Card index of games to familiarize yourself with the surrounding world card index of the surrounding world (junior group) on the topic. Didactic games to familiarize yourself with the surrounding world in the middle group Game to familiarize yourself with the environment

Let's go visit the Wise Owl

(game for children 6–7 years old)


To develop the ability to navigate using a map in the forest. Develop spatial

new thinking. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the environment.


Large colorful forest map; trees cut out of cardboard, handicrafts

nicknames, lake, path, river, road, bridge, owl; card indicating cardinal directions (north,

northeast, east, etc.); letter from forest dwellers; route plan; figurines denoting

nurturing children.


Following the directions, find the way to the Council of Forest Dwellers.


1. 5-6 children participate in the game.

2. Move along the forest map only with the help of figures.

3. Player figures should not push each other out of the transition path.

4. As you move through the Magic Forest, strictly follow the directions.

5. For bad behavior (shouting, interfering with other players, etc.) a figurine

the player is expelled from the squad.

6. The winner is the one who can lead others in the right direction.

research and come to the Council of Forest Residents.


1. The teacher tells the children the game task.

2. Reads a letter from the forest inhabitants to the children:

"Dear friends!

We, animals and birds, invite you to our Forest Council, which will take place around

house of the Wise Owl. Important issues will be discussed there: how people should work together

with animals and birds, protect the forest, take care of nature. So that you can safely

to get to the house of the Wise Owl and participate in the Forest Council, you need to carefully

look at the bottom edge of the map. You will see a mighty spreading oak tree. Find on the left

side the third branch from the bottom, it will show you which direction to move. Go west

to a fast river, which you need to cross over a bridge. You will find yourself in a forest clearing where many flowers grow. There you will find a map of the path to the Wise Owl's house.

With respect, animals and birds of the Magic Forest."

3. Children, together with the teacher, carefully examine the map of the forest, insert it into the space

Cut a card in the right corner indicating the cardinal directions and find out where is north, south, northeast, southwest, etc.

4. An adult invites each child to choose one of the figures. They are the ones who will move along the forest map. The figures are lined up, one after another.

5. Children and the teacher consult where it is better to enter the forest, and begin to advance along

map, following the text of the letter. Having reached the clearing, they find among the flowers a diagram of the further path - a route plan. The teacher reads:

“You are in a clearing. Turn northeast and go to the edge of the forest.

Having reached the edge, turn in a northwest direction and go to the lake. Go around the lake to the left and go north to the spruce forest. Go through the spruce forest in a northeast direction to the road. Next, walk along the road to the east five steps, turn onto the path in a southeast direction. The path will lead you to the house of the Wise Owl.”

6. Children rearrange the figures, guided by the text of the letter.

The game as a phenomenon has not been ignored by many domestic and Western teachers and psychologists. The use of the game to solve various pedagogical problems contributed to the development of both its form and content. Recognizing the influence of play on the development of mental formations and on the comprehensive development of a child’s personality, both emphasized that the opportunity to play is very important for children.
Experts note that play, to a certain extent, is one of the ways to understand the world around us, especially when children use the game as a reflection of reality. Game, as Professor A.V. Zaporozhets pointed out, does not arise spontaneously, as a product of individual creativity, but under the influence and as a result of the assimilation of social experience. A child, like an adult, is a social being. He lives and is brought up in the society of his parents, peers, surrounded by kindergarten workers, etc. This is how a personality is gradually formed. It should be noted that the environment in which a child develops is not limited to the natural sphere; it includes both the production sphere and relationships between people. The child learns about the world around him through sensory perception and through certain sources of information (adults, older children, peers, literature, art, media, etc.). A small child is a kind of carrier of certain biophysical components, which, on the one hand, make him a part of nature, and on the other, distinguish him from other living beings found in nature and society.
It should be noted that there is some difference between how the world actually is and how the child perceives it. A teacher will help a child to correctly understand the surrounding reality (natural and social) in the educational process through certain forms of work with him. The impressions received by children not only create the basis for the development and formation of correct ideas, but also provide a certain basis for conducting joint games. In our daily work, we use didactic games as a means of introducing and clarifying knowledge about the natural environment and, more broadly, as a means of introducing children to the social world. Games prepared by the teacher, taking into account all the requirements for their implementation, will help ensure the correct, painless assimilation of social experience by children. During the game in situations modeled by the teacher, it is easier for the child to plan his activities and learn the norm of behavior in the world around him.
The educational nature of the game increases as a result of enriching children with knowledge, that is, in the process of educational work. M. Gorky believed that “education has three goals: saturating a person with knowledge about himself and the world around him; character formation and will development; formation and development of abilities.” A game is a kind of activity that can solve these problems, because in a game, as in any creative collective activity, there is a clash of minds, characters, and plans. At the same time, there is an interaction between play and real relationships between children.
At the present stage of development of society, a new type of personality is required, one with deep knowledge about the world around us, who knows how to choose the right behavior and a healthy lifestyle. Each person's behavior is related to the amount of knowledge he has. In the education of the younger generation (in this case, preschool children), it is the didactic game that turns out to be the most effective means for introducing, clarifying and systematizing knowledge about the surrounding not only natural, but also social world.
When planning the content of a didactic game to familiarize children with social reality, the teacher must first of all create conditions under which there will be an impact on the intellectual, moral and volitional development of the child and the formation of his emotionally positive attitude towards the environment. For example, the content of the didactic game “Do the Right Thing” is aimed at developing the child’s ideas about the positive and negative actions of a person in everyday life. This game is based on V. Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad.” The material for this game is a series of pictures that depict children in various everyday situations that correspond to the plots of the poem, that is, examples of both positive and negative behavior of children are given. During the game, children are asked to look at the images, evaluate the actions of the characters, and put cards depicting positive actions in one direction and negative ones in the other. Find out what children would do in similar situations. This game reveals children's ability to assess the situation based on their own experience and the rules and norms determined by society. In a playful form, the initial skills to sympathize, empathize, and come to the rescue are developed, that is, the child’s life position in the social and everyday environment is formed. A child’s comprehension of events and explanation of the actions of characters from a series of plot pictures enriches the preschooler’s experience and forms an emotional and evaluative attitude towards the society in which he is located.
An integral part of familiarization with society is made up of didactic games, the content of which is related to people’s professions. For example, you can bring to children's attention a game "Map of professions." The material for it is a large painting consisting of fastened multi-colored sheets with various public institutions depicted on them. In this picture there is a starting position for the players, from which there is a path of circles to one or another institution. Moving along one of these paths, the child names the professions of the people who work where the path leads. This game is aimed at identifying children’s general ideas about where adults work, knowledge of specialties, correlation of place, specialty and type of activity (a doctor works in a hospital, clinic, he treats people, a teacher works in a school, he teaches children, etc. .d.). After such a game, it is advisable to introduce games to familiarize yourself with a certain type of profession (builder, postman, driver, etc.), which give a more complete understanding of the work and uniqueness of people’s professions. The content of these games also includes familiarizing children with the mechanisms that help people work (builders, drivers, loaders, ambulance crews, etc.).
Games in which children are invited to play the role of people of a particular profession are effective. For example, in a didactic game "Make up a fairy tale" children become animators: they independently compose “frames” for a filmstrip based on a familiar work. The materials for this game are an improvised “film strip”, “frames”, filled and empty, which the children themselves must sketch, and colored pencils. The opportunities inherent in this game not only help the intellectual development of children and the development of visual arts skills, but also develop in children the ability to work together. The result of the children’s joint work will be the compilation and sketching of a “film strip.” With its help, you can work on composing creative retellings.
The structure and features of these games determine their great potential. A unique combination - the replacement of real objects with figurative ones and the presence of a didactic task inherent in the game - allows the teacher, on the one hand, to achieve cognitive goals during the game, and on the other hand, to simulate various (real and unreal) situations in which children decide how to gaming and cognitive tasks. Balancing between the real and the figurative, existing and fiction, of course, attracts the attention and interest of children. The imagery of the content of many didactic games allows us to compare them with a fairy tale, but only the game allows children to be active, which is very important for preschool children. Actions in a didactic game can be different both in practical and mental terms - from actions that allow the development of sensory processes to complex logical conclusions. The game fits organically into all sections of educational work with children.
To obtain a positive result, it is necessary to think through the content of games for each area of ​​educational work with children. You can include a game in one form or another more than once. At the same time, new elements need to be introduced into the content of games already known to children. The use of a particular game is dictated not only by the didactic tasks and content inherent in it, but also by the set of visual didactic material. It is advisable to use a wide range of visual materials of large and small forms, you can involve musical accompaniment, and include artistic and creative activities of children.
The games offered to the attention of children must be interconnected in each form of educational work. The interconnection of didactic games is quite easy to implement if certain requirements for these games are met: from game to game the mental activity of children should develop; each subsequent game should, if possible, continue the sequence of actions and events of the previous one; After each topic covered, it is necessary to create a set of games to practice the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. Let us now illustrate how these requirements are met using the example of several educational games.


Target. To identify the level of children's knowledge about the professions of builders, machines that help build houses, building materials for building a house, the construction process, and consolidate knowledge of ordinal counting (1st, 2nd floor, etc.). Develop the ability to form nouns with suffixes -schik-, -chick–(crane operator, mason, plumber etc.).
Material. Pictures depicting blocks, panels of houses, pictures depicting machines that help in the construction of houses, etc.

1. Select from a large number of proposed mechanisms and materials necessary to build a “house”.
2. Establish the sequence of construction of the “house”.
3. Build a “house”.
During this game, the teacher explains to the children that building a house is a complex process. Draws children's attention to a certain sequence of work of builders. First, the architect determines the location for the construction of the building. At this site, workers and engineers dig a pit to a certain depth and level it. Next, they begin to build the foundation. Foundations can be different: strip, on piles, etc. - depending on the bearing capacity of the soil on which the building is built. When the foundation work is completed, work begins on the construction of the building itself, floor by floor.

Plan your city

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge of what a city is, what buildings, institutions, houses are located in the city. Find out with your children how best to plan the construction of a city using a map. Draw children's attention to the ecology of the city. To develop the ability to create a city model from a large “Builder” based on a map, and the ability to operate with substitute objects. Pay attention to the beauty of architectural structures in Moscow.
Material. A large map of the city, large cards depicting city objects and cards depicting trees, bushes, fountains, a large “Builder”, colored pencils, adhesive tape, scissors.

1. Outline the center and outskirts of the city.
2. Move hazardous industries outside the city limits.
3. According to the plan, build a model of the city from a large “Builder”.

These games reinforce children's knowledge of building houses in the human world. The first game gives children the opportunity to implement the knowledge acquired in the classroom in elementary play activities. This game is not particularly difficult, but it teaches the child to use knowledge and listen to the opinions of peers.
In the next game, the content and tasks become more complicated, children are given complete independence in building a city model, and the teacher’s participation in this game is minimal. Children outline the center and outskirts of the city; based on their life experience, they determine what should be in the city and what should not be; determine where government buildings and offices should be located, and where residential areas and social infrastructure should be located. The teacher deliberately leaves objects that are not fully ready for the game (bakery, pharmacy, etc.). Children work independently with substitute objects - finishing the drawings, gluing them. In this game, the teacher has the opportunity to find out how children communicate (determine the level of communication), how they distribute play responsibilities among themselves (who will do what), and, of course, identify the level of knowledge of each child.
It should be noted that the development of children’s cognitive activity is influenced not only by the gradual complication of games in terms of cognitive tasks, content, game actions, rules, but also by the amount of visual material used. It can either increase or decrease. Didactic games with a minimum amount of visual material are useful.
The content of didactic games conducted by the teacher with children must correspond to the seasons, because with the changes occurring in nature, changes occur in the world of people, starting with clothing and ending with the activities of people characteristic of a particular season. For example, in the autumn period games are held, the content of which reflects the autumn phenomena of inanimate nature and their impact on living nature, as well as the life and activity of living beings in nature and humans in cities and villages during this particular period of time (harvesting, preparations for the winter, taking care of pets, etc.).
In each season, children need to become familiar with such didactic games, thanks to which they realize the beauty of this time of year, its beneficial effect on human activity (people create paintings, music, sculptures, poems, fairy tales, etc.).
Didactic games to practice terminology are important. For example, you need to practice terms related to the structure of a plant (root, stem, leaves, flowers, bud, fruit, etc.). The names of such parts of a plant as leaves, flowers, roots are learned well by children, but names such as stems cause certain difficulties. Children can call it both “stick” and “pillar”. Teachers have developed various games on this topic. Playing only one game does not give a significant result. It is necessary to conduct several games, which one after another will introduce children to the structural features of plants, while continuing to create conditions for practicing terms.
For example, after using three consecutive games “Miracle flower”, “Who needs water, and who needs a clearing”, “Prepare medicine”, children begin to correctly name the various parts of the plant and more easily master the term “stem”. The didactic game “Miracle Flower” is aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge about the appearance of a plant, its structure (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit), to familiarize themselves with the needs of a plant in certain external conditions (water, soil, sunlight, air , heat) for normal growth and development, to become familiar with the stages of development of a living being, its properties, qualities, and to develop generally accepted aesthetic standards.
The game “Who needs water, and who needs a clearing” introduces children to the place of residence of the plant. In what places does it like to grow: in a sunny meadow or on a shaded edge of a forest, next to water or in water (what kind of it is - moisture-loving, drought-resistant, light-loving, shade-tolerant)? How does it adapt to the abundance or lack of moisture? During the game, one becomes familiar with the variety of appearance of the plant, the structural features of the root, leaves, etc.
In the “Make Medicine” game, children continue to consolidate knowledge about the structure of the plant, where it grows, the features of its structure, and also learn about the medicinal properties that are inherent in certain parts of it. Children are thus offered various games that have one goal: to develop children’s knowledge about the structure of a plant, its characteristics and benefits for people.
This book contains educational games that can be divided into three categories:
– games for familiarization with flora and fauna, aimed at introducing children to the way of life of plants and animals;
– games for familiarization with the environment, aimed at familiarizing with the relationships between living objects and the environment;
– games for familiarization with the human-created habitat of people and animals, aimed at familiarizing children with various professions and various human activities in the world around us.
Didactic games, correctly used in the educational process, are, on the one hand, an effective means of mental, aesthetic and moral education, and on the other hand, they are a kind of practical activity for the child to master the surrounding reality.

Games to familiarize yourself with flora and fauna

Life in the seeds
(game for children 5–7 years old)

Target. Introduce children to the variety of vegetable seeds (seeds of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, beans, peas), and the stages of plant development. To develop the ability to compare seeds and an adult plant of the same species, to distinguish vegetable seeds by shape, color, size.
Material. Vegetable seeds, cards depicting the stages of vegetable development, special cups with lids and a wet filter.
Exercise. Examine a seed, select the desired set of cards, arrange the stages of development of a vegetable crop in order, talk about the life and development of this plant.

1. The number of players depends on how many sets have been prepared; The number of players can be increased by playing in teams.
2. The winner is the one who told and did everything well and correctly.


1. The teacher tells the children about the life of a small seed.
“Throughout the long winter, our seeds slept in a box. Look how small and defenseless they are, but in each of them lies an extraordinary power of life. Now in every small seed the life of the future plant sleeps. We will wake them up and then dream about what they will be like.
The teacher, together with the children, places the seeds of various vegetable crops in special cups on a damp filter and closes with a lid. After a while the lid fogs up.
– These are our seeds that have woken up, they are breathing. It won't be long before each of them has a little white tail. (Shows a sprouted seed.)
– What do you think this is? (This is a small spine.)
– This sprouted seed needs to be planted in the ground, and an adult plant will gradually grow from it, unless, of course, you forget to take care of it.
– Now let’s dream about what plants will grow from our seeds (pepper, tomato, cucumbers, beans, beans, peas).
2. Each child is given a seed, asked to carefully examine it and select cards for him or her depicting the stages of development of this vegetable crop. (On each card there is a picture of the seed from which the given plant grew. The shape, color and size of the seed drawn in the pictures help guide the selection of cards.)
3. Children select the necessary cards, lay them out in the correct sequence, and talk about their plant.
4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Build a house for an animal
(game for children 6–7 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the life characteristics of various wild animals, their housing, and the building materials they use. To develop the ability to select the right material for building a house for any of the animals.
Material. A large didactic picture, cards with images of animal houses (anthill, beehive, bird's nest, etc.), building materials (twigs, blades of grass, fluff, leaves, etc.), and the animals themselves.

1. Choose from the proposed animals those you want to help.
2. Choose from the proposed building materials only what is needed for your animal.
3. Choose a house for the animal.
4. Talk about your choice.

1. The game is played in teams (3 teams of 2-3 people each).
2. Whoever completed the task quickly and correctly and was able to explain his choice won.


1. The teacher announces to the children that a telegram has arrived at the kindergarten.
– The animals of the green forest sent us a telegram in which they asked us for help to build them housing. Can we help build houses for the animals? (Yes.)
– Select the animals you would like to help, call them by name. In order for us to succeed, we need to know how to do it correctly.
2. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game and the task. Children are divided into teams and begin to play together.
3. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Collect a plant
(game for children 4–5 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of a plant, its parts and their significance for plant life.
Material. A large painting of a lawn (without flowers, grass, etc.) and slots for plants, cut parts of a plant (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit).

1. Remember what the structure of the plant is.
2. Select from the proposed material something that may be part of the plant.
3. Collect parts of a whole plant, name it and plant it on the lawn.

1. The number of players is from 4 to 6 people.
2. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly collected his plant and planted it on the lawn.


1. Teacher:
- Guys, beautiful flowers once grew in this clearing. But one day a terrible hurricane swept through here. After him, this is what was left... (The teacher shows the children an empty yellow-brown lawn under a blue sky.)
– Do you like this lawn? Can you call it that? (No.)
- How to make her beautiful? (We need to plant plants.)
- Let's bring this lawn to life. Let's plant flowers and make it beautiful. Flowers will grow on it, elegant butterflies, dragonflies, and bees will fly in. It will be the same as before, and even better. It will delight not only us, but also all people with its beauty.
2. Children are provided with sets of not only cut parts of plants, but also unnecessary items.
3. Children choose what they want and then make a plant, name it and plant it on the lawn.
4. In the process of general work, a colorful picture is obtained depicting a beautiful lawn.
5. Children who excel in completing the task are given the opportunity to place the “arriving” butterflies, dragonflies and bees on the flowers of the lawn.
6. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Mushroom clearing
(game for children 6–7 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the autumn gifts of nature, about edible and inedible mushrooms, to find out in which places in the forest mushrooms grow. Carry out word formation work (under the birch - boletus, under the aspen - boletus). To develop the ability to find edible mushrooms using a didactic picture. To develop the ability to see the beauty of the autumn forest, the decoration of trees, shrubs, and the variety of mushrooms. Form an aesthetic perception of the surrounding world.
Material. A large didactic painting depicting an autumn forest, large-format painted mushrooms inserted into the painting, baskets made of colored paper, a Mushroom Forester costume. (This game can be played after a design lesson where the children made baskets out of paper.)
Exercise. Collect at least three mushrooms (please note that there should be several mushrooms of the same type in the didactic picture; if one “mushroom picker” found, for example, a porcini mushroom, then others are given the opportunity to find the same one).

1. The number of players is 6–7 people.
2. You can only go into the forest to pick mushrooms with a basket.
3. The forest mushroom rewards children with red cardboard circles for each correctly named mushroom or for an interesting, colorful story about mushrooms.
4. The winner is the one who collects the most circles during the game.


1. The teacher invites the children to take a walk into the fairytale forest to pick mushrooms and remember what they need to take with them to the forest.
2. To the music, the children go together to the “forest”.
3. The teacher explains the rules of the game and the task.
4. Each child chooses edible mushrooms in the picture and collects them in a basket.
5. The arborist mushroom clarifies with the children the name of this or that mushroom and where it likes to grow.

Current page: 1 (book has 7 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]

L. Yu. Pavlova

A collection of didactic games to familiarize yourself with the world around you

The game as a phenomenon has not been ignored by many domestic and Western teachers and psychologists. The use of the game to solve various pedagogical problems contributed to the development of both its form and content. Recognizing the influence of play on the development of mental formations and on the comprehensive development of a child’s personality, both emphasized that the opportunity to play is very important for children.

Experts note that play, to a certain extent, is one of the ways to understand the world around us, especially when children use the game as a reflection of reality. Game, as Professor A.V. Zaporozhets pointed out, does not arise spontaneously, as a product of individual creativity, but under the influence and as a result of the assimilation of social experience. A child, like an adult, is a social being. He lives and is brought up in the society of his parents, peers, surrounded by kindergarten workers, etc. This is how a personality is gradually formed. It should be noted that the environment in which a child develops is not limited to the natural sphere; it includes both the production sphere and relationships between people. The child learns about the world around him through sensory perception and through certain sources of information (adults, older children, peers, literature, art, media, etc.). A small child is a kind of carrier of certain biophysical components, which, on the one hand, make him a part of nature, and on the other, distinguish him from other living beings found in nature and society.

It should be noted that there is some difference between how the world actually is and how the child perceives it. A teacher will help a child to correctly understand the surrounding reality (natural and social) in the educational process through certain forms of work with him. The impressions received by children not only create the basis for the development and formation of correct ideas, but also provide a certain basis for conducting joint games. In our daily work, we use didactic games as a means of introducing and clarifying knowledge about the natural environment and, more broadly, as a means of introducing children to the social world. Games prepared by the teacher, taking into account all the requirements for their implementation, will help ensure the correct, painless assimilation of social experience by children. During the game in situations modeled by the teacher, it is easier for the child to plan his activities and learn the norm of behavior in the world around him.

The educational nature of the game increases as a result of enriching children with knowledge, that is, in the process of educational work. M. Gorky believed that “education has three goals: saturating a person with knowledge about himself and the world around him; character formation and will development; formation and development of abilities.” A game is a kind of activity that can solve these problems, because in a game, as in any creative collective activity, there is a clash of minds, characters, and plans. At the same time, there is an interaction between play and real relationships between children.

At the present stage of development of society, a new type of personality is required, one with deep knowledge about the world around us, who knows how to choose the right behavior and a healthy lifestyle. Each person's behavior is related to the amount of knowledge he has. In the education of the younger generation (in this case, preschool children), it is the didactic game that turns out to be the most effective means for introducing, clarifying and systematizing knowledge about the surrounding not only natural, but also social world.

When planning the content of a didactic game to familiarize children with social reality, the teacher must first of all create conditions under which there will be an impact on the intellectual, moral and volitional development of the child and the formation of his emotionally positive attitude towards the environment. For example, the content of the didactic game “Do the Right Thing” is aimed at developing the child’s ideas about the positive and negative actions of a person in everyday life. This game is based on V. Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad.” The material for this game is a series of pictures that depict children in various everyday situations that correspond to the plots of the poem, that is, examples of both positive and negative behavior of children are given. During the game, children are asked to look at the images, evaluate the actions of the characters, and put cards depicting positive actions in one direction and negative ones in the other. Find out what children would do in similar situations. This game reveals children's ability to assess the situation based on their own experience and the rules and norms determined by society. In a playful form, the initial skills to sympathize, empathize, and come to the rescue are developed, that is, the child’s life position in the social and everyday environment is formed. A child’s comprehension of events and explanation of the actions of characters from a series of plot pictures enriches the preschooler’s experience and forms an emotional and evaluative attitude towards the society in which he is located.

An integral part of familiarization with society is made up of didactic games, the content of which is related to people’s professions. For example, you can bring to children's attention a game "Map of professions." The material for it is a large painting consisting of fastened multi-colored sheets with various public institutions depicted on them. In this picture there is a starting position for the players, from which there is a path of circles to one or another institution. Moving along one of these paths, the child names the professions of the people who work where the path leads. This game is aimed at identifying children’s general ideas about where adults work, knowledge of specialties, correlation of place, specialty and type of activity (a doctor works in a hospital, clinic, he treats people, a teacher works in a school, he teaches children, etc. .d.). After such a game, it is advisable to introduce games to familiarize yourself with a certain type of profession (builder, postman, driver, etc.), which give a more complete understanding of the work and uniqueness of people’s professions. The content of these games also includes familiarizing children with the mechanisms that help people work (builders, drivers, loaders, ambulance crews, etc.).

Games in which children are invited to play the role of people of a particular profession are effective. For example, in a didactic game "Make up a fairy tale" children become animators: they independently compose “frames” for a filmstrip based on a familiar work. The materials for this game are an improvised “film strip”, “frames”, filled and empty, which the children themselves must sketch, and colored pencils. The opportunities inherent in this game not only help the intellectual development of children and the development of visual arts skills, but also develop in children the ability to work together. The result of the children’s joint work will be the compilation and sketching of a “film strip.” With its help, you can work on composing creative retellings.

The structure and features of these games determine their great potential. A unique combination - the replacement of real objects with figurative ones and the presence of a didactic task inherent in the game - allows the teacher, on the one hand, to achieve cognitive goals during the game, and on the other hand, to simulate various (real and unreal) situations in which children decide how to gaming and cognitive tasks. Balancing between the real and the figurative, existing and fiction, of course, attracts the attention and interest of children. The imagery of the content of many didactic games allows us to compare them with a fairy tale, but only the game allows children to be active, which is very important for preschool children. Actions in a didactic game can be different both in practical and mental terms - from actions that allow the development of sensory processes to complex logical conclusions. The game fits organically into all sections of educational work with children.

To obtain a positive result, it is necessary to think through the content of games for each area of ​​educational work with children. You can include a game in one form or another more than once. At the same time, new elements need to be introduced into the content of games already known to children. The use of a particular game is dictated not only by the didactic tasks and content inherent in it, but also by the set of visual didactic material. It is advisable to use a wide range of visual materials of large and small forms, you can involve musical accompaniment, and include artistic and creative activities of children.

The games offered to the attention of children must be interconnected in each form of educational work. The interconnection of didactic games is quite easy to implement if certain requirements for these games are met: from game to game the mental activity of children should develop; each subsequent game should, if possible, continue the sequence of actions and events of the previous one; After each topic covered, it is necessary to create a set of games to practice the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. Let us now illustrate how these requirements are met using the example of several educational games.


Target. To identify the level of children's knowledge about the professions of builders, machines that help build houses, building materials for building a house, the construction process, and consolidate knowledge of ordinal counting (1st, 2nd floor, etc.). Develop the ability to form nouns with suffixes -schik-, -chick–(crane operator, mason, plumber etc.).

Material. Pictures depicting blocks, panels of houses, pictures depicting machines that help in the construction of houses, etc.


1. Select from a large number of proposed mechanisms and materials necessary to build a “house”.

2. Establish the sequence of construction of the “house”.

3. Build a “house”.

During this game, the teacher explains to the children that building a house is a complex process. Draws children's attention to a certain sequence of work of builders. First, the architect determines the location for the construction of the building. At this site, workers and engineers dig a pit to a certain depth and level it. Next, they begin to build the foundation. Foundations can be different: strip, on piles, etc. - depending on the bearing capacity of the soil on which the building is built. When the foundation work is completed, work begins on the construction of the building itself, floor by floor.

Plan your city

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge of what a city is, what buildings, institutions, houses are located in the city. Find out with your children how best to plan the construction of a city using a map. Draw children's attention to the ecology of the city. To develop the ability to create a city model from a large “Builder” based on a map, and the ability to operate with substitute objects. Pay attention to the beauty of architectural structures in Moscow.

Material. A large map of the city, large cards depicting city objects and cards depicting trees, bushes, fountains, a large “Builder”, colored pencils, adhesive tape, scissors.


1. Outline the center and outskirts of the city.

2. Move hazardous industries outside the city limits.

3. According to the plan, build a model of the city from a large “Builder”.

These games reinforce children's knowledge of building houses in the human world. The first game gives children the opportunity to implement the knowledge acquired in the classroom in elementary play activities. This game is not particularly difficult, but it teaches the child to use knowledge and listen to the opinions of peers.

In the next game, the content and tasks become more complicated, children are given complete independence in building a city model, and the teacher’s participation in this game is minimal. Children outline the center and outskirts of the city; based on their life experience, they determine what should be in the city and what should not be; determine where government buildings and offices should be located, and where residential areas and social infrastructure should be located. The teacher deliberately leaves objects that are not fully ready for the game (bakery, pharmacy, etc.). Children work independently with substitute objects - finishing the drawings, gluing them. In this game, the teacher has the opportunity to find out how children communicate (determine the level of communication), how they distribute play responsibilities among themselves (who will do what), and, of course, identify the level of knowledge of each child.

It should be noted that the development of children’s cognitive activity is influenced not only by the gradual complication of games in terms of cognitive tasks, content, game actions, rules, but also by the amount of visual material used. It can either increase or decrease. Didactic games with a minimum amount of visual material are useful.

The content of didactic games conducted by the teacher with children must correspond to the seasons, because with the changes occurring in nature, changes occur in the world of people, starting with clothing and ending with the activities of people characteristic of a particular season. For example, in the autumn period games are held, the content of which reflects the autumn phenomena of inanimate nature and their impact on living nature, as well as the life and activity of living beings in nature and humans in cities and villages during this particular period of time (harvesting, preparations for the winter, taking care of pets, etc.).

In each season, children need to become familiar with such didactic games, thanks to which they realize the beauty of this time of year, its beneficial effect on human activity (people create paintings, music, sculptures, poems, fairy tales, etc.).

Didactic games to practice terminology are important. For example, you need to practice terms related to the structure of a plant (root, stem, leaves, flowers, bud, fruit, etc.). The names of such parts of a plant as leaves, flowers, roots are learned well by children, but names such as stems cause certain difficulties. Children can call it both “stick” and “pillar”. Teachers have developed various games on this topic. Playing only one game does not give a significant result. It is necessary to conduct several games, which one after another will introduce children to the structural features of plants, while continuing to create conditions for practicing terms.

For example, after using three consecutive games “Miracle flower”, “Who needs water, and who needs a clearing”, “Prepare medicine”, children begin to correctly name the various parts of the plant and more easily master the term “stem”. The didactic game “Miracle Flower” is aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge about the appearance of a plant, its structure (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit), to familiarize themselves with the needs of a plant in certain external conditions (water, soil, sunlight, air , heat) for normal growth and development, to become familiar with the stages of development of a living being, its properties, qualities, and to develop generally accepted aesthetic standards.

The game “Who needs water, and who needs a clearing” introduces children to the place of residence of the plant. In what places does it like to grow: in a sunny meadow or on a shaded edge of a forest, next to water or in water (what kind of it is - moisture-loving, drought-resistant, light-loving, shade-tolerant)? How does it adapt to the abundance or lack of moisture? During the game, one becomes familiar with the variety of appearance of the plant, the structural features of the root, leaves, etc.

In the “Make Medicine” game, children continue to consolidate knowledge about the structure of the plant, where it grows, the features of its structure, and also learn about the medicinal properties that are inherent in certain parts of it. Children are thus offered various games that have one goal: to develop children’s knowledge about the structure of a plant, its characteristics and benefits for people.

This book contains educational games that can be divided into three categories:

– games for familiarization with flora and fauna, aimed at introducing children to the way of life of plants and animals;

– games for familiarization with the environment, aimed at familiarizing with the relationships between living objects and the environment;

– games for familiarization with the human-created habitat of people and animals, aimed at familiarizing children with various professions and various human activities in the world around us.

Didactic games, correctly used in the educational process, are, on the one hand, an effective means of mental, aesthetic and moral education, and on the other hand, they are a kind of practical activity for the child to master the surrounding reality.

Games to familiarize yourself with flora and fauna

Life in the seeds

(game for children 5–7 years old)

Target. Introduce children to the variety of vegetable seeds (seeds of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, beans, peas), and the stages of plant development. To develop the ability to compare seeds and an adult plant of the same species, to distinguish vegetable seeds by shape, color, size.

Material. Vegetable seeds, cards depicting the stages of vegetable development, special cups with lids and a wet filter.

Exercise. Examine a seed, select the desired set of cards, arrange the stages of development of a vegetable crop in order, talk about the life and development of this plant.


1. The number of players depends on how many sets have been prepared; The number of players can be increased by playing in teams.

2. The winner is the one who told and did everything well and correctly.


1. The teacher tells the children about the life of a small seed.

“Throughout the long winter, our seeds slept in a box. Look how small and defenseless they are, but in each of them lies an extraordinary power of life. Now in every small seed the life of the future plant sleeps. We will wake them up and then dream about what they will be like.

The teacher, together with the children, places the seeds of various vegetable crops in special cups on a damp filter and closes with a lid. After a while the lid fogs up.

– These are our seeds that have woken up, they are breathing. It won't be long before each of them has a little white tail. (Shows a sprouted seed.)

– What do you think this is? (This is a small spine.)

– This sprouted seed needs to be planted in the ground, and an adult plant will gradually grow from it, unless, of course, you forget to take care of it.

– Now let’s dream about what plants will grow from our seeds (pepper, tomato, cucumbers, beans, beans, peas).

2. Each child is given a seed, asked to carefully examine it and select cards for him or her depicting the stages of development of this vegetable crop. (On each card there is a picture of the seed from which the given plant grew. The shape, color and size of the seed drawn in the pictures help guide the selection of cards.)

3. Children select the necessary cards, lay them out in the correct sequence, and talk about their plant.

4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Build a house for an animal

(game for children 6–7 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the life characteristics of various wild animals, their housing, and the building materials they use. To develop the ability to select the right material for building a house for any of the animals.

Material. A large didactic picture, cards with images of animal houses (anthill, beehive, bird's nest, etc.), building materials (twigs, blades of grass, fluff, leaves, etc.), and the animals themselves.


1. Choose from the proposed animals those you want to help.

2. Choose from the proposed building materials only what is needed for your animal.

3. Choose a house for the animal.

4. Talk about your choice.


1. The game is played in teams (3 teams of 2-3 people each).

2. Whoever completed the task quickly and correctly and was able to explain his choice won.

Lyudmila Minicheva
Didactic games to familiarize yourself with the outside world (senior group)

Didactic games to familiarize yourself with the world around you

"City Trip"

Didactic task. Consolidating knowledge about your hometown: who lives and works in it, what kind of transport it is, how it is decorated.

Game rules. Select only those pictures that correspond to the task for your group: people, transport, labor, city decoration.

Game actions. Search for pictures. Actions on a signal.

Progress of the game. The teacher selects different pictures in advance: some depict city residents (schoolchildren, mother with children, grandmother with a basket, students, etc.); on others - the labor of people (builders, postmen, drivers, painters, etc.); transport (tram, bus, trolleybus, bicycle, motorcycle); buildings and decorations of the city (post office, shop - crockery, bookstore, grocery store, fountain, square, sculpture).

Pictures are laid out on tables in different places in the group room.

With the help of a little counting rhyme, the children are divided into four groups of two or three people. Each group is given a task: one - to see who lives in the city and collect pictures of people; the other is what people drive, collect pictures of vehicles; the third - pictures in which the various work of people is reproduced; fourth - consider and select pictures with drawings of beautiful buildings of the city, its decorations.

At the driver’s signal, travelers walk around the room and select the pictures they need, the rest wait for their return and watch them.

Having returned to their seats, travelers place pictures on the stand (each group separately from the other). Participants in each group tell why they took these particular pictures and what they depict. The group whose players made no mistakes quickly wins.

put your pictures. The game is repeated, and some pictures need to be replaced.

“Whose clothes?”

Didactic task. To foster in children an interest in people of different professions; clarify knowledge about work clothes; teach to distinguish people of different professions by their work clothes: postman, miner, builder, doctor, diver, pilot, electric welder, etc.

Game rules. Determine the profession based on work clothes, find the right picture and show it to the children. For the correct answer, the player receives a chip.

Game actions. Dressing dolls in work clothes.

Progress of the game. Before starting the game, the teacher clarifies the children’s knowledge about work clothes, finds out whether they have noticed that people work in special clothes and that by their clothes you can find out who they work with. Shows pictures:

Look, children (in the picture there is a civil airline pilot, can you tell by the clothes who is shown in the picture? Yes. This is a pilot. How did you guess?

Children talk about the cap, suit, shoulder straps. Then the teacher reads poems from the book “Who is Dressed How.”

The worker works quickly and deftly.

The work uniform is called overalls.

Each job has its own clothes -

My book will tell you about this.

The teacher shows pictures showing clothing models of people of different professions, and the children recognize: miner, builder, doctor, postman, diver, pilot, electric welder, etc.

Then the teacher offers to dress the dolls in clothes previously sewn and prepared for this game. All dolls are then used in independent creative games. The teacher advises the children how to play with them (depending on the impressions received and knowledge about different professions).

“Who needs what?”

Didactic task. Exercise children in the classification of objects, the ability to name objects necessary for people of a certain profession.

Game rules and game actions. The same as in the previous game.

Progress of the game. The teacher reminds the children of the game “Who can name the most actions?” And says:

In this game you named what actions a person of a particular profession performs. And today we will remember what people of different professions need to work. I will call the person by profession, and you will tell me what he needs for his job. "Shoemaker!" - says the teacher.

Nails, a hammer, leather, boots, shoes, a car, a paw,” the children answer.

The teacher names professions familiar to the children of this group: doctor, nurse, teacher, nanny, janitor, driver, pilot, cook, etc.

If children do not lose interest in the game, you can offer the opposite option. The teacher names objects for the work of people of a certain profession, and the children name the profession.

He reads, talks, teaches drawing, sculpting, dances and sings, plays, says the teacher and throws the ball to one of the players.

“Teacher,” he answers and throws the ball to her.

In this game, as in other games where the rules provide for the ability to respond quickly, it is necessary to remember the individual characteristics of children. There are slow children. They need to be taught to think faster, but this should be done carefully. It is better to call such a child to answer first, since at the beginning of the game there is a large selection of words. The teacher encourages the child with the words: “Vitya quickly found the right word. Well done!" It is the speed of response that is emphasized.

“It’s similar - it’s not similar”

Didactic task. Teach children to compare objects, notice signs of similarity in color, shape, size, material; develop observation, thinking, speech.

Game rules. Find two objects in the environment and be able to prove their similarity. The one to whom the arrow points answers.

Game actions. Search for similar items.

Progress of the game. Various items are prepared in advance and discreetly placed in the room.

The teacher reminds children that they are surrounded by many objects, different and identical, similar and completely different.

Today we will find objects that are similar to each other. They can be similar in color, shape, size, material. Listen to the rules of the game. You need to walk around the room, select two similar objects and sit down. The one to whom the arrow points will tell you why he took these two objects and how they are similar.

Most often, children find similar objects by color and size. Hidden quality is difficult for them to detect. This game helps children solve a problem. For example, taking a teaspoon and a dump truck, the child explains his choice by saying that they are similar because they are made of metal. At first, this combination of objects makes children laugh.

How are a spoon and a dump truck similar? - the children are perplexed and laugh. - Of course, they are not alike.

But the child who called them similar proves the correctness of his selection.

Children, while playing, gradually learn to find signs of similarity between objects, which is much more difficult than noticing signs of their differences.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the subject world “Into the Doll’s Past” (senior group) Goal: to familiarize preschoolers with the origins of Russian folk culture in the process of becoming familiar with the history of the doll. Integration of educational.

The world around us is full of miracles. There is so much unknown and amazing in it. Our goal is to develop children’s interest in what we do.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world “Winter” (preparatory group) The world. Preparatory group. Subject. Winter. Target. Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of winter.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world “How forest animals prepare for winter” (senior group) Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group on the topic “How forest animals prepare for winter.” Program content.

Summary of educational activities for introducing preschoolers to the world around them Topic: “Why does winter come”? The senior group working according to an adapted method.

Let's put animals in our forest

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. Introduce children to the habitats of various animals. Find out how the image of an animal and its habitat are related. To develop children’s ability, based on the appearance of the animal, to relate it to its habitat (land, water, air, etc.).

Material. A didactic picture depicting a forest area in which there is a river and various dwellings of wild animals; cards with images of forest inhabitants.


1. Choose one of the animals, think about where it would be convenient for him to live, explain why.

2. Place the animal in a certain house and explain your choice (why he can live in one house or another and cannot live in others).


1. Play in a team (3 teams of 2-3 people each).

2. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.


1. The teacher invites the children to break into teams.

2. Teams have the opportunity to carefully examine forest houses and applicants for settlement.

3. Each team chooses one of the animals and a suitable house for it.

Mother Earth outfits

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. Clarify and expand children's ideas about the change of seasons, the main features of each season, and the natural phenomena characteristic of it.

Material. A didactic picture divided into four parts (depicting autumn, winter, spring, summer); cards depicting natural phenomena (rain, snow, wind, etc.).


1. Select cards depicting those natural phenomena that correspond to a particular time of year and place them on the corresponding part of the didactic picture.

2. Talk about the reasons for the choice.


1. The game can be played by 12 to 16 people.

2. The correct choice of a particular card is discussed only by team members without the involvement of adults and outsiders.

3. The winner is the team that completed the task quickly and without errors.


1. The teacher tells the children about the seasons.

— In summer, the sun rises high above the horizon, its rays warm the earth well. It’s getting warm, leaves are blooming on the trees, flowers are blooming, birds are singing, people are lightly dressed, you can sunbathe and swim. In autumn, the sun does not rise so high above the horizon, its rays warm the earth less. It's getting chilly. Leaves fall from the trees, nature falls asleep, birds fly away to warmer climes, rains give way to snow. Winter frosts freeze rivers and lakes with ice, and snow covers the ground with a white coat. After a long, cold winter, nature comes to life again in spring.

2. The teacher divides the children into four teams (3-4 people per team) and tells them what time of year they should choose an “outfit” for.

3. At the end of the game, the teacher marks the best answers and sums it up.

Let's go visit the Wise Owl

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. To develop the ability to navigate using a map in the forest. Develop spatial thinking. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the environment.

Material. Large colorful forest map; trees, bushes, lake, path, river, road, bridge, owl cut out of cardboard; card indicating the cardinal directions (north, northeast, east, etc.); letter from forest dwellers; route plan; figures representing children.

Exercise. Following the directions, find the way to the Council of Forest Dwellers.


1. 5-6 children participate in the game.

2. Move along the forest map only with the help of figures.

3. Player figures should not push each other out of the transition path.

4. As you move through the Magic Forest, strictly follow the directions.

5. For bad behavior (shouting, interfering with other players, etc.), the player figure is excluded from the squad.

6. The winner is the one who can lead the others in the right direction and come to the Council of Forest Dwellers.


1. The teacher tells the children the game task.

2. Reads a letter from the forest inhabitants to the children:

"Dear friends!

We, animals and birds, invite you to our forest council, which will take place near the house of the Wise Owl. Important issues will be discussed there: how people, together with animals and birds, should protect the forest and take care of nature. In order for you to safely get to the Wise Owl's house and participate in the forest council, you need to carefully examine the bottom edge of the map. You will see a mighty spreading oak tree. Find the third branch from the bottom on the left side, it will show you which direction to go. Go west to a fast river, which you need to cross over a bridge. You will find yourself in a forest clearing where many flowers grow. There you will find a map of the path to the Wise Owl's house.

With respect, animals and birds of the Magic Forest."

3. Children, together with the teacher, carefully examine the map of the forest, insert a card indicating the cardinal directions into the slot in the right corner and find out where north, south, northeast, southwest, etc. are.

4. An adult invites each child to choose one of the figures. They are the ones who will move along the forest map. The figures are lined up, one after another.

5. Children and the teacher consult where it is best to enter the forest, and begin to move along the map, following the text of the letter. Having reached the clearing, they find among the flowers a diagram of the further path - a plan-route. The teacher reads:

“You are in a clearing. Turn northeast and go to the edge of the forest. Having reached the edge, turn in a northwest direction and go to the lake. Go around the lake to the left and go north to the spruce forest. Go through the spruce forest in a northeast direction to the road. Next, walk along the road to the east five steps, turn onto the path in a southeast direction. The path will lead you to the house of the Wise Owl.”

6. Children rearrange the figures, guided by the text of the letter.

7. At the end of the game, the teacher sums up: marks the best participants and conducts a conversation on an environmental topic.


(game for children 5-7 children)

Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about the sequence of seasons. Identify the characteristic features of each season. Introduce children to changes in types of precipitation, the impact of changes in inanimate nature on the lifestyle of certain living beings, etc.

Material. A large, colorful game map that represents the seasons, depicts objects of living and inanimate nature that change according to the seasons; Along the perimeter of the picture there are multi-colored symbols: for each season there is a different color and symbol (for example, for winter - white, blue, blue snowflakes; for autumn - red, yellow, brown, orange leaves, etc.).

Exercise. Walk across the playing field to the finish line, following the rules and answering questions correctly.


1. The number of players should not exceed 6 people.

2. Play strictly in turns.

3. Listen carefully to the teacher and the answers of your comrades.

4. Each player first rolls the dice: the number of dots rolled is the number of steps; then answers a question or guesses a riddle about the season and, if the answer is correct, moves two steps forward; if the answer is incorrect, remains in place.

5. The one who prevents other players from responding and playing begins to move in the opposite direction. One comment is two steps back, two comments are four. Thus, disciplined players will move forward to the finish line, and undisciplined players will move back to the start.

6. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.


1. Children line up their chips at the start according to the multi-colored symbols of the seasons, the chips will move along the map.

2. During the game, children answer questions (one turn - one question).

Sample questions for the autumn period:

— What periods of autumn do you know?

— What types of precipitation occur in autumn?

— What vegetables ripen in the fall?

— What fruits ripen in the gardens?

-What is dry rain?

- A bag of needles is running under the pines and fir trees - who is it?

Sample questions for the winter period:

— What winter months do you know?

— What is the name of the month that is the first of the year, but the second month of winter?

— Name three states into which water passes under different temperature conditions.

— What date does New Year come?

— What winter games do you know?

— What trees are they talking about: “Winter and summer have the same color”?

Sample questions for the spring period:

—What do people call the steps of spring? (Thawed patches.)

- Where does the snow melt faster - in the lowlands or on the hill?

- What primroses do you know?

— What types of kidneys do you know by location? (Apical, lateral.)

- Where does the shoot hide and when does it come out? (In the buds, emerges in the spring.)

—What kinds of escapes are there? (Aboveground and underground.)

Sample questions for the summer period:

— Why is summer called red?

— What berries do people pick in the summer?

— Name the medicinal herbs and flowers.

— How do people relax in the summer?

— What is the name of the insect that is formed from the pupa of a caterpillar?

— How does birch differ from other trees in the summer forest?

Birds of tropical countries

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. Reveal children's knowledge about bird species in tropical countries, about the peculiarities of climatic conditions in these countries. To develop the ability to correlate lifestyle, types of nutrition with the environment. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of living organisms, their adaptation to conditions and habitat, etc. Develop logical thinking, speech, imagination. Instill an interest in the natural world.

Material. Didactic picture depicting tropical plants, cards with bird species of tropical countries and other climatic zones.


1. Carefully examine the tropical forest, think about which living creatures can live there.

2. Choose birds that live in tropical forests.

3. Explain your choice (appearance, addiction to a certain food, etc.).


1. The number of players is no more than 5 people.

2. Play strictly in turns.

3. The one who made the right choice and was able to explain it wins.


1. In a conversation, the teacher finds out with the children what tropical countries are, names some of them, explains what the climate is in the tropical forest, how the climate affects the way of life of birds, the types of food.

3. Children take turns picking up birds and placing them on a didactic picture of a tropical forest.

4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

River fish

(game for children 5-7 children)

Target. Reveal children's knowledge about fish, their structure, and the characteristics of their habitat. To develop the ability to correlate the structure of a living creature with its environment and way of life. Find out how the coloring of river fish helps them hide or protect themselves from other river inhabitants. Develop logical thinking, speech, imagination. Instill an interest in the natural world.

Material. A didactic picture depicting a flowing pond, a river; carved images of river fish.


1. Look carefully at the fish offered.

2. Select only river ones from them and name them.

3. Place in a pond in a certain place - where this or that fish likes to live.


1. The number of players is 3-4 people.

2. The winner is the one who correctly chose the fish, explained his choice and placed them on the didactic picture.


2. Introduces children to the rules of the game and the task.

4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Birds of temperate latitudes

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about bird species of temperate latitudes. Reveal children's knowledge about their lifestyle. Correlate the lifestyle of birds with climatic conditions. Consolidate knowledge about the structure of living organisms, their adaptation to conditions and habitat, etc. Develop logical thinking, speech, imagination. Instill an interest in the natural world.

Material. Didactic picture on the topic; carved images of birds.


1. Select birds that live in temperate latitudes and forests in the middle zone.

2. Explain your choice (why this particular bird is suitable, talk about its appearance, addiction to a certain lifestyle, etc.).

3. Remove birds that, for certain reasons, cannot live in our forests, explain the reason (inappropriate climate, types of food, etc.).


2. Play strictly in turns.

3. The one who made the right choice and was able to explain it wins.


1. In a conversation, the teacher finds out from the children what birds they saw in our forests, what their names are, how the climate affects the birds’ lifestyle and types of food.

— Carefully look at the picture depicting a forest of temperate latitudes, think about which living creatures can live there.

3. Children take turns picking up birds and putting them in the forest.

4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Fishes of the seas and oceans

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. Reveal children's knowledge about the fish of the seas and oceans, their structure, and the characteristics of their habitat (salt water). To develop the ability to correlate the structure of a living creature with its environment and way of life. Find out how the coloring of fish helps them hide or protect themselves from other inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Develop logical thinking, speech, imagination. Instill an interest in the natural world.

Material. Didactic picture on the topic; carved images of fish from the seas, oceans and rivers.


1. Carefully examine the proposed fish.

2. Select fish from the seas and oceans and name them.

3. Place freshwater fish in a pond - in a certain place where river fish like to live.

4. Explain why we cannot put the fish of the seas and oceans in the river.


1. The number of players should not exceed 4-5 people.

2. The winner is the one who correctly chose the fish, explained his choice and placed freshwater fish on the didactic picture.


1. The teacher suggests looking at the picture and the proposed fish.

2. Introduces children to the rules of the game and the task.

3. Children take turns filling the pond with fish.

4. They talk about the fish of the seas and oceans and their characteristics.

5. At the end of the game the result is summed up.


(game for children 4-7 years old)

Target. Introduce children to the protective properties of snow. Talk about the structure of snowflakes, the variety of patterns and shapes. Strengthen the ability to cut out various shapes of snowflakes.

Material. Didactic picture of a winter forest (snow only on trees and bushes); pencils, paper, scissors - for each child.


1. The number of players should not exceed 5-6 people.

2. Actively participate in the discussion of the problem.

3. Know the rules for working with scissors and glue.

4. Work together as a team.

5. Those children who completed the task and managed to help others win.


1. Children are asked to carefully examine the picture and say what is missing from it. (There is no snow on the ground.)

2. Conversation about the importance of snow cover for the forest and its inhabitants.

3. The teacher suggests covering the ground in the picture with cut out snowflakes.

4. Demonstration of techniques for cutting snowflakes from paper.

5. Children cut out snowflakes and cover the ground with them in a didactic picture.

Journey through the forest map

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. In a playful way, reveal children’s knowledge about forest inhabitants, the homes of wild animals, their lifestyle, and nutrition. To develop children’s ability to correlate the appearance of an animal with its habitat and the unique construction of its house. Develop the ability to compose a coherent story about a tenant in whose house children ended up, etc.

Material. A large painting depicting a forest with houses of forest animals and birds. Along the map of the forest there is a path of circles, red arrows extend from some of the circles, connecting them with the houses of the forest inhabitants, two arrows (green and blue) extend from the houses.

Exercise. Follow the circles to the finish line, naming the animals' houses and their owners.


1. The number of players is 4-6 people.

2. Play in turns.

3. The number of dots rolled on a thrown dice indicates the number of steps - circles on the forest map.

4. If you come across a circle from which a red arrow extends, you should follow it to the house of a forest dweller. In this case, the child must say the name of the home and tell about the owner.

5. The one who told everything correctly has the right to move forward along the green arrow. The one who answered incorrectly moves backward along the blue arrow and waits for help from other players.

6. Other players, when they get to him, try to help him with correct answers that will allow him to move forward.

7. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first, having correctly described the houses of the forest inhabitants he encountered.


1. The teacher lays out a map of the forest in front of the children.

2. Introduces children to the rules of the game and the task, and suggests using a cube to take turns moving along the forest map.

Our favorites

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. Introduce children to the climate map of the world, the natural habitats of exotic animals and plants living in the ecological laboratory and zoo corners. Introduce them to the countries that are their homeland, the climate in these countries, the adaptations of living creatures to the climatic characteristics of the countries, the way of life of these animals in the wild.

Material. Didactic painting “The Homeland of Our Pets” depicting continents and climate zones; images of parrots, hamsters, canaries, fish, turtles, etc. cut out of cardboard.

Exercise. Send animals to their homeland, tell about them.


2. The first one to complete the task correctly wins.


1. The teacher lays out a climate map with images of continents and islands, offers to look at the map, explains that different colors on the map indicate climate temperature.

2. The teacher instructs the children, based on their knowledge, to send living beings on vacation to their homeland.

3. Children talk about fat and fur creatures and place them on the map.

4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Forest City

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. Show children that the forest is a whole city, consisting of its own special houses: every tree, bush, blade of grass is a shelter, home, housing for living creatures living in this environment. Introduce children to the concept of “tiers” of the forest on which forest dwellers live. Using the “elevator”, introduce the preferences of living beings to living conditions at a certain altitude.

Material. Colorful picture of a forest landscape; cards with images of forest inhabitants; "elevator cabin"; designation of steps (feathers, footprints, etc. - depending on which animal accompanies you at a certain height).

Exercise. Reach the end of the route, answering the teacher’s questions.


1. The number of players is from 4 to 8 people.

2. It is forbidden to change the selected hero throughout the game, play only at the height of your hero.

3. Walk through the forest strictly according to conventional signs.

4. When throwing a game die, wait until it stops completely, count the dots on the stopped side, the number of steps taken on the map using conventional signs must correspond to the number of dots rolled on the die.

5. For the correct answer to the teacher’s question, the child has the right to move his hero two steps forward, for an incorrect answer - one step back, for incorrect behavior towards other players - two steps back after each comment.

6. The winner is the one who is the first to reach the end of the game and correctly answer the teacher’s questions on the topic.


1. The teacher unfolds the game map in front of the children, invites them to carefully examine it and trace the routes for progressing through the game.

2. At the beginning of the route, a tree is drawn, symbolizing an apartment building; an elevator car is attached to it, which can move up and down along rope threads.

3. The teacher sets up the children for the game, tells them that the forest is a whole city in which a variety of living creatures live, but they do not live just anywhere, but in strictly defined places. Each of them has a unique apartment. You can visit them by taking the “elevator”. The teacher introduces the children to the “elevator cabin”, with the help of which you can rise to any height and not only meet the inhabitants of the forest, but also, with their help, make a journey.

4. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game and the task.

5. Rising up in the “elevator”, children choose one of the forest inhabitants living at a certain altitude.

6. Taking turns throwing the dice, the children advance the selected resident along the forest map. When a child visits one or another forest dweller, the teacher asks pre-prepared questions about each living creature.

Sample questions about animals:

— Why are frogs called amphibians?

— How does a hedgehog behave in a moment of danger?

— On what tier can you meet a bear?

Sample questions about birds:

— What materials do birds use to build nests?

— On what tiers can you find birds? (Almost all.)

Sample questions about insects:

— How many pairs of legs do insects have?

- Who is the bark beetle?

— To whom is the bark beetle dangerous?

- On what tier can you meet a caterpillar? Why?

7. During the game, moving along a certain route, children become acquainted not only with the inhabitants of their tier, but also with other inhabitants of the forest.

8. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Web of Life

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. Introduce children to the relationships among living objects in a certain ecosystem: using the example of a small area of ​​forest, stretch threads of connections between the inhabitants in such a way as to create a web of nutrition between living objects.

Material. Image of a forest fragment; cards depicting living creatures inhabiting a given area of ​​​​nature. The game map contains threads for future connections between objects of living and inanimate nature.


1. At the beginning of the game, determine the name of a living creature based on riddles and its habitat.

2. Find it among those shown on the cards and place the card on a section of the forest.

3. Connect objects with threads of relationships.


1. The number of players is 5-6 people.

2. The winners are the children who correctly answered the teacher’s questions and correctly connected the objects.


1. The teacher shows the children the game map, explains the rules and task, and invites them to solve riddles.

Black vest,

Red beret

Nose like an ax

The tail is like a stop. (Woodpecker)

You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

And in a red fur coat in the summer. (Squirrel)

His fur is amazing.

Like velvet, all year round.

He digs with great patience

There is a long passage underground. (Mole)

Who is this little one?

Lives in the earth

Starts with "h"

Does it end with "k"? (Worm)

2. The child who guessed the riddle receives a card with a picture of the animal about which the riddle was written. (Thus, for 5-6 players you need to prepare 5-6 riddles and 5-6 answers - cards with images of animals.)

3. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that each living creature must be placed on the game card in such a way that there are many threads next to it, each of which must subsequently be connected to the objects that this creature needs.

4. Children take turns connecting threads with objects (1 move - 1 thread - connection), the child explains why he connected a living creature with this object. This is how a web of relationships between objects of living and inanimate nature gradually emerges.

5. At the final stage, all representatives of a living community find themselves connected to each other by threads of interconnections; a clear picture is obtained showing that all the inhabitants of the forest are connected with each other and the environment.

6. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Sky. Earth. Water

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the habitat of living beings; about the adaptability of animals to their environment. Find out the reasons why they cannot live in other conditions and environments.

Material. A large didactic picture, divided into four parts: on one part the sky is depicted, on the other - the earth, on the third - water, on the fourth there are cards depicting people, animals, birds, fish, amphibians.

Exercise. Place this or that living creature on the corresponding part of the didactic picture, talk about the selected representatives.


1. 3 teams of 3-4 people each play.

2. For correctly and quickly performed actions, the team is awarded points:

— quickly gathered and identified the commander—1 point;

- completed tasks quickly, correctly and accurately - 2 points;

- correctly composed the story - 5 points.

3. Play strictly in line.

4. The team with the most points becomes the winner.


1. The teacher invites the children to divide into three teams and choose commanders.

2. Having received their “field of responsibility” (sky, water or earth), members of each team take turns approaching the picture, choosing a card with the image of only one representative of the corresponding environment and placing it on the field of the picture.

3. Upon completion of the work, the teams prepare stories about the representatives of “their” environment they have chosen, about their adaptability to these conditions, about the possibility or impossibility of temporarily staying in another environment (a commander represents each team).

4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Who is this chicken?

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. Introduce the stages of development of a living creature (chicken) and the conditions necessary for its favorable development.

To develop children’s ability to relate a living object to its environment, to its family (mom-chicken, father-rooster), to predators that are dangerous to itself and its family, to how it adapts to its environment, to its way of life. Identify the relationship between the type of nutrition and the structure of a living creature, etc.

Material. The didactic game is presented in the form of puzzles, on each puzzle there is a picture - a fragment of the life of a living creature in real or fairy-tale life.

Exercise. Connect individual puzzles into a single picture, tell about the living creature depicted in the puzzles.


1. The number of players is 3-6 people.

2. Maintain order in the game.

3. Play together, together.

4. The winner is the one who copes better with both the individual and group tasks.


1. The teacher shows the children the game in disassembled form.

2. Children, closing their eyes, choose one of the puzzles. Some puzzles are completed - they need to be inserted clockwise in a circle next to the central card, which depicts the main character; other puzzles are empty, they should be filled in by answering the questions: what predators do you know that are dangerous to our living beings, where does this living being live, etc.

3. Children take turns talking about what is shown in the pictures, putting together puzzles and connecting them with the life of a living creature in successive sentences.

4. Children jointly decide how best to connect the puzzles according to the plot into a single didactic picture in the correct order.

5. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

6. To replay the game, you can change the plots of the puzzles. The main character remains the same, but the content changes. The plots of puzzles can tell about the friends and enemies of a living creature, both in real life and in fairy tales.

For mushrooms, for berries

(game for children 5-7 years old)

Target. Identify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the types of forest mushrooms, berries and other plants, and their habitats. Strengthen the ability to play together.

Material. A didactic painting depicting a path in the forest; game cube; baskets for collecting mushrooms, berries and other forest products.

Exercise. Walk through the forest, talking about the plants you encounter along the way.


1. The number of players is 5-6 people.

2. Follow the path using a game cube.

3. When you get to the berry circle, talk about wild berries - edible and inedible, to the mushroom - about edible and inedible mushrooms, to the bush - about the types of forest shrubs, their distinctive features.

4. The one who reaches the finish line faster wins.


1. The teacher lays out a didactic picture in front of the children, which depicts a path in the forest, draws the children’s attention to the friendly neighborhood of different inhabitants of the forest and invites them to go on a journey through the forest.

2. The teacher introduces the rules of the game and the task.

3. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Amazing transformations

(game for children 6-7 years old)

Target. Introduce children to the transformations that occur in the natural world with living objects; with the stages of development of a living being. Develop the ability to establish the sequence of stages of development, notice changes in development, and determine to what extent these changes are necessary for the further prosperous existence of a living creature in its habitat.

Material. Cards with images of the stages of development of living beings, sheets with envelopes glued at a certain distance.

Exercise. There are two possible options for playing the game.

1. An image of one stage of development of a living being is in one of the envelopes, another in the next, etc. In this case, you need to guess the riddle and get acquainted with the stages of development of a living creature.

2. One envelope contains all the stages of development of a living creature. In this case, you need to guess the riddle and arrange the cards depicting the stages of development of a living creature in the correct order.


1. The number of players is 5-6 people.

2. Cards with images are hidden in envelopes.

3. The envelope can be opened by the one who correctly guessed the teacher’s riddle on this topic.

4. When laying out the cards in the correct sequence, be sure to pronounce each stage of the development of a living creature.


1. Children are asked to solve a series of riddles, the answers to which will be the names of living creatures hidden in envelopes (fish, rooster, mosquito, frog, butterfly, etc.).

2. In the first option, you need to sequentially open the envelopes and learn about the stages of development of a living creature.

3. In the second version of the game, the child needs to take the cards out of the envelope and arrange them in the correct sequence.

4. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

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