employee. A serious competitor may also appear and a successful deal may fall through.
  • If the bag was worn and old, the sleeper will get rid of the burden and fly up the career ladder.

Lunar dream book

Most often, such visions report on a person’s character and emotional experiences.

This book says that the dreamer should pay attention to the color of the stolen item:

  • black - the owner is too modest, this interferes with him and does not allow him to achieve what he wants;
  • white - the sleeper is romantic and vulnerable;
  • brown - serious attitude to life;
  • red - the owner is extremely passionate;
  • blue - a person has the gift of foresight.

Intimate dream book

Dreams of a bag being stolen suggest that the dreamer is not satisfied with his sex life. It might be worth finding a more suitable partner.

Winter dream book

Dream visited during this period of the year - all autumn troubles will be left behind. There is lightness and joy ahead.

Summer dream book

A vision with a stolen bag speaks of the owner’s extravagance. We need to take life more seriously and responsibly.

Autumn dream book

There is a difficult period ahead, it is worth making decisions carefully. Also, a vision of a robbery in the fall predicts unnecessary troubles, an unexpected burden.

Home dream book

A child dreams that his backpack was taken away - to problems in his studies.

For men:

  • For a man, such visions promise a quick divorce.

For women:

  • a woman is left without a purse - an idyll and mutual understanding will come to the family.

Creative dream book

If a bag was stolen in a dream - implemented ideas will not bring the expected result. There may be a period of apathy, nothing will please you, and inspiration will not come.

The creative dream book advises not to start any projects after a vision of a bag being stolen.

Video about dreams about theft

Taken from the channel “House of the Sun”.

To correctly interpret a dream about a bag, look in the dream book. A bag seen in a dream can predict your future, as well as become an explanation for your hidden experiences.

Why do you dream about a bag? It depends on its type and the nuances of the dream! Having remembered in detail what you saw, it will be much easier to interpret the dream.


If you dreamed of a woman's handbag, be sure to remember what color it was. Black speaks of your modesty; red is a harbinger of a passionate night, while white means that you are a very romantic person.

A brown leather handbag is a sign that your business is going according to plan. And you dream of a bright women's handbag when your relationship with a young man lacks spice.

  • Losing her means remembering past love.
  • It was stolen from you - a valuable find or gift.
  • A new women's handbag with a hole means cash receipts.
  • If she is petite, look for a new style.
  • A lot of unnecessary things in a woman’s handbag is a sign of communication in a male company.

Losing a woman's purse and soon finding it means meeting your first love. And if it was stolen, but then returned, it means you will receive an expensive gift from a loved one.

When in a dream you cannot find some thing in it, this means that in reality you have not decided on your choice of partner. And ideal order within characterizes you as a very well-mannered, decent person.


As the dream book writes, a bag with things standing near the threshold is dreamed of when an old friend arrives. And if it is half empty, then strangers will come to your house.

A dirty travel bag speaks of your vulnerability. And washing it and hanging it out to dry means preparing for a big holiday.

  • Losing a travel bag means a new life filled with pleasant events.
  • Putting things in it is a sign of a romantic rendezvous with your loved one.
  • It was stolen at the station - to get rid of old problems.
  • Walking around the city with her means a trip to an unfamiliar place.
  • A small dog sits in it - to meet a good person.

Wealth and decent pay for work are what you dream about when you dream of a bag in the hands of your boss. And seeing a lot of money in it means finding an additional source of income.

You dream of a travel bag that was given to you by relatives or friends for safekeeping on the occasion of a big holiday. And if it belongs to a stranger, then you will become a participant in a party in someone else's house.


A leather men's bag is usually dreamed of before important negotiations. And if it is made of jeans, then this is a sign that at heart you are much younger than your age.

Women's cosmetics in a man's bag speaks of uncertainty in love. And to see toys in it means to gain confidence in your charm.

  • A man's bag on the desk indicates an important task.
  • Losing it means the partner’s unreasonable jealousy.
  • An old, battered briefcase means communicating with a wise person.
  • Finding a man's bag with important documents means restoring old business ties.
  • Receiving it as a gift means flirting with a work colleague.

A heavy man's bag dreams of simply overcoming complex problems. And empty means a lack of communication with the opposite sex.

If in a dream it is carried by a handsome young man, then you are a completely self-confident person. And to see it in the hands of an old man means to think about procreation.

Other dreams

As the dream book says, a bag in the hands of a homeless person dreams of an expensive gift or bonus. And to see it with a famous actor means to dream of wealth and fame.

Losing a bag in a foreign city means planning a vacation. And looking for it in your home means relying on financial help from relatives.

  • Dropping your purse on the floor means surprising your friends with your action.
  • Hang it on a hanger - it will bring back school memories in a big company.
  • Walking around the market with her means waiting for news from a business partner.
  • A string bag with groceries is a sign of a chic feast in pleasant company.
  • Losing a friend’s bag means reconciliation with the offender or neutralization of the enemy.

If in a dream you check your luggage into a storage room, then in reality a long journey awaits you. And waiting for your train, sitting on a large bag, means seriously thinking about the future.

Hitting someone with a bag is trying to defend your point of view. And to throw it high up means to be glad that there are reliable people next to you.

You dream about a bag of trash before spring cleaning. And if you find tools in it, then you will be consumed by household chores.

A handbag with jewelry is a sign that your gentleman is ready to carry you in his arms. And to see a wedding ring in it means to be happy with your man.

Among the explanations of why you dream of a bag, you will definitely find moments that will lift your spirits and inspire you to new victories. Author: Vera Drobnaya

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Dream, in which you stolen bag With documents in dream dreamed, What stolen bag With money, then in reality there will be financial receipt in the form of additional work, a salary increase, a bonus, or the conclusion of a lucrative contract. Dream, in which stolen wallet from bags, promises a huge loss monetary amounts or impending bankruptcy. Read more

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    Dream, in which the theft occurred in your home - to the realization of your plans. Theft of your wallet at work - to new temptations, temptation. You stolen jewelry - to a highly paid job. The folder with important things has disappeared documents- to decent wages. And theft of a wallet or bags from your own friend - this is a sign that you deserve a better life. Steal in dream a car means finding a promising place of work. And to appropriate other people's money- get a reprimand from your boss. Read more

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    Stolen Dream, in which stolen bag, means, according to the dream book, the end of the “black streak” in reality. If in dream there is a theft bags, which was given to you for safekeeping, it means that in your environment there is a trusted person who does not know how to keep secrets. Dream, in which you stolen bag With documents, means that all the securities that were considered lost will be found in an unusual way. If in dream dreamed, What stolen bag With money, then in reality there will be financial receipt in the form of additional work, an increase in salary... Read more

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    Sometimes will dream, What in dream stolen bag. It seems to foreshadow nothing dream, and suddenly the plot changes dramatically. Steal bag can be different. Maybe with an attack, or maybe quietly, so that you didn’t even notice how your carry-on luggage disappeared. IN bag can lie money, or it will be empty. First of all, if in dream steal bag, then in most cases this means that your “black streak” will finally end soon. And your life will be painted in all the colors of the rainbow, bringing joy and happiness. IN bag were documentation?Read completely

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    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Seeing as the dreamer's friend stole him bag and looks in it money- in reality, you will have to ask him for a loan. However, it is better not to do this, since he will still refuse, since he does not really trust the dreamer. If the sleeping person in dream stolen bag, and he doesn’t know who to think about, then in reality he will be faced with a problem that he cannot cope with alone. When you dreamed about it(s) at your place will be stolen bag? Today. Read more

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    For what dreaming stolen bag in dream. Today you looked into the dream book to see the interpretation sleep, in which you have stolen bag? Then get ready for a “white streak” in your daily life! Bag, stolen you in dream, symbolizes your worries and routine. The coming days will be carefree, filled with laughter and fresh sensations. Read more

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    Had a dream stolen Documentation, but the necessary interpretation sleep dreaming stolen Documentation in dream in dream have you seen this symbol? Had a dream, What unknown woman stole bag With documents And money. When I ran after her, she began to pass my bag, and I didn’t catch up with her. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream dreamed about it yours bag, the dream concerns you and its plot and symbols do the same. If someone else's, events in dream have a direct or indirect relationship with the person whose bag.If stolen bag With documents, dream may mean that you will be limited in your actions, you will not be able to realize your intentions due to the interference of others. Stolen bag With money means that losses and losses await you. It would be better if you return it stolen directly in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream dreamed about it yours bag, the dream concerns you and its plot and symbols do the same. If someone else's, events in dream have a direct or indirect relationship with the person whose bag.If stolen bag With documents, dream may mean that you will be limited in your actions, you will not be able to realize your intentions due to the interference of others. Stolen bag With money means that losses and losses await you. It would be better if you return it stolen directly in dream.Read completely

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    For example, If dreamed about it theft bags, probably everyone would like to know what dreamed about it such dream. Therefore, there is no need to waste time, but you should find out its meaning from the article. If in dream, V stolen handbag there was a large sum money, then you should behave more warily while awake, since dream may portend imminent danger. Read more

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    If will dream, What someone is accused of stealing - a warning: do not make rash decisions or opinions, as you are in danger of convicting an innocent person. If in dream you stolen a large sum money outside the house - this means that danger is looming over you and you must monitor your actions more carefully. Me dreamed, like mine stolen a fur coat, and bag With wallet And documents!Read completely

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    If in bag which you have stolen, lay money And documentation, which means in the real world your workers documentation that were considered lost will be found. interpretation sleep Bag →.Had a dream stolen Bag, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming stolen Bag in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Read more

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    Find men's bag With important documents− to restore old business ties. Receiving it as a gift means flirting with a work colleague. Heavy men's bag dreaming to easily overcome complex problems. And empty means a lack of communication with the opposite sex. What does a doll mean? in dream? What means, If dreamed about it motorbike? What means dream about currants? Read more

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    To understand why dreaming, What stolen bag, it is important to remember everything down to the smallest detail. Dream, in which he stole from you bag a close person shows that in real life, most likely, they don’t trust you. If you were there documentation, then there is no need to be sad, as this is a good sign. It is likely that you will be able to find something valuable, something that you have long lost in real life. The influx of finance promises dream in which you were kidnapped bag With money.Read completely

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    For what dreaming bag With With money in dream according to the dream book? Had a dream money V bag- expect to receive a profit, a one-time payment, a reward. Although no one followed us! There was a feeling of panic, bag money And documentation! I looked around and saw an old black bag, throw it in. We found ourselves inside money.I took it as compensation and put the pack in my pocket (there were paper Russian money, but not much, a pack with an elastic band is possible). Read more

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    Had a dream stolen Money, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming stolen Money in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! In mine dream I have stolen money, in more detail, then stolen bag with everyone documents, then I in dream I found out that a considerable amount was withdrawn from my cards money.Read completely

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    For what dreaming Stolen money with a wallet is a bad dream, foreshadowing major losses. For example, your business may go completely bankrupt. You should expect trouble if money stolen together with bag.If dreaming in dream Stolen money on Monday Why dreaming Stolen money on Tuesday If dreaming dream about Stolen money on Wednesday If dreaming Stolen money on Thursday.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Stolen bag in dream- worries about your property; otherwise, someone will appropriate your knowledge and experience. A loss Bags in dream may portend losses or loss of creative potential. Particularly alarming dream, in which your Bag somebody stole.I dreamed about it red bag- To money.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    In the store I was choosing a product for myself, I decided to buy it, but I looked and bags then no, but there was a wallet in it... with all my money, about 20 thousand were there...passport also... documentation others... and so there were all sorts of things... and this bag I lost...to the post: In dream a person dies. to the entry: Why dream gold jewelry.Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    When someone in dream wanted steal money for a sleeping person - a loved one can betray. Had a dream, how did you do it yourself? I feel like I shouldn’t agree, but my friend insisted. After some time I discovered that bag disappeared, where are 1500 rubles. And documentation. I see that this company has disappeared, I run after them, and they are about to get into a taxi. From an ambush I managed to catch one, he admitted that bag I can’t get it back. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Today I dreamed as if I had stolen mine bag. I’m thinking what to do, because there’s a wallet there, And documentation, and plastic cards. I suddenly thought that I still had on my card money, And what's in my bag PIN codes for cards. But there is some relief here, which gives you the opportunity to look at this situation a little differently... in general dream simply reflects anxiety about possible loss money or control over some situation...Read more

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    To me dreamed, What I have stolen bag With documents And money. Typical dream: 2) Wallet ( bag With wallet) can steal, take away, lose: I would really like to know what my means dream. dream to you dreamed about it Bag or have you seen a lot Bags in dream, I'm in a very public place stolen bag With money, documents on Dream Interpretation for free online bag feminine meaning dreams dreamed about it shop bags. often dreaming,What I have...Read more

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    What does it portend? In case in dream all of a sudden stolen money along with your wallet or bag, then in the near future it is imperative to beware of proposed transactions and, especially, scams. As a result, there is a possibility of losing a large business or a large sum money.When you dreamed about it(xia) stolen money? Today. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    When women's handbag dreaming for a man, this is a sign that a new lover will soon appear in his life or a love adventure awaits. If dreamed about it bag sports - this is a hint of troubles and hard work in the future. If in dream bag was stolen, you don't have to worry about your property. Get ready for a white streak, because bag– these are also everyday worries, routine; if her in dream stolen, life will become carefree and fun. Read more

    Dream book "DomSnov"

    The prognosis for such sleep, if wallet With money stolen together with bag.Had a dream,What I was in a grocery store on sale, everything was for 50%, everything was swept off the shelves, the store was already half empty. I picked up cat food, and next to it there was a shelf with chocolate, but I didn’t have time to take anything, some woman took everything. bearded middle-aged man. I was upset, and when I climbed into bag, there was neither a wallet nor documents, and a man.

They say that a bag seen in a dream is a symbol of a person’s life experience, knowledge and skills, and even a reflection of the main traits of his character. But it is impossible to unambiguously interpret the vision of what this accessory means in dreams. In each specific case, you need to consult the dream book. But it is also important to thoroughly remember all the details of the dream. What color was the bag, in what hand and who carried it, what was in it, and what ultimately happened.

Stealing a bag in a dream

A stolen bag in reality is a catastrophic situation. But in a dream, such an incident has a completely different meaning. Interpretation of the dream book - the end of a bad streak in life, pleasant surprises and good news.

For example: why do you dream about the theft of a bag with documents? This is a signal that soon, miraculously, important, valuable papers that were considered irretrievably lost will be found. If in a dream there was money in the stolen reticule, then the dreamer can expect financial profit in the foreseeable future. There is a high probability of receiving a bonus, concluding a profitable deal, profitable additional earnings, or a salary increase.

If you dream that a bag given for storage has been stolen, then in reality you should take a closer look at the people in your immediate environment. Looks like one of them can't keep a secret. In the dream book you can find precise advice: for the good of the matter, do not talk too much, keep everything secret.

Dreaming of a bag from which valuables were stolen means that you may suffer due to excessive gullibility and kindness. Moreover, people towards whom there is no suspicion can take advantage of the situation.

Dreaming of stealing a wallet from a bag is a warning. You shouldn't lend money to anyone. You should also be wary of concluding contracts with unverified partners, and also, if possible, avoid large and unplanned purchases. A missing wallet in a dream - the dream book promises financial costs and losses. When a lost (stolen) wallet is returned to its owner in a dream, this is an excellent sign, promising a comfortable existence and the end of a series of losses or failures.

I dreamed about losing my bag

According to the dream book, a lost bag means some changes in life. They will affect, first of all, finances, but in reality there is no need to fear any special material costs. The real embodiment of the dream may be an unsuccessful investment of funds, unpleasant contacts with creditors, or the conclusion of a contract with dubious prospects.

According to the dream book, the loss of a bag can warn that the dreamer faces temporary disability. However, you can avoid this prospect by spending some time in solitude, in nature, enjoying clean air and silence.

It happens that the loss of a reticule in a dream is not perceived as a misfortune, but, on the contrary, brings an unexpected feeling of joy. In this case, in reality things will go more than successfully. There will be no problems with money.
Interpretation of a dream in which a bag with money is lost - the dream book gives important advice to be more careful with business and personal papers. Do not leave them in a visible place and unattended.

And if the loss affected documents, then in real life you need to take an extremely close look at recent agreements and contracts. If the situation allows you to think carefully about their terms, it is very possible that in this way it will be possible to detect a mistake or deliberate deception on the part of the partners.
You may dream that the bag is first lost and then found. Such a story means that all the work started will have an excellent, successful completion. You will be able to cope with the most complex tasks, and without financial costs.

Why dream that you forgot your bag in a dream, then you need to prepare for some problems that will require you to spend a lot of effort and energy. They will also require unexpected, serious financial investments. According to the dream book, all this can be avoided if you give up serious purchases and other plans with large investments for a while.

A dream in which the contents suddenly spill out of a backpack is interpreted by the dream book as an irrational waste of money. This means that in the near future it makes sense to reduce expenses, since income does not promise to be particularly large.

It is curious to see in a dream a suitcase in which a person fit and hid. Such a fantastic story can be born as a result of the constant torment of a dreamer who knows a very important secret, which for the time being cannot be told to anyone.


Seeing a new bag in a dream means increasing knowledge and expanding your circle of acquaintances. In the future, these “new products” will contribute to significant success in your career.

Why you dream of buying a new bag is interpreted in dream books as confirmation of an important quality - the ability to navigate difficult situations, to be resourceful and purposeful. Such a vision promises the rapid implementation of all assigned tasks or a successful performance assessment by senior management, as well as profitable employment (after completing a probationary period) or transfer to a highly paid position.

If an accessory of an unusual shape is purchased, then the dreamer simply expects tremendous changes for the better.

To dream that you are buying a bag is simply wonderful. The dream book suggests that an additional source of income will soon appear. And it is possible that over time it will begin to bring a fair amount of profit.

If you dream that you are choosing a bag, then it’s time to prepare to receive a lot of tempting and profitable offers for employment or cooperation. A very long process of choosing an accessory, meanwhile, can mean rather modest income. And it’s worth thinking seriously about future employment. It may be more profitable to organize your own business, but at first keep your eyes open.


What could a found bag mean in a dream? Dream books interpret this event in two versions. Firstly, an acquaintance may tell his secret, or this secret will randomly be revealed without his knowledge.
Secondly, fate may connect you with a person who will turn out to be a faithful friend for many years.
If in a dream you had to look for a bag for quite a long time, but in the end the loss was found, then the dream book advises the dreamer to think: does he have any unrealized abilities? In the future, such talents promise success to long-conceived plans and tasks. And such a dream book also promises a meeting with a person who will not leave you indifferent, but on the contrary, will be a source of vivid emotions. This person may very well turn out to be the “other half”.

Ladies handbag

If a representative of the stronger sex sees a lady's bag in a dream, then in the short term he will meet a woman who will take possession of his hand and heart. And if a sleeping lady or girl observed such a plot in the arms of Morpheus, then she should take it as a warning: her innermost secret may be revealed due to an annoying mistake. Hence the conclusion - it’s time to stop (at least temporarily) intimate conversations with friends.


According to the dream book, a dream about a bag with money promises a solid income. Most likely, this will be a one-time budget replenishment, but the more bills there were in the “sleepy” bag and the higher their denomination, the greater the profit in reality.


Why see in a dream how you are packing a bag, it means a quick trip. If this is not expected in reality, then there is a danger of serious complications in the relationship with a loved one. This could be a quarrel during which each party will say a lot of rude and offensive words to the other. The dream book warns that such a scandal can cause a complete break in relations!

If you dream about how pedantically and diligently you pack things, then you need to find an opportunity to be alone to put your thoughts and feelings in order, rethink some goals, and evaluate your actions.
According to the dream book, packing suitcases means preparing to move.

Color meaning

The interpretation of a dream about a bag largely depends on what color it is. For example, red promises an ardent, passionate relationship that can arise with someone from a long-standing circle.

Black, on the one hand, can symbolize receiving sad news, on the other, new acquaintances and connections.

White is an interesting romantic story, which is often called an “office romance.”

Lots of bags

According to the dream book, seeing a large number of bags promises a quick move, which can be overshadowed by the loss of some things and excessive emotional tension.
If the sleeper observes a lot of stuffed bags, then he can perceive this as a symbol of the baggage of knowledge and experience accumulated over a certain period of life. These “riches” will need to be taken advantage of.
Why dream that there is a lot of luggage and it gets in the way? This is evidence that something is bothering you. You need to find the strength within yourself to get rid of some obligations that are morally burdensome and disturbing. Provided that the sleeper perceives countless suitcases and reticules with unprecedented ease, then he has a high chance of successfully solving the most difficult tasks.


The larger the bag seen in a dream, the more those around him value the dreamer’s life experience, the more solid his position and the higher his authority. The dream book promises pleasant surprises and good news.

Receive as a gift

Why someone gives a bag as a gift in a dream means the likelihood of a promising acquaintance or a lucrative offer. In any case, this is a guaranteed profit.
But if the sleeper sees himself presenting a bag to someone, then we should expect additional expenses that will significantly affect his wallet.


According to the dream book, helping someone carry a bag means that in reality there will be a need to seek help. You may even have to seek support from your competitors.

If the dreamer is carrying a heavy bag, then he will be pleased with an interesting offer from a material point of view, or news of successfully invested money. The dream book also interprets this as a long-awaited and fair reward for honest work or caring for loved ones.

But dragging around like a suitcase full of bricks does not promise anything good. You need to take such a dream as advice - the time has come when you need to change your lifestyle. Otherwise, the huge number of obligations shouldered will lead to irreparable consequences associated with the state of the psyche and health.

Empty or full

It’s worth remembering what was in the dreamed purse. If it was tightly stuffed, then this is the dream book’s assumption of receiving a quick generous reward. But the half-empty one is a sad symbol of wasted efforts and worries. In addition, this is a hint that all efforts and initiatives will go unnoticed by management.


If you saw a leather bag in a dream, get ready to get some pleasure. This is a hint to married ladies that an ardent lover may appear in their lives. But is it worth rushing into his arms? After all, such a passion for dream books can have dire consequences.

By appearance

The potential consequences can be interpreted depending on what kind of bag you dreamed about. Why do you dream of a beautiful bag - for the fulfillment of desires and plans. Such a vision can precede career success, and also promise favorable conditions for creating your own business.

According to the dream book, an old bag warns that some losses and difficulties are possible. This is a reason to fear possible complications in the service or a signal that things will not go very well.
Seeing a man's bag in a dream is not bad. This sign guarantees success in negotiations. But you should make decisions quickly so as not to miss a good moment. You need to remember that competitors are vying for a vacancy or a vacant niche in business!

The famous American psychologist and dream interpreter Miller believed that a lady painfully searching for something in her dream dreams when it is impossible to cope with problems alone. This is a reason to seek support and help from your comrades. Packing your suitcase guarantees quick changes in fate. There is no need to be afraid of them. It is wiser to take it for granted, since in the end everything will end well.

The soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams with suitcases as a sign of new professional prospects. It's wonderful to see a briefcase in a dream. Why dream of buying such an accessory means a successful start of your own business, which will be very profitable and profitable.

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