True horoscope for April Taurus

Taurus horoscope for April 2017.

Judging by the horoscope, in April 2017 Taurus will too often ask the question: “What was that?”! Like in that old joke, when a man is sitting at his dacha under an apple tree, an apple falls from it and rolls along the path. The earth shook, a giant ass crawls out of the ground and devours the apple and disappears. Man in @dick: “What was that???!!!” The ass gets out again, and, slurping, answers: “Let’s go, Antonovka!” So next month Taurus will too often ask the question: “What was that?” And not because next month a “giant ... opa” will appear before your eyes. But because you will not understand the motives and logic of people’s actions. Maybe that’s why next month Taurus will so often be interested in “eternal questions” - the meaning of life, the meaning of being, or the forms and characters of any beyond. But, as the great Chuang Tzu said, “you need to know when to stop in front of the incomprehensible.” Therefore, Taurus, it is better to think about Antonovka, or that if there is a self-mutilator, then there must be a self-lover, and not about the boring and eternal. Otherwise, you may find yourself lonely and bored, because contrary to what you think about people, they are interested in much more prosaic things. So Taurus, even if you are worried about some global things, do not hang them on the ears of those around you. This is especially true for Taurus men, who, even on a romantic date, can look for answers to questions about where the time loop in the movie “Time Patrol” starts and why you can eat chicken and quail, but you can’t eat pigeons and titmice. As the girl Dasha said: “I know where the logic is..., but a gynecologist I know said that there is none THERE either...” Therefore, Taurus - in April 2017, do not load yourself, and do not load those around you.

Moreover, as we said above, next month there will be a lot of events happening around you that will make you excited and often ask the question: “What was that?”! However, we have already warned about this in detail, that this will be the case for you almost this entire year - “2017 for Taurus will resemble the movie “The Naked Gun.” And not because you will be naked or with a gun, but because there will be some ridiculous situations around you all the time. Moreover, they reach the point of complete “surprise” and absurdity. Therefore, Taurus will be preoccupied all the time. Although Taurus will be sexually preoccupied throughout 2017. To make it clearer what awaits you in 2017, here is one quote from the movie “The Naked Gun: “Destruction of private property, illegal invasion, sexual harassment with a concrete penis in your hand... What were you doing there?” Therefore, Taurus, watch yourself and the situation around you so that you are not asked such questions later!!!

The horoscope advises April Taurus to celebrate their birthday with restraint. Otherwise, when you ask for non-alcoholic Bon-Aqua in the store in the morning. Then, only when you see the smiling saleswoman, you will understand that something is wrong, and you wanted a still...

Horoscope for April 2017 Taurus favorable days are 1, 6, 18, 20, 22, 23, 27 and 29.

unfavorable days - just because a person has a good heart does not mean that he cannot punch you in the face. The situation is approximately the same with favorable and unfavorable days. Favorable days can also “punch you in the face.” And unfavorable days can teach you something, or be useful and interesting. The main thing is not to plan “black streaks” for yourself, and then there will definitely be fewer of them!

Horoscope for April 2017 Tauruswork, career and business.

Judging by the April horoscope, next month Taurus will have the opportunity to improve their work situation. Just be careful, because some jealous colleagues or employees will organize a whole competition for you, the so-called obstacle course. Therefore, prepare comfortable shoes for April 2017; next month you will be running a lot. Maybe a lot of running around offices and authorities, maybe around a construction site, or visiting clients. It is important that during the April rush you do not forget to jump over obstacles - this is your key to success in the next month. If something (someone) bothers you, jump over!

With such powerful astral support as in April 2017, you can really achieve a lot, and even jump high. Therefore, take advantage of the favorable moment, and do not rejoice in the fact that a generation of flies has already grown up that is not afraid of the cursor.

True, the influence of the Moon may force you to reconsider some of your views, methods or approaches to business in a new way, but only in order to achieve better results.

For Taurus businessmen, the horoscope tells you that if you are looking for an ideal partner, you will be able to find him next month. Although there may be difficulties in the next month, work as a team.

Horoscope for April 2017 Taurus Finance. April 2017 will be aimed at improving your budget. Pluto will help you increase your income. But be careful, do not think that this will give you immunity to the whims of the sky and your loved ones! You can avoid a lot of trouble if you use common sense. This is especially true for Taurus women. Let the question worry you more: “But if while a woman is sleeping at night, should I sew her jeans/trousers/skirt to fit, is a heart attack guaranteed in the morning or not?” than a complete wardrobe update.

Love horoscope for April 2017 Taurus. Horoscope April 2017 Taurus Love.
With this aspect of Uranus, next month you will most likely have to take stock of your family life or relationships. But don't put everything on yourself instead of discussing your concerns with your partner. Secondly, you can solve all problems! Provided that you do not allow outside influence to cast a shadow on your relationship. Another acute moment in the next month may be your excessive passion for caring for your own body. This is especially true for Taurus women. Even if you go on a strict diet, try not to let it affect your relationship. Otherwise, the moment may come when you find a note in the refrigerator at night: “we, of course, understand that you are on a diet only during the day, but we also want to eat in the morning. Your family."

Lonely Taurus in April 2017 needs to cast aside their shyness. Judging by the horoscope, there may be times when you will be embarrassed to approach or declare your sympathy for fear of failure. Nevertheless, the Stars will favor you, so decide what is more important to you - a possible refusal, or a possible future. Moreover, otherwise, this may lead to the fact that in the second half of April, you will be looking for new acquaintances at any cost to fill the void. And then you or your pride can suffer greatly. And this again applies more to Taurus women. It will be similar to the situation where if you don’t care about your weight, then there is nothing tasty in the refrigerator... but if you are on a diet, then the refrigerator is overflowing with goodies!!! Therefore, more initiative in the first half of April, and don’t forget about the magic prayer: “Lord, please give me a normal guy, I’m not the price of gasoline, after all, I’m asking you to lower it!”

At the end, the horoscope for April 2017 for Taurus reminds us of one popular sign: if in the sea you notice a man standing and intensely thinking about something, then you should go into the sea in another place. And since in April few people think about the sea, then don’t think about the sea, but simply avoid people who are intensely thinking about something. Otherwise, you can get caught up in other people’s problems that you absolutely don’t need...

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Taurus, as a representative of the Earth element, in April 2017 can count on total support from its main traditional patron, the Moon. In fact, the younger sister of the ruler of the heavenly expanses is not very well suited to the role of an assistant for an earth sign, especially during moments of her activity, but the favorable position of the Sun will correct any “distortions.” As a result, Taurus can very well look forward to a dynamic and vibrant time. Now it is important not to forget about who you are and why you are moving in the direction that you once chose for yourself. Understanding will make it possible to use the available opportunities twice as productively, which in turn will consist of a clear intention multiplied by will. But the second month of spring will not at all become “philosophical” for you; on the contrary, reflections of this kind will exist somewhere in the background, as a background for your actions. You won’t be able to wait for the best moment, and if you don’t see this very moment, then there is a reason to seriously reconsider your ideological positions. Be careful when you decide to manipulate people, and you choose to do so, even to a minimal extent. The position of Venus can turn your achievements to your detriment. But only if you are not confident in yourself and allow doubts to stop you one step before victory. If you decide to act, act, otherwise you will lose.

If we are talking about a Taurus who works for himself, then in April 2017 he will definitely have the opportunity not only to significantly improve his financial situation, but also to take his business to a new level. For some Taurus, this opportunity will become obvious, formed neither today nor yesterday. That is, they are unlikely to be surprised by anything; they will simply act in accordance with already outlined plans. For such people, April will go “like clockwork”; there will be a minimum of excesses and unforeseen situations. On the other hand, certain moments may surprise you, but do not be alarmed, it will be a pleasant surprise that prophesies new achievements. Do not retreat or freeze, even if you are severely affected and in a state of shock. Those who work for themselves will be deprived of such “problems”; for them, April 2017 will turn out to be even more stable, but therefore no less successful. Keep your eyes open and try not to miss your chance. Venus will not allow you to develop active communication activities, but you don’t need it. Don’t “press” your colleagues, don’t be intrusive, otherwise you won’t be able to implement your plans.

But on the “love front”, Taurus in April 2017 is advised not to deviate one step from his goal. Even if someone calls you outright annoying, there is nothing wrong with that, especially since such behavior will not lead to adverse consequences. Focus on what you want to achieve and ignore those who try to oppose you. At this stage of life, you will be stronger than all your ill-wishers, you can be sure. You just need to understand that overly drastic actions can harm you, because it is difficult to predict who tomorrow will become the one whom you consider a fierce enemy today. If you have a family, try to be close to them; now circumstances are likely to arise that will require a collective decision. If necessary, become a leader, but remember that you should not pull the blanket over yourself. A leader differs from followers in this way: he knows how to cope with responsibility without boasting of his superiority, which in reality can turn out to be very illusory. Moreover, Venus will easily ruin all your plans if you get too carried away. Be a hero, not in words, but in deeds.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for April 2017 for the zodiac sign Taurus, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Taurus sign: Personal horoscopes for the Taurus sign:

What does April 2017 have in store for the Woman under the sign of Taurus?

In April, Taurus women should take the initiative and not be afraid to voice brilliant ideas to management, as they will be well received and even implemented into the work process. This is also a good time to ask for a salary increase. Finally, start solving problems with your health and don’t put off visiting a doctor any longer, because you don’t want to treat more serious diseases over time. In terms of love, Taurus without a partner will want to be alone, and family members will want to plunge into the warmth and affection of their spouse.

Love horoscope for Taurus Woman

Single Taurus women will not want to start new love relationships. They will be visited by attacks of melancholy and no desire to share their time with anyone. The horoscope advises not to fall into depression, but to tune in to a positive attitude and start looking for new love acquaintances.

Married representatives will try to spend more time with their spouse and arrange romantic evenings. Try to prolong this period of tenderness and warmth as long as possible.

Love horoscope for April 2017: Taurus The woman will feel that she is full of love ideas that will surprise her beloved.

Finance and work

In April, you will be able to take a leading position at work, and also surprise your bosses with your new and interesting ideas, which they will instruct you to implement. The boss will treat you well, you need to seize the moment and start a conversation about raising your salary. In the middle of the month, a public speech awaits you, it could be a report or presentation, do not worry, because you will do a brilliant job and, moreover, those around you will be delighted with your story and will be amazed by the depth of your knowledge.

Health and leisure

The horoscope recommends conducting hormonal examinations, because almost all year the trend is that your health problems lie here. The problem will be especially pressing with the onset of spring. Contact the appropriate doctor - an endocrinologist, get tested, do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and take preventive measures, perhaps even correction.

  • Favorable days for Taurus women are 1, 11, 16, 19, 25, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for Taurus women are 7, 14, 29.
Published: 2017-03-02, Modified: 2018-10-22,

What does April 2017 have in store for the Woman under the sign of Taurus?

In April, Taurus women should take the initiative and not be afraid to voice brilliant ideas to management, as they will be well received and even implemented into the work process. This is also a good time to ask for a salary increase. Finally, start solving problems with your health and don’t put off visiting a doctor any longer, because you don’t want to treat more serious diseases over time. In terms of love, Taurus without a partner will want to be alone, and family members will want to plunge into the warmth and affection of their spouse.

Love horoscope for Taurus Woman

Single Taurus women will not want to start new love relationships. They will be visited by attacks of melancholy and no desire to share their time with anyone. The horoscope advises not to fall into depression, but to tune in to a positive attitude and start looking for new love acquaintances.

Married representatives will try to spend more time with their spouse and arrange romantic evenings. Try to prolong this period of tenderness and warmth as long as possible.

Love horoscope for April 2017: Taurus The woman will feel that she is full of love ideas that will surprise her beloved.

Finance and work

In April, you will be able to take a leading position at work, and also surprise your bosses with your new and interesting ideas, which they will instruct you to implement. The boss will treat you well, you need to seize the moment and start a conversation about raising your salary. In the middle of the month, a public speech awaits you, it could be a report or presentation, do not worry, because you will do a brilliant job and, moreover, those around you will be delighted with your story and will be amazed by the depth of your knowledge.

Health and leisure

The horoscope recommends conducting hormonal examinations, because almost all year the trend is that your health problems lie here. The problem will be especially pressing with the onset of spring. Contact the appropriate doctor - an endocrinologist, get tested, do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and take preventive measures, perhaps even correction.

  • Favorable days for Taurus women are 1, 11, 16, 19, 25, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for Taurus women are 7, 14, 29.
Published: 2017-03-02, Modified: 2018-10-22,

In April 2017, Taurus will experience real joy from doing what they love. This month they will finally understand what is most important to them and begin to strive to achieve harmony and balance in their lives. What previously gave rise to doubt will now become obvious. Taurus are fighters for justice, and this distinctive feature of theirs will help achieve enormous results. Now the most important thing is to set clear goals and boldly go in the chosen direction. There is no need to doubt the correctness of your choice if, when making a decision, you were guided by your inner feeling. All problems and conflicts will be resolved by themselves, don’t worry about it and don’t despair. Do not be afraid of difficulties, be attentive to the signs of fate. It is quite possible that the answer to this or that question will come to you completely unexpectedly from people you don’t know. Good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. The comprehensive interests of the representatives of your zodiac sign will open up many perspectives and opportunities for you. The main thing is to have time to see them in time and take advantage of them.

In the first ten days of April 2017, the cheerfulness of people born under the zodiac sign of Taurus will not let you give up and will become a powerful engine that will push you closer to your goal. Most Taurus will not find it difficult to realize their wildest plans if they do not pay attention to trifles and waste their energy on solving petty and absurd issues. Try to concentrate all your strength and confidently move forward. This period will give new ideas, hopes, and acquaintances. Turn off your mind and listen to your heart. Then everything will be great for you.

In the second ten days of April 2017, in the professional field, Taurus will have excellent prospects, thanks to which unemployed representatives of your zodiac sign will be able to find a suitable vacancy and get a job with decent wages, and those who work for the benefit of the company will be entrusted with the implementation of a large-scale project for which have high hopes. Taurus should make every effort and approach this task with all the responsibility and pedantry inherent in them. Being organized and punctual will improve productivity and the results of the work performed. The results of the work done will become the starting point in the career growth of ordinary specialists. In the middle of the month, some Taurus will be offered advanced training courses, don’t refuse. This is your chance to change your surroundings and meet the right people who will play a decisive role in your life in the near future.

Open up to change in the third decade of April 2017, and you will see how life will slowly begin to change. Under the influence of aspects of Jupiter, the financial situation of Taurus will gain enviable stability at the beginning of the month, and by the end of the month it will increase significantly. But don't waste your money. Taurus needs to learn how to save money in order to soon realize their long-time dream. You should not open a deposit in a bank or invest money in a dubious project. It is better to invest in a reliable company to increase your profits. In love relationships under the favorable placement of Venus, Taurus at the end of April will experience new feelings, stormy relationships and a lot of entertainment. Single Taurus people will meet a person with whom they will spend all their free time, and will also experience wild passion and the most tender feelings. Life will be full of bright and unforgettable emotions that will drive away boredom for a long time. For family Taurus, the stars promise complete harmony in relationships, but in order to maintain it, you periodically need to arrange romantic dates with your partner. What you're missing right now is variety. Try to be alone with your loved one at least several times a month, without relatives, friends and children. Enjoy each other's company, delight your loved ones with little surprises, give your feelings, share your experiences, make common plans. You have everything to make your married life happy.

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