Ready-made puffs with cheese and ham. Puffs with ham and cheese - it can't be tasteless! The best recipes for puffs with ham and cheese: snails, bagels, envelopes. To prepare puffs with cheese and ham, we need

Every housewife sooner or later understands that it is simply necessary to have a pack or two of ready-made dough in stock (homemade or bought in a store - in general, it doesn’t matter). Such a reserve helps out a lot in a variety of situations. For example, today I wanted to make these simple puffs with ham and cheese. I made a recipe with a photo specifically to show another simple way to form puffs. I took fresh puff pastry (bought in a store), hid only cheese and ham in the filling - the combination, in my opinion, is extremely appetizing and nutritious. And what a delightful aroma when baking! Well, and most importantly, in fact, the formation of puffs takes only about 10, maximum 15 minutes. The rest of the time will be spent on defrosting the dough and baking puffs - processes that can (and do) without your close attention.


  • fresh puff pastry - 1 pack. (450 g),
  • hard cheese - 100-150 g,
  • ham - 150-200 g,
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • sesame (optional) - 1 tsp,
  • a handful of flour - on the dust.

How to make Ham and Cheese Puffs

First, defrost the dough. We take out the layers from the package (as a rule, there are 2 or 4 of them), lightly dust the work surface with flour and spread the dough on it. And so that the upper part of the layers does not dry out, cover it with a waffle towel, plastic bag or cling film. My dough is thawed in the kitchen on the table, and it takes no more than 30 minutes.

Once the dough is thawed, you can turn on the oven to warm up and proceed with the filling. It only needs two ingredients: ham and cheese. First, cut the cheese into thin slices. I used a curly shredder for this.

Next, thinly slice the ham. I had a piece of ham wider than cheese and turned out to be too big for a shredder, so I cut it into slices with an ordinary knife. In general, the thinner everything is cut, the easier and more convenient it will be to form puffs.

Let's get back to the test. We take one of the defrosted layers, cut it into 4 parts.

Then we roll each of the parts into a thin rectangle so that it comes out about one and a half times longer.

On the resulting rectangular blank we put a couple of slices of ham, and on top of it - cheese. Since the cheese slices are thinner, it is better to lay them out a little overlap.

Now carefully roll the blank with the filling into a tube. And so that the filling (in particular, its cheese part) does not run away, we bend the edges of the tube inward.

We form the rest of the puffs in the same way. I got 8 of them. Lay the puffs seam side down on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds (if desired).

We bake at 180-200 degrees for about 20 minutes. It is better to remove from the sheet and serve when it has cooled down a bit.

Defrost puff pastry. When it becomes soft, sprinkle the table with a small amount of flour, roll out the layer to 2 mm, not thicker. With a sharp knife, cut into squares of the same size.

We cut the ham and cheese into thin slices (or better yet, ask the store to cut it for you). We lay on the squares of the dough, first the cheese, then the ham. Try not to overlap the cheese so that the surface of the rolls is even when twisting.

We roll the rolls not very tightly. Be sure to tuck the edges inward. Firstly, cheese will not leak out of a closed tube during baking. Secondly, ready-made puffs will look neater and more convenient to eat.

We lay the puffs on a baking sheet covered with parchment, the seam should be at the bottom. We leave the distance, given that when baking, the puffs will become more voluminous, more magnificent. You can beat the egg and grease the surface two or three times before putting the puffs in the oven. Sprinkle with sesame, cumin, flax or sunflower seeds, if desired.

We put a baking sheet on the upper level, set the temperature to 200 degrees. At low temperatures, the puff pastry will not be fluffy and may not be baked. Bake for 20-25 minutes, focusing on the strength of your oven and the desired color of the crust.

We take the puffs out of the oven, cool a little and serve with tea. This pastry is very good as a school "accompaniment", a quick snack or addition to the first courses. Bon Appetit!

Hello friends!

Well, a very simple ham and cheese puff recipe is whipped up almost as quickly as it is. Such puffs are much healthier and cheaper than buying pastries in cafes and bakeries. Especially when every penny counts.

It is more economical to buy or make puff pastry, ham and hard cheese in advance. You can bake delicious puffs in advance and then simply heat them up as hunger sets in; enjoy tea or coffee. The beauty! and Deliciousness!

I often do this. Especially if I'm walking with a child. It is convenient to put food in a container and take a thermos of tea with you for a walk. When preparing my own food for my son, I am clearly sure that all sanitation is observed.

If you also think the same way, then take a delicious recipe to your piggy bank.

Puff pastry with ham and cheese: recipe with photo

We will need:

  • Ready dough
  • Ham

I do not give a clear weight of products for making puff. The number of products in this dish is not so important. You can put more or less ingredients in the dough - it's a matter of taste.

Preheat the oven to 200°C

We take a flat baking sheet; We put our finished dough on it and roll it out with a rolling pin.

In the next step, we spread the cheese on top of the cheese and ham on top of the cheese.

The most interesting thing here is to beautifully close up the pastries. With a kitchen knife, we make cuts on the dough and put the strips on top of each other.

On top of the bun, you can grease it with a brush by dipping it in a beaten egg.

We put the baking sheet in the oven, wait 20-30 minutes. The dough is fried and turned ruddy - we take out the puff and serve it to the table!

When you want to diversify breakfasts and move away from the standard cheese sandwiches and sausages, you can cook puffs with ham and cheese. Puff pastry often helps out because it is versatile for making a variety of pastries. In this recipe, I'll show you how to make browned cheese and ham puffs for breakfast. For business!

To prepare puffs with cheese and ham, we need:

  • Puff yeast-free dough - 2 layers
  • Ham - 300 g
  • Cheese - 300 g (Suluguni, Russian, Kostroma, Smetankovy, Creamy)
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sesame or poppy - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Baking paper

How to make ham and cheese puff pastry

  1. Cut the ham and cheese into 8 slices of the same width. You can also grate the cheese, but it seems to me that during cooking the cheese will melt and take on the desired consistency, and in time, especially when you need to quickly cook these puffs for breakfast, you get a time gain.
  2. Prepare a baking sheet, line it with paper. Beat the egg with a whisk in a light foam and prepare a pastry brush to coat our puffs.
  3. The dough for rolling should be at room temperature, so it must be taken out in advance. I will talk about two ways to wrap puffs. Whichever one you like better - use it. The first way is to roll out a sheet of dough with a square to a thickness of 1-2 mm. Divide the square with a knife into 4 equal parts.
  4. On each square we lay out slices of cheese, on it - ham.
  5. We fold our puffs in the form of envelopes on all four sides.
  6. We pinch each edge of the puff, make it figured. The edges must be moistened with water before pinching - for strength. Here's how it turned out for me:
  7. The second way is puffs with cuts. We roll out a layer of puff pastry in the form of a rectangle, 1-2 mm thick. Cut with a knife into 4 even rectangles.
  8. We lay out the filling on the near half of each rectangle: first cheese, then ham. On the far half, we make 3 cuts in the middle, not reaching the edge.
  9. We cover the filling, pinch the edges. We shift the prepared puffs with ham and cheese to a baking sheet.
  10. Preheat the oven to 190°C
  11. Top each puff with a brush with a beaten egg so that after baking they turn out golden, not pale. Sprinkle with sesame seeds or poppy seeds. We send it to the oven for 20 minutes.

And now our puff pastry ham and cheese puffs are ready!

Here's how it turned out for me.

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