Tmall cash receipt. Invoice and receipt for sending goods to Aliexpress. Is there a difference? How to make a printout of an order from Aliexpress

Since January 2016, it has become possible to pay for purchases on Aliexpress in cash.

This can be done in Euroset and Svyaznoy communication stores, which have entered into an agreement with the AliExpress platform for payment acceptance services.

Now this is one of the easiest ways to pay for orders. To pay for your item, follow the instructions.

How to pay for an order on AliExpress in cash.

1. Place an order for the selected product in the AliExpress store.

2. On the payment methods selection page, select “Pay by cash”.

3. Enter your mobile phone number in the provided field. An SMS with a unique order code will be sent to this number, which will be used for payment.

4. Pay for your order in Svyaznoy or Euroset stores without commission. In order to make a payment, 48 hours are allotted, after which the code becomes invalid.

Payment for purchases from AliExpress in the Svyaznoy salon.

At the communication store, contact the cashier or make a payment through the terminal.

To pay via cashier:

  • Indicate your desire to pay for your order with AliExpress and provide the unique code, number and amount of the order that was sent via SMS to your mobile phone;
  • Check the details and sign the preliminary check;
  • After this, pay the required amount to the cashier.

To pay through the Svyaznoy terminal, you need to do the following in the terminal menu.

  • Go to the menu item “Other services”;
  • Select “Products from catalogs”;
  • Select supplier - AliExpress;
  • In the field that appears, enter a unique payment code;
  • Enter the required amount for payment into the bill acceptor;
  • Receive a payment receipt.

Pay for purchases from AliExpress in cash at the Euroset store.

Paying in cash at Euroset is no different from the similar procedure described above. These salons accept payment only through the cash register. You also need to provide all the order details and pay in cash for the purchase. Then receive a check.

How to return a payment if payment was made on AliExpress in cash.

If there is a need to return a payment, for example, an order is cancelled, the goods have not arrived, or claims have arisen resulting in a refund, then the paid amount, as well as a non-cash payment, can be returned to the buyer.

Since a phone number is used for payment, the refund is made to the account of this number with the mobile phone provider. That is, the money will be returned to the buyer’s phone account.

As you know, and as the site wrote, one of the most important advantages over regular Aliexpress is that when buying a product on Tmall, you make a purchase from a Russian seller and pay to a Russian legal entity. At the moment this is LLC " (RU)" 109316, Region 77, Moscow, Volgogradsky prospect, building 42, building 9 TIN 7703380158. For the buyer, this means that all your purchases on Tmall are protected by the Consumer Protection Law (CPL).

Until the summer of 2017, when paying for an order online, you had nothing left in your hands except the transaction in the card statement. However, in July 2017, the law on online cash registers came into force in the Russian Federation.

Full name of the law: Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law on the Use of Cash Register Equipment in Cash Payments and (or) Settlements Using Payment Cards and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” dated July 3, 2016 N 290-FZ

One of the most important points of this law is the requirement to provide the buyer of an online store with a cash receipt at least in electronic form. The law does not stipulate the exact methods of delivery of the check. It can be sent to an email address or be available somewhere in your personal account. But one way or another, the seller is obliged to provide this receipt to the buyer immediately after payment.

What does this give the buyer?

If a controversial situation arises with Tmall, you can apply for resolution not only to Aliexpress support, but also to the supervisory authorities of the Russian Federation and the Russian court. Cases related to PPSA are famous for the fact that decisions in them are most often made in favor of the buyer.

Where to find a cash receipt on Tmall

In your personal account on Tmall, find your order that you made on Tmall. Next to the Expected Shipping timer there will be a link to Download the sales receipt.

Download this file. Open it with any PDF reader. But this check will not contain the name of the legal entity or the address for filing claims under the PPA. In order to obtain this data, go to the website of the Fiscal Data Operator (FDO) that issued this check. They may be different, they may change, but at the time of writing these are notes that produces for Tmall. Go to them and click on Check Receipt.

In the form that opens, we indicate the data from the electronic receipt that we downloaded.

As a result, we will receive an almost familiar, full-fledged, legally significant fiscal document, a cash receipt to put it simply. With this receipt, a screenshot of the product you bought, you can already go to court if you think that your rights as a buyer were violated during purchases on Tmall.

Do I need a Tmall cash receipt for warranty repairs?

Currently, Tmall sells equipment from major manufacturers such as and, which have long been servicing their products by serial number. Therefore, most likely, you will not need a cash receipt for guarantee. However, it wouldn’t hurt to download it, print it (or save it somewhere), because Aliexpress has a habit of sometimes blocking accounts. And if you lose access to your account, you will not be able to download the receipt. And it’s not a fact that they will keep this check for any long time. In a word, save it just in case.

If you actively purchase products on Aliexpress, you have probably wondered more than once what an Invoice from China looks like and what it is needed for.

It's time to familiarize yourself with this definition, its significance and other nuances, as well as expand your knowledge in the field of accounting.

And our article will help you with this.

Information on how to make an Invoice is required in two cases:

  1. If the parcel is lost. If you need to make an application for its search, then at Russian Post you will need to provide a document about the product and its dispatch by the seller.
  2. To ensure that the sender actually forwarded the parcel. But in this case, the buyer is mistaken, since the Invoice is not a receipt and does not provide any guarantee that the goods were actually sent.

Definition of the concept

Now let's look at it in more detail. Invoice - what it is: it is an agreement drawn up between the supplier and the buyer. This document can be called confirmation that the shipment of the cargo occurred under the specified conditions, and contains the following information:

  • information about both parties;
  • delivery conditions;
  • list of products;
  • price;
  • weight, color and other formal features.

No shipping information is provided. The Aliexpress invoice has no analogues in Russia and is used only for international delivery.

What does it look like

Since this document is provided by the seller, it may come in different formats. There is no strict definition specified anywhere; it could even be a handwritten contract.

  1. Most often, a scanned Invoice is used, which has the store’s seal and the sender’s signature.
  2. The second most popular option is in Excel format.
  3. The following Invoice example is in Word format.

How to find out

If you want to receive an Invoice, which will serve as proof of the shipment of the goods, then in this case it would be more rational to request a receipt. If you don’t know how to request an Invoice from a seller on Aliexpress, then simply write a personal message to the supplier on the order page, or leave a comment with a question when making a purchase. You can also write by email, which is often listed in the store information.

Some even indicate the response time, but on average it takes from several hours to a couple of days.

The easiest way to do this is in English; if you have little knowledge on this topic, then use a translator who works online. State your thoughts clearly, what you require and why you need it. Try to express yourself as briefly and clearly as possible, and double-check the resulting translation. This is done so that the supplier understands you the first time and fulfills your request as soon as possible. Moreover, such requests come often, since few people are familiar with the definition of what a parcel invoice is.

The seller does not send information

There are situations when suppliers cannot send such an agreement, since problems may also arise with its receipt in China. In most cases, products are sent in large quantities through a courier, and the tracking number is booked in advance.

As a result, the sender is issued a document with a large list of items, and to obtain more detailed information about each of them, you should visit the post office. And the supplier may have neither the time nor the desire for this. Therefore, domestic buyers are offered to make an Invoice - this can be used instead of a shipping receipt in some cases.

If the supplier does not get in touch, then you can provide an agreement with a list compiled independently to search for the parcel. Printed order details will also be useful - with a description of the product, track and address of the buyer.

Now you know what an Invoice is in accounting, and you will be able to skillfully handle this information if controversial issues arise with a supplier or delivery services. Don't forget that this contract is not proof of shipment, so don't let the supplier fool you. For fidelity and peace of mind, request all the necessary documents, which today are conveniently sent electronically online.

It is dangerous to receive goods received from accountants without supporting documents. Tax authorities can exclude such expenses from tax accounting. And inspectors from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund will charge additional insurance premiums for the amount paid to the employee. To avoid risks, you can buy back items purchased from a foreign online store from an employee. However, at the end of the year the employee will have to submit a 3-NDFL declaration to the inspectorate.

We study supporting documents for the purchase

The employee was given the task of purchasing some item needed by the company. He only found it abroad - he ordered it on eBay or AliExpress. I paid with my bank card and then received the goods by mail.

AliExpress, eBay and some other online stores represent Internet trading platforms. Products are sold by independent sellers, and the company that owns the site only monitors compliance with the terms of online trading.

To confirm expenses, I attached only two papers to the expense report:

  • a printout from your bank card account;
  • a printout from the eBay/AliExpress website, from which you can see:

What was ordered - the name of the purchased product;

From whom it was ordered - who is the seller. Often only his pseudonym-login is indicated, under which he is registered in a foreign online store. Moreover, it is not necessary that the seller is a company. This may well be an individual;

Who bought - indicated f. And. O. employee, sometimes - only his nickname-login on the online store website;

Cost of goods.

The employee did not provide a delivery note or invoice, explaining that they were not included in the postal item.

We are looking for possible inconsistencies between printouts

Having studied the employee’s documents, it is often possible to identify the following inconsistencies between them:

  • the ruble amount debited from the employee’s card does not match the amount from the printout from the eBay/AliExpress website. The reasons for this are quite understandable: the difference may arise due to the commission that the bank or payment system could charge.

Also, ruble amounts may differ due to different exchange rates (if the seller has set the price of the goods not in Russian rubles, but in another currency). For recalculation, the bank and payment system use their own rate, which is higher than the official rate and does not coincide with the rate used by the online store;

  • different information about the seller of the goods is indicated. A bank statement often lists as the recipient the payment system through which the money was debited (for example, PayPal), or the name of the online store website. Next, the first letters of the seller's nickname in this system can be indicated. And this nickname quite often does not coincide with the seller’s nickname on the online store’s website. Here are real examples of transactions reflected in a bank statement:

- “...PAYPAL * NEWFROG.COM...” - when purchasing a product on eBay from a Chinese seller with the pseudonym “2ndheaven2013”;

- “YM * Moscow RUS” - when purchasing goods on the AliExpress website from several Chinese sellers (pseudonyms 3D Toys World, Guangzhou Alison, etc.).

We assess the risks for the company

If the employee cannot provide a normal invoice, it turns out that all available papers are just computer printouts. And often they are incompatible with each other. Therefore, inspectors may consider expenses unconfirmed and charge additional income tax.


If the employee attaches only computer printouts to the advance report, tax authorities may consider the costs of purchasing inventory items unreasonable.

There are cases when inspectors from the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund recognized as income the amounts received by employees on account, if checks for the purchase of property, work or services were not attached to the advance report. Moreover, even when the inspectors of the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund did not dispute the very fact of the execution of work, the provision of services or the transfer of property Resolution 18 AAS dated 02/17/2016 No. 18AP-162/2016; AS UO dated November 11, 2015 No. F09-7999/15.

Are you ready to take a risk? We ask for additions and approve the report

Some organizations, despite the above risks, decide to approve the advance report and, on its basis, capitalize the property. Moreover, its cost is subsequently taken into account not only in accounting, but also as part of tax expenses.

If your company decides to do this, to reduce tax risks, we recommend asking the employee:

  • eliminate inconsistencies between the submitted printouts (if any). This is quite real.

As a rule, a printout of a specific transaction from a payment system (for example, PayPal) can help. From such a printout, the connection between the order and payment for it will become clear: who the real seller is and what pseudonyms he has in the system and on the online store website; order details and that it was paid using a certain type of bank card (indicating the last digits of such a card).

If the order was made on AliExpress, ask for a more complete printout of the order data: not only the first page of the order with a description of the product, but also the data from the “Payment” tab;

  • attach to the advance report a receipt for the transfer of money from the employee’s card to the seller’s account. In the receipts of some banks you can even see the exchange rate used to convert the price of the goods into rubles;
  • bring the envelope or package in which the goods were delivered. As a rule, a customs declaration is attached to them, which contains information about the recipient, sender and contents;

Foreign sellers sometimes make mistakes in the description of the goods being sent, often do not specify them, or to facilitate customs clearance, they simply indicate “gift” in the product description. In this case, you can understand what has arrived by correlating the data from the order with the postal item number - as a rule, it is also indicated in the order data on the website of the online platform;

  • if possible, contact the seller and receive from him by email a scan of the invoice (waybill) with his signature.


If you had to order goods from a foreign seller, you need to save the envelope, package or other packaging and transfer it to the accounting department. Moreover, try to open the postal item so as not to damage the customs declaration.

All of the above, together with the printouts that the employee brought initially, will allow you to prove the reality of the purchase. Moreover, if a dispute arises with the inspectors, you can insist that this purchase was formalized in accordance with the rules and customs of business transactions. Art. 252 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Please note that documents written in a foreign language will have to be translated into Russian. The translation must be line by line clause 9 of the Regulations, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n; clause 1 art. 16 of the Law of October 25, 1991 No. 1807-1; Art. 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. A notarized translation is not required. Also keep in mind that the translation can be done either by a professional translator or by specialists from the organization itself. Letters of the Ministry of Finance dated 04/20/2012 No. 03-03-06/1/202, dated 03/26/2010 No. 03-08-05/1, dated 09/14/2009 No. 03-03-05/170.

Let's go the other way

When an employee cannot provide a full set of documents confirming the acquisition of property, you can do the following:

  • ask the employee to return the money given to him on account (for example, by depositing it in the organization’s cash desk);
  • buy such property from the employee for the same amount that he paid to the foreign seller.


The forms of the primary documents used must be approved by the manager.

Please note that a transaction with an individual for the purchase of goods must be formalized in writing subp. 1 clause 1 art. 161 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. You can conclude a purchase and sale agreement and draw up a transfer deed. Such an act will not be necessary if the contract expressly states that the subject of the transaction has been transferred to the buyer. The main thing is that the contract contains all the required details of the primary document, and also reflects all the terms of the transaction and clause 2 art. 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ. It will be the basis for recording purchased assets in both accounting and tax accounting.

Let us give an example of such a contract.

Property purchase and sale agreement No. 1/15


LLC "SLIM", hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", represented by the director Mikhail Ivanovich Terkin, acting on the basis of the Charter, and Stepan Petrovich Gavrilov, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", passport series 47 77 No. 222336, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Lyublino district of Moscow 09.19.2007, living at the address: Moscow, st. Verkhnie Polya, 5, apt. 6, have drawn up this Agreement as follows:

1. The Seller undertakes to transfer ownership to the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for material assets owned by the Seller at the time of sale, for a total amount of 5860 (Five thousand eight hundred sixty) rubles. 00 kop.:

2. Transferred material assets are subject to payment by the Buyer within 3 working days. Money can be received by the Seller from the Buyer’s cash register or transferred by the Buyer to the Seller’s bank card № 5409 2586 1548 5824If this is not an employee’s salary bank card, then it is better to indicate its full payment details: details of the issuing bank (name, BIC, correspondent account, etc.) and card account number(MasterCard).

3. The Seller transferred to the Buyer, and the Buyer received, the material assets specified in clause 1 of the Agreement. The buyer confirms that he has no complaints about their appearance, quality, quantity and condition.

4. The agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each party.

5. Signatures of the parties:

When issuing money to an employee from the cash register, you will need to issue a cash receipt order (Form No. KO-2). When transferring money non-cash to the employee’s card, payment will be confirmed by the payment slip and bank statement. Do not forget to indicate the details of the purchase and sale agreement when drawing up cash settlement or payment invoices.

When paying for goods purchased from an employee or other citizen, the organization must NOT:

  • withhold personal income tax as a tax agent subp. 2 p. 1 art. 228 Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • report to the inspectorate about amounts paid to the seller of property Art. 226 Tax Code of the Russian Federation; Letters of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2009 No. 03-04-06-01/149, dated March 28, 2008 No. 03-04-05-01/89;
  • charge insurance premiums to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund (including “for injuries”). After all, these payments are not related to labor relations, but to the purchase and sale of property and part 1, 3 tbsp. 7 of the Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ; clause 1 art. 20.1 of the Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ.

In accounting, reflect the purchase of valuables from an employee and their payment as follows.

We help the employee report income

Sellers - individuals must declare their income themselves at the end of the calendar year subp. 5 p. 1 art. 208, paragraph 3 of Art. 228 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

But the employee does not need to be afraid of paying personal income tax. If his transactions for the sale of property are one-time and the amount of goods sold during the year is small, he will not have to pay tax. You just need to declare a property deduction when filing a declaration.


At the end of the year will have to submit to the inspectorate at the place of residence a declaration in the form 3-NDFL, by declaring income from the sale of property, but you will not have to pay tax.

Every day the world takes a step forward, improving technology and various processes. More and more automated production facilities, automatic data processing machines, and various robots are appearing, replacing people in one field or another.

The Postal Service is no exception. Every year, the processes for processing parcels and letters are improved; more and more new technologies are used to achieve the shortest possible delivery time for items.

But... just like in the Middle Ages, parcels are lost every now and then.

On many forums you can find advice on what and how to do in this case: ask the seller for an invoice or shipping receipt and write a statement to the Russian Post about searching for the parcel. But few people know what an invoice is and whether there is a difference between it and a shipping receipt. Why do you need an invoice and how to ask the seller for it?

We will tell you about this in this article.

What is Invoice?

In official language, an invoice is an agreement between you and the seller to conclude a transaction for a specific type of product, its quantity, color, weight, and so on. It contains a complete list of those. What should be sent, how and how much the package will weigh.

In Russian practice there is no document similar to an invoice. It is only used for international shipments.

The invoice does not have a special form and can be presented in absolutely any form - be it a handwritten list, an electronic document, or such a form.

Why do you need an invoice?

Most often, it is recommended to ask sellers for an invoice in two cases:

  • When the package is lost and you need to write a statement about its search. When filling out such an application, Russian Post asks for a document from the seller confirming the dispatch of the declared goods.

In this case, the invoice will be sufficient.

  • When the buyer wants to make sure that the package was sent by the seller. In this case, it is more reasonable to ask for a shipping receipt, which the seller receives upon dispatch, since the invoice does not confirm the sending of the parcel.

What should you do if the seller does not send you an invoice?

No need to despair! There is an exit. If you need an invoice to draw up an application to search for a parcel. You can create it yourself. All you need to do is print out a page with order details, where you can clearly see the track number, order date and list of items in the parcel.

You can find out the approximate weight of the shipment on the product description page.

Parcel dispatch confirmation

An invoice, as we said earlier, cannot serve as proof that an order has been sent. Actually, nothing other than a shipping receipt can serve as proof of this fact.

Why then doesn’t the seller send it right away?

He simply may not have a receipt for sending the parcel. How so? - you ask. It's very simple: large stores based on Aliexpress send not one or even ten parcels at a time. Therefore, all shipments are collected directly from their office by couriers and issued with pre-booked track numbers. The seller only has an invoice with a list of parcels.

And in order to receive a receipt, he needs to go to the post office and request a receipt for the operation performed, which the Chinese are extremely lazy to do without any other reason.

Therefore, it is easier for him to send an invoice.

What does a parcel delivery receipt look like?

At Russian Post, the receipt for sending goods looks like this:

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