How to choose pasta. How to choose the right pasta? The benefits and harms of pasta

From the editor. Choosing high-quality and truly healthy products for a healthy diet is not an easy question. Are manufacturers always honest with us and do the labels on the packaging correspond to reality? It is practically impossible for an ordinary buyer to check this on his own. The Lady Mail.Ru project is launching a series of materials together with the expert portal Roskontrol.RF. In them we will tell you about laboratory testing results of popular dietary products.

Nutritionists have long refuted the myth that pasta contributes to weight gain. Today we know that high-quality pasta made from durum wheat will not harm your figure, but, on the contrary, will help you keep yourself in excellent shape. They are rich in protein, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. They also serve as a source of complex carbohydrates, which, gradually absorbed, satiate us for a long time.

All that remains is to choose the “right” product from the huge variety on the market. Ten samples from well-known manufacturers were selected for examination: Shebekinskie cones, Gallina Blanca vermicelli, Makfa, Don Gusto and Genuss Pur pasta, Barilla and Vkusville spaghetti, Maltagliati and PastaZara pasta with tomato and spinach and bio- Alce Nero nettle pasta.

Types of pasta

Have you ever had a situation where purchased premium pasta quickly boiled, turning into a dish that was not of the highest category? The ability to hold its shape during cooking, as well as the beneficial properties of pasta, depend primarily on the type of wheat flour it is made from. According to Russian standards, pasta products are divided into:

Group A (from durum wheat flour); the group, in turn, is divided into grades - highest, first and second. Such pasta has the best cooking properties and is the most healthy. Accordingly, they cost more.

Group B (from soft wheat flour for pasta); There are practically no such products on the shelves of our stores.

Group B (from wheat baking flour or general purpose flour, i.e. from soft varieties of wheat), is divided into grades - the highest and the first. The lowest quality and cheapest pasta; when cooked, they quickly lose their shape and stick together.

All tested samples belong to the highest grade and group A, because it is precisely this kind of pasta, as you remember, that is appropriate in a low-calorie diet. Still, small admixtures of soft wheat are present in Pasta Zara and Don Gusto pasta - approximately 3% and Vkusville - approximately 7%. This amount of soft wheat is not a violation and is allowed by regulations. In pasta made from durum wheat, no more than 15% admixture of other grains is allowed. But, if you are losing weight, choose a product that does not contain such additives.

Impurities of soft wheat were found in VkusVill pasta

Fiber for slimness

Dietary fiber or fiber is an essential element of a healthy diet. It is found in greater or lesser quantities in all products of plant origin; it is recommended to be included in the menu for those wishing to lose weight. That is why the consumer is happy to find information on the pasta packaging about the fiber content that is quite decent for this product.

The manufacturer of Genuss Pur pasta indicated that the product contains 3 grams of ballast substances. The examination showed that in reality there are 16 times less of them, namely 0.18 grams.

Genuss Pur spaghetti turned out to have much less fiber than stated on the package

The packaging of Italian nettle spirals from Alce Nero talks about the vitamins contained in the nettle, which they included in the product. Maybe nettle is useful, but does pasta, which contains it in minute quantities, benefit from this? Experts have calculated that there are very few vitamins in such a concentration of nettle, as well as fiber, the amount of which again does not correspond to the declared amount - they promised 3 grams, but in fact only 0.56 was found. Therefore, you should not count on additional bonuses from the effects of nettle.

How does it taste?

When examining any food product, its organoleptic characteristics (appearance, taste, smell, consistency) are necessarily determined, and a tasting is also carried out. In our case, pasta was studied in two stages - first, consumer tasting, then - expert testing in the laboratory.

The Italian PastaZara and Maltagliati, as well as the Russian Don Gusto pasta, won the tasting - all received a rating of 4.2 on a five-point scale. The tasters found Gallina Blanca vermicelli the least tasty, receiving 2.7 points.

The most unusual of the tested samples - pasta with nettles from the Italian brand Alce Nero - ended up in penultimate place in the consumer tasting, along with the Russian "Vkusville" - perhaps the tasters were confused by the unusual taste and green tint of the Italian spirals.

The experts agreed that all samples met the standards for organoleptic indicators; Gallina Blanca received the highest rating, and Don Gusto received the lowest rating.

Flour quality

The paste was also examined for ash content (the amount of minerals contained in flour). The higher the ash content, the lower the grade of flour used to prepare the pasta. Inflated ash content indicates that a lower grade of flour was used than stated on the packaging. It turned out that the ash content slightly exceeds the standard value specified in GOST for “Makfa” (drum wheat, premium grade). However, the excess is insignificant - the figure is only 0.01% higher. This suggests the presence of a small admixture of lower grade flour in the pasta.

Safely! You can eat

No violations of safety standards were found in the tested samples: none of them were infected with pests of grain stocks. Several samples were randomly tested for pesticide content - the permissible level was not exceeded anywhere.

The percentage of protein content (in terms of dry matter) was also within acceptable values, but a discrepancy was noted between the actual values ​​​​and those indicated in the labeling. In the products of Italian manufacturers Maltagliati, Pasta Zara, Barilla and Alce Nero, experts noted a slight discrepancy between these two parameters: in fact, they contained less protein than the manufacturer stated. On the contrary, Russian pasta and the German sample contained more protein than stated. And this parameter is one of the most important in the diet.

Many of us are concerned about the question of whether there are artificial colors in colored pasta. These were not found in all tested samples. For example, Maltagliati and Pasta Zara use natural ingredients as dyes - dehydrated tomato and spinach, this is also indicated on the label. In the Alce Nero sample, nettle acts as a dye.

All samples met the requirements of the national standard for this type of product in terms of moisture content. The lower the humidity level, the better the product will be stored. The best result was shown by Barilla spaghetti, the worst by Don Gusto.

In the 80s and 90s of the last century, when Atkins and his were at the peak of their popularity, horns, noodles and spaghetti were suddenly declared persona non grata. The public was convinced that pasta, like any carbohydrate food, made you fat, and the public reluctantly began to avoid it in stores. This myth is still alive. Many people who are losing weight are sure: the first thing you need is bread and pasta. How wrong they are!

In fact, pasta made from durum wheat is a light and dietary food. A glass of boiled spaghetti contains only 130-140 kcal and a lot of “slow” carbohydrates, which give us energy, saturate us well and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. They contain a lot of fiber, which removes everything unnecessary (toxins, heavy metal salts, etc.). Those who are overweight and have digestive problems, on the contrary, need to eat pasta! However, everyone else benefits from them too.

Pasta makes us happy... During cooking, a large amount of tryptophan is formed - an amino acid that enters the brain through the blood and is converted into the “happiness hormone” serotonin.

...and smart- thanks to the content of B vitamins necessary for the brain.

They . Pasta contains vitamins E and F, which slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Season them Italian style with olive oil, tomatoes, garlic and basil - they will also protect against cancer!

But all this applies only to pasta made from durum wheat. They contain little starch, it is contained in a special crystalline form and is absorbed without harming the figure. In many countries - Italy, France, Greece, etc. - there are simply no other pasta. Unfortunately, our cones, noodles and spaghetti are still made from soft wheat. The starch there is in an amorphous form, which equates them in ability to white bread. All valuable substances remain in the water after cooking, and the shape of the products after cooking leaves much to be desired.

The GOST current in Russia divides all pasta variety into three groups:

A- from durum wheat,

B- from highly glassy soft wheat,

IN- from soft wheat.

And also in two classes:

1 - from premium flour,

2 - from first grade flour.

On a pack of “correct” pasta, which our waistlines are only a joy to eat, there should be one of the inscriptions: “Group A, 1st class”, durum, “durum wheat” or semolina di grano duro.

So, perfect pasta...

✓ translucent, clean, even, amber-yellow or golden color, without whitish inclusions (white dots occur in soft varieties of pasta);

✓ they contain a lot of protein. Look at the composition: protein should be at least 11 g/100 g, preferably 13−14 g;

✓ bend well, while products made from soft varieties, on the contrary, quickly break;

✓ during cooking they increase in volume at least 2 times, retain their shape well. They are soft, elastic, do not form lumps and do not stick together. Cloudy cooking water indicates that they contain a lot of starch. This happens after making cheap horns, but not noble fusilli.

To appreciate both taste and benefits

  • Boil the pasta in plenty of water. The classic cooking ratio is 1000:100:10 (1 liter of water, 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt);
  • cook until al dente when they are a little hard when bitten;
  • Do not cover pasta dishes with fatty sauces and oil. It is advisable to prepare the sauce yourself or use ready-made tomato sauce;
  • Sprinkle finely grated Parmesan cheese over pasta: it is no less caloric than other hard cheeses, but there is more flavor in a tablespoon of this cheese. More dietary options are also unexpected and good: Adyghe cheese, feta cheese or even low-fat grain cottage cheese;
  • cook them differently. Pasta goes well with fish, vegetables, and herbs. But still, the main secret of pasta cuisine is sauces. In Italy, they are prepared only with, which stimulates digestion and activates the liver.

Talking names

Traditionally, in Russia all types of pasta are called macaroni (from the word “dough”). However, the Italian term maccheroni refers only to short tubular products, the rest have their own names. Spaghetti- long, round and quite thin (translated as “small ropes”). Capellini- also long, rounded and even thinner, they are also called “angel hair”. Bavette look like flattened spaghetti, etc. In total, there are over 600 different forms of pasta in the world, so the list can be impressive, we won’t list them.

Expert opinion

Tatiana ANOKHINA, Head of the testing center GEAC "SOEX" of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Six samples of pasta were tested in our laboratory. And we ultimately give them all high marks! The physical and chemical parameters of the subjects meet the standards of GOST 31743–2012. Their humidity (a very important indicator that determines how long pasta will be stored) does not exceed 13%. Acidity (the taste and freshness of the product depend on it, and it can increase if the dough or raw products have been in a humid environment for a long time) - no more than 40, which is within normal limits. We did not find any pests, GMOs of plant origin, or toxic or any other harmful elements in the samples.

Text: Evgenia Danilova

Still, a competition is a competition, and we must name the winners. In our opinion, the best was Baronia spaghetti, Maltagliati spaghetti received silver, and Makfa received bronze.

Test: Spaghetti*

BARONIA, group A, premium "Shebekinskie", group A, premium Ameria, group B, premium "Rollton", group A, premium "Makfa"
group A,
Maltagliati, group A, premium grade
De Matteis Agroalimentare S.P.A., Italy MakProm LLC, Saratov region. LLC Pasta factory "AMERIA", Kursk region. LLC TD "Oskol", Belgorod region. Spain JSC "MAKFA", Chelyabinsk region. Not specified, importer ZAO InfoLink, Moscow
Durum wheat flour, water Special purpose wheat flour type M55−23, water Premium durum wheat flour, water Durum wheat flour, water
Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant
ENERGY VALUE, kcal/100 g
354 350 340 344 338 355
13,5 13 10 10,4 11 12
9 10,4 10,8 10,2 10,1 9,7
2,6 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 2,0
7,7 5 5,9 5,3 5,9 7
100 100 100 100 100 100
Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected
Yellow, long thread-like shape Yellow, long thread-like shape Yellow, long thread-like shape Pale yellow, long thread-like shape
NET WEIGHT, g/price, rub.
500/70 450/45 400/30 450/40 500/58 500/88
This is exactly what a winner should be - tasty, beautiful, healthy (lots of fiber and protein) and stable (judging by the moisture and acidity indicators, it will be stored well and for a long time). Well deserved first place! “Shebekinskie” stopped one step away from bronze: in most parameters they are slightly inferior to “Makfe”. But not in terms of protein content - here they are very close to the winner! This pasta is a clear outsider: it has less protein than its competitors, and it retains its shape less well after cooking. Which, in general, is understandable: these spaghetti are the only ones from group B, that is, they are made from soft wheat. The taste and color of this pasta are excellent, but other indicators are average. Here we have a classic middle peasant. It’s nice that pasta from a domestic manufacturer is not much inferior in quality to Italian ones. I wonder if if you put them on an Italian's plate, will they notice the substitution? Very tasty and, importantly, beautiful spaghetti. If we were to judge only the appearance after cooking, the Maltagliati would take first place. They are slightly inferior to the winner only in protein content.

* Thank you for your help in conducting the GEAC “SOEX” test

In the usual understanding, any diet is inextricably linked with the need to give up many foods, which include pasta. This dish, which came to us from Italy, has become an integral part of the diet of most people, so giving it up even during a diet is not an easy task.

Those who have decided to get their figure in order, get rid of excess weight and find the strength to live, do not necessarily have to limit themselves to such a product as pasta. However, in this matter, strict adherence to measures and the selection of high-quality samples made exclusively from durum wheat are necessary.

Nutritionists have long refuted the common myth that pasta causes weight gain. Products made from soft varieties of wheat consist mainly of flour, which has virtually no benefit for the body.

Eating such products negatively affects the condition of the pancreas, causing it to produce insulin in excess. As a result of regularly eating soft pasta, blood pressure increases, fat deposits accumulate and there is a risk of developing diabetes.

Products from durum varieties, on the contrary, are rich in easily digestible protein, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and a number of B vitamins.

There is no fat in such pasta, but it is a product with and actually does not affect the increase in blood sugar levels. Complex carbohydrates included in pasta made from durum wheat contribute to a long-term feeling of fullness and increased production of serotonin. Thanks to this neurotransmitter, your mood improves, which is very important during any diet.

Durum pasta and diet: are they compatible?

Vegetable protein is necessary when building a competent dietary diet. Starch, which is contained in pasta made from durum wheat, is not destroyed during grinding and does not lose its own structure, which makes it harmless to the human body. Slow carbohydrates are broken down over a long period of time and do not tend to accumulate in the form of various deposits and excess weight.

Durum pasta is rich in fiber, which provides invaluable assistance in any diet, ridding the intestines of all kinds of toxins.

Composition and calorie content

Class A pasta made from durum (durum wheat) consists of the following components:

  • Water.
  • Durum wheat.
  • 100 grams of such pasta contain about 338 kcal.
  • 11-14 grams of protein.
  • About 70 grams of carbohydrates.
  • The fat content per 100 g of product should not exceed 1.5%.

In addition, durum pasta is rich in the following vitamins, minerals and trace elements:

  • Sulfur.
  • Copper.
  • Zinc.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.
  • Sodium.
  • Calcium.
  • Potassium.
  • Choline.
  • Biotin.
  • Vitamins of groups B, PP

How to choose?

The packaging itself must contain information that the pasta is made from durum wheat or “durum”.

The surface of the pasta should have dark spots, which are residues directly from the grain shells.

Pasta from soft varieties has similar white dots. Quality products should be golden or amber in color. If there are fragments of pasta or crumbs inside the package, this clearly indicates low quality of the product.

Finished products should not stick together, form lumps, overcook and remain elastic. After cooking, the serving size approximately doubles. The water left over from cooking pasta should be relatively clear and not cloudy in any way.

Otherwise, it can be argued that these products contain harmful starch, characteristic of soft varieties of wheat.

The cost of less than one US dollar per pack of 400-500 grams should alert the buyer, since the price of products from durum wheat is significantly higher than analogues from soft varieties.

Decoding information on packages

When losing weight, you should not buy pasta that contains the following components:

  • Synthetic flavors.
  • Salt.
  • Traces of dairy products such as .
  • Eggs.
  • Artificial colors and preservatives.

Additives such as paprika powder, natural tomato or spinach do not pose a threat to health and can be used in the diet. The packaging must contain the inscription “durum”, “durum wheat”, “group A” or “1st class”. Unlike pasta made from soft varieties, durum spaghetti bends perfectly and is quite durable. In order to break them, you need to make some effort.

How to cook pasta so as not to gain weight?

It is important not only to choose a really high-quality product, but also to prepare it correctly so that it does not lose its beneficial properties. They are usually cooked until “al dente” (hard inside, soft outside) in this way:

  1. You need to put water on the fire at the rate of 1 liter per 100 grams of pasta.
  2. Products are thrown into salted boiling water.
  3. During the first two to three minutes of cooking, the pasta should be stirred.
  4. After seven to eight minutes the dish is completely ready.

For people on a diet, it is unacceptable to eat pasta and pasta made from durum wheat with various sauces, cheese and other fatty foods.

The best additives for such products are considered to be all kinds of vegetables and herbs.

Spinach, broccoli, green beans, carrots, tomatoes and other ingredients are added to pasta in virtually any volume without the risk of gaining excess weight. You can use a small amount of extra virgin olive oil as a dressing.

Video: durum wheat pasta

Durum pasta is an excellent option for a complete dietary dish that does not affect the formation of fat deposits. It is best to consume this product in small portions in the first half of the day during breakfast or lunch.

Be sure to read about it

Today pasta can be found in every home. They are added to salads, served with Bolognese, bechamel or carbonara sauce, create a hearty lasagne and add to soup. The range of brands, varieties and types is amazing, and the buyer will have to make a difficult choice in the supermarket. Let's analyze the pasta market and see how it is developing and what changes to expect in the near future.

Pasta: pasta or pasta?

Pasta or macaroni is all pasta. Pasta market research shows that the difference exists in the consumer's mind. If a buyer calls pasta pasta, then this, first of all, indicates familiarity with European cuisine and an above-average income. On this customer’s table you can find tagliatelle pasta with Bolognese sauce or farfalle with pesto sauce. This consumer is more likely to prefer Italian brands, such as Barilla, rather than local brands. However, this category of consumers is in the minority. These are primarily residents of cities with a population of over a million people with above-average incomes. The main category buys pasta or cones without regard to the variety of wheat or the country of origin.

How much pasta do they eat in Russia?

Pasta is one of the most popular products in the world. The charity Oxfam conducted research in 17 countries. Pasta, or what is more familiar to Russians, pasta, is loved equally in all countries. Pasta has taken the lead even from meat and rice. Of course, according to research, Russians cannot keep up with the true fans of pasta - the Italians, who easily eat 27 kg per person per year. Residents of Latin America also love to eat pasta. Russians eat only about 6 kg of pasta per person per year. Turks and Czechs consume approximately this amount of pasta.

What does the pasta market look like in Russia today?

Let's figure out together what kind of pasta Russians prefer and how represented locally produced pasta is in the Russian Federation.

Pastaside dish of the year. According to the brand manager of RusKhleb, pasta is gradually taking a leading position when it comes to choosing a side dish. This is not surprising, because prices for products such as rice, buckwheat, and potatoes are increasing. Pasta does not change much in price.

  • Three price segments. The low and mid-price segments have already established themselves in their category; the premium segment lags somewhat behind. If we consider brands in the mid-price category, it is noticeable that they are well recognized among competitors. Pasta products at low prices are mainly offered by large retail chains that produce them under their own brand. The manufacturer "RusKhleb" offers several types of products, including feathers, filling for soups and cones of various formats. All kinds of horns are the most popular.
  • Up to 50 types of pasta from the manufacturer. It is curious that during the Soviet era, the pasta market was one step ahead. There was about 8 kg of pasta per person per year, although the choice at that time was modest. The production of pasta in Russia is growing, manufacturers note the demand for products, so they are constantly expanding the range and offering consumers many types of pasta.

Pasta market in Russia 2017: demand?

Pasta is increasingly being purchased by people with incomes below average. They prefer products from the low price range, which are made from baking flour.

Pasta market review 2017 shows that consumers are more likely to differentiate pasta from pasta. The buyer can independently identify products from soft wheat varieties (group B) and hard wheat varieties (group A).

  • Soft wheat varieties may be partially present in pasta or pasta may be entirely made from them. Bread flour is made from Group B varieties;
  • Durum wheat varieties (group A)- standard for pasta. This product is called pasta and is prepared as an independent dish.

Of course, the type of pasta plays a role for the Russian consumer, but the price influences consumer choice more. The market for flour products in the middle price segment is in the range of 20-27 rubles.

How do consumer preferences differ in Russian cities?

A review of the pasta market showed that Russians prefer different types of products. For example:

  • Moscow's choice. In the capital, pasta in large formats, which can be stuffed, and the familiar “wave” are popular.

  • Choice of Krasnodar. Residents of Krasnodar most often choose “feathers”.

Marketing market research made it possible to identify consumer preferences. If we summarize the tastes of residents of the Russian Federation, the leading positions are occupied by “horns” (about 18%) and spaghetti (about 15%), while “feathers” are popular with 13%.

What brands are represented in major retail chains?

Pasta production is a business that quickly responds to customer requests. Brands in the mid-price category include TM “Uvelka”. But the most popular TM with a wide range remains “Makfa”. Regional manufacturers, such as Ulyanovsk TM “Verola” and “Petrovskie Niva”, are gaining popularity. The price for products of these TMs is from 15-17 rubles. In the assortment of large retailers you can find TMs “Makfa”, “Tsar”, “Smak”, “Grand di Pasta”, Extra M”, “Soyuzpischeprom”, “Verola”. Among Russian manufacturers, it is worth noting the leader in its segment - the Makfa trademark. There are more than 50 items, and there are products with the addition of additional ingredients, for example, spinach.

Analysis of the pasta market in 2016 shows that premium segment pasta costs from 60 rubles per package. The average cost for 1 kilogram of durum pasta in 2017 was approximately 68.2 rubles. Manufacturers have to quickly respond to market changes and conduct research in the field of national consumption.

Import and export of pasta in 2016 - 2017

The export and import of pasta in Russia is well established. A large share of exports falls on Kazakhstan (39%), Belarus (17%), Tajikistan (8.9%), Uzbekistan (7.9%). Exports to Kazakhstan for the period October 2016 - October 2017 amounted to $41.2 million, with a total weight of 27.9 thousand tons. Preference is given to products without filling (about 99%), products with filling occupy only 1%.

Products are imported mainly from Italy (41%) and Vietnam (21%). Imports from Italy for the period October, 2016 - October, 2017 amounted to $32.5 million, with a total weight of 29.8 thousand tons. Imports from Vietnam for the same period amounted to $2.3 million, with a total weight of 1.99 thousand tons.

Packaging design plays a key role when choosing a product in a retail chain. Packaging attracts attention, highlights the brand's product and strengthens the brand positioning. Font and color design play a big role. Packaging helps establish communication with the consumer. You can emphasize the naturalness of the ingredients using yellow and green tones, or emphasize the status using blue and burgundy colors. Pasta manufacturers often include ears of wheat or a field on their packaging. A popular design solution is transparent windows in the packaging through which you can see the product.

For example, TM “Makfa” uses colors in its packaging that are associated with the natural origin of the product. Usually these are yellow, green and red, which complement each other well. Major international players spare no expense in developing expensive, creative packaging that is sure to attract the attention of consumers.

Branding agency KOLORO will develop a beautiful and effective packaging design. you can get acquainted with our works.

The following trends can be observed in pasta packaging design:

  1. The color of the packaging emphasizes the natural color of the pasta.
  2. Film packaging based on polypropylene remains traditional, through which the product is visible.
  3. Premium pasta is presented in cardboard packages.

Forecast for the development of the pasta market in Russia for 2018

Increasing demand for premium-segment pasta and confident strengthening of brands that are represented in the mid-price range. formed on the basis of demand.

Demand is primarily influenced by:

Pasta market in Russia 2016 amounted to 68.7 billion rubles. The figures are 5.3% more than last year. Pasta market in Russia 2017 fixed producer prices for noodles and they were set at 34,827.9 rubles/ton.

The prospects for market development are bright. Manufacturers are flexible and offer distributors three price categories - low, medium and premium, covering all segments of the population. With the rise in exchange rates, an increase in imported pasta is expected. The increase in price of imported products encourages Russian manufacturers to constantly expand their range and improve the quality of their products.

Specialists of the KOLORO branding agency will develop for you something that will look advantageous against the competition. We know how to create a successful brand!

In the 80s and 90s of the last century, when Atkins and his were at the peak of their popularity, horns, noodles and spaghetti were suddenly declared persona non grata. The public was convinced that pasta, like any carbohydrate food, made you fat, and the public reluctantly began to avoid it in stores. This myth is still alive. Many people who are losing weight are sure: the first thing you need is bread and pasta. How wrong they are!

In fact, pasta made from durum wheat is a light and dietary food. A glass of boiled spaghetti contains only 130-140 kcal and a lot of “slow” carbohydrates, which give us energy, saturate us well and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. They contain a lot of fiber, which removes everything unnecessary (toxins, heavy metal salts, etc.). Those who are overweight and have digestive problems, on the contrary, need to eat pasta! However, everyone else benefits from them too.

Pasta makes us happy... During cooking, a large amount of tryptophan is formed - an amino acid that enters the brain through the blood and is converted into the “happiness hormone” serotonin.

...and smart- thanks to the content of B vitamins necessary for the brain.

They . Pasta contains vitamins E and F, which slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Season them Italian style with olive oil, tomatoes, garlic and basil - they will also protect against cancer!

But all this applies only to pasta made from durum wheat. They contain little starch, it is contained in a special crystalline form and is absorbed without harming the figure. In many countries - Italy, France, Greece, etc. - there are simply no other pasta. Unfortunately, our cones, noodles and spaghetti are still made from soft wheat. The starch there is in an amorphous form, which equates them in ability to white bread. All valuable substances remain in the water after cooking, and the shape of the products after cooking leaves much to be desired.

The GOST current in Russia divides all pasta variety into three groups:

A- from durum wheat,

B- from highly glassy soft wheat,

IN- from soft wheat.

And also in two classes:

1 - from premium flour,

2 - from first grade flour.

On a pack of “correct” pasta, which our waistlines are only a joy to eat, there should be one of the inscriptions: “Group A, 1st class”, durum, “durum wheat” or semolina di grano duro.

So, perfect pasta...

✓ translucent, clean, even, amber-yellow or golden color, without whitish inclusions (white dots occur in soft varieties of pasta);

✓ they contain a lot of protein. Look at the composition: protein should be at least 11 g/100 g, preferably 13−14 g;

✓ bend well, while products made from soft varieties, on the contrary, quickly break;

✓ during cooking they increase in volume at least 2 times, retain their shape well. They are soft, elastic, do not form lumps and do not stick together. Cloudy cooking water indicates that they contain a lot of starch. This happens after making cheap horns, but not noble fusilli.

To appreciate both taste and benefits

  • Boil the pasta in plenty of water. The classic cooking ratio is 1000:100:10 (1 liter of water, 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt);
  • cook until al dente when they are a little hard when bitten;
  • Do not cover pasta dishes with fatty sauces and oil. It is advisable to prepare the sauce yourself or use ready-made tomato sauce;
  • Sprinkle finely grated Parmesan cheese over pasta: it is no less caloric than other hard cheeses, but there is more flavor in a tablespoon of this cheese. More dietary options are also unexpected and good: Adyghe cheese, feta cheese or even low-fat grain cottage cheese;
  • cook them differently. Pasta goes well with fish, vegetables, and herbs. But still, the main secret of pasta cuisine is sauces. In Italy, they are prepared only with, which stimulates digestion and activates the liver.

Talking names

Traditionally, in Russia all types of pasta are called macaroni (from the word “dough”). However, the Italian term maccheroni refers only to short tubular products, the rest have their own names. Spaghetti- long, round and quite thin (translated as “small ropes”). Capellini- also long, rounded and even thinner, they are also called “angel hair”. Bavette look like flattened spaghetti, etc. In total, there are over 600 different forms of pasta in the world, so the list can be impressive, we won’t list them.

Expert opinion

Tatiana ANOKHINA, Head of the testing center GEAC "SOEX" of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Six samples of pasta were tested in our laboratory. And we ultimately give them all high marks! The physical and chemical parameters of the subjects meet the standards of GOST 31743–2012. Their humidity (a very important indicator that determines how long pasta will be stored) does not exceed 13%. Acidity (the taste and freshness of the product depend on it, and it can increase if the dough or raw products have been in a humid environment for a long time) - no more than 40, which is within normal limits. We did not find any pests, GMOs of plant origin, or toxic or any other harmful elements in the samples.

Text: Evgenia Danilova

Still, a competition is a competition, and we must name the winners. In our opinion, the best was Baronia spaghetti, Maltagliati spaghetti received silver, and Makfa received bronze.

Test: Spaghetti*

BARONIA, group A, premium "Shebekinskie", group A, premium Ameria, group B, premium "Rollton", group A, premium "Makfa"
group A,
Maltagliati, group A, premium grade
De Matteis Agroalimentare S.P.A., Italy MakProm LLC, Saratov region. LLC Pasta factory "AMERIA", Kursk region. LLC TD "Oskol", Belgorod region. Spain JSC "MAKFA", Chelyabinsk region. Not specified, importer ZAO InfoLink, Moscow
Durum wheat flour, water Special purpose wheat flour type M55−23, water Premium durum wheat flour, water Durum wheat flour, water
Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant
ENERGY VALUE, kcal/100 g
354 350 340 344 338 355
13,5 13 10 10,4 11 12
9 10,4 10,8 10,2 10,1 9,7
2,6 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 2,0
7,7 5 5,9 5,3 5,9 7
100 100 100 100 100 100
Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected
Yellow, long thread-like shape Yellow, long thread-like shape Yellow, long thread-like shape Pale yellow, long thread-like shape
NET WEIGHT, g/price, rub.
500/70 450/45 400/30 450/40 500/58 500/88
This is exactly what a winner should be - tasty, beautiful, healthy (lots of fiber and protein) and stable (judging by the moisture and acidity indicators, it will be stored well and for a long time). Well deserved first place! “Shebekinskie” stopped one step away from bronze: in most parameters they are slightly inferior to “Makfe”. But not in terms of protein content - here they are very close to the winner! This pasta is a clear outsider: it has less protein than its competitors, and it retains its shape less well after cooking. Which, in general, is understandable: these spaghetti are the only ones from group B, that is, they are made from soft wheat. The taste and color of this pasta are excellent, but other indicators are average. Here we have a classic middle peasant. It’s nice that pasta from a domestic manufacturer is not much inferior in quality to Italian ones. I wonder if if you put them on an Italian's plate, will they notice the substitution? Very tasty and, importantly, beautiful spaghetti. If we were to judge only the appearance after cooking, the Maltagliati would take first place. They are slightly inferior to the winner only in protein content.

* Thank you for your help in conducting the GEAC “SOEX” test

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