What is modern hematogen made of? Natural hematogen: what is it made of, how to choose Possible side effects

The article provides a detailed review of the Hematogen sweet tile, the benefits and harms of the product are described in detail in a form accessible to a wide range of readers.

Hematogen is positioned in the pharmacy market not as a drug, but as a dietary supplement containing iron. It is produced in the form of pressed tiles, has a sugary-sweet taste and a slightly viscous consistency that sticks to the teeth. It is prescribed for the purpose of supplementing the diet with low hemoglobin levels, unbalanced nutrition, eye diseases, after diseases (ARVI, surgical intervention).

The main purpose of the hematogen is to correct metabolic processes by stimulating hematopoiesis, increasing the level of hemoglobin, and restoring the oxidative processes of the body. Consumption of hematogen brings more benefits than harm, therefore it is recommended for the prevention of anemia, after ARVI, during a period of intensive growth (for children and adolescents).

History and composition

The femininity of 18th century beauties is associated with pallor of the skin, weakness, frequent dizziness and fainting - invariable symptoms of iron deficiency. Of course, the disease did not spare both children and even men, but women are more vulnerable due to their physiology. At the end of 1980, to prevent the state of "pale weakness," the Swiss Gommel released a potion based on bovine blood and egg yolk. And only in the 20s of the 20th century they began to release hematogen in the form of sweet tiles.

Hematogen is made from bovine blood, after preliminary purification from infections by defibrating (removing fibrin), followed by drying. On the packaging of the drug, bovine blood appears as black food albumin. To add flavor, molasses, condensed milk, vanillin and other goodies (nuts, dried apricots, raisins, coconut) are added to the hematogen during production.

Hematogen is produced in the form of a pressed tile, has a sugary-sweet taste and a slightly viscous consistency that sticks to the teeth.

The benefits and harms of hematogen

How is hematogen useful for adults? The fact that he is the source:

  • protein, carbohydrates, fats;
  • gland;
  • vitamins (A, C) and minerals (K, Ca, Na) in proportions close to the composition of blood.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the fact that the iron received after taking hematogen is involved in the formation of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the uninterrupted supply of oxygen to the tissues from the lungs and the transfer of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Thus, it leads to an improvement in the blood count.

With anemia

Most often, long-term intake of hematogen is recommended for anemia, which is caused by a deficiency of iron in the body. The preparation contains 12 mcg of iron, which is the daily norm for adults. In addition, iron entering the human body with food is absorbed in a limited amount (no more than 10%), and additional consumption of a sweet food supplement will make up for this deficiency.

To strengthen the immune system

Hematogen contains vitamin C, so it must be taken in order to strengthen the immune system during seasonal illness. The drug is also recommended for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, accompanied by periodic bleeding. In general, any bleeding is a reason for taking dietary supplements, because a decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the human body will inevitably lead to a decrease in hemoglobin. Hematogen is shown even with menstruation, because during this period a woman loses a certain amount of blood, due to which minor manifestations of anemia (weakness, dizziness, loss of working capacity) may be observed.

With a lack of vitamin A

The hematogen contains vitamin A, so the supplement can be taken to prevent the progression of eye diseases, along with medications recommended by an ophthalmologist. For preventive purposes, it is advisable to include dietary supplements in the diet with hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins), low-calorie or unbalanced nutrition.

Stress, depression, drowsiness, digestion

Most people have a very busy work schedule and are forced to overcome stressful situations every minute. It is not surprising that periodically the body "fails" and fatigue, drowsiness, apathy, nervousness appear - the first symptoms of iron deficiency. In such cases, taking hematogen will help prevent the development of anemia and stop minor manifestations of the disease at the initial stage.

The drug normalizes the digestive tract, and gastritis and ulcers are frequent companions of office workers.

Benefits for men

Representatives of the stronger sex manage to go in for sports at such a frantic pace, which requires additional expenditure of energy. The benefit of hematogen for men is that the drug improves blood formation and the production of healthy sperm, replenishes the body's energy reserves.

Hematogen is one of the favorite delicacies of Soviet children. "Chocolate» from the pharmacy is not only tasty, but also healthy. The basis of the hematogen of Soviet times was bull's blood, which provided the iron needed for children. However, many do not want to consume animal blood. : some are prohibited by religion, others are vegetarians, and some simply do not want to eat animal blood. Find out what modern hematogen is made of and what benefits it brings.

Hematogen: composition

At the end of the 19th century, the Swiss doctor Gommel invented hematogen. In the Soviet Union, sweetness began to be produced in 1917. The original recipe for the Soviet hematogen used dry bovine blood, ascorbic acid, condensed milk, sugar, molasses and other ingredients. The hematogen also contains:

  • Sugar - 22.8%.
  • Condensed milk - 19.9%.
  • Molasses - 12.5%
  • Food albumin - 2.5%
  • Vanillin - 0.06%.

The nutritional value of 100 g of hematogen is 354 cal. The sweet bar contains: 6 g of protein, 3 g of fat and 75.5 g of carbohydrates. Its nutritional value depends on the recipe used by the manufacturer.

Bovine blood is not used in modern bars: it is replaced with synthetic hemoglobin or natural components of processed blood. As a stimulant for the production of red blood cells, instead of blood, albumin is used, which contains iron and vitamin A in concentrated amounts.

Remember: many bars with the name "Hematogen" have nothing to do with an active supplement - they are just sweets. It is very simple to distinguish a fake: the amount of iron is necessarily indicated on the label of a real hematogen. When nuts, raisins and other additives are included in the hematogen, this is sweetness without a healing effect.

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Hematogen: benefits and harms

Hematogen was actively used in the post-war years. It was prescribed to soldiers after heavy operations, it was advised to use it for adults and children. Moderate use of hematogen improves the functioning of the circulatory system, promotes rapid strengthening of the skin, hair and improves blood quality. Hematogen is advised to be used in many cases, for example:

  • after heavy operations with large blood loss;
  • if visual impairment is detected;
  • to improve memory;
  • to correct the deviation in height;
  • if there is no appetite.

How often can hematogen be consumed? Remember: hematogen is not just a delicious sweetness, but a dietary supplement containing iron elements. A standard bar weighs 50 g and contains an adult's daily iron requirement. The norm is a piece per day. Hematogen can be consumed every day, the main thing is not to exceed the norm. Children from 5 to 7 years old are recommended to consume no more than half a day. Violation of the norm entails serious consequences - vomiting, migraines, joint pain, diarrhea and severe pain in the intestines.

In small doses, hematogen does not have negative consequences, however, sweetness is contraindicated in some categories of people:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • people with diabetes and obesity;
  • allergic to hemoglobin components;
  • suffering from thrombophlebitis.

In a small amount, hematogen is useful for both adults and children. This supplement will benefit you for anemia and many other conditions. If you did not buy hematogen because of the blood included in it, do not worry, because most modern bars do not have it. Be sure to check the composition of the hematogen when buying and enjoy its special taste.


There is no child or adult who has never tried hematogen at least once in his life - the benefits and harms of this remedy are still discussed by doctors, but if at an early age it looks like a delicious treat, similar to a bar of chocolate, then after learning about the composition, people often do not rush it there is. The drug, which stimulates hematopoiesis, contains defibrinated bovine blood. The tool was invented at the end of the 19th century in Switzerland. At first, the medicine was a mixture based on the blood of cattle; it acquired the usual form of sweet bars in Russia after 1917.

What is hematogen

Hematogen refers to medicinal products containing dry processed blood. Translated from the Greek "haematogenum" this word means "giving birth to blood." The medication consists of albumin (a blood protein) and various food additives that improve taste. Hematogen increases hemoglobin. During the Great Patriotic War, the Russian drug was included in the mandatory diet of the wounded.

According to the modern pharmaceutical classification, it is a dietary supplement rich in vitamins and microelements. A dietary supplement is not a candy or dessert. It has a memorable specific sweet taste, soft texture. It is important to know what hematogen is used for - the benefits of treats and harm border on each other.


The active components of the hematogen are proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. An important substance is bivalent iron, which forms red blood cells in the blood - red blood cells. The chemical element is represented by an iron-containing protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. The preparation contains vitamin A, which is necessary for a growing body, it is a source of amino acids.

Additional food ingredients of the hematogen are flavors: honey, molasses, sugar, chocolate, sesame seeds, nuts, condensed milk, coconut flakes, candied fruits are added to it. A product is made from blood, in the composition it is indicated as food albumin. The calorie content of the product is 354 kcal per 100 g. A detailed analysis of the BJU useful product:

How is hematogen made

The dietary supplement contains classic black food albumin. It is obtained from the blood of cattle - they stabilize and dry the blood or erythrocyte mass. These components contain many allergens, so in modern production they are replaced with hemoglobin. Production technology of the drug according to GOST:

  • sugar syrup is mixed with condensed milk, molasses, heated to 125 degrees;
  • the mass is cooled to 60 degrees;
  • black food albumin or hemoglobin is injected into it.

The benefits of hematogen

The effect of taking the medicine is a preventive and restorative effect. The supplement is an adjunct in the prevention of anemia and the treatment of diseases. Why hematogen is useful:

  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • normalizes the process of blood production;
  • amino acids support the normal functioning of all organs;
  • vitamin A improves the condition of nails, skin, hair, maintains vision;
  • used in the complex treatment of anemia, postoperative periods, weakness;
  • replenishes the deficiency of vitamins, proteins, eliminates general depletion;
  • indispensable for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, since these diseases are accompanied by blood loss;
  • normalizes the weight and height of children.

For kids

Why do children need hematogen? Pediatricians will tell you. The remedy is given from 3 years old to 30 g per day. Its benefits on the child's body are as follows:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • does not allow anemia to develop;
  • enhances production with a deficiency of erythrocytes, normalizes the state of hemoglobin, protects against anemia;
  • renews the structure and composition of blood, strengthens the body;
  • increases the supply of cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • stimulates hematopoiesis, metabolism, develops visual function;
  • improves the activity of digestion, respiratory organs;

For women

Some doubt whether hematogen is useful because the product has many contraindications, harm and side effects. For women, especially pregnant women, the benefits are as follows:

  • helps the fetus and placenta to develop fully;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps to avoid the risk of a lack of iron intake;
  • doctors recommend using a remedy for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia;
  • increases the reserves of trace elements in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • with menstruation, replenishes the loss of substances;
  • increases osmotic pressure in the blood, eliminates edema;
  • the use of hematogen is recommended to enhance the transport of hormones;
  • the composition contains vitamins A, C and E, which maintain the normal state of mucous membranes, skin, hair, nails.

For men

The product is considered important for children and women, but there are benefits of hematogen for men. It is as follows:

  • helps with emotional, mental, physical stress;
  • stabilizes metabolism, regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • improves digestion, breathing;
  • normalizes vision, tones the body, contains the norms of vitamins;
  • amino acids protect against the penetration of infections;
  • helps to cope with intense workouts
  • restores strength after medical procedures, operations.

Hematogen for weight loss

The beneficial properties of hematogen are applicable in many areas, but not for weight loss. The product has a lot of calories to include in the diet menu. If you count calories, hematogen can be used as a dessert. When following a special diet, consider the rate of use of additives - fillers increase calorie content, are included in the list of prohibited foods for people who are overweight.


You should not uncontrollably take any dietary supplements, including hematogen - the benefits and harms of its use can be closely intertwined. Here are some harmful factors:

  • supplements and albumin are allergenic and cause serious consequences;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates harm in the form of obesity, diabetes mellitus;
  • overdose threatens with nausea, diarrhea;
  • helps to reduce the absorption of saturated fats;
  • has a negative effect on the thyroid gland of diabetics.

Instructions for use

1-2 plates three times a day - this is the norm for taking hematogen without consequences for the body. Bars, bars or gummies are available in 20, 30 or 50 g units and are divided into strips or cubes. The duration of the medication is 2-3 weeks. Take it between meals, preferably two hours after meals. You can drink the cubes with water, but not combine them with dairy products - this complicates the absorption of nutrients. During the use of hematogen, it is forbidden to take vitamin complexes.

Before taking this product, consult your doctor in order not to harm the body. The consumption of hematogen for prophylactic purposes requires the implementation of a number of rules:

  • do not combine with salt substitutes;
  • you cannot eat tiles while following a low-salt diet;
  • do not combine with antibiotics (take after two hours);
  • you can not use protein foods in parallel - meat, fish, liver, foods with calcium or antacids;
  • it is necessary to store the hematogen in a dark place out of the reach of children.

The daily dosage depends on the age, gender and individual characteristics of the person. Approximate Allowed Doses for Use:

At what age can a child be given hematogen

For children under three years of age, taking hematogen is contraindicated. Even if the child asks to buy a delicious bar, do not give in. Starting from the age of three, it is allowed to include 5 grams in the baby's diet three times a day, from six years old - 10 g twice a day, over 12 - 10 g three times a day. Duration of admission lasts 21 days.

What happens if you eat a lot of hematogen

The daily dose of hematogen for children over six years old is 20 g, for adults 50 g. It can be taken every day, but not longer than 21 days. After that, take a break for at least three weeks. If the dosage is not observed, the following unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • digestion is difficult;
  • tooth enamel is stained;
  • the frequency of urination increases;
  • possible stomach bleeding, uneven heartbeat, muscle weakness.

Possible side effects

Iron ions, which are part of the product, have a slight irritant effect on the intestinal and stomach mucous membranes. They activate the vagus nerve, which supplies nerve endings to the abdominal organs. Side effects. according to reviews, are as follows:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • stomach discomfort;
  • flatulence; diarrhea, diarrhea;
  • increased urination.


Instructions for the use of hematogen speaks of contraindications, in the presence of which the use of a bar is not prescribed in order to avoid harm:

  • diabetes mellitus (the medicine contains easily digestible carbohydrates that increase the concentration of sugar);
  • obesity;
  • gastritis;
  • hypersensitivity to the main components;
  • anemia without iron deficiency (an excess of iron threatens to have a toxic effect on the body);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • children's age up to three years.

How to choose

The tiles are sold at the pharmacy. When choosing, it is worth paying attention to the following factors that guarantee the quality and benefits of a natural product:

  • in the first place of this composition is food albumin (black, dry bovine blood);
  • the albumin content should be 4-5% of the total mass;
  • it is better not to choose a product with additives, they reduce the effectiveness of the medication;
  • if the plates are doused with chocolate, reduce the total calorie intake.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The benefits and harms of hematogen for children and adults

We are accustomed from childhood that hematogen is a tasty medicine, almost a dessert. But how to use the drug correctly so that it does not harm? And what are the indications for use?

Produced from the blood of cattle. But do not be afraid of infections - the blood goes through a long thorough processing. Condensed milk, ascorbic acid or honey are added to the base, as well as other substances that improve the taste of the drug and increase its therapeutic effect.

It has the shape of a briquette, similar to chocolate, a pleasant sweet taste and a slightly viscous consistency that sticks to the teeth.

The first useful product of this kind was called "Hommol's hematogen" and was released in 1880 in Switzerland. It was made from a mixture of egg yolk with bovine blood. The medicine looked more like a potion than a bar you are used to today. This tool was sold in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

After 1917, on the territory of Russia, they began to produce their own hematogen, which found application in the food industry and for medical purposes. Today, the drug is produced by private enterprises, changing the recipe and taste of the medicinal product at their discretion. However, the pharmacological properties of the drug remain (or should remain) unchanged.

The preparation contains substances with properties of a wide therapeutic spectrum. They are essential for healthy blood formation and well-being:

  • Proteins and amino acids that partially cover the daily requirement.
  • Minerals: a lot of iron, as well as calcium, chlorine, potassium, sodium.
  • Fats are represented by fat-soluble vitamins and animal fats.
  • Vitamins: ascorbic acid and vitamin A.
  • Carbohydrates: glucose and sucrose, as well as maltose, dextrin.

Excipients in the composition of the hematogen are needed to improve the taste and increase the nutritional value. These can be nuts, condensed milk, cereals, sugar, etc.

The exact mix of ingredients for a bar depends on how the manufacturer changes the basic recipe. For example, nuts and berries expand the vitamin and mineral profile of the product.

In terms of calorie content, on average, one hundred grams of hematogen contains about 355 kcal.

Indications for use

This drug can be used as a prophylaxis for various diseases for both adult men and women, and children. In some cases, taking hematogen is an urgent need and is included in the complex treatment of various diseases.

Actual indications for use:

  1. Poor or inadequate nutrition.
  2. Diseases of the blood, including iron deficiency anemia.
  3. Chronic illnesses.
  4. Stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  5. Internal bleeding.
  6. Bone fractures.
  7. Serious blood loss.
  8. Haemorrhoids.
  9. Reconvalescence (in the process of recovering from some serious illness).
  10. Time of menstruation (in women).
  11. Postoperative recovery period.
  12. Visual dysfunctions.
  13. Withdrawal Syndrome.

The use of the drug has an excellent effect on the general condition, has a good effect on the skin and hair, nails.

Instructions for use

  • The daily dose of hematogen for children is no more than 40 g.
  • Adults can eat no more than 50 g per day.

You need to take the drug between meals.

Benefits for women and men

The use of this pharmaceutical preparation is indicated not only for children. The benefits of hematogen for adults (both women and men) are based on the following beneficial properties of the drug:

  • promotes healthy blood formation;
  • contains essential amino acids and proteins;
  • helps to survive stressful loads without consequences;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the condition of nails, skin, hair;
  • necessary for women to feel good during menstruation;
  • needed by men to produce healthy sperm;
  • partially eliminates the consequences of avoiding a healthy lifestyle;
  • allows you to quickly recover from injuries and illnesses;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • relieves drowsiness and fatigue;
  • saturates with useful substances in case of a disturbed diet;
  • for athletes, hematogen is shown as a healthy source of energy and protein.

It is advisable to use this bar for long-term treatment of infections, during surgery, during and after a course of chemotherapy, as well as when following a strict diet.

Hematogen must be eaten by blood donors so that the honorable cause does not harm the body.

Also, this product is necessary for people who avoid eating meat due to the fact that they do not like the taste. But the product is not suitable for vegetarians, because it consists of animal blood.

For kids

The product can be given to babies over 3 years old. Indications for use in children are:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • weak immunity;
  • drowsiness, frequent whims;
  • low weight (less than normal);
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • growth disorders;
  • chronic and acute diseases;
  • poor eyesight;
  • skin problems.

The drug will be useful for children after colds. In addition, the product should be given without fail to babies after operations, including minor interventions, for example, when removing a baby tooth. It is also advisable to treat a child with hematogen after minor injuries: a ripped knee, broken palms and other consequences of children's games.

Harm and contraindications

Hematogen is not a dessert, it cannot be eaten in unlimited quantities. Overdose causes nausea or diarrhea, and prolonged abuse can lead to more serious consequences.

In particular, an excess of iron in the body causes the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels, that is, it provokes the development of atherosclerosis. For anemia not associated with iron deficiency, the drug can be taken only with the permission of the doctor.

Hematogen is very high in calories, so it is contraindicated for obese people. It also contains a lot of sugars, which is why it is harmful to patients with diabetes.

This valuable source of iron is incompatible with some medicines. Therefore, if you are undergoing any course of treatment, consult your doctor first.

Compatibility with products

Hematogen cannot be combined with sources of calcium and its derivatives. Such substances make it difficult to assimilate the components of the drug. Thus, it does not need to be washed down with dairy products, eaten for dessert after salads and other dishes with cabbage, as well as after semolina and rice porridge.

It is undesirable for those who adhere to a diet that excludes salt.

Cereals, liver, all types of fish and meat should be eaten separately from the iron bar - after a few hours.

Children are given the product as a light snack, but not after a hearty lunch or ice cream.

All heavy fats interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the hematogen, and you should not eat it after pasties and other fatty foods.

Compatibility with drugs

Hematogen cannot be combined with taking antibiotics, including drugs:

  • oxycycline;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • tetracycline;
  • ofloxacin;
  • levofloxacin;
  • norfloxacin;
  • minocycline, etc.

Talk to your doctor if you are taking diuretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including:

  • diclofenac;
  • naproxen;
  • ketoprofen;
  • ibuprofen;
  • indomethacin.

The potential harm of hematogen lies in poor compatibility with some drugs for the heart and normalization of blood pressure:

  • penicillamine;
  • vesanoid;
  • isotretinoin;
  • sulfamethoxazole;
  • trimethoprim.

How to choose

It is a drug, so you do not need to buy it at the market, grocery stores, or stalls. Only in pharmacies.

The name of the drug must contain the unchanged word "hematogen". Names like "hematogenous" indicate a major change in the recipe. Perhaps such a product does not contain any traces of bovine blood at all.

It is necessary to look at the composition: it must necessarily contain black food albumin - this is the main component of the remedy.

If the name contains an additional "C" - this drug is enriched in ascorbic acid. And the "+" sign indicates the content of ferrous iron.

No need to buy hematogen with the addition of:

  • plant components, including nuts and cereals;
  • sweeteners;
  • stabilizers;
  • preservatives;
  • flavor enhancers.

Any mysterious combinations of letters and numbers in the composition of the drug indicate unwanted additives.

Don't go for the cheapest, the average is better within the pharmacy's price range.

Hematogen is not just a tasty but also a very healthy bar, but you cannot take it thoughtlessly. Why is hematogen useful and what is it made of? Let us consider the topic in more detail.

Decreased hemoglobin today occurs in 15% of patients who see a doctor. In some cases, the diagnosis of "iron deficiency anemia" is made, sometimes hemoglobin is slightly reduced. In such cases, the therapy is the intake of a drug with a high content of natural iron based on the blood of animals. What is hematogen, perhaps, everyone knows. But the fact that this is not a chocolate bar, but a real medicine and you need to be careful with it, many simply do not think.

What is hematogen, how is it made

As a biological supplement, it began to be used at the end of the century before last, when scientists were able to establish that hematogen replenishes blood loss due to the iron it contains and increases hemoglobin. In Russia, they learned about him only after the revolution that happened in 1917.

The classification of the drug has not been assigned to this day. It can not be attributed either to dietary supplements (biologically active food additives), although it is made from biological raw materials, or to drugs. Hematogen is a hematopoietic stimulant used in the prevention and treatment of anemia (with a lack of hemoglobin).

In its manufacture, the erythrocyte mass of animals is used. Liquid is evaporated from it, as a result of which albumin is formed - the base of the black tile, which increases hemoglobin. To improve the taste, add "sweet" components - molasses, condensed milk, regular sugar or its substitute. Nuts, coconut flakes, dried fruits can be added to provide benefits.


What hematogen is made of is no secret. According to the guest, the composition of the hematogen is varied, but the main active substance is albumin, it should contain no more than 4-5% in 100 grams. The base of the tile is condensed milk (up to 33%) and starch syrup (up to 23%). The finished product can be very bitter, the smack is interrupted with hazelnut paste, vanilla.

Albumin itself is a dark (black) powder, the main plasma protein of all animals and humans. Albumin in the product is the main active ingredient. According to the standard, it should be at least 2.5 percent per tile.... The calorie content of the bar is 504 kcal, and the calorie content with nut butter is 700 kcal.

The composition of the hematogen may be different depending on the manufacturer:

  • bovine blood (most often bovine);
  • sugar;
  • syrup;
  • Palm oil;
  • vitamins;
  • in addition, the tile may contain trace elements, muesli, dried fruits and other food additives.

Today, the drug is produced, as before in tiles. They can be weighing both 30 and 50 grams. The tile is divided into squares. It tastes like toffee, tastes like a chocolate bar, which is why children like it so much. Parents, knowing how useful hematogen is, should consult a doctor and only then give it to their children.

How does hematogen "work"?

Hematogen, the benefits and harms of which have been studied for a long time, is not just a delicacy, but an excellent addition to the daily diet that helps to significantly increase hemoglobin. However, the beneficial effect will be achieved only with the correct use of the drug after visiting the doctor.

The drug works like this:

  • promotes the absorption of iron into the blood;
  • vitamin A in the composition normalizes metabolism;
  • stimulates hematopoiesis;
  • increases the quantitative content of ferritin in plasma.

Hematogen during pregnancy and childhood is the most gentle means of restoring the iron content in the blood. It is also recommended for dryness and loss of elasticity of the skin, in adolescence (increased growth of bone and muscle tissue), it is an irreplaceable remedy if hemoglobin is reduced.

Indications for use

A sweet bar is not just food, it must be taken in dosage and in strict accordance with the indications:

  • food poor in vitamins and iron;
  • decreased hemoglobin in the blood during pregnancy, after surgery, with bleeding;
  • as part of complex therapy for disorders in the work of the organs of vision;
  • chronic diseases accompanied by internal bleeding (for example, ulcers and gastritis).

Doctors often recommend hematogen during pregnancy: it reduces the risk of anemia and increases the number of blood cells in a woman's blood, and normalizes hemoglobin. You can take it only after visiting a doctor, be sure to strictly observe the dosage. One of the properties of the drug is its ability to thicken the blood if taken incorrectly (excessive), and this is a direct path to thrombosis, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

When taking the drug during pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the additives in its composition and contraindications to their use. Most of them, for example honey, can cause allergies and provoke the appearance of it in a child. Vitamin B can also provoke allergic reactions, so care must be taken when taking hematogen while carrying a baby.


The instructions for use contain the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug (this can be both sensitivity to animal blood and to additives in the composition of the product, especially to honey, milk, nuts);
  • diabetes;
  • anemia that is not a consequence of iron deficiency (hemoglobin is normal);
  • children under 2 years of age.

The main side effects, including overdose, are possible from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. With increased sensitivity to ingredients (the main contraindication), allergic reactions may occur: rash, itching, anaphylactic shock. The content of easily digestible carbohydrates in the product makes the drug dangerous in diabetes mellitus: hyperglycemia and, in some cases, diabetic coma may develop.

Application scheme

Instructions for use advise taking the product orally according to the following scheme, depending on age:

  1. Children's age from two years old: 1-2 plastics twice a day.
  2. Children over 12 years old and adults - 2-3 plates twice a day.

The duration of admission is selected individually, but in general it is 1-2 months. The daily rate of the drug is determined by the patient's need for iron. So, in children under three years old, it ranges from 4-10 mg, then increases to 12 mg. Girls 11-17 years old need 18 mg (blood loss during menstruation), and boys - 15 mg per day. With age, the rate of iron decreases, after 50 years, 8 mg per day is enough.

The drug can be taken without being tied to food. But it is advisable for children to give it after meals, since it is high in calories and can disrupt appetite. In some cases, it makes sense to reduce the intake of pure sugar, since it is present in sufficient quantities in the hematogenous plate.

Hematogen for children

Many consider the remedy to be a sweet bar and give it to children uncontrollably, thinking that it is healthier than chocolate and sweets, and therefore safer. Knowing what the hematogen is made of and what it is for, parents should give it to their children in a limited way and only if there are no contraindications.

The children's drug is slightly different from the "adult": it contains more sugar, there are tasty additives, due to which it has a high calorie content - 355 kcal per 100 grams. This must be taken into account if the child is overweight or has dental problems. Instructions for use must necessarily contain complete information about the products included in the product and their percentage.

Pediatricians advise starting the appointment no earlier than before the child is five years old. This is due to the fact that "natural", without hematogenous additives, is practically not produced today, and additives just can harm a growing body. This is especially true for palm oil, dyes, fragrances and other synthetic substances.

Today, hematogen can be bought at any pharmacy at a low cost and without a prescription. The main target group is preschool and adolescent children with low hemoglobin levels. It is for them that a convenient form, a sweet taste of the drug is designed, and doctors have long established what hematogen is useful for in childhood.

The drug can be taken in childhood with malnutrition (underweight), stunted growth, or, conversely, during the period of rapid growth of the child, injuries, during active physical or mental stress. Adults can also take hematogen during menstruation (women), after surgery, other blood loss, poor nutrition, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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