Brown discharge after intercourse. What types of discharge after sex should alert a woman. Why there may be spotting instead of menstruation

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Many women notice that discharge after sex is a very common occurrence. Most situations are not cause for concern because they are a normal, natural process of the body.

However, there is also discharge after sexual intercourse, which requires paying close attention and asking yourself why such discharge appeared from the vagina. There is a possibility that the manifestations are associated with the presence of any pathologies in the body.


The normal state of the body is if, after sexual intercourse, transparent or white skin appears the next day or every other day. Yellow or with a slight yellowish tint is also normal. This is explained by the fact that during a woman’s arousal, the flow of blood increases to the genitals. At the same time, active production of mucus from the vagina occurs.

After achieving orgasm, the secretion is produced in greater quantities. This is a natural lubricant that is necessary to facilitate the movement of a man's penis and facilitates the passage of sperm to the egg.

A woman needs to worry if she feels atypical, strange sensations in the genital area, for example, itching appears, irritation of the skin or mucous membrane is detected, the leucorrhoea gives off an odor, and its color has changed.

It is also worth remembering that if a condom was used during sexual intercourse, this also affects the appearance of a specific secretion. This is explained by the fact that the lubricant used in the manufacture of contraceptive products reacts upon contact with vaginal mucus, resulting in leucorrhoea.

If intimate intimacy ends with a man’s ejaculation and the sperm enters the vagina, then the next day and two days after, leucorrhoea may be present, having a yellow or white color. They can also be transparent. Such a secretion has differences in comparison with ordinary discharges, since it contains male sperm, the smell can also change for a similar reason.


In some cases, if atypical discharge appears after sexual intercourse, the reason for this is a change in sexual partner. This is due to the fact that after the protein structures found in the man’s sperm enter the woman’s vagina, changes occur.

In the vagina, new bacteria begin to fight the microflora, which leads to a weakening of protective functions. Subsequently, this can result in the appearance of inflammation in the girl and the detection of pathological discharges.

In other cases, an atypical secretion indicates the following diseases:

  • candidiasis. Characterized by white or yellow secretion, according to. Associated symptoms are the appearance of swelling, itching and discoloration of the vulva;
  • chlamydia. The secretion during the disease is released slightly, has. Additionally, the disease is characterized by the appearance of pain during urination, painful sensations in the lower abdomen and;
  • trichomoniasis. Foamy leucorrhoea is typical for the disease. They are characterized by white, yellow or, and also have a discharge with an odor. There is pain during urination, which is complemented by a sensation of itching and burning;
  • gonorrhea. During illness, white-yellow discharge does not flow too abundantly from the vagina. There is also pain in the lower abdomen. The disease manifests itself between periods in the form of secretion with blood;
  • if the cause is bacterial vaginosis, then it can be identified by the appearance of grayish leucorrhoea. They are also characterized by a pronounced . The itching does not bother the patient much. If the stage of the disease is advanced, then yellow-green clots appear;
  • with colpitis, you can find discharge that is varied in consistency, color and nature of the discharge. They can be either liquid or thick, with inclusions of pus or dark in color. Sometimes elements with blood are added to the transparent secretion, most often the secretion has a strong smell. Additional symptoms are the appearance of severe itching and burning. There is also hyperemia on the genitals.

If one of the above manifestations appeared after sex, then the reason is probably an infected partner. A pathological secretion may appear the next day, every other day, or after several weeks.

Secret blood admixture

As for discharge that contains blood, the reason for its appearance is not always related to sex, it’s just that sexual intercourse provoked an exacerbation of some disease, for example, the reason may be the presence of a sexually transmitted disease, which over time destroyed the structure of the vagina, uterus or other parts of the reproductive system:

  • inflammatory processes in later stages of development, for example, cervicitis or endometritis. Manifestations are often observed after sex;
  • the presence of a tumor of any nature in the body, namely in the reproductive system. Similar manifestations are characteristic of a polyp;
  • taking medications that are characterized by the property of thinning the blood for a long time. If you suddenly stop taking such medications, there is a possibility that this will affect the patient’s secretion;
  • the same applies to taking contraceptives that contain hormones;
  • mechanical damage to the vagina. Often, after hard sex, a girl secretes blood from her vagina in small quantities for some time.


Considering that most of the reasons why spotting appears after sex, as well as white discharge after sex, are quite serious diseases, the doctor determines the treatment after examination and special tests.

If brown discharge after sex is due to mechanical damage to the vagina or this occurs shortly before or after menstruation, then there is no need to take any measures. This may be a normal state of the body in the latter situation. In the case of a mechanical injury, a healthy body is able to quickly recover on its own.

In other cases, treatment is as follows:

  • To treat chlamydia, drugs with antibiotic action are used, which are selected individually. Only a doctor can do this. At the same time, we must not forget that both partners must undergo the treatment process to prevent relapse;
  • vaginitis, cervicitis and similar diseases require tests to study the composition of the microflora. Some cases of the disease require radio wave exposure in addition to the use of medications;
  • if the cause is oncology, then it is necessary to perform a puncture and undergo a number of other tests. A surgeon will most likely be required to remove the affected area.


Regardless of how profusely the discharge occurs after sex, if there is even the slightest suspicion that the manifestation relates to a pathological condition, it is necessary to seek advice from a gynecologist as soon as possible. In some situations, both partners must undergo treatment.

Brown discharge after sex can be caused by various reasons. Discharge after sexual intercourse, especially black or brown, is a fairly common occurrence, and it can be either threatening and dangerous, or harmless and even normal. Secretion in women develops quite often after many physiological processes, be it menstruation, the end of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, or natural after sex. The secreted secretion can have quite a few colors, which is due to very different reasons that cause it.

Causes of the phenomenon

Excretion is the process of synthesizing secretion, which is produced by several glands of the female genital organs: Bartholin's glands, secretion glands of the external labia, etc. Usually, the process of secretion is not called pathological if it is not accompanied by sharp pain, discomfort, itching or burning of the external genitalia. Discharge during pregnancy can be very frequent, but not be pathological, since pregnant women experience hypersecretion of the glands.

The appearance of brown or dark discharge after sexual intercourse can be the result of many reasons, including:

  1. Prolonged stress and nervous strain.
  2. Mechanical damage or injury as a result of sexual intercourse.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, autoimmune processes of the genital area.
  4. Hormonal imbalances and disturbances of normal hormonal levels.

A dark color can often signal an inflammatory process in the uterus, or improperly performed medical procedures. The brownish color can often be streaked with blood - a consequence of trauma and microdamage to the female reproductive system as a result of sexual intercourse with a small amount of lubricant. Moreover, this color may signal the development of cervical erosion.

Any damage to the female reproductive system during exertion or intimacy may begin to bleed, which signals that you need to seek qualified help from a doctor, as this is quite serious. Sexually transmitted diseases of different etiologies can cause various types of leucorrhoea, for example, yellow or green, black, especially discharge during pregnancy. For an accurate diagnosis, it is worth doing a test for STDs, the Wasserman reaction, and consulting a venereologist for proper treatment or changing pregnancy management tactics.

Problem in pregnant women

Brown discharge after sexual intercourse in a pregnant woman can signal a violation of the blood circulation of the fetus or placental abruption, which will begin to be signaled by severe pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the kidney area. This condition can threaten the life of a pregnant woman, so urgent referral to a hospital, proper treatment and care will be required.

In general, after almost any leucorrhoea that occurs in a woman for the first time, a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary, since the secretion during a pathological process in one woman can be completely physiological and normal, for another - on the contrary. Any changes should be assessed by a doctor, since self-medication in such cases can only harm the patient, and you can simply waste vital time. If we talk about brownish or dark whites during inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, then they can occur quite often, in almost any inflammatory disease, be it vaginitis, colpitis or any other disease.

If leucorrhoea occurs very often, and a woman is planning a child or is already pregnant, she needs to be tested for the TORCH complex. This complex combines diseases that are very dangerous for the fetus of a pregnant woman:

  1. Toxoplasmosis.
  2. Other viruses – measles, HIV.
  3. Rubella.
  4. Hepatitis B and C, herpes.
  5. Chlamydia.

With these diseases, women may have different secretions, especially yellow and brown. The TORCH complex is transmitted sexually and is practically not dangerous for a woman, but the fetus is actually always harmed: it is born with severe pathologies and defects. That is why analysis for this complex is very important when planning a family.

Despite the fact that many people believe that with HIV infection the patient will have leucorrhoea, this is a mistake. The infection does not manifest itself in anything other than the destruction of the immune system. Other diseases that are sexually transmitted are gonorrhea, syphilis. With gonorrhea, there is light or dark yellow discharge after sex, but usually no one pays attention to them or they write them off as ordinary thrush.

With syphilis, the secretion is thick, dark, and itching, burning, and pain when urinating develop quite quickly. To prevent such diseases, you need to either use protection during sexual intercourse, or take prophylactic tests for STDs every 2-3 months.

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In case of inflammatory diseases, you need to consult a doctor, take smears, with which you can diagnose the inflammatory process, its degree and strength. After which the correct treatment will be prescribed, and the leucorrhoea will stop.

Manifestations of erosion

Cervical erosion quite often causes various discharges, especially with early onset of sexual activity or frequent changes of partners. For diagnosis, an inspection is carried out with mirrors. The disease often, except for leucorrhoea, does not cause any symptoms, so it often becomes a finding after examination by a gynecologist. Proper treatment will reduce it, remove secretion and stabilize the patient’s condition.

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In case of large or serious erosion, complicated by polyps, cauterization is recommended - an operation performed in a hospital almost completely eliminates its cause.

To prevent erosion, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist every six months and take a cytological smear to identify the inflammatory process. Correct diagnosis will reduce the chance of exacerbations and make the course of the disease easier and less dangerous. The use of traditional medicine methods and self-medication can harm women's health.

Brown discharge after sexual intercourse can occur in different cases. If these are small strokes of a dull color, then there is nothing to worry about and there is no need to worry. If the shade is pronounced (for example, black, bright red or deep brown), then you need to worry, since such a phenomenon can become dangerous for the girl’s body.

A major role is played by the physiological process (that is, the period of the body’s vital activity) when exactly sexual intercourse occurs: this includes menstruation, breastfeeding, and even pregnancy. In what cases should a brownish tint be considered dangerous?

Normal brown discharge in a woman

As a rule, brown vaginal discharge is quite normal if you experience the following:

  • a spotting shade immediately after menstruation (about 1-2 days), because this is how the uterine cavity is cleansed;
  • a brown tint on panties before menstruation, which is quite natural for any woman;
  • the first sexual intercourse for the first time for a girl, due to which the hymen is torn and discharge appears;
  • too fast and abrupt sexual intercourse, when the mucous membrane of the female vagina may well be injured (especially if you do not use a lubricant);
  • postpartum sexual intercourse, during which there will be a small brown spotting;
  • menopause (i.e. the stage of the last menstruation);
  • the lactation period, when the entire hormonal background of the girl’s body is exacerbated;
  • the first days of pregnancy, during which spotting may cause the fertilized egg to attach to the uterus;
  • taking emergency contraception (mainly pills).

If at least one item falls under the description of brown discharge after sexual intercourse, then there is no need to worry, but going to the gynecologist is not a superfluous solution. Often, brown discharge after sexual intercourse can be the cause of a sexually transmitted infection, which should not be delayed at all - go to the doctor immediately so as not to neglect treatment later.

Brown mucus discharge may be an early sign of pregnancy, or it may indicate ovulation

What causes brown discharge during intercourse?

In general, a brown tint is usually called post-coital bleeding, i.e. blood released after sex. After unprotected sexual intercourse, this spotting phenomenon may be due to insufficient natural lubrication.

The fact is that during movement, strong friction occurs, where the vaginal mucosa is damaged. This can be either ordinary tissue damage due to lack of lubrication, or serious problems with the body, which you will only learn about while sitting in the gynecologist’s office. The problem with an unprotected act is that there will definitely be spotting if this is the girl’s first time, or if everything happens very abruptly, unpleasantly and with pain.

Discharge as the main sign of a disorder in the female body

If the discharge repeats every time, then you need to think about the following violations:

  • Uterine erosion, polyps. Here the place where the polyps or erosion of the cervix are located can be seriously injured. All this is accompanied by severe cutting pain in the lower abdomen and, as a result, brown discharge.
  • Inflammation. If it is vaginitis (inflammation of the entire vaginal mucosa) or cervicitis (inflammation of the lining of the cervix), then there will be brown discharge, especially after sexual intercourse.
  • Infection. Even this can cause brown discharge. Infections usually include chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, and ureaplasmosis. In the lower abdomen there is severe pain, terrible itching, irritation, as well as complete discomfort during sex.
  • Oral contraceptives. If you take the pill at the wrong time, or if you drink the medicine incorrectly, as written in the instructions, then brown discharge may also occur.

Discharge after childbirth plays a big role, even if there is a period of lactation. Consider the following examples, during which the problem is considered common after intercourse. A note to all mothers who have given birth:

  • the discharge or “lochia” is mucus-like and bloody. The fact is that during the birth of the baby, a small wound forms on the wall of the uterus, which bleeds. That is why the discharge can be not only brown, but also yellowish, pinkish or thick beige.
  • the restoration of menstruation in mothers who have given birth may well be root-tinged discharge. So, the sooner hormonal levels are restored, the better it is for the body, because brown mucus becomes half as much. Also, for those mothers who have given up breastfeeding, approximately 10-15 weeks are allotted for rehabilitation and restoration of the body, which is the cause of bright brown discharge during sexual intercourse.
  • Due to the fact that a young mother begins to actively breastfeed her baby, the level of prolactin in her body increases sharply. Since the baby drinks milk every day after 2-3 hours, menstruation will resume only after the lactation period ends. This is why discharge can be observed during sexual intercourse. But, in this case, such a phenomenon is considered to be the norm.

Treatment method for brown discharge

After the examination, the gynecologist will definitely prescribe effective treatment, the course of which is very important to complete from beginning to end. If this is a normal soft tissue injury, then stitches or taking special medications that stop the strong flow of blood will help prevent brown discharge.

If the doctor has prescribed surgery (in which several stitches are very important), then you must abstain from sexual intercourse both before and after for several weeks. If the brown discharge is caused by an infection, the girl must take the prescribed antibiotics. True, in this case not only the woman, but also the man will have to undergo treatment. But during sexual intercourse, there will subsequently be no unpleasant bloody spots. If discomfort is felt during intimacy, brown spotting appears regularly or every other time, and the doctor said that the whole problem is the resulting erosion, then it is very important to apply all the vaginal suppositories prescribed by a professional doctor, douche several times (washing the vagina with special solutions) and take all restorative medications.

Never delay visiting a gynecologist. Brown discharge is not always the norm. If there is no basis for the appearance of a spotting tint, then you should think that something is wrong with the body. It’s better to get checked several times than to later discover a huge bouquet of different diseases that will be very difficult to cure. Dear girls, always be healthy as a woman and never give a damn about your health. You are expectant mothers, which means that your genitals must be in order. There should be no unscheduled brown discharge during intercourse.

A common complaint among women is the appearance of brown discharge after sex. Gynecologists call this contact bleeding. The reason may be injury, infectious diseases and other pathologies of the reproductive system. Normally, you should not smear it after sex.

Where does the brown liquid come from as a result of proximity?

Dark shades occur when there is caked blood in the vaginal mucus. The source of bleeding can be in any organ - the vagina, cervical canal, on the surface of the cervix, in the uterus or in the appendages. The reason for its occurrence during sex is rarely physiological; more often it is a consequence of injuries and other pathological processes.

If brownish discharge appears once

The only case of spotting after sex can be explained by accompanying circumstances:

  • Prolonged or aggressive sexual intercourse (PA) leads to the appearance of cracks on the walls of the vagina, from which a little blood flows;
  • In the second phase of the cycle, a dense, loose layer of endometrium has already been formed in the uterus. During sex, a small amount may be rejected;
  • After menstruation, due to characteristic movements, residual brown bloody discharge flows out;
  • During breastfeeding, in the absence of menstruation, endometrium accumulates in the uterus, which, when exposed, slightly stains the vaginal area.

Attention! Reviews from women confirm that this symptom occurs during erosion, endometriosis, and in rare cases during conception.

Periodic spotting after sex while using birth control

Brown bloody fluid leaks from the vagina as a result of intimacy while taking birth control medications. This is normal if there are no other reasons. Oral contraceptives always cause brown or pink discharge between periods.

When an IUD is inserted, its antennae protrude slightly from the opening of the cervix. During intimacy, a man may even feel a slight tingling sensation. By pushing and rocking it with friction, it leads to minor bleeding. Women with an IUD often experience mild pain and brown discharge when inserted deeply. Symptoms will only stop when the IUD is removed.

As a sign of pregnancy

It cannot be said that brown mucus after sex directly indicates that conception has occurred. However, if your period is late, it is better to do a test or donate blood for hCG levels. Especially if there was unprotected contact on the day of ovulation.

Brown spot on young girls after sex

Everyone knows that during the first sexual intercourse, the hymen is torn and slight bleeding occurs. This process is called defloration. However, not everyone knows that several subsequent intimacy will be accompanied by red-brown discharge. It’s just that some girls’ hymen is elastic and strong, so it doesn’t break right away.

Pathological causes of spotting after sex

With diseases of the reproductive system, several signs are often present that can suggest a particular problem.

Cervical erosion

The most common cause of spotting dark discharge after PA. Exposure at each intimate moment causes damage to the altered mucosa. This disease occurs in approximately half of patients. No other symptoms other than contact bleeding occur. Erosion is eliminated mechanically, by cauterization with a laser or current, or by treatment with a radiosurgical scalpel.

Cervical dysplasia

A change in the mucous membrane of a malignant type is characterized not only by brownish discharge as a result of sex, but also by copious clear or sanguineous fluid with an unpleasant odor.

It is these formations that are characterized by contact bleeding. The growths inside the cervical canal that “peek out” into the vagina are directly affected during sex. Polyps have a delicate structure, so they are easily injured, causing minor bleeding in the form of brown, red or pink discharge after PA. Other characteristic symptoms are pain during intimacy and long periods.

Carefully! Polyps not only prevent conception, but also lead to uterine cancer.


A woman experiences painful and prolonged menstruation, bleeding on other days, as well as after PA, physical activity or stress. In some cases, it reached the point of daily spotting brown discharge.

The abnormal endometrium is removed during surgery, and the layer in the uterus is also completely scraped out. Then, the patient is prescribed hormonal drugs to avoid relapse.

Inflammatory processes

Infection of any organ of the reproductive system causes pathological leucorrhoea. The most common variant, which is observed with bacterial vaginosis or STIs, is with an unpleasant odor and itching of the genitals. With chlamydia localized in the appendages, watery or viscous transparent leucorrhoea occurs. Sometimes a little blood is mixed with the pathological mucus, and brown discharge occurs. Bleeding is provoked by tremors during PA. Brown spotting is more likely to be characteristic of endometritis, when inflammation is localized in the thickness of the intrauterine mucosa. These diseases are accompanied by abdominal pain of a pulling and cutting nature, as well as a body temperature of 37-38 degrees.


Inflammatory processes in the vagina caused by the proliferation of STI pathogens, candida or opportunistic microorganisms lead to thinning and ulceration of the mucous membrane. With thrush, under a dense white coating on the vaginal wall, you can find a surface with many small wounds. Therefore, with candidiasis, sometimes whites acquire pink or brown shades. Sex leads to detachment of fungal colonies from the wall and the opening of ulcerated mucosa.

With advanced STIs or bacterial vaginosis, it happens as a result of sexual intercourse. The rest of the time they are green or bright yellow with a bad odor. Any infections provoke severe itching of the genitals.


Uterine cancer and cervical dysplasia are characterized by bloody discharge at any time. Women during menopause are especially susceptible to this dangerous process. Sex in such a situation provokes brown spotting. At the last stage, tissues begin to die and decompose. A disgusting odor occurs in watery discharge with blood, streaks and clots.

Brown spotting as a result of sex in a pregnant woman

When carrying a child, any discharge with blood is considered a dangerous sign. PA can provoke placental abruption, embryo rejection, or premature birth if the woman has previously had problems. Therefore, even when the gynecologist did not prescribe sexual rest, it is better to refrain from violent caresses with deep penetration. And if a spot appears once, you need to forget about intimate life until the doctor’s conclusion.

Normally, PA will not provoke such dangerous consequences. Bloody discharge can appear when the mucous membrane is damaged, which in the expectant mother becomes tender and well supplied with blood.

Carefully! Nagging pain in the lower abdomen combined with brownish discharge in a pregnant woman under any circumstances requires calling an ambulance.

What signs indicate the presence of pathology?

It is worth noting that most serious diseases begin to show symptoms only after reaching the peak of development. An infection quickly signals its presence. In any case, the manifestations described below are a reason to immediately visit a gynecologist:

  • Unpleasant odor;
  • Itching, irritation;
  • Pain above the pubis or on the side, which radiates to the anus, vagina, lower back;
  • The constant appearance of brown and any other bloody type smears;
  • Dark and copious fluids;
  • Presence of lumps, pieces or veins;
  • Changes in the nature of menstruation, for example.


Sexual intercourse is a normal physiological process that is necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive and hormonal systems. Blood in this case indicates an existing disorder, and is not just the result of sex. In case of brown spotting, gynecologists advise pregnant women, as well as anyone who has not had an appointment for 6 months, to be examined.

Bleeding that occurs after sex is an alarming symptom that signals a disorder in the female body. The reasons for its appearance can be varied. Therefore, you must definitely go to a gynecologist, who will make an accurate diagnosis and take the necessary measures to solve the problem.

Discharge after sex

During intimacy, discharge is normal. This is due to the woman’s strong arousal and a rush of blood. If sex ends with ejaculation into the vagina, a white or almost transparent secretion may appear, including both male and female discharge. But if blood is visible on the bed linen, this is a serious cause for concern.

Discharge that has a characteristic sour odor and a mushy white consistency indicates the development of thrush. The secretion of a grayish tint accompanies gardnerellosis. Greenish and foamy mucus is characteristic of chlamydia. Bloody discharge that appears after sexual intercourse is a clear symptom of existing pathologies in the body.

Ointments with a red or brown tint can be caused by natural phenomena in a woman’s body. These include virginity, menstruation and ovulation.

  • Virginity

During the first sexual intercourse, the hymen is torn, resulting in slight bleeding. But if the bleeding does not stop for a long time, you should go to the doctor, since problems with its clotting cannot be ruled out. Sometimes even after the second sexual intercourse there is bleeding. This means that sex was too active, which led to damage to the mucous membrane.

  • Menstruation

In some cases, spotting that appears after sex is the beginning. This phenomenon is possible only when intimacy coincides with the day of the expected menstruation or occurs the day before it. At the same time, the brown spot stops during the usual periods. But if the bleeding happened much earlier, its cause is pathology.

  • Ovulation

Internal bleeding can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • pale skin;
  • pink discharge after sex;
  • profuse sweating;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • a sharp decrease in pressure.

If any of the listed symptoms appear, you should call an ambulance, as such conditions pose a threat to the patient’s life.

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