Collection of plans for social studies. Detailed plans for social studies (for preparation for the Unified State Exam)

Social studies is a very popular subject among those that schoolchildren choose to take for the Unified State Exam. Therefore, the number of people who will be interested in the topic of preparing for this subject is quite large. In this article, you will be offered an approximate preparation plan for the Unified State Exam in social studies.

Preparation stages

  1. You need to know the enemy by sight. So first of all, download KIM in social studies for this year on the website, if the current options have not yet been posted (this can only be if you started preparing before August-September of the last year of study), then take the CMM from last year and solve it. So you will understand what the Unified State Exam is.
  2. Determine if you need additional help with preparation. If you understand that the help of the Internet is not enough for you, then the best option would be to find an experienced tutor who will help you with your preparation.
  3. Accumulation of theoretical knowledge. It’s worth mentioning right away that their volume will be large, because you need to study the basics of such large sciences as: law, economics, sociology, political science, etc. It makes no sense to study terms separately, it’s better to study theoretical knowledge on the subject, but when you meet with an unfamiliar term, then use all the possibilities of the Internet.
  4. Don't get too carried away with studying theoretical issues. Proceed to solving Unified State Exam assignments as quickly as possible. Your main advantage in the exam is the ability to prepare for each type of task, this will save you a lot of time on the exam. Take the CTs from the FIPI section of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, there are more than enough tasks there.
  5. The tasks of the second part do not require special preparation; if you have enough theoretical knowledge, then they will not present any difficulty, and if such knowledge is not enough, then you should still be at stage 3. The only advice is that you can look at the ready-made answers to the tasks of the second part so that understand what the examiners specifically want from you.
  6. When writing an essay, you will be helped by skills acquired mainly in literature lessons. There is a trick here: each of the five tasks corresponds to one of the basic humanities. This means that you will definitely have an aphorism that is related to law, economics, sociology, political science, social philosophy. Therefore, when preparing to write an essay, specialize in one or two sciences. If essays have always been difficult for you, then devote the greatest amount of time to writing essays; after all, this is the most expensive task. Just take KIMs, read the aphorisms and write, the more the better, gradually you will understand that things are starting to get better, but in general it is better to work on this stage with a tutor who will tell you objectively about your mistakes.

If you start preparing for the Unified State Exam in advance and approach this process seriously, you will definitely get results. There is nothing scary about this exam, especially if you are confident in your knowledge.

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Line UMK G. A. Bordovsky. Social Studies (10-11)

Line UMK G. A. Bordovsky. Social Studies (6-9)

Social science

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies: how to make a complex plan

In 2018, the criteria for assessing the Unified State Exam in social studies changed. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching History and Social Sciences of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen (St. Petersburg) Olga Soboleva, as part of a series of webinars, spoke about innovations in task No. 28 and shared useful tips with teachers on how to successfully prepare for the exam.

Criteria for evaluation

At first glance, nothing has changed - this year students will see the same wording of task No. 28 as before. However, the evaluation criteria have changed - they have become more specific and stricter. The maximum number of points is now 4 (previously it was 3), and instead of deducting points for errors, points will be awarded for the absence of errors. The criteria have changed as follows:

  • 28.1: meeting the required points of the plan. This criterion remains the most important. If the student does not meet the required points of the plan, 0 points are given for the entire task. However, specificity in assessment has appeared. It is now indicated that one of the mandatory items must be detailed in subclauses, while the other may not be detailed or be a subclause. If you completely hit the required points of the plan, 2 points are awarded. The student receives 1 point if he has one revealed point or two unsolved points.
  • 28.2: adherence to a complex plan. This criterion takes into account the number of points and their quality, the degree of disclosure of the topic. Previously, points were awarded depending on the number of different points, but now the requirements have become more precise. The plan must have at least three points, two of which are detailed - in any other case, 0 points are awarded for this criterion.
  • 28.3: correctness of wording. The point for this criterion is now in the nature of a bonus, and it can only be obtained if there are no errors anywhere with 1 point according to criteria 28.1 and 28.2.

While working on this assignment, it is important to take into account one contradiction in the assessment system. The FIPI recommendations indicate not to count plan items that are of an abstract and formal nature. At the same time, in the sample FIPI plan, the abstract formulation “The Concept of a Political Party” is used. Be that as it may, to get a high score, it is better to avoid formulations that do not reflect the specifics of the topic.

The reference book contains detailed theoretical material on all topics tested by the Unified State Exam in social studies. After each section, multi-level tasks are given in the form of the Unified State Exam. For the final control of knowledge, training options are given at the end of the reference book. Students will not have to search for additional information on the Internet and buy other textbooks. In this guide, they will find everything they need to independently and effectively prepare for the exam. The reference book is addressed to high school students to prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies. The manual contains detailed theoretical material on all topics tested by the exam. After each section, examples of Unified State Examination tasks and a practice test are given. For the final control of knowledge, training options corresponding to the Unified State Exam in social studies are provided at the end of the reference book. Answers are provided for all tasks.

Preparation stages

Drawing up a plan is a meta-subject skill that you need to master to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. Experienced authors of the Russian Textbook corporation in their training programs help to develop the necessary skills in the following stages:

  • Grades 5–6 – simple text plan
  • Grades 7–8 – complex text plan
  • 9th grade - a simple plan for a speech on a topic
  • Grades 10–11 – a complex plan for a presentation on a topic

Read and see also:

  1. Practice making a plan every lesson. For example, write down a plan for the upcoming lesson with your students, highlight points and sub-points in your notes, draw up a complex plan at the end of the lecture - that is, practice this skill at different stages of studying the topic.
  2. Do not ask students to memorize complex plans drawn up using a codifier! This will not help “weak” students in any way. For example, in 2017, the topics of the plans and the points of the codifier did not coincide.
  3. Try to analyze different phenomena in the lesson according to a plan with such a fixed basis: concept, characteristics, structure, origin, development, diversity, role, current state. At the same time, avoid abstractly formal formulation of plan items with this basis.
  4. When studying complex topics with two combined concepts, be sure to consider the relationship between phenomena and identify similarities and differences between them. In some cases, it is also necessary to determine what place one phenomenon occupies in the structure of another.

According to statistics, task No. 28 in the Unified State Examination in social studies is one of the most difficult for students. Understanding the requirements and thoughtful, consistent preparation will allow you to score the maximum number of points.

The manual is designed for independent or teacher-led preparation of schoolchildren and applicants for the Unified State Exam. It fully includes the material of the social studies course, which is tested in the exam. The theoretical part of the manual is presented in a concise and accessible form. A large number of diagrams and tables make it easy and quick to navigate the topic and find the information you need. The training tasks correspond to the modern format of the Unified State Exam; all changes in the content of the examination work made in recent years are taken into account.

Completing this task requires:

1) the correctness of the wording of the plan items in terms of their compliance with the given topic;
2) completeness of reflection of the main content in the plan;
3) compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a complex type plan;

The main condition for completing this task is a systematic, deep, sufficiently voluminous and versatile knowledge of the topic, which requires the involvement of social science material, as well as knowledge from related academic disciplines and, if possible, operational knowledge obtained from the media.

When completing assignments, graduates will:

A) on the one hand, in a given formulation of the topic, discover content material known to them;
b) on the other hand, build the logic of presenting knowledge on a topic in the form of points of a complex plan;

When drawing up a complex plan, you can use the following recommendations:

1) present the content of a social science course that reveals this problem;
2) divide this content into semantic parts, highlighting the main idea in each of them;
3) title each part;
4) in each part, highlight several provisions that develop the main idea;
5) check whether the points and subpoints of the plan are combined, whether the subsequent point of the plan is connected with the previous one, whether the main content of the topic is fully reflected in them;
6) make adjustments if necessary;
7) remember that the plan must cover the main content of the topic;
8) It is not advisable to repeat similar wording in headings (clauses or subclauses of the plan).

Is there a model for making a plan?

The main thing is to mentally imagine the material studied and consistently present the content of the proposed topic.

Remember that everything depends on the topic proposed to you. Some of the points listed below may not be suitable for some topics. I tried to write only a general diagram that can help you when drawing up a plan.

1. First you need to identify the subject of the proposed topic. There are several options for this. For example:

1) What is...
2) Concept…
3) Definition...

2. Then, if possible, highlight the following points:

1) Causes of occurrence (appearance, development)…
You can detail this point in separate subparagraphs, listing these very reasons.

2) Approaches to defining the concept... (entity...). For example:
- Theories of origin...
- Views of thinkers on...
This point can be detailed in separate subparagraphs, listing these same approaches.

3. Next, highlight the characteristic features (signs; features; main elements, etc.)...
You can detail this point in separate subparagraphs, listing these most characteristic features (signs; features, main elements, etc.).

4. Functions…
You can detail this item in separate sub-items, listing these same functions.

5. Types (types, forms, structure, classifications, criteria, factors)...
This point can be detailed in separate subparagraphs.

6. Meaning (role, consequences, trends, purpose)…

7. Features (problems, traditions, etc.)… in modern society (world).

8. Solutions

It is better to detail about 2-4 points in separate subparagraphs.

The wording of the plan items is correct. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main aspects of the topic and reveal it in a certain sequence.
3 points

The wording of the plan is correct. Certain aspects essential to this topic were not reflected in the plan. The theme is not developed sequentially.
The wording of the plan items is correct. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main aspects of the topic, but are not presented in a specific sequence adequate to the topic.
2 points

Some of the wording of the plan points is correct. The plan does not provide a holistic and consistent presentation of the topic.
1 point

The wording of the plan items does not correspond to the topic.
Wrong answer.
0 points

Examples of task C8

1) You have been instructed to prepare a detailed plan on the topic “Biological and Social in Man.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

1) Activity as a way of human existence
2) Specific features of human activity
3) Structure of activity:
a) subject
b) object
c) goal
d) funds
d) result
4) Motives for activity
5) Two main types of activities
a) practical activities
b) spiritual activity
6) Leading activities in human life:
a) game
b) teaching
c) labor

2) To speak at a seminar lesson, you need to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Interpersonal conflicts and ways to resolve them.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

1) Concept and specific features of interpersonal conflict
2) Participants in the conflict
3) Causes of interpersonal conflict
4) Reason for conflict
5) basic concepts that reveal the essence of the conflict
6) Conflict functions
a) positive
b) negative
7) Classification of interpersonal conflicts:
a) by direction
b) based on
c) according to the consequences
d) by the emotional power of influence on those in conflict
e) by the scale of impact
e) by duration of flow
g) according to the form of manifestation
h) by source of occurrence
8) The relationship between interpersonal conflicts and other types of social conflicts

3) You are a participant in a competition of research papers for high school students with a report on the topic “Multivariance and the driving forces of social development.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

1) Sources and driving forces of development of society:
a) transformative activities of people
b) natural and climatic conditions
c) outstanding personalities
2) The concepts of “progress” and “regression”
3) Modern approaches to the development of society:
a) formational approach
b) stage-based and civilized approach
c) locally civilized approach
4) Form of social change:
a) evolution
b) revolution

An assignment of type C8 in the Unified State Exam in social studies requires drawing up a complex plan for a detailed answer on a specific topic of a social science course.

Completing this task requires:

1) the correctness of the wording of the plan items in terms of their compliance with the given topic;
2) completeness of reflection of the main content in the plan;
3) compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a complex type plan;

The main condition for completing this task is a systematic, deep, sufficiently voluminous and versatile knowledge of the topic, which requires the involvement of social science material, as well as knowledge from related academic disciplines and, if possible, operational knowledge obtained from the media.

When completing assignments, graduates will:

a) on the one hand, in a given formulation of the topic, discover content material known to them;
b) on the other hand, build the logic of presenting knowledge on the topic in the form of points of a complex plan;

When drawing up a complex plan, you can use the following recommendations:

1) present the content of a social science course that reveals this problem;
2) divide this content into semantic parts, highlighting the main idea in each of them;
3) title each part;
4) in each part, highlight several provisions that develop the main idea;
5) check whether the points and sub-points of the plan are not combined, whether the next point of the plan is connected with the previous one, whether the main content of the topic is fully reflected in them;
6) make adjustments if necessary;
7) remember that the plan must cover the main content of the topic;
8) in headings (clauses or subclauses of the plan) it is undesirable to repeat similar wording.

Is there a model for making a plan?

The main thing is to mentally imagine the material studied and consistently present the content of the proposed topic.
Remember that everything depends on the topic proposed to you. Some of the points listed below may not be suitable for some topics. I tried to write only a general diagram that can help you when drawing up a plan.

1. First you need to identify the subject of the proposed topic. There are several options for this. For example:

1) What is...
2) Concept…
3) Definition...

2. Then, if possible, highlight the following points:

1) Causes of occurrence (appearance, development)…

You can detail this point in separate subparagraphs, listing these very reasons.
2) Approaches to defining the concept... (entity...). For example:
- Theo ries of origin...
- Views of thinkers on...

This point can be detailed in separate subparagraphs, listing these same approaches.

3. Next, highlightcharacteristic features (signs; features; main elements, etc.)...
You can detail this point in separate subparagraphs, listing these most characteristic features (signs; features, main elements, etc.).

4. Functions...
You can detail this item in separate sub-items, listing these same functions.

5. Types (types, forms, structure, classifications, criteria, factors)...
This point can be detailed in separate subparagraphs.

6. Meaning (role, consequences, trends, purpose)…

7. Features (problems, traditions, etc.)… in modern society (world).

8. Solutions

It is better to detail about 2-4 points in separate subparagraphs.

The maximum score that can be obtained when completing task C8 is 3 points.

The wording of the plan items is correct. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main aspects of the topic and reveal it in a certain sequence.
3 points
The wording of the plan is correct. Certain aspects essential to this topic were not reflected in the plan. The theme is not developed sequentially.
The wording of the plan items is correct. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main aspects of the topic, but are not presented in a specific sequence adequate to the topic.

2 points

Some of the wording of the plan points is correct. The plan does not provide a holistic and consistent presentation of the topic.

1 point

Examples of task C 8:

1) You have been instructed to prepare a detailed plan on the topic “Biological and social in man.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

2) To speak at a seminar lesson, you need to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Interpersonal conflicts and ways to resolve them.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

3) You are a participant in a competition of research papers for high school students with a report on the topic “Multivariance and the driving forces of social development.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

Topic 1

1) Activity as a way of human existence
2) Specific features of human activity
3) Structure of activity:
a) subject
b) object
c) goal
d) funds
d) result
4) Motives for activity
5) Two main types of activities
a) practical activities
b) spiritual activity
6) Leading activities in human life:
a) game
b) teaching
c) labor

Topic 2

1) Concept and specific features of interpersonal conflict
2) Participants in the conflict
3) Causes of interpersonal conflict
4) Reason for conflict
5) basic concepts that reveal the essence of the conflict
6) Conflict functions
a) positive
b) negative
7) Classification of interpersonal conflicts:
a) by direction
b) based on
c) according to the consequences
d) by the emotional power of influence on those in conflict
e) by the scale of impact
e) by duration of flow
g) according to the form of manifestation
h) by source of occurrence
8) The relationship between interpersonal conflicts and other types of social conflicts

Topic 3

1) Sources and driving forces of development of society:
a) transformative activities of people
b) natural and climatic conditions
c) outstanding personalities
2) The concepts of “progress” and “regression”
3) Modern approaches to the development of society:
a) formational approach
b) stage-based and civilized approach
c) locally civilized approach
4) Form of social change:
a) evolution
b) revolution

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