How many slabs of knowledge did atum leave for people? Atum is the sun god. Three red circles


Atum- god of creation in ancient Egyptian mythology. It symbolized the original and eternal unity of all things. According to the Heliopolis legend, Atum, who created himself, arose together with the primordial hill (with which he was identified) from the primary chaos - the ocean (sometimes called the father of Atum).

Atum arose from the primary chaos in the form of a serpent or ichneumon, but is usually depicted as a man with a double crown on his head (his epithet is “lord of both lands,” that is, Upper and Lower Egypt), sometimes depicted as an old man.

He is the personification of the original chaos from which all things came. He is "self-arising"; before heaven separated from earth, he was the “single master.” In the Pyramid Texts it appears as the original mountain; also in the form of a scarab, which seems to come out of the ground if you think about it. A large granite scarab on the sacred lake at Karnak is dedicated to Atum. Another form of representation of the god could be the snake as a chthonic animal.

Atum is the creator god of the world (demiurge) and the sun god, guardian of world law. In many texts it is called Atum-Ra - the evening, setting sun. Subsequently, the veneration of Atum was pushed aside by the cult identified with him (Ra-Atum).

In Memphis, Atum's origins were traced back to. Atum was identified both with him and with (Khepri in a number of “Pyramid Texts” is called the creator of Osiris), (Atum-Apis). He became close to Osiris (“the living Apis-Asiris is the ruler of the sky of Atum with two horns on his head”). In the myth about the extermination of people, Atum (or) heads the council of gods, at which the lioness goddess

Atum - protector and father of the pharaohs
Atum - the most ancient deity of the city of Heliopolis, Sun God,creatorpeace, head of the Heliopolis Ennead (the nine most important Heliopolitan deities).

He was usually depicted as a man (often an old man) with a double crown on his head and was called “the ruler of both lands,” i.e. Upper and Lower Egypt, which emphasizes its essential connection with the pharaoh. But he was also depicted in the form of his sacred animals: a lion, a bull, a mongoose (ichneumon), a lizard, a monkey and a dung beetle (scarab). The last image should not confuse the modern reader - the scarab among the Egyptians was a symbol of the sun, which, in turn, was generated by the fact that the scarab persistently rolled its dung ball through the desert, so reminiscent in its shape of the blessed sun.

As follows from the Heliopolis views on the nature of the universe, the Egyptian god Atum created himself, incarnated in the image of a primeval hill - Ben-Ben, which emerged from the watery chaos - Nuna, then fertilized himself, swallowing his own seed, gave birth, spitting out of himself, Shu (god air) and its female complement Tefnut (goddess of moisture), from which the rest of the Ennead deities (Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys) then descended. Separately, the hand of Atum was revered as the goddess Iusat (sometimes she is described as his shadow).

In Memphis, it was believed that its origin was connected with such a deity as Ptah (Ptah), their images were often identified. In Memphis legends he also merges with Khepri. Khepri-Atum is called “the creator of Osiris” in some of the Pyramid Texts. He also became close to Apis-Osiris.

God taking Pharaoh to heaven

According to the ideas of the Ancient Kingdom, the Egyptian god Atum took the soul of the deceased pharaoh from the pyramid to the starry heavens, which allowed the earthly ruler to begin his eternal afterlife as a celestial god.

That is, Atum plays an important role in the religious and ideological justification for the construction of pyramids in Ancient Egypt and ensuring the immortality of the pharaohs.

He later becomes a protector not only for the pharaoh, but also for all the dead during their journey in the afterlife.

Atum - sun god

Although Atum is the same sun deity as Ra, they were at first separate deities. This is understandable, since each locality had its own divine personalities. Following the unification of the lands, a certain “unification” of the gods also took place. Already the “Pyramid Texts” from the Old Kingdom in a certain way connect these two personalities in Ra-Atum.

Egyptian priests associated different sun gods with different phases of the sun. Khepri became the morning sun, and Atum began to be considered the evening sun.

According to the cosmogonic views contained in the Book of the Dead, it is this deity who, at the end of time, will destroy everything that he himself created, returning the world to the original state in which it was before the act of creation - the primordial ocean. There he, turning into a snake, will live with Osiris.

During the era of the New Kingdom, his cult was gradually pushed aside and merged with the cult of Ra, which took on the attributes of this ancient solar deity.

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Channel of the primordial creator god - Atum

Atum(at different times he was called: “Atama”, “Atom”, “Atum”, “Atem”; translated from Coptic - “Perfect”)- in ancient Egyptian mythology “prime creator”, “creator of everything”, “he who created himself.” Symbolized the eternal unity of all things.
He was depicted in the guise of a man with the head of a ram or a man with a crown, less often in the guise of a cat or snake. His place of worship is Heliopolis, as well as Letopolis, Heracleopolis and Meydun.
Among the divine attributes, Atum has the cross of life "Ankh", the wand of was and the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt - "Pschent". In his power are all 4 elements of the first creation - earth, water, fire and air, from which he created the entire universe.

According to myths, Atum arose in the form of a serpent from the primordial chaos. He is the ruler of “both lands,” that is, heaven and earth. Before the emergence of the universe, Atum existed as primary space, after which he created the Universe from himself, dividing it into heaven and earth. Another epithet is associated with it: “self-emerging” - one who creates himself and from himself. “The Pyramid Texts,” an ancient written source of Egypt, say that it first appeared as a mountain, or the Ben-Ben hill. It is said that Atum descended on him and began to think about which god to create. Then he moved the hill to Heliopolis, which became the place of cult of the creator god - Atum.
It contains both Universal principles - male and female. According to Egyptian mythology, Atum impregnated himself, creating twin gods - Shu and Tefnut, air and water, from which the gods of heaven () and earth (Geb) originated.
Atum heads the great Heliopolis Ennead (Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys).

Atum represents the all-pervading light. It is associated with the Sun, gold and abundance. Our Sun is a small particle from its huge source. Merging with his energy gives us the knowledge of unity with the entire Universe, that we are small particles of his light canvas. His power is also in us, we carry it within ourselves. Atum is associated with the Higher consciousness, the energy of creation. It is also associated with the heart area and the area above the head. The solar flow of energy originates in the heart, rises to the head area, and then closes again in the heart, creating a constant circulation.

He is the supreme Sun, the beginning for all the Suns that are his parts.

Atum is the god-lord of the Universe, similar to the universal Creator in many religions. In the Book of the Dead, Atum tells Ra that everything he has created will be destroyed and returned to primary chaos, and Atum himself will turn into a serpent, which he apparently is in his disembodied form.
Along with Atum, other Egyptian creator deities performed: in Thebes, - in Memphis, - in Hermopolis, Khnum - in Elephantine.

What does the channel of the god Atum give:

  • Creates a complete and pure connection between a person and nature, in several axes at once: nature, oneself and the Cosmos as a whole;
  • Reveals the ability to find harmony, that is, understanding how to act in a given situation;
  • Gives enlightenment, fills creation with solar energy;
  • Attracts abundance and wealth (gold);
  • Strengthens a person’s connection with the subconscious and unconscious;
  • Helps in the birth of sons;
  • Activates the earth chakra and the light chakra, which creates complete balance and opens the highest chakra of thought - the “Sahasrara chakra”;
  • Reveals to a person his true nature;
  • Promotes the experience of higher states of consciousness and the state of one’s own and world transcendence;
  • Strengthens the connection with the higher subtle bodies of a person.

The channel of the god Atum charges with a huge amount of energy, promotes energetic and mental transformation, cleansing of old unnecessary patterns.

Atum was considered the sun god and creator of the world. Basic information about him can be obtained from the Pyramid Texts. It states that he was also the founder of the universe. In addition, many considered him the father of the pyramids. Therefore, he was almost the most important figure for Ancient Egypt.

Main deity of Heliopolis

Oddly enough, Cairo was not at one time the main religious center. This role was assigned to Heliopolis. This is not such a big city, which is located near Cairo. Wherein. This is where almost all myths originate. At the same time, many of the deities that were invented here received national status. Many pharaohs began to receive the status of "Son of Atum". This tradition continued even when the Egyptians began to recognize the god Ra.

What was he like?

Myself god Atum(Fig. 1) looked like an ordinary person. He was often depicted as an old man. He had to have a large crown on his head. Often there was a signature next to it: “ruler of both lands.” This meant that Upper and Lower Egypt belonged to him. Some sources depicted Atum as one of the sacred animals. Often it was a scarab or a lion.

Rice. 1 - Atum

The Egyptians believed that the main task of this god was to take the souls of dead pharaohs to heaven. And they can begin their eternal divine life there. In other words, Atum was considered the source of immortality for the pharaohs. He played one of the most important ideological and religious roles in Egypt. But he also protected the pharaohs in the afterlife and was their secret guardian during life. So people constantly worshiped him, held long services, and performed specific rituals. All to appease God. The absence of natural anomalies was considered a gift from him.

Atum as the sun god

Why him and not Ra? The fact is that Egypt at that time was a huge state. Each locality had its own deities. After some time, everyone accepted that Ra was the sun god. But no one belittled the role of Atum. In addition, if you look at many of the writings of that time, you can see that often, when speaking about the sun god, writers mentioned “Atum-Ra”. There was also a phase separation. For example, Ra was considered the force that raised the sun in the morning, but God of Egypt Atum was responsible for setting the sun in the evening.

The Book of the Dead suggests that the deity in question has incredible power. It will not be too kind to people if they do not follow the commandments. If you anger Atum, he will simply destroy all living things and return the world to its original state. But the popularity of this god is gradually fading. This is especially clearly noticeable after the onset of the New Kingdom. Here the Egyptians begin to exalt Ra in first place, and Atum is mentioned from time to time.

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