What sector of the economy does education belong to? Spheres of the economy. Directions for improving the use of OPF

Classifications of economic sectors are necessary for the distribution of enterprises or their parts (divisions).
Classifications of types of economic activity serve as the basis for the analysis of statistical data on production, production factors, etc.
There are close relationships between industrial classifications and product classifications. The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC)* is a classification of economic activities with a hierarchical structure. It was developed at the UN; its 3rd edition was approved by the Statistical Commission and published in 1990. UN classifications generally form the basis for the development of European Union classifications, the use of which is prescribed to EU member countries by regulation. In this case, some modification is possible to take into account national characteristics.
ISIC has 17 sections, designated by capital letters of the Latin alphabet (Table 2.1). Some sections consist of one section, for example, construction, education, others - of several. In total, ISIC includes 159 groups, which form 290 classes.
Sections and groups are presented taking into account:
a) the nature of the goods and services produced (physical composition, stage of production);
b) destination of goods and services;
c) type of raw materials, processing and production technology.
Classes are established taking into account the main part of the output produced by the units included in this class.
Units of observation in ISIC are objects for which information is collected that are homogeneous in economic activity and location. The type of activity unit can be an enterprise or part of an enterprise (division).
From the table 2.1 shows that, for example, industrial activities include mining and quarrying, manufacturing and the supply of electricity, gas, steam and hot water (sections C, D and E).
Due to the variety of classification criteria used, explanatory notes should be used to interpret ISIC categories.
Table 2. ISIC structure
(3rd edition, 199O edition)

Sections Number of groups
Total Including by level
I (1st classification level) II (section) III (group) IV (class)

A Agriculture, hunting and forestry

In Fisheries

C Mining and quarrying

D Manufacturing industry

E Electricity, gas and water supply

F Construction

G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of cars, motorcycles, household goods and personal items

N Hotels and restaurants

I Transport, warehousing and communications

J Financial intermediation

Real estate transactions, rental and commercial activities

L Public administration and defense, compulsory social insurance

M Education

N Health and Social Services

O Other communal, social and personal services

P Private households with hired staff

Q Extraterritorial organizations and bodies

18 12

The General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the EU (NACE), or NACE (Russian version), corresponds to ISIC, but is more detailed and has 833 headings (ISIC - 526).
The All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP) was put into effect on January 1, 1994, its upper hierarchical levels coincide in type and number of groups with ISIC, but it has 6 (not 4, as in ISIC) classification levels : section, subsection, group, subgroup, class, subclass.
OKDP includes 55 thousand types of products and services in all sectors of the economy. The OKDP code in the reporting of organizations is assigned by the statistical authority based on an analysis of the submitted report. For example, financial intermediation as a type of economic activity is described in the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities in section J “Financial intermediation” in three subsections: 65, 66, 67.
Subsection 65 “Financial intermediation” (except for insurance and pensions) includes activities related to the receipt and redistribution of financial resources of the Bank of Russia and commercial banks.
Subsection 66 “Insurance and pensions” (except for compulsory social insurance) combines activities related to life, health and accident insurance services, property and vehicle insurance services, etc.
Subsection 67 “Activities ancillary to financial intermediation” includes financial advisory services, insurance brokerage and agent services.
In the existing first version of the OKDP, the initial basis for the classification of products and services was the full-scale classification of industrial and agricultural products (OKP), construction products (OKSP) and services to the population (OKUN).
As a result of working with the first version of OKDP, it was significantly improved. In 1996-1997 Work was carried out to create the second version of the OKDP, which was supposed to be developed in the form of two functionally related blocks that could be used separately:
OKDP. Types of economic activity (analogous to ISIC and NACE);
OKDP. Classes, subclasses and types of products and services:
Part I. Classes and subclasses of products and services (analogous to the Central Product Classification (CPG) and the Classification of Products and Services by Activities within the EU (CPA), Part II. Types of Products and Services (analogous to PRODCOM).
Of the 17 sections of the OKDP, 11 are devoted to services.
Code designations: four-digit, digital, decimal code for types of economic activity; seven-digit, digital, decimal code for grouping products and services. Thus, the structure of codes is XX + X + X- for types of economic activity; XX + X + X+ XX + X- for types of products and services.
A set of production units carrying out predominantly the same or similar type of production activity forms a sector of the economy. Each organization belongs to the industry that corresponds to its main activity. Based on the list of economic sectors, one can group, for example, industries that produce goods and industries that provide services. The list of industries is presented in table. 2.2.
Table 2. All-Russian classifier of sectors of the national economy
Code Industry name
1 2
Industries producing goods

10000 Industry

29000 Agriculture

30000 Forestry

60000 Construction

87000 Other activities in the sphere of material production

Industries providing services

22000 Agricultural services

51000 Transport

2000 Communication

70000 Trade and catering

80000 Logistics and sales

81000 Blanks

82000 Information and computing services

83000 Real estate transactions

84000 General commercial activities to ensure the functioning of the market

85000 Geology and subsoil exploration, geodetic and hydrometeorological services

90100 Housing

90200 Utilities

90300 Non-production types of consumer services for the population

91000 Health, physical education and social security

92000 Public education

93000 Culture and art

95000 Science and scientific services

96000 Finance, credit, insurance, pensions

97000 Management

98000 Public associations

An industry is defined as a set of establishments, that is, enterprises or divisions of enterprises, which are located in one place, are engaged in one type of (non-auxiliary) production activity, or in which the main activity accounts for the majority of added value. Enterprises that are simultaneously engaged in several types of production activities are divided into establishments to be classified as relevant industries. In practice, such a division is carried out in cases where it is possible to obtain information about the volume of production and costs, the number of employees, etc. If it is impossible to single out any division of the enterprise as an establishment, its activities are taken into account together with the main activities. At the same time, the industry unites establishments engaged in the same type of production activity, regardless of whether they are market or non-market producers.
Industrial activity is a type of activity that is aimed at creating material wealth in the form of products and energy, i.e., at the extraction and processing of natural resources, processing of agricultural and forestry products.
Industry includes the following major sectors: electric power, fuel industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering and metalworking, forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, building materials industry, glass and porcelain-faience industries, light, food, microbiological industry, flour-grinding and feed industry, medical and other industrial production, such as: fishing, machine repair, laundries, dry cleaning, photo processing.
Industrial associations, trusts, combines and other economic management organizations that directly manage enterprises and organizations subordinate to them, the costs of maintaining which are included in the costs of the enterprises and organizations managed by them, are included in the industry.
The industry does not include units that are part of industrial enterprises and perform functions of a non-industrial nature (medical posts, cultural and consumer services organizations, research units). The activities of government bodies (ministries, committees and departments, as well as their headquarters, regardless of the sources of financing the costs of their maintenance) are not included in the industry.
In industry, sectors are divided according to the purpose of the product, the type of raw materials processed and the nature of the technological processes.
The industry includes enterprises of all forms of ownership engaged in the production of agricultural products, peasant (farm) holdings, and personal subsidiary plots of the population. Hunting, fur trapping and game farming are classified as agriculture, not farming. Agriculture also includes fish farming, and fishing and aerial fishing are included in the fishing industry. Agricultural services with its previous code are separated from agriculture into a separate industry in accordance with the principles of the system of national accounts.
The industry includes forestry, collection of wild and non-timber forest products, and forestry services. Logging organizations belong to the forestry, wood processing and pulp and paper industries, and not to the glue industry.
Construction as a type of activity implies the implementation of new construction by contract and economic means, expansion, reconstruction, repair of buildings, structures and facilities for production and non-production purposes, technical re-equipment and support of the production capacities of existing enterprises.
In accordance with the classifier of economic sectors, construction covers general construction and specialized organizations of all forms of ownership that carry out construction, installation and other work by contract and business methods, organizations that carry out major repairs of buildings and structures, repair and construction of housing according to orders from the population, organizations that carry out production drilling , design, design and survey and survey organizations, economic management of construction.
Other types of activities in the sphere of material production The industry includes editorial offices, publishing houses, procurement offices for collecting scrap metal and scrap, private security, etc., including economic management of the listed types of activities.
Agriculture service
The industry includes organizations providing services for land improvement, soil chemicalization and other agrochemical work, zootechnical and veterinary services, operation of water management systems and structures, regulation of fish catch, fish protection and fish supervision.
Industry includes:
railway transport, including tram and metro;
highway transport, including automobile and highway transport, trolleybus transport;
pipeline transport;
water transport, including sea, inland and timber rafting;
air transport;
other types of transport.
The industry covers all types of activities related to the transportation of goods and passengers, performed by independent transport enterprises of all forms of ownership, auxiliary divisions of enterprises classified as other industries, and households in terms of paid services. Highway maintenance includes activities related to routine repairs and maintenance of highways (cleaning, marking, landscaping). Activities related to the construction and major repairs of roads belong to the Construction industry.
The industry includes postal, courier, electrical and radio communications.
Trade and catering
The industry includes domestic and foreign trade and rental. Domestic trade is wholesale and retail trade (including vegetable stores, rental of cultural, household and household items, intermediary services of exchanges, brokerage, brokerage, dealer offices, agencies, trading houses, commercial centers for the purchase and sale of consumer goods consumption and rental of cultural, household and household items). It covers the activities of state and non-state enterprises, as well as private individuals (street trading, intermediary services for the purchase and sale of consumer goods).
Logistics and sales
The industry includes supply, sales, economic management of supply and sales, rental (rental) of equipment and machinery for production and technical purposes by specialized enterprises, intermediary services of commodity, commodity and raw material exchanges, brokerage, brokerage; dealerships and agencies, trading houses, commercial centers for the purchase, sale and rental of equipment, machinery and other products for industrial and technical purposes.
The industry includes activities for the procurement of agricultural products, which are carried out by procurement organizations, points and departments, sales and transshipment bases, elevators, seed cleaning and grain drying factories and points, offices for the procurement of crop and livestock products, commodity exchanges, brokerage houses and agencies , as well as private individuals providing intermediary services for the purchase and sale of agricultural products.
Information and computing services
The industry includes services for processing and providing information, consulting on software, creating databases, etc. These activities are carried out by computer centers, machine counting stations, centralized accounting departments, as well as individuals.
Real estate transactions
The industry includes the sale and rental by organizations (owners) of real estate for industrial, technical and non-productive purposes (except housing), intermediary services of exchanges, brokerage houses, agencies and individuals in the purchase and sale and rental of real estate.
General commercial activities to ensure the functioning of the market
The industry includes intermediary services of universal commodity and stock exchanges and other exchanges, brokerage houses and agencies in the purchase and sale of goods, securities, currency and rental (lease, rental) without a pronounced specialization; intermediary services for the acquisition of know-how, patents, licenses, and other copyrights; acquisition and assignment of copyright for the performance of works of literature and art; advertising, representation services (organization of exhibitions, meetings, etc.), auditing activities, marketing research, consultations on commercial activities, financing and management.
Geology and subsoil exploration, geodetic and hydrometeorological services
The industry includes geological exploration of the subsoil, surveying the geological content of the earth's surface and deep study of the earth's crust, except for those classified as scientific research; search and exploration of mineral deposits and groundwater, hydrometeorological service services, economic management of geological exploration, geodetic and hydrometeorological organizations, as well as the activities of gold miners and other private individuals in the exploration and production of minerals.
The industry includes services for the maintenance of housing stock, including dormitories. These services can be provided by housing administrations, housing maintenance departments of enterprises and organizations, dacha and housing cooperatives, dormitories of educational institutions, housing departments of ministries and departments.
The industry includes services for external improvement (sanitary cleaning, cleaning and landscaping of cities and towns, operation of outdoor lighting, gas, water and heat supply); services of hotels (excluding tourist ones), garages, special fleets (for cleaning areas); services for the operation of office buildings, fire protection, and utility management services.
Non-production types of consumer services for the population
The industry includes services from photo studios, bathhouses, shower pavilions, hairdressers, apartment cleaning organizations, issuing certificates, running errands, pawn shops, and funeral services.
Healthcare, physical education, social security
The industry includes the activities of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, holiday homes, tourist camps, stadiums, sports clubs, social security institutions, boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, and sanatoriums.
Public education
The industry includes the activities of educational academies, universities, institutes, technical schools, colleges, schools and other educational institutions for training personnel with higher and secondary specialized education, courses for training and advanced training, orphanages, preschool education, as well as services for individuals engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities. activities in this area.
Culture and art
The industry includes the activities of cinemas, theaters, clubs, libraries, museums, art galleries, radio and television broadcasting, circuses, zoos, botanical gardens, cultural and recreational parks. The “Culture and Art” industry includes, in accordance with the clarifications, OKONH film studios, recording studios and film distribution.
Science and scientific service
The industry includes the activities of institutions conducting scientific research, design and engineering organizations, pilot plants (which do not manufacture industrial products externally), innovation enterprises, and organizations serving scientific institutions.
Finance, credit, insurance, pensions
The industry includes banking, insurance, pensions, and financial intermediary activities. It has a code of 96000 with further detailing up to 10 groups, combined into four sub-sectors:
Banking activities 96Central banks 96Commercial banks 96Savings banks 96Other financial and credit institutions 96Insurance 96State insurance 96Non-state insurance 96Pensions 96State pensions 96Non-state pensions 96Ancillary financial intermediary activities 96Non-state management of financial markets 96Exchange transactions with stock funds values ​​96Auxiliary financial intermediation activities cover services of non-state management of financial markets (stock, currency, currency and stock exchanges), services for exchange transactions with stock values ​​of brokerage, brokerage, dealer firms and individuals carrying out transactions with securities and currency.
Insurance includes services for life insurance, property and other types of insurance provided to organizations of various forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms, including non-governmental medical organizations.
The industry includes the activities of government and administrative bodies, judicial and legal institutions, public security and defense agencies.
This industry also includes state extra-budgetary funds, which are a special form of organization, redistribution and use of financial resources attracted by the state to finance certain public needs, social funds administered by state authorities (except for the state social insurance fund and pension fund), mandatory funds health insurance, as well as economic and special funds.
Public associations
Industry includes:
political associations;
associations of directors, entrepreneurs, cooperatives, chamber of commerce and industry;
trade unions, trade union confederations;
creative, scientific, technical, cultural and educational public associations;
social protection associations (societies for the disabled, water rescue societies, etc.);
public funds (children's, peace, etc.);
charitable foundations;
religious organizations.
Cultural, educational, sports institutions, holiday homes, boarding houses, tourist centers owned by public associations are considered as their establishments and belong to the relevant industries.
The considered composition of industries is called economic sectors.
The quality of industrial classification depends on the extent to which it corresponds to the modern state of the division of labor, so the problem of improving it is always relevant. To analyze economic development, it is constantly necessary to make changes to classifications, delimitation of units of observation and detailing of groupings of published data. The listed sectors of the economy can be distinguished on the basis of OKDP, therefore OK.ONH has lost its significance.

Spheres of the economy, as already noted, are divided into specialized sectors. The sectoral division of the economy is the result of the historical process of development of the social division of labor.

It comes in three forms:



The general is expressed in the division of social production into large spheres of material production: industry, agriculture, construction, transport.

The private is manifested in the isolation of individual sectors and productions within industry, agriculture and other branches of material production.

The individual is reflected in the division and organization of labor directly at enterprises.

The production of a particular product becomes an independent industry or independent production, provided that there are a number of homogeneous enterprises specifically engaged in the manufacture of certain types of products.

An industry can be considered as a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing and (or) producing products (performing work and providing services) of certain types that have a homogeneous consumer or functional purpose. In addition to the commonality of their products and the needs they satisfy, enterprises in the same industry are characterized by commonality of production technology, fixed assets, and professional training of workers.

Thus, an industry is a set of enterprises and organizations characterized by a common scope of activity in the system of social division of labor, manufactured products, production technology, and use of resources (raw materials, fixed assets, professional skills of workers).

One of the purposes of dividing the national economy into sectors is the comparability of statistical information at the international level. In this regard, the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) was introduced, providing for the classification of types of economic activities adopted in the European Economic Community.

Economic development and further deepening of specialization lead to the formation of new industries and types of production, while processes of cooperation and integration are taking place at the same time. This leads to stable connections between industries, to the creation of mixed production and inter-industry complexes.

An intersectoral complex is an integration structure that characterizes the interaction of various industries and their elements, various stages of production and distribution of the product.

Intersectoral complexes arise within individual sectors of the economy and between different sectors. For example, industry includes such complexes as fuel and energy, metallurgical, mechanical engineering, etc. The construction and agro-industrial complexes, which unite different sectors of the national economy, have a more complex structure.

Intersectoral national economic complexes are divided into targeted and functional.

The basis of target complexes is the reproductive principle and criterion of participation in the creation of the final product, for example, the fuel and energy and agro-industrial complex, transport complex, etc. The basis of functional complexes is the principle and criterion of specialization of the complex on a certain function (investment, scientific, technical, environmental complexes ).

Complexity, i.e. the unity of growing diversity is a consequence of the qualitative growth of the social nature of production, its socialization.

The industries of Russia are united into the following complexes:

1) fuel and energy;

2) metallurgical;

3) mechanical engineering;

4) chemical forest;

5) agro-industrial;

6) social (production of consumer goods in light industry);

7) construction complex (building materials industry).

Let's take a closer look at some of the listed complexes. The fuel and energy complex is an integrated system of coal, gas, oil, peat, shale, energy, industries producing energy and other types of equipment, united by a common goal of meeting the needs of the national economy for fuel, heat, and electricity. It includes more than 2,000 enterprises and joint-stock companies.

Russia is the only large industrialized country that completely provides itself with fuel and energy from its own natural resources and exports fuel and electricity in significant volumes.

The share of exports of fuel and energy complex products is about 50% of the country’s export potential, tax revenues from fuel and energy complex structures reach 55–65% of total tax collection, although their share in the gross product is about 15%.

However, in our country, the most economical and rational use of fuel and energy resources, as well as all other types of material resources, is acquiring special economic importance. This must be taken into account when considering reserves for increasing the efficiency of enterprises.

The agro-industrial complex differs from other inter-industry complexes in that it includes sectors of the economy that are heterogeneous in their technology and production orientation.

The agro-industrial complex includes agriculture, processing industries, agricultural engineering, mechanical engineering for the light and food industries, the production of mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, veterinary drugs; construction of industrial facilities, including reclamation and water management.

About 80 industries directly or indirectly participate in the activities of the agro-industrial complex. The industries included in the agro-industrial complex are united by a common final function - supplying the country with food and agricultural raw materials. Ensuring food security is the main task of the agro-industrial complex.

In the practice of planning and accounting, the sectoral structure is determined, i.e. finding the share of individual industries in the total volume of production or in the total value of fixed production assets, or in the total number of employees.

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The economy of any country is a single complex of interconnected industries. Each state, depending on its national and historical traditions, geographical and geopolitical conditions and labor skills of the population, creates its own unique set of sectors of the national economy, the formation of which is increasingly influenced by international cooperation with other countries.

When analyzing the national economy, concepts such as spheres, industries, complexes, and sectors of the economy are distinguished.

Based on participation in the creation of the total social product and national income, social production is divided into two large spheres: material production and the intangible sphere.

Material production includes industry, agriculture and forestry, freight transport, communications (serving material production), construction, trade, catering, information and computing services, and other activities in the sphere of material production.

The non-productive sphere includes housing and communal services, passenger transport, communications (serving organizations of the non-productive sector and the population), healthcare, physical education and social security, public education, culture and art, science and scientific services, lending and insurance, activities of the administrative apparatus .

In turn, each sector of the economy is divided into industries.

An industry is a set of enterprises and organizations characterized by a commonality of products, production technology, fixed assets, professional training of workers and satisfied needs.

According to Russian statistics, industry is divided into heavy, light and food industries. Heavy industry includes: electric power, fuel industry, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical and petrochemical, forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, as well as the building materials industry.

Light industry includes textile, clothing, leather, footwear, and fur industries. Food industry - food processing, meat, dairy, fishing industries.

The sectoral division of the economy is the result of the historical process of development of the social division of labor. The development of society and the economy, the further deepening of production specialization lead to the formation of new industries.

Along with specialization and differentiation, there are processes of cooperation and integration of production, leading to the development of stable production links between industries, to the creation of mixed production and inter-industry complexes.

An intersectoral complex is an integration structure that characterizes the interaction of various industries and their elements, different stages of production and distribution of the product. In industry, for example, there are fuel and energy, metallurgical, machine-building and other complexes.

The agro-industrial and construction complexes, which unite different sectors of the national economy, have a more complex structure.

Based on the division of labor, inter-industry and single-industry, territorial-production, inter-industry scientific and technical complexes can be distinguished.

The constituent elements of the economic complex can be grouped into economic sectors.

A sector is understood as a collection of institutional units that have similar economic goals, functions and behavior. Thus, the sector of non-financial enterprises unites enterprises engaged in the production of goods and services for the purpose of making a profit, and non-profit organizations that do not pursue the goal of making a profit.

The financial enterprises sector covers institutional units engaged in financial intermediation.

The government sector is a combination of legislative, judicial and executive authorities, social security funds and non-profit organizations controlled by them.

The household sector mainly includes consuming units.

The external sector is a set of institutional units - non-residents of a given country (i.e. located outside the country) with economic ties, as well as embassies, consulates, military bases, international organizations located on the territory of a given country.

There is also a distinction between the public sector as a set of enterprises, organizations, institutions that are state-owned and managed by government bodies or persons appointed by them, and the private sector as part of the economy that is not under state control.

According to international statistics, the economy is usually divided into industries that produce goods and industries that provide services. Industries that produce goods include industry, agriculture, construction and other sectors of material production (publishing, recycling of secondary raw materials, collection of wild mushrooms and berries, etc.).

Industries providing services include education, transport, trade, healthcare, general government, defense, etc.

First, let's define what a sector of the economy is. The economy represents the economy of the country, various industries. Since a huge number of goods and services can be produced, economic entities unite with each other to produce related goods or services. Each such enterprise works with certain resources that are necessary to produce a given product or service. It works for a specific consumer who needs a given product or service. That is, it seeks to determine and take into account the characteristics of his behavior. And in the end, it uses a certain production technology. That is, an economic sector is a community of industries and enterprises that produce identical products using similar technology.

The economy consists of two spheres: material production and services. The first includes, for example, agriculture, industry, forestry, and so on. The second is education, healthcare, physical education and social security and so on.

Examples of professions

Now that we have found out what a sector of the economy is, we will give examples of professions that belong to different sectors of the economy.

  • Let's remember such a profession as a livestock breeder. They call a person who breeds and raises various types of farm animals. This profession belongs to the agricultural sector.
  • A pharmacist (or apothecary) is also a frequently encountered profession in our everyday life. But it already relates to the healthcare sector.
  • The industry employs engineers who create new developments.
  • We are all also very familiar with the profession of a teacher at a school or other educational institution. It belongs to the field of education.
  • The profession of an actor belongs to the branch of culture and art.
  • Environmental protection is important to our lives. Let us note the profession of a forester. It consists of protecting the forest, protecting it from diseases, sowing and planting forests, caring for them, laying forest roads, harvesting and processing forest products. It belongs to the forestry sector.

The concept of an economic sector. Classification of sectors of the national economy.

1. Branch of the economy

A sector of the economy is a set of enterprises and industries that have common products, technologies and satisfied needs.

The essence of the national economy is that it represents an established system of national and social reproduction of the state, in which industries, types and forms of social labor that have developed as a result of the long historical evolutionary development of a particular country are interconnected. The characteristics of the national economy are influenced by historical and cultural traditions, the geographical location of the state, and its role in the international division of labor.

A number of related sciences and academic disciplines are devoted to the study of the national economy:

industrial economics;

economics of construction;

agricultural economics;

economic theory

The structure of the national economy (from the Latin structura - order) is a complex of industries of a particular country, which arose on the basis of a combination of social division of labor, natural resources, historical traditions and territorial specifics. The complex structure of the national economy is defined through such concepts as sector, industry, sphere of the national economy. Depending on the existing property relations in the national economy, sectors such as private, state, and cooperative are distinguished. Recently, this concept has been used in connection with the specifics of the social division of labor. Thus, the so-called real sector is distinguished as a set of industries in which material products are produced.

The concept of “industry” is the main structural unit of the national economy, which is a set of enterprises, institutions and organizations that perform the same socio-economic functions in the process of social reproduction, regardless of territorial location and departmental subordination. According to the sectoral structure, there is a classification of sectors of the national economy.

A group of homogeneous branches of the national economy forms the sphere of the national economy. Thus, in accordance with the specifics of production, as well as the distribution and redistribution of production goods, production and non-production spheres are distinguished.

The production sector of the national economy includes all sectors that produce material products,

Non-productive sector - industries producing non-productive services. Manufacturing sectors, depending on the use of the material product and the specifics of its creation, are divided into industry, agriculture and construction.

Heavy industry sectors, which include electric power, fuel industry, metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries, woodworking and other industries.

Light industry sectors: textiles, clothing, footwear, fur.

Food industry branches: Canning industry, Dairy industry, Meat industry, Oil and fat industry, Pasta industry, Confectionery industry, Wine industry, Brewing and soft drinks industry, Fishing industry, Salt industry, Sugar industry.

Industries Agriculture, in turn, includes the sectors of crop production and livestock production.

In general, the totality of all structural units constitutes the macroeconomic structure of the national economy.

The structure of the national economy is a set of historically established stable, capable of reproducing functional relationships between various units of the national economy.

The following types of structure of the national economy are distinguished:

1) household, implying consideration of the structure of the national economy as the relationship between households. The selection of this type of structure is due to the fact that households are a powerful economic entity, producing a significant part of the national wealth, influencing the nature of other relationships;

2) social structure, based on the division of the national economy into certain sectors that are organically interconnected. The division is made according to various criteria, for example, population groups, enterprises, types of labor. Usually there are public and private sectors of the economy;

3) sectoral structure, which involves identifying sectors of the economy and determining the nature and essence of the relationship between them. A branch of the national economy is a unit of the national economy that performs similar functional tasks in the process of social production. This type of structuring of the national economy is of great importance, as it allows for high-quality forecasting of economic development;

4) territorial structure, which involves analyzing the geographical distribution of productive forces within the national economy - the division of the national economy into various economic regions;

5) the infrastructure of the national economy, based on the definition of the type and nature of interaction between economic spheres;

6) the structure of foreign trade, which involves analyzing the nature of the relationships between various product groups, their imports and exports.

2. Economic infrastructure: types and significance for the national economy

The word "infrastructure" is formed from a combination of the Latin terms "infra" - "under, below" and "structura" - "location", structure. There is an ambiguous definition of infrastructure. Firstly, it is understood as a set of service systems, the main task of which is to ensure the operation of production and provide various services to the population. Secondly, infrastructure is understood as a set of units whose activities are aimed at ensuring the normal functioning of the national economy.

Infrastructure is of great importance for the functioning of the national economy, representing its integral part. At the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the role of infrastructure in the economy is increasing, and the process of its improvement continues.

The following main types of infrastructure in the national economy are distinguished:

1) production infrastructure;

2) social infrastructure;

3) market infrastructure.

Production infrastructure is a set of units of the national economy, the main purpose of which is to ensure the normal functioning of the production process. For example, cargo transportation, tonnage ship transportation, etc.

Social infrastructure is a set of units of the national economy, the functioning of which is associated with ensuring the normal functioning of the population and people. Its role in the modern national economy is constantly increasing, and the main task is to ensure the livelihoods of the population at an increasingly higher quality level. The influence of social infrastructure on the national economy is that it allows for the reproduction of labor resources - the main resource of the economy.

Market infrastructure is a set of units of the national economy, the functioning of which is aimed at ensuring the normal functioning of the market and its development. It is represented by a collection of various organizations and institutions that ensure the activities of various sectors of the economy.


1. www.su.edusite.ru.

2. www.informbureau.com.

4. Emelyanov A.M. Agricultural Economics. - M., 1982.

5. www.ecsocman.edu.ru


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Page 4 of 4 Leatherback sea turtle The leatherback turtle is the largest of all turtles on our planet. It lives in seas and oceans, with the exception of the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic. To the place where eggs are laid, this reptile swims many
Napoleon Bonaparte: biography and interesting facts from life Message about Napoleon interesting facts
Napoleon Bonaparte is a great commander, an outstanding statesman and emperor of France. The biography of Napoleon Bonaparte contains many interesting facts from life. For the curious - a selection of little-known and sometimes controversial historical facts
The image of a bird in Slavic mythology
The image of a bird in the mythology of various peoples is almost always an integral part of the creator, God, if you like. So, Hugin and Munin, who were in charge of forbidden knowledge and told the events of the supreme ruler of the Aesir, perched freely on Odin’s shoulders.