A sign of eternal youth. Complete encyclopedia of symbols. Talisman to attract love

Talismans for women have long helped representatives of the fair half of humanity preserve their beauty and attract happiness in love and career. The owner of the right amulet feels strong support and protection from everything negative. Find out which talisman is best for you.

Talisman for eternal beauty and youth

Every woman is endowed with unique beauty from birth, but not everyone manages to preserve it. In the modern rhythm of life, it is difficult to keep yourself in shape and devote the necessary amount of money and time to maintaining an ideal appearance. A gem talisman can help. This iridescent stone in jewelry has a dual purpose: it reflects the negative impact of the environment on beauty and attractiveness, but at the same time absorbs everything that is beautiful and positive. You need to wear it on your chest, preferably not on a chain, but on a neat decorative thread. This is necessary so that the metal does not interrupt the magical properties of the stone.

Moonstone will also help protect your beauty. He absorbs the strong energy of Heaven and transfers it to a woman, who thanks to this blooms like a flower. The stone should be worn in the form of a pendant and is best combined with silver.

Talisman to attract love

Ruby will help you attract love. It will create a strong magical aura around its owner and enhance her charm. Encased in gold, the stone will help you find strong and happy relationships and find personal happiness. It is best to insert it into the ring.

Another love amulet is pearls. It is important that it is natural. A bracelet made of mother-of-pearl beads will help in finding your chosen one, and it is recommended to wear it on the left hand, since it is closer to the heart.

For those who have already started a family and simply want to strengthen relationships or achieve marital fidelity, a gold talisman in the form of a small turtle is suitable. This will become a symbol of a strong relationship and will save the woman from domestic problems and conflicts.

Talisman to attract good luck

These are the most powerful talismans. They bring a woman success in all endeavors, be it matters of the heart or work. Such a talisman can be a gold jewelry depicting the Zodiac Sign under which the fair sex was born. So the owner of the amulet will be under the protection of her Stars and her Constellation.

A pendant that combines amber and gold will help you achieve inner balance and tranquility and achieve results in any area. Amber beads are recommended to be worn by pregnant and breastfeeding women to ensure that the baby is healthy and happy.

A pendant depicting a dolphin may look naive and even childish, but at the same time bring great benefits. The dolphin is a symbol of well-being and success; it is able to bestow wealth and prosperity on its owner.

By turning to the strongest talismans for women for help, you can attract success and wealth or influence beauty. By purchasing any of the rearranged amulets, you will receive powerful protection. We wish you good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.09.2015 00:50

This is one of the most powerful talisman stones, so its energy must be used correctly. Find out if it's suitable...

Symbols of happiness (talismans-amulets) [photo] Oleynikov Anton

51. A sign of preserving eternal youth, beauty and health

LONGEVITY KNOT without end and beginning, originating from Tibetan Buddhism (ca. 580 BC). The infinity of everything that is most valuable. A symbol of energy balance, which a person needs for a healthy and happy life. Philosophically means the desire to understand the secrets of immortality, eternal youth and beauty.

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Amulet(Arabic) Hamule) or Mascot(Arab. Magic image) means a magical item with esoteric formulas, diagrams or symbols, giving strength and power, protecting from harm and protecting a person from misfortunes. They are worn around the neck, placed above the entrance to the home or hidden in special places. In order for the amulet to have magical powers, each of its sides must be made in accordance with all the canons of magical art. If you get a one-sided talisman, as a rule, it is an imitation of an ancient symbol that does not carry the corresponding magical load. To activate the work of the amulet, you need to invest the mental power of your desire into it. To do this, you need to relax, close your eyes, accurately imagine your goal and mentally try to send it into the medallion shell. Then at first it is better not to part with the talisman at all, at least for the first seven days. It is normal if the amulet changes color or darkens - this is the result of its work with your problem, in which case it needs to be cleaned.

1. A magical shield that reflects evil wishes, spells, damage and the evil eye.

Pentagram POWER OF LIGHT(White Pentagram) is the main protective sign. Reflects evil spells and magic, returning them to the source and trapping them. Allows you to master and control supernatural powers.

2. A coin of happiness that brings good luck in life, friendship, love.

Korean coin HAPPINESS(second half of the Li Dynasty, XVII-XIX centuries AD). Initiates a flow of happiness from the four corners of the world and collects all the happy waves scattered in time. Produces so-called successful thinking fluids that attract happiness, health and peace, luck and success.

3. The cross of life, giving healing power and immortality.

Egyptian CROSS OF LIFE “ANCH”- a symbol and attribute of all eternally living deities. The combination of a circle and a cross is a symbol of initiation, second birth. In a letter ANH- a hieroglyph meaning life. In the symbolism and beliefs of ancient Egypt, it gives health, a long and happy life. This is the key to opening the gates of paradise in other worlds and to unity with God. Brings energy balance, eliminates the causes of illness and fatigue.

4. An amulet that brings success in business, profit and increase in wealth.

Magical PENTACLE OF SOLOMON “WEALTH”- increases wealth, gives material benefits. Protects against financial risks, protects against unsuccessful investments and unwise spending of money.

5. Protects on the road, returns what was lost, brings new acquaintances.

ASTROLOGICAL NAVIGATION talisman from the vicinity of the Mediterranean Sea (XVIII century AD). Used on sea voyages to follow the chosen course and achieve the goal without obstacles or disasters. It also helps in finding treasures, treasures, lost things, and promotes meetings with interesting people. It is a good idea to take it with you on a trip to have a good time and return home happily.

6. A symbol of life, giving energetic balance.

YIN YANG(Chinese "Taiji") - an ancient symbol Great Reach in Chinese philosophy. Continuous existence and harmony with the entire universe existing through balance Yin And Ian.

Ian- a light, dominant, active male sign. This is a day, a symbol of heaven, the power of creation.

Yin- dark, feminine sign - contemplation, mystery, night, the emergence of life. On the reverse side of the amulet is tai chi surrounded by eight trigrams, a magical amulet against evil spirits.

7. A sign that enhances intellectual abilities and talents.

MAGICAL PENTACLE OF SOLOMON, associated with a person's intelligence and abilities. Helps during any training - develops logical thinking, provides clarity of mind, ease of memorization and consolidation of acquired knowledge.

8. Coin of a happy fate and prosperous life.

Chinese FENG SHUI HAPPINESS COIN- An ancient payment coin. A distinctive sign of noble origin, outstanding services to the country and society. It means recognition, receiving privileges and improving life. Widely used in practice FEN SHUI.

9. A symbol of finding love and transforming enemies into friends.

TALISMAN OF VENUS (LOVE). An astrological sign that gives happiness in love, harmony and mutual understanding in marriage. Venus protects women, protecting them from intrigues and illnesses, and imparting beauty and attractiveness to conquer lovers. Having drunk the drink in which this talisman was immersed, the enemy becomes a friend “to the grave.” Thrown (given) to the desired person, the sign of Venus arouses reciprocal feelings.

10. A symbol of maintaining great performance and good health.

SHOU(whale. "Chow") is an ancient Chinese symbol of longevity, the basis of a happy life. Awakens internal energy, promotes high performance of the body and mind, gives endurance, health and strength at any age. Reminds us of the benefits of constant movement and development on the physical and spiritual planes.

11. Magic formula - a pendulum, eliminating evil fate and illness.

ABRACADABRA- magical Gnostic formula (c. 1st century AD). It originates in the tradition of “Allkwot” - the chanting of sounds that, with their vibrations, carry you into elevated states of spirit (trances) and purify. Abracadabra, written and spoken "in a system of disappearance"- from the full name to one letter, removes diseases, evil fate, poverty and all evil energies. When wearing an amulet, this is facilitated by the shape of the pendulum and the engraving on it.

12. Eternity calendar, seeking time and making profit.

AZTEC CALENDAR – STONE OF THE SUN, the great altar of life with astrological symbols and directions of space. Grants the ability to foresee events, manage time and extract maximum profit in a short period of time

13. A shield that protects against superstitions, bad predictions and curses.

Pentagram AGRIPPA- the main amulet in ceremonial magic. Protects a person (a universal figure in the macrocosm) from harmful supernatural forces and unclean spirits. Provides the magician with comprehensive protection and return to the “world of the living.” Worn as a talisman, it protects against spells, superstitions and bad predictions.

14. Celtic cross is a cult protective sign.

CELTIC CROSS(IX-XI centuries) combination of the archaic circle (mandala) of ancient pagan rituals with the Christian cross, i.e. a symbol of a higher, privileged civilization. The Celts never stopped their magical practices, but they always believed that the cross, connecting the real and other worlds, would protect and save in difficult situations.

15. The key to foreseeing the future and predicting other people's intentions.

FORECASTER "PROGNOSTICON"- ancient Greek magic circle (Pergamon, c. 3rd century AD). Helps in exchanging information with parallel worlds and predicting the future, serves the development of intuition. Answers many questions and can be used to identify the insincerity of other people.

16. Amulet of the sun - eliminates diseases and improves mood.

AMULET OF THE SUN. Angel Michael and the spirit of the planet Ooh bestows honor, wealth and respect. Thanks to the influence of all planets, it focuses, like a lens, positive cosmic energy, throwing out everything bad. Gives mental and physical strength, strengthens the will, spirit and body, protects against apathy and pessimism. As a solar talisman, it improves mood and stimulates creative activity.

17. A sign that ensures safety while driving and traveling.

Kabbalistic TALISMAN OF MERCURY— guarantees safety on the road and at work, protects against surprises. This planet protects drivers, as well as passengers on a train or plane, and ensures the normal operation of all mechanical components and devices on the road. The radial, symmetrical arrangement of lines gives harmony and protection always and everywhere, eliminating human errors.

18. The sign of the Atlanteans is an energy barrier from all misfortunes.

SIGN OF THE ATLANTS- an amulet discovered by the French Egyptologist Pierre d'Agrain during excavations in the Valley of the Kings ca. 1860 Gives very strong protection, immunity in the face of aggression and evil. Protects against damage, the evil eye, accidents and theft. Eliminates illness and pain, restores psychophysical balance. Enhances intuition, telepathy and foresight.


CHRISTIAN SYMBOL FAITH-HOPE-LOVE. The outer circle is an attribute of the unity of Christ and Mary, Faith and Truth. Strengthens I believe, inspires Hope, brings to the heart Love.

20. Gives vitality, makes the mind clear and helps in studies.

SYRIAN AMULET “THREE OF WISDOM”- an attribute of the Gods, a symbol of rebirth and higher knowledge. Gives balance, vitality, promotes intellectual growth and spiritual development. Clarifies the mind, improves logical thinking, helps in acquiring comprehensive knowledge.

21. OM sign-mantra frees the spirit and mind from mundane affairs.

OM- An ancient Indian and Tibetan sign associated with Buddhism and Hinduism. It's a visual form mantras- a magical sound that opens a state of insight, bringing purification of the mind and peace. Associated with the knowledge and comprehension of higher truths, with the highest Spirituality(in Buddhism - achievement Liberation And Enlightenment).

22. The sign of CHI (QI), awakening internal energy to action.

QI SIGN(read CI) - contains a hieroglyph denoting energy QI. According to Chinese philosophy, the energy of space CI permeates the body of every creature, giving strength, the will to live and achieve. This symbol reminds those who doubt and are weakened of what great energy a person can find within himself in order to overcome all obstacles and accomplish even what seems impossible.

23. Symbol of the Five Goods: happiness, health, peace, virtue, long life.

Symbol FIVE GOOD- happiness, health, peace, virtue, longevity. An extremely auspicious sign, known in Chinese culture since time immemorial. Placed on clothing, military shields, jewelry, it represents five bats around the symbol "Universum of Eternity". An ideal gift in cases where they want to wish loved ones a long and happy life, prosperity and mutual understanding.

24. Saint Christopher- patron saint of drivers, sailors, and travelers.

SAINT CHRISTOPHER- patron of drivers, travelers, guides and sailors. Designed specifically for drivers of cars and other vehicles, it protects against accidents, injuries and unforeseen situations on the roads. It's good to wear on a keychain or place in your car.

25. Wheel of Fortune, attracting good luck in lotteries, gambling and life.

WHEEL OF FORTUNE, attracting good luck in lotteries, casinos, gambling and other life situations when everything depends on luck. It can help you win even when “everything is against you.” On the reverse side of the wheel is marked with the sign of Jupiter - the planet of wealth, prosperity and optimism.

26. A circle of magic spells for fulfilling desires and foreseeing the future.

THE SECRET MAGIC CODE OF ALESSANDRO CALIOSTRO (1743-1795). The magician and alchemist, using random combinations of letters from three keys, created spells that fulfilled the most secret wishes. Concentration on the key gives the ability to spiritualism and foresight.

27. Symbol of knowledge and error-free decisions, victory in competition.

ALPHA AND OMEGA from personal monogram of CHRIST(approx. 1st century) - God's Wisdom and Comprehensive Knowledge, contained between first And last letters of the Greek alphabet. Gives peace of mind, wisdom in solving life and logical problems, the will to live, success in intellectual competition. Inscription "In hos signo vinces"“Under this sign you will win” is the formula for victory over all human weaknesses arising from ignorance.

28. A symbol of finding a groom (bride) and awakening reciprocal feelings.

MAGICAL LOVE ANAGRAMS- love spell talisman, “love potion.” When planted or presented to a chosen person, anagrams incite reciprocal feelings. They awaken sleeping hearts, strengthen existing feelings and give them permanence. Wearing two hearts on yourself helps to find the Desired One, the one to whom you would like to give the heart.

29. Symbol of love, strengthening relationships, resolving mutual conflicts.

TWISTED LOVERS- a Celtic amulet for a couple who have found each other. Many connecting “threads” that have neither beginning nor end strengthen the connection, making it permanent and inextricable. Helps resolve conflicts, “blurring” them in many directions. Good to wear on yourself or place at home in Corner of Love "Kun"

30.Ganesha- a protective talisman for removing obstacles and successful enterprises.

GANESHA - son of Shiva and Parvati. An unbending guard, whom even the gods trusted to protect their loved ones; "Mr. Barriers", which you just need to ask - and he will eliminate everything that stands in your way. Gives success, helps overcome the barrier of uncertainty when doing business and making decisions. Protects against loss of property, thieves and aggression from outside. You can place the houses in a prominent place opposite the entrance.

31. Brings good news, indicates the right choice, eliminates indecision

Mythical AZTEC EAGLE from the code Nutal. A messenger who brings strong energy that gives rise to all favorable changes. The eagle brings good news and gives strong motivation to action. Eliminates indecision, shows the right choice.

32. Gives strength in overcoming difficulties, protects against bad dreams and fears.

Magical PENTACLE OF THE FATHER. It is based on a hexagram "symbol of balance and strength of life". Gives support and strength to solve everyday problems. Protects against insomnia, bad dreams, fears and unpleasant premonitions. Gives strength, determination and luck.

33. Protective Christian sign that supports in difficult situations.

SERAPHIM(lit. Flame). In Christianity - a creature with three pairs of wings from God's inner circle. Messenger of God, the embodiment of fortitude, vigilant protector. Associated with the good wishes of those closest to you. It is good to carry with you to protect and strengthen the spirit in important and difficult moments of life.

34. Magic circle against unpleasant surprises and otherworldly influences.

THE GREAT PENTACLE OF SOLOMON- a magic circle that protects against surprises and witchcraft. Pentagrams in the corners guard all directions of the world, since it is unknown where danger may arise. Strengthens self-confidence, gives strength to resist any attack and not pay attention to negative influences.

35. A sign of favorable attitude from strangers, bosses and colleagues.

UDJAT - THE HOLY EYE OF HORUS(god Sky). Foresight and omniscience. The Eye means the constant presence of the gods who see always and everywhere. Worn as an amulet, it protects against the unkind views of superiors in any hierarchy, from envy and jealousy, which could complicate fate or hinder one's career.

36. Ancient Chinese sign of good wishes, friendship or love.

Ancient Chinese symbol of happiness F.U.. Magic syllables - signs of good wishes - bring the happiness that you wish for yourself or another. In China, this sign is given by folding flowers, or placed in Zhen Family Corner(Feng Shui Geomancy) for strong, good relationships. Gifted to a loved one, it is proof of strong friendship or love.

37. Happy palm - draws out lucky “cards” of fate, winnings.

HAPPY PALM OF DESTINATION. Activity and power, destiny written with persistent lines on the hand of every person. Means friendly help, forgiveness, sincerity and openness. Allows you to choose the “cards” of fate with a happy hand and make the right decisions on time. Develops flair in choosing friends and connections. This is often a “lucky ticket” or a win.

38. Fenugreek- the center of energy and the key to parallel worlds.

Yantra FENUGREEK(English) "Shambhala") is an ancient sign from the Himalayas. Shambhala is a mysterious place, a door to other worlds, from where the next Buddha Maitreya, Jesus for Christians and the Tenth Avatar of Vishnu for Hindus should appear. Communication with Shambola is possible through meditation. Wearing an amulet opens the door to parallel and spiritual worlds, new thresholds of knowledge.

39. Good luck in finding your “half” and overcoming stiffness.

FLOWER OF ARABIA- a couple in a love union is the most intimate and sensual symbol in the culture of the Oceanian islands. Worn as a talisman, it helps to find your “half”, promotes good partnerships and overcoming stiffness. At home, the amulet is placed in Corner of the Kun Partnership(Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

40. Thor's Hammer breaks barriers, evil intentions of enemies and difficulties.

"MIJOLLNIR" - THOR'S HAMMER. In German and Scandinavian beliefs - hammer of the thunder god riding in a chariot across the sky. Friendly to people, Thor destroys obstacles along the way with his magic hammer. Thrown like lightning, the hammer always returns to the wielder's hand and is used to remove large obstacles.

41. Talisman of love, bewitchment, strength of feelings and marriages.

Kabbalistic Pentacle QUEENS OF HIGHEST DESTINY- a messenger of finding a groom (bride), betrothal and marriage. From a glass - a vessel of love's pleasure - rises sign of Venus, patroness of the senses. Helps maintain happiness in marriage and harmony in the home, refreshes fading feelings. When placed on the desired person, it draws his attention to you and interests him.

42. The divine sword retains an unshakable spirit, purity of thoughts and loyalty.

DIVINE SWORD WITH SHIELD TETRAMORPH- a symbol of unbending faith and character. Shield is a sign of the four elements ( Fire, Water, Air, Earth) powerfully protects in any place and time. The divine sword stands guard over principles, promises, marriages and fidelity, maintaining purity of thoughts and an unshakable spirit, ready to repel all evil and hidden influence.

43. A sign of the balance of the elements, calmness and independence from circumstances.

Celtic TRISKEL(read: Triskel) - amulet of balance with nature. Contains weaves Three Elements (Fire, Water and Air) And Infinity. Their balance in nature gives peace, protection and energy of life, and their symmetrical arrangement in the amulet gives self-sufficiency and independence from changing circumstances.

44. Amulet for children, giver of talents and success in learning.

CRANE WITH PEACH FRUIT- an ancient Chinese amulet, similar to the Slavic stork, bringing new life. Amulet of new life, a talisman for small children or a couple dreaming of a child. Gives creative and scientific abilities and talents. Those waiting for a “replenishment” are recommended to carry the amulet with them. When everything has been successfully resolved, it is placed in the nursery or in Children's Corner /Creativity "Blow"/ (Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

45. A magical seal that helps you forget about strong experiences and losses.

Chinese MAGIC SEAL with an inscription “The past is irrevocable”. The magical seal has great power and helps you quickly forget about everything bad and depressing that has ever happened. Recommended for those who have experienced severe shock, separation or loss.

46. ​​The spirit of the Sun God gives energy, warms the soul and lifts the mood.

Indian SPIRIT OF THE SUN GOD. The warmest amulet. Warms the soul, strengthens the spirit, moves us to deeds of great strength and courage. The Indians worshiped this ancient symbol as a source of food, life and good luck. Rays diverging in four directions indicate readiness to repel any attacks and adversity.

47. A sign of overcoming and finishing difficult cases.

SQUARES OF THE CIRCLE. Pythagorean sign for solving unsolvable problems. Circles, squares and triangles that fit into each other are powerful support in the final solution to difficult everyday and psychological problems.

48. A sign to protect sleeping people and protect the home.

Medieval Spanish defending CROSS OF THE MONTH(original - Museo Del Pueblo Espanol, Madrid). Means a vigilant observer who sees in the darkness. Protects sleeping children from illnesses, fears and nightmares - if you place it in the nursery, in a place inconspicuous to the child. When located near the front door, it protects against thieves and intrigue.

49. Symbol of wealth, prosperity, health and success.

Chinese COINS OF HAPPINESS- mirror reflections of ancient Chinese coins, one of the most important tools in creating an interior FEN SHUI. Related three with red ribbon, they create a space of prosperity and wealth. It is recommended to carry them in your wallet and place them in all places related to profit (cash registers, accounting departments, etc.), and in the house - in Welfare Corner "Shun"(Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

50. Symbol of double happiness, dreams come true and a happy marriage.

HSI-HSI - DOUBLE HAPPINESS. Fulfillment of dreams and harmony in marriage. Since the time of the first emperors of China, this has been one of the “strong” signs of the union. Fulfills the wishes of both the owner of the amulet and his “half”. Everything good doubles, the success of one becomes the success of both! Such a gift is an expression of deep friendship, sincere love and accomplishment.

51. A sign of preserving eternal youth, beauty and health.

LONGEVITY KNOT without end or beginning, originating from Tibetan Buddhism (ca. 580 BC). The infinity of everything what is most valuable. Symbol of energy balance, a person needs for a healthy and happy life. Philosophically means the desire to understand the secrets of immortality, eternal youth and beauty.

52. A sign that “catches” happy occasions, successful proposals and acquaintances.

HORSESHOE OF LUCK- a knightly symbol of well-being. Finding a horseshoe on the road is a sign of imminent happiness and prosperity. The horseshoes found were hung on the doors. Open up, the horseshoe catches and stores happiness, A open downcan't hold on and misses. Can be worn on yourself or placed at home, on the front door or in corner which one are you would like to strengthen(Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

53. Cuts off injustice and intrigue in life and on your career path.

SWORD OF THEMIS- goddess of justice. Allows you to cut off people's suspicions. gossip and gossip. Opens for its owner an honest path to a career or professional growth, stopping intrigues and unfair claims from superiors. Secret weapon for winning a fair fight. Possible placement of the house - Career and Development Corner “Kan”(Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

54. A sign of finding your own path, stability and strong character.

ANCHOR- reliable protection of the ship (the life of the owner of the sign and his loved ones) from the elements (difficulties), achieving a goal or a temporary stop, rest before the next adventure. A sign of self-confidence, finding your own path and place in life, a symbol of strong principles and strong character. Male sign.

55. Rod of Hermes (Mercury), healing and bringing prosperity.

CADUCEUS- attribute Wellness person, god of Ancient Mesopotamia (2600 BC), who heals all diseases. In ancient symbolism - rod of the god of trade Mercury. Rising serpentine energies generate a whirlwind of energy that transforms the whole person. Wings over the club are a symbol of air and liberation from bad habits.

56. A sign that protects when traveling to unknown places.

CROSS OF TUAREG- a talisman of ancient wandering African tribes. A guard who protects from everything unknown and life-threatening. If you carry a cross with you, its magical power protects you from fears, damage and spells, as well as from surprises and harmful influences of new, unknown places.

57. Indian protective sign for risky ideas and enterprises.

INDIAN IDOL. A source of fortitude that helps warriors in battle and guards their homes during campaigns. At the top of the figure is a watchful eagle, seeing all dangers. Protection in case of risky enterprises, magical travel - also to other worlds.

58. Runic circle-amulet for making important decisions.

Magical RUNIC CIRCLE “FUTHARK”(read FUTHARK) — a set of signs from the writing of the legendary Vikings, used for magical fortune telling and making important decisions. This amulet-mentor, revealing inner intuition and allowing you not to “miss” in difficult situations.

59. The eye of divine wisdom, protecting from mistakes and weaknesses.

EYE OF DIVINE WISDOM inscribed in a triangle - symbol of victory over evil and the pursuit of good. Gives strength and confidence, helps overcome weakness, apathy and laziness. The eye expresses the divine gaze into the soul, it is also the gateway to wisdom and knowledge of truth.

60. Guide of the soul - protects against indecision and hesitation, shows the way.

EGYPTIAN ROYAL KITE, carrying the solar disk. Coat of arms of Upper Egypt and sign of the goddess NechBet(read Nachbet). Guardian of all titles and privileges. A noble bird, with its outstretched wings protecting the human soul, which only fleetingly “stays” in the body of every living person. Transforms everything that happens into steps along the path of development.

May happiness and protection always be with you!

The spring of life, the purity and charm of youth have been reflected in the legends and myths of different peoples since ancient times. What does the symbol of youth look like? What fruits, plants, stones and colors did artists and poets identify with the dawn of human life? Let's try to find a bit of mystical meaning in things that are familiar to us...

Symbol of youth: fruit

One of the most famous symbols personifying youth and immortality is, without a doubt, the peach. The ripe fruit of this plant symbolizes the process of continuous renewal of life. peach tree correlates with spring, purity, feminine charm, as well as gentleness and peacefulness.

In the homeland of this plant - in China - the fabulous peach "Xian-tao" was considered a fruit that bestows eternal life. In the garden of Si-wan-mu, the goddess of immortality, the peach tree bloomed only once every three thousand years, and over the next three thousand years a magical fruit ripened on it.

In Japan, the peach tree represents the Tree of Life. In the cultures of many eastern peoples, peach was also endowed with magical properties, because they believed that evil forces were afraid of this plant. Protective talismans and amulets were made from its wood and seeds.

In Egypt, the peach fruit was considered a symbol of the infant Horus, a god revered as the personification of the rising sun. In Christianity, this fruit was associated with salvation and virtue, and in the Renaissance it symbolized sincerity and truthfulness.

What symbolizes youth: an apple or a peach

Let's break it down further. The question often arises about which fruit is a symbol of youth: an apple or a peach? It is generally accepted that it is the latter. As for the apple, its symbolic meanings are somewhat different. First of all, it is identified with the fullness of life and the joy of love between a man and a woman. It is also known as the “forbidden fruit”, and also as a “bone of discord” - the main subject of dispute and competition.

However, we should not forget that in ancient Greek myths it was the apples of the Hesperides, stolen by Hercules, that promised eternal youth to those who tasted them. Scandinavian also “famous” for stealing. The ability of this fruit to preserve and restore youth is told in many Russian fairy tales.

Symbol of youth: stone

What does the symbol of youth look like in gemology - the science of precious stones? It is believed that emerald is endowed with this meaning.

This bright green stone has been revered as a symbol since the times of Ancient Egypt. The Greeks also endowed it with healing qualities, and in the Arab world it acts as an exceptionally powerful magical talisman.

The ancients believed that this stone was endowed with the properties of driving away bad dreams, capable of strengthening the heart and spirit, and helping to overcome epilepsy. Currently, psychologists associate the color of this stone with creative impulses, the desire for stability and constancy. In the world of fashion, emerald jewelry is almost always relevant and appropriate, remaining a symbol of luxury and wealth.

Symbol of youth: color

In light of the meaning that myths give to the emerald, it is not difficult to guess what the symbol of youth looks like in color. Green - the color of spring grass, foliage on trees, regenerating nature and, in general, all living things - is considered by different peoples to be a symbol of youth, freshness, harmony and hope.

Considered key in the Islamic religion. Many believe that this color has a calming and calming effect on a person, gives him vigor and strength, relieves fatigue and charges him with positive energy.

On the other hand, along with the positive aspects of youth, the color green can also be associated with immaturity, lack of experience or imperfection (just remember the common sayings “young-green” or “green youth”). “Green” can also be melancholy, and a person can sometimes “turn green” with anger or envy - undoubtedly, this color is also capable of producing a depressing and sad impression. In medieval European countries, the traditional costume of a jester was often a yellow and green suit, and bankrupts in Germany were required to wear green hats.

Symbol of youth: plant

Everyone knows what the symbol of youth looks like in Japan. The national symbol of this country is the cherry blossom, which blooms for just over a week and serves as an allegory for many truths.

The ritual of admiring the flowers of this tree has been a favorite pastime of the Japanese for many centuries. The tender and quivering beauty of pinkish petals fluttering in the wind personifies both the freshness of youth and the fleeting nature of life.

Its delicate and subtle aroma also symbolizes youth, purity, joy and a bit of coquetry. At all times, lily flowers have been considered an example of exquisite taste. The name of the city "Susa" - the ancient Persian capital - means nothing more than "City of Lilies". In medieval France, this flower was considered a symbol of kings, and in Spain and Italy it was associated with the image of the Virgin Mary. The holiday dedicated to mothers is also called Lily Day in China. In both Christian and pagan traditions, this flower is identified with prosperity and peace.

The symbol of youth, the photo of which is posted below, is familiar to everyone. A snow-white chamomile with a bright yellow core, similar to a small sun, is also identified with purity, innocence, youth and love.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, chamomile was considered a flower dedicated to the Sun God, Ra. In the Scandinavian-Germanic tradition, there was a belief that this was one of the nine sacred plants that were once given to people by the god Odin. Chamomile appeared in Europe at the end of the nineteenth century, and in Russia even later, but today it has become a real symbol of this country. A bouquet of daisies is still considered a very touching gift from a young man to his beloved - sometimes these flowers can say much more about tender feelings than the most exquisite and exotic plants.

HSI-HSI - DOUBLE HAPPINESS. Fulfillment of dreams and harmony in marriage. Since the time of the first emperors of China, this has been one of the “strong” signs of the union. Fulfills the wishes of both the owner of the amulet and his “half”. Everything good doubles, the success of one becomes the success of both! Such a gift is an expression of deep friendship, sincere love and accomplishment.

51. A sign of preserving eternal youth, beauty and health

LONGEVITY KNOT without end and beginning, originating from Tibetan Buddhism (ca. 580 BC). The infinity of everything that is most valuable. A symbol of energy balance, which a person needs for a healthy and happy life. Philosophically means the desire to understand the secrets of immortality, eternal youth and beauty.

52. A sign that “catches” happy occasions, successful proposals and acquaintances

THE HORSESHOE OF LUCK is a knightly symbol of well-being. Finding a horseshoe on the road is a sign of imminent happiness and prosperity. The horseshoes found were hung on the doors. An open upward horseshoe catches and stores happiness, but an open downward one cannot hold it and misses it. Can be worn on yourself or placed at home, on the front door or in an Angle you would like to strengthen (Chinese Feng Shui Geomancy).

53. Cuts off injustice and intrigue in life and on your career path

SWORD OF THEMIS - goddess of justice. Allows you to cut off people's suspicions. gossip and gossip. Opens for its owner an honest path to a career or professional growth, stopping intrigues and unfair claims from superiors. A secret weapon for winning a fair fight. Possible placement of the house - Career and Development Corner “Kan” (Chinese geomancy Feng Shui).

54. A sign of finding your own path, stability and strong character

ANCHOR - reliable protection of the ship (the life of the owner of the sign and his loved ones) from the elements (difficulties), achieving a goal or a temporary stop, rest before the next adventure. A sign of self-confidence, finding your own path and place in life, a symbol of strong principles and strong character. Male sign.

55. Rod of Hermes (Mercury), healing and bringing prosperity

CADUCEUS is an attribute of the Healer, the god of Ancient Mesopotamia (2600 BC), who heals all diseases. In ancient symbolism - the rod of the god of trade Mercury. The rising serpentine energies generate a whirlwind of energy that transforms the entire person. Wings over the club are a symbol of air and liberation from bad habits.

56. A sign that protects while traveling to unknown places

TUAREG CROSS - a talisman of ancient wandering African tribes. A guard who protects from everything unknown and life-threatening. If you carry a cross with you, its magical power protects you from fears, damage and spells, as well as from surprises and harmful influences of new, unknown places.

57. Indian protective sign for risky ideas and enterprises

INDIAN IDOL. A source of fortitude that helps warriors in battle and guards their homes during campaigns. At the top of the figure is a watchful eagle, seeing all dangers. Protection in case of risky undertakings, magical journeys - also to other worlds.

58. Runic circle-amulet for making important decisions

Magic RUNIC CIRCLE "FUTHARK" (read: FUTHARK) - a set of signs from the writing of the legendary Vikings, used for magical fortune-telling and making important decisions. This is a mentor amulet that reveals inner intuition and allows you not to “miss” in difficult situations.

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