Combinations are a fool. Secrets of playing the fool. Collect paired cards

Game rules: players are dealt 6 cards each, and a trump card is randomly selected - the suit that will be the highest in this round. It is placed face down, and on top of the rest of the deck is face down. Let it be the Queen of Spades. The one who has the smallest trump card gets the right of the first move: for example, you have 10 spades, and your opponent has 7 spades - he makes the first move. You can walk, for example, 2, 3 or 4 cards of the same value at once - for example, three sixes. You have to fight back, cards are older. If there is no suitable suit, you can put a trump card, which may be lower. If the opponent is satisfied with how you fought back, the cards are added separately and do not return to them. In a throw-in "Fool", the opponent can toss cards in the process. For example, on two sixes you put 7 and 8, if your opponent has 7 or 8 on his hands, he can "throw" them and you must cover these cards. After each “retreat”, the players take cards from the stake so that everyone has 6. If you cannot repulse the attack, take these cards to yourself, and wield them further. And so on until a victorious or not very final. The player who has no cards left wins. If no one has them left, a draw is declared. If at the very beginning you got at least 5 cards of the same suit out of 6 - you can ask to be dealt to you again.

Finally, we have more or less figured out the rules.

Now for some tactical tricks:

1. Try not to take a lot of cards, especially closer to the final.

2. Do not spare your trump cards. You should not sit with the only king, taking the whole game until you lose your pulse.

3. Try to get rid of small cards and keep large ones.

4. Start your turn with paired cards. For example, you have two 8's and a six. Better to go with paired eights. After all, there is a high probability that the opponent will beat off the trump six and you can safely throw your own.

5. In some cases, it is beneficial to cover low cards with high cards. For example, you have a weak 7-rock, 10-ok and one king. In order not to accept a bunch of 7-rock and 10-ok, which the opponent will probably put in, cover with the king. If he throws the king - take, if not, then get rid of small cards already on your turn.

6. Throughout the game, remember the movement of at least a trump suit. Note that, for example, the Jack of the Trump went into retreat, you fought back 10, and the opponent took the lady from the stake, who was lying face down all the time. This will especially help in the final part. Do not forget about the elimination method: if at the end of the game you have both a jack and a queen and a king, and the ace was not visible during the whole game, it means that your opponent has it.

7. Try to fight back with paired cards. For example, three 10s went to you. It is much more profitable to fight off with three kings (if any) in a throw-in "Fool" than, say, with a jack, a queen and an ace. When you fight with paired cards, you do not give your opponent a lot of choice in actions. Most likely, he will not have the fourth king, and the move will go to you. And the risk that he has a jack, queen or ace is much higher.

8. Play confidently and even brazenly. You should not save the whole game with a couple of middle trump cards, it is better to fight them off at a difficult moment.

9. Memorize the cards that the player takes. And when you walk again, think about how your opponent can fight back and whether you can throw.

10. Remember, the more time you do not touch the deck, the more chances that your opponent will gradually pull all the trump cards. Therefore, try not to accept cards, and if you have to, then act according to point 5. Another thing is if you are lucky with the alignment - then you can sometimes depict the absence of trump cards and accept that the opponent tries to “wool” the deck more often in search of the coveted suit. And thereby, you will save your trump cards. But do it within reasonable limits and depending on the situation.

Hope these little tips will help you win more often. Good luck!

It would seem that it is difficult in the game Fool, because even children play it. You just need to learn the names of cards and suits, understand what a trump card is, and know yourself - go and fight back, the rules of the Fool game are extremely simple. But why sometimes, when we sit down to play, we lose game after game? Perhaps our rival knows some secrets?

We memorize cards

If a good memory is, alas, not your merit, do not be discouraged. After all, you can memorize at least the trump cards that have come out of the game. There are 9 trump cards in total, and one of them will remain open until the very end of the game. Also, we hope that some part of the trump cards will be in your hands, and then the task is greatly simplified.

Have you tried it? Excellent. Then you can complicate the task - try to memorize the colored cards that came out - jacks, queens, kings and aces. Some players even develop their own memorization systems, for example, by numbers or by letters. If you can do this, you will be more or less in control of the situation and will be able to calculate the moves.

Collect paired cards

Moreover, you can collect both small paired cards (they will come in handy for your move), and large ones. The ideal development is when you have collected four large cards of the same value, for example, 4 queens or 4 aces. Then, fighting back, you risk nothing, no one can throw you anything. And at the very end of the game, with a fortunate coincidence, you can use these cards as a formidable weapon against your opponent.

We suggest you use some more tips from experienced players:

  • always try to fight back, especially when the game comes to an end;
  • if at the beginning of the game only one trump card came to you, but a large one (for example, a king), and you cannot fight back, you should not feel sorry for it. Otherwise, you risk sitting with her until the very end of the game;
  • get rid of small cards and collect large ones;
  • if at the very beginning you have bad cards in your hands, while you were like a card that you have nothing to beat off, and you have only one major trump card, you can play this trump in the hope that similar cards of other suits will be thrown to you, and you can get hold of quite good cards;
  • play confidently, do not show your emotions to your opponent.

And, of course, train more! Moreover, you can choose one of the varieties of this game - Throwing fool,

The game "Fool" is the ability to collect more trump cards than the opponent. But you should not mindlessly collect trump cards, it will not lead to anything good. In this case, you also need to know some rules and secrets. There are several ways or strategies for gaining trump cards. If you have a lot of cards in your hand, then you will practically not have a chance to draw a trump card or a more or less good card. If you want to win this game - then learn to fill up your opponent with cards!


The most elementary and effective way to overwhelm your opponent is that you will constantly "supply" him with the suit that he does not have. If you are lucky, then in this way you can overwhelm the player on the rise and your opponent will have a bunch of unnecessary cards in his hands, and you will not have to pull from the deck.

Let's see how this happens directly in the gameplay. Your opponent doesn't have any suit, let them be spades. You play with sixes, your opponent covers with a seven, you throw in a seven of spades and he takes the cards. Again your turn, try to adjust the cards in such a way that you throw spades to the other player, then your opponent will constantly have to take cards, and you will not be able to draw the trump card.

If you play this game with three, then you can choose another strategy of the game: two players "knock down" the third. The meaning of this strategy is quite simple: two participants overwhelm the third, but do not throw cards at each other (even if they have something to throw in their hands). If the third participant still manages to fight off, and he gets the right to move, then the player to whom he goes simply accepts the card and the blockage continues. The result of this strategy will be the following. One of the two players who failed, remains without cards and leaves the game, and the other of them easily wins against the third, since he has a lot of bad cards in his hands.

There is another way to collect the required cards. This method consists in observing and memorizing the cards in the deck. When the deck is not shuffled thoroughly enough, there is a high chance that the cards will be repeated and, drawing one good card, the next card is very likely to be good too. So, if you draw a good card from the deck, try to make sure that the next card is also yours. Conversely, if you draw a bad card, then make sure that the next one goes to your opponent.

We have described only a few strategies for winning this game. In fact, there are many different ways to beat your opponent. In order to play well, you need to practice a lot to bring your actions to automaticity. Also, memory plays an important role in this game. If you learn to memorize the cards that are out of the game and learn to use this information, then your chances of winning will increase significantly.

How to win at the Fool (tactics, strategy, game secrets)

When playing with no more than 2 players

You can learn to win at the fool. To do this, we will define 2 stages of creating a winning strategy.
1. Determination of the opponent's style of play.
2. Creating your own counter-style of play.

Determination of the opponent's style of play. In order to determine in what style the opponent is playing, for this it is necessary to play several control games with him. Often, there are 4 main styles of play:
trump player- a player who, during the game, never throws up trump cards, makes the first move from one card and throws up any cards, in order not to overwhelm the opponent, but to throw off unnecessary cards in order to take trumps from the deck.
the player who collects high cards (aces, kings, queens)- usually such a player, during the whole game, tries to collect 4 aces or 4 kings, provided that the aces are out of the game or 4 queens, provided that the aces and kings are out of the game. Such a player is usually determined at the final stage of the game, when the cards in the deck are over and it is necessary to force the opponent to take the cards, or, on the contrary, the 4 senior cards are opposed to the opponent's cards, with the help of which you can beat off any cards from which they entered. Usually such a player tries to collect 4 aces and 2 more trump cards.
player who shoots his opponent with small cards- such a player forces his opponent to take all the cards from which he was visited. What does it do? Firstly, there are more chances to take trump cards or the necessary cards from the deck, and secondly, it deprives the opponent of the initiative in the game, comparing him with a baby who can play, but cannot control the game.
player who collects paired cards of different rank- a player who, in the course of the game, always makes paired combinations of cards from his cards. Paired cards can give an advantage both when beating off the opponent's cards and an advantage during the first run.
These are the popular and most frequently played styles of play. In order to believe this, it is enough to register at and play there with several hundred games. All other styles in one way or another combine all of the above styles.
Of course, I do not consider the giveaway game style or the game of someone who does not think when playing the fool.

Create your own counter-style of play. What can be opposed to the above styles?

The player who collects the trump cards- Let's split this game into 2 stages, this is the determination of the player's weak suit and throwing off the trump cards in response to calls with the cards of the weak suit. Therefore, before the middle of the game, you need to determine the opponent's weak suit. During the game, try to enter cards of different suits, and as soon as a weak suit is determined, then methodically try to force your opponent to fight back with trump cards. By the opponent's weak suit, I mean the suit card suits, which the opponent does not have.
The player who collects high cards (aces, kings, queens)- It is not difficult to play against such an opponent, knowing that he does not collect a trump card and that at the end of the game he will use his advantage of four high cards. To do this, you can force such a player to fight back with these cards 2 or 3 rounds before the end of the game, this is when there are about 6 cards left in the deck, maybe a little more.
A player who throws small cards at his opponent- you can do the following against such a player. Firstly, fight back at the beginning of the game with only high cards: aces, kings, queens. It is necessary at the beginning of the game to collect the highest cards in order to be able to fight off at least once or twice during the game. You can try to collect all the high cards until the middle of the game, and from the middle of the game start an attack with smaller cards, with each round, moving to high cards, thus, the player who throws his opponent with small cards (hereinafter larger) will fall into your own trap. In the middle of the game, he will not want to fold his trump cards into a clear-cut, as a result of which he will take them.
A player who collects paired cards of different denominations- It is difficult to play against such a player, since he will always have a pair of cards, both for the move and for the release. Only the same game can be opposed to such a player, that is, go with paired cards and fight off with paired cards.

Game variant. One of the users of my program introduced me to this version of the game, when there was this gap in the algorithm for playing the fool. This gap lay in the following tactics of the game.
If at the beginning of the game you get 2-3 large trump cards (it is possible with small trump cards), then during the game you do not beat off the opponent's cards, but accept them as long as there are at least eight to ten of them in the deck (you can find out how many cards are left , if you count them during the game), then you start playing with the smallest cards, which should be 3 or 4 of the same value. In this case, the opponent will either have to fight back (then, in any case, you will have cards that you can throw to the opponent), or take cards. If the opponent fights back, then after the rebound, when he draws cards from the deck, he will most likely take non-trump cards, since he fought back with them and then, having beaten off his move, you will easily beat him. But if the opponent takes cards from you without fighting back, then he will have a chance on the same tactics (as you played), to beat you (the opponent will take cards from you for the time being, after which he will fight back and fill you with the same cards that I took from you).
Most often, few people know about this tactic of the game and, having played once, loses, and an experienced player immediately understands what is going on and will try to interrupt the game in the middle.

In a 3-player game

In such a game, you need to collect trump and paired cards. To do this, you must try to fight back. The most important thing in such a game is never to throw cards at the player you are playing under. This can be done only at the end of the game, when the cards in the deck run out and you see that this player can be the first to leave the game. This is explained by the fact that if you throw cards on this player, then the next move will be made under you by the next player and you will not be able to throw off unnecessary cards again and throw a player who can come to you. You can even cheat, take the card with which they came to you and then the next player will go to the player who will have to go to you. You will have a chance to shower this player with cards.

When playing 4 players

In this game, you need to decide whether you are playing against all or against two, that is, a pair for a pair. If the player who is sitting opposite you is playing with you, then it will become much easier to play. Usually this game is called a pair for a pair. The player who sits to your left is paired with the player who sits to your right, and you accordingly play in tandem with the player sitting opposite you. In such a game, you need to throw players on the left and right. To do this, it is recommended to the player on the left at the beginning of the game to move from the lowest paired cards. If there are none, then choose the lowest card of the suit that you have the most. If this is not the case, then you can make a pair of lower cards, for example: a trump six and a six of a tambourine.
If you managed to overwhelm the player to your right and the move has passed to you, then it is advisable for you to move from those cards that the player on the left or right does not have. After the first round of the game, you can already guess what kind of cards they are. For example, during the rejection process, the player lit cards 8, 10, jack, and the player on the left lit 7, queen, in this case it is recommended to move with 6, 7, 9, since the chance that your partner has these cards is great.
If a player to your left or to your right takes cards and among them there is a card of the highest value, for example, a queen or a king, then try to get rid of it, since you will not be able to fight back with it (since the rest of the paired cards will immediately be thrown to you) and you will have a chance to take a paired or trump card from the deck. If you could not fight back and the player to your right takes cards and you are sure that you can overwhelm the player to your left, then you do not need to throw up the high card, since obviously the player to your right may be fighting back with it when your partner moves and You can already toss it.
When playing with a pair, you should never shoot your player. You can only throw cards to him when he takes them, and then only of the highest value and so that they make him a combination of 3 or four cards, so that the probability that he will beat off the next time is high.
If you are playing against everyone, not a pair for a pair, then it is recommended that the lowest card, with which you were asked to take, is recommended, otherwise you risk taking a large number of low cards. For example, you hit a six with an eight, respectively, all sixes and eights will fly to you. Otherwise, you will only take sixes.

When playing with 5 players or more

In such a game, of course, everyone plays for himself, so try not to beat off the lowest card with which they came to you, just take it. If you are approached with a high card, and you see that you cannot fight back, then fight back with a higher card, so that these high cards are thrown to you and you have better cards in relation to the cards of other players.

The main thing

If the opponent at the beginning of the game fights back with trump cards , then we can definitely say that he plays cards badly, since at the beginning of the game there is no point in throwing off the trump card. It is recommended to take the beaten off cards along with the trump cards, but next time it is better to try to beat off.
If you're going to fight back. It is recommended to fight off with paired cards, since the opponent has less chances to throw a card to you. Your cards should not contain low cards and more than two cards of the same suit, with the exception of trump cards. Otherwise, you risk taking cards.
How to make an opponent fight back with trump or high cards. If your move and in your cards there are several cards of the same non-trump suit, and if you are like one (low) of these cards, then your opponent at the beginning or in the middle of the game will most likely take this card, and if it is at the end of the game, then the opponent will be forced to fight back with a trump card.
Bluff. Don't forget to bluff. For example, a situation at the end of a game with several players, when you have 3 trump cards (king of clubs, 10 clubs, 6 clubs,). A move was made to you from the ace of diamonds, in this case you must fight off 10 clubs, then they go to you from the ace of spades, here you must fight off with the king of clubs. Why, you ask? Because the players may think that your highest card is the king and will not toss a trump ace to you, but will toss the ace of diamonds, which you will beat off 6 clubs. Do not overuse bluffing, otherwise you will always be thrown a trump ace. Instead of aces, there may be lower cards, so often bluffing, you can lose.
Memorizing cards. Well, and most importantly, you need to learn how to memorize the cards. You need to know which cards are out of the game and in what order. Knowing which cards come out of the game gives you information about what cards your opponent may have, and knowing in which order the cards come out gives you information about where the intended card is. For example, an opponent entered from a ten of hearts, so it can be assumed that a nine of hearts is still in the deck (store), but this statement can only be made with simple players, a professional can go with a ten, having a nine in his hands, since he has several ten , and nine is one. Check out the method I suggest for memorizing cards.

The original title of the article: A short course in the game of the "fool", author Nesterov I.V.

The lack of literature about card games is felt very strongly, and about the game of "the fool" - in particular. The author expresses deep regret at his unfamiliarity with research in this area, both domestic and foreign. At the same time, we still take the liberty of starting a conversation about this subject and try to convince you that spending a few minutes reading the proposed text is not an empty exercise.

So, we put forward a number of theses, and immediately try to substantiate them.

1. "Fool" is a game of honest people, a game beyond the control of swindlers

By turning to almost any other card game, we will see how strong the element of chance can be and how much scope it leaves for all sorts of machinations. The unlimited possibilities in this area gave birth to the profession of the card sharper - as old as the cards themselves.

And, on the contrary, having mastered the game of "fool" (which, by the way, has very simple rules), any person will immediately be convinced that cheating is absolutely impossible here - all cards are revealed during the game, being easily accessible for verification. It is very difficult to unnoticeably place or discard an extra card. the total number of them (36) is even, and in order to carry out such an operation in secret, it is necessary to discard (or lay) cards in pairs.

Even the famous cheating trick - putting a speck on the back (back side) of cards - has no serious consequences, since a person with average abilities is able to keep in memory more than 2/3 of the cards from the deck, including the most important ones.

2. "Fool" is a game of intellectuals

This is one of the few card games in which there is an opportunity to develop a clear plan of action. In terms of the richness of various combinations, the "fool" leaves checkers far behind, and is partly comparable to chess.

3. "Fool" - a game of mind, not chance

It has already been said above how little chance is in playing the "fool". Even an amateur armed with all the trump cards may not resist a professional whose strength lies in knowledge.

Of course, 1-2 times fortune is able to help "dummies". But nothing will save someone who, not having mastered all the intricacies of the game, decides to sit down at a table with a strong opponent for 10 games or more.

4. "Fool" - a game with a great future

Let us recall other card games - what is fundamentally new in the design of the game, in the expansion of its potentialities, can they offer? Their resources have been running out for a long time, while in our case it is enough to take a preference deck and the number of cards will increase by more than 55 percent (from 36 to 56 pieces). The variety of combinations will increase accordingly. And an ordinary “fool” will turn (by analogy with checkers) into an “international fool”.

"Fool", as a game not a salon, but a home game, is relatively rarely mentioned in sources, but Russian literature of the 19th century is already well known. Under the name "fools" she is found repeatedly on the pages of "Golovlevs" by Saltykov-Shchedrin (the action takes place in the middle of the century). In Pushkin, in chapter seven of the novel "Eugene Onegin" we find:

“Here under the window, wearing glasses
he deigned to play fools "

A phrase that in context refers to the turn of the 18-19 centuries.

There is no doubt that the game itself originated much earlier.

Tactics, as a military term, is explained by dictionaries as a set of methods and techniques chosen for the conduct of combat; strategy - for the conduct of the entire war. Having translated the military vocabulary into the language of sports (which will have to be done repeatedly), we will consider separately the issues of wrestling in the game and in the entire match.

Fool tactics

There is not and cannot be a single tactics for all occasions. How many parties - so many tactics. This is the beauty of the game, and its complexity. The choice of tactics depends on a number of circumstances, mainly on the presence or absence of trump cards.

Option A: you have no trump cards, the move is yours

When the situation is unfavorable, it is easy to understand that, going with the flow, you cannot count on a good ending. In this case, from the first steps, it is necessary to act as actively as possible and by any means to take control of the deck, i.e. to wipe off the enemy from it, sacrificing large non-trump cards in his favor (even having a trifle in his hands), and in the future - and small trump cards, if possible, paired with the same-named simple ones.

For a long time, not allowing the enemy to the deck, you will be able to choose from there everything that is valuable, and victory is in your pocket.

Option B (the worst): the opponent starts and moves in a suit that you do not have

A conversation on this topic is possible only when you have at least one trump card. He is sacrificed. But how soon should you do it? After all, the trump cards are the road!

The trump card from “six” to “nine” inclusive, should be given immediately and without any tears. It is better to part with the "ten" not earlier than the second call of the enemy, with the jack - not earlier than the third. You will have to think very seriously about the sacrifice of the lady. Never sacrifice an ace and a king! (excluding, of course, the final part of the fight)

The one and only king can become an unsinkable aircraft carrier, able to pull you out of the worst situation. By analogy with checkers, the king can be compared to the “golden checker” e1 (d8), which alone controls a decent part of the board.

Option B. If you're in luck

If you are lucky, and from the very beginning (or after 2-3 tricks), you have leading trump cards (for example, a king and an ace) plus a couple of small ones, and at the bottom of the deck there is another large trump card open, you can choose the opposite tactic, playing passively and holding cards, in particular - paired (even not very large) and colored (jack-ace) in any quantity, but no more than what is left in the deck. In this case, it is useful to create a double or even triple barrier for each suit from large non-trump cards, taking into account the possibility of the opponent having the same trump cards.

If you succeed, your bastions are impregnable, no one can take them. In intermediate options, arising from an approximate equality of forces, combined tactics are used. There is already full scope for your imagination.

Fool strategy

It develops depending on the duration of the struggle (the number of games) and includes mainly its psychology - since, unlike a military strategy, individual parties in a card game are interconnected only statistically - from the standpoint of the theory of probability, and nothing more.

Considering that the psychological factor begins to play a significant role only from a certain (sufficiently high) level of skill, we have moved its consideration to the chapter "The Game of Professionals", which see below.

If the score gap grows not in your favor - think about changing your tactics.

Probability theory. The action of chance and how to overcome it

A. Zinoviev in his book "Yawning Heights" devoted one of the chapters to discussions about the benefits of theory, convincingly proving its beneficial effect on the achievement of a specific goal.

Understanding the theory of probability will turn your opponent's cards from a dense forest into a semblance of a small square, where every bush is familiar

Some statistics: the total number of cards is 36, of which 9 are trump cards

When dealing, 1/3 of the deck is laid out at once - 12 cards. Consequently, opponents have an average of 3 trump cards in their hands; in addition - 1 is open.

In total, in the entire remaining deck there are 5 trump cards unknown to you. You yourself have 1-2 trump cards, therefore, 2-3 - you know. Based on this, already from the very first moments of the game, it is possible to develop a game plan with its subsequent adjustment.

Another important point: Taking the opponent's cards without a fight (this is especially important at the beginning of the game), do not lose sight of the fact that each card taken by you reduces your chances of getting the next trump card by 43.5%.

The calculation is as follows: in the deck, as we have already found out, there are 5 trump cards for 23 cards unknown to you (36 minus 12, minus 1).

Therefore, there is 1 trump card for 4-5 cards (23: 5 = 4.6). This means that each, together with the opponent, card taken from the deck brings you closer to the trump card by 21.74% (100: 4.6 = 21.74). But the opponent's card taken without a fight removes you from the trump card at the same distance, and the enemy at this time takes new card, and - don't forget - take another one while you get rid of the excess. Total 21.74x2 = 43.48% (≈43.5%). This is the price of passive tactics. Now you understand how great an advantage one must have in order to elect her.

Memorizing cards

There are 9 trump cards in the deck. The tenth trump card will be your memory, if you know how to use it properly.

It will not be difficult to learn, according to a certain scheme (digital, letter, etc.), to memorize the color cards and trump cards coming out of the game. There are 21 cards in total. You can add "tens" to this number - with a little training you will learn to memorize them too. In total, there are already 24 (the fourth "ten" is a trump card "). Considering that 2-3 small cards coming out at the very end cannot be forgotten, we will end up with knowledge of 26-27 cards out of 36.

About a dozen cards make up terra incognita for you, and all of them are at the bottom of the card hierarchy and only in exceptional situations can they influence the outcome of the struggle. Just a little White spot on the battle map you have studied well! Will it really stop you from winning? And where is that mighty His Majesty Chance, which will try to stand between you and your victory?

The quintessence of the game is the ending. It starts at the moment when the deck is already empty. The ending is the last fierce fight. In fact, the rest of the game is just a prelude to it. Here are some guidelines that you might find useful.

1. Control the thickness of the deck. This thesis may sound rude, but judge for yourself: why be a pawn in the game of chance? Much better to manage it!

Depending on how large the trump card lies in the open bottom of the deck, you can either be within its reach yourself, or bring the enemy to this position (if you find it inconvenient).

When the trump card is great, and you do not want to miss it, the most correct thing is to make the opponent's next move start with 4 cards in the deck (3 plus one revealed). For an opponent in this position, picking up the last trump card is almost hopeless. It is rare when it is possible to pick up 4 cards at once for an attack, and even at the same time carry it out successfully - after all, in the event of a failure of the attack, the defender is left with only two cards and has the right to move. In a position where there are 2 cards left in the deck (1 + 1), the trump card will most likely become yours. Think about it ahead of time - save a pair for one of your cards. If at the same time you have to give up a trump card, but less than the one lying in the deck - do not regret it - it will pay off.

If the trump card remaining below does not suit you very much, bring your opponent to this position. He will either have to sacrifice the exchange, for the sake of a small trump, remaining with 6 cards against your 4 (despite the fact that the move will be yours), or leave you a trump card (which will always come in handy), and take the pig in a poke himself.

Just please, don't think that all this will be solved 1-2 moves before the end of the game. The variants preceding the ending must be calculated in at least 5-6 moves. After all, the number of cards remaining in the deck (even lying strictly one on top of the other) is easy to establish by counting the edges (edges) of the cards - within 7-8 pieces it will always be possible.

2. About the benefits of paired cards.

If fate was favorable to you, having presented the best trump cards during the game, and you squandered your estate as an evangelical hero, do not expect good luck. She will not come, for luck loves the strong and the rich. But don't be discouraged. Even the most inveterate trifle can become an invaluable capital for you - if only you have such cards of the same name in two, three, and if possible - in four copies. Paired cards are a straw that a drowning man grabs at in his last hope.

If the pair you have collected is called "king" or "ace" - thank your fortune and your prudence, because this is an excellent weapon at the end of the game, and, moreover, universal: it is suitable for both offense and defense. Just let him in on time.

3. Beat your opponent's trump cards.

If there are no big ones among your trump cards, and there are a lot of small ones, throw them in the attack, not sparing them. After all, each of your cards will cost the enemy several times more. But hurry up! The first step in this operation you must take before the ending begins.

4. Let the enemy "ripen".

If some part of the opponent's cards are known, and these cards are unpaired, and in the trump cards the dominant heights are occupied by you, play calmly. You are the master of the situation. You can even take cards from your opponent that are unknown to you. When there are no such cards left, you take your opponent with your bare hands.

5. Ideas rule the world.

Until now, we have been talking about very specific things - about knowledge, about certain skills, etc. But there is something else, without which a strong opponent is unlikely to be defeated. This is a baggage of ideas that you will bring to the final of the game. The ending should have its own special plan (in addition to the general game), and in this regard there should be a place for an idea that can unpleasantly surprise your counterpart.

  • a) "royal" attack (although it could justly be called "lady's").

If you are weak on the flanks but strong in the center, i.e. have, say, a jack, a queen and a king against an ace, tens and others like them, pick up paired jacks (best) or a queen (a little worse) to your trump cards. Knowing that your opponent has a queen or king of the same suit as one of your jacks (queens), attack - the opponent will surely bite. Having laid out his ace under your trump jack, he will remain defenseless in front of your queen. Keeping in the future the king, which blocks all the opponent's trump cards (except for the ace, having given up, he can surrender), you will achieve success in 2-3 moves,

The most elegant combination looks like when, in a situation that is hopeless for you (of which the enemy is aware), you immediately put the best of what you have on the table - for example, a trump king. If you have about five cards, the enemy will not worry, and the king will take (an honest person cannot but have 5 kings!). Having given him in addition to the pair you had a pair of non-trump king, you will lay out the remaining three "sixes" ("sevens", "eights", etc.) in front of the vexed opponent.

Imagine that the situation is worse than you can imagine. Your only consolation is 3 aces, of which one is a trump card, the rest is a trifle (for example, a pair of eights and a seven). The enemy has 6 trump cards. your turn. Where will you go? From the "seven"? From the G8? Then you can safely fold the cards.

But try to start about an ace (not a trump card, of course) and - believe me - your hunt will be successful. The enemy, lulled by the power of his trump cards, will make only one careless move - he will lay out his trump "seven" or "eight" against the ace - and he is caught (if you did not immediately understand what will happen next - a few seconds to think.).

Having a double trump (especially a small one), try to act outside the box when attacking: play the trump card first. Sparing his trump cards, the enemy will want to play for sure and take it, not knowing about the gift that you have prepared for him.

When you do not have any trump cards, and are not foreseen, try (in advance) to pick up in a single amount of cards that are of the same name to the opponent's trump cards and 2-3 - which do not have such a match, but are paired with each other.

Make sure that the first run is yours in the ending. If the enemy fights to the end, a draw is guaranteed for you.

Game of professionals

It is known from the history of wars and military art that when it comes about opponents who know each other well, it is very difficult for any of them to invent something fundamentally new. It is even more difficult to keep a secret as a guarantee of long-term success.

French diplomat Maurice Paleologue, some of whose statements about the outcome of World War I became prophetic, wrote in December 1914:

“The fight will be very long, very long and. the final victory will go to the most persistent. The war becomes a war of attrition and, alas, inevitably - a complete depletion: depletion of food supplies, depletion of tools and instruments for industrial production, depletion of human material, depletion of moral strength. And it is clear that it is precisely these latter that gain decisive importance in the last hour. "

With a certain assumption, these words can be attributed to sports, in particular - to professional sports. When playing with an opponent of this class, it is necessary to discard any thoughts about the possibility of a large gap and remember: the enemy can do everything that you can; any brilliant idea can only give a one-time effect, after which it will be immediately borrowed by the enemy; victory will be collected bit by bit, and its result is not so much in the present as in the past. It depends on many factors, including the duration of training, which, among other things, gives knowledge of the opponent's psychology, the stereotype of his behavior in certain situations, etc. Professionals tend to play matches from a large number of games in order to avoid randomness. Eventually, chance does have a certain influence in a match of equal opponents. True, this usually does not affect the final result, since the action of chance is like a pendulum - several games are lucky for one, then a few for the other, etc. You just need to learn how to control this pendulum.

Don't be complacent, even if the start of the match is more than successful for you. Most likely, too easy luck will soon be replaced by a streak of bad luck (according to the same theory of probability), and the opportunities you missed at the first stage, which seemed so unimportant at the beginning, will make themselves felt closer to the end, when each game will be decisive.

If you play a multi-day match and win big - forget about it every time you restart the game again. Remember: every new day starts from scratch for you.

The same rule can be helpful in the event of temporary setbacks. Do not get excited, do not rush to recoup - such things are done only with a cool head. In a streak of bad luck, any breakdown is experienced more difficult than in normal times. It is important to be able to detach from the past. If things don't go at all, try to interrupt the game, or, in any case, do not demand it to continue. This was not your day. That's all. Do not look outside the reasons for failure, and never complain about bad luck. If the losing streak is too long - delve into yourself! During the game, and especially in its ending, explore each card (yours or your opponent's). Squeeze out of her everything that she can give you, consider the possibility of the most paradoxical solutions. After all, thought can work miracles. Concentrate and you will find a gap in the enemy's seemingly impenetrable defenses. And vice versa: with all the possibilities of easy winning, do not bloat like a turkey. The biggest mistake is to forget that in front of you is your equal.

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