Convert to dative case excel. Rules for declension of surnames in Russian. Declension of full name by case

Male surnames ending with stressed and unstressed sounds - o, - e, - e, - c, - u, - yu, as well as ending with a sound - a, with a vowel in front - do not decline, for example: the work of Daniel Defoe , literature review S.S. Kurnogo, Gastello street.
Russian male surnames that end in syllables - them, - yh, for example: under the leadership of Sedykh, practiced with Kovchikh, said P.P. Novoslobodskikh, are not inclined. In the Russian language and fiction, it is permissible to declension of male surnames ending in syllables - them, - ы, for example: in the work of Repnykh, the lecture of Zelemnykh. The majority, one might even say the overwhelming majority, of Russian male surnames have the suffixes - ev - (- ov -), - sk -, - in -: Zolotov, Kulenev, Mushkin, Zalessky, Primorsky, Kostolevsky, Kramskoy, Volonskoy. Absolutely all such male surnames are inclined.
There are very few Russian male surnames that decline according to the principle of adjectives and do not have an indicator; these include such surnames as: Stolbovoy, Tolstoy, Beregovoy, Lanovoy, Tenevoy, Sladky, Zarechny, Poperechny, Kolomny, Bely, Grozny, etc...

Declension of male surnames (based on the principle of adjectives)
I. p.: Andrey Bely, Sergey Sladky, Ivan Lanovoy, Alexey Zarechny.
R. p.: Andrey Bely, Sergei Sladky, Ivan Lanovoy, Alexey Zarechny.
D.p.: Andrey Bely, Sergei Sladky, Ivan Lanovoy, Alexey Zarechny.
V. p.: Andrey Bely, Sergei Sladky, Ivan Lanovoy, Alexey Zarechny.
T.p.: with Andrey Bely, with Sergei Sladky, with Ivan Lanov, with Alexey Zarechny.
P. p.: about Andrei Bely, about Sergei Sladky, about Ivan Lanov, about Alexei Zarechny.

Male surnames with endings - in - and - ov - have a special declension that is not found among common nouns and personal names. Here we see a combination of the endings of adjectives and nouns of the second declension of the masculine gender and divisions such as fathers, forefathers. The declension of male surnames differs from the declension of similar nouns mainly in the ending of the instrumental case, for example: Sizov-ym, Akunin-ym - Borov-ym, Ston-om, Kalugin - ym, Suvorov - ym from the declension based on the principle of possessive adjectives, the ending of the prepositional is different case, for example: about Sazonov, about Kulibin - about forefathers, about mother's. The same applies to the declension of male surnames ending in - ov and - in in the plural (Sizovs, Akunins are declined as forefathers, mothers). To declension of such male surnames, it is advisable to refer to the directory of declension of first and last names.
Russian male surnames with endings in the syllables: - ovo, - ago, - yago, having their origin in the image of frozen forms of the genitive case in the singular: (Burnovo, Slukhovo, Zhivago, Sharbinago, Deryago, Khitrovo), and with endings in syllables: - them, - х - plural (Kruchenykh, Kostrovsky, Dolsky, Dovgikh, Chernykh), where some of them are declined in common parlance (Durnovo - Durnovovo).
It is imperative to decline male surnames ending in a soft sign and a consonant by gender and case. (Institute named after S. Ya. Zhuk, poetry of Adam Mickiewicz, conduct Igor Koval).
If at the end of the surname there is a consonant before the sound - a, then the endings of the surnames in the form of cases will be: sounds - a, - ы, - e, - y, - oy, - e.
If at the end of a man's surname there is one of the letters (g, k, x) or a soft hissing letter (ch, sch) or w before the sound - a, then the ending of the surname in the genitive case form will be the sound - i.
If at the end of a man’s surname there is one of the hissing words (ch, sch, ts, sh) or zh before the sound -a, then the ending of the surname in the form of the instrumental case when stressing the end of the word will be - oh, and - her.
The surname as a family name assumes the presence of a plural form: Ivanovs, Pashkins, Vedenskys. If people getting married take a common surname, it is written in the plural: Vasiliev, Vronsky, Usatiye, Gorbatye, Lyubimye. Non-standard male surnames, except for surnames formed in the form of adjectives, do not have plural forms when written in official documents. Therefore they write: Maria Petrovna and Nikolai Semenovich Cherry, spouses Parus, husband and wife Syzran, brother and sister Astrakhan.
Despite the difficulties that arise when declension of Russian and foreign male surnames that exist in the Russian language, it is still advisable to correctly declension a person’s first name and surname if they can be declinated. The system of rules for case endings in the Russian language operating in the rules of the Russian language quite rigidly suggests accepting the inflected word remaining without declension as being in the wrong case or not belonging to the gender to which it actually belongs in this case. For example, Ivan Petrovich Zima, in the genitive case there should be Ivan Petrovich Zima. If it is written: for Ivan Petrovich Zima, this means that in the nominative case this surname will look like Zim, not Zima. Left without declination, male surnames like Veter, Nemeshay will be mistaken for women’s names, because similar surnames for men are indeclined: with Vasily Sergeevich Nemeshay, from Viktor Pavlovich Veter. To declension of such male surnames, it is advisable to refer to the directory of declension of first and last names.
Below are some examples of declensions of male surnames existing in the Russian language:

Declension of male surnames (standard)
I. Smirnov, Kramskoy, Kostikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
R. Smirnov, Kramskoy, Kostikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
D. Smirnov, Kramskoy, Kostikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
V. Smirnov, Kramskoy, Kostikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
T. Smirnov, Kramskoy, Kostikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
P. about Smirnov, about Kramskoy, about Kostikov, about Eliseev, about Ivanov.
I. Smirnovs, Kramskoys, Kostikovs, Eliseevs, Ivanovs,
R. Smirnovs, Kramskoys, Kostikovs, Eliseevs, Ivanovs,
D. Smirnov, Kramskoy, Kostikov, Eliseev, Ivanov,
V. Smirnovs, Kramskoys, Kostikovs, Eliseevs, Ivanovs,
T. Smirnov, Kramskoy, Kostikovs, Eliseevs, Ivanovs,
P. about the Smirnovs, about the Kramskoys, about the Kostikovs, about the Eliseevs, about the Ivanovs.

In Russian male surnames of two words, its first part is always declined if it is used as a surname (the poetry of Lebedev-Kumach, the work of Nemirovich-Danchenko, the exhibition of Sokolov-Skal)
With the exception of those surnames where the first part does not mean the surname, such male surnames are never declined, for example: stories by Mamin-Sibiryak, painting by Sokolov, sculpture by Demut-Malinovsky, research by Grem-Brzhimailo, in the role of Pozdnik-Trukhanovsky
It is recommended to use non-standard male surnames ending with sounds - a (-z), such as Zima, Loza, Zoya, Dora, in the plural exclusively for all cases of the form that coincides with the original type of the surname. For example: Ivan Petrovich Zima, Vasily Ivanovich Loza, with Semyon Semenovich Zoya, and for the plural - the forms Zima, Loza, Zoya in all cases. To declension of such male surnames, it is advisable to refer to the directory of declension of first and last names.
It is difficult to decline the plural of male surnames Zima and Zoya.
There is a problem of dividing into “Russian” and “non-Russian” surnames ending in the syllables - ov and - in; Such male surnames include, for example: Gutskov (German writer), Flotov (German composer), Cronin (English writer), Franklin, Goodwin, Darwin, etc. From the point of view of morphology, the “non-Russianness” or “Russianness” of a male surname is determined whether the ending with (-ov - or - in -) is expressed or not expressed in the surname. If such an indicator is expressed, then the surname in the instrumental case will have the ending - й
Non-Russian male surnames, which when mentioned refer to two or more persons, are in some cases placed in the plural, in others - in the singular, namely:
if the surname consists of two male names, then such a surname is put in the plural form, for example: Gilbert and Jean Picard, Thomas and Heinrich Mann, Mikhail and Adolph Gottlieb; Oirstarhi father and son;
There are also non-Russian (mostly German) surnames ending in - them: Freundlich, Argerich, Ehrlich, Dietrich, etc. Such surnames cannot be called Russian surnames ending in - them because in Russian surnames before the ending - they are practically There are no soft consonants that have hard pairs, since in the Russian language there are very few adjective names with such stems (i.e. similar adjective names like red, gray; and are there surnames Krasnykh, Sedykh and the like).
But, if before the ending - theirs in a male surname there is a hissing or velar consonant, such male surnames, as a rule, are not declined, only when the name of the adjective is related (for example, Kodyachikh., Sladkikh); in the absence of this condition, such surnames are usually perceived ambiguously from the point of view of morphology; such surnames include, for example: Valshchikh, Khaskachikh, Trubatsky, Lovchikh, Stotsky. Despite the rarity of such cases, one should not forget this fundamental possibility.
In slightly rare cases, surnames whose original forms end with the letter - й before vowels and or - o are perceived ambiguously. Let's say that surnames such as Lopchiy, Nabozhy, Dopchiy, Borkiy, Zorkiy, Dudoy can also be understood as ending in the syllables - ii, - oi. Such male surnames are declined according to the rules of adjectives: Lopchego, Lopchemu, Nabozhiy, Nabozhye, Dopchiy, Dopchemu, Borkiy, Borkomu, Zorkiy, Zorkiy, and as having a zero ending with a declension in the manner of nouns (Lopchia, Lopchiyu...,) To clarify such If you are perplexed, you need to consult a dictionary of surnames.
Male surnames that end with the sounds - e, - e, - i, - ы, - у, - у, do not decline. For example, the following: Daudet, Dusset, Manceret, Fourier, Leye, Dabrie, Goethe, Nobile, Maragiale, Tarle, Ordzhonikidze, Maigret, Artmane, Bossuet, Grétry, Devussy, Navoi, Stavigliani, Modigliani, Guare, Gramsci, Salieri, Galsworthy, Shelley, Needly, Rustaveli, Kamandu, Chaburkiani, Gandhi, Jusoity, Landu, Amadou, Shaw, Manzu, Kurande, Nehru, Colnu, Endescu, Camus, Colnu, etc.
Foreign-language male surnames ending with a vowel sound, excluding unstressed ones - a, - i (Hugo, Daudet, Bizet, Rossini, Mussalini, Shaw, Nehru, Goethe, Bruno, Dumas, Zola), ending with the sounds - a, - i , with a leading vowel - and (poems by Garcia, sonnets by Heredia, stories by Gulia) do not decline. The exception may be in common parlance. Male surnames of French origin that end in an accent are inflexible - I: Zola, Broyat.
All other male surnames ending in - i are declined; for example Golovnya, Zabornya, Beria, Zozulya, Danelia, Syrokomlya, Shengelaya, Gamaleya, Goya.
When foreign male surnames are declined and forms of the Russian declension rules are used, the main features of the declension of such words are not preserved in the language of the original itself. (Karel Capek - Karela Capek [by no means Karl Capek]). Also in Polish names (in Vladek, in Edek, in Janek [not: in Vladek, in Edk, in Jank]).
The most complex picture in declension is represented by male surnames ending with the sound - a. Unlike the previously discussed cases, here the ending is of great importance - a stands after a vowel or after a consonant, and if it is a vowel, then whether the stress falls on this vowel and (in certain cases) what origin this male surname has.
All male surnames ending in the sound -a, standing after vowels (most often y or i), are not declined: Balois, Dorois, Delacroix, Boravia, Edria, Esredia, Boulia.
Male surnames that are of French origin with the ending of a stressed sound are not declined - I: Zola, Troyat, Belacruya, Doble, Golla, etc.
All male surnames, ending in an unstressed - and after consonants, are declined according to the rule of the first declension, for example: Didera - Dider, Didere, Dideru, Dideroy, Seneca - Seneca, Seneca, Seneca, Seneca, etc.; Kafka, Petrarch, Spinoza, Smetana, Kurosawa, Gulyga, Glinka, Deineka, Olesha, Zagnibeda, Okudzhava and others are inclined to the same principle.
The declension of male surnames (singular and plural) due to the fact that it is not clear whether they should retain a fluent vowel in the manner of common nouns similar in appearance, the declension can be difficult (Travetsa or Travetsa - from Travets, Muravel or Ant - from Muravel, Lazurok or Lazurka - from Lazurki, etc.).
To avoid difficulties, it is better to use the reference book. If a male surname is accompanied by a female and male given name, then it remains in the singular form, for example: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Jean and Eslanda Rodson, August and Caroline Schnegel, associates of Richard Sorge, Dick and Anna Krausen, Ariadne and Steve Tur; also Sergey and Valya Bruzzhak, Stanislav and Nina Zhuk;
A man's surname is also written and spoken in the singular if it is accompanied by two common nouns of different genders, for example: Mr. and Mrs. Rayner, Lord and Lady Hamilton; but if in such combinations as husband and wife or brother and sister, the surname is most often used in the plural form: husband and wife Budstrem, brother and sister Wieringa;
When using the word spouse, the surname is presented in the singular form, for example: spouses Dent, spouses Thorndyke, spouses Loddak;
When using the word brothers, a man's surname is also usually presented in the singular form, for example: the Grimm brothers, the Trebel brothers, the Hellenberg brothers, the Vokrass brothers; When using the word family, the surname is usually presented in singular form, for example: Doppfenheim family, Gramal family.
In combinations of Russian surnames with numerals in declension, the following forms are used: two Ivanovs, both Ivanovs, two Ivanovs, both brothers Ivanovs, two friends Ivanovs; two (both) Perovskys. This rule also applies to combinations of numerals with foreign-language surnames; both Schlegels, two brothers of Manna.
Declension of male surnames of East Slavic origin, which have a fluent vowel during declension; such male surnames can be formed in two ways - with and without loss of the vowel during declension: Zayats - Zayatsa - Zayatsem and Zaitsa - Zayets. It must be taken into account that when filling out legal documents, such male surnames must be declined without losing the vowel.
Male surnames of Western Slavic and Western European origin, when declined, having a fluent vowel, are declined without losing the vowel: Slaszek Street, Capek's novels, performed by Gott, Zavranek's lectures. Male surnames, which are adjective names in form (with a stressed or unstressed ending) are declined in the same way as adjectives. Slavic male surnames ending in accented sounds - a, - ya are inclined (from director Mayboroda, with psychologist Skovoroda, to screenwriter Golovnya).
Male surnames of Slavic origin on - o such as Sevko, Darko, Pavlo, Petro are declined according to the rules for declension of masculine and neuter nouns, for example: in front of Sevka, in Dark. As a rule, male surnames ending in unstressed sounds - a, - z are inclined (essay by V. M. Ptitsa, art by Jan Neruda, romances performed by Rosita Quintana, a session with A. Vaida, songs by Okudzhava). Minor fluctuations are observed in the declension of Georgian and Japanese male surnames, where there are episodes of both indeclinability and indeclinability of surnames:
Awarding People's Artist of the USSR Kharava; 120th anniversary of the birth of Sen-Sekatayama, Kurosawa's film; works of A. S. Chikobava (and Chikobava); creativity of Pshavela; at the Ikeda residence; Hatoyama report; films by Vittorio de Sica (not de Sica). Slavic male surnames ending in - and, - ы are recommended to be inclined according to the model of Russian male surnames ending in - й, - й (Dobrovski - Dobrovsky, Pokorny - Pokorny). At the same time, it is allowed to design similar male surnames according to the Russian model and according to the rule of the nominative case (Dobrovsky, Pokorny, Der-Stravinsky). Male surnames that have a stressed ending - a are declined according to the rules of the first declension, that is, the stressed ending disappears in them - a: Pitta - Pitty, Pitt, Pittu, Pittoy; This also includes: Frying pan, Para, Kocherga, Kvasha, Tsadasa, Myrza, Hamza and others.
Czech and Polish male surnames in – tskiy, –skiy, i – й, – й, should be declined with full endings in the nominative case, for example: Oginskiy – Oginskiy, Pandovskiy – Pandovskiy.
Ukrainian male surnames ending in -ko (-enko), as a rule, are declined according to a different type of declension only in fiction or in colloquial speech, but not in legal documents, for example: command to the head of Evtukh Makogonenko; the nobleman killed by Kukubenko rested, a poem dedicated to Rodzianka; Male surnames with the ending, both stressed and unstressed, do not decline - ko (Borovko, Dyatko, Granko, Zagorudko, Kirienko, Yanko, Levchenko’s anniversary, Makarenko’s activities, Korolenko’s works), where some of them decline in colloquial speech, (Borovko Borovki, letter to V.G. Korolenko - letter to V.G. Korolenka). Or: “In the evening Belikov... headed towards Kovalenki.” Male surnames do not incline toward - ko with an emphasis on the last one - oh, for example: the Franko Theater, Bozhko's legacy.
In complex multi-word surnames of Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, the last part of the surname ending in a consonant is declined, for example: Di Wen’s speech, Pam Zan Gong’s statement, conversation with Ye Du Sing.
Georgian male surnames can be inflected or indeclinable, depending on the form in which a particular surname is borrowed into the Russian language: surnames ending in - ia are indeclinable (Daneliya, Gornelia), those ending in - ia are indeclinable (Gulia).
Particular attention should be paid to the fact that in ordinary communication, if the bearer of a rare or difficult to declension surname allows the incorrect pronunciation of his surname, this is not considered a gross violation of the general rules of declension. But when filling out legal documents, media publications and works of art, if you are unsure of the correct declension, it is recommended to turn to the directory of surnames, otherwise you can find yourself in an unpleasant situation, which entails a number of inconveniences, loss of time to prove the authenticity, belonging of the very person about whom it was written this document.

Most Russian surnames are declined by case according to the rules of the Russian language. However, there are many surnames of foreign origin whose endings differ from the typical endings of Russian surnames. Two questions arise: to persuade them or not, how to persuade them? Let's consider different cases of declension of surnames:

1. Surnames ending in -ov/ev, -in/yn, -skiy/skoy, -tskiy/tskoy make up the bulk of Russian surnames. Their declension usually does not raise questions and occurs with the addition of endings according to the following rules:

Table 1. Surnames starting with -ov/-ova
Case Case question Male surname Female surname Plural
I.p. Who? Ivanov Ivanova Ivanovs
R.p. whom? Ivanov A Ivanov Ouch Ivanov s
D.p. to whom? Ivanov at Ivanov Ouch Ivanov th
V.p. whom? Ivanov A Ivanov at Ivanov s
etc. by whom? Ivanov th Ivanov Ouch Ivanov them
P.p. about whom? about Ivanov e about Ivanov Ouch about Ivanov s
Table 2. Surnames in -skiy/-skaya
Case Case question Male surname Female surname Plural
I.p. Who? Akhtyrsky Akhtyrskaya Akhtyrskiye
R.p. whom? Akhtyrsk Wow Akhtyrsk Ouch Akhtyrsk their
D.p. to whom? Akhtyrsk wow Akhtyrsk Ouch Akhtyrsk them
V.p. whom? Akhtyrsk Wow Akhtyrsk wow Akhtyrsk their
etc. by whom? Akhtyrsk them Akhtyrsk Ouch Akhtyrsk them
P.p. about whom? about Akhtyrsk ohm about Akhtyrsk Ouch about Akhtyrsk their

2. Surnames consonant with adjectives are declined in accordance with the declension of adjectives in the masculine and feminine gender and in the plural: Likhoy, Tolstaya, Bely, Velikiy.

Table 3. Surnames consonant with adjectives
Case Case question Male surname Female surname Plural
I.p. Who? which one? Dashing Dashing Dashing
R.p. whom? which one? Likh Wow Likh Ouch Likh their
D.p. to whom? which one? Likh wow Likh Ouch Likh them
V.p. whom? which one? Likh Wow Likh wow Likh their
etc. by whom? which one? Likh them Likh Ouch Likh them
P.p. about whom? about which one? o Likh ohm o Likh Ouch o Likh their

3. Surnames consonant with nouns are declined according to gender; grammatical gender does not affect the declination. Including foreign languages ​​without stress on the last syllable. Examples of surnames: Melnik, Guitar, Bull, Vorona, Chernous, Shcherba, Kafka. Masculine surnames (Melnik, Trus) are declined for men according to the rule of declension of masculine nouns, but for women they are not declined in the plural. Feminine surnames (Gitara, Friday) for men and women are declined according to the rules of declension of feminine nouns; in the plural, the surname has the form of the nominative case in men and is not declined according to cases.

Table 4. Surnames consonant with masculine nouns
Case Case question Male surname Female surname Plural
I.p. Who? Miller Miller Miller
R.p. whom? Miller A
D.p. to whom? Miller at
V.p. whom? Miller A
etc. by whom? Miller ohm
P.p. about whom? about Melnik e
Table 5. Surnames consonant with feminine nouns
Case Case question Male surname Female surname Plural
I.p. Who? Guitar Guitar Guitar
R.p. whom? Guitar s Guitar s
D.p. to whom? Guitar e Guitar e
V.p. whom? Guitar at Guitar at
etc. by whom? Guitar Ouch Guitar Ouch
P.p. about whom? about Guitar e Guitar e

Note 1. It is worth clarifying the emphasis in surnames ending in -a, since the ending of the instrumental case depends on this. Compare: Left-handed - Left-handed, Left-handed - Left-handed.
Note 2. French surnames with the accent ending -a, -ya are not declined: Emile Zola, Pierre Broca, about Alexandre Dumas.

Names and titles

How to decline surnames (difficult cases)

Source:N. A. Eskova. Difficulties in inflecting nouns. Educational and methodological materials for practical classes in the course “Language of Modern Printing”. State Press Committee of the USSR. All-Union Institute for Advanced Training of Print Workers. M., 1990.

13.0. The book by L.P. Kalakutskaya “Declination of surnames and personal names in the Russian literary language” is devoted to this issue. M., 1984. This is a fundamental study based on rich material. This section briefly discusses only the main issues, focusing on the most complex and controversial ones. Last names and first names are considered separately.

13.1. Declension of surnames

13.1.1. The vast majority of Russian surnames have formal indicators - suffixes -ov- (-ev-), -in-, -sk-: Lermontov, Turgenev, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Kramskoy. All such surnames are declined. At the same time, they form two correlative systems of forms - masculine and feminine, naming respectively male and female persons. Both systems are associated with a single system of plural forms.

Note. All this - with the exception of the absence of neuter forms - resembles a system of adjective forms. Absolute regularity in the ratio
male and female surnames, which have no analogues among common nouns, suggests whether surnames should not be considered a special type of “gender-inflected” nouns.

13.1.2. Surnames with a formal indicator -sk- Declined in the masculine and feminine gender and in the plural as adjectives: Dostoevsky, Dostoevsky, Dostoevsky..., Dostoevskaya, Dostoevsky..., Dostoevsky, Dostoevsky etc.

Russian surnames inflected as adjectives and without an indicator -sk-, relatively few in number; These include: Blagoy, Tolstoy, Borovoy, Beregovoi, Lanovoy, Bronevoy, Wild, Smooth, Transverse etc. (see the list of such surnames in the book: A.V. Superanskaya, A.V. Suslova. Modern Russian surnames. M., 1981. P. 120-122).

13.1.3. Last names with indicators -ov- And -in- have a special declension in the masculine gender, which is not found either among personal names or among common nouns. It combines the endings of second declension masculine nouns and adjectives like fathers. The declension of surnames differs from the declension of the indicated nouns by the ending of the instrumental case (cf.: Koltsov-ym, Nikitin-yy - island-yy, jug-yy), from the declension of possessive adjectives - by ending the prepositional case (cf.: about Griboyedov, about Karamzin - about fathers, about mothers).

Correlative female surnames are declined as possessive adjectives in the feminine form (cf. as they are declined Rostov And father, Karenina And mom's).

The same must be said about the declination of surnames -s And -in in plural (Bazarovs, Rudins bow like fathers, mothers).

13.1.4. All other male surnames that have consonant stems and a zero ending in the nominative case (in writing they end with a consonant, b or th), except for last names -s, -them, are declined as nouns of the second declension of the masculine gender, i.e. they have an ending in the instrumental case -om, (s): Herzen, Levitan, Gogol, Vrubel, Hemingway, Gaidai. Such surnames are perceived as “non-Russian”.

Correlative female surnames are not declined: Natalia Alexandrovna Herzen, Lyubov Dmitrievna Blok, with Anna Magdalena Bach, with Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela-Vrubel, about Mary Hemingway, about Zoya Gaidai.

Note. The application of this rule requires knowledge of the gender of the bearer of the surname. The absence of such information puts the writer in a difficult position.

The form containing the last name indicates the gender of the person concerned. But if the author of the text did not have the necessary information, was unsteady in applying the grammatical rule, or was simply careless, the reader receives false information. Let's give one example. In the weekly “Moscow Speaks and Shows” radio programs on 9.3.84 featured the following program: “E. Mathis sings. The program includes songs by W. Mozart, K. Schumann, J. Brahms, R. Strauss.” Who is K. Schumann? It can be assumed that the initial is indicated incorrectly: K. Instead of R. But it turns out that songs were performed in the program Clara Schumann(wife of Robert Schumann, who was not only a pianist, but also a composer). This is how a grammatical error confuses the reader.

In the plural, surnames of the type in question are also declined as masculine nouns: visited the Herzens, the Vrubels, the Gaidais, wrote to the Bloks, the Hemingways and so on.

Note. There are, however, special rules for placing such surnames in some cases in the indeclinable plural form, in others - in the indeclinable form. These rules, more related to syntax than to morphology, are developed in some detail by D. E. Rosenthal (see: Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing. M., 1989. P. 191-192, §149, paragraph 10) . In accordance with these rules, it is recommended: with Thomas and Heinrich Mann, But with Robert and Clara Schumann, with the Oistrakh father and son, But father and daughter Gilels. This material is not discussed here.

13.1.5. The simple rule laid down in the previous paragraph for declension of surnames into consonants that do not have formal indicators -in-, -ov-, turns out to be difficult to apply for some “outlandish” surnames, for example, for those that are homonymous with common nouns or geographical names in the third declension. Thus, in the grammatical appendix to the “Directory of Personal Names of the Peoples of the RSFSR”, difficulties are noted that arise when it is necessary to decline such surnames as Sadness, Love, Astrakhan.

The same manual states that for some surnames, only the formation of the plural is associated with difficulties (surnames Mustache, Gay, Finger, Snake, Sleep and etc.).

Declension of a number of surnames (both singular and plural) turns out to be difficult due to the uncertainty whether they should retain the fluency of vowels in the manner of homonymous or similar in appearance common nouns (Kravets or Kravets - from Kravets, Zhuravelya or Crane - from Zhuravel, Mazuroka or Mazurka - from Mazurok and so on.).

The resolution of such difficulties cannot be provided by rules; for this, a dictionary of surnames is needed, giving normative recommendations for each word.

13.1.6. A special type is represented by Russian surnames in -s(s), revealing their origin from the genitive (and prepositional) plural form of adjectives: White, Black, Curly, Curly, Long, Red. According to the strict norms of literary language, such surnames are not declined: Chernykh's lectures, Sedykh's novel, Kruchenykh's works and so on.

Note. In casual conversational speech, there is a tendency to incline such surnames when they belong to men, which is stronger the closer the communication with the bearer of the surname. Thus, in the now defunct Moscow City Pedagogical Institute. Potemkin students of the forties and fifties listened to lectures Chernykha, passed exams and tests Chernykh and so on. (it never occurred to anyone to say otherwise). If this colloquial trend prevailed, the surnames on -y, -them would cease to differ from other surnames by the consonants mentioned in paragraph 13.1.4.

13.1.7. There are cases when the original form of a surname can be perceived ambiguously from the point of view of its morphological structure. These cases are few in number, but they are interesting both linguistically and from the point of view of the practical difficulties that may be associated with them.

There is a problem of distinguishing between “Russian” and “non-Russian” surnames -s And -in; the latter include, for example, Fleets(German composer) Gutskov(German writer) Cronin(English writer) Darwin, Franklin etc. From a morphological point of view, “Russianness” or “non-Russianness” is expressed in whether a formal indicator stands out or not in the surname ( -ov- or -in-). If such an indicator stands out, then the instrumental case has the ending -th, and the correlative female surname declines (Fonvizin, Fonvizina), if it does not stand out, the instrumental case is formed with the ending -om, and a woman's surname does not decline (Virchow, with Anna Virchow). Wed. "homonyms": Charles Spencer Chaplin, Hannah Chaplin And Nikolai Pavlovich Chaplin, with Vera Chaplina.

Note. As the material of L.P. Kalakutskaya shows, in some cases, correlative male and female surnames are formed morphologically contradictory (for example, the instrumental case Tseytlin can be combined with a non-bending shape Tseytlin female surname). Complete ordering here can be achieved only with a special dictionary of surnames containing grammatical instructions. However, the editor must ensure that morphologically contradictory forms do not occur at least within the same text.

There are non-Russian (mostly German) surnames on -them: Argerich, Dietrich, Freundlich, Ehrlich etc. Regardless of their characteristic “foreign language” touch, they cannot be mistaken for Russian surnames -their because in Russian surnames before the element -their There are practically no soft consonants with hard pairs, since in Russian there are few adjectives with such stems (i.e. adjectives such as blue; and is there a last name? Blue and others like it?).

But if the end -their the surname is preceded by a sibilant or velar consonant; its belonging to the indeclinable type will be undoubted only if it is correlated with the stem of the adjective (for example, Walking, Smooth); in the absence of this condition, such surnames can be perceived morphologically ambiguous; these include, for example, Khashachikh, Tovchikh, Gritskikh. Despite the rarity of such cases, this fundamental possibility should be kept in mind.

In very rare cases, surnames whose original forms end in iota may be perceived ambiguously (in writing j) with preceding vowels And or O. For example, names such as Topchiy, Pobozhiy, Bokiy, Rudoy can also be perceived as having endings -yy, -yy and therefore inflected as adjectives (Topchego, Topchego..., feminine Topchaya, Topchey) and as having a zero ending with declension like nouns (Topchia, Topchia..., in the feminine gender the unchangeable form Topchiy). To resolve such perplexities, a dictionary of surnames is again needed.

13.1.8. The declension of surnames ending in vowels in their original form does not depend on whether they are masculine or feminine.

Note. Material by L.P. Kalakutskaya shows that there is a tendency to extend the relationship that is natural for surnames with consonants to surnames with a final A, i.e. decline male surnames without declining female ones. Editors should do their best to eliminate this practice.

Let's look at surnames based on vowels, based on their letter appearance.

13.1.9. Surnames spelled with e, e, i, s, y, yu at the end, can only be inflexible. These are the names: Daudet, Musset, Lanceret, Fourier, Meillet, Chabrier, Goethe, Nobile, Caragiale, Tarle, Ordzhonikidze, Artman, Maigret, Bossuet, Grétry, Lully, Debussy, Navoi, Modigliani, Gramsci, Galsworthy, Shelley, Rustaveli, Chabukiani, Gandhi, Djusoity, Needly, Lanu, Amadou, Shaw, Manzu, Nehru, Enescu, Camus, Cornu and so on.

13.1.10. Surnames with ending O also inflexible; those are the names Hugo, Clemenceau, La Rochefoucauld, Milhaud, Picasso, Marlowe, Chamisso, Caruso, Leoncavallo, Longfellow, Craft, Dolivo, Durnovo, Khitrovo, Burago, Mertvago.

According to the strict norms of the literary language, this also applies to surnames of Ukrainian origin with the final -ko(among which there are many on -enko): Korolenko, Makarenko, Franko, Kvitko, Shepitko, Bondarso, Semashko, Gorbatko, Gromyko.

Note. It is known that in the literary language of the last century such surnames could be declined according to the first declension: Korolenki, Korolenke, Korolenkoy. This is no longer considered normative.

13.1.11. The most complex picture is presented by surnames with the final A. Unlike previous cases, what matters here is whether A after a vowel or after a consonant, whether this vowel is stressed and (in certain cases) what origin the surname has.

All surnames ending with A, preceded by vowels (usually at or And), adamant: Galois, Maurois, Delacroix, Moravia, Eria, Heredia, Gulia.

All surnames ending in unstressed A after consonants, they are declined according to the first declension: Ribera - Ribera, Ribera, Ribera, Riberoi, Seneca - Seneca etc.; also inclined Kafka, Spinoza, Smetana, Petrarch, Kurosawa, Glinka, Deineka, Gulyga, Olesha, Nagnibeda, Okudzhava etc. All such surnames, regardless of origin, are morphologically distinct in the Russian language, i.e., the ending is distinguished in them -A.

Among surnames with an accent á after consonants there are both morphologically segmented and indivisible, i.e. indeclinable.

Undecidable surnames of French origin: Dumas, Thomas, Degas, Luc, Fermat, Gamarra, Petipa and etc.

Surnames of other origins (Slavic, from eastern languages) are declined according to the first declension, i.e. they have a stressed ending -a: Mitta - Mitty, Mitte, Mittu, Mittoy; these include: Frying pan, Poker, Kvasha, Tsadasa, Hamza and etc.

13.1.12. Declinability-indeclinability of surnames spelled with a letter I at the end, depends only on the place of emphasis and the origin of the surname.

Undecidable surnames of French origin with an accent on the end: Zola, Troyat.

All other surnames I inflected; these are Golovnya, Zozulya, Syrokomlya, Gamaleya, Goya, Shengelaya, Danelia, Beria.

Note. Surnames with a final letter I preceded by a vowel letter, unlike such surnames starting with a, they are divided into a stem ending with a consonant iot, and the ending -a (Gamaleya - Gamale "j-a).

Georgian surnames turn out to be indeclinable or indeclinable depending on the form in which a particular surname is borrowed into the Russian language: surnames in -and I inclined (Danelia), on -ia- inflexible (Gulia).

13.1.13. The question of the formation of the plural from declined surnames is of interest. -and I). In the grammatical appendix to the “Directory of Personal Names of the Peoples of the RSFSR” such surnames are qualified as non-standard and for them it is recommended as a norm to use the plural for all cases of a form that matches the original one. Last names were taken as samples Winter And Zoya. Recommended: Ivan Petrovich Zima, with Semyon Semenovich Zoya, Anna Ivanovna Zima, Elena Sergeevna Zoya etc., and for the plural - forms Winter, Zoya in all cases.

Imagine the declination of plural surnames Winter, Zoya really difficult. But what about other first declension surnames, for example, such as Glinka, Deineka, Gulyga, Okudzhava, Olesha, Zozulya, Gamaleya? Is there any certainty that for them it should be recommended to use in all cases the plural form that coincides with the original one? How to say: to his beloved Glinka or to your beloved Glinka?; met with Deineka or met with the Deineks?; remembered everyone Okudzhava or remembered all the Okudzhavas? The use of inflected forms in these cases is not excluded.

It is more difficult to imagine the declension in the plural of surnames with a stressed ending -á - Shulga, Mitta, Hamza, especially in the genitive case (everyone has *Shulg, *Mitt, *Hamz?). Here we are faced with a language difficulty (see above, 7.6.). Since such facts are rare and have not been studied by linguists, in such cases it is advisable for the editor to minimally interfere with the author’s text.

13.2. Declension of personal names

13.2.1. Personal names do not have significant morphological differences from common nouns. They are not “gene-modifying” (clearly, cases like Alexander And Alexandra, Evgeniy And Evgeniya, Valery And Valeria do not apply to this phenomenon). Among personal names there are no words with a special declension (cf. what was said above about surnames in -s And -in). The only peculiarity of personal names is the absence of neuter words among them, but it should be noted that among animate common nouns the neuter gender is represented very little.

13.2.2. Among personal names there is a third declension noun. This is also a feature that brings them morphologically closer to common nouns and distinguishes them from surnames. According to the third declension, they are steadily declined: Love(with forms Love, O Love), Adele, Gisele and names of biblical origin Hagar, Rachel, Ruth, Shulamith, Esther, Judith. Other names of this type - Lucille, Cecile, Aigul, Gazelle(borrowings from different languages), Ninel(a new development of the Soviet era), Assol(invented name) - fluctuate between the third declension and indeclination (from Cecily And at Cecile's, with Ninel And with Ninel).

Note. Female surnames with soft consonants (in writing in b) how it is clear from what was said above (see 13.1.4), they are just as indeclinable as female surnames with hard consonants. The fundamentally existing possibility of parallel change of nouns into soft consonants in two different declensions for the grammatical expression of gender differences remains unrealized in the Russian language. Wed. theoretically possible relationships: Vrubel, Vrubel, Vrubel(declension of male surname) - *Vrubel, *Vrubel(declension of a female surname), *trot, *trot, *trot(declension of the name of the male) -trot, trot(declension of the name of the female). However, in the famous folklore Swans This opportunity is partly being realized!

13.2.3. Female names with strong consonants can only be indeclinable (no different from surnames of this kind). These include: Elizabeth, Irene, Catherine, Gretchen, Liv, Solveig, Marlene, Jacqueline and so on. There are common nouns of this type, but they are few in number and practically incomplete (madam, miss, missus, mistress, fraulein, miss), There are many personal names and their replenishment (by borrowing) is not limited by anything.

13.2.4. Male names with hard and soft consonants (written with consonants, And And b), are declined as common nouns of the same appearance. These include Ivan, Konstantin, Makar, Arthur, Robert, Ernst, Claude, Richard, Andrey, Vasily, Julius, Amadeus, Igor, Emil, Charles etc. In rare cases of “homonymy” of male and female names, they are correlated (in terms of declension) as male and female surnames: Michelle, Michelle(male name), Michelle, indeclinable (female name; there is a French violinist Michel Auclair).

13.2.5. Everything that has been said about the inclination and indeclinability of surnames to vowels also applies to personal names.

Names are not declined: Rene, Roger, Honore, Jose, Ditte, Oze, Pantalone, Henri, Louis, Lisi, Betsy, Giovanni, Mary, Eteri, Givi, Pierrot, Leo, Amadeo, Romeo, Carlo, Laszlo, Bruno, Hugo, Danko, Francois, Nana, Atala, Colomba and so on.

Declining names: Francoise, Juliet, Suzanne, Abdullah, Mirza, Musa, Casta, Emilia, Ophelia, Jamila and so on.

13.2.6. The plural of inflected personal names is formed freely if this: becomes necessary: Ivana, Igori, Emily, Elena, Emilia etc. Morphological restrictions arise here in the same cases as for common nouns (for example, for the genitive plural from Abdullah, Mirza, Costa; Wed 7.6). On the variant formation of the genitive plural from names of type Petya, Valya, Seryozha see 7.4.4, note.

13.3 Features of the formation of indirect cases from certain combinations of first and last names

In the Russian language, a tradition has developed of using the surnames of a number of foreign figures (mainly writers) in combination with given names: Walter Scott, Jules Verne, Mine Reed, Conan Doyle, Bret Harte, Oscar Wilde, Romain Rolland; Wed also literary characters: Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Nat Pinkerton. The use of these surnames separately, without names, is not very common (this is especially true for monosyllabic surnames; hardly anyone read in childhood Verne, Reed, Doyle And Scott!).

The consequence of such close unity of the name and surname is the declension in indirect cases of only the surname: Walter Scott, Jules Verno, with Mayne Reid, about Robin Hood and so on. This phenomenon, characteristic of casual oral speech, is also reflected in writing, which can be confirmed by the following examples from fairly authoritative authors.

Show yourself off like a wonderful beast,
He is now going to Petropol /.../
With Gizot's terrible book,
With a notebook of evil cartoons,
With a new novel Walter-Scott...
(Pushkin. Count Nulin)

And gets up
Fenimore's country
And Main-Rida.

(Mayakovsky. Mexico)

In the evenings the quick-eyed Chamois
Reads to Vanya and Lyala Jules Verne.

(Chukovsky. Crocodile)

(Writings with a hyphen emphasize the close unity of the first and last names).

Failure to inflect a name in such combinations is condemned by modern normative manuals. So, D. E. Rosenthal says: “... novels Jules Verne(not: “Jules Verne”)...” (Op. cit. P. 189. §149, paragraph 2).

The wind whistled past Vova's ear
And he tore the sombrero off his head!
Wave-mountains run after each other,
They gallop like maned lions.
Here, with a hiss, one rolled -
AND Jules Verne I picked it up from the stern!

(Volgina T. Summer wanders along the paths. Kyiv. 1968. P. 38-39).

Such an edit in poetry is, of course, completely unacceptable. But even in a prose text that conveys casual conversational speech, there is no need to replace Jules Verne, Mine Ride, Bret Harte, Conan Doyle etc. with strictly normative combinations with inflected forms of names. The editor should be flexible in such cases.

Custom function for MS Excel

Declension of full name by case

The function allows you to display the last name, first name and patronymic specified in the nominative case in the form of any other case.

Application area:

The function is convenient to use to automate the generation of documents in MS Excel (or to facilitate their creation manually), where the full name must be indicated not in the nominative case: various types of contracts, cash orders, receipts, reconciliation acts, orders, protocols, powers of attorney, etc.

The function is also indispensable if automation tools implement the formation of the above documents in the MS Word application based on data contained in MS Excel tables.

Examples of using:

  • in the contract: "in the person of the leader Baranov Peter Vyacheslavovich"
  • in cash orders: "issued Gnatyuk Pavel Vasilievich", "received from Gritsenko Irina Sergeevna"
  • in the power of attorney: "I trust the driving of the vehicle Smirnitsky Vitaly Valerievich"
  • in the order: "appoint as Stepashova Olga Nikolaevna"
  • in the protocol: "the report has been prepared Dvorzhetsky Nikita Ivanovich"

What has been implemented:

  • surnames with all endings common in the CIS countries “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in”, “-yan(ts)”, “-sky(-tsky)”, “-skoy(-tskoy)” are correctly declined ", "-y", "-yh", "-ikh", "-ets", "-nko", "-uk", "-yuk", "-ich", "-iya", etc.: Pavlov, Zinoviev, Gagarin, Petrosyan, Vysotsky, Trubetskoy, Tsoi, Zadorozhny, Sadovnichy, Sedykh, Dolgikh, Soskovets, Nesterenko, Goncharuk, Danilyuk, Rabinovich, Danelia, Kvasha, Vrubel, Kozak, Kazachok etc., as well as corresponding female surnames
  • differences in the declension of male and female surnames are taken into account: Tkach Victor and Tkach Svetlana, Kozovets Anton and Kozovets Ekaterina
  • compound surnames are processed correctly: for example, Mamin-Sibiryak, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Lebedev-Kumach
  • Foreign names are not declined: Galois, Maurois, Defoe, Dali, Meringue, Verdi, Garcia, Hemingway etc.
  • patronymics with particles “-ogly”, “-kyzy”, “ibn” are successfully processed: Mamedov Polad Murtuza oglu -> Mamedov Polad Murtuza oglu, Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Khattab -> Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Khattab, Abu Ali ibn Sina -> Abu Ali ibn Sina
  • Gender (male/female) is automatically determined by patronymic and the appropriate declension rules are selected based on this
  • for situations where it is difficult to automatically determine gender (foreign middle name or missing), you can specify gender as a function parameter
  • It is possible to output in the abbreviated form “last name + initials”: Polozov N.A., Vasilyeva A.K., Dvorzhetsky E.E.
  • possibility of use as add-ons(can be used in all files on a given workplace), and in the form code embedded in the file(the function will work in this file at any workplace - convenient if the file, for example, is sent to a counterparty)
  • open source code - if desired, you can study the algorithm or modify it

How to connect?

The program consists of one file called bdgFIOPropisyu.bas. In order to use it in a particular file, the function must be imported into this file. To do this you need:

That's it, the program code is imported and can be used.

How to use?

Here are some more examples of its use:

Situations when the operation of the function may be incorrect:

Despite the fact that there are many situations where the operation of a function may be unsatisfactory, there are many listed below, the likelihood of encountering such a name in practical work is quite small, because in 99.9% of cases, surnames found in Russia are declined according to general rules.
In addition, it should be noted that other algorithms and programs also cannot guarantee the correctness of the result in 100% of cases - the Russian language is too large and powerful to be described by a set of logical rules (see below about the influence of the position of stress in a word, the origin of the surname, about the dependence writing the female form of a surname from writing the male form, etc.).

  • According to the rules of the Russian language, the declension of masculine and feminine foreign language surnames ending in “-a” and “-ya” depend on the place of emphasis in the word and the origin of the surname.
    All surnames ending with unstressed“-a” after consonants is declined: Seneca -> Seneca, Petrarch -> Petrarch, Smetana -> Smetana, Kurosawa -> Kurosawa, Glinka -> Glinka, Okudzhava -> Okudzhava etc. Declension of surnames with percussion The “-a” at the end depends on its origin: surnames of French origin are not declined: Dumas, Degas, Fermat, Petipa etc., surnames of other origins (from Slavic and Eastern languages) decline: Mitta -> Mitts, Kvasha -> Kvashas, ​​Frying pan -> Frying pans, Poker -> Pokers, Hamza -> Hamza and etc.
    Similarly, surnames of French origin with an accented “-ya” at the end are indeclinable: Zola, Troyat. All other surnames are declined with “-ya”: Golovnya -> Golovny, Danelia -> Danilia, Beria -> Beria, Goya -> Goya.
    Since it is impossible to programmatically determine the position of stress and the origin of a surname, the program algorithm assumes that all similar surnames are declined according to general rules. Therefore, French surnames with an accent on the ending are processed incorrectly by the program: Dumas -> Dumas, Zola -> Zoli, Petipa -> Petipas.
  • Male surnames ending in “-iy”, “-yy”, “-oy” are declined as adjectives Gorky -> Gorky, Blessed -> Blessed, Bronevoy -> Bronevoy. Exceptions are cases when a surname with such an ending is a common noun ( Nightjar, Watering Hole, Genius, Script) or foreign language in origin (Tsoi, Tskhoi, Choi). Since it is not possible to programmatically determine whether a surname is such an exception, it is conventionally accepted that all surnames with the endings “-й”, “-й”, “-ой” are declined as adjectives. In the vast majority of cases this is true, however in exceptional cases with surnames-nouns the function result will be erroneous: Goatjar Yakov -> Goatgoat Yakov, Genius Stefan -> Genego Stefan.
    However, as an exception, the algorithm takes into account the declension of surnames with these endings and a length of less than 5 letters (mainly Korean in origin): Tsoi Victor -> Tsoi Victor.
  • In some cases, the correct declension of a female surname ending in “-ina”, “-ova” is only possible if the declension of the corresponding male surname is known: Pearl Lyudmila, Malina Svetlana can be declined as in the usual form: Pearl Lyudmila -> Pearl Lyudmila, Malina Svetlana -> Malina Svetlana(if the corresponding male surnames are, for example, Zhemchuzhin Boris and Malin Oleg), and in the form of a noun: Pearl Lyudmila -> Pearls Lyudmila, Malina Svetlana -> Malina Svetlana(if the masculine forms of the surname are, for example, Zhemchuzhina Boris and Malina Oleg).
    It is impossible to take into account such nuances in the algorithm, so all female surnames are processed by the function according to the same rules (like adjectives), which in some cases can lead to incorrect results.
  • A similar situation exists with male and female surnames ending in “-ov(a)”, “-ev(a)”, “-in(a)”, which are homonymous with a common noun: Hog, Lion, Eagle Owl, Barin, Cow, Owl, Painting, Featherbed, Antiquity, etc.). It is not possible to programmatically establish the identity of a surname and a noun based on any formal criteria, so declension of similar surnames according to the same general rules leads to incorrect results like: Lev Pavel -> Left Pavel, Filin Sergei -> Filin Sergei, Cow Ksenia -> Cow Ksenia, Owl Olga -> Owl Olga, Painting Alla -> Painting Alla.
  • Male surnames ending in a soft sign are declined: Vrubel Mikhail -> Vrubel Mikhail, Gogol Nikolai -> Gogol Nikolai etc. However, when declining, the endings of such surnames depend on what kind of noun - masculine, feminine or neuter - they are.
    It is not possible to algorithmically determine the gender of a noun, therefore, in cases where a man's surname is a feminine or neuter noun, the function will not work correctly: Steel Ivan -> Steel Ivan, Wormwood Victor -> Wormwood Victor.
  • The formation of the instrumental case of surnames ending in “-zha”, “-tsa”, “-cha”, “-sha”, “-sha” depends on the stress in the word: if this ending is unstressed, then with declension it changes to "-to her": Kapitsa Peter -> Kapitsa Peter, Tucha Fedor -> Tucha Fedor; if the ending is stressed, it is replaced with “-ой”: Kvasha Igor -> Kvasha Igor, Candle Ivan -> Candle Ivan. The situation is similar with surnames ending in “-ets”: without an accent, the ending changes to “-em”: Finger Victor -> Finger Victor; under the accent - on the "-th": Soskovets Oleg -> Soskovets Oleg.
    As mentioned above, it is impossible to determine the position of stress in a word programmatically, therefore the program algorithm makes the assumption that in words ending in “-zha”, “-tsa”, “-cha”, “-sha”, “-sha” , the ending is unstressed (there are more such words), that is, the instrumental case is always formed by the ending “-е”. On the contrary, in words ending in “ets”, it is accepted that the ending is under stress, that is, the declension will be with the ending “-om”. Accordingly, in other cases errors of the form will be observed: Kvasha Igor, Svecha Ivan, Finger Victor.
  • According to the rules of the Russian language, the first part of a double Russian surname is declined if it itself can be used as a surname: creativity of Mamin-Sibiryak, story by Saltykov-Shchedrin, opera by Rimsky-Korsakov etc. Otherwise it doesn't change: painting by Van Dyck, the adventures of Don Juan, squire of Don Quixote etc. So, for example, in the surname Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky The first part is inclined, but not the second: works of Semenov-Tyan-Shansky.
    Again, it is not algorithmically possible to determine whether a component part of a surname is independent, so for the work it is assumed that all parts of a composite surname should be declined (in most cases this is true), which in a number of situations leads to errors: Van Dyck, Don Quixote, Semenov-Tyan-Shansky.
  • Foreign surnames ending in “-ov” and “-in” in the instrumental case change the ending to “-ом”: Benjamin Franklin, Charles Darwin, Charlie Chaplin, Alexander Greene. “Russian” surnames with similar endings end in “-й”: Ivanov, Gagarin, Fonvizin etc. Despite the fact that the names listed above ( Franklin, Darwin, Chaplin, Green) are taken into account in the algorithm as exceptions, there is a small probability that some other similar foreign surname will be encountered - in this case, the result of the function will be incorrect.

The rules for declension of surnames and names are used in accordance with sections 13.1 and 13.2 of the work of N. A. Eskova “Difficulties in inflecting nouns. Educational and methodological materials for practical classes in the course “Language of Modern Printing”(State Press Committee of the USSR. All-Union Institute for Advanced Training of Print Workers. M., 1990).

Good afternoon, dear student! Today I would like to touch on a very important topic; my students found it very useful because... surnames and given names in Russian are most often used in speech, especially among those who work or study. So, in Russian surnames usually have the following suffixes:

Ov (Round ov)
-ev (Turgen ev)
-in (Put in)
-sk (Rzhev sk y)

For example, we decline the surname with the suffix -ov

I.p. Who? Smyrna ov
R.p. whom? Smyrna ova
D.p. to whom? Smyrna ovu
V.p. whom? Smyrna ova
etc. by whom? Smyrna ov
P.p. about whom? About Smyrna ove

If we talk about names and patronymics, it should be noted that this also has its own nuances:

For example, male names that belong to the 2nd declension - Alexander, Vladimir, Evgeniy - form patronymics using the suffix - ovich, and for female patronymics - aries.

Alexander ovich/Alexander Aries

If we add the suffixes - evich/evna to the name, we get the following middle names:

Evgen Evich/Evgen Evna

But please note that male patronymics, which are formed from names ending in -й (Valery, Evgeniy), change the ending to -ь, for example:

Valerievich, Evgenievich

Male names that belong to the 1st declension (for example, Nikita) form patronymics by adding the suffix -ich for the male patronymic:

Nikit ich

And for female patronymics an -ichna is added:

Nikit ichna

note that if the stress in a male name falls on the last syllable (Ilya, Luka, Thomas), then female patronymics are formed by adding the suffix -inichna: Ilyin ichna- from the male name Ilya΄ (emphasis falls on the last syllable). If you want to correctly decline patronymics by case, then here we add or replace certain endings, for example, let’s decline patronymics Ilyich (masculine) and Lvovna (feminine):

I.p. Who? Ilyich (masculine) Lvovna (feminine)
R.p. whom? Ilyich A Lvovn s
D.p. to whom? Ilyich at Lvovn e
V.p. whom? Ilyich A Lvovn s
etc. by whom? Ilyich ohm Lvovn Ouch
P.p. about whom? About Ilyich e about Lvovn e

Masculine names that end in any consonant (we know that there are hard and soft consonants) and the letter -th-, then they are declined in the same way as ordinary masculine nouns, for example:

Ivan (who), Ivana (whom), Ivan (whom) and so on.

It is very important to remember that the stress remains in the same place (vowel) as in the nominative case. But here too there are exceptions: two Russian names Lev and Peter, in them the stress falls on the endings of other cases, for example,

Peter A(whom? Genitive case), Peter at(to whom? Dative case), Peter ohm(by whom? Instrumental case)

And in the name Lev, when declining by case, the vowel drops out and changes to -ь:

L b shaft b wu-L b vom

Sometimes questions arise when we are faced with a name that consists of 2 parts and is written with a hyphen, how to deal with them and how to decline them? There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to remember that only the last part of such a name is declined, the first remains unchanged, for example:

St. Louis
R.p. whom? St. Louis
D.p. to whom? St. Louis
V.p. whom? St. Louis
etc. by whom? St. Louis
P.p. about whom? About St. Louis

Names, regardless of gender - masculine and feminine, that end in the letter -a, are declined like other nouns in Russian: Vera-Vera-Vere, etc.

Male and female names ending in -ya, -ya, -iya, -ee will be declined as nouns with the corresponding endings: Maria-Maria-Maria.

Articles By topic:
How to understand a pedantic person
Izolda Mayorova Pedantry (or pedantry) - what is it in psychology? We are talking about a personality quality that presupposes the presence of extreme precision and accuracy in a person’s actions, as well as an excessive tendency to comply with formal requirements.
Stages of development of the psyche in animals Stages of development of the psyche of animals and their features
The recognition of animals' ability to mentally reflect reality and to appropriately regulate behavior must be specified, because we are talking about the prehistory of the human psyche. The first question that arises is when exactly
Types of human temperament
dynamic characteristics of human mental activity; behavioral features determined primarily by the general type of higher nervous activity. Let us describe those aspects of temperament that determine the typical characteristics of people’s behavior in a situation
Test to assess the level of personal self-actualization (“samoal”) Description of the technique The technique is intended for examining adults (over 15– 17 years old), mentally healthy people (meaning the absence of expression