I just woke up from anesthesia after breast augmentation. Breast augmentation under local anesthesia. Back and lower back pain

Anesthesia for mammoplasty is an important part of the preparatory stage of the operation, since this type of surgical intervention cannot do without high-quality anesthesia.

What do you need to know about pain relief during a breast lift, and what anesthesia is used during the operation? Modern anesthesiology practices various types of pain management. The type of anesthesia is selected taking into account the following factors:

  1. Surgeon's preferences.
  2. Features of the patient's body.
  3. Technical nuances of surgical plastic surgery.

The selection of specific anesthetic drugs is carried out by the anesthesiologist after preliminary consultation with the patient. During the conversation, the specialist:

  • Determines whether a woman is allergic to certain medications.
  • Examines the results of laboratory and hardware diagnostics.

Based on the information received, the necessary medications for anesthesia are selected.

Today, the following anesthesia options are used for surgical bust correction:

  1. General.
  2. Local.
  3. Local in combination with sedation.


This option of anesthesia is considered the strongest, therefore it is practiced in most surgical situations. The person is immersed in a deep medicated sleep (induced coma), that is, completely immobilized.

This type of anesthesia has several techniques:

  • Sedation.
  • Intravenous.
  • Mask.
  • Endotracheal.
  • Inhalation.

During mammological operations, preference is given to general anesthesia, as it allows the surgeon to fully concentrate on the operation process, thereby facilitating the installation of endoprostheses.

In turn, the woman must follow all the preoperative recommendations of the anesthesiologist:

  • Do not eat for the stipulated time before surgery (anesthesia is administered only on an empty stomach).
  • On the day of surgery, do not drink water or other liquids in the morning.
  • Tell your doctor about any medications you took the day before.

Anesthesia is almost always well tolerated by patients, without causing any side complications.

Local anesthesia

With local anesthesia (nerve block), the desired area of ​​the body is injected with a solution of local anesthetic, thereby suppressing the sensitivity of nerve fibers in the chest area. With this type of anesthesia, the person is fully conscious and can be aware of everything that is happening around him, but will not feel pain.

It is practiced in such cases:

  1. With non-extensive surgical intervention.
  2. The client has contraindications to general anesthesia.
  3. The patient's serious condition.

The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Bupivacaine.
  • Lidocaine.
  • Novocaine.

In turn, local anesthesia has several subtypes:

Varieties Peculiarities
Spinal The necessary drug is injected into the subdural space, thereby blocking the transmission of impulses by the spinal nerve roots.
Epidural Anesthesia is administered to the epidural region, which makes it impossible for signals from the spinal nerve fibers to arrive.
Sometimes combined anesthesia is used - spinal-epidural.
Monitoring Allows pain relief, relaxes the patient, consciousness loses clarity.
After completion of the operation, a person may or may not remember the procedure (depending on the dosage of the administered drug).
Appliqué Pain relief is carried out by applying specific external agents to the skin surface - ointments, creams.
Typically this technique is practiced in cosmetology.

Local anesthesia with sedation

The combination of local anesthesia with sedation during mammoplasty allows the person being operated on to fall into a light, superficial sleep.

The main objective of this anesthetic method:

  1. Relax your body.
  2. Relieve manifestations of fear in relation to pain.
  3. Induce a feeling of comfort and calm.

Advantages of the combination:

  • Quick awakening after surgery.
  • Low likelihood of side effects such as nausea, vomiting, etc.

The technique is not used when planning an extensive and lengthy operation, when there is a need for additional administration of a local anesthetic, which can lead to its overdose.

Is it possible to enlarge or tighten breasts without anesthesia? In rare cases, doctors resort to local anesthesia - this is a special procedure that relieves the patient of any discomfort while the surgeon performs the necessary manipulations. However, its effectiveness is much inferior to general anesthesia.

Types of mammoplasty that can be performed under local anesthesia:

Bust lift

As you know, the body reacts sharply to any touch, especially of a painful nature. When a person experiences severe pain, the following negative processes occur in his body:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • A jump in blood pressure.
  • Changes in muscle tone.

Such reactions during surgery are completely unacceptable, as they can significantly worsen its progress. Therefore, specialists prefer to use general anesthesia to completely immobilize the patient and put her consciousness to sleep.

On the other hand, the use of local anesthesia is possible only if the operation is planned to be of minor volume and will take place quickly.

Breast augmentation

Is breast augmentation performed under local anesthesia? For augmentation surgery, only general anesthesia is used in the following options:

  • Intubation.
  • Intracheal.
  • Intravenous.

Under its influence, the patient completely falls asleep and wakes up in the ward after the surgical intervention is completely completed.

Theoretically, a surgeon can perform such an operation under local anesthesia, but this type of anesthesia does not meet all medical requirements regarding pain relief for this type of mammoplasty.

Even high-quality local anesthesia is not able to completely eliminate pain if the woman is conscious - in any case, some sensitivity of the body is still preserved.

Therefore, local anesthesia is used in rare episodes when the patient has:

  1. Allergic reaction to general anesthesia drugs.
  2. Nicotine addiction.
  3. Somatic diseases of chronic course.

In this situation, it is permissible to use local anesthesia, which allows you to avoid dangerous complications that can arise against the background of potent sedative medications used during general anesthesia. Usually the local method is combined with sedation.

Why do doctors try to avoid breast reduction or augmentation under local anesthesia? Breast augmentation or reduction are quite complex operations that require complete anesthesia, so when performing them, doctors prefer general anesthesia.

Extensive surgical breast correction is performed under general anesthesia using combined endotracheal anesthesia:

  • By means of an anesthesia-respiratory apparatus, the respiratory process is provided to the patient, who is in a state of deep sleep.
  • Combined endotracheal anesthesia is considered the safest and most effective method of pain relief during mammoplasty.

Among other reasons why the use of general anesthesia is justified, doctors note:

  1. With a large volume of surgery, increased doses of appropriate drugs are required, which can provoke sudden confusion, cardiac arrhythmia and convulsions in the patient.
  2. Even well-chosen drugs for local anesthesia are not able to fully provide an anesthetic effect. While conscious, the woman will in any case feel some kind of painful discomfort and may panic.
  3. Endoprosthesis replacement is a serious and full-fledged operation, which may require deep incisions and other various manipulations with the internal tissues of the mammary gland.
  4. The operation to install implants lasts 1-2 hours, or even more, depending on the complexity of the clinical situation. Not every person is able to lie awake and motionless on the operating table for several hours.
  5. Many plastic surgeons prefer to perform surgery under general anesthesia, which allows them to focus entirely on the surgical process rather than on local anesthesia.
  6. While conscious, a person, even if he has a surprisingly strong psyche, can experience severe stress and psychological discomfort. It is general anesthesia that completely relieves psychological stress and reduces the invasiveness of surgical intervention.
  7. Thanks to the effects of general anesthesia, any other stress on the body is prevented.
  8. Local anesthesia has a short duration of action, so after a certain time there is a need to re-administer the necessary drugs, which increases the risk of overdose. Excessive doses of drugs can cause severe intoxication of the body.

Local anesthesia is especially ineffective when installing an implant in the mammary glands from the armpits. In this situation, the local method can act solely as an addition to general anesthesia, which allows the patient to undergo the operation comfortably without any discomfort, and the surgeon to calmly carry out the necessary actions.

Should I be afraid of surgery under anesthesia?

How dangerous is general anesthesia? Should you be afraid of it? There is an opinion that it is harmful to the body:

  • Shortens life by several years.
  • Provokes hair loss.
  • Degrades memory quality.

As a result, many women who want to correct their mammary glands refuse mammoplasty, preferring non-surgical methods of bust improvement, for example, using lifting or thread lifting. However, such bust improvement options are ineffective and short-lived.

In fact, women's fears are not justified. Modern anesthesiology offers innovative drugs for general anesthesia that have a minimal list of undesirable consequences.

Medications with hypnotic and analgesic effects, as well as muscle relaxants (relax muscles) used during anesthesia, are quite good at preventing the occurrence of various complications. In addition, they help maintain the body's vital processes in a normal state.

If a woman is worried that she might wake up during surgery, then such a situation is completely excluded. During surgical breast augmentation or reduction, the anesthesiologist constantly:

  1. Monitors the monitor, which displays information about the state of the body.
  2. Controls the degree of excitability of the patient.
  3. Monitors the operation process.
  4. Monitors the stages of the operation in order to continue further infusion of anesthesia if necessary.

With regard to the risk of sudden death during mammoplasty, almost all types of mammoplasty affect only the integumentary tissues, and not the internal organs, therefore, with competently performed surgery, the likelihood of irreversible consequences is zero.


During extensive correction of the mammary glands, when a complex operation is planned, preference is given to general anesthesia, which allows not only to fully anesthetize the area of ​​the operated area, but also to completely immobilize the patient, which is an important necessity in surgery.

The possibility of using local anesthesia is advisable for minor surgical interventions or in cases where a woman has contraindications to general anesthesia.

Plastic surgery is a popular service in modern cosmetic clinics. Medical manipulations are needed for patients who have suffered injuries or serious illnesses. Surgical intervention also allows you to get rid of congenital aesthetic defects. Painful sensations during surgery are significantly reduced with the use of anesthetic drugs. Medical devices allow you to successfully perform procedures that differ in the complexity of the execution technique, level of trauma and duration.

Main tasks of preoperative anesthesia

The main purposes of using anesthetic drugs before plastic surgery are:

  • relieving the patient of discomfort and stress;
  • creating comfortable conditions for the surgeon to perform the necessary manipulations;
  • preventing a threat to the life and health of the patient.

Any type of operation is associated with causing not only physical, but also psychological trauma. The effects of irritating components are painfully perceived by receptors located in muscle tissue, skin, and mucous membranes of organs. Even medicated sleep cannot relieve voluntary muscle contractions, abnormal breathing rhythms or blood pressure levels, or deterioration of metabolic processes. Incorrectly chosen anesthetic agents can prevent the surgeon from performing the task perfectly. They also disrupt the comfort of the recovery period and often lead to unwanted complications.

Main types of anesthesia used in plastic surgery

Anesthesia of the body differs in the mechanism of action on individual parts of the human body, the complexity of its implementation, and the type of additional equipment. Today, plastic surgery clinics use the following types of anesthesia:

  • local;
  • conductor;
  • regional;
  • general anesthesia.

The first three types of medical manipulations involve interrupting the transmission of impulses from receptors to the brain. Their effectiveness depends on the type of drug chosen, its concentration level, volume and route of administration. In medical practice, the most commonly used drugs are Lidocaine, Novocaine, Naropin, Marcaine or Bupivacaine. They have a similar effect.

Features of local anesthesia

The application method of local anesthesia involves applying ointments, gels or emulsions to problem areas of the skin or mucous membranes. Pain relief of this type is of a short-term, superficial nature. It is used by plastic surgeons only on limited areas of the skin. In this case, complications can only manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions when the human body has a negative attitude towards some components of the drugs used.

When is general anesthesia necessary?

Long-term operations that require minimal movement of the patient require the use of general anesthesia. The meaning of this procedure is to suppress the necessary areas of the cerebral cortex, which cease to perceive pain impulses. The administration of anesthetic drugs is carried out intravenously or by inhalation. Drugs such as Diprivan or Propofol are excellent for using the intravenous technique. They do not have and relieve patients of pain well in combination with analgesics. Intravenous anesthesia is recommended for short operations without significant trauma.

The inhalation method of pain relief involves releasing vapors of anesthetic drugs into the patient’s blood. Inhalation anesthesia in modern cosmetology clinics is offered in the following forms:

  • mask;
  • endotracheal.

A positive aspect of using mask anesthesia is the possibility of prolonged exposure to drugs and the absolute absence of allergic reactions. Its negative side is the lack of breathing control, which significantly complicates the working conditions for the surgeon. Mask anesthesia can cause a sudden stop in breathing or manifest as unconscious movements of the patient during the operation. There is no complete seal between the mask and the person’s face.

Also, inhaled anesthetics penetrate into the surrounding air, negatively affecting the health of doctors and medical personnel involved in the operation. When using endotrachial anesthesia, intravenous administration of medications is also used. The technique involves the use of anesthesia. During the process of anesthesia, artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out with a gas mixture containing oxygen entering the respiratory organs.

Every plastic surgery clinic must have an anesthesiology and resuscitation department with a highly qualified staff.

The breast plastic center has not only the most modern equipment and anesthesia drugs, but also highly qualified specialists. Here, preoperative laboratory examinations are required, then, in accordance with the standards for the best plastic surgery clinics, a consultation with an anesthesiologist is held before the operation. And only then the question of choosing the type of anesthesia is decided.

Often, women planning breast augmentation mammoplasty wonder: is breast augmentation possible under local anesthesia? The answer to this question is clear: you can’t. Breast augmentation is not performed under local anesthesia; endoprosthesis replacement with breast implants necessarily requires general anesthesia, which is usually done using combined endotracheal anesthesia. The patient’s respiratory processes are provided by a specialized anesthesia-respiratory apparatus, which puts the woman into deep sleep and ensures the safe progress of the operation. This method of pain relief is the most effective and safe for performing augmentation mammoplasty; it meets modern surgical requirements.

Breast surgery under local anesthesia

Why is it that during breast augmentation that general anesthesia is needed, and not local anesthesia, during which the woman is conscious? Endoprosthesis replacement with breast implants lasts 1–2 hours, that is, it is a serious and full-fledged surgical operation, involving deep incisions and manipulation of the internal tissues of the breast.

General anesthesia during augmentation mammoplasty is a traditional, established and well-established technique. A preliminary consultation with an anesthesiologist, who is responsible for adequate pain relief during the operation, ensures the optimal course of mammoplasty with minimal psychological consequences for the patient. Before the operation, the anesthesiologist carefully examines the patient’s health characteristics, talks with her and analyzes the results of the preoperative examination. Such a scrupulous and professional approach allows us to ensure maximum safety for the woman during surgery and minimal consequences from general anesthesia.

Theoretically, augmentation mammoplasty of the mammary glands or breast enlargement under local anesthesia can still be performed, but this will be associated with significant pain and extreme psychological stress on the patient. The stress and psychological discomfort that she will experience while being conscious for a long time on the operating table is much more harmful to health than modern general anesthesia.

Where does this desire come from for women to undergo breast enlargement under local anesthesia, since the price of breast enlargement surgery depends little on the type of anesthesia used? It’s just that many ladies mistakenly believe that general anesthesia is extremely harmful, so local anesthesia is preferable. This opinion is based on information from many years ago, when general anesthesia techniques were much less advanced than they are now. Modern pharmacology and anesthesiology have advanced greatly. This allows you to extremely reduce the undesirable effects of general anesthesia on the body and ensure a favorable course of rehabilitation after breast augmentation.

Mammoplasty is an operation to enlarge the mammary glands, and like any similar operation, it involves anesthesia. Under what anesthesia is it better to carry out correction of the mammary glands and why is a question that is often asked by women who have decided to undergo this procedure.

Mammoplasty is a serious surgical intervention, so it is impossible to do without anesthesia.

There are the following types of pain relief during breast augmentation:

  1. General.
  2. Local.
  3. Regional (epidural).

Mammoplasty under general anesthesia

In most cases, mammoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. This type of anesthesia ensures complete immobility of the patient, which facilitates the work of the plastic surgeon when installing implants. It is recommended for use by young girls, as it is easier to tolerate by a strong, healthy body.

Breast augmentation under epidural anesthesia

Epidural anesthesia is a type of regional anesthesia in which a drug that eliminates sensitivity is injected into the epidural space with the help of very thin needles, after which the susceptibility of the middle parts of the chest to damaging factors is eliminated and mammoplasty becomes possible. The use of epidural anesthesia requires extensive experience of the anesthesiologist and plastic surgeon.

Breast augmentation under local anesthesia

Breast augmentation under local anesthesia is used in cases of intolerance to drugs used under general anesthesia. An obvious advantage of such anesthesia is that the surgical field is injected with anesthetics, the patient remains conscious during the entire surgical intervention, and the occurrence of complications during the rehabilitation period is practically excluded. Breast correction is rarely performed under local anesthesia, since the use of large amounts of toxic painkillers is not advisable.

Before the operation, a woman must take into account that the only guarantee of her safety is the sufficient qualifications of the specialists performing mammoplasty.

Azimova Rano Bohodyrovna after graduating from the Tashkent State Medical Institute, entered residency in the specialty of vascular surgery. Since 2010, she has been a participant in the most important conferences on plastic surgery in Vancouver, Barcelona, ​​Chicago, etc. You can sign up for a free consultation with her by calling the phone number listed on the website.

Any person who dreams of having plastic surgery is interested in the issue of anesthesia during surgery.

Less than a decade ago, many Russians were afraid of aesthetic medicine as such, since everyone heard horror stories about anaphylactic shock, coma and other consequences of anesthesia. Unfortunately, we cannot refute such facts. In any country, there are unscrupulous surgeons who do not conduct a detailed study of the medical history and do not even ask the patient about his allergic reactions to medications. Doctor’s negligence can certainly lead to unforeseen and irreversible consequences, so we recommend that you contact only competent specialists with extensive experience and developed skills.

Guess why minimally invasive methods of rejuvenation and correction of certain areas have become so popular today? The fundamental aspect, of course, is gentle anesthesia. However, a full-fledged operation, like, or, simply cannot be performed under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. Let's look at the types of anesthesia and what "pitfalls" each of them implies.

Our leader provides all types of aesthetic services, using only high-quality anesthetic drugs. Even after general anesthesia in our clinic, you will wake up alert and calm, you will not be plagued by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. We also guarantee you no side effects after pain relief and take responsibility for your condition during its effect.

What anesthesia is used for plastic surgery?

The very concept of “anesthesia” means the loss of any senses. However, this concept is too broad and needs to be detailed. What methods of anesthesia are used for plastic surgery?

    General anesthesia.A classic anesthesia technique that is used during a full-fledged invasive operation. This category includes, And , correction of the shape of the nose involving bone tissue, abdominoplasty, gluteoplasty, and other large-scale operations. In aesthetic surgery, intravenous combined anesthesia is more often used, but there are exceptions when inhalation techniques are used. General anesthesia, or anesthesia, puts the patient into a state of deep sleep with complete loss of sensation. You will not feel any manipulations performed by the surgeon or pain. When administering general anesthesia, doctors often resort to the additional use of muscle relaxants - drugs that relax skeletal muscles. This creates convenient conditions for the operation, without the use of large amounts of aggressive anesthetics and narcotic substances.

  1. Local anesthesia.The essence of the use is to block nerve impulses in the local part of the fibrous tissue on which the surgeon performs manipulations. The anesthetic can be applied in the form of an application, but intradermal (injection) administration of an anesthetic drug is more often practiced. A kind of “pillow” is created, over the area of ​​which the surgeon makes incisions and performs other actions related to the correction of a part of the body or face. Such anesthesia is appropriate for circumferential, upper and lower blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, where only the cartilage and soft tissue of the nose is involved, short-scar and endoscopic lifting, and insertion of threads. Local anesthesia is also used in all types of cosmetic services. At the request of the patient, pain relief is used during contouring, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, , laser resurfacing. In addition to the application and injection method of administering the drug, local anesthesia also includes various ointments and gels of local action.
  2. Intravenous sedation.The effect of this anesthetic procedure is similar to premedication in anticipation of a full-scale surgical intervention. You will be immersed in a light, superficial sleep, your state will be psychologically comfortable, and strong fear and anxiety before the operation will disappear. This type of pain relief is often combined with local anesthesia. Also, intravenous sedation is always used in conjunction with regional (epidural) anesthesia. The latter, however, is used extremely rarely in aesthetic medicine. Intravenous sedation does not block pain; its main task is to eliminate anxiety and fear, relax the patient, and introduce him to a healthy, shallow sleep. The patient's actions are somewhat inhibited, but his behavior is completely adequate. This type of anesthesia is often used in combination with local anesthesia for septorhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and minimally invasive types of lifting.

General anesthesia: scary myths and possible consequences

Modern anesthetics used in the field of aesthetic medicine are low-toxic and therefore rarely cause complications and illnesses after surgery. Our clinic uses only the most modern high-quality drugs that will not cause problems with your health.

What can be the consequences of general anesthesia?

No matter how gentle the drugs are, general anesthesia is a strong stress for your body. Therefore, we recommend that you prefer local anesthesia and intravenous sedation whenever possible.

Anaphylactic shock is the main “horror story” of all opponents of plastic surgery. In fact, the risk of such a syndrome does exist, and it depends more on the patient than on the doctor. We strongly recommend that you disclose your history of anaphylactic and allergic reactions to medications during your first conversation with your anesthesiologist in order to avoid such consequences.

Coma. It occurs extremely rarely during plastic surgery and is more often associated with the serious condition of the patient during emergency surgery. If you do not have serious health problems, as well as absolute contraindications to plastic surgery, you are not at risk of this complication. A competent surgeon will always play it safe and study the condition of your body in detail before performing a “voluntary” operation. In addition, any modern clinic is equipped with intensive care and all the necessary means to quickly bring the patient to a healthy state in the event of any emergency.

. "What if I wake up?" A question that torments most future patients of plastic surgery clinics. The fear of waking up during surgery often triumphs over common sense, as a result of which the patient delays seeing a doctor even with the most terrible defects. We would prefer to dispel this myth: modern anesthetics literally guarantee their effect throughout the entire duration of the operation. In addition, the anesthesiologist's task here is not complicated by the patient's serious condition, as can happen with conventional surgery. Therefore, even if the doctor needs additional time to correct your defects, our anesthesiologist can “extend” your sleep without complications for your health.

. "What if I don't fall asleep?" During a conversation with an anesthesiologist and studying your tests, the optimal anesthesia option will be selected for you, which is guaranteed to have an effect on your consciousness. If for some reason this does not happen, the doctor will cancel the operation.

What anesthesia is used during operations:

Anesthesia for lip augmentation

If you need to increase the volume of your lips using hyaluronic acid, increase your cheekbones or chin

In this case, the doctor will apply anesthesia with applications of a cream containing lidocaine. The cream is applied to the face, and after 30-40 minutes of waiting, the patient feels numbness in the facial area. This freezing indicates the disappearance of pain sensitivity for 20 minutes.

If the patient has a low pain sensitivity threshold, the doctor uses dental or conduction anesthesia. With its help, there is absolutely no sensation of pain during the procedure. The not very pleasant nuance is that the face remains numb for about 2 hours. During freezing you should not eat or drink. Alas, not every doctor is proficient in this technique of performing anesthesia, since it requires in-depth knowledge of the anatomical features of the face.

Anesthesia for laser facial resurfacing (medium or deep)

Laser facial resurfacing is performed using topical anesthesia in combination with slight intravenous sedation. Laser treatment is usually performed under local anesthesia.

However, sometimes, for example, in the presence of rough scar formations or unevenness on the skin of the face - a condition that appears after acne, the so-called post-acne, the skin needs deeper treatment. And here some painful sensations are possible. For this reason, in addition to local anesthesia, drugs are administered intravenously, due to which pain sensitivity disappears for 15-20 minutes. This effect is different from general anesthesia!

Laser resurfacing is carried out under superficial anesthesia. The patient is guaranteed a feeling of peace and relaxation without pain. Prescribing this type of anesthesia requires testing. If the results are available, the anesthesiologist will conduct a consultation. As a rule, this only takes one visit to the clinic.

Anesthesia for erasing scars or removing benign tumor formations - lipomas, atheromas and others

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The only pain the patient experiences is during the injection process directly into the operated area. After this, there will be no more pain, because the anesthetic injection will begin to take effect.

Anesthesia for blepharoplasty or facelift using the S-lift method

TIVA anesthesia is considered a powerful anesthetic achievement of our time. Patients no longer suffer from nausea, vomiting or dizziness after surgery. They fall asleep and come to their senses, already in the clinic room. Patients do not even know the sight of the walls of the operating room and its first-class equipment.

TIVA anesthesia is a complete departure from the classic “tube inserted into the mouth.” Using a special device, an anesthetic drug is automatically administered intravenously. Its quantity is strictly dosed, the dosage is calculated taking into account the patient’s body weight. Doctors choose TIVA anesthesia for patients with a history of arterial hypertension. This method of pain relief is good because during the operation the patient’s blood pressure is controlled by the doctor.

There are cases when the anesthesiologist considers general anesthesia to be appropriate. As a rule, such a decision is made by the doctor if the operation lasts longer than 2.5 hours. However, there is no reason to worry: general anesthesia - anesthesia - is carried out only using the most modern drugs that are guaranteed to be safe.

There are myths that say that after operations performed under general anesthesia, people’s memory deteriorates significantly, hair falls out, and other health problems appear. However, these are nothing more than legends. And the combined multicomponent anesthesia at the clinic of Dr. Oleg Banizh has nothing to do with these stories.

Anesthesia for rhinoplasty

All types of surgical interventions in the nasopharynx area are performed using general anesthesia with endotracheal support. This type of anesthesia is simply necessary to ensure the safety of the operation. This is also a moment that gives the doctor confidence that he will perform the procedure at a high level.

Anesthesia for mammoplasty or abdominoplasty:

Such operations cannot be done without general anesthesia, called endotracheal anesthesia. If the mammary gland is being operated on or surgery is being performed in a body area, the patient needs a deep state of analgesia - pain relief. Here the surgeon cannot apply a large volume of local anesthetic. Therefore, with the help of general anesthesia, it is possible to ensure that the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations associated with the operation - neither before nor after it. Upon completion of these operations, specialists at the clinic of Dr. Oleg Banizh closely monitor the patient for 48 hours.

Anesthesia for liposuction (laser liposuction)

In this case, the clinic’s specialists use spinal anesthesia in combination with intravenous sedation. Using this method of pain relief, liposuction is performed in the abdomen, thighs, and areas above the knees, the “breeches” are removed, and the volume of the buttocks or lumbar region is reduced.

Patients often have a question: do they give injections into the spinal cord? We hasten to reassure you - no injections into the spinal cord are required for this. There is no spinal cord in the area where spinal anesthesia is performed. It contains only nerve endings responsible for pain.

Using this type of anesthesia, the transmission of nerve impulses to the area in which liposuction is performed is blocked for approximately no more than 4 hours. By the time the patient awakens, all sensations are guaranteed to return. Perhaps the only nuance here is that after the operation is completed, the patient may experience a feeling of numb limbs for an hour or two. This operation does not require the use of general anesthesia.

TIVA anesthesia is used for chin liposuction.

So, we have listed a whole list of methods that are successfully used in the clinic of Dr. Oleg Banizh to help the patient undergo an operation or procedure comfortably. The clinic has everything to ensure patient safety, but what could be more important? Intensive care unit, any emergency response equipment you may need - we are 100% prepared!

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