About Karlovy Vary salt in detail. Karlovy Vary salt - for health Karlovy Vary salt for the face

The extraordinary healing properties of the mineral water in Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic have been known since the 14th century. The first persons of many countries of the world rested at these resorts. They are especially popular to this day. Thousands of people from all over the planet visit this world-class resort every year.

It is considered a popular destination for relaxation and effective treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But not everyone can afford to visit the beautiful Czech city. And it's great that thanks to modern technologies, this water has now become available to millions of people who cannot afford to rest in the cozy and beautiful city of the Czech Republic.

How Karlovy Vary salt is made

For more than two hundred years, local doctors have tried to solve the problem of the availability of Karlovy Vary mineral water for a wide range of people. Today this problem has been successfully resolved.

For the production of salt, mineral water is taken in the morning, when it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Then the water enters the water treatment system, where all impurities are removed: water stone, iron and others, which affect the quality of water, and bring little benefit to the human body.

To obtain salt, water is heated and evaporated. The salt obtained in this way retains all the minerals that are present in the water itself.

Salt production is carried out using the most modern technological equipment and in compliance with all hygienic requirements. As a result, the consumer receives a product that fully complies with all Karlovy Vary water standards and can take it at home by dissolving it in water.

Salt is produced in packages of 5 grams or plastic bottles weighing 100 grams.

How Karlovy Vary salt is made for Faberlik

Karlovy Vary salt composition

Karlovy Vary salt is a mineral dietary supplement that can replenish the body with many important minerals. Salt contains about 40 unique rare earth minerals. The largest percentage in it are:

Sodium cations;



The specific content of nutrients may vary in different batches and depend on the specific source where the water was taken for the production of salt.

Karlovy Vary salt useful properties

The healing effect of the mineral waters of Carlsbad has always attracted people with various diseases to this resort. Drinking water contributes to:

Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;

Cleansing the body;

Improving the function of the nervous system;

Cleansing the skin;

Normalization of metabolism;

Slowing down premature aging of the body;

Restoration of mineral metabolism;

Stabilization of the urinary system.

It normalizes all metabolic processes in the body, increases the energy and life resource of the human body.

It is useful for:




Kidney and bladder stones;

Diseases of the female genital area, including those caused by inflammatory processes;

Dysmetabolic nephropathy;

Skin diseases.

It will be of particular benefit to those who suffer from various disorders of the stomach and intestines. It is useful for flatulence, dysbiosis, constipation, pathologies of the stomach, pancreas, intestines.

Karlovy Vary salt indications for use

Karlovy Vary salt is indicated for the general improvement of the body as a source of many biologically active substances. Inside it is used in the form of a solution of various concentrations. Externally - in the form of compresses, lotions, lotions, baths and trays.

You can use salt in food instead of regular table salt. In cosmetology, scrubs are made with salt, mixed with cosmetic or vegetable oil to cleanse the face and skin.

It is indicated for the treatment of diseases, the list of which is below.

Gastrointestinal diseases:

  • Gastritis (low and high acidity);
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Chronic pancreatitis;
  • Dyskinesia of the biliary tract;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Chronic constipation
  • Liver disease;
  • Postcholecystectomy syndrome (after removal of the gallbladder);
  • Colitis;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Flatulence;
  • Increased gas formation.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Arthritis;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Spine diseases;
  • Degenerative-dystrophic diseases and others.

Diseases associated with metabolic processes:

  • Diabetes;
  • Obesity;
  • Dysmetabolic nephropathy.
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Cholelithiasis;

Hangover syndrome;

With dehydration of the body;


The Karlovy Vary spas have detoxification programs that you can do at home. This water is used to cleanse the liver and intestines. But these procedures are best done under the supervision of medical personnel.

Karlovy Vary salt how to use

Before using the salt, you first need to prepare a solution that will be similar in its properties to the geyser mineral water of the resort. The exact concentration of the drug, the temperature of the consumed solution, its daily volume, dosage and duration of treatment should be prescribed by the doctor individually in accordance with existing diseases.

They drink water slowly, in small sips. Preferably through a special mug or straw (if there are no other requirements).

Chronic gastritis, low acidity or close to zero

The concentration of the solution is up to 0.5 percent; the temperature of the solution is 60 degrees.

Take 20-30 minutes before meals: morning - 300 ml; lunch - 200 ml; dinner - 200-300 ml.

The course of treatment is 3 weeks. You can do two or three courses a year.

Chronic gastritis with high acidity

The concentration of the solution is from 0.5 percent to 1 percent, the temperature of the solution is 45-60 degrees;

Take 45-60 minutes before meals: morning - 200-400 ml; lunch - 200 ml, evening - 200-400 ml, before bedtime 1.5-2 hours after the last meal - 200 ml.

The course of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks. For a long time, use once in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 1.5-2 hours after the last meal, 100-200 ml each. Drink water quickly.

Gastritis with normal acidity

Solution concentration - up to 0.5 percent; water temperature - 30 degrees;

Take 45 minutes before meals: morning - 100-400 ml; at lunchtime - 200 ml; for dinner - 100 - 400 ml;

The course of treatment is from 3 to 4 weeks, twice a year.

Stomach and duodenal ulcer

Take a salt solution during remission or during an exacerbation.

Solution concentration - up to 0.5 percent; solution temperature - 45 degrees;

Take 35-60 minutes before meals: morning, lunch and evening - 200 ml;

Drink very slowly in small sips with long breaks between sips.

The course of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks. Then you can drink for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening after one and a half, two hours after eating, 100-200 ml.

Stomach and duodenal ulcer during an exacerbation

Solution concentration - up to 0.5 percent water temperature - the first week - 30 degrees, the next - 45 degrees;

Drink the solution while lying down for the first time, 5-6 times a day, 100 ml before meals and after meals;

Subsequent weeks - 3-4 times a day;

Then drink 100-200 ml for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before going to bed one and a half to two hours after the last meal;

The course of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks, 2 times a year.

After gastric resection

The concentration of the solution is up to 0.5 percent; the temperature of the solution is 45 degrees for the first time, then - 30 degrees;

Consumed 20-30 minutes before meals: morning - 300 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 100-300 ml;

The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks twice a year.


For chronic colitis accompanied by diarrhea:

Solution concentration - up to 0.5 percent; water temperature - 60 degrees;

At first, 100 ml 4 times a day;

After stool normalization in the morning on an empty stomach - 300 ml, at lunchtime and before dinner 35-60 minutes before meals - 200 ml;

The course of treatment is 3-6 weeks.

For chronic colitis accompanied by constipation:

Solution concentration - up to 1% temperature - 30 degrees (with atony) and 60 degrees - with enterospasm;

Take 45 minutes before meals 4 times a day, 400 ml;

The course of treatment is 3-5 weeks, then they drink from 200 to 600 ml per day with a solution concentration of 0.5 to 1 percent at a solution temperature of 30 degrees on an empty stomach after sleep.


In the first week they use: morning - 400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, evening - 400 ml;

On the following days: morning 600 ml, lunch - 200-300 ml, evening - 600 ml;

Drink the solution very slowly, taking breaks between sips;

The course of treatment is 3-6 weeks.

For prevention, you can use once a day in the morning immediately after sleep, 200-400 ml in 1% concentration and with a temperature of 30 degrees.

According to the same scheme, you can use Karlovy Vary salt for biliary dyskinesia.

After removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy)

Solution concentration - up to 1 percent; water temperature - 45 degrees;

Consumed 45 minutes before meals, 200 ml three times a day;

With good tolerance and the absence of side effects, exacerbations, you can increase the amount of solution at one time to 300-400 ml;

The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Solution concentration - up to 0.5 percent; solution temperature - 45 degrees;

Consumed 45 minutes before meals three times a day;

The first week (10 days) they drink 100 ml;

In the following days, with good tolerance, no exacerbation and side effects, the dose is gradually increased.

In the morning, it is advisable to use the solution in bed and after use put a heating pad in the liver area;

The course of treatment is 3-6 weeks, it is advisable to repeat the course in 6 months.

According to this scheme, Karlovy Vary salt is also used for chronic hepatitis.


Solution concentration - up to 1% temperature - 45 degrees

In the stage of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, accompanied by diarrhea, the temperature of the solution is 60 degrees;

Drink three times a day, 100-200 ml;

When the stool is normalized, the temperature is lowered to 45 degrees, and the rate of the solution is increased: morning - 400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, evening - 400 ml;

Drink very slowly for at least 3 minutes the first glass (200 ml), taking long breaks between sips;

Diseases of the urinary tract and urolithiasis

Solution concentration - up to 0.5%; temperature - 30-45 degrees;

The total intake of the solution should be from 750 ml to 1250 ml. in the morning, the amount of solution drunk should be more within the range of 400-600 ml, distributing the rest in equal proportions for the next two doses. Begin the first days to drink with minimum doses and gradually increase to the maximum recommended.

The course of treatment is 3-5 weeks twice a year. During the recommendation, you must strictly follow the diet.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Solution concentration - from 0.5 percent to 1 percent; water temperature - 45 degrees;

Depending on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, the first 7-10 days are consumed three times a day: morning - 200-400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 400 ml;

On the following days, with a good reaction of the body, the daily rate is gradually increased to 1.3-1.4 liters per day, evenly distributed over 3 doses, in the morning the dose should be higher;

The course of treatment is 3 to 5 weeks twice a year.

During respiratory illness and flu

Solution concentration - 0.5% solution temperature - 30 - 45 degrees;

Drink three times a day, 400 to 600 ml, distributed in equal portions;

Saline solution can be added to warm milk, used to gargle and rinse the nose, inhalation.

Saline solution is used to rinse the mouth for problems with teeth and gums, in the form of douching for gynecological diseases, in the form of microclysters for proctological diseases. All these treatments are recommended after consultation with the appropriate specialist. The concentration of the solution should be 0.5 percent. Temperature as recommended by a doctor.

For skin problems, cosmetic flaws, a solution is prepared at a concentration of 0.5% to 2 percent.

The body's response to salt

Each organism is individual and perceives the intake of Karlovy Vary water differently. Its use heals the body as a whole, improves metabolic processes, digestion, and normalizes bowel function. But, like any mineral water, the body of each person reacts in its own way. Adaptation usually takes 3-10 days.

At the beginning of treatment, in the first time after the morning portion of water, the so-called "resort reaction" can be observed, there can be fatigue, discomfort in the intestines and stomach, loss of appetite, bitterness in the mouth. There may be diarrhea, belching, and increased urination. In some cases, vomiting may also appear. This is a normal reaction of the body, which should not be intimidated.

By 3-4 weeks, all unpleasant symptoms disappear, all processes in the body are normalized. Therefore, taking a salt solution should be done for at least 3-4 weeks.

How to dilute Karlovy Vary salt

The Karlovy Vary mineral springs are characterized by a low degree of mineralization. Its natural concentration, depending on the source, is 0.5-1 percent and different temperatures. Therefore, the therapeutic effect of water is determined precisely by its temperature and concentration. Its composition is virtually identical for all sources.

Of course, it is better to drink this healing water directly at the source. But not everyone has such an opportunity. But on the other hand, it is possible to carry out a course of treatment using salt.

To prepare a saline solution of mineral water, you need simple clean water and always carbonated. You can buy this water at any grocery store. You need to choose with the inscription "Table water". Mineralized water, medicinal will not work.

To prepare a 0.5% solution, you need to dilute 5 grams of salt in 1 liter of water. 5 grams is 1 flat teaspoon.

Accordingly, to prepare a 1% solution per liter of water, you need to take 10 grams of salt or 2 teaspoons.

It is better to add salt to the bottle through a funnel and close it immediately. During the mixing of salt with water, a violent reaction occurs with the release of gas bubbles, which accelerates the dissolution of the salt.

Contraindications and side effects

The side effects were mentioned above when describing the body's reaction to the action of water. If any other unpleasant symptoms or pain appear during the course of treatment, you should consult a doctor. This is especially true for taking water during an exacerbation of the disease.

Since most mineral waters (due to their cleansing effect) are weakening, this water is no exception. True, in some people it can cause constipation. But this happens very, very rarely. It is better to reduce the one-time rate, rather than drink laxatives.

It is necessary to dilute the solution for the daily rate, and preferably for one dose.

Where to buy Karlovy Vary salt and how to store it

Karlovy Vary salt can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered online. It is sold in some network companies such as Faberlik. The cost of salt starts at 1100 rubles.

The shelf life is maximum 3 years. They store it in the packaging that they bought at room conditions. If this is a jar, then it is closed. In bags - in a box and only the required number of bags is opened.

About the properties of Karlovy Vary salt

Annotation on Karlovy Vary salt -> Analysis of the chemical composition in 100 g of Karlovy Vary salt -> Natural Karlovy Vary geyser salt

- a unique product not only for DENAS Group of Companies, but also for the Russian and international market in general. You can use the Karlovy Vary salt solution for medicinal and cosmetic purposes right at home! And rest assured that the mineral composition and quality of this healing water is exactly the same as if you are in the world famous Karlovy Vary spa in the Czech Republic.

Andrey Aleksandrovich Vlasov, Ph.D., Vice President for Medicine of the DENAS Group of Companies (Russia, Yekaterinburg), presents to your attention a film about Karlovy Vary, the history of the resort, and the peculiarities of the production of natural salt.

Since 2004, Vridelni Sul (Czech Republic), the only manufacturer of geyser salt in Karlovy Vary, belongs to the DENAS group of companies. In 2011, the owner built a new plant, equipping it with the most modern technology for obtaining salt from water - the evaporation method.

As a result of this seven-stage technology, salt is obtained from the Karlovy Vary geysen water, the composition of microelements being as close as possible to the unique water from the spring. The centuries-old traditions of Czech salt-makers and innovative technologies have made it possible to create a product of the highest quality, which has no analogues in the whole world.

Karlovy Vary salt is a natural remedy, the consumption of which makes it possible to enrich the human body with biologically active substances, micro- and macroelements, which help to improve metabolic processes, restore the natural functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, harmonize the water-electrolyte balance and activate the self-purification process at the cellular level.

Healing properties

Mineral Karlovy Vary salt has a variety of beneficial properties:

  • regulates the functional activity of the urinary system and improves the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates dysbiosis and flatulence;
  • activates detoxification processes;
  • gently cleanses the skin and prevents early skin aging;
  • prevents the formation of stones;
  • normalizes the tone of the nervous system;
  • has a beneficial effect on metabolism due to a stimulating effect on the pancreas;
  • normalizes mineral metabolism;
  • has a mild choleretic effect.

The use of Karlovy Vary salt

The instructions for Karlovy Vary salt say that it can be used as an additional agent in the treatment of the following painful conditions:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines (in particular, chronic pancreatitis, chronic constipation, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic liver disease, postcholecystectomy syndrome, etc.);
  • metabolic disorders (in particular obesity, diabetes mellitus, impaired fat metabolism, dysmetabolic nephropathy, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis);
  • certain gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including arthrosis and arthritis of the joints, spine and limbs, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, etc.)

Karlovy Vary salt can also be used in cosmetology to prevent premature aging, to improve skin condition, to eliminate obesity, etc. Karlovy Vary salt is often used during dehydration to normalize water and electrolyte metabolism, as well as with hangover syndrome and acidosis.

Geyser Karlovy Vary salt helps relieve constipation and is used as an effective laxative. For constipation, take 100 ml of an aqueous solution with the addition of one tablespoon of Karlovy Vary geyser salt.

The geyser Karlovy Vary salt is also used for chronic cholangitis and chronic cholecystitis, as it relieves inflammation of the bile ducts and gallbladder well.

Indications, dosage and method of administration of the Karlovy Vary mineral salt

Disease Solution concentration T-ra water Time of admission. Amount of daily dose Method of reception Course / Features
Morning: 300 ml on an empty stomach. Lunch: 200 ml.

Dinner: 200-300 ml 20-30 minutes before meals.

In small sips, slowly. Take for at least 3 weeks. Can be repeated 2-3 times a year.
Morning: 100-400 ml on an empty stomach. Lunch: 200 ml.

Dinner: 100-400 ml. 45 minutes before meals

Slowly, in small sips, for three to four weeks. It is possible 2 times a year. Take within 3-4 weeks. Can be repeated 2 times a year.
45 0 С or 60 0 С Morning: 200-400 ml on an empty stomach. Lunch: 200 ml. Dinner: 200-400 ml.

Before bedtime: 200 ml 45-60 minutes before meals and before bedtime

Quickly, in big sips. Four doses a day. Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml.
Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer during remission or without exacerbation 3 times a day, 200 ml 35-60 minutes before meals In small sips, slowly, with a break between cups for 10-15 minutes. Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml.
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, without exacerbation Starting from 30 0 С, and further 45 0 С First, 5-6 times a day, 100 ml, then 3-4 times a day before meals and during meals Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml. Can be repeated 2 times a year.
Starting from 45 0 С, and further 30 0 С Morning: 300 ml on an empty stomach. Lunch: 200 ml.

Dinner: 100-200-300 ml 20-30 minutes before meals

In small sips, slowly, starting with small daily doses. Take within 4-6 weeks. Repeat 2 times a year.
First, 4 times a day, 100 ml, with improvement of the stool - in the morning on an empty stomach 300 ml, then - 200 ml 1-3 times a day, depending on the state of the stool 35-60 minutes before meals. Take within 3-6 weeks.
1.0% or 2.0% 30 0 С (with intestinal atony) or 60 0 С (with intestinal spasms) 4 times a day, 400 ml 45 minutes before meals Slowly, in small sips. Take 3-5 weeks. Then for a long time, 200-600 ml of 0.5-1.0% solution at 30 ° C in the morning on an empty stomach.
First 400ml in the morning on an empty stomach, at lunchtime 200ml, for dinner 400ml. Then gradually increase to 600 ml in the morning on an empty stomach, 200-300 ml. for lunch and 600 ml for dinner. The time taken before meals depends on the state of gastric secretion.. Slowly, in small sips, with a break between cups for 10-15 minutes Take within 3-6 weeks. While taking the solution, a walk is recommended. After the end of the course, for the purpose of prevention, drink in the morning on an empty stomach 200-400 ml of a 1.0% solution at 30 ° C for a long time
First, 200 ml 3 times a day, then individual doses can be increased by 300-400 ml. 45 minutes before meals.
First, 3 times a day, 100 ml, later gradually increase the dose to 200 ml. 45 minutes before meals. In small sips slowly Take 3-6 weeks. Drink the morning dose in bed, apply a compress to the liver area. Repeat the course after 6 months.
45 0 С (with diarrhea - 60 0 С) First, 3 times a day, 100-200 ml. Then, with good tolerance and strengthening of the stool, gradually increase the dose to: In the morning, 400 ml on an empty stomach.

Lunch: 200 ml Dinner: 400 ml. On an empty stomach

In small sips: the first cup should be drunk within 3 minutes, followed by 5 minutes. Break between cups 10-15 minutes. Take 3-6 weeks. Then continue taking 200-400 ml of 1.0% solution in the morning on an empty stomach for a long time.
Urolithiasis disease. Prevention of ammonium stones Chronic inflammation of the urinary tract From 30 0 С to 45 0 С First, 750-1250 ml per day, then increase the dose over 1250 ml. Morning: 400-600 ml on an empty stomach. The rest of the dose evenly throughout the day. Last appointment in the evening before bedtime. Time of admission taking into account existing diseases of the digestive system In small sips slowly Take 3-4 weeks, 2 times a year. Contraindicated in inflammation caused by E. coli.
0,5% – 1,0% First, 200-400 ml in the morning on an empty stomach, at lunchtime: 200 ml, at dinner: 400 ml. Then gradually increase the daily dose to 1300 - 1400 ml. The time of taking the solution before meals depends on the state of gastric secretion. Take 3-5 weeks twice a year. Strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist doctor is necessary.
Dental, proctological and gynecological problems Prescribed by the doctor Mouth rinses, enemas and douching . Prescribed by the doctor Prescribed by the doctor
From 30 0 С to 45 0 С Internal intake - during the day 400-600 ml. Inhalation 1-2 times a day. In small sips, slowly, can be added to warm milk. Of necessity. If there are contraindications for oral administration, it is possible to replace it with inhalation
Cosmetic purposes 0,5% – 2,0% Frozen cubes or solution 15-18 0 С Of necessity . Light skin massage Of necessity

Contraindications Contraindicated for symptoms of an acute abdomen, with individual intolerance to its components, with acute intestinal obstruction, hyperthermia, atonic constipation, liver failure and hypertension, which cannot be treated with pharmacological agents.

Karlovy Vary mineral water is a natural healing agent.

Warm mineral springs, emerging to the surface in the form of geysers, are formed by millennial penetration of surface waters through layers of rocks to a depth of more than 2000 meters. The time during which the present day Karlovy Vary water appeared is longer than the productive activity in the region. That is why the mineral water of the Karlovy Vary springs is still completely ecologically clean and has retained its constant composition for many centuries.

Karlovy Vary mineral water has the following curative effects:

  • Normalizes the motor and secretory function of the digestive system;
  • Improves the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • Reduces gas and bloating in the abdomen;
  • Improves the propulsive activity of the intestine;
  • Reduces the risk of gallstones and kidney stones;
  • Improves liver function;
  • Reduces excess weight and has a positive effect on metabolic processes with excess body weight;
  • Corrects water and electrolyte disturbances in dehydration, acidosis and hangover syndrome;
  • Improves metabolic processes and normalizes the pH balance of the skin.

Mineral Karlovy Vary water is used inside:

  • As an additional source of macro- and micronutrients, which we often do not receive from food;
  • With increased physical and mental stress;
  • In the complex correction of excess weight.

Mineral Karlovy Vary salt is applied externally in the form of general and local baths, compresses, rinses:

  • To improve the quality of the skin - increase firmness and elasticity, rejuvenating effect;
  • In a comprehensive anti-cellulite program to stimulate metabolic processes, reduce puffiness.

The mention of the salt obtained by the evaporation of the Karlovy Vary mineral water dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. Since 1882, salt has been produced at the Vridelni Sul factory, and since 2004 Vridelni Sul is the only producer of Karlovy Vary geyser salt in the world, owned by the DENAS group of companies.

In 2012, a new plant was launched, where the highest quality salt is produced. By dissolving this salt, you can get water anywhere in the world that is indistinguishable from mineral water from a source.

Karlovy Vary salt does not contain substances foreign or harmful to the human body.

It contains and - most importantly - in the amount of sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorides, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, iron, silicon, copper, lithium, zinc, fluorine in the body. In total, the salt contains up to 40 different elements. According to the balneological classification, Karlovy Vary salt belongs to the natural hydrocarbonate-sulphate sodium chloride salt.

The popularity of Karlovy Vary salt is due to the beneficial complex composition of the main mineral components in combination with many scattered elements, including the well-known antioxidants that bind and neutralize aggressive oxygen compounds.

Chemical composition of Karlovy Vary salt: 0.5 g contains (mg):
Na Sodium 150 (11,538%)* Fe Iron 0,002 (0,011%)*
SO 4 Sulfate Zn Zinc < 0.001 (0.008%)*
Cl Chloride 70 (3,043%)* Cu Copper 0,0009 (0,090%)*
K Potassium 5 (0,200%)* Ni Nickel < 0,00025
Li Lithium 5 (0,200%)* Sn Tin < 0,00025
F Fluoride 0,15 (0,750%)* Sr Strontium 0,000135
H 2 SiO 3 Silicic acid 0,145 (2,900%)* Co Cobalt < 0,00005 (0,500%)
Br Bromine Mn Manganese < 0,00005 (0,003%)
Si Silicon 0,05 (1,000%)* Pl Lead < 0,00005
Rb Rubidium Sb Antimony < 0,00005
Mg Magnesium 0,0125 (0,003%)* Be Beryl < 000005
Ca Calcium 0,008 (0,001%)* Cd Cadmium < 0,000005
Cs Cesium HCO 3 Bicarbonate
Se Selenium < 0,0025 (4,545%)* CO 3 Carbonate
Al Aluminum < 0,0025
* Note: the percentage of the daily requirement (for adults) of mineral substances with an established physiological effect is indicated.
The calculation of the daily requirement is given in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations MR (approved by the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing on December 18, 2008) and MR (approved by the head of the Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being 02.07.2004)

Karlovy Vary mineral salt is intended for oral use as a biologically active food supplement. In the conditions of a modern lifestyle, the overwhelming majority of people do not receive enough micronutrients necessary for healthy life with food.

Cooking method:
To prepare a 0.5% solution, dissolve 1 teaspoon (5g) of Karlovy Vary salt in 1 liter of water.

Using salt at home.

For internal use, depending on the disease, solutions of various concentrations and temperatures are used. The minimum daily dose for drinking is 400-500 ml. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 1500 ml.

The daily volume of mineral water should be taken in 2-4 doses. An effective course of treatment is at least 4-5 weeks. It is not recommended to smoke for about an hour before drinking water, and also between drinking water and subsequent meals, as smoking affects the rate of gastric emptying and gastric secretion.

For the preparation of Karlovy Vary mineral water at home, salt is dissolved in warm or hot water of a certain temperature (30 ° C, 45 ° C, 60 ° C). It is recommended to use warm sparkling water (water with carbon dioxide) to taste and reduce high alkalinity, as well as to eliminate cloudiness due to precipitated sodium carbonate sediment.

The resulting mineral water must be drunk from original cups with a straw or from glasses (200-250 ml) through a glass tube in small sips. A single (single) dose of water is usually 200-400 ml and should be drunk within 3-5 minutes, unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor. The break between the following cups (glasses) should be from 6 to 10 minutes.

In the second and third weeks of taking mineral water, the dose can be increased. In the fourth and fifth week, the dose should be reduced. In the event of a liquefied stool, a 0.5% concentration of the solution is used, single doses are reduced to 100-150 ml, and the water temperature increases to 45 ° C or 60 ° C.

It is also possible to take a break from drinking, 2-3 days, replacing the internal use with baths with Karlovy Vary salt. In case of constipation, the concentration of the solution increases to 1.0%, the dose increases by 100-200 ml, and the water temperature drops to 30 ° C. Mineral water is heated very carefully, only in a water bath and in no case is it brought to a boil, since the salt composition of mineral water changes during boiling.

Disease Concentration of the KBC solution.
Water temperature
Daily dose volume. Reception time before meals Method of reception Well.
Chronic gastritis with decreased or virtually no gastric secretion concentration:
60 o C

Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 200-300 ml

20-30 minutes before meals

Take for at least 3 weeks. Can be repeated 2-3 times a year
Chronic gastritis with normal gastric secretion concentration:
30 o C
In the morning: 100-400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 100-400 ml

45 minutes before meals

Slowly, in small sips for 3-4 weeks. Possible 2 times a year Take within 3-4 weeks. can be repeated 2 times a year
Chronic gastritis with increased gastric secretion concentration:
0.5% or 1%

45 o C or 60 o C

In the morning: 200-400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 200-400 ml
Before bed: 200 ml

45-60 minutes before meals and before bedtime

Quickly, in big sips. Four doses a day Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml.
Peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer during remission or without exacerbation concentration:
45 o C
200 ml 3 times a day: 35-60 minutes before meals In small sips, slowly, with a break between cups for 10-15 minutes Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml
Peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, without exacerbation concentration:

starting from 30 o C,

further 45 o C

First, 5-6 times a day, 100 ml, then 3-4 times a day
Before meals and during meals
In small sips, in a supine position Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml. Can be repeated 2 times a year
Condition after gastric resection concentration:

starting from 45 o C,

further 30 o C

In the morning: 300 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 100-200-300 ml

20-30 minutes before meals

In small sips, slowly, starting with small daily doses Take within 4-6 weeks. Repeat 2 times a year
Chronic colitis with increased bowel movement (diarrhea) concentration:
60 o C
First, 4 times a day, 100 ml, if the stool improves - in the morning on an empty stomach 300 ml, then - 200 ml 1-3 times a day, depending on the state of the stool.
35-60 before meals
Slowly, in small sips Take within 3-6 weeks
Chronic colitis with decreased bowel activity (constipation) concentration:
1 or 2%

30 o C (with intestinal atony)

or 60 o C (with intestinal spasms)

4 times a day, 400 ml
45 minutes before meals
Slowly, in small sips Take 3-5 weeks. Then for a long time, 200-600 ml of 0.5-1.0% solution at 30 o C in the morning on an empty stomach
Biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis concentration:
45 o C
Morning: 400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 400 ml.
Then gradually increase to:
Morning: 600 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200-300 ml
Dinner: 600 ml

Time of intake: before meals depends on the state of gastric secretion

Slowly, in small sips with a break between cups for 10-15 minutes Take within 3-6 weeks. Walking is recommended while taking the solution. After the end of the course, for the purpose of prevention, drink in the morning on an empty stomach 200-400 ml of 1% solution at 30 o C for a long time
Condition after cholecystectomy concentration:
45 o C
Initially, 200 ml 3 times a day, then individual doses can be increased by 300-400 ml. 45 minutes before meals Slowly, in small sips Take within 3-4 weeks
Chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis without exacerbation concentration:
45 o C
At the beginning, 3 times a day, 100 ml, later gradually increase the dose to 200 ml. 45 minutes before meals In small sips, slowly Take 3-6 weeks. Drink the morning dose in bed, apply a compress to the liver area. Repeat the course after 6 months.
Chronic recurrent pancreatitis concentration:

45 o С (with diarrhea - 60 o С)

Initially, 3 times a day, 100-200 ml. Then, with good tolerance and strengthening of the stool, gradually increase the dose to: In the morning, 400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 400 ml.
In small sips: the first cup should be drunk within 3 minutes, followed by 5 minutes. Break between cups 10-15 minutes Take 3-6 weeks. Then continue taking 200-400 ml of 1% solution in the morning on an empty stomach for a long time.
Urolithiasis disease. Prevention of ammonium stones. Chronic inflammation of the urinary tract. concentration:
First, take 750-1250 ml per day, then increase the dose over 1250 ml. Morning: 400-600 ml on an empty stomach. The rest of the dose evenly throughout the day. Last appointment in the evening before bedtime.
Taking into account the existing diseases of the digestive system
In small sips slowly Take 3-5 weeks twice a year. Strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist doctor is necessary.
Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinemia, gout concentration:
45 o C
Morning: 200-400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 400 ml.
then gradually increase the daily dose to 1300-1400 ml

Time taken before meals, depends on the state of gastric secretion

In small sips slowly Take 3-5 weeks twice a year. Strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist doctor is necessary.
Dental, proctological, gynecological problems concentration:

prescribed by the doctor

Mouth rinses, enemas, and douching.
Prescribed by the doctor
Prescribed by the doctor Prescribed by the doctor
Acute respiratory diseases, influenza concentration:

From 30 o C to 45 o C

Internal reception. During the day 400-600 ml. Inhalation 1-2 times a day In small sips, slowly, can be added to warm milk If necessary, if there are contraindications for oral administration, it is possible to replace it with inhalation.
Cosmetic purposes concentration:
frozen cubes

or a solution of 15-18 o C

Of necessity. Prescribed by the doctor Light skin massage Of necessity

Contraindications and restrictions:
During pregnancy, breastfeeding, impaired renal function, diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by edema, oral administration is recommended to be agreed with your doctor.

Delivered volume: 100g can.

Shelf life:
3 years from the date of manufacture. the production date is indicated on the packaging. Store in a dry place out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.

Manufactured by OOO Vridelni sul, spol s r.o. 360 17 Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, for the exclusive distributor of ZAO DENAS MS, Yekaterinburg.

Application Permit No. HEM-350-21.3.01 / 8121 issued by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion No. dated September 25, 2003 issued by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Expert opinion of the Head Testing Center for Food Products at the State Institution of Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences No. 72 / E-2706-03 dated 03.09.2003.

Natural natural soluble salt for home use
from the Karlovy Vary mineral springs

« When a person is over 40, there is always something to "rinse",
and if over 50, then there is no part of the body that
would not need polishing with Karlovy Vary saline solution "

Karl Marx, 1874

A bit of history ...

Karlovy Vary is located in Bohemia in the middle of other spa towns in Western Bohemia. There are many of them here, like around the mineral waters in the North Caucasus. Among all the spas in the world, whose task is to heal ailments and improve people's health with the help of healing mineral waters, Karlovy Vary is one of the most ancient cities, whose spa fame goes back six centuries.

This world famous fairytale resort town was founded in the XIV century by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV (aka the Czech king Karel I), according to legend, after his deer hunt, when the magical possibilities of a unique geyser of hot mineral water were discovered. In 1370 the city of Karlovy Vary received the privileges of a royal city, and already at the end of the 16th century there were about 200 spa houses. Currently, 12 healing springs of identical origin, similar in chemical composition, but with different carbon dioxide content and temperatures from 49.7 ° C to 73.8 ° C are coming to the surface in Karlovy Vary.

The most powerful source - Vrzhidlo - flows from a depth of about 2000 meters with an intensity of 1500 liters per minute. It is distinguished by its absolute ecological cleanness, which, unfortunately, the majority of surface water does not have. The rest of the Karlovy Vary springs are also dependent on the main geyser, representing, in fact, only branches extending from the main trunk. One of them is a fountain that gushes with a stream of water to a height of 14 meters and attracts the attention of all guests of the city.

Emperor Peter the Great opened the road to Karlovy Vary from Russia. He visited the resort twice: in 1711 and 1712. He worked, had fun, treated the liver and urinary system. At this time, taking water was not easy. Then they drank water at home, lying in bed, for 2-3 hours, often in a hotly heated room, until profuse sweat appeared.

In Russia, one might say fashion, treatment in Karlovy Vary gained wide popularity in the 19th century. Whoever was there: healing springs were visited by many leaders of the Communist Party of the USSR, families of cosmonauts and scouts, aristocrats and princes, merchants and artists, writers and doctors, engineers and students.

From the "Guide to foreign resorts" (St. Petersburg, 1896)
“The water of the Karlovy Vary springs tastes slightly salty, slightly soda, but not disgusting and tastes like chicken broth. Freshly taken water is clear and colorless. The Karlovy Vary waters, taken internally, cause an accelerated transfer of the contents of the stomach into the small intestines; at the same time, they increase the digestive activity of gastric juice, which contributes to faster and more complete digestion of food. More significant techniques work in the opposite direction; long-term use of Karlovy Vary waters leads to a decrease in body weight.

Karlovy Vary water also has a choleretic and bile-thinning effect and promotes the passage of mucus and bile accumulated in the stomach into the intestines. Urine flow is increased while drinking Karlovy Vary water.

The Karlovy Vary water is recommended for internal use in case of chronic intestinal catarrh, with constant, so-called, habitual constipation; successfully prescribed for gouty subjects, obese subjects and obsessed with hemorrhoids; finally, it is indicated for congestion in the region of the liver with its consequences, especially if they are caused and maintained by a sedentary lifestyle, catarrhal jaundice and gallstones. This water is also good for obesity, gout and sugar disease. "


Real Karlovy Vary mineral salt contains up to 40 different elements, including rare earth ones. According to the balneological classification, it belongs to the natural hydro-carbonate-sulphate sodium chloride salt.

The composition of Karlovy Vary mineral salt is as close as possible to the composition of macro- and microelements in the human body.

Real natural Karlovy Vary salt is an opportunity to quickly improve and heal yourself and your family not only in Karlovy Vary (where not everyone can afford to go), but at home.

Natural Karlovy Vary salt is a unique, environmentally friendly product from Karlovy Vary, the production of which preserves all the components of the thermal mineral waters of the Karlovy Vary springs.

Natural Karlovy Vary salt is easy to use at home and allows you to avoid serious diseases, complications, in some cases even surgical interventions, as well as to completely recover from serious chronic diseases.

The effect of drinking mineral water on the body is due to chemical, mechanical and thermal factors.
Real Natural Karlovy Vary salt, dissolving with water in the recommended concentration, represents low and medium mineralized drinking medicinal and medicinal table mineral water with an optimal ratio of the main components (hydrocarbonates, sulfates, chlorides) and belongs to hydrocarbonate-sulphate-chloride waters.

Chemical factor

Hydrocarbonate ions stimulate gastric secretion. With normal and increased secretion, they inhibit the activity of some enzymes, reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid, inhibiting the formation of pepsins of gastric juice and gastrointestinal hormones - gastrin and secretin. On the contrary, the accumulated carbon dioxide liquefies and removes mucus from the stomach and, through the receptors of the enteric nervous system, stimulates the acid-forming, secretory and motor functions of the stomach. Neutralization of gastric contents is accompanied by a reflex increase in the secretion of the small intestine, pancreas and liver, an increase in intraduodenal pH by 0.2-0.8.

Hydrocarbonate ions inhibit the formation of uric acid and accelerate its excretion in the urine, preventing the formation of uric acid salts. Urates and oxalates dissolve well in an alkaline medium. Such water dilutes phlegm, reduces its viscosity and increases separation from the tracheobronchial tree.

Chlorine ions in the stomach they combine with hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid. They stimulate the formation of intestinal juice, choleretic and diuretic function of the liver and kidneys. In combination with calcium ions, chlorides stimulate osteoblast differentiation and tooth growth.

Sulfate ions reduce secretion and accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach. In the intestine, they are practically not absorbed and increase its motor function, providing a laxative effect. Sulfates stimulate the tone of the muscles of the gallbladder and relax the sphincters of the biliary tract, which leads to an acceleration of the directed movement of bile from the liver to the duodenum. In combination with calcium ions, sulfates activate the microsomal enzyme system of the liver, thicken the vascular wall, reduce the content of intracellular water and mucus during inflammation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and urine of the excretory tract.

Sodium cations , getting into the interstitium and blood, restore their osmolarity, which is of fundamental importance in the transcapillary. transport of nutrients and fluids, distribution and excretion of water from the body by the kidneys.

Calcium ions restore the excitability of neurons in the brain and skeletal muscles, enhance the contractile function of the myocardium, increase blood clotting.

Thermal factor

The thermal factor of mineral water changes the motor and secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the rate of absorption of chemicals in it. Warm water reduces increased motility, relieves pyloric spasm and reduces gastric secretion, slows down the rate of passage of water from the stomach into the duodenum and, by relaxing the muscular layer of the intestine, causes stool retention. On the contrary, cold water increases the motor and secretory activity of the stomach and enhances intestinal motility, quickly passes from the stomach into the intestine, moves in it and has a laxative effect.

Mechanical factor

Mineral water as a mechanical factor in the oral cavity stimulates the formation of saliva, changes the physicochemical properties of the contents of the stomach (cavity effect), causes stretching of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, irritates the mechanoreceptors embedded there. As a result, a fiery portion of juice is released, the secretion of gastrin, hydrochloric acid and gastrohormones increases (pyloric effect). In the intestine, mineral water enhances the secretion of pancreatic juice and bile, as well as the secretion of enterogastron and peptides that inhibit gastric secretion (duodenal effect).

Thus, the real natural Karlovy Vary mineral water restores the disturbed homeostasis of the body and corrects pathological deviations in the dynamics of secretory, motor and evacuation activity of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, which results in the structural normalization of various types of metabolism of nutrients in the body.

The use of a solution of KARLOVARSKAYA SALT leads to:

  • normalization of the secretory activity of the stomach;
  • improving the digestion of food;
  • improving the composition, quality and distribution of protective mucus in the digestive system;
  • eliminate dysbiosis, reduce gas formation and prevent bloating;
  • improving the quality of bile and normalizing its excretion from the liver and gallbladder;
  • destruction of gallstones;
  • mild laxative and diuretic effects;
  • prevention of kidney stones and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective effect in mild forms of diseases;
  • mild stimulation of pancreatic function;
  • normalization of fat metabolism, elimination of obesity and prevention of premature aging;
  • detoxification effect (cleansing the body of toxins and radiation);
  • restoration of the structure of joints, teeth and bones;
  • normalization of water and electrolyte metabolism during dehydration, acidosis and hangover syndrome;
  • solving some gynecological problems;
  • improving metabolic processes in the skin.

Application of natural Karlovy Vary salt at home

For internal use are used, depending on the disease, solutions of various concentrations and temperatures. The minimum daily dose for drinking is 400-500 ml. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 1500 ml. The daily volume of mineral water should be taken in 2-4 doses. An effective course of treatment is at least 4-5 weeks. It is not recommended to smoke for about an hour before drinking water, and also between drinking water and subsequent meals, as smoking affects the rate of gastric emptying and gastric secretion.

For cooking Karlovy Vary mineral water at home, salt dissolves in warm or hot water of a certain temperature (30 ° C, 45 ° C, 60 ° C). It is recommended to use warm sparkling water (water with carbon dioxide) to taste and reduce high alkalinity, as well as to eliminate cloudiness due to precipitated sodium carbonate sediment.

The resulting mineral water must be drunk from original cups with a straw or from glasses (200-250 ml) through a glass tube in small sips. A single (single) dose of water is usually 200-400 ml and should be drunk within 3-5 minutes, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor.

The break between the following cups (glasses) should be from 6 to 10 minutes. In the second and third week of taking mineral water, the dose can be increased.

In the fourth and fifth week, the dose must be reduced. In the event of a liquefied stool, a 0.5% concentration of the solution is used, single doses are reduced to 100-150 ml, and the water temperature increases to 45 ° C or 60 ° C. It is also possible to take a break from drinking, 2-3 days, replacing the internal use with baths with Karlovy Vary salt.
In case of constipation, the concentration of the solution increases to 1.0%, the dose increases by 100-200 ml, and the water temperature drops to 30 ° C. Mineral water is heated very carefully, only in a water bath and in no case is it brought to a boil, since the salt composition of mineral water changes during boiling.

Hydrotherapy at home

The very first medicine in the history of mankind since it rose from all fours was water.

Everyone is familiar with the treatment with water - from the course of treatment with "pearl" baths at a prestigious resort to warming up the feet in a basin of water for colds; for the latter case there is a special name "local baths" - in contrast to the general ones. According to the water temperature, the baths are divided into cold - below 20 ° C, cool - 20-37 ° C, warm - 38-39 ° C, hot - 40 ° C and above.

Cold and cool baths excite the nervous system; such baths can be taken by hardened healthy people. For the healthiest, even an ice hole can play the role of a bath.

Warm- mainly have a calming effect; in composition, they can be fresh, mineral and aromatic.

In case of a cold (if the patient's temperature is not higher than 37 "C), a hot bath helps. It is better to first immerse yourself in a bath with a water temperature of 36 ° C, and then gradually add hot water to the foot end, bringing the water temperature in the bath to 40 ° C. The duration of a hot bath is 5 to 10 minutes.When taking a bath, it is recommended to put a small towel dipped in cold water.After bath, you need to dry dry, put on warm clothes and go to bed.There is often a local foot bath with mustard powder.

At home, you can successfully take various therapeutic baths:
Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, especially with neurasthenia, neurosis, insomnia, hot bath with the addition of 3-5 g of fir oil.

Coniferous baths have a refreshing, tonic effect, relieve fatigue, nervous tension, irritability. They are prepared using a special extract, which is sold in pharmacies, or even just from needles - two handfuls of needles are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered and poured into the prepared bath.

Healing baths are prepared with such well-known medicinal plants as sage, peppermint, lemon balm, juniper, lime blossom, chamomile, yarrow, buds and leaves of birch, lavender, marigold flowers.

But the broadest indications are salt baths... Such baths relieve muscle and joint pain, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and improve the appearance of the skin. The best of the salt baths is considered to be a bath with Karlovy Vary salt, which is made from the water of famous Czech springs. Arranging "Karlovy Vary" at home is now available, perhaps, to everyone. For these purposes, you can use both highly concentrated mineral Karlovy Vary salt and Karlovy Vary bath salt ", which is represented by a mixture of aromatized sea salt and the famous Karlovy Vary geyser salt in a ratio of 5: 1.

To prepare the Karlovy Vary fresh bath, take 20-25 g of highly concentrated mineral salt, pour it into a canvas bag and lower it into the bath under a stream of hot water until it is completely dissolved.

And to enhance the therapeutic effect of Karlovy Vary Bath Salt, sea salt plus aromatic extracts of chamomile, lily, pine needles, eucalyptus and orchids are added. To prepare such a bath, take 100 g of "Karlovy Vary Bath Salt", which is first dissolved in 1/4 of the hot bath, and then, adding cold water, bring it to the desired temperature. After that, you can safely climb into a fragrant warm bath, and, closing your eyes, imagine yourself at a famous Czech spa, enjoying the chosen aroma.

Natural defenses are better than any other. Enjoy your treatment!

  • Baths should not be taken on a full stomach immediately after meals.
  • During the reception baths the head, neck and heart area remain above the surface
  • Duration of the procedure- 15-20 minutes in warm water, for children5-10 minutes; hot - from 5 to 10 minutes. Rest immediately after the procedure.
  • The spa treatment course consists of 12-15 baths. Usually, baths are taken every other day or 2 days in a row with a break on the 3rd day.

Indications, dosage and method of administration of Karlovy Vary salt

Concentration of the KBC solution.
Water temperature
Daily dose volume.
Reception time before meals
Method of reception Well.
Chronic gastritis with decreased or virtually no gastric secretion
Lunch: 200 ml.
Dinner: 200-300 ml.
In 20-30 minutes. before meals
In small sips, slowly Take for at least 3 weeks. Can be repeated 2-3 times a year
Chronic gastritis with normal gastric secretion Concentration 0.5% Temperature 30 ° С In the morning: 100-400 ml on an empty stomach.
Lunch: 200 ml.
Dinner: 100-400 ml.
In 45 min. before meals
Slowly, in small sips, for 3-4 weeks. Take within 3-4 weeks. Can be repeated 2 times per year
Chronic gastritis with increased gastric secretion Concentration
0.5% or 1%
45 ° C or 60 ° C
In the morning: 200-400 ml on an empty stomach.
Lunch: 200 ml.
Dinner: 200-400 ml.
Before bed: 200 ml.
In 45 - 60 minutes. before meals and before bed
Quickly, in big sips.
4 doses per day.
Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer during remission or without exacerbation Concentration 0.5% Temperature 45 ° С 3 times a day, 200 ml. In 35 - 60 minutes. before meals In small sips, slowly, with a break between cups for 10-15 minutes. Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml.
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during an exacerbation Concentration 0.5% Temperature: starting from 30 ° С, further 45 ° С First, 5-6 times a day, 100 ml, then 3-4 times a day.
Before meals and during meals.
In small sips, in a supine position. Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml. Can be repeated 2 times a year.
Condition after gastric resection Concentration 0.5% Temperature: starting at 45 ° С, then 30 ° С In the morning: 300 ml on an empty stomach.
Lunch: 200 ml.
Dinner: 200-300 ml.
In 20-30 minutes. before meals
In small sips, slowly, starting with small doses. Take within 4-6 weeks. To repeat 2 times per year
Chronic colitis with increased bowel movement (diarrhea) Concentration 0.5% temperature 60 ° C First, 4 times a day, 100 ml, if the stool improves - in the morning on an empty stomach 300 ml, then - 200 ml 1-3 times a day, depending on the state of the stool.
In 35-60 minutes. before meals
Take within 3-6 weeks.
Chronic colitis with decreased bowel activity (constipation) Concentration
1.0% or 2% temperature 30 ° C (with intestinal atony) or 60 ° C (with spasms)
4 times a day, 400 ml
In 35-60 minutes. before meals
Slowly, in small sips Take 3-5 weeks. Then for a long time, 200-600 ml of 0.5-1.0% solution at 30 ° C in the morning on an empty stomach
Biliary dyskinia and chronic cholecystitis Initially:

Lunch: 200 ml.
Dinner: 400 ml.
Before bed: 200 ml.
Then gradually increase to:
In the morning: 600 ml on an empty stomach.
Lunch: 200-300 ml.
Dinner: 600 ml.
The time taken before meals depends on the state of gastric secretion.
Slowly, in small sips, with a break between cups for 10-15 minutes. Take within 3-6 weeks. Walking is recommended while taking the solution. After the end of the course, for the purpose of prevention, drink 200-400 ml of a 1.0% solution at 30 ° C in the morning on an empty stomach for a long time.
Condition after cholecystectomy Concentration 1.0% temperature 45 ° С At the beginning, 200 ml 3 times a day, then individual doses can be increased by 300-400 ml.
In 45 min. before meals
Slowly, in small sips Take within 3-4 weeks.
Chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis without exacerbation Concentration 0.5% temperature 45 ° С At the beginning, 3 times a day, 100 ml, later gradually increase the dose to 200 ml.
In 45 min. before meals
In small sips slowly Take 3-6 weeks. Drink the morning dose in bed, apply a compress to the liver area. Repeat the course after 6 months.
Chronic recurrent pancreatitis Concentration 1.0% temperature 45 ° C (with diarrhea - 60 ° C) At the beginning, 3 times a day, 100-200 ml. Then, with good tolerance and strengthening of the stool, gradually increase the dose to:
In the morning: 400 ml on an empty stomach.
Lunch: 200 ml.
Dinner: 400 ml.
On an empty stomach
In small sips:
the first cup should be drunk within 3 minutes, the next - within 5 minutes. Break between cups 10-15 minutes.
Take 3-6 weeks. Then continue to take 200-400 ml of a 1.0% solution for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach
Urolithiasis disease.
Prevention of ammonium stones.
Chronic inflammation of the urinary tract.
Concentration 0.5% temperature
from 30 ° С to 45 ° С
First, take 750-1250 ml per day, then increase the dose over 1250 ml.
In the morning: 400-600 ml on an empty stomach. The rest of the dose evenly throughout the day. Last appointment in the evening before bedtime.
Taking into account the existing diseases of the digestive system
In small sips slowly Take 3-4 weeks 2 times a year.
Contraindicated in inflammation caused by E. coli
0.5% - 1.0% temperature 45 ° C
At the beginning:
In the morning: 200-400 ml on an empty stomach.
Lunch: 200 ml.
Dinner: 400 ml.
Then gradually increase the daily dose to 1300-1400 ml
The time of taking the solution before meals depends on the state of gastric secretion.
Take 3-5 weeks 2 times a year. Strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist doctor is necessary
Dental, proctological and gynecological problems Concentration 0.5% temperature: prescribed by the doctor Mouth rinses, enemas and douching .
Prescribed by the doctor
Prescribed by the doctor Prescribed by the doctor
Acute respiratory diseases, influenza Concentration 0.5% temperature
from 30 ° С to 45 ° С
Internal intake during the day 400-600 ml Inhalation 1-2 times a day Sips slowly, can be added to warm milk Of necessity. If there are contraindications for oral administration, it is possible to replace it with inhalation.
Cosmetic purposes Concentration
0.5% - 2.0% temperature:
frozen cubes or solution 15-18 ° С
Of necessity.
Prescribed by the doctor
Light skin massage Of necessity.


When taking Karlovy Vary mineral salt, you should take into account the appearance of a slow assimilation of drugs.

The Karlovy Vary salt treatment is complemented by the use of other therapies using natural healing factors. Thus, the combination of taking Karlovy Vary salt and dynamic electrical stimulation can significantly improve the results of treatment.

The mineral waters of the Karlovy Vary resort in the Czech Republic have been known for a long time. It is the unique salt composition that allows the use of water in the treatment of a large number of various diseases.

DENAS MS Corporation guarantees that the Karlovy Vary mineral salt contains all the necessary components from the source of the world famous spa and will allow you to undergo a treatment course at home. Karlovy Vary mineral salt is intended for internal, external use and as a food additive.

Karlovy Vary mineral salt is used for:
- diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity and impaired fat metabolism, treatment and prevention of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, dysmetabolic nephropathies);
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis of the joints of the limbs and spine, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, etc.);
- some gynecological diseases;
- in cosmetology (improving the quality of the skin, eliminating obesity and preventing premature aging);
- to normalize water and electrolyte metabolism during dehydration, acidosis and hangover syndrome.

oral administration without the agreement of a doctor is not recommended for:

  • diseases accompanied by edema,
  • with high blood pressure
  • renal failure.

The mineral waters of the Karlovy Vary resort in the Czech Republic have been known for a long time. The inhabitants of the Holy Russian Empire also used the healing properties of the springs to treat various ailments, and the official date for the opening of the resort is 1358, when Emperor Charles IV founded the city of Karlovy Vary around the place where the wonderful waters emerge.
When passing through certain layers of soil, the waters of the sources are saturated with a large amount of various salts. It is the unique salt composition that allows them to be used in the treatment of a large number of various diseases. In the 19th century, a technology was invented that allows you to isolate all medicinal components in the form of salt. Today the production of thermal salt takes place by evaporation of mineral water using special equipment under the strictest hygienic control. Thanks to this, DENAS MS Corporation guarantees that you receive a product that contains all the necessary components from the source of the world famous resort and will allow you to undergo a treatment course at home.

Karlovy Vary salt instructions for use


  • has a regulatory effect on functional activity
    organs of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system
  • prevents stone formation
  • has a beneficial effect on metabolism
  • regulates the tone of the nervous system


  • for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines (peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome, postcholecystectomy syndrome, chronic constipation, etc.)
  • for the treatment of metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity and impaired fat metabolism, treatment and prevention of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, dysmetabolic nephropathy)
  • for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis and arthrosis of the joints of the limbs and spine, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, etc.)
  • for the treatment of certain gynecological diseases in cosmetology (to improve the quality of the skin, eliminate obesity and prevent premature aging)
  • for the treatment of dysbiosis, to reduce the formation of gas and bloating
  • to normalize water and electrolyte metabolism during dehydration, acidosis and hangover syndrome

Internal use- in the form of solutions of various concentrations.
External use- in the form of compresses, lotions, baths, general baths.
Used to add salt to food when cooking.
Oral intake is not recommended for diseases accompanied by edema, high blood pressure and renal failure without the agreement of a doctor.

Action of Karlovy Vary salt

“The water of the Carlsbad springs tastes slightly salty, slightly soda, but not disgusting and tastes like chicken broth. Freshly taken water is clear and colorless. Carlsbad waters, taken internally, cause an accelerated transfer of the contents of the stomach into the small intestines; at the same time, they increase the digestive activity of gastric juice, which contributes to faster and more complete digestion of food. More significant techniques work in the opposite direction; long-term use of Carlsbad waters leads to a decrease in body weight. Carlsbad water also has a choleretic and bile-thinning effect and promotes the passage of mucus and bile accumulated in the stomach into the intestines. Urine flow is increased while drinking Carlsbad water. Carlsbad water is recommended for internal use in case of chronic intestinal catarrh, with constant, so-called. habitual constipation; successfully prescribed for gouty subjects, obese subjects and obsessed with hemorrhoids; finally, it is indicated in congestion in the region of the liver with its consequences, especially if they are caused and maintained by a sedentary lifestyle, catarrhal jaundice and gallstones. This water is also good for obesity, gout and sugar disease. "
Privat-docent of the Military Medical Academy, Doctor of Medicine G.M. Herzenstein in the book "A guide to foreign resorts" (St. Petersburg, 1896).

Natural Karlovy Vary salt, dissolving in water at the recommended concentration, is a low and medium mineralized drinking medicinal and medicinal table mineral water with an optimal ratio of the main components (hydrocarbonates, sulfates, chlorides) and belongs to hydrocarbonate-sulphate-chloride waters. The effect of drinking mineral water on the body is due to chemical, mechanical and thermal factors.


Hydrocarbonate ions stimulate gastric secretion. With normal and increased secretion, they inhibit the activity of certain enzymes, reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid. On the contrary, the accumulated carbon dioxide liquefies and removes mucus from the stomach and, through the receptors of the nervous system, stimulates the acid-forming, secretory and motor functions of the stomach. Neutralization of gastric contents is accompanied by a reflex increase in the secretion of the small intestine, pancreas and liver. Hydrocarbonate ions inhibit the formation of uric acid and accelerate its excretion in the urine, preventing the formation of uric acid salts. Urates and oxalates dissolve well in an alkaline medium. Such water dilutes phlegm, reduces its viscosity and increases the separation from the tracheobronchial tree.
Chlorine ions in the stomach combine with hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid. They stimulate the formation of intestinal juice, choleretic and diuretic function of the liver and kidneys. In combination with calcium ions, chlorides have a beneficial effect on bone tissue and tooth growth.
Sulfate ions reduce secretion and accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach. In the intestine, they are practically not absorbed and increase its motor function, providing a laxative effect. Sulfates stimulate the tone of the muscles of the gallbladder and relax the pulp of the biliary tract, which leads to an acceleration of the directed movement of bile from the liver to the duodenum.In combination with calcium ions, sulfates improve the functioning of the enzyme systems of the liver, thicken the vascular wall, reduce the content of intracellular water and mucus during inflammation of the walls gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.
Sodium cations, entering the interstitium and blood, affect the transport of nutrients and fluids, which contributes to a more correct distribution and intensive excretion of water from the body by the kidneys.
Calcium ions restore the excitability of neurons in the brain and skeletal muscles, enhance the contractile function of the myocardium, and increase blood clotting.
In addition to the above-mentioned basic elements, Karlovy Vary salt contains so-called "scattered elements", the concentration of which is not so high, but, however, they are of great importance.
Currently, there is no doubt about the significant role of micro- and macroelements in the diverse functions of the body and each cell separately. Correction of imbalance of macro- and microelements in a patient, according to academician I.M. Vorontsov, can be comparable with the role of genetic factors in the formation of health. Of the 92 naturally occurring chemical elements, 81 are found in the human body. 12 elements are called structural, because they make up 99% of the elemental composition of the human body - C, O, H, N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, S, P, F, CI. Trace elements are elements that are present in the human body in very small trace amounts (English - "trace elements"). These are, first of all, essential (vital, from the English "essential") - Fe, I, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Mo, Se, Mn and conditionally essential - As, B, Br, F, Li, Ni. SI, V. Today, a deficiency of minerals is not so rare: it occurs for various reasons, for example, due to a monotonous diet, impaired digestion, and various diseases. Calcium deficiency can occur during pregnancy, as well as with rickets or osteoporosis. Chlorine deficiency occurs due to a large loss of Cl ions - with severe vomiting. Magnesium deficiency can occur due to diarrhea, monotonous diet, alcoholism. The lack of trace elements in the body is often manifested by a violation of hematopoiesis, that is, anemia.

Microelements are in our body in very small quantities - ten thousandths of a percent, but at the same time they have a tremendous impact on human health. The secret of the action of trace elements lies in the fact that they are catalysts for basic life processes. Macro and microelements affect metabolism, regulate more than 50,000 biochemical processes in our body.
Mineral water obtained from Karlovy Vary salt is a natural ionic solution that not only heals, but also replenishes the mineral content in the body. Therefore, the inclusion in the diet of a small amount of salt or mineral water contributes to the replenishment of macro- and microelements that you do not receive from food.


The thermal factor of mineral water changes the motor and secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the rate of absorption of chemicals in it. Warm water reduces increased motility, relieves gastric pyloric spasm and reduces gastric acid secretion, slows down the rate of passage of water from the stomach into the duodenum and, by relaxing the muscular layer of the intestine, causes stool retention. On the contrary, cold water increases the motor and secretory activity of the stomach and enhances the peristalsis (contractile activity) of the intestine, quickly passes from the stomach into the intestine, moves in it and has a laxative effect.


Mineral water as a mechanical factor in the oral cavity stimulates the formation of saliva, changes the physicochemical properties of the contents of the stomach (cavity effect), causes stretching of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, irritates the specific receptors embedded there. As a result, a fiery portion of juice is released, the secretion of specific gastric hormones and hydrochloric acid increases. In the intestine, mineral water enhances the secretion of pancreatic juice and bile, as well as the secretion of enterogastron and peptides that inhibit gastric secretion (duodenal effect).

  • to improve food digestion
  • improving the composition, quality and distribution of protective mucus in the digestive system
  • elimination of dysbiosis, reduction of gas formation (flatulence)
  • improving the quality of bile and normalizing its excretion from the liver and gallbladder, laxative and diuretic effects
  • mild stimulation of pancreatic function; normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, elimination of obesity and prevention of premature aging
  • detoxification effect
  • restoration of the structure of joints, teeth and bones
  • normalization of water-electrolyte metabolism
  • improving metabolic processes in the skin
  • improving the composition, quality and distribution of protective mucus in the respiratory tract

Thus, the mineral water obtained from natural Karlovy Vary salt restores the dynamics of secretory, motor and evacuation activity of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, disturbed during the disease, and corrects various types of metabolism of nutrients in the body.


Concentration of the KBC solution.
Water temperature

Daily dose volume. Reception time before meals

Method of reception


Chronic gastritis with decreased or virtually no gastric secretion

60 C

Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 200-300 ml
20-30 minutes before meals

In small sips, slowly

Take for at least 3 weeks. Can be repeated 2-3 times a year

Chronic gastritis with normal gastric secretion

30 C

In the morning: 100-400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 100-400 ml
45 minutes before meals

Slowly, in small sips for 3-4 weeks. Possible 2 times a year

Take within 3-4 weeks. can be repeated 2 times a year

Chronic gastritis with increased gastric secretion

0.5% or 1%
45 C or 60 C

In the morning: 200-400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 200-400 ml
Before bed: 200 ml
45-60 minutes before meals and before bedtime

Quickly, in big sips. Four doses a day

Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml.

Peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer during remission or without exacerbation

45 C

200 ml 3 times a day: 35-60 minutes before meals

In small sips, slowly, with a break between cups for 10-15 minutes

Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml

Peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, without exacerbation

starting from 30 C,
further 45 C

First, 5-6 times a day, 100 ml, then 3-4 times a day
Before meals and during meals

In small sips, in a supine position

Take within 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime 100-200 ml. Can be repeated 2 times a year

Condition after gastric resection

starting from 45 C,
further 30 C

In the morning: 300 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 100-200-300 ml
20-30 minutes before meals

In small sips, slowly, starting with small daily doses

Take within 4-6 weeks. Repeat 2 times a year

Chronic colitis with increased bowel motility (diarrhea)

60 C

First, 4 times a day, 100 ml, if the stool improves - in the morning on an empty stomach 300 ml, then - 200 ml 1-3 times a day, depending on the state of the stool.
35-60 before meals

Slowly, in small sips

Take within 3-6 weeks

Chronic colitis with decreased bowel activity (constipation)

1 or 2%
30 C (with intestinal atony)
or 60 C (with intestinal spasms)

4 times a day, 400 ml
45 minutes before meals

Slowly, in small sips

Take 3-5 weeks. Then for a long time, 200-600 ml of 0.5-1.0% solution at 30 C in the morning on an empty stomach

Biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis

45 C

Morning: 400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 400 ml.
Then gradually increase to:
Morning: 600 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200-300 ml
Dinner: 600 ml
Time of intake: before meals depends on the state of gastric secretion

Slowly, in small sips with a break between cups for 10-15 minutes

Take within 3-6 weeks. Walking is recommended while taking the solution. After the end of the course, for the purpose of prevention, drink 200-400 ml of 1% solution at 30 C in the morning on an empty stomach for a long time

Condition after cholecystectomy

45 C

Initially, 200 ml 3 times a day, then individual doses can be increased by 300-400 ml. 45 minutes before meals

Slowly, in small sips

Take within 3-4 weeks

Chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis without exacerbation

45 C

At the beginning, 3 times a day, 100 ml, later gradually increase the dose to 200 ml. For 45 minutes of food

In small sips, slowly

Take 3-6 weeks. Drink the morning dose in bed, apply a compress to the liver area. Repeat the course after 6 months.

Chronic recurrent pancreatitis

45 C (with diarrhea - 60 C)

Initially, 3 times a day, 100-200 ml. Then, with good tolerance and strengthening of the stool, gradually increase the dose to: In the morning, 400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 400 ml.
On an empty stomach

In small sips: the first cup should be drunk within 3 minutes, followed by 5 minutes. Break between cups 10-15 minutes

Take 3-6 weeks. Then continue taking 200-400 ml of 1% solution in the morning on an empty stomach for a long time.

Urolithiasis disease. Prevention of ammonium stones. Chronic inflammation of the urinary tract.

30-45 C

First, take 750-1250 ml per day, then increase the dose over 1250 ml. Morning: 400-600 ml on an empty stomach. The rest of the dose evenly throughout the day. Last appointment in the evening before bedtime.
Taking into account the existing diseases of the digestive system

In small sips slowly

Take 3-5 weeks twice a year. Strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist doctor is necessary.

Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinemia, gout

45 C

Morning: 200-400 ml on an empty stomach
Lunch: 200 ml
Dinner: 400 ml.
then halfway increase the daily dose to 1300-1400 ml
Time taken before meals, depends on the state of gastric secretion

In small sips slowly

Take 3-5 weeks twice a year. Strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist doctor is necessary.

Dental, proctological, gynecological problems

prescribed by the doctor

Mouth rinses, enemas, and douching.
Prescribed by the doctor

Prescribed by the doctor

Prescribed by the doctor

Acute respiratory diseases, influenza

From 30 C to 45 C

Internal reception. During the day 400-600 ml. Inhalation 1-2 times a day

In small sips, slowly, can be added to warm milk

If necessary, if there are contraindications for oral administration, it is possible to replace it with inhalation.

Cosmetic purposes

frozen cubes
or solution 15-18 С

Of necessity. Appointed by the doctor

Light skin massage

Of necessity

"Karlovy Vary Salt for Beauty and Health"

Man is 70% water. It is not surprising that the quality and composition of what we drink is extremely important for health and appearance. It is also known that melt and mineral water have a rejuvenating effect on the body.
If you use mineral water prepared on the basis of Karlovy Vary salt for washing and taking baths, it will help to solve a lot of skin problems.
After rinsing with mineral water or taking a bath, in many cases there is no need for various balms, tonics and lotions.
Natural protection is better than any other!


Treatment with mineral water baths is called balneotherapy. Balneotherapy includes bathing, showering, inhalation, etc. The therapeutic effect of balneotherapy procedures is based mainly on reflex and humoral mechanisms, in other words, it is carried out through the nervous system and blood.
Baths with natural Karlovy Vary salt have a more pronounced healing effect than baths from fresh water, and have an analgesic, soothing effect, have a local and general anti-inflammatory effect, cause changes in total blood flow that are favorable for many diseases (increase the return of venous blood, increase cardiac output and heart rate), as well as enhance metabolic processes in the skin (cosmetic effect) and internal organs.
To prepare a bath, add 25-50 g of salt to water at a temperature of 37-38 degrees. Salt is placed in a linen bag and dipped in a bath. After the salt is completely dissolved, the bath is ready. Bath time on average is no more than 15-20 minutes. It must be remembered that people with skin diseases need to consult with their doctor before taking mineral baths.
Many famous actresses and fashion models regularly take baths from mineral water to preserve youth and beauty of their skin. Mineral baths can not only maintain beauty, but also effectively restore health.
Karlovy Vary salt does not contain substances foreign to the body. This is important in our time satiated with chemistry, moreover, Karlovy Vary salt is a source of micro- and macroelements for your body.
When using natural Karlovy Vary salt as an additive to food, it is recommended to add a small amount of salt to dishes during cooking.
When taking Karlovy Vary mineral salt, you should take into account the appearance of a slow assimilation of drugs.
The Karlovy Vary salt treatment is complemented by the use of other therapies using natural healing factors. Thus, the combination of taking Karlovy Vary salt and dynamic electroneurostimulation can significantly improve the results of treatment.


  • normalization and organization of effective structures of the body's enzymatic systems, which increase and accelerate the efficiency of DENS by subsidizing macro- and microelements Dynamic electroneurostimulation by devices of the DENAS family
  • normalization of mutual regulation of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems of the body through energy informational subsidies for the purpose of health improvement

Instructions for use:

Karlovy Vary salt is a food supplement used as an additional source of fluoride, lithium and other minerals.

Release form and composition

Karlovy Vary salt is produced in powder form (5 g in sachets; 100 g in polymer jars).

The composition includes an active substance: mineral geyser salt - 100%.

Indications for use

Karlovy Vary salt is prescribed for treatment, restorative (supportive) therapy and prevention of the following diseases / conditions:

  • Digestive organs: biliary dyskinesia, constipation, chronic pancreatitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, liver disease (in chronic course), irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis;
  • Musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • Metabolism: dysmetabolic nephropathy, obesity, diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • Genitourinary system (gynecology): inflammation, adhesions.

Also, salt can be used to normalize water and electrolyte metabolism in acidosis, dehydration, hangover syndrome, for weight loss and in cosmetology (to improve the quality of the skin, prevent premature skin aging).


  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by edema;
  • Functional disorders of the kidneys;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Method of administration and dosage

The concentration of the solution (K), the temperature of its preparation (T), the method and duration of the use of Karlovy Vary salt are determined by the indications:

  • Chronic gastritis with reduced or practically zero gastric secretion: K - 0.5%, T - 60 ° C. Method of application of the solution: 20-30 minutes before meals, in the morning - 300 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 200-300 ml. It is taken slowly, in small sips. The duration of therapy is at least 3 weeks. It is possible to repeat the course 2-3 times a year;
  • Chronic gastritis with normal gastric secretion: K - 0.5%, T - 30 ° C. Method of application of the solution: 45 minutes before meals, in the morning - 100-400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 100-400 ml. It is taken slowly, in small sips. The duration of therapy is 3-4 weeks. The course can be repeated 2 times a year;
  • Chronic gastritis with increased gastric secretion: K - 0.5% or 1%, T - 45 ° C or 60 ° C. Method of application of the solution: 45-60 minutes before meals and before bedtime, morning - 200-400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 200-400 ml, before bedtime - 200 ml. It is taken quickly, in large sips. The duration of therapy is 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time, 100-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum without exacerbation or during remission: K - 0.5%, T - 45 ° C. Method of application of the solution: 35-60 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, 200 ml. It is taken slowly, in small sips, with a break between cups for 10-15 minutes. The duration of therapy is 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time, 100-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime;
  • Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer without exacerbation: K - 0.5%, T (at the beginning of use) - 30 ° C, later - 45 ° C. Method of application of the solution: before and during meals, first 5-6 times a day, 100 ml, then 3-4 times a day. It is taken in the supine position, in small sips. The duration of therapy is 4-6 weeks. Then for a long time, 100-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime. The course can be repeated 2 times a year;
  • Conditions after gastric resection: K - 0.5%, T - starting at 45 ° C, then - 30 ° C. Method of application of the solution: 20-30 minutes before meals, in the morning - 300 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 100-200-300 ml. It is taken slowly, in small sips, starting with small daily doses. The duration of therapy is 4-6 weeks. The course can be repeated 2 times a year;
  • Chronic colitis with increased intestinal motility (diarrhea): K - 0.5%, T - 60 ° C. Method of application of the solution: at the beginning of use - 100 ml 4 times a day, after improvement of the stool - on an empty stomach in the morning 300 ml, then - 35-60 minutes before a meal 1-3 times (depending on the state of the stool) 200 ml ... It is taken slowly, in small sips. The duration of therapy is 3-6 weeks;
  • Chronic colitis with decreased bowel activity (constipation): K - 1% or 2%, T - 30 ° C (with intestinal atony) or 60 ° C (with intestinal spasms). Method of application of the solution: 45 minutes before meals, 400 ml 4 times a day. It is taken slowly, in small sips. The duration of therapy is 3-5 weeks, then for a long time in the morning on an empty stomach, 200-600 ml (K - 0.5-1%, T - 30 ° C);
  • Chronic cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia: K - 1%, T - 45 ° C. Method of application of the solution (at the beginning of application / then): morning - 400/600 ml, lunch - 200 / 200-300 ml, dinner - 400/600 ml. Take before meals (determined by the state of gastric secretion), slowly, in small sips, observing breaks between cups for 10-15 minutes. The duration of therapy is 3-6 weeks. After taking the Karlovy Vary salt solution, a walk is recommended. For the purpose of prevention, after the end of the course, you should drink 200-400 ml of 1% solution at a temperature of 30 ° C on an empty stomach for a long time in the morning;
  • Conditions after cholecystectomy: K - 1%, T - 45 ° C. Method of application of the solution: 45 minutes before meals, at the beginning - 200 ml 3 times a day, then it is possible to increase individual doses by 300-400 ml. It is taken slowly, in small sips. The duration of therapy is 3-4 weeks;
  • Liver cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis without exacerbation: K - 0.5%, T - 45 ° C. Method of application of the solution: 45 minutes before a meal, at the beginning - 100 ml 3 times a day, then the dose is gradually increased by 2 times. It is taken slowly, in small sips. The morning dose should be drunk in bed, applying a compress to the liver area. The duration of therapy is 3-6 weeks. After six months, the course is recommended to be repeated;
  • Chronic recurrent pancreatitis: K - 1%, T - 45 ° C (with diarrhea - 60 ° C). Method of application of the solution: on an empty stomach, at the beginning - 100-200 ml 3 times a day. Then, with good tolerance and strengthening of the stool, the dose is gradually increased to: morning - 400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 400 ml. Take in small sips: the first cup should be drunk within 3 minutes, the next - within 5 minutes, the break between cups is 10-15 minutes. The duration of therapy is 3-6 weeks. Then it is recommended long-term use in the morning on an empty stomach 200-400 ml of 1% solution;
  • Chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, the formation of ammonium stones (prevention), urolithiasis: K - 0.5%, T - 30-45 ° C. Method of application of the solution: at the beginning - 750-1250 ml per day, then the dose is increased (more than 1250 ml), in the morning on an empty stomach 400-600 ml of solution should be taken, the rest of the dose is distributed evenly throughout the day. The last reception is before bedtime. It is taken slowly, in small sips. The duration of therapy is 3-5 weeks. The course is recommended to be held 2 times a year. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations;
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia, gout, diabetes mellitus: K - 0.5-1%, T - 45 ° C. Method of application of the solution: before meals (determined by the state of gastric secretion), in the morning - 200-400 ml, lunch - 200 ml, dinner - 400 ml, then the daily dose is gradually increased to 1300-1400 ml. The duration of therapy is 3-5 weeks. The course is recommended to be held 2 times a year. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations;
  • Dental, gynecological, proctological diseases: K - 0.5%, T - determined by the doctor. The solution is used for rinsing the mouth, enemas and douching;
  • Influenza, acute respiratory diseases: K - 0.5%, T - 30-45 ° C. Method of application of the solution: inside in a daily dose of 400-600 ml (slowly, in small sips, the solution can be added to warm milk). With contraindications to taking the solution inside, you can use inhalations 1-2 times a day;
  • Cosmetic purposes: K - 0.5-2%, T - 15-18 ° C solution or frozen cubes. The method of application of the solution is determined by the doctor.

Side effects

Possible side effects when using Karlovy Vary salt are not described in the instructions.

special instructions

Before starting to take Karlovy Vary salt, as well as in cases of the development of uncharacteristic symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

While taking Karlovy Vary salt inside, you should exclude the simultaneous use of laxative drugs.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry place out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

Shelf life is 3 years.

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