What does a woman's chin mean? Strong chin. Long pointed chin

Square chin -
Angelina Jolie

Pointed chin -
Kirill Pletnev

Double chin - Queen Latifah

Deviated chin -
Michelle Muller

Oval chin - Monica Bellucci

Round -
Catherine Deneuve

Chin and character - the influence of the shape of the chin on your destiny and character

Ideally, the shape of the chin should be rounded at the sides and slightly square at the bottom. It is neither wide nor narrow, not round, but not quite square either! Such an ideal chin testifies to the harmony in a person’s character, whose distinctive features are sociability, integrity, diplomatic abilities, politeness, and a sense of tact.

In general, crafty people, liars and very polite people usually have a sharp chin. A dull chin is observed in people who are coarse, immobile, of simple disposition and who love to eat and drink well.

Moles on the chin also influence a person’s character and destiny.

Chin shape and character

Pointed chin

A sharp chin indicates the politeness, cunning and insincerity of its owners. An excessively long and sharp chin reveals a cruel and vindictive person.

In young women, a pointed chin looks attractive and is considered beautiful. However, according to Chinese physiognomists, such a chin indicates difficulties in the nature of communication and poor health in old age.

Round chin

Those with such a chin know how to organize work so that others work for them. The roundness of the shape of such a chin indicates an insufficiently strong character.

Oval chin

Such a chin serves as a standard of beauty, but does not promise its owners strength and strength in old age. Its owners are distinguished by their love of love and artistic inclinations, but physiognomists do not promise them children.

Square chin

A chin of this shape speaks of a strong, courageous and firm character, combined with the stubbornness and willfulness of its owner. If such a chin protrudes slightly forward and is raised upward, then it belongs to a power-hungry person who strives to benefit from everything.

Double chin

The presence of a chin of this type in a thin person promises him a happy old age: good health, prosperity and the love of children.

A double chin for an overweight person is normal: this is also a good sign, but to a lesser extent than in the previous case.

A small, fleshy double chin reveals a lover of voluptuousness.

Chin tilted back

Those with a chin of this shape are usually spineless, patient, compliant and have a quiet disposition.

Cleft chin

A weakly defined chin with a slight split indicates a passionate nature, and a stronger split indicates a love of reclusion.

A strong cleft chin is a sign of increased sexuality of its owners.

However, it is worth noting that the formation of the chin ends only at the age of thirty: after that, one can judge its real shape.

Victoria Morozova

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Aristotle studied a person's appearance to understand the state of his soul. Hippocrates studied physiognomy with the aim of better healing the patient. In China, physiognomy was and is considered a full-fledged branch of medicine. Modern physiognomists believe that a person’s face can determine both the character of its owner and internal changes in the body.

Facial geometry

It is believed that an elongated face with rectangular outlines is a sign of aristocracy. People with such facial features are usually good organizers who know how to manage the masses. But “triangle” faces, despite having high intelligence, cannot cope with the masses. But they are characterized by increased sensitivity, they can be cunning and resourceful. True, quite often internal experiences lead them to chronic illnesses.

A “round” face indicates goodwill and friendliness. Chubby people are usually cheerful, love comfort, and are unambitious. People with “square” faces, as a rule, are leaders, able to make decisions quickly, and show tenacity and perseverance in implementing their plans. These are consistent, purposeful, cold, rude, even harsh people.

Execution place

A high and wide forehead indicates a person’s intelligence, his inclination towards intellectual activities. If a high forehead is also framed by a round hairline, then this speaks of perseverance and independence of character. A low, angular and sloping forehead often reveals people with low intelligence, but at the same time practical and firmly standing on their feet. A narrow forehead and low-growing hair indicate a mediocrity of nature.

Where it wrinkled

Pronounced horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are a good sign. Their owner can achieve significant success in life. Two small, straight vertical lines on the bridge of the nose indicate great organizational skills. If the vertical lines are uneven and curved, there is reason to be wary: such a person is prone to aggression. Scattered, thin, irregularly shaped wrinkles indicate a heavy, angry character.

People with a wide chin are usually harsh and rude, inclined to solve problems from a position of strength. “Square” chins are quite materialistic and often fixated on material problems. A square chin combined with prominent cheekbones indicates determination and masculinity.

Nature rewards sensitive and reasonable people with a rounded chin. Sharp - cunning, with an entrepreneurial streak. A person with a prominent chin is considered to be strong-willed and self-confident. A sloping chin, on the contrary, reveals a weak will, often a difficult, uncontrollable character.

Lips aren't just for kissing

Thin lips are a sign of coldness and prudence, while full lips are a sign of sensuality. People with full lips love to eat well and tend to indulge in the joys of life. It is generally accepted that the straighter the lip line, the more calculating the person. Unclosed, relaxed lips are a sign of indecision and weak will. If the upper lip is thin and the lower lip is slightly protruded, it means that the person is not devoid of conceit and vanity.

The upper lip, if it is slightly swollen and pushed forward, indicates an accommodating character and a willingness to compromise. A slanted, asymmetrical mouth is a sign of nervousness and constant dissatisfaction. And drooping corners of the lips are an indicator of depression, self-centeredness and capriciousness.

Ears must be strong

Large and hard ears indicate good health and promise their owner a long life. If the upper part of the ear is highly developed, it means that the person has an extraordinary mind; a developed middle part is characteristic of people with great potential and energy reserves, and a large lobe is, as it were, an indicator of sexuality.

The owners of pointed ears are not elves at all, but people, but people, as a rule, are cunning and resourceful. Ears located above eye level are a sign of intelligence, while ears located correspondingly below eye level indicate a lack of intelligence.

Big noses live longer

A long nose is not only a sign of strong individuality, but also an indicator of health (it takes too long for viruses to get into the nasopharynx). A short nose indicates a tendency towards optimism and friendliness. And if the tip of a short nose is slightly turned up, then such people are liberated and sexy. A thin nose with a hump will tell about pride and stubbornness. And the nose, similar to the beak of an eagle, indicates a vindictive nature.

Sparks in the eyes

The sparkle in the eyes indicates great internal potential and high performance. “Dull” eyes, on the contrary, are a sign of weakness, sadness or depression. Large eyes indicate a penchant for creativity and philosophical inclinations. It is generally accepted that the larger the eyes, the higher the emotional sensitivity of a person.

The face reflects a person’s character through his gaze, the pattern of wrinkles, and the corners of his lips. But some of his features have long been endowed with special personality traits, as evidenced by popular phrases and sayings: smart forehead, honest eyes, strong-willed chin. This article is devoted to the latter.

Types of chins

Physiognomists distinguish the following types of chins:

  • Forked. Testifying to the passion of nature.
  • Leaned back. Characterizes patient and compliant people.
  • Double. Gives away lovers of voluptuousness.
  • Oval. Characteristic of creative people.
  • Round. Characteristic of good organizers.
  • Pointed. Inherent in cunning and insincere people.
  • Square. Indicates the presence of stubbornness.

The last option is the answer to the question: what does a strong-willed chin look like? Obviously, the more he comes forward and the more powerful he seems, the stronger the personality appears to people. It is difficult to negotiate with this person. Therefore, when communicating with him, it is preferable to use determination, strength and fearlessness.

Influence of attitudes

Modern psychology classifies physiognomy as a pseudoscience that has no evidence base. At the same time, it recognizes the influence of social attitudes on the human personality. Perceiving the appearance and behavior of another person, everyone endows him with character traits based on stereotypes that have developed in society. Scientist A. A. Bodalev clearly demonstrated this phenomenon in his experiments.

Two groups of subjects were shown a portrait of the same person. They were asked to give him an oral description. Only the first group was presented with a criminal, and the second - with a famous scientist. As a result of the experiment, two mutually exclusive characteristics were obtained. The criminal appeared to be a cruel person with a suspicious look and a massive jaw, indicating mercilessness. To the second group, the scientist’s eyes seemed tired, his facial expression was intelligent, and her lower part indicated perseverance and perseverance. This confirms the idea that a strong-willed chin is a certain stereotype of perception that has developed in society.

Concept diffusion

The chin is responsible for the shape of the face as a whole, completing its lower part. Each race has its own characteristics in its structure. Thus, Negroids are distinguished by slightly developed chins, Mongoloids - by their almost complete absence. And representatives have the most pronounced lower part of the face. The most developed jaw, which influences its shape, is found in Americans. They are the ones closest to the ideal of what people mean by the concept of a “strong-willed chin.”

It is believed that it was the Americans who largely contributed to the spread of this term. Spencer Tracy (1900-1967), who played gangsters at the beginning of his career, introduced a more glamorous concept to replace the “American jaw,” endowing his characters with masculinity and strong-willedness instead of arrogance and rudeness. With his help, a prominent chin became a sign of a real man, which began to influence the perception of others.

Male characteristics

A strong-willed chin in men is often combined with large facial features: developed brow ridges and prominent cheekbones. It is typical for people with an athletic build, in which broad shoulders with a convex chest rise above narrow hips. Against the background of a well-developed trapezius muscle, the neck also seems more massive. Long arms, large skeletal bones and well-developed muscles indicate strength and a certain amount of aggression. Such men make either good athletes or leaders.

Male athletes are distinguished by developed logical thinking, strong character and the ability to withstand pressure from others. Public opinion associates them with real masculinity and attributes to them the presence of the following character traits: confidence, determination, physical endurance, competitiveness, perseverance. They are often condemned for being thick-skinned, aggressive, or, on the contrary, passive. But it has been noticed that during the period of increased hormonal levels (ovulation), women subconsciously choose men with a strong-willed chin.

Prominent representatives

Various world publications regularly conduct ratings of the most beautiful and sexiest men on the planet (Heart world, Life). Looking at celebrity portraits, it is easy to understand what a strong-willed chin means. This is an invariable attribute of all modern sex symbols. It is possessed not only by actors who traditionally star in action films - Steven Seagal, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dolph Lundgren. But also handsome men George Clooney, Robert Pattinson, Justin Timberlake.

The picture is similar among Russians. Sex symbols from Nikolai Eremenko to (the blockbuster “Inhabited Island”) are the owners of an outstanding lower part of the face. Among the legendary politicians, whose contribution to history has been confirmed by time, there are also many men distinguished by the presence of a strong-willed chin: John Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin. The existing exceptions only confirm the rule.

Strong chin in women

Among women there are also athletes whose figure resembles a man’s. Their chins often look rather rough. This is a consequence of high levels of the male hormone testosterone. The prominent lower part of the face scares off the stronger sex, because it indicates the sexual activity of women. For long-term relationships, men intuitively look for a partner in whose fidelity they want to be sure. That's why surveys show that women with strong chins seem less attractive to them. The study was published in the journal Personality And Individual Differences, citing developments from several universities in North America.

Famous personalities

The conclusions are confirmed by examples from the lives of celebrities. Thus, the Duchess of Cornwall, whose strong-willed chin can be seen in the photograph, had an affair with Prince Charles before divorcing her first husband, Andrew Parker-Bowles. And the owner of a neat lower face spent her entire life married to Paul Newman, a Hollywood star who drove women crazy with his bottomless blue eyes.

Women's strong-willed chins rarely have a quadrangular shape. They are more rounded and attractive in appearance. They often make it especially in the lower third, more correct and perfect. Celebrities with a protruding jaw include Julianne Moore and Ksenia Sobchak. Many Hollywood careers began with chin augmentation through implantation. Among women, Angelina Jolie, Haley Bury, and Jennifer Aniston decided to undergo such surgery. Their appearance has benefited so much from this that today many are wondering how to make a strong-willed chin.


The branch of plastic surgery to correct the size and shape of the chin is called mentoplasty. To increase it, an implant is inserted under the periosteum. The operation does not leave any visible scars, because the incision is made on the oral mucosa of the face. The rehabilitation period does not exceed three days. Surgeon Brent Moellken from California speaks of hundreds of men who try to change their appearance in this way. Actors do this because they no longer want to play the roles of weak characters, and heroes require a certain type of face.

Why do women do this? To look like real ladies. Implantation solves several problems at once:

  1. Facial proportions are corrected.
  2. The neck is visually stretched.
  3. The cheeks are removed, making the cheekbones more defined.
  4. If necessary, the double chin is removed.

Many years have passed since the times of Aristotle and Hippocrates, who saw the connection between a person’s appearance and the characteristics of his character. Ideas about the ideal appearance of a person, which evokes the respectful perception of others, are changing. Today, one of its most important indicators is a strong-willed chin.

According to the Eastern style, a wide, protruding, full chin is considered ideal. In second place is a square chin. A narrow, weak chin is considered bad. The chin is of particular importance for a woman. When choosing a bride, the first thing they look for is that she has a large, round, full, protruding and (ideally) double chin with a dimple. It is believed that women with such a chin are loving wives and good housewives. A small, pointed chin is worse, but it also speaks of a good heart. But a square or rectangular chin shows that the woman is stubborn and self-willed. Such a wife will scandalize or command her husband.

Vertical chin

It’s not difficult to determine character by such a chin. People with such a chin are extremely distrustful, reserved, difficult to talk to, reserved, and taciturn. They don’t even want to be in debt to their loved ones and keep all their worries to themselves. Most often, people with a vertical chin are mental workers; they cannot do physical labor. Able to perform routine, meticulous work that others find too tedious. They have everything laid out on shelves, each document has its own place, each item does not change its location for years. They are reliable, they can provide the necessary information at any moment, and there is never a malfunction. In addition, they also have a developed imagination, make their own adjustments to the organization of work, and come up with original ideas. They are creators by nature, but even greater critics. Disorganized and undisciplined people, slow and lazy people cause contempt in them and are always the object of their criticism, which greatly irritates the latter. It cannot be said that everyone in the team loves such people, but the fact that it is difficult to do without them is undeniable. Among such people there are also petty and cynical ones, but they always remain honest, are not hypocritical, and are able to go to the end in the actions they take, even if success is doubtful.

"January"- obsessed with new ideas. While accumulating money, they may one day decide to invest it in a very dubious project.

People with such a chin are generous, selfless, you can always borrow any amount from them and know that you will not become dependent on them. They don't ask for anything in return. They have difficulty navigating commercial issues, they are often deceived, do not repay debts, and do not pay dividends. By their nature they are unpretentious, they can be content with what they have, live in any conditions and consider themselves the happiest. With all this, they easily and quickly achieve their goals, and early become independent, independent of loved ones. They don’t attach much importance to success, they don’t chase fame or big money. If they take the wrong path, it is impossible to re-educate them. Many of those who have lost their way end up in correctional colonies several times and each time they repent, saying that this time is the last. In extreme situations, they do not control themselves, they can be very cruel, and their aggressive actions can only be stopped by physical force. Knowing their character, they avoid various kinds of conflicts and try not to have problems.

How to determine character by chin "July" of people? They are calm and balanced, charming, and have a certain cold and stern beauty. They love antiques, and women love expensive jewelry and good perfume. They often change sex partners because they feel lonely and are looking for their man. Men with this chin shape are also lonely, even in a family or large group. They are too proud, independent, but persistent in achieving their goals. These people are exceptionally smart, have an analytical mind, scientific inclinations, ingenuity, and the ability to make discoveries. They are not always successful in their professional activities, but they never despair. They do not like to ask for concessions or promotions, even if they deserve it. They willingly give practical advice to everyone who needs it, they are selfless and generous.

People with a vertical chin have good health, are physically strong and resilient. Brave, decisive and, it should be noted, not too stubborn, very good-natured with everyone. They love sports: wrestling, swimming, tennis. They are hardworking, never get tired, do not know overwork, which is a clear advantage over others in any field of activity.

"December"- overly hot-tempered, irritable, it is unsafe to argue with them, and it is impossible to prove anything to them. Fighters by nature do not allow anyone to get the better of them, especially in sports. In favorable conditions, when they are given due attention, they can achieve unprecedented results in any field of activity. Full of various plans that they themselves know how to implement. They are not influenced, they will listen to everyone, but they will do it at their own discretion. They are excellent organizers from school and carry this gift throughout their lives. Such people are very decent in their relationships with others, their actions are balanced and thoroughly considered. They never rely on chance. Their gaze is prickly and searching. They can interrupt the interlocutor if they see falsehood or forgery. They pierce the interlocutor with their gaze, like an x-ray.

"May"- strong and courageous people, including women, have a masculine character, prefer to communicate and be friends with men, and ignore women. They do not like physical labor; they prefer to use the potential of their sharp, analytical mind. They have a tenacious memory. Women choose calm, flexible men as husbands, so that they can calmly lead them and have power over them. Both men and women with vertical chins are very diligent, obligatory, and assertive by nature. They bring any matter to its logical conclusion and do not shift their responsibilities to others. They like to work so that everything is in full readiness, any piece of paper, any document is at hand. They think through their actions in advance and follow a strictly planned plan. Failures and errors are not for them. They are distinguished by their innate intelligence, especially men. They devote a lot of time to thinking about the meaning of life, read a lot, and have extensive knowledge in many areas. With their presence they bring peace and tranquility to any society.

"September" people with a vertical chin are calm, compliant, love to be the center of attention, but never create conflict situations.

What can your chin say about your character? Its owners are tolerant of other people's shortcomings and are inclined. forgive insults, can agree with someone on controversial issues so as not to escalate the situation, but always have their own opinion. They are loyal to the judgments of others, believing that everyone has the right to their own views. They never interfere in other people's affairs and do not enter into conversation unless asked. They are so delicate that it is difficult to accuse them of tactlessness, but it is easy to suspect them of indifference to everything that happens. However, if necessary, everyone can turn to them for help and will never be refused. They know how to control themselves, never give vent to their feelings, and do not spoil their nervous system over trifles. They have the ability to convey their state of serenity to others.

Protruding chin

When considering the structure of the chin, you need to pay attention to the structure of the forehead. A protruding chin and sloping forehead are characteristic of a person fixated on suspicion.

If a person's chin protrudes forward, this means a strong and energetic person. All his life he will strive to be active. Even in childhood, such a character trait as stubbornness will appear.

Even if an early break with parents occurs, the character of such a person will not break, because nature has endowed him with a strong will. He will achieve everything in life on his own.

A person with such a chin is able to correctly set goals and accurately choose the means to achieve them.

It is possible that a person with a protruding chin will marry twice. He will maintain a good relationship with his ex-spouse even after the divorce. Moreover, maintaining good relationships after a divorce will be much easier than building normal family relationships. Such a person is simply not able to perceive his half as an equal partner.

In the professional field, such a person will achieve high results. Having taken a leadership position, he will begin to demonstrate a totalitarian style. However, this will not prevent him from being known as a fair boss. He will not force anyone to move to another department or another company in order to receive a well-deserved promotion, and will not offend him with his inattention.

Basically, his life will develop according to the plan.

Deviations are possible due to circumstances arising in personal life.

A prominent chin always shows willpower. But here it is important to pay attention to what shape it is. If the chin is wide and long, then we have a born leader, he will definitely achieve success.

A sharp, long, protruding chin occurs in people who are smart, insightful, sarcastic and very cunning. In general, they achieve results not through courage, but through cunning. Such people rarely achieve high positions. But if they succeed, they begin to weave intrigues. This type of woman has a shorter and rounder chin with thick, sensual lips. When applied to them, the chin shows sexuality and a tendency to often change partners.

Severed chin

A cut off chin speaks of an inability to concentrate, endure, restrain oneself, and indicates a timid and narrow-minded nature. Such people, as a rule, are pessimists. Their wealth will drain away, their relationships with relatives will be upset, and they are often unlucky in love. If a cut chin grows into the neck, then such people cannot stand loneliness, they do not know how to endure.

If the chin is cut off, but is outlined convexly, a person constantly has to overcome himself, although this is given to him with great difficulty. Such a person knows how to concentrate on only one moment, and it is not enough for a long time. But with a clearly fixed mouth and a strongly pronounced nose, the will of such a person is more pronounced, although it manifests itself in flashes.

Long pointed chin

What does a sharp chin mean? A long and sharp chin indicates a shrewd mind.

According to physiognomy, a sharp chin is exactly the type of people whose entire life depends on their immediate environment.

Because of his character, a person does not want to listen to the opinions of others and does not know how to adapt to circumstances.

A person with a sharp chin will not immediately be able to achieve recognition, because the inability to communicate with people calls his professional qualities into question. If his education allows him to occupy high positions, he will become a middle manager.

A peculiar manner of communication will cause late marriage. His mind will always look for a way to express itself. Lacking the ability to joke easily and naturally, such a person will eventually develop a penchant for sarcasm. Ridicule is one thing in friendly communication, and another thing in romantic relationships.

The chin, as if pushed back, indicates that the person in front of you is soft and indecisive. All his life such a person will look for support and support.

It is precisely such natures that become quiet wives who put up with their husband’s infidelities for years, and calm husbands led by more energetic wives.

Fleshy chin

What can your chin say about your character? You can't help but pay attention to this person. He is too smart, lucky, noticeable. Nature endowed him with an extraordinary mind and selfishness - a truly explosive mixture.

Having decided on their life goals, they, as a rule, do not deviate from what they planned. They are not shy when choosing the means to achieve what they want, they never question the correctness of the assigned tasks and do not think about their moral side.

The significance of a fleshy chin is enormous. Such a person loves himself too much to deny himself anything. On occasion, he can always find a person who can help him with projects. There will be many similar people in his life. Of course, he treats many of them harshly, but he will not make powerful and strong enemies for himself, he is too smart for that.

There is a high probability that a person with a fleshy chin will marry several times or decide to remain single after the first divorce. Selfishness will not allow you to create relationships full of mutual understanding.

Men of this type often become convinced bachelors who never deny themselves pleasure. And women are adventurers. Left alone, they do not lose heart at all, enjoying freedom and the ability to conquer men's hearts with their beauty and charm.

Cleft chin

What does a cleft chin mean? If the chin bifurcates at the end, then this indicates a person’s high emotionality and sensuality. He loves to please and often starts affairs.

According to physiognomy, a cleft chin means a fickle nature. Neither in childhood nor in adolescence do such people manage to determine what they actually want from life. They constantly create problems for themselves and others.

A fairly long period of time will pass before such a person will be able to determine which type of activity is most acceptable to him. As a rule, he does not achieve high leadership positions. However, in his service he is valued for his ingenuity and creative approach to business.

People around him love him for his ease and ease of communication. He has many friends, but few real friends.

It is possible that one of your friends will be offended and even think about revenge. And the whole point is the carelessness of this person, who can easily “cross the path” of his own friend if something captivates him.

Such people are amorous natures. Very often they cancel their own wedding at the very last moment. If there are several marriages, then you should not hope that after the divorce you will continue to have a good relationship with your ex.

In general, the life of these people cannot be called calm. A lot depends on what kind of relationship will develop with your parents and who will be around at the beginning of your career path.

Square chin

A person with such a chin has will, determination and strength of character. However, this type of chin is good for a man, but not for a woman. Usually a square chin occurs in people with not the highest intelligence.

The female version of this chin is softer and rounded. Women of this type are courageous and brave, but they are ready for self-sacrifice.

A person with a large, square and wide chin also has willpower; he will achieve his goal and will definitely win. In addition, he is power-hungry and loves to have sex.

Character traits based on the chin

As for the chin and jaws, they are almost inseparable and are therefore often discussed together in Chinese texts. These two traits govern the later years of life and are located in positions 60 to 79, and 98 and 99 on the left side.

How to determine character by chin? Well-developed jaws on a round or square face, in keeping with the overall contour of the face, usually indicate a strong character. With a round face, the jaws indicate affection, a generous nature and self-control, provided they are wide and covered with a strong and abundant lash. With a square face, they speak of a person of great determination with a strong or difficult character. These jaws are usually associated with professional athletes or military personnel. However, generally speaking, a facial reader should keep in mind that a wide jaw and wide chin are a sign of strong character, unless they are marred by other bad facial features (such as a weak or broken nose or lifeless eyes). A person, whether male or female, having such a jaw and chin is likely to have a very successful life if the other facial features are favorable and in balance and proportion.

As a rule, the wider the jaw, the wider the chin. The size and position of these two features should be well coordinated. A wide and slightly raised chin is absolutely essential for the balance of the entire face. This indicates happiness and security in later life.

A weak and repressed chin is a clear sign of a fatal flaw in character and destiny. A weak chin puts all other facial features in a disadvantageous position, starting from the forehead and below.

A severe "cleft in the chin" as a result of a split in the bone structure or flesh covering the chin is known as a "cleft chin." As a "rule of thumb" we can say that such a gap indicates a warm-hearted, tender, passionate nature. It is common among artists, actors, musicians, inventors and writers, i.e. among people whose creative work generates high emotions.

However, if the "cleft chin" is due to the bone structure rather than the skin having good tension along the entire length of the cleft, and if it is accompanied by defective irises, and perhaps an imperfect nasal bridge, then it may mean an unnatural death. A “cleft chin” in the absence of other defects indicates possible problems with immersion in introspection.

It is not difficult to determine character by the chin. In some cultures, a pointed chin in women is considered a sign of beauty. Such a chin may not be fully developed and therefore not sufficiently fleshed out. But a fully developed chin should appear around age 30. If the chin remains pointed at this age, the physiognomist usually considers this a defective feature, since it is often poorly balanced with other prominent facial features. Imbalance is always undesirable. After the age of 30, a pointed chin can indicate disappointment, illness and a short life.

A wide jaw and wide chin on a broad face are a sign of a strong personality. Such traits are often found in people of great strength and dexterity. Nothing can make such people deviate from achieving their intended goal. However, a long chin with underdeveloped flesh is a sign of an unsuccessful financial businessman. If the chin is flat, then this indicates that the person is not resourceful.

Heavy jaws protruding from both sides of the lower part of the face and clearly visible when viewed from behind indicate a rebel, a person of strong, uncontrollable passions. Such a person is capable of repaying a good deed with betrayal. Politicians, revolutionaries, and unprincipled businessmen usually have jaws of this type.

In some cases, the protruding jaw is hidden behind massive flesh. This speaks of a self-centered, selfish person. A woman with such jaws is often a difficult marriage partner because she constantly rebels against her fate.

Now you know how to determine your character by your chin.

Irina Danilina

The chin is located in the lower part of the face, as if completing its composition. The chin and character have a clear relationship in our minds: we often say that a person has a “strong-willed chin” or, conversely, “soft and weak-willed.” In Chinese physiognomy, it symbolizes the strength of a person’s character and the state of his health in late life.

Perfect chin

The chin is located in the Third section of the face, which starts from the tip of the nose and ends at the bottom of the chin. On the chin there are points of a person’s life in old age - between the ages of 61 and 75 years. It is clear that a well-shaped chin symbolizes the strength of the human body in old age and its longevity.

Ideally, the shape of the chin should be rounded at the sides and slightly square at the bottom. It is neither wide nor narrow, not round, but not quite square either! Such an ideal chin testifies to the harmony in a person’s character, whose distinctive features are sociability, integrity, diplomatic abilities, politeness, and a sense of tact.

The formation of the chin ends only at the age of thirty: after that, one can judge its real shape.

Chin shape and character

1. Pointed chin

A sharp chin indicates the politeness, cunning and insincerity of its owners. An excessively long and sharp chin reveals a cruel and vindictive person.

In young women, a pointed chin looks attractive and is considered beautiful. However, according to Chinese physiognomists, such a chin indicates difficulties in the nature of communication and poor health in old age.

2. Round chin

Those with such a chin know how to organize work so that others work for them. The roundness of the shape of such a chin indicates an insufficiently strong character.

3. Oval chin

Such a chin serves as a standard of beauty, but does not promise its owners strength and strength in old age. Its owners are distinguished by their love of love and artistic inclinations, but physiognomists do not promise them children.

4. Square chin

A chin of this shape speaks of a strong, courageous and firm character, combined with the stubbornness and willfulness of its owner. If such a chin protrudes slightly forward and is raised upward, then it belongs to a power-hungry person who strives to benefit from everything.

5. Double chin

The presence of a chin of this type in a thin person promises him a happy old age: good health, prosperity and the love of children.

A double chin for an overweight person is normal: this is also a good sign, but to a lesser extent than in the previous case.

A small, fleshy double chin reveals a lover of voluptuousness.

6. Chin tilted back

Those with a chin of this shape are usually spineless, patient, compliant and have a quiet disposition.

7. Cleft chin

A weakly defined chin with a slight split indicates a passionate nature, and a stronger split indicates a love of reclusion.

A strong cleft chin is a sign of increased sexuality of its owners.

Moles on the chin and character

The chin and character can be linked due to the location of moles in the lower part of the face.

1. Moles in the central part of the chin

A mole located in the center of the chin speaks of the adventurous nature of a person who loves travel and adventure, his love of knowledge, determination, optimism, and generosity. Such people are optimistic by nature, reliable and devoted in friendship and love.

2. Moles on the right side of the chin

Such an arrangement of moles indicates a person’s serious attitude to work, bordering on workaholism. Owners of such moles live at work, coming to work first and leaving last. Such work zeal harms family relationships due to lack of free time and excessive fatigue. In general, this situation can lead to deterioration of health.

3. Moles on the chin on the left side

Moles located on the left side of the chin indicate a person capable of mercy and charitable activities not for the sake of fame, but because of the nobility of the soul and the desire for justice.

4. Moles at the base of the chin

The location of moles at the base of the chin indicates the possibility of achieving success in various areas of life without serious effort on the part of their owners. Such people do not experience a shortage of material resources throughout their lives, have loyal friends, have excellent physical properties by nature and succeed in business thanks to their professionalism and business acumen.

Chin and character are inseparable both in our minds and in Chinese physiognomy!

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